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synced 2025-03-24 10:41:54 +00:00
OpenGL2: Add r_glossIsRoughness.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 76 additions and 26 deletions
@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ float RayIntersectDisplaceMap(vec2 dp, vec2 ds, sampler2D normalMap)
vec3 CalcDiffuse(vec3 diffuseAlbedo, float EH, float NH, float r)
vec3 CalcDiffuse(vec3 diffuseAlbedo, float EH, float NH, float roughness)
#if defined(USE_BURLEY)
// modified from https://disney-animation.s3.amazonaws.com/library/s2012_pbs_disney_brdf_notes_v2.pdf
float fd90 = -0.5 + EH * EH * r;
float fd90 = -0.5 + EH * EH * roughness;
float burley = 1.0 + fd90 * 0.04 / NH;
burley *= burley;
return diffuseAlbedo * burley;
@ -163,21 +163,21 @@ vec3 CalcDiffuse(vec3 diffuseAlbedo, float EH, float NH, float r)
vec3 EnvironmentBRDF(float r, float NE, vec3 specular)
vec3 EnvironmentBRDF(float roughness, float NE, vec3 specular)
// from http://community.arm.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/96891546-19496/siggraph2015-mmg-renaldas-slides.pdf
float v = 1.0 - max(r, NE);
float v = 1.0 - max(roughness, NE);
v *= v * v;
return vec3(v) + specular;
vec3 CalcSpecular(vec3 specular, float NH, float NL, float NE, float EH, float r)
vec3 CalcSpecular(vec3 specular, float NH, float NL, float NE, float EH, float roughness)
// from http://community.arm.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/96891546-19496/siggraph2015-mmg-renaldas-slides.pdf
float rr = r*r;
float rr = roughness*roughness;
float rrrr = rr*rr;
float d = (NH * NH) * (rrrr - 1.0) + 1.0;
float v = (EH * EH) * (r + 0.5);
float v = (EH * EH) * (roughness + 0.5);
return specular * (rrrr / (4.0 * d * d * v));
@ -276,6 +276,11 @@ void main()
attenuation = 1.0;
#if defined(r_lightGamma)
lightColor = pow(lightColor, vec3(r_lightGamma));
ambientColor = pow(ambientColor, vec3(r_lightGamma));
#if defined(USE_NORMALMAP)
N.xy = texture2D(u_NormalMap, texCoords).ag - vec2(0.5);
@ -304,11 +309,6 @@ void main()
#if defined(r_lightGamma)
lightColor = pow(lightColor, vec3(r_lightGamma));
ambientColor = pow(ambientColor, vec3(r_lightGamma));
#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP) || defined(USE_LIGHT_VERTEX)
ambientColor = lightColor;
float surfNL = clamp(dot(var_Normal.xyz, L), 0.0, 1.0);
@ -343,7 +343,11 @@ void main()
float gloss = specular.a;
float r = exp2(-3.0 * gloss);
float roughness = gloss;
float roughness = exp2(-3.0 * gloss);
// diffuse is actually base color, and green of specular is metallicness
@ -356,20 +360,20 @@ void main()
diffuse.rgb *= vec3(1.0) - specular.rgb;
reflectance = CalcDiffuse(diffuse.rgb, EH, NH, r);
reflectance = CalcDiffuse(diffuse.rgb, EH, NH, roughness);
// bit of a hack, with modulated shadowmaps, add specular to sunlight
H = normalize(var_PrimaryLightDir.xyz + E);
EH = clamp(dot(E, H), 0.0, 1.0);
NH = clamp(dot(N, H), 0.0, 1.0);
reflectance += shadowValue * CalcSpecular(specular.rgb, NH, NL, NE, EH, r);
reflectance += shadowValue * CalcSpecular(specular.rgb, NH, NL, NE, EH, roughness);
gl_FragColor.rgb = lightColor * reflectance * (attenuation * NL);
gl_FragColor.rgb += ambientColor * (diffuse.rgb + specular.rgb);
#if defined(USE_CUBEMAP)
reflectance = EnvironmentBRDF(r, NE, specular.rgb);
reflectance = EnvironmentBRDF(roughness, NE, specular.rgb);
vec3 R = reflect(E, N);
@ -377,7 +381,11 @@ void main()
// from http://seblagarde.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/image-based-lighting-approaches-and-parallax-corrected-cubemap/
vec3 parallax = u_CubeMapInfo.xyz + u_CubeMapInfo.w * viewDir;
vec3 cubeLightColor = textureCubeLod(u_CubeMap, R + parallax, roughness).rgb * u_EnableTextures.w;
vec3 cubeLightColor = textureCubeLod(u_CubeMap, R + parallax, 7.0 - gloss * 7.0).rgb * u_EnableTextures.w;
// normalize cubemap based on lowest mip (~diffuse)
// multiplying cubemap values by lighting below depends on either this or the cubemap being normalized at generation
@ -411,8 +419,8 @@ void main()
EH2 = clamp(dot(E, H2), 0.0, 1.0);
NH2 = clamp(dot(N, H2), 0.0, 1.0);
reflectance = CalcDiffuse(diffuse.rgb, EH2, NH2, r);
reflectance += CalcSpecular(specular.rgb, NH2, NL2, NE, EH2, r);
reflectance = CalcDiffuse(diffuse.rgb, EH2, NH2, roughness);
reflectance += CalcSpecular(specular.rgb, NH2, NL2, NE, EH2, roughness);
lightColor = u_PrimaryLightColor * var_Color.rgb;
@ -1025,6 +1025,9 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
if (r_specularIsMetallic->value)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define SPECULAR_IS_METALLIC\n");
if (r_glossIsRoughness->value)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define GLOSS_IS_ROUGHNESS\n");
if (r_dlightMode->integer >= 2)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define USE_SHADOWMAP\n");
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ cvar_t *r_deluxeMapping;
cvar_t *r_parallaxMapping;
cvar_t *r_cubeMapping;
cvar_t *r_specularIsMetallic;
cvar_t *r_glossIsRoughness;
cvar_t *r_baseNormalX;
cvar_t *r_baseNormalY;
cvar_t *r_baseParallax;
@ -1213,6 +1214,7 @@ void R_Register( void )
r_parallaxMapping = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_parallaxMapping", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
r_cubeMapping = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_cubeMapping", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
r_specularIsMetallic = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_specularIsMetallic", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
r_glossIsRoughness = ri.Cvar_Get("r_glossIsRoughness", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH);
r_baseNormalX = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_baseNormalX", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
r_baseNormalY = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_baseNormalY", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
r_baseParallax = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_baseParallax", "0.05", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
@ -1786,6 +1786,7 @@ extern cvar_t *r_deluxeMapping;
extern cvar_t *r_parallaxMapping;
extern cvar_t *r_cubeMapping;
extern cvar_t *r_specularIsMetallic;
extern cvar_t *r_glossIsRoughness;
extern cvar_t *r_baseNormalX;
extern cvar_t *r_baseNormalY;
extern cvar_t *r_baseParallax;
@ -449,11 +449,10 @@ static void ComputeShaderColors( shaderStage_t *pStage, vec4_t baseColor, vec4_t
qboolean isWorldDraw = !(backEnd.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL);
#if defined(USE_OVERBRIGHT)
float exactLight = 1.0f;
qboolean isWorldDraw = !(backEnd.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL);
float exactLight = (isBlend || !isWorldDraw) ? 1.0f : (float)(1 << r_mapOverBrightBits->integer);
@ -954,17 +954,23 @@ static qboolean ParseStage( shaderStage_t *stage, char **text )
exponent = atof( token );
// Change shininess to gloss
// FIXME: assumes max exponent of 8192 and min of 1, must change here if altered in lightall_fp.glsl
exponent = CLAMP(exponent, 1.0, 8192.0);
stage->specularScale[3] = log(exponent) / log(8192.0);
if (r_glossIsRoughness->integer)
stage->specularScale[3] = powf(2.0f / (exponent + 2.0), 0.25);
// Change shininess to gloss
// Assumes max exponent of 8190 and min of 0, must change here if altered in lightall_fp.glsl
exponent = CLAMP(exponent, 0.0f, 8190.0f);
stage->specularScale[3] = (log2f(exponent + 2.0f) - 1.0f) / 12.0f;
// gloss <value>
else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "gloss"))
float gloss;
token = COM_ParseExt(text, qfalse);
if ( token[0] == 0 )
@ -972,7 +978,38 @@ static qboolean ParseStage( shaderStage_t *stage, char **text )
stage->specularScale[3] = atof( token );
gloss = atof(token);
if (r_glossIsRoughness->integer)
stage->specularScale[3] = exp2f(-3.0f * gloss);
stage->specularScale[3] = gloss;
// roughness <value>
else if (!Q_stricmp(token, "roughness"))
float roughness;
token = COM_ParseExt(text, qfalse);
if (token[0] == 0)
ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: missing parameter for roughness in shader '%s'\n", shader.name);
roughness = atof(token);
if (r_glossIsRoughness->integer)
stage->specularScale[3] = roughness;
if (roughness >= 0.125)
stage->specularScale[3] = log2f(1.0f / roughness) / 3.0f;
stage->specularScale[3] = 1.0f;
// parallaxDepth <value>
Reference in a new issue