mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:30:58 +00:00
OpenXR motion tracking in game mode added
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 140 additions and 50 deletions
@ -90,9 +90,7 @@ void rotateAboutOrigin(float x, float y, float rotation, vec2_t out)
out[1] = cosf(DEG2RAD(-rotation)) * y - sinf(DEG2RAD(-rotation)) * x;
static ovrVector3f normalizeVec(ovrVector3f vec) {
XrVector3f normalizeVec(XrVector3f vec) {
//NOTE: leave w-component untouched
//@@const float EPSILON = 0.000001f;
float xxyyzz = vec.x*vec.x + vec.y*vec.y + vec.z*vec.z;
@ -100,14 +98,13 @@ static ovrVector3f normalizeVec(ovrVector3f vec) {
//@@ return *this; // do nothing if it is zero vector
//float invLength = invSqrt(xxyyzz);
ovrVector3f result;
XrVector3f result;
float invLength = 1.0f / sqrtf(xxyyzz);
result.x = vec.x * invLength;
result.y = vec.y * invLength;
result.z = vec.z * invLength;
return result;
static float length(float x, float y)
@ -124,9 +121,7 @@ void NormalizeAngles(vec3_t angles)
while (angles[2] < -180) angles[2] += 360;
void GetAnglesFromVectors(const ovrVector3f forward, const ovrVector3f right, const ovrVector3f up, vec3_t angles)
void GetAnglesFromVectors(const XrVector3f forward, const XrVector3f right, const XrVector3f up, vec3_t angles)
float sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy;
@ -175,7 +170,7 @@ void GetAnglesFromVectors(const ovrVector3f forward, const ovrVector3f right, co
void QuatToYawPitchRoll(ovrQuatf q, vec3_t rotation, vec3_t out) {
void QuatToYawPitchRoll(XrQuaternionf q, vec3_t rotation, vec3_t out) {
ovrMatrix4f mat = ovrMatrix4f_CreateFromQuaternion( &q );
@ -185,25 +180,24 @@ void QuatToYawPitchRoll(ovrQuatf q, vec3_t rotation, vec3_t out) {
mat = ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(&mat, &rot);
ovrVector4f v1 = {0, 0, -1, 0};
ovrVector4f v2 = {1, 0, 0, 0};
ovrVector4f v3 = {0, 1, 0, 0};
XrVector4f v1 = {0, 0, -1, 0};
XrVector4f v2 = {1, 0, 0, 0};
XrVector4f v3 = {0, 1, 0, 0};
ovrVector4f forwardInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v1);
ovrVector4f rightInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v2);
ovrVector4f upInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v3);
XrVector4f forwardInVRSpace = XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v1);
XrVector4f rightInVRSpace = XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v2);
XrVector4f upInVRSpace = XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v3);
ovrVector3f forward = {-forwardInVRSpace.z, -forwardInVRSpace.x, forwardInVRSpace.y};
ovrVector3f right = {-rightInVRSpace.z, -rightInVRSpace.x, rightInVRSpace.y};
ovrVector3f up = {-upInVRSpace.z, -upInVRSpace.x, upInVRSpace.y};
XrVector3f forward = {-forwardInVRSpace.z, -forwardInVRSpace.x, forwardInVRSpace.y};
XrVector3f right = {-rightInVRSpace.z, -rightInVRSpace.x, rightInVRSpace.y};
XrVector3f up = {-upInVRSpace.z, -upInVRSpace.x, upInVRSpace.y};
ovrVector3f forwardNormal = normalizeVec(forward);
ovrVector3f rightNormal = normalizeVec(right);
ovrVector3f upNormal = normalizeVec(up);
XrVector3f forwardNormal = normalizeVec(forward);
XrVector3f rightNormal = normalizeVec(right);
XrVector3f upNormal = normalizeVec(up);
GetAnglesFromVectors(forwardNormal, rightNormal, upNormal, out);
//0 = left, 1 = right
float vibration_channel_duration[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
@ -958,28 +952,16 @@ void IN_VRInputFrame( void )
controllerInit = qtrue;
ovrMobile* ovr = VR_GetEngine()->ovr;
if (!ovr) {
ovrResult result;
if (vr_extralatencymode != NULL &&
vr_extralatencymode->integer) {
result = vrapi_SetExtraLatencyMode(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, VRAPI_EXTRA_LATENCY_MODE_ON);
//TODO:vrapi_SetExtraLatencyMode(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, VRAPI_EXTRA_LATENCY_MODE_ON);
if (vr_refreshrate != NULL && vr_refreshrate->integer)
vrapi_SetDisplayRefreshRate(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, (float)vr_refreshrate->integer);
//TODO:vrapi_SetDisplayRefreshRate(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, (float)vr_refreshrate->integer);
result = vrapi_SetClockLevels(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, 4, 4);
vr.virtual_screen = VR_useScreenLayer();
@ -990,10 +972,14 @@ void IN_VRInputFrame( void )
// We extract Yaw, Pitch, Roll instead of directly using the orientation
// to allow "additional" yaw manipulation with mouse/controller.
const ovrQuatf quatHmd = VR_GetEngine()->tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation;
const ovrVector3f positionHmd = VR_GetEngine()->tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position;
XrSpaceLocation loc = {};
OXR(xrLocateSpace(VR_GetEngine()->appState.HeadSpace, VR_GetEngine()->appState.CurrentSpace, VR_GetEngine()->predictedDisplayTime, &loc));
XrPosef xfStageFromHead = loc.pose;
const XrQuaternionf quatHmd = xfStageFromHead.orientation;
const XrVector3f positionHmd = xfStageFromHead.position;
vec3_t rotation = {0, 0, 0};
QuatToYawPitchRoll(quatHmd, rotation, vr.hmdorientation);
QuatToYawPitchRoll(quatHmd, rotation, vr.hmdorientation);
VectorSet(vr.hmdposition, positionHmd.x, positionHmd.y + vr_heightAdjust->value, positionHmd.z);
@ -1014,7 +1000,8 @@ void IN_VRInputFrame( void )
vr.clientview_yaw_last = clientview_yaw;
ovrInputCapabilityHeader capsHeader;
/*ovrInputCapabilityHeader capsHeader;
uint32_t index = 0;
for (;;) {
ovrResult enumResult = vrapi_EnumerateInputDevices(ovr, index, &capsHeader);
@ -1067,11 +1054,10 @@ void IN_VRInputFrame( void )
IN_VRController(isRight, remoteTracking);
IN_VRJoystick(isRight, state.Joystick.x, state.Joystick.y);
IN_VRTriggers(isRight, state.IndexTrigger);
lastframetime = in_vrEventTime;
in_vrEventTime = Sys_Milliseconds( );
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ void VR_DrawFrame( engine_t* engine ) {
frameState.next = NULL;
OXR(xrWaitFrame(engine->appState.Session, &waitFrameInfo, &frameState));
engine->predictedDisplayTime = frameState.predictedDisplayTime;
// Get the HMD pose, predicted for the middle of the time period during which
// the new eye images will be displayed. The number of frames predicted ahead
@ -477,7 +478,7 @@ void VR_DrawFrame( engine_t* engine ) {
cylinder_layer.subImage.imageRect.extent.height = engine->appState.Renderer.FrameBuffer[0].ColorSwapChain.Height;
cylinder_layer.subImage.imageArrayIndex = 0;
const XrVector3f axis = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};
const XrVector3f pos = {0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f};
const XrVector3f pos = {xfStageFromHead.position.x, 0.0f, xfStageFromHead.position.z - 1.0f};
cylinder_layer.pose.orientation = XrQuaternionf_CreateFromVectorAngle(axis, 0);
cylinder_layer.pose.position = pos;
cylinder_layer.radius = 1.0f;
@ -567,4 +567,101 @@ ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateProjectionFov(
const float maxY = offsetY + halfHeight;
return ovrMatrix4f_CreateProjection(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, nearZ, farZ);
ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateFromQuaternion(const XrQuaternionf* q) {
const float ww = q->w * q->w;
const float xx = q->x * q->x;
const float yy = q->y * q->y;
const float zz = q->z * q->z;
ovrMatrix4f out;
out.M[0][0] = ww + xx - yy - zz;
out.M[0][1] = 2 * (q->x * q->y - q->w * q->z);
out.M[0][2] = 2 * (q->x * q->z + q->w * q->y);
out.M[0][3] = 0;
out.M[1][0] = 2 * (q->x * q->y + q->w * q->z);
out.M[1][1] = ww - xx + yy - zz;
out.M[1][2] = 2 * (q->y * q->z - q->w * q->x);
out.M[1][3] = 0;
out.M[2][0] = 2 * (q->x * q->z - q->w * q->y);
out.M[2][1] = 2 * (q->y * q->z + q->w * q->x);
out.M[2][2] = ww - xx - yy + zz;
out.M[2][3] = 0;
out.M[3][0] = 0;
out.M[3][1] = 0;
out.M[3][2] = 0;
out.M[3][3] = 1;
return out;
/// Use left-multiplication to accumulate transformations.
ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(const ovrMatrix4f* a, const ovrMatrix4f* b) {
ovrMatrix4f out;
out.M[0][0] = a->M[0][0] * b->M[0][0] + a->M[0][1] * b->M[1][0] + a->M[0][2] * b->M[2][0] +
a->M[0][3] * b->M[3][0];
out.M[1][0] = a->M[1][0] * b->M[0][0] + a->M[1][1] * b->M[1][0] + a->M[1][2] * b->M[2][0] +
a->M[1][3] * b->M[3][0];
out.M[2][0] = a->M[2][0] * b->M[0][0] + a->M[2][1] * b->M[1][0] + a->M[2][2] * b->M[2][0] +
a->M[2][3] * b->M[3][0];
out.M[3][0] = a->M[3][0] * b->M[0][0] + a->M[3][1] * b->M[1][0] + a->M[3][2] * b->M[2][0] +
a->M[3][3] * b->M[3][0];
out.M[0][1] = a->M[0][0] * b->M[0][1] + a->M[0][1] * b->M[1][1] + a->M[0][2] * b->M[2][1] +
a->M[0][3] * b->M[3][1];
out.M[1][1] = a->M[1][0] * b->M[0][1] + a->M[1][1] * b->M[1][1] + a->M[1][2] * b->M[2][1] +
a->M[1][3] * b->M[3][1];
out.M[2][1] = a->M[2][0] * b->M[0][1] + a->M[2][1] * b->M[1][1] + a->M[2][2] * b->M[2][1] +
a->M[2][3] * b->M[3][1];
out.M[3][1] = a->M[3][0] * b->M[0][1] + a->M[3][1] * b->M[1][1] + a->M[3][2] * b->M[2][1] +
a->M[3][3] * b->M[3][1];
out.M[0][2] = a->M[0][0] * b->M[0][2] + a->M[0][1] * b->M[1][2] + a->M[0][2] * b->M[2][2] +
a->M[0][3] * b->M[3][2];
out.M[1][2] = a->M[1][0] * b->M[0][2] + a->M[1][1] * b->M[1][2] + a->M[1][2] * b->M[2][2] +
a->M[1][3] * b->M[3][2];
out.M[2][2] = a->M[2][0] * b->M[0][2] + a->M[2][1] * b->M[1][2] + a->M[2][2] * b->M[2][2] +
a->M[2][3] * b->M[3][2];
out.M[3][2] = a->M[3][0] * b->M[0][2] + a->M[3][1] * b->M[1][2] + a->M[3][2] * b->M[2][2] +
a->M[3][3] * b->M[3][2];
out.M[0][3] = a->M[0][0] * b->M[0][3] + a->M[0][1] * b->M[1][3] + a->M[0][2] * b->M[2][3] +
a->M[0][3] * b->M[3][3];
out.M[1][3] = a->M[1][0] * b->M[0][3] + a->M[1][1] * b->M[1][3] + a->M[1][2] * b->M[2][3] +
a->M[1][3] * b->M[3][3];
out.M[2][3] = a->M[2][0] * b->M[0][3] + a->M[2][1] * b->M[1][3] + a->M[2][2] * b->M[2][3] +
a->M[2][3] * b->M[3][3];
out.M[3][3] = a->M[3][0] * b->M[0][3] + a->M[3][1] * b->M[1][3] + a->M[3][2] * b->M[2][3] +
a->M[3][3] * b->M[3][3];
return out;
ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateRotation(const float radiansX, const float radiansY, const float radiansZ) {
const float sinX = sinf(radiansX);
const float cosX = cosf(radiansX);
const ovrMatrix4f rotationX = {
{{1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, cosX, -sinX, 0}, {0, sinX, cosX, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}};
const float sinY = sinf(radiansY);
const float cosY = cosf(radiansY);
const ovrMatrix4f rotationY = {
{{cosY, 0, sinY, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {-sinY, 0, cosY, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}};
const float sinZ = sinf(radiansZ);
const float cosZ = cosf(radiansZ);
const ovrMatrix4f rotationZ = {
{{cosZ, -sinZ, 0, 0}, {sinZ, cosZ, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}};
const ovrMatrix4f rotationXY = ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(&rotationY, &rotationX);
return ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(&rotationZ, &rotationXY);
XrVector4f XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(const ovrMatrix4f* a, const XrVector4f* v) {
XrVector4f out;
out.x = a->M[0][0] * v->x + a->M[0][1] * v->y + a->M[0][2] * v->z + a->M[0][3] * v->w;
out.y = a->M[1][0] * v->x + a->M[1][1] * v->y + a->M[1][2] * v->z + a->M[1][3] * v->w;
out.z = a->M[2][0] * v->x + a->M[2][1] * v->y + a->M[2][2] * v->z + a->M[2][3] * v->w;
out.w = a->M[3][0] * v->x + a->M[3][1] * v->y + a->M[3][2] * v->z + a->M[3][3] * v->w;
return out;
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ typedef struct {
} ovrApp;
typedef struct ovrMatrix4f_ {
typedef struct {
float M[4][4];
} ovrMatrix4f;
@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint64_t frameIndex;
ovrApp appState;
ovrJava java;
float predictedDisplayTime;
} engine_t;
typedef enum {
@ -157,6 +158,16 @@ void ovrFramebuffer_Release(ovrFramebuffer* frameBuffer);
void ovrFramebuffer_SetCurrent(ovrFramebuffer* frameBuffer);
void ovrFramebuffer_SetNone();
void ovrRenderer_Create(
XrSession session,
ovrRenderer* renderer,
int suggestedEyeTextureWidth,
int suggestedEyeTextureHeight);
void ovrRenderer_Destroy(ovrRenderer* renderer);
ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(const ovrMatrix4f* a, const ovrMatrix4f* b);
ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateRotation(const float radiansX, const float radiansY, const float radiansZ);
ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateFromQuaternion(const XrQuaternionf* q);
ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateProjectionFov(
const float fovDegreesX,
const float fovDegreesY,
@ -165,11 +176,6 @@ ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateProjectionFov(
const float nearZ,
const float farZ);
void ovrRenderer_Create(
XrSession session,
ovrRenderer* renderer,
int suggestedEyeTextureWidth,
int suggestedEyeTextureHeight);
void ovrRenderer_Destroy(ovrRenderer* renderer);
XrVector4f XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(const ovrMatrix4f* a, const XrVector4f* v);
Reference in a new issue