diff --git a/misc/linux/start_server.sh b/misc/linux/start_server.sh index 82d28c03..ec4b64b7 100644 --- a/misc/linux/start_server.sh +++ b/misc/linux/start_server.sh @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ #!/bin/sh echo "Edit this script to change the path to ioquake3's dedicated server executable and which binary if you aren't on x86_64.\n Set the sv_dlURL setting to a url like http://yoursite.com/ioquake3_path for ioquake3 clients to download extra data" -~/ioquake3/ioq3ded.x86_64 +set dedicated 2 +set sv_allowDownload 1 +set sv_dlURL "" +set com_hunkmegs 64 +~/ioquake3/ioq3ded.x86_64 +set dedicated 2 +set sv_allowDownload 1 +set sv_dlURL "" +set com_hunkmegs 64 $@ diff --git a/misc/osx/start_server.sh b/misc/osx/start_server.sh index d79b9ae8..1c605c08 100644 --- a/misc/osx/start_server.sh +++ b/misc/osx/start_server.sh @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ #!/bin/sh echo "Edit this script to change the path to ioquake3's dedicated server executable.\n Set the sv_dlURL setting to a url like http://yoursite.com/ioquake3_path for ioquake3 clients to download extra data" -/Applications/ioquake3/ioquake3.app/ioq3ded +set dedicated 2 +set sv_allowDownload 1 +set sv_dlURL "" +set com_hunkmegs 64 +/Applications/ioquake3/ioquake3.app/Contents/MacOS/ioq3ded +set dedicated 2 +set sv_allowDownload 1 +set sv_dlURL "" +set com_hunkmegs 64 $@