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/* Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
* PrBoom: a Doom port merged with LxDoom and LSDLDoom
* based on BOOM, a modified and improved DOOM engine
* Copyright (C) 1999 by
* id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by
* Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze
* Copyright 2005, 2006 by
* Florian Schulze, Colin Phipps, Neil Stevens, Andrey Budko
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* DESCRIPTION: heads-up text and input code
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "hu_lib.h"
#include "hu_stuff.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "r_draw.h"
#include "jni_doom.h"
// boolean : whether the screen is always erased
#define noterased viewwindowx
extern int key_backspace; // phares
extern int key_enter; // phares
// not used currently
// code to initialize HUlib would go here if needed
static void HUlib_init(void)
// Basic text line widget
// HUlib_clearTextLine()
// Blank the internal text line in a hu_textline_t widget
// Passed a hu_textline_t, returns nothing
void HUlib_clearTextLine(hu_textline_t* t)
t->linelen = // killough 1/23 98: support multiple lines
t->len = 0;
t->l[0] = 0;
t->needsupdate = true;
// HUlib_initTextLine()
// Initialize a hu_textline_t widget. Set the position, font, start char
// of the font, and color range to be used.
// Passed a hu_textline_t, and the values used to initialize
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_initTextLine(hu_textline_t* t, int x, int y,
const patchnum_t* f, int sc, int cm )
//jff 2/16/98 add color range parameter
t->x = x;
t->y = y;
t->f = f;
t->sc = sc;
t->cm = cm;
// HUlib_addCharToTextLine()
// Adds a character at the end of the text line in a hu_textline_t widget
// Passed the hu_textline_t and the char to add
// Returns false if already at length limit, true if the character added
boolean HUlib_addCharToTextLine
( hu_textline_t* t,
char ch )
// killough 1/23/98 -- support multiple lines
if (t->linelen == HU_MAXLINELENGTH)
return false;
if (ch == '\n')
t->l[t->len++] = ch;
t->l[t->len] = 0;
t->needsupdate = 4;
return true;
// HUlib_delCharFromTextLine()
// Deletes a character at the end of the text line in a hu_textline_t widget
// Passed the hu_textline_t
// Returns false if already empty, true if the character deleted
static boolean HUlib_delCharFromTextLine(hu_textline_t* t)
if (!t->len) return false;
t->l[--t->len] = 0;
t->needsupdate = 4;
return true;
// HUlib_drawTextLine()
// Draws a hu_textline_t widget
// Passed the hu_textline_t and flag whether to draw a cursor
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_drawTextLine
( hu_textline_t* l,
boolean drawcursor )
int i;
int w;
int x;
unsigned char c;
int oc = l->cm; //jff 2/17/98 remember default color
int y = l->y; // killough 1/18/98 -- support multiple lines
// draw the new stuff
x = l->x;
for (i=0;i<l->len;i++)
c = toupper(l->l[i]); //jff insure were not getting a cheap toupper conv.
if (c=='\n') // killough 1/18/98 -- support multiple lines
else if (c=='\t') // killough 1/23/98 -- support tab stops
else if (c=='\x1b') //jff 2/17/98 escape code for color change
{ //jff 3/26/98 changed to actual escape char
if (++i<l->len)
if (l->l[i]>='0' && l->l[i]<='9')
l->cm = l->l[i]-'0';
else if (c != ' ' && c >= l->sc && c <= 127)
w = l->f[c - l->sc].width;
if (x+w > BASE_WIDTH)
// killough 1/18/98 -- support multiple lines:
// CPhipps - patch drawing updated
V_DrawNumPatch(x, y, FG, l->f[c - l->sc].lumpnum, l->cm, VPT_TRANS | VPT_STRETCH);
x += w;
x += 4;
if (x >= BASE_WIDTH)
l->cm = oc; //jff 2/17/98 restore original color
// draw the cursor if requested
if (drawcursor && x + l->f['_' - l->sc].width <= BASE_WIDTH)
// killough 1/18/98 -- support multiple lines
// CPhipps - patch drawing updated
V_DrawNumPatch(x, y, FG, l->f['_' - l->sc].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_NONE | VPT_STRETCH);
// HUlib_eraseTextLine()
// Erases a hu_textline_t widget when screen border is behind text
// Sorta called by HU_Erase and just better darn get things straight
// Passed the hu_textline_t
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_eraseTextLine(hu_textline_t* l)
int lh;
int y;
// Only erases when NOT in automap and the screen is reduced,
// and the text must either need updating or refreshing
// (because of a recent change back from the automap)
if (!(automapmode & am_active) && viewwindowx && l->needsupdate)
lh = l->f[0].height + 1;
for (y=l->y; y<l->y+lh ; y++)
if (y < viewwindowy || y >= viewwindowy + viewheight)
R_VideoErase(0, y, SCREENWIDTH); // erase entire line
// erase left border
R_VideoErase(0, y, viewwindowx);
// erase right border
R_VideoErase(viewwindowx + viewwidth, y, viewwindowx);
if (l->needsupdate) l->needsupdate--;
// Player message widget (up to 4 lines of text)
// HUlib_initSText()
// Initialize a hu_stext_t widget. Set the position, number of lines, font,
// start char of the font, and color range to be used, and whether enabled.
// Passed a hu_stext_t, and the values used to initialize
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_initSText
( hu_stext_t* s,
int x,
int y,
int h,
const patchnum_t* font,
int startchar,
int cm, //jff 2/16/98 add color range parameter
boolean* on )
int i;
s->h = h;
s->on = on;
s->laston = true;
s->cl = 0;
for (i=0;i<h;i++)
y - i*(font[0].height+1),
// HUlib_addLineToSText()
// Adds a blank line to a hu_stext_t widget
// Passed a hu_stext_t
// Returns nothing
static void HUlib_addLineToSText(hu_stext_t* s)
int i;
// add a clear line
if (++s->cl == s->h)
s->cl = 0;
// everything needs updating
for (i=0 ; i<s->h ; i++)
s->l[i].needsupdate = 4;
// HUlib_addMessageToSText()
// Adds a message line with prefix to a hu_stext_t widget
// Passed a hu_stext_t, the prefix string, and a message string
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_addMessageToSText(hu_stext_t* s, const char* prefix, const char* msg)
if (prefix)
while (*prefix)
HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&s->l[s->cl], *(prefix++));
jni_info_msg(msg, TT_SHORT_DELAY | TT_COLOR_BLUE);
while (*msg)
HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&s->l[s->cl], *(msg++));
// HUlib_drawSText()
// Displays a hu_stext_t widget
// Passed a hu_stext_t
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_drawSText(hu_stext_t* s)
int i, idx;
hu_textline_t *l;
if (!*s->on)
return; // if not on, don't draw
// draw everything
for (i=0 ; i<s->h ; i++)
idx = s->cl - i;
if (idx < 0)
idx += s->h; // handle queue of lines
l = &s->l[idx];
// need a decision made here on whether to skip the draw
HUlib_drawTextLine(l, false); // no cursor, please
// HUlib_eraseSText()
// Erases a hu_stext_t widget, when the screen is not fullsize
// Passed a hu_stext_t
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_eraseSText(hu_stext_t* s)
int i;
for (i=0 ; i<s->h ; i++)
if (s->laston && !*s->on)
s->l[i].needsupdate = 4;
s->laston = *s->on;
// Scrolling message review widget
// jff added 2/26/98
// HUlib_initMText()
// Initialize a hu_mtext_t widget. Set the position, width, number of lines,
// font, start char of the font, color range, background font, and whether
// enabled.
// Passed a hu_mtext_t, and the values used to initialize
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_initMText(hu_mtext_t *m, int x, int y, int w, int h,
const patchnum_t* font, int startchar, int cm,
const patchnum_t* bgfont, boolean *on)
int i;
m->nl = 0;
m->nr = 0;
m->cl = -1; //jff 4/28/98 prepare for pre-increment
m->x = x;
m->y = y;
m->w = w;
m->h = h;
m->bg = bgfont;
m->on = on;
for (i=0;i<HU_MAXMESSAGES;i++)
y + (hud_list_bgon? i+1 : i)*HU_REFRESHSPACING,
// HUlib_addLineToMText()
// Adds a blank line to a hu_mtext_t widget
// Passed a hu_mtext_t
// Returns nothing
static void HUlib_addLineToMText(hu_mtext_t* m)
// add a clear line
if (++m->cl == hud_msg_lines)
m->cl = 0;
if (m->nl<hud_msg_lines)
// needs updating
m->l[m->cl].needsupdate = 4;
// HUlib_addMessageToMText()
// Adds a message line with prefix to a hu_mtext_t widget
// Passed a hu_mtext_t, the prefix string, and a message string
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_addMessageToMText(hu_mtext_t* m, const char* prefix, const char* msg)
if (prefix)
while (*prefix)
HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&m->l[m->cl], *(prefix++));
jni_info_msg(msg, TT_SHORT_DELAY | TT_COLOR_GREEN);
while (*msg)
HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&m->l[m->cl], *(msg++));
// HUlib_drawMBg()
// Draws a background box which the message display review widget can
// display over
// Passed position, width, height, and the background patches
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_drawMBg
( int x,
int y,
int w,
int h,
const patchnum_t* bgp
int xs = bgp[0].width;
int ys = bgp[0].height;
int i,j;
// CPhipps - patch drawing updated
// top rows
V_DrawNumPatch(x, y, FG, bgp[0].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH); // ul
for (j=x+xs;j<x+w-xs;j+=xs) // uc
V_DrawNumPatch(j, y, FG, bgp[1].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH);
V_DrawNumPatch(j, y, FG, bgp[2].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH); // ur
// middle rows
for (i=y+ys;i<y+h-ys;i+=ys)
V_DrawNumPatch(x, i, FG, bgp[3].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH); // cl
for (j=x+xs;j<x+w-xs;j+=xs) // cc
V_DrawNumPatch(j, i, FG, bgp[4].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH);
V_DrawNumPatch(j, i, FG, bgp[5].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH); // cr
// bottom row
V_DrawNumPatch(x, i, FG, bgp[6].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH); // ll
for (j=x+xs;j<x+w-xs;j+=xs) // lc
V_DrawNumPatch(j, i, FG, bgp[7].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH);
V_DrawNumPatch(j, i, FG, bgp[8].lumpnum, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH); // lr
// HUlib_drawMText()
// Displays a hu_mtext_t widget
// Passed a hu_mtext_t
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_drawMText(hu_mtext_t* m)
int i, idx, y;
hu_textline_t *l;
if (!*m->on)
return; // if not on, don't draw
// draw everything
if (hud_list_bgon)
for (i=0 ; i<m->nl ; i++)
idx = m->cl - i;
if (idx < 0)
idx += m->nl; // handle queue of lines
l = &m->l[idx];
if (hud_list_bgon)
l->x = m->x + 4;
l->y = m->y + (i+1)*HU_REFRESHSPACING;
l->x = m->x;
l->y = m->y + i*HU_REFRESHSPACING;
// need a decision made here on whether to skip the draw
HUlib_drawTextLine(l, false); // no cursor, please
// HUlib_eraseMBg()
// Erases background behind hu_mtext_t widget, when the screen is not fullsize
// Passed a hu_mtext_t
// Returns nothing
static void HUlib_eraseMBg(hu_mtext_t* m)
int lh;
int y;
// Only erases when NOT in automap and the screen is reduced,
// and the text must either need updating or refreshing
// (because of a recent change back from the automap)
if (!(automapmode & am_active) && viewwindowx)
lh = m->l[0].f[0].height + 1;
for (y=m->y; y<m->y+lh*(hud_msg_lines+2) ; y++)
if (y < viewwindowy || y >= viewwindowy + viewheight)
R_VideoErase(0, y, SCREENWIDTH); // erase entire line
// erase left border
R_VideoErase(0, y, viewwindowx);
// erase right border
R_VideoErase(viewwindowx + viewwidth, y, viewwindowx);
// HUlib_eraseMText()
// Erases a hu_mtext_t widget, when the screen is not fullsize
// Passed a hu_mtext_t
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_eraseMText(hu_mtext_t* m)
int i;
if (hud_list_bgon)
for (i=0 ; i< m->nl ; i++)
m->l[i].needsupdate = 4;
// Interactive text entry widget
// HUlib_initIText()
// Initialize a hu_itext_t widget. Set the position, font,
// start char of the font, color range, and whether enabled.
// Passed a hu_itext_t, and the values used to initialize
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_initIText
( hu_itext_t* it,
int x,
int y,
const patchnum_t* font,
int startchar,
int cm, //jff 2/16/98 add color range parameter
boolean* on )
it->lm = 0; // default left margin is start of text
it->on = on;
it->laston = true;
HUlib_initTextLine(&it->l, x, y, font, startchar, cm);
// The following deletion routines adhere to the left margin restriction
// HUlib_delCharFromIText()
// Deletes a character at the end of the text line in a hu_itext_t widget
// Passed the hu_itext_t
// Returns nothing
static void HUlib_delCharFromIText(hu_itext_t* it)
if (it->l.len != it->lm)
// HUlib_eraseLineFromIText()
// Deletes all characters from a hu_itext_t widget
// Passed the hu_itext_t
// Returns nothing
static void HUlib_eraseLineFromIText(hu_itext_t* it)
while (it->lm != it->l.len)
// HUlib_resetIText()
// Deletes all characters from a hu_itext_t widget
// Resets left margin as well
// Passed the hu_itext_t
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_resetIText(hu_itext_t* it)
it->lm = 0;
// HUlib_addPrefixToIText()
// Adds a prefix string passed to a hu_itext_t widget
// Sets left margin to length of string added
// Passed the hu_itext_t and the prefix string
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_addPrefixToIText
( hu_itext_t* it,
char* str )
while (*str)
HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&it->l, *(str++));
it->lm = it->l.len;
// HUlib_keyInIText()
// Wrapper function for handling general keyed input.
// Passed the hu_itext_t and the char input
// Returns true if it ate the key
boolean HUlib_keyInIText
( hu_itext_t* it,
unsigned char ch )
if (ch >= ' ' && ch <= '_')
HUlib_addCharToTextLine(&it->l, (char) ch);
else if (ch == key_backspace) // phares
else if (ch != key_enter) // phares
return false; // did not eat key
return true; // ate the key
// HUlib_drawIText()
// Displays a hu_itext_t widget
// Passed the hu_itext_t
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_drawIText(hu_itext_t* it)
hu_textline_t *l = &it->l;
if (!*it->on)
HUlib_drawTextLine(l, true); // draw the line w/ cursor
// HUlib_eraseIText()
// Erases a hu_itext_t widget when the screen is not fullsize
// Passed the hu_itext_t
// Returns nothing
void HUlib_eraseIText(hu_itext_t* it)
if (it->laston && !*it->on)
it->l.needsupdate = 4;
it->laston = *it->on;