mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 17:12:43 +00:00
- Fixed sound volume control for (bad) music - Made wad chooser look quite good - Quit menu responds to A button
1763 lines
48 KiB
1763 lines
48 KiB
/* Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
* PrBoom: a Doom port merged with LxDoom and LSDLDoom
* based on BOOM, a modified and improved DOOM engine
* Copyright (C) 1999 by
* id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
* Copyright (C) 1999-2004 by
* Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze
* Copyright 2005, 2006 by
* Florian Schulze, Colin Phipps, Neil Stevens, Andrey Budko
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* DOOM main program (D_DoomMain) and game loop (D_DoomLoop),
* plus functions to determine game mode (shareware, registered),
* parse command line parameters, configure game parameters (turbo),
* and call the startup functions.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define F_OK 0 /* Check for file existence */
#define W_OK 2 /* Check for write permission */
#define R_OK 4 /* Check for read permission */
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "dstrings.h"
#include "sounds.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "f_finale.h"
#include "f_wipe.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "p_checksum.h"
#include "i_main.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "i_sound.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "hu_stuff.h"
#include "wi_stuff.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "am_map.h"
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "r_draw.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "r_fps.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "d_deh.h" // Ty 04/08/98 - Externalizations
#include "lprintf.h" // jff 08/03/98 - declaration of lprintf
#include "am_map.h"
void GetFirstMap(int *ep, int *map); // Ty 08/29/98 - add "-warp x" functionality
static void D_PageDrawer(void);
// CPhipps - removed wadfiles[] stuff
boolean devparm; // started game with -devparm
// jff 1/24/98 add new versions of these variables to remember command line
boolean clnomonsters; // checkparm of -nomonsters
boolean clrespawnparm; // checkparm of -respawn
boolean clfastparm; // checkparm of -fast
// jff 1/24/98 end definition of command line version of play mode switches
boolean nomonsters; // working -nomonsters
boolean respawnparm; // working -respawn
boolean fastparm; // working -fast
boolean singletics = false; // debug flag to cancel adaptiveness
//Cardboard orientation
float hmdYaw;
float hmdRoll;
float hmdPitch;
char *doomWADDir;
//jff 1/22/98 parms for disabling music and sound
boolean nosfxparm;
boolean nomusicparm;
//jff 4/18/98
extern boolean inhelpscreens;
skill_t startskill;
int startepisode;
int startmap;
boolean autostart;
FILE *debugfile;
int ffmap;
boolean advancedemo;
char wadfile[PATH_MAX+1]; // primary wad file
char mapdir[PATH_MAX+1]; // directory of development maps
char baseiwad[PATH_MAX+1]; // jff 3/23/98: iwad directory
char basesavegame[PATH_MAX+1]; // killough 2/16/98: savegame directory
//jff 4/19/98 list of standard IWAD names
const char *const standard_iwads[]=
"doomu.wad", /* CPhipps - alow doomu.wad */
"freedoom.wad", /* wart@kobold.org: added freedoom for Fedora Extras */
static const int nstandard_iwads = sizeof standard_iwads/sizeof*standard_iwads;
* D_PostEvent - Event handling
* Called by I/O functions when an event is received.
* Try event handlers for each code area in turn.
* cph - in the true spirit of the Boom source, let the
* short ciruit operator madness begin!
void D_PostEvent(event_t *ev)
/* cph - suppress all input events at game start
* FIXME: This is a lousy kludge */
if (gametic < 3) return;
M_Responder(ev) ||
(gamestate == GS_LEVEL && (
HU_Responder(ev) ||
ST_Responder(ev) ||
) ||
// D_Wipe
// CPhipps - moved the screen wipe code from D_Display to here
// The screens to wipe between are already stored, this just does the timing
// and screen updating
static void D_Wipe(int eye)
boolean done;
int wipestart = I_GetTime () - 1;
int nowtime, tics;
I_uSleep(5000); // CPhipps - don't thrash cpu in this loop
nowtime = I_GetTime();
tics = nowtime - wipestart;
while (!tics);
wipestart = nowtime;
done = wipe_ScreenWipe(tics);
M_Drawer(); // menu is drawn even on top of wipes
I_FinishUpdate(eye); // page flip or blit buffer
while (!done);
M_Drawer(); // menu is drawn even on top of wipes
I_FinishUpdate(eye); // page flip or blit buffer
// D_Display
// draw current display, possibly wiping it from the previous
// wipegamestate can be set to -1 to force a wipe on the next draw
gamestate_t wipegamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
extern boolean setsizeneeded;
extern int showMessages;
int current_eye;
void D_Display (int eye)
static boolean inhelpscreensstate = false;
static boolean isborderstate = false;
static boolean borderwillneedredraw = false;
static gamestate_t oldgamestate = -1;
boolean wipe;
boolean viewactive = false, isborder = false;
current_eye = eye;
if (nodrawers) // for comparative timing / profiling
if (eye == 0 && !I_StartDisplay())
// save the current screen if about to wipe
if ((wipe = gamestate != wipegamestate) && (V_GetMode() != VID_MODEGL))
if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL) { // Not a level
switch (oldgamestate) {
case -1:
case GS_LEVEL:
V_SetPalette(0); // cph - use default (basic) palette
switch (gamestate) {
} else if (gametic != basetic) { // In a level
boolean redrawborderstuff;
if (setsizeneeded) { // change the view size if needed
oldgamestate = -1; // force background redraw
// Work out if the player view is visible, and if there is a border
viewactive = (!(automapmode & am_active) || (automapmode & am_overlay)) && !inhelpscreens;
isborder = viewactive ? (viewheight != SCREENHEIGHT) : (!inhelpscreens && (automapmode & am_active));
if (oldgamestate != GS_LEVEL) {
R_FillBackScreen (); // draw the pattern into the back screen
redrawborderstuff = isborder;
} else {
// CPhipps -
// If there is a border, and either there was no border last time,
// or the border might need refreshing, then redraw it.
redrawborderstuff = isborder && (!isborderstate || borderwillneedredraw);
// The border may need redrawing next time if the border surrounds the screen,
// and there is a menu being displayed
borderwillneedredraw = menuactive && isborder && viewactive && (viewwidth != SCREENWIDTH);
if (redrawborderstuff || (V_GetMode() == VID_MODEGL))
// Now do the drawing
if (viewactive)
R_RenderPlayerView (&players[displayplayer], eye);
if (automapmode & am_active)
ST_Drawer((viewheight != SCREENHEIGHT) || ((automapmode & am_active) && !(automapmode & am_overlay)), redrawborderstuff);
if (V_GetMode() != VID_MODEGL)
inhelpscreensstate = inhelpscreens;
isborderstate = isborder;
oldgamestate = wipegamestate = gamestate;
// draw pause pic
if (paused) {
// Simplified the "logic" here and no need for x-coord caching - POPE
V_DrawNamePatch((320 - V_NamePatchWidth("M_PAUSE"))/2, 4,
// menus go directly to the screen
M_Drawer(); // menu is drawn even on top of everything
if (eye == 1) {
#ifdef HAVE_NET
NetUpdate(); // send out any new accumulation
//Vladimir printf("d_main::D_Display Bypassing D_BuildNewTiccmds\n");
// normal update
// if (!wipe || (V_GetMode() == VID_MODEGL))
I_FinishUpdate (eye); // page flip or blit buffer
/* else {
// wipe update
if (eye == 1) {
//e6y: don't thrash cpu during pausing
if (paused) {
// CPhipps - Auto screenshot Variables
static int auto_shot_count, auto_shot_time;
static const char *auto_shot_fname;
static void sDoomStartFrame(float pitch, float yaw, float roll)
WasRenderedInTryRunTics = false;
//Store orientation
hmdYaw = yaw;
hmdRoll = roll;
hmdPitch = pitch;
// frame syncronous IO operations
I_StartFrame ();
if (ffmap == gamemap) ffmap = 0;
// process one or more tics
if (singletics)
I_StartTic ();
G_BuildTiccmd (&netcmds[consoleplayer][maketic%BACKUPTICS]);
if (advancedemo)
D_DoAdvanceDemo ();
M_Ticker ();
G_Ticker ();
else {
TryRunTics (yaw); // will run at least one tic
// killough 3/16/98: change consoleplayer to displayplayer
if (players[displayplayer].mo) // cph 2002/08/10
S_UpdateSounds(players[displayplayer].mo);// move positional sounds
void D_DoomStartFrame(float pitch, float yaw, float roll)
sDoomStartFrame(pitch, yaw, roll);
static void sDoomEndFrame(void)
// CPhipps - auto screenshot
if (auto_shot_fname && !--auto_shot_count) {
auto_shot_count = auto_shot_time;
void D_DoomEndFrame(void)
static int demosequence; // killough 5/2/98: made static
static int pagetic;
static const char *pagename; // CPhipps - const
// D_PageTicker
// Handles timing for warped projection
void D_PageTicker(void)
if (--pagetic < 0)
// D_PageDrawer
static void D_PageDrawer(void)
// proff/nicolas 09/14/98 -- now stretchs bitmaps to fullscreen!
// CPhipps - updated for new patch drawing
// proff - added M_DrawCredits
if (pagename)
V_DrawNamePatch(0, 0, 0, pagename, CR_DEFAULT, VPT_STRETCH);
// D_AdvanceDemo
// Called after each demo or intro demosequence finishes
void D_AdvanceDemo (void)
advancedemo = true;
/* killough 11/98: functions to perform demo sequences
* cphipps 10/99: constness fixes
static void D_SetPageName(const char *name)
pagename = name;
static void D_DrawTitle1(const char *name)
pagetic = (TICRATE*170)/35;
static void D_DrawTitle2(const char *name)
/* killough 11/98: tabulate demo sequences
static struct
void (*func)(const char *);
const char *name;
} const demostates[][4] =
{D_DrawTitle1, "TITLEPIC"},
{D_DrawTitle1, "TITLEPIC"},
{D_DrawTitle2, "TITLEPIC"},
{D_DrawTitle1, "TITLEPIC"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo1"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo1"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo1"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo1"},
{D_SetPageName, NULL},
{D_SetPageName, NULL},
{D_SetPageName, NULL},
{D_SetPageName, NULL},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo2"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo2"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo2"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo2"},
{D_SetPageName, "HELP2"},
{D_SetPageName, "HELP2"},
{D_SetPageName, "CREDIT"},
{D_DrawTitle1, "TITLEPIC"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo3"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo3"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo3"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo3"},
{D_SetPageName, "CREDIT"},
{G_DeferedPlayDemo, "demo4"},
* This cycles through the demo sequences.
* killough 11/98: made table-driven
void D_DoAdvanceDemo(void)
players[consoleplayer].playerstate = PST_LIVE; /* not reborn */
advancedemo = usergame = paused = false;
gameaction = ga_nothing;
pagetic = TICRATE * 11; /* killough 11/98: default behavior */
gamestate = GS_DEMOSCREEN;
if (netgame && !demoplayback) {
demosequence = 0;
else if (!demostates[++demosequence][gamemode].func)
demosequence = 0;
printf("D_DoAdvanceDemo Calling demoseq: %d gamemode: %d Name: %s\n"
, demosequence, gamemode, demostates[demosequence][gamemode].name);
// D_StartTitle
void D_StartTitle (void)
gameaction = ga_nothing;
demosequence = -1;
// D_AddFile
// Rewritten by Lee Killough
// Ty 08/29/98 - add source parm to indicate where this came from
// CPhipps - static, const char* parameter
// - source is an enum
// - modified to allocate & use new wadfiles array
void D_AddFile (const char *file, wad_source_t source)
char *gwa_filename=NULL;
wadfiles = realloc(wadfiles, sizeof(*wadfiles)*(numwadfiles+1));
wadfiles[numwadfiles].name =
AddDefaultExtension(strcpy(malloc(strlen(file)+5), file), ".wad");
wadfiles[numwadfiles].src = source; // Ty 08/29/98
// proff: automatically try to add the gwa files
// proff - moved from w_wad.c
gwa_filename=AddDefaultExtension(strcpy(malloc(strlen(file)+5), file), ".wad");
if (strlen(gwa_filename)>4)
if (!strcasecmp(gwa_filename+(strlen(gwa_filename)-4),".wad"))
char *ext;
ext = &gwa_filename[strlen(gwa_filename)-4];
ext[1] = 'g'; ext[2] = 'w'; ext[3] = 'a';
wadfiles = realloc(wadfiles, sizeof(*wadfiles)*(numwadfiles+1));
wadfiles[numwadfiles].name = gwa_filename;
wadfiles[numwadfiles].src = source; // Ty 08/29/98
// killough 10/98: support -dehout filename
// cph - made const, don't cache results
static const char *D_dehout(void)
int p = M_CheckParm("-dehout");
if (!p)
p = M_CheckParm("-bexout");
return (p && ++p < myargc ? myargv[p] : NULL);
// CheckIWAD
// Verify a file is indeed tagged as an IWAD
// Scan its lumps for levelnames and return gamemode as indicated
// Detect missing wolf levels in DOOM II
// The filename to check is passed in iwadname, the gamemode detected is
// returned in gmode, hassec returns the presence of secret levels
// jff 4/19/98 Add routine to test IWAD for validity and determine
// the gamemode from it. Also note if DOOM II, whether secret levels exist
// CPhipps - const char* for iwadname, made static
static void CheckIWAD(const char *iwadname,GameMode_t *gmode,boolean *hassec)
if ( !access (iwadname,R_OK) )
int ud=0,rg=0,sw=0,cm=0,sc=0;
FILE* fp;
// Identify IWAD correctly
if ((fp = fopen(iwadname, "rb")))
wadinfo_t header;
// read IWAD header
if (fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp) == 1
&& (!strncmp(header.identification, "IWAD", 4)
//PWAD is ok too!
|| !strncmp(header.identification, "PWAD", 4)))
size_t length;
filelump_t *fileinfo;
// read IWAD directory
header.numlumps = LONG(header.numlumps);
header.infotableofs = LONG(header.infotableofs);
length = header.numlumps;
fileinfo = malloc(length*sizeof(filelump_t));
if (fseek (fp, header.infotableofs, SEEK_SET) ||
fread (fileinfo, sizeof(filelump_t), length, fp) != length ||
I_Error("CheckIWAD: failed to read directory %s",iwadname);
// scan directory for levelname lumps
while (length--)
if (fileinfo[length].name[0] == 'E' &&
fileinfo[length].name[2] == 'M' &&
fileinfo[length].name[4] == 0)
if (fileinfo[length].name[1] == '4')
else if (fileinfo[length].name[1] == '3')
else if (fileinfo[length].name[1] == '2')
else if (fileinfo[length].name[1] == '1')
else if (fileinfo[length].name[0] == 'M' &&
fileinfo[length].name[1] == 'A' &&
fileinfo[length].name[2] == 'P' &&
fileinfo[length].name[5] == 0)
if (fileinfo[length].name[3] == '3')
if (fileinfo[length].name[4] == '1' ||
fileinfo[length].name[4] == '2')
else // missing IWAD tag in header
I_Error("CheckIWAD: IWAD tag %s not present", iwadname);
else // error from open call
I_Error("CheckIWAD: Can't open IWAD %s", iwadname);
// Determine game mode from levels present
// Must be a full set for whichever mode is present
// Lack of wolf-3d levels also detected here
*gmode = indetermined;
*hassec = false;
if (cm>=30)
*gmode = commercial;
*hassec = sc>=2;
else if (ud>=9)
*gmode = retail;
else if (rg>=18)
*gmode = registered;
else if (sw>=9)
*gmode = shareware;
else // error from access call
I_Error("CheckIWAD: IWAD %s not readable", iwadname);
// NormalizeSlashes
// Remove trailing slashes, translate backslashes to slashes
// The string to normalize is passed and returned in str
// jff 4/19/98 Make killoughs slash fixer a subroutine
static void NormalizeSlashes(char *str)
int l;
// killough 1/18/98: Neater / \ handling.
// Remove trailing / or \ to prevent // /\ \/ \\, and change \ to /
if (!str || !(l = strlen(str)))
if (str[--l]=='/' || str[l]=='\\') // killough 1/18/98
while (l--)
if (str[l]=='\\')
* FindIWADFIle
* Search for one of the standard IWADs
* CPhipps - static, proper prototype
* - 12/1999 - rewritten to use I_FindFile
static char *FindIWADFile(void)
int i;
char * iwad = NULL;
i = M_CheckParm("-iwad");
if (i && (++i < myargc)) {
iwad = I_FindFile(myargv[i], ".wad");
} else {
for (i=0; !iwad && i<nstandard_iwads; i++)
iwad = I_FindFile(standard_iwads[i], ".wad");
return iwad;
// IdentifyVersion
// Set the location of the defaults file and the savegame root
// Locate and validate an IWAD file
// Determine gamemode from the IWAD
// supports IWADs with custom names. Also allows the -iwad parameter to
// specify which iwad is being searched for if several exist in one dir.
// The -iwad parm may specify:
// 1) a specific pathname, which must exist (.wad optional)
// 2) or a directory, which must contain a standard IWAD,
// 3) or a filename, which must be found in one of the standard places:
// a) current dir,
// b) exe dir
// d) or $HOME
// jff 4/19/98 rewritten to use a more advanced search algorithm
static void IdentifyVersion (void)
int i; //jff 3/24/98 index of args on commandline
//struct stat sbuf; //jff 3/24/98 used to test save path for existence
char *iwad;
// set save path to -save parm or current dir
//jff 3/27/98 default to current dir
//V.Aguilar (5/30/99): In LiNUX, default to $HOME/.lxdoom
// CPhipps - use DOOMSAVEDIR if defined
char* p = getenv("DOOMSAVEDIR");
if (p != NULL)
if (strlen(p) > PATH_MAX-12) p = NULL;
strcpy(basesavegame,(p == NULL) ? I_DoomExeDir() : p);
if ((i=M_CheckParm("-save")) && i<myargc-1) //jff 3/24/98 if -save present
if (!stat(myargv[i+1],&sbuf) && S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) // and is a dir
strcpy(basesavegame,myargv[i+1]); //jff 3/24/98 use that for savegame
NormalizeSlashes(basesavegame); //jff 9/22/98 fix c:\ not working
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
else */
lprintf(LO_ERROR,"Error: -save path does not exist, using %s\n", basesavegame);
// locate the IWAD and determine game mode from it
iwad = FindIWADFile();
#if (defined(GL_DOOM) && defined(_DEBUG))
// proff 11/99: used for debugging
FILE *f;
if (f)
if (iwad && *iwad)
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"IWAD found: %s\n",iwad); //jff 4/20/98 print only if found
/* jff 8/23/98 set gamemission global appropriately in all cases
* cphipps 12/1999 - no version output here, leave that to the caller
case retail:
case registered:
case shareware:
gamemission = doom;
case commercial:
i = strlen(iwad);
gamemission = doom2;
if (i>=10 && !strnicmp(iwad+i-10,"doom2f.wad",10))
else if (i>=7 && !strnicmp(iwad+i-7,"tnt.wad",7))
gamemission = pack_tnt;
else if (i>=12 && !strnicmp(iwad+i-12,"plutonia.wad",12))
gamemission = pack_plut;
gamemission = none;
if (gamemode == indetermined)
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_WARN,"Unknown Game Version, may not work\n");
I_Error("IdentifyVersion: IWAD not found\n");
// killough 5/3/98: old code removed
// Find a Response File
#define MAXARGVS 100
static void FindResponseFile (void)
int i;
for (i = 1;i < myargc;i++)
if (myargv[i][0] == '@')
int size;
int index;
int indexinfile;
byte *file = NULL;
const char **moreargs = malloc(myargc * sizeof(const char*));
const char **newargv;
// proff 04/05/2000: Added for searching responsefile
char fname[PATH_MAX+1];
// proff 04/05/2000: changed for searching responsefile
// cph 2002/08/09 - use M_ReadFile for simplicity
size = M_ReadFile(fname, &file);
// proff 04/05/2000: Added for searching responsefile
if (size < 0)
size = M_ReadFile(fname, &file);
if (size < 0)
/* proff 04/05/2000: Changed from LO_FATAL
* proff 04/05/2000: Simply removed the exit(1);
* cph - made fatal, don't drop through and SEGV
I_Error("No such response file: %s",fname);
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Found response file %s\n",fname);
// proff 04/05/2000: Added check for empty rsp file
if (size<=0)
int k;
lprintf(LO_ERROR,"\nResponse file empty!\n");
newargv = calloc(sizeof(char *),MAXARGVS);
newargv[0] = myargv[0];
for (k = 1,index = 1;k < myargc;k++)
if (i!=k)
newargv[index++] = myargv[k];
myargc = index; myargv = newargv;
memcpy((void *)moreargs,&myargv[i+1],(index = myargc - i - 1) * sizeof(myargv[0]));
const char *firstargv = myargv[0];
newargv = calloc(sizeof(char *),MAXARGVS);
newargv[0] = firstargv;
byte *infile = file;
indexinfile = 0;
indexinfile++; // SKIP PAST ARGV[0] (KEEP IT)
do {
while (size > 0 && isspace(*infile)) { infile++; size--; }
if (size > 0) {
char *s = malloc(size+1);
char *p = s;
int quoted = 0;
while (size > 0) {
// Whitespace terminates the token unless quoted
if (!quoted && isspace(*infile)) break;
if (*infile == '\"') {
// Quotes are removed but remembered
infile++; size--; quoted ^= 1;
} else {
*p++ = *infile++; size--;
if (quoted) I_Error("Runaway quoted string in response file");
// Terminate string, realloc and add to argv
*p = 0;
newargv[indexinfile++] = realloc(s,strlen(s)+1);
} while(size > 0);
memcpy((void *)&newargv[indexinfile],moreargs,index*sizeof(moreargs[0]));
free((void *)moreargs);
myargc = indexinfile+index; myargv = newargv;
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"%d command-line args:\n",myargc);
for (index=1;index<myargc;index++)
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
// DoLooseFiles
// Take any file names on the command line before the first switch parm
// and insert the appropriate -file, -deh or -playdemo switch in front
// of them.
// Note that more than one -file, etc. entry on the command line won't
// work, so we have to go get all the valid ones if any that show up
// after the loose ones. This means that boom fred.wad -file wilma
// will still load fred.wad and wilma.wad, in that order.
// The response file code kludges up its own version of myargv[] and
// unfortunately we have to do the same here because that kludge only
// happens if there _is_ a response file. Truth is, it's more likely
// that there will be a need to do one or the other so it probably
// isn't important. We'll point off to the original argv[], or the
// area allocated in FindResponseFile, or our own areas from strdups.
// CPhipps - OUCH! Writing into *myargv is too dodgy, damn
static void DoLooseFiles(void)
char *wads[MAXARGVS]; // store the respective loose filenames
char *lmps[MAXARGVS];
char *dehs[MAXARGVS];
int wadcount = 0; // count the loose filenames
int lmpcount = 0;
int dehcount = 0;
int i,j,p;
const char **tmyargv; // use these to recreate the argv array
int tmyargc;
boolean skip[MAXARGVS]; // CPhipps - should these be skipped at the end
for (i=0; i<MAXARGVS; i++)
skip[i] = false;
for (i=1;i<myargc;i++)
if (*myargv[i] == '-') break; // quit at first switch
// so now we must have a loose file. Find out what kind and store it.
j = strlen(myargv[i]);
if (!stricmp(&myargv[i][j-4],".wad"))
wads[wadcount++] = strdup(myargv[i]);
if (!stricmp(&myargv[i][j-4],".lmp"))
lmps[lmpcount++] = strdup(myargv[i]);
if (!stricmp(&myargv[i][j-4],".deh"))
dehs[dehcount++] = strdup(myargv[i]);
if (!stricmp(&myargv[i][j-4],".bex"))
dehs[dehcount++] = strdup(myargv[i]);
if (myargv[i][j-4] != '.') // assume wad if no extension
wads[wadcount++] = strdup(myargv[i]);
skip[i] = true; // nuke that entry so it won't repeat later
// Now, if we didn't find any loose files, we can just leave.
if (wadcount+lmpcount+dehcount == 0) return; // ******* early return ****
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-file")))
skip[p] = true; // nuke the entry
while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
wads[wadcount++] = strdup(myargv[p]);
skip[p] = true; // null any we find and save
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-deh")))
skip[p] = true; // nuke the entry
while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
dehs[dehcount++] = strdup(myargv[p]);
skip[p] = true; // null any we find and save
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-playdemo")))
skip[p] = true; // nuke the entry
while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
lmps[lmpcount++] = strdup(myargv[p]);
skip[p] = true; // null any we find and save
// Now go back and redo the whole myargv array with our stuff in it.
// First, create a new myargv array to copy into
tmyargv = calloc(sizeof(char *),MAXARGVS);
tmyargv[0] = myargv[0]; // invocation
tmyargc = 1;
// put our stuff into it
if (wadcount > 0)
tmyargv[tmyargc++] = strdup("-file"); // put the switch in
for (i=0;i<wadcount;)
tmyargv[tmyargc++] = wads[i++]; // allocated by strdup above
// for -deh
if (dehcount > 0)
tmyargv[tmyargc++] = strdup("-deh");
for (i=0;i<dehcount;)
tmyargv[tmyargc++] = dehs[i++];
// for -playdemo
if (lmpcount > 0)
tmyargv[tmyargc++] = strdup("-playdemo");
for (i=0;i<lmpcount;)
tmyargv[tmyargc++] = lmps[i++];
// then copy everything that's there now
for (i=1;i<myargc;i++)
if (!skip[i]) // skip any zapped entries
tmyargv[tmyargc++] = myargv[i]; // pointers are still valid
// now make the global variables point to our array
myargv = tmyargv;
myargc = tmyargc;
/* cph - MBF-like wad/deh/bex autoload code */
const char *wad_files[MAXLOADFILES], *deh_files[MAXLOADFILES];
// CPhipps - misc screen stuff
unsigned int desired_screenwidth, desired_screenheight;
static void L_SetupConsoleMasks(void) {
int p;
int i;
const char *cena="ICWEFDA",*pos; //jff 9/3/98 use this for parsing console masks // CPhipps - const char*'s
//jff 9/3/98 get mask for console output filter
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-cout"))) {
lprintf(LO_DEBUG, "mask for stdout console output: ");
if (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
for (i=0,cons_output_mask=0;(size_t)i<strlen(myargv[p]);i++)
if ((pos = strchr(cena,toupper(myargv[p][i])))) {
cons_output_mask |= (1<<(pos-cena));
lprintf(LO_DEBUG, "%c", toupper(myargv[p][i]));
lprintf(LO_DEBUG, "\n");
//jff 9/3/98 get mask for redirected console error filter
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-cerr"))) {
lprintf(LO_DEBUG, "mask for stderr console output: ");
if (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
for (i=0,cons_error_mask=0;(size_t)i<strlen(myargv[p]);i++)
if ((pos = strchr(cena,toupper(myargv[p][i])))) {
cons_error_mask |= (1<<(pos-cena));
lprintf(LO_DEBUG, "%c", toupper(myargv[p][i]));
lprintf(LO_DEBUG, "\n");
// D_DoomMainSetup
// CPhipps - the old contents of D_DoomMain, but moved out of the main
// line of execution so its stack space can be freed
void D_DoomMainSetup(char *wadDir)
int p,slot;
doomWADDir = wadDir;
// Vladimir setbuf(stdout,NULL);
// proff 04/05/2000: Added support for include response files
/* proff 2001/7/1 - Moved up, so -config can be in response files */
boolean rsp_found;
int i;
do {
for (i=0; i<myargc; i++)
if (myargv[i][0]=='@')
} while (rsp_found==true);
lprintf(LO_INFO,"M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
M_LoadDefaults(); // load before initing other systems
// figgi 09/18/00-- added switch to force classic bsp nodes
if (M_CheckParm ("-forceoldbsp"))
extern boolean forceOldBsp;
forceOldBsp = true;
DoLooseFiles(); // Ty 08/29/98 - handle "loose" files on command line
// e6y: DEH files preloaded in wrong order
// http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1418158&group_id=148658&atid=772943
// The dachaked stuff has been moved below an autoload
// jff 1/24/98 set both working and command line value of play parms
nomonsters = clnomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");
respawnparm = clrespawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");
fastparm = clfastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");
// jff 1/24/98 end of set to both working and command line value
devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");
if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
deathmatch = 2;
if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
deathmatch = 1;
// CPhipps - localise title variable
// print title for every printed line
// cph - code cleaned and made smaller
const char* doomverstr;
switch ( gamemode ) {
case retail:
doomverstr = "The Ultimate DOOM";
case shareware:
doomverstr = "DOOM Shareware";
case registered:
doomverstr = "DOOM Registered";
case commercial: // Ty 08/27/98 - fixed gamemode vs gamemission
switch (gamemission)
case pack_plut:
doomverstr = "DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment";
case pack_tnt:
doomverstr = "DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution";
doomverstr = "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth";
doomverstr = "Public DOOM";
/* cphipps - the main display. This shows the build date, copyright, and game type */
lprintf(LO_ALWAYS,"PrBoom (built %s), playing: %s\n"
"PrBoom is released under the GNU General Public license v2.0.\n"
"You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n"
"It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the file COPYING for details.\n",
version_date, doomverstr);
if (devparm)
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
// turbo option
if ((p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")))
int scale = 200;
extern int forwardmove[2];
extern int sidemove[2];
if (p<myargc-1)
scale = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
if (scale < 10)
scale = 10;
if (scale > 400)
scale = 400;
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf (LO_CONFIRM,"turbo scale: %i%%\n",scale);
forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
modifiedgame = false;
// get skill / episode / map from parms
startskill = sk_none; // jff 3/24/98 was sk_medium, just note not picked
startepisode = 1;
startmap = 1;
autostart = false;
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-skill")) && p < myargc-1)
startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
autostart = true;
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-episode")) && p < myargc-1)
startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
startmap = 1;
autostart = true;
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-timer")) && p < myargc-1 && deathmatch)
int time = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Levels will end after %d minute%s.\n", time, time>1 ? "s" : "");
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-avg")) && p < myargc-1 && deathmatch)
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-warp")) || // killough 5/2/98
(p = M_CheckParm ("-wart")))
// Ty 08/29/98 - moved this check later so we can have -warp alone: && p < myargc-1)
startmap = 0; // Ty 08/29/98 - allow "-warp x" to go to first map in wad(s)
autostart = true; // Ty 08/29/98 - move outside the decision tree
if (gamemode == commercial)
if (p < myargc-1)
startmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]); // Ty 08/29/98 - add test if last parm
else // 1/25/98 killough: fix -warp xxx from crashing Doom 1 / UD
if (p < myargc-2)
startepisode = atoi(myargv[++p]);
startmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
// Ty 08/29/98 - later we'll check for startmap=0 and autostart=true
// as a special case that -warp * was used. Actually -warp with any
// non-numeric will do that but we'll only document "*"
//jff 1/22/98 add command line parms to disable sound and music
int nosound = M_CheckParm("-nosound");
nomusicparm = nosound || M_CheckParm("-nomusic");
nosfxparm = nosound || M_CheckParm("-nosfx");
//jff end of sound/music command line parms
// killough 3/2/98: allow -nodraw -noblit generally
nodrawers = M_CheckParm ("-nodraw");
noblit = M_CheckParm ("-noblit");
//proff 11/22/98: Added setting of viewangleoffset
p = M_CheckParm("-viewangle");
if (p)
viewangleoffset = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
viewangleoffset = viewangleoffset<0 ? 0 : (viewangleoffset>7 ? 7 : viewangleoffset);
viewangleoffset = (8-viewangleoffset) * ANG45;
// init subsystems
G_ReloadDefaults(); // killough 3/4/98: set defaults just loaded.
// jff 3/24/98 this sets startskill if it was -1
// Video stuff
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-width")))
if (myargv[p+1])
desired_screenwidth = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-height")))
if (myargv[p+1])
desired_screenheight = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-fullscreen")))
use_fullscreen = 1;
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-nofullscreen")))
use_fullscreen = 0;
// e6y
// New command-line options for setting a window (-window)
// or fullscreen (-nowindow) mode temporarily which is not saved in cfg.
// It works like "-geom" switch
desired_fullscreen = use_fullscreen;
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-window")))
desired_fullscreen = 0;
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-nowindow")))
desired_fullscreen = 1;
{ // -geometry handling, change screen size for this session only
// e6y: new code by me
int w, h;
if (!(p = M_CheckParm("-geom")))
p = M_CheckParm("-geometry");
if (!(p && (p+1<myargc) && sscanf(myargv[p+1], "%dx%d", &w, &h) == 2))
w = desired_screenwidth;
h = desired_screenheight;
I_CalculateRes(w, h);
#ifdef GL_DOOM
// proff 04/05/2000: for GL-specific switches
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
// CPhipps - autoloading of wads
// Designed to be general, instead of specific to boomlump.wad
// Some people might find this useful
// cph - support MBF -noload parameter
if (!M_CheckParm("-noload")) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<MAXLOADFILES*2; i++) {
const char *fname = (i < MAXLOADFILES) ? wad_files[i]
: deh_files[i - MAXLOADFILES];
char *fpath;
if (!(fname && *fname)) continue;
// Filename is now stored as a zero terminated string
fpath = I_FindFile(fname, (i < MAXLOADFILES) ? ".wad" : ".bex");
if (!fpath)
lprintf(LO_WARN, "Failed to autoload %s\n", fname);
else {
ProcessDehFile(fpath, D_dehout(), 0);
else {
modifiedgame = true;
// e6y: DEH files preloaded in wrong order
// http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1418158&group_id=148658&atid=772943
// The dachaked stuff has been moved from above
// ty 03/09/98 do dehacked stuff
// Note: do this before any other since it is expected by
// the deh patch author that this is actually part of the EXE itself
// Using -deh in BOOM, others use -dehacked.
// Ty 03/18/98 also allow .bex extension. .bex overrides if both exist.
D_BuildBEXTables(); // haleyjd
p = M_CheckParm ("-deh");
if (p)
char file[PATH_MAX+1]; // cph - localised
// the parms after p are deh/bex file names,
// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
// Ty 04/11/98 - Allow multiple -deh files in a row
while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
AddDefaultExtension(strcpy(file, myargv[p]), ".bex");
if (access(file, F_OK)) // nope
AddDefaultExtension(strcpy(file, myargv[p]), ".deh");
if (access(file, F_OK)) // still nope
I_Error("D_DoomMainSetup: Cannot find .deh or .bex file named %s",myargv[p]);
// during the beta we have debug output to dehout.txt
// ty 03/09/98 end of do dehacked stuff
// add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
// to the wad list
// killough 1/31/98, 5/2/98: reload hack removed, -wart same as -warp now.
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-file")))
// the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
modifiedgame = true; // homebrew levels
while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
if (!(p = M_CheckParm("-playdemo")) || p >= myargc-1) { /* killough */
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-fastdemo")) && p < myargc-1) /* killough */
fastdemo = true; // run at fastest speed possible
p = M_CheckParm ("-timedemo");
if (p && p < myargc-1)
char file[PATH_MAX+1]; // cph - localised
AddDefaultExtension(file,".lmp"); // killough
D_AddFile (file,source_lmp);
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Playing demo %s\n",file);
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-ffmap")) && p < myargc-1) {
ffmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
// internal translucency set to config file value // phares
general_translucency = default_translucency; // phares
// 1/18/98 killough: Z_Init() call moved to i_main.c
// CPhipps - move up netgame init
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"D_InitNetGame: Checking for network game.\n");
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
W_Init(); // CPhipps - handling of wadfiles init changed
lprintf(LO_INFO,"\n"); // killough 3/6/98: add a newline, by popular demand :)
// e6y
// option to disable automatic loading of dehacked-in-wad lump
if (!M_CheckParm ("-nodeh"))
if ((p = W_CheckNumForName("DEHACKED")) != -1) // cph - add dehacked-in-a-wad support
ProcessDehFile(NULL, D_dehout(), p);
V_InitColorTranslation(); //jff 4/24/98 load color translation lumps
// killough 2/22/98: copyright / "modified game" / SPA banners removed
// Ty 04/08/98 - Add 5 lines of misc. data, only if nonblank
// The expectation is that these will be set in a .bex file
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
if (*startup1) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup1);
if (*startup2) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup2);
if (*startup3) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup3);
if (*startup4) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup4);
if (*startup5) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup5);
// End new startup strings
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
#ifdef HAVE_NET
// CPhipps - now wait for netgame start
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
S_Init(snd_SfxVolume, snd_MusicVolume);
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
if (!(M_CheckParm("-nodraw") && M_CheckParm("-nosound")))
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_INFO,"ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
idmusnum = -1; //jff 3/17/98 insure idmus number is blank
// CPhipps - auto screenshots
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-autoshot")) && (p < myargc-2))
if ((auto_shot_count = auto_shot_time = atoi(myargv[p+1])))
auto_shot_fname = myargv[p+2];
// start the apropriate game based on parms
// killough 12/98:
// Support -loadgame with -record and reimplement -recordfrom.
if ((slot = M_CheckParm("-recordfrom")) && (p = slot+2) < myargc)
slot = M_CheckParm("-loadgame");
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-record")) && ++p < myargc)
autostart = true;
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-checksum")) && ++p < myargc)
P_RecordChecksum (myargv[p]);
if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-fastdemo")) && ++p < myargc)
{ // killough
fastdemo = true; // run at fastest speed possible
timingdemo = true; // show stats after quit
singledemo = true; // quit after one demo
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-timedemo")) && ++p < myargc)
singletics = true;
timingdemo = true; // show stats after quit
singledemo = true; // quit after one demo
if ((p = M_CheckParm("-playdemo")) && ++p < myargc)
singledemo = true; // quit after one demo
if (slot && ++slot < myargc)
slot = atoi(myargv[slot]); // killough 3/16/98: add slot info
G_LoadGame(slot, true); // killough 5/15/98: add command flag // cph - no filename
if (!singledemo) { /* killough 12/98 */
if (autostart || netgame) {
G_InitNew(startskill, startepisode, startmap);
if (demorecording)
else {
D_StartTitle(); // start up intro loop
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain(void)
D_DoomMainSetup(); // CPhipps - setup out of main execution stack
D_DoomLoop (); // never returns
// GetFirstMap
// Ty 08/29/98 - determine first available map from the loaded wads and run it
void GetFirstMap(int *ep, int *map)
int i,j; // used to generate map name
boolean done = false; // Ty 09/13/98 - to exit inner loops
char test[6]; // MAPxx or ExMx plus terminator for testing
char name[6]; // MAPxx or ExMx plus terminator for display
boolean newlevel = false; // Ty 10/04/98 - to test for new level
int ix; // index for lookup
strcpy(name,""); // initialize
if (*map == 0) // unknown so go search for first changed one
*ep = 1;
*map = 1; // default E1M1 or MAP01
if (gamemode == commercial)
for (i=1;!done && i<33;i++) // Ty 09/13/98 - add use of !done
ix = W_CheckNumForName(test);
if (ix != -1) // Ty 10/04/98 avoid -1 subscript
if (lumpinfo[ix].source == source_pwad)
*map = i;
strcpy(name,test); // Ty 10/04/98
done = true; // Ty 09/13/98
newlevel = true; // Ty 10/04/98
if (!*name) // found one, not pwad. First default.
else // one of the others
strcpy(name,"E1M1"); // Ty 10/04/98 - default for display
for (i=1;!done && i<5;i++) // Ty 09/13/98 - add use of !done
for (j=1;!done && j<10;j++) // Ty 09/13/98 - add use of !done
ix = W_CheckNumForName(test);
if (ix != -1) // Ty 10/04/98 avoid -1 subscript
if (lumpinfo[ix].source == source_pwad)
*ep = i;
*map = j;
strcpy(name,test); // Ty 10/04/98
done = true; // Ty 09/13/98
newlevel = true; // Ty 10/04/98
if (!*name) // found one, not pwad. First default.
//jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Auto-warping to first %slevel: %s\n",
newlevel ? "new " : "", name); // Ty 10/04/98 - new level test