# Common build settings for all VR apps # This needs to be defined to get the right header directories for egl / etc APP_PLATFORM := android-16 APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a # Statically link the GNU STL. This may not be safe for multi-so libraries but # we don't know of any problems yet. APP_STL := gnustl_static # Make sure every shared lib includes a .note.gnu.build-id header, for crash reporting APP_LDFLAGS := -Wl,--build-id # Explicitly use GCC 4.8 as our toolchain. This is the 32-bit default as of # r10d but versions as far back as r9d have 4.8. The previous default, 4.6, is # deprecated as of r10c. NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION := 4.8 # Define the directories for $(import-module, ...) to look in ROOT_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) NDK_MODULE_PATH :=