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1078 lines
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/* Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
* PrBoom: a Doom port merged with LxDoom and LSDLDoom
* based on BOOM, a modified and improved DOOM engine
* Copyright (C) 1999 by
* id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 by
* Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze
* Copyright 2005, 2006 by
* Florian Schulze, Colin Phipps, Neil Stevens, Andrey Budko
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* Refresh of things, i.e. objects represented by sprites.
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "r_bsp.h"
#include "r_segs.h"
#include "r_draw.h"
#include "r_things.h"
#include "r_fps.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "lprintf.h"
#define MINZ (FRACUNIT*4)
#define BASEYCENTER 100
typedef struct {
int x1;
int x2;
int column;
int topclip;
int bottomclip;
} maskdraw_t;
// Sprite rotation 0 is facing the viewer,
// rotation 1 is one angle turn CLOCKWISE around the axis.
// This is not the same as the angle,
// which increases counter clockwise (protractor).
// There was a lot of stuff grabbed wrong, so I changed it...
fixed_t pspritescale;
fixed_t pspriteiscale;
// proff 11/06/98: Added for high-res
fixed_t pspriteyscale;
// constant arrays
// used for psprite clipping and initializing clipping
int negonearray[MAX_SCREENWIDTH]; // killough 2/8/98: // dropoff overflow
int screenheightarray[MAX_SCREENWIDTH]; // change to MAX_* // dropoff overflow
// variables used to look up and range check thing_t sprites patches
spritedef_t *sprites;
int numsprites;
#define MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES 29 /* Macroized -- killough 1/25/98 */
static spriteframe_t sprtemp[MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES];
static int maxframe;
// R_InstallSpriteLump
// Local function for R_InitSprites.
static void R_InstallSpriteLump(int lump, unsigned frame,
unsigned rotation, boolean flipped)
if (frame >= MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES || rotation > 8)
I_Error("R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump %i", lump);
if ((int) frame > maxframe)
maxframe = frame;
if (rotation == 0)
{ // the lump should be used for all rotations
int r;
for (r=0 ; r<8 ; r++)
if (sprtemp[frame].lump[r]==-1)
sprtemp[frame].lump[r] = lump - firstspritelump;
sprtemp[frame].flip[r] = (byte) flipped;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = false; //jff 4/24/98 if any subbed, rotless
// the lump is only used for one rotation
if (sprtemp[frame].lump[--rotation] == -1)
sprtemp[frame].lump[rotation] = lump - firstspritelump;
sprtemp[frame].flip[rotation] = (byte) flipped;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = true; //jff 4/24/98 only change if rot used
// R_InitSpriteDefs
// Pass a null terminated list of sprite names
// (4 chars exactly) to be used.
// Builds the sprite rotation matrixes to account
// for horizontally flipped sprites.
// Will report an error if the lumps are inconsistent.
// Only called at startup.
// Sprite lump names are 4 characters for the actor,
// a letter for the frame, and a number for the rotation.
// A sprite that is flippable will have an additional
// letter/number appended.
// The rotation character can be 0 to signify no rotations.
// 1/25/98, 1/31/98 killough : Rewritten for performance
// Empirically verified to have excellent hash
// properties across standard Doom sprites:
#define R_SpriteNameHash(s) ((unsigned)((s)[0]-((s)[1]*3-(s)[3]*2-(s)[2])*2))
static void R_InitSpriteDefs(const char * const * namelist)
size_t numentries = lastspritelump-firstspritelump+1;
struct { int index, next; } *hash;
int i;
if (!numentries || !*namelist)
// count the number of sprite names
for (i=0; namelist[i]; i++)
numsprites = i;
sprites = Z_Malloc(numsprites *sizeof(*sprites), PU_STATIC, NULL);
// Create hash table based on just the first four letters of each sprite
// killough 1/31/98
hash = malloc(sizeof(*hash)*numentries); // allocate hash table
for (i=0; (size_t)i<numentries; i++) // initialize hash table as empty
hash[i].index = -1;
for (i=0; (size_t)i<numentries; i++) // Prepend each sprite to hash chain
{ // prepend so that later ones win
int j = R_SpriteNameHash(lumpinfo[i+firstspritelump].name) % numentries;
hash[i].next = hash[j].index;
hash[j].index = i;
// scan all the lump names for each of the names,
// noting the highest frame letter.
for (i=0 ; i<numsprites ; i++)
const char *spritename = namelist[i];
int j = hash[R_SpriteNameHash(spritename) % numentries].index;
if (j >= 0)
memset(sprtemp, -1, sizeof(sprtemp));
maxframe = -1;
register lumpinfo_t *lump = lumpinfo + j + firstspritelump;
// Fast portable comparison -- killough
// (using int pointer cast is nonportable):
if (!((lump->name[0] ^ spritename[0]) |
(lump->name[1] ^ spritename[1]) |
(lump->name[2] ^ spritename[2]) |
(lump->name[3] ^ spritename[3])))
lump->name[4] - 'A',
lump->name[5] - '0',
if (lump->name[6])
lump->name[6] - 'A',
lump->name[7] - '0',
while ((j = hash[j].next) >= 0);
// check the frames that were found for completeness
if ((sprites[i].numframes = ++maxframe)) // killough 1/31/98
int frame;
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; frame++)
switch ((int) sprtemp[frame].rotate)
case -1:
// no rotations were found for that frame at all
I_Error ("R_InitSprites: No patches found "
"for %.8s frame %c", namelist[i], frame+'A');
case 0:
// only the first rotation is needed
case 1:
// must have all 8 frames
int rotation;
for (rotation=0 ; rotation<8 ; rotation++)
if (sprtemp[frame].lump[rotation] == -1)
I_Error ("R_InitSprites: Sprite %.8s frame %c "
"is missing rotations",
namelist[i], frame+'A');
// allocate space for the frames present and copy sprtemp to it
sprites[i].spriteframes =
Z_Malloc (maxframe * sizeof(spriteframe_t), PU_STATIC, NULL);
memcpy (sprites[i].spriteframes, sprtemp,
free(hash); // free hash table
static vissprite_t *vissprites, **vissprite_ptrs; // killough
static size_t num_vissprite, num_vissprite_alloc, num_vissprite_ptrs;
// R_InitSprites
// Called at program start.
void R_InitSprites(const char * const *namelist)
int i;
for (i=0; i<MAX_SCREENWIDTH; i++) // killough 2/8/98
negonearray[i] = -1;
// R_ClearSprites
// Called at frame start.
void R_ClearSprites (void)
num_vissprite = 0; // killough
// R_NewVisSprite
static vissprite_t *R_NewVisSprite(void)
if (num_vissprite >= num_vissprite_alloc) // killough
size_t num_vissprite_alloc_prev = num_vissprite_alloc;
num_vissprite_alloc = num_vissprite_alloc ? num_vissprite_alloc*2 : 128;
vissprites = realloc(vissprites,num_vissprite_alloc*sizeof(*vissprites));
//e6y: set all fields to zero
memset(vissprites + num_vissprite_alloc_prev, 0,
(num_vissprite_alloc - num_vissprite_alloc_prev)*sizeof(*vissprites));
return vissprites + num_vissprite++;
// R_DrawMaskedColumn
// Used for sprites and masked mid textures.
// Masked means: partly transparent, i.e. stored
// in posts/runs of opaque pixels.
int *mfloorclip; // dropoff overflow
int *mceilingclip; // dropoff overflow
fixed_t spryscale;
fixed_t sprtopscreen;
void R_DrawMaskedColumn(
const rpatch_t *patch,
R_DrawColumn_f colfunc,
draw_column_vars_t *dcvars,
const rcolumn_t *column,
const rcolumn_t *prevcolumn,
const rcolumn_t *nextcolumn
int i;
int topscreen;
int bottomscreen;
fixed_t basetexturemid = dcvars->texturemid;
dcvars->texheight = patch->height; // killough 11/98
for (i=0; i<column->numPosts; i++) {
const rpost_t *post = &column->posts[i];
// calculate unclipped screen coordinates for post
topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale*post->topdelta;
bottomscreen = topscreen + spryscale*post->length;
dcvars->yl = (topscreen+FRACUNIT-1)>>FRACBITS;
dcvars->yh = (bottomscreen-1)>>FRACBITS;
if (dcvars->yh >= mfloorclip[dcvars->x])
dcvars->yh = mfloorclip[dcvars->x]-1;
if (dcvars->yl <= mceilingclip[dcvars->x])
dcvars->yl = mceilingclip[dcvars->x]+1;
// killough 3/2/98, 3/27/98: Failsafe against overflow/crash:
if (dcvars->yl <= dcvars->yh && dcvars->yh < viewheight)
dcvars->source = column->pixels + post->topdelta;
dcvars->prevsource = prevcolumn->pixels + post->topdelta;
dcvars->nextsource = nextcolumn->pixels + post->topdelta;
dcvars->texturemid = basetexturemid - (post->topdelta<<FRACBITS);
dcvars->edgeslope = post->slope;
// Drawn by either R_DrawColumn
// or (SHADOW) R_DrawFuzzColumn.
dcvars->drawingmasked = 1; // POPE
colfunc (dcvars);
dcvars->drawingmasked = 0; // POPE
dcvars->texturemid = basetexturemid;
// R_DrawVisSprite
// mfloorclip and mceilingclip should also be set.
// CPhipps - new wad lump handling, *'s to const*'s
static void R_DrawVisSprite(vissprite_t *vis, int x1, int x2)
int texturecolumn;
fixed_t frac;
const rpatch_t *patch = R_CachePatchNum(vis->patch+firstspritelump);
R_DrawColumn_f colfunc;
draw_column_vars_t dcvars;
enum draw_filter_type_e filter;
enum draw_filter_type_e filterz;
if (vis->isplayersprite) {
dcvars.edgetype = drawvars.patch_edges;
filter = drawvars.filterpatch;
} else {
dcvars.edgetype = drawvars.sprite_edges;
filter = drawvars.filtersprite;
filterz = drawvars.filterz;
dcvars.colormap = vis->colormap;
dcvars.nextcolormap = dcvars.colormap; // for filtering -- POPE
// killough 4/11/98: rearrange and handle translucent sprites
// mixed with translucent/non-translucenct 2s normals
if (!dcvars.colormap) // NULL colormap = shadow draw
colfunc = R_GetDrawColumnFunc(RDC_PIPELINE_FUZZ, filter, filterz); // killough 3/14/98
if (vis->mobjflags & MF_TRANSLATION)
colfunc = R_GetDrawColumnFunc(RDC_PIPELINE_TRANSLATED, filter, filterz);
dcvars.translation = translationtables - 256 +
((vis->mobjflags & MF_TRANSLATION) >> (MF_TRANSSHIFT-8) );
if (vis->mobjflags & MF_TRANSLUCENT && general_translucency) // phares
colfunc = R_GetDrawColumnFunc(RDC_PIPELINE_TRANSLUCENT, filter, filterz);
tranmap = main_tranmap; // killough 4/11/98
colfunc = R_GetDrawColumnFunc(RDC_PIPELINE_STANDARD, filter, filterz); // killough 3/14/98, 4/11/98
// proff 11/06/98: Changed for high-res
dcvars.iscale = FixedDiv (FRACUNIT, vis->scale);
dcvars.texturemid = vis->texturemid;
frac = vis->startfrac;
if (filter == RDRAW_FILTER_LINEAR)
frac -= (FRACUNIT>>1);
spryscale = vis->scale;
sprtopscreen = centeryfrac - FixedMul(dcvars.texturemid,spryscale);
for (dcvars.x=vis->x1 ; dcvars.x<=vis->x2 ; dcvars.x++, frac += vis->xiscale)
texturecolumn = frac>>FRACBITS;
dcvars.texu = frac;
R_GetPatchColumnClamped(patch, texturecolumn),
R_GetPatchColumnClamped(patch, texturecolumn-1),
R_GetPatchColumnClamped(patch, texturecolumn+1)
R_UnlockPatchNum(vis->patch+firstspritelump); // cph - release lump
// R_ProjectSprite
// Generates a vissprite for a thing if it might be visible.
static void R_ProjectSprite (mobj_t* thing, int lightlevel)
fixed_t gzt; // killough 3/27/98
fixed_t tx;
fixed_t xscale;
int x1;
int x2;
spritedef_t *sprdef;
spriteframe_t *sprframe;
int lump;
boolean flip;
vissprite_t *vis;
fixed_t iscale;
int heightsec; // killough 3/27/98
// transform the origin point
fixed_t tr_x, tr_y;
fixed_t fx, fy, fz;
fixed_t gxt, gyt;
fixed_t tz;
int width;
if (movement_smooth)
fx = thing->PrevX + FixedMul (tic_vars.frac, thing->x - thing->PrevX);
fy = thing->PrevY + FixedMul (tic_vars.frac, thing->y - thing->PrevY);
fz = thing->PrevZ + FixedMul (tic_vars.frac, thing->z - thing->PrevZ);
fx = thing->x;
fy = thing->y;
fz = thing->z;
tr_x = fx - viewx;
tr_y = fy - viewy;
gxt = FixedMul(tr_x,viewcos);
gyt = -FixedMul(tr_y,viewsin);
tz = gxt-gyt;
// thing is behind view plane?
if (tz < MINZ)
xscale = FixedDiv(projection, tz);
gxt = -FixedMul(tr_x,viewsin);
gyt = FixedMul(tr_y,viewcos);
tx = -(gyt+gxt);
// too far off the side?
if (D_abs(tx)>(tz<<2))
// decide which patch to use for sprite relative to player
if ((unsigned) thing->sprite >= (unsigned)numsprites)
I_Error ("R_ProjectSprite: Invalid sprite number %i", thing->sprite);
sprdef = &sprites[thing->sprite];
if ((thing->frame&FF_FRAMEMASK) >= sprdef->numframes)
I_Error ("R_ProjectSprite: Invalid sprite frame %i : %i", thing->sprite,
if (!sprdef->spriteframes)
I_Error ("R_ProjectSprite: Missing spriteframes %i : %i", thing->sprite,
sprframe = &sprdef->spriteframes[thing->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK];
if (sprframe->rotate)
// choose a different rotation based on player view
angle_t ang = R_PointToAngle(fx, fy);
unsigned rot = (ang-thing->angle+(unsigned)(ANG45/2)*9)>>29;
lump = sprframe->lump[rot];
flip = (boolean) sprframe->flip[rot];
// use single rotation for all views
lump = sprframe->lump[0];
flip = (boolean) sprframe->flip[0];
const rpatch_t* patch = R_CachePatchNum(lump+firstspritelump);
/* calculate edges of the shape
* cph 2003/08/1 - fraggle points out that this offset must be flipped
* if the sprite is flipped; e.g. FreeDoom imp is messed up by this. */
if (flip) {
tx -= (patch->width - patch->leftoffset) << FRACBITS;
} else {
tx -= patch->leftoffset << FRACBITS;
x1 = (centerxfrac + FixedMul(tx,xscale)) >> FRACBITS;
tx += patch->width<<FRACBITS;
x2 = ((centerxfrac + FixedMul (tx,xscale) ) >> FRACBITS) - 1;
gzt = fz + (patch->topoffset << FRACBITS);
width = patch->width;
// off the side?
if (x1 > viewwidth || x2 < 0)
// killough 4/9/98: clip things which are out of view due to height
// e6y: fix of hanging decoration disappearing in Batman Doom MAP02
// centeryfrac -> viewheightfrac
if (fz > viewz + FixedDiv(viewheightfrac, xscale) ||
gzt < viewz - FixedDiv(viewheightfrac-viewheight, xscale))
// killough 3/27/98: exclude things totally separated
// from the viewer, by either water or fake ceilings
// killough 4/11/98: improve sprite clipping for underwater/fake ceilings
heightsec = thing->subsector->sector->heightsec;
if (heightsec != -1) // only clip things which are in special sectors
int phs = viewplayer->mo->subsector->sector->heightsec;
if (phs != -1 && viewz < sectors[phs].floorheight ?
fz >= sectors[heightsec].floorheight :
gzt < sectors[heightsec].floorheight)
if (phs != -1 && viewz > sectors[phs].ceilingheight ?
gzt < sectors[heightsec].ceilingheight &&
viewz >= sectors[heightsec].ceilingheight :
fz >= sectors[heightsec].ceilingheight)
// store information in a vissprite
vis = R_NewVisSprite ();
#ifdef GL_DOOM
if (V_GetMode() == VID_MODEGL)
// proff 11/99: add sprite for OpenGL
vis->thing = thing;
vis->flip = flip;
vis->scale = FixedDiv(projectiony, tz);
vis->patch = lump;
// killough 3/27/98: save sector for special clipping later
vis->heightsec = heightsec;
vis->mobjflags = thing->flags;
// proff 11/06/98: Changed for high-res
vis->scale = FixedDiv(projectiony, tz);
vis->gx = fx;
vis->gy = fy;
vis->gz = fz;
vis->gzt = gzt; // killough 3/27/98
vis->texturemid = vis->gzt - viewz;
vis->x1 = x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1;
vis->x2 = x2 >= viewwidth ? viewwidth-1 : x2;
iscale = FixedDiv (FRACUNIT, xscale);
if (flip)
vis->startfrac = (width<<FRACBITS)-1;
vis->xiscale = -iscale;
vis->startfrac = 0;
vis->xiscale = iscale;
if (vis->x1 > x1)
vis->startfrac += vis->xiscale*(vis->x1-x1);
vis->patch = lump;
// get light level
if (thing->flags & MF_SHADOW)
vis->colormap = NULL; // shadow draw
else if (fixedcolormap)
vis->colormap = fixedcolormap; // fixed map
else if (thing->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT)
vis->colormap = fullcolormap; // full bright // killough 3/20/98
{ // diminished light
vis->colormap = R_ColourMap(lightlevel,xscale);
// R_AddSprites
// During BSP traversal, this adds sprites by sector.
// killough 9/18/98: add lightlevel as parameter, fixing underwater lighting
void R_AddSprites(subsector_t* subsec, int lightlevel)
sector_t* sec=subsec->sector;
mobj_t *thing;
// BSP is traversed by subsector.
// A sector might have been split into several
// subsectors during BSP building.
// Thus we check whether its already added.
if (sec->validcount == validcount)
// Well, now it will be done.
sec->validcount = validcount;
// Handle all things in sector.
for (thing = sec->thinglist; thing; thing = thing->snext)
R_ProjectSprite(thing, lightlevel);
// R_DrawPSprite
static void R_DrawPSprite (pspdef_t *psp, int lightlevel)
int x1, x2;
spritedef_t *sprdef;
spriteframe_t *sprframe;
int lump;
boolean flip;
vissprite_t *vis;
vissprite_t avis;
int width;
fixed_t topoffset;
avis.isplayersprite = true;
// decide which patch to use
if ( (unsigned)psp->state->sprite >= (unsigned)numsprites)
I_Error ("R_ProjectSprite: Invalid sprite number %i", psp->state->sprite);
sprdef = &sprites[psp->state->sprite];
if ( (psp->state->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK) >= sprdef->numframes)
I_Error ("R_ProjectSprite: Invalid sprite frame %i : %li",
psp->state->sprite, psp->state->frame);
sprframe = &sprdef->spriteframes[psp->state->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK];
lump = sprframe->lump[0];
flip = (boolean) sprframe->flip[0];
const rpatch_t* patch = R_CachePatchNum(lump+firstspritelump);
// calculate edges of the shape
fixed_t tx;
tx = psp->sx-160*FRACUNIT;
tx -= patch->leftoffset<<FRACBITS;
x1 = (centerxfrac + FixedMul (tx,pspritescale))>>FRACBITS;
tx += patch->width<<FRACBITS;
x2 = ((centerxfrac + FixedMul (tx, pspritescale) ) >>FRACBITS) - 1;
width = patch->width;
topoffset = patch->topoffset<<FRACBITS;
// off the side
if (x2 < 0 || x1 > viewwidth)
// store information in a vissprite
vis = &avis;
vis->mobjflags = 0;
// killough 12/98: fix psprite positioning problem
vis->texturemid = (BASEYCENTER<<FRACBITS) /* + FRACUNIT/2 */ -
vis->x1 = x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1;
vis->x2 = x2 >= viewwidth ? viewwidth-1 : x2;
// proff 11/06/98: Added for high-res
vis->scale = pspriteyscale;
if (flip)
vis->xiscale = -pspriteiscale;
vis->startfrac = (width<<FRACBITS)-1;
vis->xiscale = pspriteiscale;
vis->startfrac = 0;
if (vis->x1 > x1)
vis->startfrac += vis->xiscale*(vis->x1-x1);
vis->patch = lump;
if (viewplayer->powers[pw_invisibility] > 4*32
|| viewplayer->powers[pw_invisibility] & 8)
vis->colormap = NULL; // shadow draw
else if (fixedcolormap)
vis->colormap = fixedcolormap; // fixed color
else if (psp->state->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT)
vis->colormap = fullcolormap; // full bright // killough 3/20/98
// add a fudge factor to better match the original game
vis->colormap = R_ColourMap(lightlevel,
FixedMul(pspritescale, 0x2b000)); // local light
// proff 11/99: don't use software stuff in OpenGL
if (V_GetMode() != VID_MODEGL)
R_DrawVisSprite(vis, vis->x1, vis->x2);
#ifdef GL_DOOM
int lightlevel;
sector_t tmpsec;
int floorlightlevel, ceilinglightlevel;
if ((vis->colormap==fixedcolormap) || (vis->colormap==fullcolormap))
// lightlevel = (viewplayer->mo->subsector->sector->lightlevel) + (extralight << LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
R_FakeFlat( viewplayer->mo->subsector->sector, &tmpsec,
&floorlightlevel, &ceilinglightlevel, false);
lightlevel = ((floorlightlevel+ceilinglightlevel) >> 1) + (extralight << LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
if (lightlevel < 0)
lightlevel = 0;
else if (lightlevel >= 255)
lightlevel = 255;
// R_DrawPlayerSprites
void R_DrawPlayerSprites(void)
int i, lightlevel = viewplayer->mo->subsector->sector->lightlevel;
pspdef_t *psp;
// clip to screen bounds
mfloorclip = screenheightarray;
mceilingclip = negonearray;
// add all active psprites
for (i=0, psp=viewplayer->psprites; i<NUMPSPRITES; i++,psp++)
if (psp->state)
R_DrawPSprite (psp, lightlevel);
// R_SortVisSprites
// Rewritten by Lee Killough to avoid using unnecessary
// linked lists, and to use faster sorting algorithm.
#ifdef DJGPP
// killough 9/22/98: inlined memcpy of pointer arrays
// CPhipps - added memory as modified
#define bcopyp(d, s, n) asm(" cld; rep; movsl;" :: "D"(d), "S"(s), "c"(n) : "%cc", "%esi", "%edi", "%ecx", "memory")
#define bcopyp(d, s, n) memcpy(d, s, (n) * sizeof(void *))
// killough 9/2/98: merge sort
static void msort(vissprite_t **s, vissprite_t **t, int n)
if (n >= 16)
int n1 = n/2, n2 = n - n1;
vissprite_t **s1 = s, **s2 = s + n1, **d = t;
msort(s1, t, n1);
msort(s2, t, n2);
while ((*s1)->scale > (*s2)->scale ?
(*d++ = *s1++, --n1) : (*d++ = *s2++, --n2));
if (n2)
bcopyp(d, s2, n2);
bcopyp(d, s1, n1);
bcopyp(s, t, n);
int i;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
vissprite_t *temp = s[i];
if (s[i-1]->scale < temp->scale)
int j = i;
while ((s[j] = s[j-1])->scale < temp->scale && --j);
s[j] = temp;
void R_SortVisSprites (void)
if (num_vissprite)
int i = num_vissprite;
// If we need to allocate more pointers for the vissprites,
// allocate as many as were allocated for sprites -- killough
// killough 9/22/98: allocate twice as many
if (num_vissprite_ptrs < num_vissprite*2)
free(vissprite_ptrs); // better than realloc -- no preserving needed
vissprite_ptrs = malloc((num_vissprite_ptrs = num_vissprite_alloc*2)
* sizeof *vissprite_ptrs);
while (--i>=0)
vissprite_ptrs[i] = vissprites+i;
// killough 9/22/98: replace qsort with merge sort, since the keys
// are roughly in order to begin with, due to BSP rendering.
msort(vissprite_ptrs, vissprite_ptrs + num_vissprite, num_vissprite);
// R_DrawSprite
static void R_DrawSprite (vissprite_t* spr)
drawseg_t *ds;
int clipbot[MAX_SCREENWIDTH]; // killough 2/8/98: // dropoff overflow
int cliptop[MAX_SCREENWIDTH]; // change to MAX_* // dropoff overflow
int x;
int r1;
int r2;
fixed_t scale;
fixed_t lowscale;
for (x = spr->x1 ; x<=spr->x2 ; x++)
clipbot[x] = cliptop[x] = -2;
// Scan drawsegs from end to start for obscuring segs.
// The first drawseg that has a greater scale is the clip seg.
// Modified by Lee Killough:
// (pointer check was originally nonportable
// and buggy, by going past LEFT end of array):
// for (ds=ds_p-1 ; ds >= drawsegs ; ds--) old buggy code
for (ds=ds_p ; ds-- > drawsegs ; ) // new -- killough
{ // determine if the drawseg obscures the sprite
if (ds->x1 > spr->x2 || ds->x2 < spr->x1 ||
(!ds->silhouette && !ds->maskedtexturecol))
continue; // does not cover sprite
r1 = ds->x1 < spr->x1 ? spr->x1 : ds->x1;
r2 = ds->x2 > spr->x2 ? spr->x2 : ds->x2;
if (ds->scale1 > ds->scale2)
lowscale = ds->scale2;
scale = ds->scale1;
lowscale = ds->scale1;
scale = ds->scale2;
if (scale < spr->scale || (lowscale < spr->scale &&
!R_PointOnSegSide (spr->gx, spr->gy, ds->curline)))
if (ds->maskedtexturecol) // masked mid texture?
R_RenderMaskedSegRange(ds, r1, r2);
continue; // seg is behind sprite
// clip this piece of the sprite
// killough 3/27/98: optimized and made much shorter
if (ds->silhouette&SIL_BOTTOM && spr->gz < ds->bsilheight) //bottom sil
for (x=r1 ; x<=r2 ; x++)
if (clipbot[x] == -2)
clipbot[x] = ds->sprbottomclip[x];
if (ds->silhouette&SIL_TOP && spr->gzt > ds->tsilheight) // top sil
for (x=r1 ; x<=r2 ; x++)
if (cliptop[x] == -2)
cliptop[x] = ds->sprtopclip[x];
// killough 3/27/98:
// Clip the sprite against deep water and/or fake ceilings.
// killough 4/9/98: optimize by adding mh
// killough 4/11/98: improve sprite clipping for underwater/fake ceilings
// killough 11/98: fix disappearing sprites
if (spr->heightsec != -1) // only things in specially marked sectors
fixed_t h,mh;
int phs = viewplayer->mo->subsector->sector->heightsec;
if ((mh = sectors[spr->heightsec].floorheight) > spr->gz &&
(h = centeryfrac - FixedMul(mh-=viewz, spr->scale)) >= 0 &&
(h >>= FRACBITS) < viewheight) {
if (mh <= 0 || (phs != -1 && viewz > sectors[phs].floorheight))
{ // clip bottom
for (x=spr->x1 ; x<=spr->x2 ; x++)
if (clipbot[x] == -2 || h < clipbot[x])
clipbot[x] = h;
else // clip top
if (phs != -1 && viewz <= sectors[phs].floorheight) // killough 11/98
for (x=spr->x1 ; x<=spr->x2 ; x++)
if (cliptop[x] == -2 || h > cliptop[x])
cliptop[x] = h;
if ((mh = sectors[spr->heightsec].ceilingheight) < spr->gzt &&
(h = centeryfrac - FixedMul(mh-viewz, spr->scale)) >= 0 &&
(h >>= FRACBITS) < viewheight) {
if (phs != -1 && viewz >= sectors[phs].ceilingheight)
{ // clip bottom
for (x=spr->x1 ; x<=spr->x2 ; x++)
if (clipbot[x] == -2 || h < clipbot[x])
clipbot[x] = h;
else // clip top
for (x=spr->x1 ; x<=spr->x2 ; x++)
if (cliptop[x] == -2 || h > cliptop[x])
cliptop[x] = h;
// killough 3/27/98: end special clipping for deep water / fake ceilings
// all clipping has been performed, so draw the sprite
// check for unclipped columns
for (x = spr->x1 ; x<=spr->x2 ; x++) {
if (clipbot[x] == -2)
clipbot[x] = viewheight;
if (cliptop[x] == -2)
cliptop[x] = -1;
mfloorclip = clipbot;
mceilingclip = cliptop;
R_DrawVisSprite (spr, spr->x1, spr->x2);
// R_DrawMasked
void R_DrawMasked(void)
int i;
drawseg_t *ds;
// draw all vissprites back to front
rendered_vissprites = num_vissprite;
for (i = num_vissprite ;--i>=0; )
R_DrawSprite(vissprite_ptrs[i]); // killough
// render any remaining masked mid textures
// Modified by Lee Killough:
// (pointer check was originally nonportable
// and buggy, by going past LEFT end of array):
// for (ds=ds_p-1 ; ds >= drawsegs ; ds--) old buggy code
for (ds=ds_p ; ds-- > drawsegs ; ) // new -- killough
if (ds->maskedtexturecol)
R_RenderMaskedSegRange(ds, ds->x1, ds->x2);
// draw the psprites on top of everything
// but does not draw on side views
if (!viewangleoffset)
R_DrawPlayerSprites ();