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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __SOUND__
#define __SOUND__
#include "idlib/math/Vector.h"
#include "framework/DeclManager.h"
#include "framework/DemoFile.h"
#include "renderer/Cinematic.h"
// unfortunately, our minDistance / maxDistance is specified in meters, and
// we have far too many of them to change at this time.
const float DOOM_TO_METERS = 0.0254f; // doom to meters
const float METERS_TO_DOOM = (1.0f/DOOM_TO_METERS); // meters to doom
class idSoundSample;
// sound shader flags
static const int SSF_PRIVATE_SOUND = BIT(0); // only plays for the current listenerId
static const int SSF_ANTI_PRIVATE_SOUND =BIT(1); // plays for everyone but the current listenerId
static const int SSF_NO_OCCLUSION = BIT(2); // don't flow through portals, only use straight line
static const int SSF_GLOBAL = BIT(3); // play full volume to all speakers and all listeners
static const int SSF_OMNIDIRECTIONAL = BIT(4); // fall off with distance, but play same volume in all speakers
static const int SSF_LOOPING = BIT(5); // repeat the sound continuously
static const int SSF_PLAY_ONCE = BIT(6); // never restart if already playing on any channel of a given emitter
static const int SSF_UNCLAMPED = BIT(7); // don't clamp calculated volumes at 1.0
static const int SSF_NO_FLICKER = BIT(8); // always return 1.0 for volume queries
static const int SSF_NO_DUPS = BIT(9); // try not to play the same sound twice in a row
// these options can be overriden from sound shader defaults on a per-emitter and per-channel basis
typedef struct {
float minDistance;
float maxDistance;
float volume; // in dB, unfortunately. Negative values get quieter
float shakes;
int soundShaderFlags; // SSF_* bit flags
int soundClass; // for global fading of sounds
} soundShaderParms_t;
const int SOUND_MAX_LIST_WAVS = 32;
// sound classes are used to fade most sounds down inside cinematics, leaving dialog
// flagged with a non-zero class full volume
const int SOUND_MAX_CLASSES = 4;
// it is somewhat tempting to make this a virtual class to hide the private
// details here, but that doesn't fit easily with the decl manager at the moment.
class idSoundShader : public idDecl {
idSoundShader( void );
virtual ~idSoundShader( void );
virtual size_t Size( void ) const;
virtual bool SetDefaultText( void );
virtual const char * DefaultDefinition( void ) const;
virtual bool Parse( const char *text, const int textLength );
virtual void FreeData( void );
virtual void List( void ) const;
virtual const char * GetDescription() const;
// so the editor can draw correct default sound spheres
// this is currently defined as meters, which sucks, IMHO.
virtual float GetMinDistance() const; // FIXME: replace this with a GetSoundShaderParms()
virtual float GetMaxDistance() const;
// returns NULL if an AltSound isn't defined in the shader.
// we use this for pairing a specific broken light sound with a normal light sound
virtual const idSoundShader *GetAltSound() const;
virtual bool HasDefaultSound() const;
virtual const soundShaderParms_t *GetParms() const;
virtual int GetNumSounds() const;
virtual const char * GetSound( int index ) const;
virtual bool CheckShakesAndOgg( void ) const;
friend class idSoundWorldLocal;
friend class idSoundEmitterLocal;
friend class idSoundChannel;
friend class idSoundCache;
// options from sound shader text
soundShaderParms_t parms; // can be overriden on a per-channel basis
bool onDemand; // only load when played, and free when finished
int speakerMask;
const idSoundShader * altSound;
idStr desc; // description
bool errorDuringParse;
float leadinVolume; // allows light breaking leadin sounds to be much louder than the broken loop
idSoundSample * leadins[SOUND_MAX_LIST_WAVS];
int numLeadins;
idSoundSample * entries[SOUND_MAX_LIST_WAVS];
int numEntries;
void Init( void );
bool ParseShader( idLexer &src );
// sound channels
static const int SCHANNEL_ANY = 0; // used in queries and commands to effect every channel at once, in
// startSound to have it not override any other channel
static const int SCHANNEL_ONE = 1; // any following integer can be used as a channel number
typedef int s_channelType; // the game uses its own series of enums, and we don't want to require casts
class idSoundEmitter {
virtual ~idSoundEmitter( void ) {}
// a non-immediate free will let all currently playing sounds complete
// soundEmitters are not actually deleted, they are just marked as
// reusable by the soundWorld
virtual void Free( bool immediate ) = 0;
// the parms specified will be the default overrides for all sounds started on this emitter.
// NULL is acceptable for parms
virtual void UpdateEmitter( const idVec3 &origin, int listenerId, const soundShaderParms_t *parms ) = 0;
// returns the length of the started sound in msec
virtual int StartSound( const idSoundShader *shader, const s_channelType channel, float diversity = 0, int shaderFlags = 0, bool allowSlow = true ) = 0;
// pass SCHANNEL_ANY to effect all channels
virtual void ModifySound( const s_channelType channel, const soundShaderParms_t *parms ) = 0;
virtual void StopSound( const s_channelType channel ) = 0;
// to is in Db (sigh), over is in seconds
virtual void FadeSound( const s_channelType channel, float to, float over ) = 0;
// returns true if there are any sounds playing from this emitter. There is some conservative
// slop at the end to remove inconsistent race conditions with the sound thread updates.
// FIXME: network game: on a dedicated server, this will always be false
virtual bool CurrentlyPlaying( void ) const = 0;
// returns a 0.0 to 1.0 value based on the current sound amplitude, allowing
// graphic effects to be modified in time with the audio.
// just samples the raw wav file, it doesn't account for volume overrides in the
virtual float CurrentAmplitude( void ) = 0;
// for save games. Index will always be > 0
virtual int Index( void ) const = 0;
There can be multiple independent sound worlds, just as there can be multiple
independent render worlds. The prime example is the editor sound preview
option existing simultaniously with a live game.
class idSoundWorld {
virtual ~idSoundWorld( void ) {}
// call at each map start
virtual void ClearAllSoundEmitters( void ) = 0;
virtual void StopAllSounds( void ) = 0;
// get a new emitter that can play sounds in this world
virtual idSoundEmitter *AllocSoundEmitter( void ) = 0;
// for load games, index 0 will return NULL
virtual idSoundEmitter *EmitterForIndex( int index ) = 0;
// query sound samples from all emitters reaching a given position
virtual float CurrentShakeAmplitudeForPosition( const int time, const idVec3 &listenerPosition ) = 0;
// where is the camera/microphone
// listenerId allows listener-private and antiPrivate sounds to be filtered
// gameTime is in msec, and is used to time sound queries and removals so that they are independent
// of any race conditions with the async update
virtual void PlaceListener( const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis, const int listenerId, const int gameTime, const idStr& areaName ) = 0;
// fade all sounds in the world with a given shader soundClass
// to is in Db (sigh), over is in seconds
virtual void FadeSoundClasses( const int soundClass, const float to, const float over ) = 0;
// background music
virtual void PlayShaderDirectly( const char *name, int channel = -1 ) = 0;
// dumps the current state and begins archiving commands
virtual void StartWritingDemo( idDemoFile *demo ) = 0;
virtual void StopWritingDemo() = 0;
// read a sound command from a demo file
virtual void ProcessDemoCommand( idDemoFile *demo ) = 0;
// pause and unpause the sound world
virtual void Pause( void ) = 0;
virtual void UnPause( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsPaused( void ) = 0;
// Write the sound output to multiple wav files. Note that this does not use the
// work done by AsyncUpdate, it mixes explicitly in the foreground every PlaceOrigin(),
// under the assumption that we are rendering out screenshots and the gameTime is going
// much slower than real time.
// path should not include an extension, and the generated filenames will be:
// <path>_left.raw, <path>_right.raw, or <path>_51left.raw, <path>_51right.raw,
// <path>_51center.raw, <path>_51lfe.raw, <path>_51backleft.raw, <path>_51backright.raw,
// If only two channel mixing is enabled, the left and right .raw files will also be
// combined into a stereo .wav file.
virtual void AVIOpen( const char *path, const char *name ) = 0;
virtual void AVIClose( void ) = 0;
// SaveGame / demo Support
virtual void WriteToSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) = 0;
virtual void ReadFromSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) = 0;
virtual void SetSlowmo( bool active ) = 0;
virtual void SetSlowmoSpeed( float speed ) = 0;
virtual void SetEnviroSuit( bool active ) = 0;
typedef struct {
idStr name;
idStr format;
int numChannels;
int numSamplesPerSecond;
int num44kHzSamples;
int numBytes;
bool looping;
float lastVolume;
int start44kHzTime;
int current44kHzTime;
} soundDecoderInfo_t;
class idSoundSystem {
virtual ~idSoundSystem( void ) {}
// all non-hardware initialization
virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
// shutdown routine
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
// sound is attached to the window, and must be recreated when the window is changed
virtual bool InitHW( void ) = 0;
virtual bool ShutdownHW( void ) = 0;
// asyn loop, called at 60Hz
virtual int AsyncUpdate( int time ) = 0;
// async loop, when the sound driver uses a write strategy
virtual int AsyncUpdateWrite( int time ) = 0;
// it is a good idea to mute everything when starting a new level,
// because sounds may be started before a valid listener origin
// is specified
virtual void SetMute( bool mute ) = 0;
// for the sound level meter window
virtual cinData_t ImageForTime( const int milliseconds, const bool waveform ) = 0;
// get sound decoder info
virtual int GetSoundDecoderInfo( int index, soundDecoderInfo_t &decoderInfo ) = 0;
// if rw == NULL, no portal occlusion or rendered debugging is available
virtual idSoundWorld * AllocSoundWorld( idRenderWorld *rw ) = 0;
// specifying NULL will cause silence to be played
virtual void SetPlayingSoundWorld( idSoundWorld *soundWorld ) = 0;
// some tools, like the sound dialog, may be used in both the game and the editor
// This can return NULL, so check!
virtual idSoundWorld * GetPlayingSoundWorld( void ) = 0;
// Mark all soundSamples as currently unused,
// but don't free anything.
virtual void BeginLevelLoad( void ) = 0;
// Free all soundSamples marked as unused
// We might want to defer the loading of new sounds to this point,
// as we do with images, to avoid having a union in memory at one time.
virtual void EndLevelLoad( const char *mapString ) = 0;
// direct mixing for OSes that support it
virtual int AsyncMix( int soundTime, float *mixBuffer ) = 0;
// prints memory info
virtual void PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t *mi ) = 0;
// is EFX support present - -1: disabled at compile time, 0: no suitable hardware, 1: ok
virtual int IsEFXAvailable( void ) = 0;
extern idSoundSystem *soundSystem;
#endif /* !__SOUND__ */