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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/FileSystem.h"
#include "framework/Session.h"
#include "renderer/RenderWorld.h"
#include "sound/snd_local.h"
void idSoundWorldLocal::Init( idRenderWorld *renderWorld ) {
rw = renderWorld;
writeDemo = NULL;
listenerPrivateId = 0;
listenerArea = 0;
listenerAreaName = "Undefined";
if (idSoundSystemLocal::useEFXReverb) {
if (!soundSystemLocal.alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot(listenerSlot)) {
soundSystemLocal.alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots(1, &listenerSlot);
ALuint e = alGetError();
if (e != AL_NO_ERROR) {
common->Warning("idSoundWorldLocal::Init: alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots failed: 0x%x", e);
listenerSlot = AL_EFFECTSLOT_NULL;
if (!soundSystemLocal.alIsFilter(listenerFilter)) {
soundSystemLocal.alGenFilters(1, &listenerFilter);
ALuint e = alGetError();
if (e != AL_NO_ERROR) {
common->Warning("idSoundWorldLocal::Init: alGenFilters failed: 0x%x", e);
listenerFilter = AL_FILTER_NULL;
} else {
soundSystemLocal.alFilteri(listenerFilter, AL_FILTER_TYPE, AL_FILTER_LOWPASS);
// original EAX occusion value was -1150
// default OCCLUSIONLFRATIO is 0.25
// pow(10.0, (-1150*0.25)/2000.0)
soundSystemLocal.alFilterf(listenerFilter, AL_LOWPASS_GAIN, 0.718208f);
// pow(10.0, -1150/2000.0)
soundSystemLocal.alFilterf(listenerFilter, AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF, 0.266073f);
gameMsec = 0;
game44kHz = 0;
pause44kHz = -1;
lastAVI44kHz = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < SOUND_MAX_CLASSES ; i++ ) {
// fill in the 0 index spot
idSoundEmitterLocal *placeHolder = new idSoundEmitterLocal;
emitters.Append( placeHolder );
fpa[0] = fpa[1] = fpa[2] = fpa[3] = fpa[4] = fpa[5] = NULL;
aviDemoPath = "";
aviDemoName = "";
localSound = NULL;
slowmoActive = false;
slowmoSpeed = 0;
enviroSuitActive = false;
idSoundWorldLocal::idSoundWorldLocal() {
idSoundWorldLocal::~idSoundWorldLocal() {
this is called from the main thread
void idSoundWorldLocal::Shutdown() {
int i;
if ( soundSystemLocal.currentSoundWorld == this ) {
soundSystemLocal.currentSoundWorld = NULL;
if (idSoundSystemLocal::useEFXReverb) {
if (soundSystemLocal.alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot(listenerSlot)) {
soundSystemLocal.alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(listenerSlot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, AL_EFFECTSLOT_NULL);
soundSystemLocal.alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots(1, &listenerSlot);
listenerSlot = AL_EFFECTSLOT_NULL;
if (soundSystemLocal.alIsFilter(listenerFilter)) {
soundSystemLocal.alDeleteFilters(1, &listenerFilter);
listenerFilter = AL_FILTER_NULL;
for ( i = 0; i < emitters.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( emitters[i] ) {
delete emitters[i];
emitters[i] = NULL;
localSound = NULL;
void idSoundWorldLocal::ClearAllSoundEmitters() {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < emitters.Num(); i++ ) {
idSoundEmitterLocal *sound = emitters[i];
localSound = NULL;
idSoundEmitterLocal *idSoundWorldLocal::AllocLocalSoundEmitter() {
int i, index;
idSoundEmitterLocal *def = NULL;
index = -1;
// never use the 0 index spot
for ( i = 1 ; i < emitters.Num() ; i++ ) {
def = emitters[i];
// check for a completed and freed spot
if ( def->removeStatus >= REMOVE_STATUS_SAMPLEFINISHED ) {
index = i;
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
common->Printf( "sound: recycling sound def %d\n", i );
if ( index == -1 ) {
// append a brand new one
def = new idSoundEmitterLocal;
// we need to protect this from the async thread
index = emitters.Append( def );
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
common->Printf( "sound: appended new sound def %d\n", index );
def->index = index;
def->removeStatus = REMOVE_STATUS_ALIVE;
def->soundWorld = this;
return def;
this is called from the main thread
idSoundEmitter *idSoundWorldLocal::AllocSoundEmitter() {
idSoundEmitterLocal *emitter = AllocLocalSoundEmitter();
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound.GetInteger() ) {
common->Printf( "AllocSoundEmitter = %i\n", emitter->index );
if ( writeDemo ) {
writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_SOUND );
writeDemo->WriteInt( SCMD_ALLOC_EMITTER );
writeDemo->WriteInt( emitter->index );
return emitter;
this is called from the main thread
void idSoundWorldLocal::StartWritingDemo( idDemoFile *demo ) {
writeDemo = demo;
writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_SOUND );
writeDemo->WriteInt( SCMD_STATE );
// use the normal save game code to archive all the emitters
WriteToSaveGame( writeDemo );
this is called from the main thread
void idSoundWorldLocal::StopWritingDemo() {
writeDemo = NULL;
this is called from the main thread
void idSoundWorldLocal::ProcessDemoCommand( idDemoFile *readDemo ) {
int index;
idSoundEmitterLocal *def;
if ( !readDemo ) {
int dc;
if ( !readDemo->ReadInt( dc ) ) {
switch( (soundDemoCommand_t)dc ) {
// we need to protect this from the async thread
// other instances of calling idSoundWorldLocal::ReadFromSaveGame do this while the sound code is muted
// setting muted and going right in may not be good enough here, as we async thread may already be in an async tick (in which case we could still race to it)
ReadFromSaveGame( readDemo );
idVec3 origin;
idMat3 axis;
int listenerId;
int gameTime;
readDemo->ReadVec3( origin );
readDemo->ReadMat3( axis );
readDemo->ReadInt( listenerId );
readDemo->ReadInt( gameTime );
PlaceListener( origin, axis, listenerId, gameTime, "" );
readDemo->ReadInt( index );
if ( index < 1 || index > emitters.Num() ) {
common->Error( "idSoundWorldLocal::ProcessDemoCommand: bad emitter number" );
if ( index == emitters.Num() ) {
// append a brand new one
def = new idSoundEmitterLocal;
emitters.Append( def );
def = emitters[ index ];
def->index = index;
def->removeStatus = REMOVE_STATUS_ALIVE;
def->soundWorld = this;
int immediate;
readDemo->ReadInt( index );
readDemo->ReadInt( immediate );
EmitterForIndex( index )->Free( immediate != 0 );
idVec3 origin;
int listenerId;
soundShaderParms_t parms;
readDemo->ReadInt( index );
readDemo->ReadVec3( origin );
readDemo->ReadInt( listenerId );
readDemo->ReadFloat( parms.minDistance );
readDemo->ReadFloat( parms.maxDistance );
readDemo->ReadFloat( parms.volume );
readDemo->ReadFloat( parms.shakes );
readDemo->ReadInt( parms.soundShaderFlags );
readDemo->ReadInt( parms.soundClass );
EmitterForIndex( index )->UpdateEmitter( origin, listenerId, &parms );
const idSoundShader *shader;
int channel;
float diversity;
int shaderFlags;
readDemo->ReadInt( index );
shader = declManager->FindSound( readDemo->ReadHashString() );
readDemo->ReadInt( channel );
readDemo->ReadFloat( diversity );
readDemo->ReadInt( shaderFlags );
EmitterForIndex( index )->StartSound( shader, (s_channelType)channel, diversity, shaderFlags );
int channel;
soundShaderParms_t parms;
readDemo->ReadInt( index );
readDemo->ReadInt( channel );
readDemo->ReadFloat( parms.minDistance );
readDemo->ReadFloat( parms.maxDistance );
readDemo->ReadFloat( parms.volume );
readDemo->ReadFloat( parms.shakes );
readDemo->ReadInt( parms.soundShaderFlags );
readDemo->ReadInt( parms.soundClass );
EmitterForIndex( index )->ModifySound( (s_channelType)channel, &parms );
int channel;
readDemo->ReadInt( index );
readDemo->ReadInt( channel );
EmitterForIndex( index )->StopSound( (s_channelType)channel );
int channel;
float to, over;
readDemo->ReadInt( index );
readDemo->ReadInt( channel );
readDemo->ReadFloat( to );
readDemo->ReadFloat( over );
EmitterForIndex( index )->FadeSound((s_channelType)channel, to, over );
this is called from the main thread
float idSoundWorldLocal::CurrentShakeAmplitudeForPosition( const int time, const idVec3 &listererPosition ) {
float amp = 0.0f;
int localTime;
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_constantAmplitude.GetFloat() >= 0.0f ) {
return 0.0f;
localTime = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime();
for ( int i = 1; i < emitters.Num(); i++ ) {
idSoundEmitterLocal *sound = emitters[i];
if ( !sound->hasShakes ) {
amp += FindAmplitude( sound, localTime, &listererPosition, SCHANNEL_ANY, true );
return amp;
Sum all sound contributions into finalMixBuffer, an unclamped float buffer holding
all output channels. MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES samples will be created, with each sample consisting
of 2 or 6 floats depending on numSpeakers.
this is normally called from the sound thread, but also from the main thread
for AVIdemo writing
void idSoundWorldLocal::MixLoop( int current44kHz, int numSpeakers, float *finalMixBuffer ) {
int i, j;
idSoundEmitterLocal *sound;
// if noclip flying outside the world, leave silence
if ( listenerArea == -1 ) {
alListenerf( AL_GAIN, 0.0f );
// update the listener position and orientation
ALfloat listenerPosition[3];
listenerPosition[0] = -listenerPos.y;
listenerPosition[1] = listenerPos.z;
listenerPosition[2] = -listenerPos.x;
ALfloat listenerOrientation[6];
listenerOrientation[0] = -listenerAxis[0].y;
listenerOrientation[1] = listenerAxis[0].z;
listenerOrientation[2] = -listenerAxis[0].x;
listenerOrientation[3] = -listenerAxis[2].y;
listenerOrientation[4] = listenerAxis[2].z;
listenerOrientation[5] = -listenerAxis[2].x;
alListenerf( AL_GAIN, 1.0f );
alListenerfv( AL_POSITION, listenerPosition );
alListenerfv( AL_ORIENTATION, listenerOrientation );
if (idSoundSystemLocal::useEFXReverb && soundSystemLocal.efxloaded) {
ALuint effect = 0;
idStr s(listenerArea);
bool found = soundSystemLocal.EFXDatabase.FindEffect(s, &effect);
if (!found) {
s = listenerAreaName;
found = soundSystemLocal.EFXDatabase.FindEffect(s, &effect);
if (!found) {
s = "default";
found = soundSystemLocal.EFXDatabase.FindEffect(s, &effect);
// only update if change in settings
if (found && listenerEffect != effect) {
EFXprintf("Switching to EFX '%s' (#%u)\n", s.c_str(), effect);
listenerEffect = effect;
soundSystemLocal.alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(listenerSlot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, effect);
// debugging option to mute all but a single soundEmitter
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_singleEmitter.GetInteger() > 0 && idSoundSystemLocal::s_singleEmitter.GetInteger() < emitters.Num() ) {
sound = emitters[idSoundSystemLocal::s_singleEmitter.GetInteger()];
if ( sound && sound->playing ) {
// run through all the channels
for ( j = 0; j < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS ; j++ ) {
idSoundChannel *chan = &sound->channels[j];
// see if we have a sound triggered on this channel
if ( !chan->triggerState ) {
AddChannelContribution( sound, chan, current44kHz, numSpeakers, finalMixBuffer );
for ( i = 1; i < emitters.Num(); i++ ) {
sound = emitters[i];
if ( !sound ) {
// if no channels are active, do nothing
if ( !sound->playing ) {
// run through all the channels
for ( j = 0; j < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS ; j++ ) {
idSoundChannel *chan = &sound->channels[j];
// see if we have a sound triggered on this channel
if ( !chan->triggerState ) {
AddChannelContribution( sound, chan, current44kHz, numSpeakers, finalMixBuffer );
// TODO port to OpenAL
if ( false && enviroSuitActive ) {
soundSystemLocal.DoEnviroSuit( finalMixBuffer, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES, numSpeakers );
this is called by the main thread
void idSoundWorldLocal::AVIOpen( const char *path, const char *name ) {
aviDemoPath = path;
aviDemoName = name;
lastAVI44kHz = game44kHz - game44kHz % MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES;
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger() == 6 ) {
fpa[0] = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( aviDemoPath + "channel_51_left.raw" );
fpa[1] = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( aviDemoPath + "channel_51_right.raw" );
fpa[2] = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( aviDemoPath + "channel_51_center.raw" );
fpa[3] = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( aviDemoPath + "channel_51_lfe.raw" );
fpa[4] = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( aviDemoPath + "channel_51_backleft.raw" );
fpa[5] = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( aviDemoPath + "channel_51_backright.raw" );
} else {
fpa[0] = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( aviDemoPath + "channel_left.raw" );
fpa[1] = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( aviDemoPath + "channel_right.raw" );
soundSystemLocal.SetMute( true );
this is called by the main thread
writes one block of sound samples if enough time has passed
This can be used to write wave files even if no sound hardware exists
void idSoundWorldLocal::AVIUpdate() {
int numSpeakers;
if ( game44kHz - lastAVI44kHz < MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES ) {
numSpeakers = idSoundSystemLocal::s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger();
float mix[MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES*6+16];
float *mix_p = (float *)((( intptr_t)mix + 15 ) & ~15); // SIMD align
SIMDProcessor->Memset( mix_p, 0, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES*sizeof(float)*numSpeakers );
MixLoop( lastAVI44kHz, numSpeakers, mix_p );
for ( int i = 0; i < numSpeakers; i++ ) {
for( int j = 0; j < MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES; j++ ) {
float s = mix_p[ j*numSpeakers + i];
if ( s < -32768.0f ) {
outD[j] = -32768;
} else if ( s > 32767.0f ) {
outD[j] = 32767;
} else {
outD[j] = idMath::FtoiFast( s );
// write to file
fpa[i]->Write( outD, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES*sizeof(short) );
void idSoundWorldLocal::AVIClose( void ) {
int i;
if ( !fpa[0] ) {
// make sure the final block is written
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
if ( fpa[i] != NULL ) {
fileSystem->CloseFile( fpa[i] );
fpa[i] = NULL;
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger() == 2 ) {
// convert it to a wave file
idFile *rL, *lL, *wO;
idStr name;
name = aviDemoPath + aviDemoName + ".wav";
wO = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( name );
if ( !wO ) {
common->Error( "Couldn't write %s", name.c_str() );
name = aviDemoPath + "channel_right.raw";
rL = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( name );
if ( !rL ) {
common->Error( "Couldn't open %s", name.c_str() );
name = aviDemoPath + "channel_left.raw";
lL = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( name );
if ( !lL ) {
common->Error( "Couldn't open %s", name.c_str() );
int numSamples = rL->Length()/2;
mminfo_t info;
pcmwaveformat_t format;
info.ckid = fourcc_riff;
info.fccType = mmioFOURCC( 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E' );
info.cksize = (rL->Length()*2) - 8 + 4 + 16 + 8 + 8;
info.dwDataOffset = 12;
wO->Write( &info, 12 );
info.ckid = mmioFOURCC( 'f', 'm', 't', ' ' );
info.cksize = 16;
wO->Write( &info, 8 );
format.wBitsPerSample = 16;
format.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = 44100*4; // sample rate * block align
format.wf.nChannels = 2;
format.wf.nSamplesPerSec = 44100;
format.wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_TAG_PCM;
format.wf.nBlockAlign = 4; // channels * bits/sample / 8
wO->Write( &format, 16 );
info.ckid = mmioFOURCC( 'd', 'a', 't', 'a' );
info.cksize = rL->Length() * 2;
wO->Write( &info, 8 );
short s0, s1;
for( i = 0; i < numSamples; i++ ) {
lL->Read( &s0, 2 );
rL->Read( &s1, 2 );
wO->Write( &s0, 2 );
wO->Write( &s1, 2 );
fileSystem->CloseFile( wO );
fileSystem->CloseFile( lL );
fileSystem->CloseFile( rL );
fileSystem->RemoveFile( aviDemoPath + "channel_right.raw" );
fileSystem->RemoveFile( aviDemoPath + "channel_left.raw" );
soundSystemLocal.SetMute( false );
Find out of the sound is completely occluded by a closed door portal, or
the virtual sound origin position at the portal closest to the listener.
this is called by the main thread
dist is the distance from the orignial sound origin to the current portal that enters soundArea
def->distance is the distance we are trying to reduce.
If there is no path through open portals from the sound to the listener, def->distance will remain
set at maxDistance
static const int MAX_PORTAL_TRACE_DEPTH = 10;
void idSoundWorldLocal::ResolveOrigin( const int stackDepth, const soundPortalTrace_t *prevStack, const int soundArea, const float dist, const idVec3& soundOrigin, idSoundEmitterLocal *def ) {
if ( dist >= def->distance ) {
// we can't possibly hear the sound through this chain of portals
if ( soundArea == listenerArea ) {
float fullDist = dist + (soundOrigin - listenerQU).LengthFast();
if ( fullDist < def->distance ) {
def->distance = fullDist;
def->spatializedOrigin = soundOrigin;
if ( stackDepth == MAX_PORTAL_TRACE_DEPTH ) {
// don't spend too much time doing these calculations in big maps
soundPortalTrace_t newStack;
newStack.portalArea = soundArea;
newStack.prevStack = prevStack;
int numPortals = rw->NumPortalsInArea( soundArea );
for( int p = 0; p < numPortals; p++ ) {
exitPortal_t re = rw->GetPortal( soundArea, p );
float occlusionDistance = 0;
// air blocking windows will block sound like closed doors
if ( (re.blockingBits & ( PS_BLOCK_VIEW | PS_BLOCK_AIR ) ) ) {
// we could just completely cut sound off, but reducing the volume works better
// continue;
occlusionDistance = idSoundSystemLocal::s_doorDistanceAdd.GetFloat();
// what area are we about to go look at
int otherArea = re.areas[0];
if ( re.areas[0] == soundArea ) {
otherArea = re.areas[1];
// if this area is already in our portal chain, don't bother looking into it
const soundPortalTrace_t *prev;
for ( prev = prevStack ; prev ; prev = prev->prevStack ) {
if ( prev->portalArea == otherArea ) {
if ( prev ) {
// pick a point on the portal to serve as our virtual sound origin
#if 1
idVec3 source;
idPlane pl;
re.w->GetPlane( pl );
float scale;
idVec3 dir = listenerQU - soundOrigin;
if ( !pl.RayIntersection( soundOrigin, dir, scale ) ) {
source = re.w->GetCenter();
} else {
source = soundOrigin + scale * dir;
// if this point isn't inside the portal edges, slide it in
for ( int i = 0 ; i < re.w->GetNumPoints() ; i++ ) {
int j = ( i + 1 ) % re.w->GetNumPoints();
idVec3 edgeDir = (*(re.w))[j].ToVec3() - (*(re.w))[i].ToVec3();
idVec3 edgeNormal;
edgeNormal.Cross( pl.Normal(), edgeDir );
idVec3 fromVert = source - (*(re.w))[j].ToVec3();
float d = edgeNormal * fromVert;
if ( d > 0 ) {
// move it in
float div = edgeNormal.Normalize();
d /= div;
source -= d * edgeNormal;
// clip the ray from the listener to the center of the portal by
// all the portal edge planes, then project that point (or the original if not clipped)
// onto the portal plane to get the spatialized origin
idVec3 start = listenerQU;
idVec3 mid = re.w->GetCenter();
bool wasClipped = false;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < re.w->GetNumPoints() ; i++ ) {
int j = ( i + 1 ) % re.w->GetNumPoints();
idVec3 v1 = (*(re.w))[j].ToVec3() - soundOrigin;
idVec3 v2 = (*(re.w))[i].ToVec3() - soundOrigin;
idVec3 edgeNormal;
edgeNormal.Cross( v1, v2 );
idVec3 fromVert = start - soundOrigin;
float d1 = edgeNormal * fromVert;
if ( d1 > 0.0f ) {
fromVert = mid - (*(re.w))[j].ToVec3();
float d2 = edgeNormal * fromVert;
// move it in
float f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 );
idVec3 clipped = start * ( 1.0f - f ) + mid * f;
start = clipped;
wasClipped = true;
idVec3 source;
if ( wasClipped ) {
// now project it onto the portal plane
idPlane pl;
re.w->GetPlane( pl );
float f1 = pl.Distance( start );
float f2 = pl.Distance( soundOrigin );
float f = f1 / ( f1 - f2 );
source = start * ( 1.0f - f ) + soundOrigin * f;
} else {
source = soundOrigin;
idVec3 tlen = source - soundOrigin;
float tlenLength = tlen.LengthFast();
ResolveOrigin( stackDepth+1, &newStack, otherArea, dist+tlenLength+occlusionDistance, source, def );
this is called by the main thread
void idSoundWorldLocal::PlaceListener( const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis,
const int listenerId, const int gameTime, const idStr& areaName ) {
int current44kHzTime;
if ( !soundSystemLocal.isInitialized ) {
if ( pause44kHz >= 0 ){
if ( writeDemo ) {
writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_SOUND );
writeDemo->WriteInt( SCMD_PLACE_LISTENER );
writeDemo->WriteVec3( origin );
writeDemo->WriteMat3( axis );
writeDemo->WriteInt( listenerId );
writeDemo->WriteInt( gameTime );
current44kHzTime = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime();
// we usually expect gameTime to be increasing by 16 or 32 msec, but when
// a cinematic is fast-forward skipped through, it can jump by a significant
// amount, while the hardware 44kHz position will not have changed accordingly,
// which would make sounds (like long character speaches) continue from the
// old time. Fix this by killing all non-looping sounds
if ( gameTime > gameMsec + 500 ) {
OffsetSoundTime( - ( gameTime - gameMsec ) * 0.001f * 44100.0f );
gameMsec = gameTime;
if ( fpa[0] ) {
// exactly 30 fps so the wave file can be used for exact video frames
game44kHz = idMath::FtoiFast( gameMsec * ( ( 1000.0f / 60.0f ) / 16.0f ) * 0.001f * 44100.0f );
} else {
// the normal 16 msec / frame
game44kHz = idMath::FtoiFast( gameMsec * 0.001f * 44100.0f );
listenerPrivateId = listenerId;
listenerQU = origin; // Doom units
listenerPos = origin * DOOM_TO_METERS; // meters
listenerAxis = axis;
listenerAreaName = areaName;
if ( rw ) {
listenerArea = rw->PointInArea( listenerQU ); // where are we?
} else {
listenerArea = 0;
if ( listenerArea < 0 ) {
ForegroundUpdate( current44kHzTime );
void idSoundWorldLocal::ForegroundUpdate( int current44kHzTime ) {
int j, k;
idSoundEmitterLocal *def;
if ( !soundSystemLocal.isInitialized ) {
// if we are recording an AVI demo, don't use hardware time
if ( fpa[0] ) {
current44kHzTime = lastAVI44kHz;
// check to see if each sound is visible or not
// speed up by checking maxdistance to origin
// although the sound may still need to play if it has
// just become occluded so it can ramp down to 0
for ( j = 1; j < emitters.Num(); j++ ) {
def = emitters[j];
if ( def->removeStatus >= REMOVE_STATUS_SAMPLEFINISHED ) {
// see if our last channel just finished
def->CheckForCompletion( current44kHzTime );
if ( !def->playing ) {
// update virtual origin / distance, etc
def->Spatialize( listenerPos, listenerArea, rw );
// per-sound debug options
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_drawSounds.GetInteger() && rw ) {
if ( def->distance < def->maxDistance || idSoundSystemLocal::s_drawSounds.GetInteger() > 1 ) {
idBounds ref;
ref.AddPoint( idVec3( -10, -10, -10 ) );
ref.AddPoint( idVec3( 10, 10, 10 ) );
float vis = (1.0f - (def->distance / def->maxDistance));
// draw a box
rw->DebugBounds( idVec4( vis, 0.25f, vis, vis ), ref, def->origin );
// draw an arrow to the audible position, possible a portal center
if ( def->origin != def->spatializedOrigin ) {
rw->DebugArrow( colorRed, def->origin, def->spatializedOrigin, 4 );
// draw the index
idVec3 textPos = def->origin;
textPos[2] -= 8;
rw->DrawText( va("%i", def->index), textPos, 0.1f, idVec4(1,0,0,1), listenerAxis );
textPos[2] += 8;
// run through all the channels
for ( k = 0; k < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS ; k++ ) {
idSoundChannel *chan = &def->channels[k];
// see if we have a sound triggered on this channel
if ( !chan->triggerState ) {
char text[1024];
float min = chan->parms.minDistance;
float max = chan->parms.maxDistance;
const char *defaulted = chan->leadinSample->defaultSound ? "(DEFAULTED)" : "";
sprintf( text, "%s (%i/%i %i/%i)%s", chan->soundShader->GetName(), (int)def->distance,
(int)def->realDistance, (int)min, (int)max, defaulted );
rw->DrawText( text, textPos, 0.1f, idVec4(1,0,0,1), listenerAxis );
textPos[2] += 8;
// the sound meter
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_showLevelMeter.GetInteger() ) {
const idMaterial *gui = declManager->FindMaterial( "guis/assets/soundmeter/audiobg", false );
if ( gui ) {
const shaderStage_t *foo = gui->GetStage(0);
if ( !foo->texture.cinematic ) {
((shaderStage_t *)foo)->texture.cinematic = new idSndWindow;
// optionally dump out the generated sound
if ( fpa[0] ) {
void idSoundWorldLocal::OffsetSoundTime( int offset44kHz ) {
int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < emitters.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( emitters[i] == NULL ) {
for ( j = 0; j < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; j++ ) {
idSoundChannel *chan = &emitters[i]->channels[ j ];
if ( !chan->triggerState ) {
chan->trigger44kHzTime += offset44kHz;
void idSoundWorldLocal::WriteToSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) {
int i, j, num, currentSoundTime;
const char *name;
// the game soundworld is always paused at this point, save that time down
if ( pause44kHz > 0 ) {
currentSoundTime = pause44kHz;
} else {
currentSoundTime = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime();
// write listener data
num = emitters.Num();
for ( i = 1; i < emitters.Num(); i++ ) {
idSoundEmitterLocal *def = emitters[i];
if ( def->removeStatus != REMOVE_STATUS_ALIVE ) {
int skip = -1;
savefile->Write( &skip, sizeof( skip ) );
// Write the emitter data
savefile->WriteVec3( def->origin );
savefile->WriteInt( def->listenerId );
WriteToSaveGameSoundShaderParams( savefile, &def->parms );
savefile->WriteFloat( def->amplitude );
savefile->WriteInt( def->ampTime );
for (int k = 0; k < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; k++)
WriteToSaveGameSoundChannel( savefile, &def->channels[k] );
savefile->WriteFloat( def->distance );
savefile->WriteBool( def->hasShakes );
savefile->WriteInt( def->lastValidPortalArea );
savefile->WriteFloat( def->maxDistance );
savefile->WriteBool( def->playing );
savefile->WriteFloat( def->realDistance );
savefile->WriteInt( def->removeStatus );
savefile->WriteVec3( def->spatializedOrigin );
// write the channel data
for( j = 0; j < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; j++ ) {
idSoundChannel *chan = &def->channels[ j ];
// Write out any sound commands for this def
if ( chan->triggerState && chan->soundShader && chan->leadinSample ) {
savefile->WriteInt( j );
// write the pointers out separately
name = chan->soundShader->GetName();
savefile->WriteString( name );
name = chan->leadinSample->name;
savefile->WriteString( name );
// End active channels with -1
int end = -1;
savefile->WriteInt( end );
// new in Doom3 v1.2
savefile->Write( &slowmoActive, sizeof( slowmoActive ) );
savefile->Write( &slowmoSpeed, sizeof( slowmoSpeed ) );
savefile->Write( &enviroSuitActive, sizeof( enviroSuitActive ) );
void idSoundWorldLocal::WriteToSaveGameSoundShaderParams( idFile *saveGame, soundShaderParms_t *params ) {
void idSoundWorldLocal::WriteToSaveGameSoundChannel( idFile *saveGame, idSoundChannel *ch ) {
saveGame->WriteBool( ch->triggerState );
saveGame->WriteUnsignedChar( 0 );
saveGame->WriteUnsignedChar( 0 );
saveGame->WriteUnsignedChar( 0 );
saveGame->WriteInt( ch->trigger44kHzTime );
saveGame->WriteInt( ch->triggerGame44kHzTime );
WriteToSaveGameSoundShaderParams( saveGame, &ch->parms );
saveGame->WriteInt( 0 /* ch->leadinSample */ );
saveGame->WriteInt( ch->triggerChannel );
saveGame->WriteInt( 0 /* ch->soundShader */ );
saveGame->WriteInt( 0 /* ch->decoder */ );
saveGame->WriteFloat(ch->diversity );
saveGame->WriteFloat(ch->lastVolume );
for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
saveGame->WriteFloat( ch->lastV[m] );
saveGame->WriteInt( ch->channelFade.fadeStart44kHz );
saveGame->WriteInt( ch->channelFade.fadeEnd44kHz );
saveGame->WriteFloat( ch->channelFade.fadeStartVolume );
saveGame->WriteFloat( ch->channelFade.fadeEndVolume );
void idSoundWorldLocal::ReadFromSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) {
int i, num, handle, listenerId, gameTime, channel;
int savedSoundTime, currentSoundTime, soundTimeOffset;
idSoundEmitterLocal *def;
idVec3 origin;
idMat3 axis;
idStr soundShader;
savefile->ReadVec3( origin );
savefile->ReadMat3( axis );
savefile->ReadInt( listenerId );
savefile->ReadInt( gameTime );
savefile->ReadInt( game44kHz );
savefile->ReadInt( savedSoundTime );
// we will adjust the sound starting times from those saved with the demo
currentSoundTime = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime();
soundTimeOffset = currentSoundTime - savedSoundTime;
// at the end of the level load we unpause the sound world and adjust the sound starting times once more
pause44kHz = currentSoundTime;
// place listener
PlaceListener( origin, axis, listenerId, gameTime, "Undefined" );
// make sure there are enough
// slots to read the saveGame in. We don't shrink the list
// if there are extras.
savefile->ReadInt( num );
while( emitters.Num() < num ) {
def = new idSoundEmitterLocal;
def->index = emitters.Append( def );
def->soundWorld = this;
// read in the state
for ( i = 1; i < num; i++ ) {
savefile->ReadInt( handle );
if ( handle < 0 ) {
if ( handle != i ) {
common->Error( "idSoundWorldLocal::ReadFromSaveGame: index mismatch" );
def = emitters[i];
def->removeStatus = REMOVE_STATUS_ALIVE;
def->playing = true; // may be reset by the first UpdateListener
savefile->ReadVec3( def->origin );
savefile->ReadInt( def->listenerId );
ReadFromSaveGameSoundShaderParams( savefile, &def->parms );
savefile->ReadFloat( def->amplitude );
savefile->ReadInt( def->ampTime );
for (int k = 0; k < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; k++)
ReadFromSaveGameSoundChannel( savefile, &def->channels[k] );
savefile->ReadFloat( def->distance );
savefile->ReadBool( def->hasShakes );
savefile->ReadInt( def->lastValidPortalArea );
savefile->ReadFloat( def->maxDistance );
savefile->ReadBool( def->playing );
savefile->ReadFloat( def->realDistance );
savefile->ReadInt( (int&)def->removeStatus );
savefile->ReadVec3( def->spatializedOrigin );
// read the individual channels
savefile->ReadInt( channel );
while ( channel >= 0 ) {
if ( channel > SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS ) {
common->Error( "idSoundWorldLocal::ReadFromSaveGame: channel > SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS" );
idSoundChannel *chan = &def->channels[channel];
if ( !chan->decoder ) {
// The pointer in the save file is not valid, so we grab a new one
chan->decoder = idSampleDecoder::Alloc();
savefile->ReadString( soundShader );
chan->soundShader = declManager->FindSound( soundShader );
savefile->ReadString( soundShader );
// load savegames with s_noSound 1
if ( soundSystemLocal.soundCache ) {
chan->leadinSample = soundSystemLocal.soundCache->FindSound( soundShader, false );
} else {
chan->leadinSample = NULL;
// adjust the hardware start time
chan->trigger44kHzTime += soundTimeOffset;
// make sure we start up the hardware voice if needed
chan->triggered = chan->triggerState;
chan->openalStreamingOffset = currentSoundTime - chan->trigger44kHzTime;
// adjust the hardware fade time
if ( chan->channelFade.fadeStart44kHz != 0 ) {
chan->channelFade.fadeStart44kHz += soundTimeOffset;
chan->channelFade.fadeEnd44kHz += soundTimeOffset;
// next command
savefile->ReadInt( channel );
if ( session->GetSaveGameVersion() >= 17 ) {
savefile->Read( &slowmoActive, sizeof( slowmoActive ) );
savefile->Read( &slowmoSpeed, sizeof( slowmoSpeed ) );
savefile->Read( &enviroSuitActive, sizeof( enviroSuitActive ) );
} else {
slowmoActive = false;
slowmoSpeed = 0;
enviroSuitActive = false;
void idSoundWorldLocal::ReadFromSaveGameSoundShaderParams( idFile *saveGame, soundShaderParms_t *params ) {
void idSoundWorldLocal::ReadFromSaveGameSoundChannel( idFile *saveGame, idSoundChannel *ch ) {
saveGame->ReadBool( ch->triggerState );
char tmp;
int i;
saveGame->ReadChar( tmp );
saveGame->ReadChar( tmp );
saveGame->ReadChar( tmp );
saveGame->ReadInt( ch->trigger44kHzTime );
saveGame->ReadInt( ch->triggerGame44kHzTime );
ReadFromSaveGameSoundShaderParams( saveGame, &ch->parms );
saveGame->ReadInt( i );
ch->leadinSample = NULL;
saveGame->ReadInt( ch->triggerChannel );
saveGame->ReadInt( i );
ch->soundShader = NULL;
saveGame->ReadInt( i );
ch->decoder = NULL;
saveGame->ReadFloat(ch->diversity );
saveGame->ReadFloat(ch->lastVolume );
for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
saveGame->ReadFloat( ch->lastV[m] );
saveGame->ReadInt( ch->channelFade.fadeStart44kHz );
saveGame->ReadInt( ch->channelFade.fadeEnd44kHz );
saveGame->ReadFloat( ch->channelFade.fadeStartVolume );
saveGame->ReadFloat( ch->channelFade.fadeEndVolume );
idSoundEmitter *idSoundWorldLocal::EmitterForIndex( int index ) {
if ( index == 0 ) {
return NULL;
if ( index >= emitters.Num() ) {
common->Error( "idSoundWorldLocal::EmitterForIndex: %i > %i", index, emitters.Num() );
return emitters[index];
this is called from the main thread
void idSoundWorldLocal::StopAllSounds() {
for ( int i = 0; i < emitters.Num(); i++ ) {
idSoundEmitterLocal * def = emitters[i];
def->StopSound( SCHANNEL_ANY );
void idSoundWorldLocal::Pause( void ) {
if ( pause44kHz >= 0 ) {
common->Warning( "idSoundWorldLocal::Pause: already paused" );
pause44kHz = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime();
void idSoundWorldLocal::UnPause( void ) {
int offset44kHz;
if ( pause44kHz < 0 ) {
common->Warning( "idSoundWorldLocal::UnPause: not paused" );
offset44kHz = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime() - pause44kHz;
OffsetSoundTime( offset44kHz );
pause44kHz = -1;
bool idSoundWorldLocal::IsPaused( void ) {
return ( pause44kHz >= 0 );
start a music track
this is called from the main thread
void idSoundWorldLocal::PlayShaderDirectly( const char *shaderName, int channel ) {
if ( localSound && channel == -1 ) {
localSound->StopSound( SCHANNEL_ANY );
} else if ( localSound ) {
localSound->StopSound( channel );
if ( !shaderName || !shaderName[0] ) {
const idSoundShader *shader = declManager->FindSound( shaderName );
if ( !shader ) {
if ( !localSound ) {
localSound = AllocLocalSoundEmitter();
static idRandom rnd;
float diversity = rnd.RandomFloat();
localSound->StartSound( shader, ( channel == -1 ) ? SCHANNEL_ONE : channel , diversity, SSF_GLOBAL );
// in case we are at the console without a game doing updates, force an update
ForegroundUpdate( soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime() );
Determine the volumes from each speaker for a given sound emitter
void idSoundWorldLocal::CalcEars( int numSpeakers, idVec3 spatializedOrigin, idVec3 listenerPos,
idMat3 listenerAxis, float ears[6], float spatialize ) {
idVec3 svec = spatializedOrigin - listenerPos;
idVec3 ovec;
ovec[0] = svec * listenerAxis[0];
ovec[1] = svec * listenerAxis[1];
ovec[2] = svec * listenerAxis[2];
if ( numSpeakers == 6 ) {
static idVec3 speakerVector[6] = {
idVec3( 0.707f, 0.707f, 0.0f ), // front left
idVec3( 0.707f, -0.707f, 0.0f ), // front right
idVec3( 0.707f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), // front center
idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), // sub
idVec3( -0.707f, 0.707f, 0.0f ), // rear left
idVec3( -0.707f, -0.707f, 0.0f ) // rear right
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ ) {
if ( i == 3 ) {
ears[i] = idSoundSystemLocal::s_subFraction.GetFloat(); // subwoofer
float dot = ovec * speakerVector[i];
ears[i] = (idSoundSystemLocal::s_dotbias6.GetFloat() + dot) / ( 1.0f + idSoundSystemLocal::s_dotbias6.GetFloat() );
if ( ears[i] < idSoundSystemLocal::s_minVolume6.GetFloat() ) {
ears[i] = idSoundSystemLocal::s_minVolume6.GetFloat();
} else {
float dot = ovec.y;
float dotBias = idSoundSystemLocal::s_dotbias2.GetFloat();
// when we are inside the minDistance, start reducing the amount of spatialization
// so NPC voices right in front of us aren't quieter that off to the side
dotBias += ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_spatializationDecay.GetFloat() - dotBias ) * ( 1.0f - spatialize );
ears[0] = (idSoundSystemLocal::s_dotbias2.GetFloat() + dot) / ( 1.0f + dotBias );
ears[1] = (idSoundSystemLocal::s_dotbias2.GetFloat() - dot) / ( 1.0f + dotBias );
if ( ears[0] < idSoundSystemLocal::s_minVolume2.GetFloat() ) {
ears[0] = idSoundSystemLocal::s_minVolume2.GetFloat();
if ( ears[1] < idSoundSystemLocal::s_minVolume2.GetFloat() ) {
ears[1] = idSoundSystemLocal::s_minVolume2.GetFloat();
ears[2] =
ears[3] =
ears[4] =
ears[5] = 0.0f;
Adds the contribution of a single sound channel to finalMixBuffer
this is called from the async thread
Mixes MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES samples starting at current44kHz sample time into
void idSoundWorldLocal::AddChannelContribution( idSoundEmitterLocal *sound, idSoundChannel *chan,
int current44kHz, int numSpeakers, float *finalMixBuffer ) {
int j;
float volume;
// get the sound definition and parameters from the entity
soundShaderParms_t *parms = &chan->parms;
// assume we have a sound triggered on this channel
assert( chan->triggerState );
// fetch the actual wave file and see if it's valid
idSoundSample *sample = chan->leadinSample;
if ( sample == NULL ) {
// if you don't want to hear all the beeps from missing sounds
if ( sample->defaultSound && !idSoundSystemLocal::s_playDefaultSound.GetBool() ) {
// get the actual shader
const idSoundShader *shader = chan->soundShader;
// this might happen if the foreground thread just deleted the sound emitter
if ( !shader ) {
float maxd = parms->maxDistance;
float mind = parms->minDistance;
int mask = shader->speakerMask;
bool omni = ( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_OMNIDIRECTIONAL) != 0;
bool looping = ( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_LOOPING ) != 0;
bool global = ( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_GLOBAL ) != 0;
bool noOcclusion = ( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_NO_OCCLUSION ) || !idSoundSystemLocal::s_useOcclusion.GetBool();
// speed goes from 1 to 0.2
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_slowAttenuate.GetBool() && slowmoActive && !chan->disallowSlow ) {
maxd *= slowmoSpeed;
// stereo samples are always omni
if ( sample->objectInfo.nChannels == 2 ) {
omni = true;
// if the sound is playing from the current listener, it will not be spatialized at all
if ( sound->listenerId == listenerPrivateId ) {
global = true;
// see if it's in range
// convert volumes from decibels to float scale
// leadin volume scale for shattering lights
// this isn't exactly correct, because the modified volume will get applied to
// some initial chunk of the loop as well, because the volume is scaled for the
// entire mix buffer
if ( shader->leadinVolume && current44kHz - chan->trigger44kHzTime < sample->LengthIn44kHzSamples() ) {
volume = soundSystemLocal.dB2Scale( shader->leadinVolume );
} else {
volume = soundSystemLocal.dB2Scale( parms->volume );
// global volume scale
volume *= soundSystemLocal.dB2Scale( idSoundSystemLocal::s_volume.GetFloat() );
// DG: scaling the volume of *everything* down a bit to prevent some sounds
// (like shotgun shot) being "drowned" when lots of other loud sounds
// (like shotgun impacts on metal) are played at the same time
// I guess this happens because the loud sounds mixed together are too loud so
// OpenAL just makes *everything* quiter or sth like that.
// See also https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/issues/179
volume *= 0.333f; // (0.333 worked fine, 0.5 didn't)
// volume fading
float fadeDb = chan->channelFade.FadeDbAt44kHz( current44kHz );
volume *= soundSystemLocal.dB2Scale( fadeDb );
fadeDb = soundClassFade[parms->soundClass].FadeDbAt44kHz( current44kHz );
volume *= soundSystemLocal.dB2Scale( fadeDb );
// if it's a global sound then
// it's not affected by distance or occlusion
float spatialize = 1;
idVec3 spatializedOriginInMeters;
if ( !global ) {
float dlen;
if ( noOcclusion ) {
// use the real origin and distance
spatializedOriginInMeters = sound->origin * DOOM_TO_METERS;
dlen = sound->realDistance;
} else {
// use the possibly portal-occluded origin and distance
spatializedOriginInMeters = sound->spatializedOrigin * DOOM_TO_METERS;
dlen = sound->distance;
// reduce volume based on distance
if ( dlen >= maxd ) {
volume = 0.0f;
} else if ( dlen > mind ) {
float frac = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f - ((dlen - mind) / (maxd - mind)));
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_quadraticFalloff.GetBool() ) {
frac *= frac;
volume *= frac;
} else if ( mind > 0.0f ) {
// we tweak the spatialization bias when you are inside the minDistance
spatialize = dlen / mind;
// if it is a private sound, set the volume to zero
// unless we match the listenerId
if ( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_PRIVATE_SOUND ) {
if ( sound->listenerId != listenerPrivateId ) {
volume = 0;
if ( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_ANTI_PRIVATE_SOUND ) {
if ( sound->listenerId == listenerPrivateId ) {
volume = 0;
// do we have anything to add?
if ( volume < SND_EPSILON && chan->lastVolume < SND_EPSILON ) {
chan->lastVolume = volume;
// fetch the sound from the cache as 44kHz, 16 bit samples
int offset = current44kHz - chan->trigger44kHzTime;
float inputSamples[MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES*2+16];
float *alignedInputSamples = (float *) ( ( ( (intptr_t)inputSamples ) + 15 ) & ~15 );
// allocate and initialize hardware source
if ( sound->removeStatus < REMOVE_STATUS_SAMPLEFINISHED ) {
if ( !alIsSource( chan->openalSource ) ) {
chan->openalSource = soundSystemLocal.AllocOpenALSource( chan, !chan->leadinSample->hardwareBuffer || !chan->soundShader->entries[0]->hardwareBuffer || looping, chan->leadinSample->objectInfo.nChannels == 2 );
if ( alIsSource( chan->openalSource ) ) {
// stop source if needed..
if ( chan->triggered ) {
alSourceStop( chan->openalSource );
// update source parameters
if ( global || omni ) {
alSourcei( chan->openalSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE);
alSource3f( chan->openalSource, AL_POSITION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
alSourcef( chan->openalSource, AL_GAIN, ( volume ) < ( 1.0f ) ? ( volume ) : ( 1.0f ) );
} else {
alSourcei( chan->openalSource, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE);
alSource3f( chan->openalSource, AL_POSITION, -spatializedOriginInMeters.y, spatializedOriginInMeters.z, -spatializedOriginInMeters.x );
alSourcef( chan->openalSource, AL_GAIN, ( volume ) < ( 1.0f ) ? ( volume ) : ( 1.0f ) );
// DG: looping sounds with a leadin can't just use a HW buffer and openal's AL_LOOPING
// because we need to switch from leadin to the looped sound.. see https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/issues/291
bool haveLeadin = chan->soundShader->numLeadins > 0;
alSourcei( chan->openalSource, AL_LOOPING, ( looping && chan->soundShader->entries[0]->hardwareBuffer && !haveLeadin ) ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE );
#if 1
alSourcef( chan->openalSource, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, mind );
alSourcef( chan->openalSource, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, maxd );
alSourcef( chan->openalSource, AL_PITCH, ( slowmoActive && !chan->disallowSlow ) ? ( slowmoSpeed ) : ( 1.0f ) );
if (idSoundSystemLocal::useEFXReverb) {
if (enviroSuitActive) {
alSourcei(chan->openalSource, AL_DIRECT_FILTER, listenerFilter);
alSource3i(chan->openalSource, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, listenerSlot, 0, listenerFilter);
} else {
alSource3i(chan->openalSource, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, listenerSlot, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL);
if ( ( !looping && chan->leadinSample->hardwareBuffer )
|| ( looping && !haveLeadin && chan->soundShader->entries[0]->hardwareBuffer ) ) {
// handle uncompressed (non streaming) single shot and looping sounds
// DG: ... that have no leadin (with leadin we still need to switch to another sound,
// just use streaming code for that) - see https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/issues/291
if ( chan->triggered ) {
alSourcei( chan->openalSource, AL_BUFFER, looping ? chan->soundShader->entries[0]->openalBuffer : chan->leadinSample->openalBuffer );
} else {
ALint finishedbuffers;
ALuint buffers[3];
// handle streaming sounds (decode on the fly) both single shot AND looping
if ( chan->triggered ) {
alSourcei( chan->openalSource, AL_BUFFER, 0 );
alDeleteBuffers( 3, &chan->lastopenalStreamingBuffer[0] );
chan->lastopenalStreamingBuffer[0] = chan->openalStreamingBuffer[0];
chan->lastopenalStreamingBuffer[1] = chan->openalStreamingBuffer[1];
chan->lastopenalStreamingBuffer[2] = chan->openalStreamingBuffer[2];
alGenBuffers( 3, &chan->openalStreamingBuffer[0] );
buffers[0] = chan->openalStreamingBuffer[0];
buffers[1] = chan->openalStreamingBuffer[1];
buffers[2] = chan->openalStreamingBuffer[2];
finishedbuffers = 3;
} else {
alGetSourcei( chan->openalSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &finishedbuffers );
alSourceUnqueueBuffers( chan->openalSource, finishedbuffers, &buffers[0] );
if ( finishedbuffers == 3 ) {
chan->triggered = true;
for ( j = 0; j < finishedbuffers; j++ ) {
chan->GatherChannelSamples( chan->openalStreamingOffset * sample->objectInfo.nChannels, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES * sample->objectInfo.nChannels, alignedInputSamples );
for ( int i = 0; i < ( MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES * sample->objectInfo.nChannels ); i++ ) {
if ( alignedInputSamples[i] < -32768.0f )
((short *)alignedInputSamples)[i] = -32768;
else if ( alignedInputSamples[i] > 32767.0f )
((short *)alignedInputSamples)[i] = 32767;
((short *)alignedInputSamples)[i] = idMath::FtoiFast( alignedInputSamples[i] );
alBufferData( buffers[j], chan->leadinSample->objectInfo.nChannels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, alignedInputSamples, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES * sample->objectInfo.nChannels * sizeof( short ), 44100 );
chan->openalStreamingOffset += MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES;
if ( finishedbuffers ) {
alSourceQueueBuffers( chan->openalSource, finishedbuffers, &buffers[0] );
// (re)start if needed..
if ( chan->triggered ) {
alSourcePlay( chan->openalSource );
chan->triggered = false;
#if 1 // DG: I /think/ this was only relevant for the old sound backends?
// FIXME: completely remove else branch, but for testing leave it in under com_asyncSound 2
// (which also does the old 92-100ms updates)
else if( com_asyncSound.GetInteger() == 2 ) {
if ( slowmoActive && !chan->disallowSlow ) {
idSlowChannel slow = sound->GetSlowChannel( chan );
slow.AttachSoundChannel( chan );
if ( sample->objectInfo.nChannels == 2 ) {
// need to add a stereo path, but very few samples go through this
memset( alignedInputSamples, 0, sizeof( alignedInputSamples[0] ) * MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES * 2 );
} else {
slow.GatherChannelSamples( offset, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES, alignedInputSamples );
sound->SetSlowChannel( chan, slow );
} else {
sound->ResetSlowChannel( chan );
// if we are getting a stereo sample adjust accordingly
if ( sample->objectInfo.nChannels == 2 ) {
// we should probably check to make sure any looping is also to a stereo sample...
chan->GatherChannelSamples( offset*2, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES*2, alignedInputSamples );
} else {
chan->GatherChannelSamples( offset, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES, alignedInputSamples );
// work out the left / right ear values
float ears[6];
if ( global || omni ) {
// same for all speakers
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ ) {
ears[i] = idSoundSystemLocal::s_globalFraction.GetFloat() * volume;
ears[3] = idSoundSystemLocal::s_subFraction.GetFloat() * volume; // subwoofer
} else {
CalcEars( numSpeakers, spatializedOriginInMeters, listenerPos, listenerAxis, ears, spatialize );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ ) {
ears[i] *= volume;
// if the mask is 0, it really means do every channel
if ( !mask ) {
mask = 255;
// cleared mask bits set the mix volume to zero
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ ) {
if ( !(mask & ( 1 << i ) ) ) {
ears[i] = 0;
// if sounds are generally normalized, using a mixing volume over 1.0 will
// almost always cause clipping noise. If samples aren't normalized, there
// is a good call to allow overvolumes
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_clipVolumes.GetBool() && !( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_UNCLAMPED ) ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ ) {
if ( ears[i] > 1.0f ) {
ears[i] = 1.0f;
// if this is the very first mixing block, set the lastV
// to the current volume
if ( current44kHz == chan->trigger44kHzTime ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < 6 ; j++ ) {
chan->lastV[j] = ears[j];
if ( numSpeakers == 6 ) {
if ( sample->objectInfo.nChannels == 1 ) {
SIMDProcessor->MixSoundSixSpeakerMono( finalMixBuffer, alignedInputSamples, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES, chan->lastV, ears );
} else {
SIMDProcessor->MixSoundSixSpeakerStereo( finalMixBuffer, alignedInputSamples, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES, chan->lastV, ears );
} else {
if ( sample->objectInfo.nChannels == 1 ) {
SIMDProcessor->MixSoundTwoSpeakerMono( finalMixBuffer, alignedInputSamples, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES, chan->lastV, ears );
} else {
SIMDProcessor->MixSoundTwoSpeakerStereo( finalMixBuffer, alignedInputSamples, MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES, chan->lastV, ears );
for ( j = 0 ; j < 6 ; j++ ) {
chan->lastV[j] = ears[j];
#endif // 1/0
this is called from the main thread
if listenerPosition is NULL, this is being used for shader parameters,
like flashing lights and glows based on sound level. Otherwise, it is being used for
the screen-shake on a player.
This doesn't do the portal-occlusion currently, because it would have to reset all the defs
which would be problematic in multiplayer
float idSoundWorldLocal::FindAmplitude( idSoundEmitterLocal *sound, const int localTime, const idVec3 *listenerPosition,
const s_channelType channel, bool shakesOnly ) {
int i, j;
soundShaderParms_t *parms;
float volume;
int activeChannelCount;
float sourceBuffer[AMPLITUDE_SAMPLES];
float sumBuffer[AMPLITUDE_SAMPLES];
// work out the distance from the listener to the emitter
float dlen;
if ( !sound->playing ) {
return 0;
if ( listenerPosition ) {
// this doesn't do the portal spatialization
idVec3 dist = sound->origin - *listenerPosition;
dlen = dist.Length();
} else {
dlen = 1;
activeChannelCount = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS ; i++ ) {
idSoundChannel *chan = &sound->channels[ i ];
if ( !chan->triggerState ) {
if ( channel != SCHANNEL_ANY && chan->triggerChannel != channel) {
parms = &chan->parms;
int localTriggerTimes = chan->trigger44kHzTime;
bool looping = ( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_LOOPING ) != 0;
// check for screen shakes
float shakes = parms->shakes;
if ( shakesOnly && shakes <= 0.0f ) {
// calculate volume
if ( !listenerPosition ) {
// just look at the raw wav data for light shader evaluation
volume = 1.0;
} else {
volume = parms->volume;
volume = soundSystemLocal.dB2Scale( volume );
if ( shakesOnly ) {
volume *= shakes;
if ( listenerPosition && !( parms->soundShaderFlags & SSF_GLOBAL ) ) {
// check for overrides
float maxd = parms->maxDistance;
float mind = parms->minDistance;
if ( dlen >= maxd ) {
volume = 0.0f;
} else if ( dlen > mind ) {
float frac = idMath::ClampFloat( 0, 1, 1.0f - ((dlen - mind) / (maxd - mind)));
if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_quadraticFalloff.GetBool() ) {
frac *= frac;
volume *= frac;
if ( volume <= 0 ) {
// fetch the sound from the cache
// this doesn't handle stereo samples correctly...
if ( !listenerPosition && chan->parms.soundShaderFlags & SSF_NO_FLICKER ) {
// the NO_FLICKER option is to allow a light to still play a sound, but
// not have it effect the intensity
for ( j = 0 ; j < (AMPLITUDE_SAMPLES); j++ ) {
sourceBuffer[j] = j & 1 ? 32767.0f : -32767.0f;
} else {
int offset = (localTime - localTriggerTimes); // offset in samples
int size = ( looping ? chan->soundShader->entries[0]->LengthIn44kHzSamples() : chan->leadinSample->LengthIn44kHzSamples() );
short *amplitudeData = (short *)( looping ? chan->soundShader->entries[0]->amplitudeData : chan->leadinSample->amplitudeData );
if ( amplitudeData ) {
// when the amplitudeData is present use that fill a dummy sourceBuffer
// this is to allow for amplitude based effect on hardware audio solutions
if ( looping ) offset %= size;
if ( offset < size ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < (AMPLITUDE_SAMPLES); j++ ) {
sourceBuffer[j] = j & 1 ? amplitudeData[ ( offset / 512 ) * 2 ] : amplitudeData[ ( offset / 512 ) * 2 + 1 ];
} else {
// get actual sample data
chan->GatherChannelSamples( offset, AMPLITUDE_SAMPLES, sourceBuffer );
if ( activeChannelCount == 1 ) {
// store to the buffer
for( j = 0; j < AMPLITUDE_SAMPLES; j++ ) {
sumBuffer[ j ] = volume * sourceBuffer[ j ];
} else {
// add to the buffer
for( j = 0; j < AMPLITUDE_SAMPLES; j++ ) {
sumBuffer[ j ] += volume * sourceBuffer[ j ];
if ( activeChannelCount == 0 ) {
return 0.0;
float high = -32767.0f;
float low = 32767.0f;
// use a 20th of a second
for( i = 0; i < (AMPLITUDE_SAMPLES); i++ ) {
float fabval = sumBuffer[i];
if ( high < fabval ) {
high = fabval;
if ( low > fabval ) {
low = fabval;
float sout;
sout = atan( (high - low) / 32767.0f) / DEG2RAD(45);
return sout;
fade all sounds in the world with a given shader soundClass
to is in Db (sigh), over is in seconds
void idSoundWorldLocal::FadeSoundClasses( const int soundClass, const float to, const float over ) {
if ( soundClass < 0 || soundClass >= SOUND_MAX_CLASSES ) {
common->Error( "idSoundWorldLocal::FadeSoundClasses: bad soundClass %i", soundClass );
idSoundFade *fade = &soundClassFade[ soundClass ];
int length44kHz = soundSystemLocal.MillisecondsToSamples( over * 1000 );
// if it is already fading to this volume at this rate, don't change it
if ( fade->fadeEndVolume == to &&
fade->fadeEnd44kHz - fade->fadeStart44kHz == length44kHz ) {
int start44kHz;
if ( fpa[0] ) {
// if we are recording an AVI demo, don't use hardware time
start44kHz = lastAVI44kHz + MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES;
} else {
start44kHz = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime() + MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES;
// fade it
fade->fadeStartVolume = fade->FadeDbAt44kHz( start44kHz );
fade->fadeStart44kHz = start44kHz;
fade->fadeEnd44kHz = start44kHz + length44kHz;
fade->fadeEndVolume = to;
void idSoundWorldLocal::SetSlowmo( bool active ) {
slowmoActive = active;
void idSoundWorldLocal::SetSlowmoSpeed( float speed ) {
slowmoSpeed = speed;
void idSoundWorldLocal::SetEnviroSuit( bool active ) {
enviroSuitActive = active;