mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 08:22:19 +00:00
Bringing all the changes done (mostly by baggyg) in the OVRPassToVR branch bringing over the major FP related changes to master. Please refer to that branch for the individual changes that have all been brought over in this single commit. Co-Authored-By: Grant Bagwell <general@grantbagwell.co.uk>
579 lines
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579 lines
25 KiB
Filename : VrInputDefault.c
Content : Handles default controller input
Created : August 2019
Authors : Simon Brown
#include "../../../../../../VrApi/Include/VrApi.h"
#include "../../../../../../VrApi/Include/VrApi_Helpers.h"
#include "../../../../../../VrApi/Include/VrApi_SystemUtils.h"
#include "../../../../../../VrApi/Include/VrApi_Input.h"
#include "../../../../../../VrApi/Include/VrApi_Types.h"
#include <android/keycodes.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "VrInput.h"
#include "doomkeys.h"
float vr_reloadtimeoutms = 200.0f;
float vr_walkdirection = 0;
float vr_weapon_pitchadjust = -30.0f;
float vr_teleport;
float vr_switch_sticks = 0;
extern bool forceVirtualScreen;
int curtime;
int sys_timeBase;
int Sys_Milliseconds( void ) {
struct timeval tp;
struct timezone tzp;
gettimeofday( &tp, &tzp );
if ( !sys_timeBase ) {
sys_timeBase = tp.tv_sec;
return tp.tv_usec / 1000;
curtime = ( tp.tv_sec - sys_timeBase ) * 1000 + tp.tv_usec / 1000;
return curtime;
void Android_SetImpulse(int impulse);
void Android_SetCommand(const char * cmd);
void Android_ButtonChange(int key, int state);
int Android_GetCVarInteger(const char* cvar);
extern bool inMenu;
extern bool inGameGuiActive;
extern bool objectiveSystemActive;
extern bool inCinematic;
void HandleInput_Default( int controlscheme, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, ovrTracking* pDominantTracking,
ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pOffTrackedRemoteNew, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pOffTrackedRemoteOld, ovrTracking* pOffTracking,
int domButton1, int domButton2, int offButton1, int offButton2 )
//Ensure handedness is set correctly
pVRClientInfo->right_handed = controlscheme < 10 ||
controlscheme == 99; // Always right-handed for weapon calibration
//pVRClientInfo->teleportenabled = vr_teleport != 0;
static bool dominantGripPushed = false;
static float dominantGripPushTime = 0.0f;
static bool canGrabFlashlight = false;
//Need this for the touch screen
ovrTracking * pWeapon = pDominantTracking;
ovrTracking * pOff = pOffTracking;
//All this to allow stick and button switching!
ovrVector2f *pPrimaryJoystick;
ovrVector2f *pSecondaryJoystick;
uint32_t primaryButtonsNew;
uint32_t primaryButtonsOld;
uint32_t secondaryButtonsNew;
uint32_t secondaryButtonsOld;
int primaryButton1;
int primaryButton2;
int secondaryButton1;
int secondaryButton2;
if (vr_switch_sticks)
// This will switch the joystick and A/B/X/Y button functions only
// Move, Strafe, Turn, Jump, Crouch, Notepad, HUD mode, Weapon Switch
pSecondaryJoystick = &pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Joystick;
pPrimaryJoystick = &pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Joystick;
secondaryButtonsNew = pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons;
secondaryButtonsOld = pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons;
primaryButtonsNew = pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons;
primaryButtonsOld = pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons;
primaryButton1 = offButton1;
primaryButton2 = offButton2;
secondaryButton1 = domButton1;
secondaryButton2 = domButton2;
pPrimaryJoystick = &pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Joystick;
pSecondaryJoystick = &pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Joystick;
primaryButtonsNew = pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons;
primaryButtonsOld = pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons;
secondaryButtonsNew = pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons;
secondaryButtonsOld = pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons;
primaryButton1 = domButton1;
primaryButton2 = domButton2;
secondaryButton1 = offButton1;
secondaryButton2 = offButton2;
//Store original values
const ovrQuatf quatRHand = pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation;
const ovrVector3f positionRHand = pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position;
const ovrQuatf quatLHand = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation;
const ovrVector3f positionLHand = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position;
//Right Hand
if(pVRClientInfo->right_handed) {
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->rhandposition, positionRHand.x, positionRHand.y, positionRHand.z);
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->rhand_orientation_quat, quatRHand.x, quatRHand.y, quatRHand.z, quatRHand.w);
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->lhandposition, positionLHand.x, positionLHand.y, positionLHand.z);
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->lhand_orientation_quat, quatLHand.x, quatLHand.y, quatLHand.z, quatLHand.w);
} else {
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->lhandposition, positionRHand.x, positionRHand.y, positionRHand.z);
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->lhand_orientation_quat, quatRHand.x, quatRHand.y, quatRHand.z, quatRHand.w);
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->rhandposition, positionLHand.x, positionLHand.y, positionLHand.z);
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->rhand_orientation_quat, quatLHand.x, quatLHand.y, quatLHand.z, quatLHand.w);
//Set gun angles - We need to calculate all those we might need (including adjustments) for the client to then take its pick
vec3_t rotation = {0};
rotation[PITCH] = 30;
rotation[PITCH] = vr_weapon_pitchadjust;
QuatToYawPitchRoll(pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation, rotation, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_temp);
VectorSubtract(pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_last_temp, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_temp, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_delta_temp);
VectorCopy(pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_temp, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_last_temp);
vec3_t rotation = {0};
rotation[PITCH] = 30;
QuatToYawPitchRoll(pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation, rotation, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_unadjusted);
rotation[PITCH] = vr_weapon_pitchadjust;
QuatToYawPitchRoll(pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation, rotation, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles);
VectorSubtract(pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_last, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_delta);
VectorCopy(pVRClientInfo->weaponangles, pVRClientInfo->weaponangles_last);
//Menu button - can be used in all modes
handleTrackedControllerButton_AsKey(&leftTrackedRemoteState_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_old, ovrButton_Enter, K_ESCAPE);
if ( inMenu || inCinematic ) // Specific cases where we need to interact using mouse etc
controlMouse(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld);
handleTrackedControllerButton_AsButton(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, true, ovrButton_Trigger, 1);
/*if ( objectiveSystemActive )
controlMouse(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld);
handleTrackedControllerButton_AsButton(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, true, ovrButton_Trigger, 1);
if (((pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & offButton1) != (pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & offButton1)) && (pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & offButton1))
if ( !inCinematic && !inMenu )
static bool canUseQuickSave = false;
canUseQuickSave = false;
else if (!canUseQuickSave) {
int channel = (controlscheme >= 10) ? 1 : 0;
//Doom3Quest_Vibrate(channel, 0.5,0.5); // vibrate to let user know they can switch
canUseQuickSave = true;
if (canUseQuickSave)
if (((pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & offButton1) !=
(pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & offButton1)) &&
(pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & offButton1)) {
Android_SetCommand("savegame quick");
if (((pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & offButton2) !=
(pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & offButton2)) &&
(pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & offButton2)) {
Android_SetCommand("loadgame quick");
} else
if (((pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & offButton1) !=
(pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & offButton1)) &&
(pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & offButton1)) {
float distance = sqrtf(powf(pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.x - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.x, 2) +
powf(pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.y - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.y, 2) +
powf(pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.z - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.z, 2));
//Turn on weapon stabilisation?
bool stabilised = false;
if (!pVRClientInfo->pistol && // Don't stabilise pistols
(pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger) && (distance < STABILISATION_DISTANCE))
stabilised = true;
pVRClientInfo->weapon_stabilised = stabilised;
//dominant hand stuff first
//Record recent weapon position for trajectory based stuff
for (int i = (NUM_WEAPON_SAMPLES-1); i != 0; --i)
VectorCopy(pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history[i-1], pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history[i]);
pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history_timestamp[i] = pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history_timestamp[i-1];
VectorCopy(pVRClientInfo->current_weaponoffset, pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history[0]);
pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history_timestamp[0] = pVRClientInfo->current_weaponoffset_timestamp;
///Weapon location relative to view
pVRClientInfo->current_weaponoffset[0] = pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.x - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[0];
pVRClientInfo->current_weaponoffset[1] = pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.y - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[1];
pVRClientInfo->current_weaponoffset[2] = pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.z - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[2];
pVRClientInfo->current_weaponoffset_timestamp = Sys_Milliseconds( );
//Caclulate speed between two historic controller position readings
float distance = VectorDistance(pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history[NEWER_READING], pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history[OLDER_READING]);
float t = pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history_timestamp[NEWER_READING] - pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history_timestamp[OLDER_READING];
pVRClientInfo->throw_power = distance / (t/(float)1000.0);
//Calculate trajectory
VectorSubtract(pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history[NEWER_READING], pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history[OLDER_READING], pVRClientInfo->throw_trajectory);
VectorNormalize( pVRClientInfo->throw_trajectory );
//Set origin to the newer reading offset
VectorCopy(pVRClientInfo->weaponoffset_history[NEWER_READING], pVRClientInfo->throw_origin);
//Does weapon velocity trigger attack (knife) and is it fast enough
static bool velocityTriggeredAttack = false;
if (pVRClientInfo->velocitytriggered)
static bool fired = false;
float velocity = sqrtf(powf(pWeapon->HeadPose.LinearVelocity.x, 2) +
powf(pWeapon->HeadPose.LinearVelocity.y, 2) +
powf(pWeapon->HeadPose.LinearVelocity.z, 2));
velocityTriggeredAttack = (velocity > VELOCITY_TRIGGER);
if (fired != velocityTriggeredAttack) {
ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** velocity triggered %s", velocityTriggeredAttack ? "+attack" : "-attack");
Android_ButtonChange(UB_ATTACK, velocityTriggeredAttack ? 1 : 0);
fired = velocityTriggeredAttack;
else if (velocityTriggeredAttack)
//send a stop attack as we have an unfinished velocity attack
velocityTriggeredAttack = false;
ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** velocity triggered -attack");
Android_ButtonChange(UB_ATTACK, velocityTriggeredAttack ? 1 : 0);
/*if (pVRClientInfo->weapon_stabilised)
float x = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.x - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.x;
float y = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.y - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.y;
float z = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.z - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.z;
float zxDist = length(x, z);
if (zxDist != 0.0f && z != 0.0f) {
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->weaponangles, -degrees(atanf(y / zxDist)),
-degrees(atan2f(x, -z)), pVRClientInfo->weaponangles[ROLL] / 2.0f); //Dampen roll on stabilised weapon
if (pVRClientInfo->weaponid != -1 &&
pVRClientInfo->weaponid != 11)
vec2_t v;
rotateAboutOrigin(pVRClientInfo->right_handed ? -0.2f : 0.2f, 0.0f,
-pVRClientInfo->hmdorientation[YAW], v);
pVRClientInfo->flashlightHolsterOffset[0] = -v[0];
pVRClientInfo->flashlightHolsterOffset[1] = -pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[1] * 0.45f; // almost half way down body "waist"
pVRClientInfo->flashlightHolsterOffset[2] = -v[1];
float distance = sqrtf(
powf((pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[0] + pVRClientInfo->flashlightHolsterOffset[0]) - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.x, 2) +
powf((pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[1] + pVRClientInfo->flashlightHolsterOffset[1]) - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.y, 2) +
powf((pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[2] + pVRClientInfo->flashlightHolsterOffset[2]) - pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position.z, 2));
canGrabFlashlight = false;
else if (!canGrabFlashlight && pVRClientInfo->holsteritemactive == 0) {
int channel = (controlscheme >= 10) ? 0 : 1;
Doom3Quest_Vibrate(40, channel, 0.4); // vibrate to let user know they can switch
canGrabFlashlight = true;
dominantGripPushed = (pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons &
ovrButton_GripTrigger) != 0;
if (dominantGripPushed) {
if (!canGrabFlashlight) {
if (dominantGripPushTime == 0) {
dominantGripPushTime = GetTimeInMilliSeconds();
if (pVRClientInfo->holsteritemactive == 0) {
pVRClientInfo->lastweaponid = pVRClientInfo->weaponid;
//Initiate flashlight from backpack mode
int channel = (controlscheme >= 10) ? 0 : 1;
//Doom3Quest_Vibrate(80, channel, 0.8); // vibrate to let user know they switched
pVRClientInfo->holsteritemactive = 1;
if (pVRClientInfo->holsteritemactive == 1) {
//Restores last used weapon if possible
if (pVRClientInfo->weaponid != -1) {
Android_SetImpulse(UB_IMPULSE0 + pVRClientInfo->weaponid);
pVRClientInfo->holsteritemactive = 0;
else if ((GetTimeInMilliSeconds() - dominantGripPushTime) < vr_reloadtimeoutms) {
dominantGripPushTime = 0;
float controllerYawHeading = 0.0f;
//GBFP - off-hand stuff
pVRClientInfo->offhandoffset_temp[0] = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.x - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[0];
pVRClientInfo->offhandoffset_temp[1] = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.y - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[1];
pVRClientInfo->offhandoffset_temp[2] = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.z - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[2];
vec3_t rotation = {0};
rotation[PITCH] = -45;
QuatToYawPitchRoll(pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation, rotation, pVRClientInfo->offhandangles_temp);
//off-hand stuff
pVRClientInfo->offhandoffset[0] = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.x - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[0];
pVRClientInfo->offhandoffset[1] = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.y - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[1];
pVRClientInfo->offhandoffset[2] = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position.z - pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[2];
vec3_t rotation = {0};
rotation[PITCH] = -45;
QuatToYawPitchRoll(pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation, rotation, pVRClientInfo->offhandangles);
if (vr_walkdirection == 0) {
controllerYawHeading = pVRClientInfo->offhandangles[YAW] - pVRClientInfo->hmdorientation[YAW];
controllerYawHeading = 0.0f;
//Right-hand specific stuff
//Adjust positional factor for this sample based on how long the last frame took, it should
//approximately even out the positional movement on a per frame basis (especially when fps is much lower than 60)
static float lastSampleTime = 0;
float sampleTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
float vr_positional_factor = 2400.0f * ((1000.0f / (float)Doom3Quest_GetRefresh()) / (sampleTime-lastSampleTime));
lastSampleTime = sampleTime;
//This section corrects for the fact that the controller actually controls direction of movement, but we want to move relative to the direction the
//player is facing for positional tracking
vec2_t v;
rotateAboutOrigin(-pVRClientInfo->hmdposition_delta[0] * vr_positional_factor,
pVRClientInfo->hmdposition_delta[2] * vr_positional_factor, - pVRClientInfo->hmdorientation[YAW], v);
positional_movementSideways = v[0];
positional_movementForward = v[1];
//Jump (B Button)
if (pVRClientInfo->holsteritemactive != 2 && !canGrabFlashlight) {
if ((primaryButtonsNew & primaryButton2) != (primaryButtonsOld & primaryButton2))
handleTrackedControllerButton_AsButton(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, false, primaryButton2, UB_UP);
//Fire Primary
if (pVRClientInfo->holsteritemactive != 3 && // Can't fire while holding binoculars
!pVRClientInfo->velocitytriggered && // Don't fire velocity triggered weapons
(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & ovrButton_Trigger) !=
(pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & ovrButton_Trigger)) {
ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** Not Grip Pushed %sattack", (pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & ovrButton_Trigger) ? "+" : "-");
handleTrackedControllerButton_AsButton(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, false, ovrButton_Trigger, UB_ATTACK);
if (pVRClientInfo->holsteritemactive != 2 &&
!canGrabFlashlight &&
(primaryButtonsNew & primaryButton1) !=
(primaryButtonsOld & primaryButton1)) {
handleTrackedControllerButton_AsToggleButton(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, primaryButton1, UB_DOWN);
//Weapon Chooser
static bool itemSwitched = false;
if (between(-0.2f, pPrimaryJoystick->x, 0.2f) &&
(between(0.8f, pPrimaryJoystick->y, 1.0f) ||
between(-1.0f, pPrimaryJoystick->y, -0.8f)))
if (!itemSwitched) {
if (between(0.8f, pPrimaryJoystick->y, 1.0f))
//Previous Weapon
//Next Weapon
itemSwitched = true;
} else {
itemSwitched = false;
//Apply a filter and quadratic scaler so small movements are easier to make
float dist = length(pSecondaryJoystick->x, pSecondaryJoystick->y);
float nlf = nonLinearFilter(dist);
float x = nlf * pSecondaryJoystick->x;
float y = nlf * pSecondaryJoystick->y;
pVRClientInfo->player_moving = (fabs(x) + fabs(y)) > 0.05f;
//Adjust to be off-hand controller oriented
vec2_t v;
rotateAboutOrigin(x, y, controllerYawHeading, v);
//Move a lot slower if scope is engaged
float vr_movement_multiplier = 127;
remote_movementSideways = v[0] * vr_movement_multiplier;
remote_movementForward = v[1] * vr_movement_multiplier;
if (!canUseQuickSave) {
if (((secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryButton2) !=
(secondaryButtonsOld & secondaryButton2)) &&
(secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryButton2)) {
if (dominantGripPushed) {
Android_SetCommand("give all");
if (((pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & ovrButton_Joystick) !=
(pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & ovrButton_Joystick)) &&
(pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & ovrButton_Joystick)) {
pVRClientInfo->visible_hud = !pVRClientInfo->visible_hud;
//Turn on Flashlight
//We need to record if we have started firing primary so that releasing trigger will stop definitely firing, if user has pushed grip
//in meantime, then it wouldn't stop the gun firing and it would get stuck
handleTrackedControllerButton_AsButton(pOffTrackedRemoteNew, pOffTrackedRemoteOld, false, ovrButton_Trigger, UB_SPEED);
int vr_turn_mode = Android_GetCVarInteger("vr_turnmode");
float vr_turn_angle = Android_GetCVarInteger("vr_turnangle");
//No snap turn when using mounted gun
static int increaseSnap = true;
if (pPrimaryJoystick->x > 0.7f) {
if (increaseSnap) {
float turnAngle = vr_turn_mode ? (vr_turn_angle / 9.0f) : vr_turn_angle;
snapTurn -= turnAngle;
if (vr_turn_mode == 0) {
increaseSnap = false;
if (snapTurn < -180.0f) {
snapTurn += 360.f;
} else {
snapTurn = 0;
} else if (pPrimaryJoystick->x < 0.3f) {
increaseSnap = true;
static int decreaseSnap = true;
if (pPrimaryJoystick->x < -0.7f) {
if (decreaseSnap) {
float turnAngle = vr_turn_mode ? (vr_turn_angle / 9.0f) : vr_turn_angle;
snapTurn += turnAngle;
//If snap turn configured for less than 10 degrees
if (vr_turn_mode == 0) {
decreaseSnap = false;
if (snapTurn > 180.0f) {
snapTurn -= 360.f;
} else {
snapTurn = 0;
} else if (pPrimaryJoystick->x > -0.3f) {
decreaseSnap = true;
//Save state
rightTrackedRemoteState_old = rightTrackedRemoteState_new;
leftTrackedRemoteState_old = leftTrackedRemoteState_new;
} |