Simon 15f78d843b Major Merge
Bringing all the changes done (mostly by baggyg) in the OVRPassToVR branch bringing over the major FP related changes to master.
Please refer to that branch for the individual changes that have all been brought over in this single commit.

Co-Authored-By: Grant Bagwell <>
2020-11-15 18:52:37 +00:00

255 lines
9.8 KiB

Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __RENDERER_H__
#define __RENDERER_H__
#include "framework/Common.h"
#include "renderer/Model.h"
idRenderSystem is responsible for managing the screen, which can have
multiple idRenderWorld and 2D drawing done on it.
// Contains variables specific to the OpenGL configuration being run right now.
// These are constant once the OpenGL subsystem is initialized.
typedef struct glconfig_s {
const char *renderer_string;
const char *vendor_string;
const char *version_string;
const char *extensions_string;
int maxTextureSize; // queried from GL
int maxTextureUnits;
float maxTextureAnisotropy;
int colorBits, depthBits, stencilBits;
bool anisotropicAvailable;
bool npotAvailable;
bool depthStencilAvailable;
int vidWidth, vidHeight; // passed to R_BeginFrame
int vidWidthReal, vidHeightReal; // The real resolution of the screen, uses framebuffer if not the same as vidWidth
int displayFrequency;
bool isFullscreen;
bool isInitialized;
} glconfig_t;
// font support
const int GLYPH_START = 0;
const int GLYPH_END = 255;
const int GLYPH_CHARSTART = 32;
const int GLYPH_CHAREND = 127;
typedef struct {
int height; // number of scan lines
int top; // top of glyph in buffer
int bottom; // bottom of glyph in buffer
int pitch; // width for copying
int xSkip; // x adjustment
int imageWidth; // width of actual image
int imageHeight; // height of actual image
float s; // x offset in image where glyph starts
float t; // y offset in image where glyph starts
float s2;
float t2;
const idMaterial * glyph; // shader with the glyph
char shaderName[32];
} glyphInfo_t;
typedef struct {
glyphInfo_t glyphs [GLYPHS_PER_FONT];
float glyphScale;
char name[64];
} fontInfo_t;
typedef struct {
fontInfo_t fontInfoSmall;
fontInfo_t fontInfoMedium;
fontInfo_t fontInfoLarge;
int maxHeight;
int maxWidth;
int maxHeightSmall;
int maxWidthSmall;
int maxHeightMedium;
int maxWidthMedium;
int maxHeightLarge;
int maxWidthLarge;
char name[64];
} fontInfoEx_t;
const int SMALLCHAR_WIDTH = 8;
const int SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT = 16;
const int BIGCHAR_WIDTH = 16;
const int BIGCHAR_HEIGHT = 16;
// all drawing is done to a 640 x 480 virtual screen size
// and will be automatically scaled to the real resolution
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;
class idRenderWorld;
class idRenderSystem {
virtual ~idRenderSystem() {}
// set up cvars and basic data structures, but don't
// init OpenGL, so it can also be used for dedicated servers
virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
// only called before quitting
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
virtual void InitOpenGL( void ) = 0;
virtual void ShutdownOpenGL( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsOpenGLRunning( void ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsFullScreen( void ) const = 0;
virtual int GetScreenWidth( void ) const = 0;
virtual int GetScreenHeight( void ) const = 0;
virtual float GetFOV() const = 0;
virtual int GetRefresh() const = 0;
// allocate a renderWorld to be used for drawing
virtual idRenderWorld * AllocRenderWorld( void ) = 0;
virtual void FreeRenderWorld( idRenderWorld * rw ) = 0;
// All data that will be used in a level should be
// registered before rendering any frames to prevent disk hits,
// but they can still be registered at a later time
// if necessary.
virtual void BeginLevelLoad( void ) = 0;
virtual void EndLevelLoad( void ) = 0;
// font support
virtual bool RegisterFont( const char *fontName, fontInfoEx_t &font ) = 0;
// GUI drawing just involves shader parameter setting and axial image subsections
virtual void SetColor( const idVec4 &rgba ) = 0;
virtual void SetColor4( float r, float g, float b, float a ) = 0;
virtual void SetHudOpacity( float opacity ) = 0;
virtual void DrawStretchPic( const idDrawVert *verts, const glIndex_t *indexes, int vertCount, int indexCount, const idMaterial *material,
bool clip = true, float min_x = 0.0f, float min_y = 0.0f, float max_x = 640.0f, float max_y = 480.0f ) = 0;
virtual void DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, const idMaterial *material ) = 0;
virtual void DrawStretchTri ( idVec2 p1, idVec2 p2, idVec2 p3, idVec2 t1, idVec2 t2, idVec2 t3, const idMaterial *material ) = 0;
virtual void GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( const idVec3 &global, idVec3 &ndc ) = 0;
virtual void GetGLSettings( int& width, int& height ) = 0;
virtual void PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t *mi ) = 0;
virtual void DrawSmallChar( int x, int y, int ch, const idMaterial *material ) = 0;
virtual void DrawSmallStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const idVec4 &setColor, bool forceColor, const idMaterial *material ) = 0;
virtual void DrawBigChar( int x, int y, int ch, const idMaterial *material ) = 0;
virtual void DrawBigStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const idVec4 &setColor, bool forceColor, const idMaterial *material ) = 0;
// dump all 2D drawing so far this frame to the demo file
virtual void WriteDemoPics() = 0;
// draw the 2D pics that were saved out with the current demo frame
virtual void DrawDemoPics() = 0;
// FIXME: add an interface for arbitrary point/texcoord drawing
// a frame cam consist of 2D drawing and potentially multiple 3D scenes
// window sizes are needed to convert SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT values
virtual void BeginFrame( int windowWidth, int windowHeight ) = 0;
// if the pointers are not NULL, timing info will be returned
virtual void EndFrame( int *frontEndMsec, int *backEndMsec ) = 0;
// Will automatically tile render large screen shots if necessary
// Samples is the number of jittered frames for anti-aliasing
// If ref == NULL, session->updateScreen will be used
// This will perform swapbuffers, so it is NOT an approppriate way to
// generate image files that happen during gameplay, as for savegame
// markers. Use WriteRender() instead.
virtual void TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char *fileName, int samples, struct renderView_s *ref ) = 0;
// the render output can be cropped down to a subset of the real screen, as
// for save-game reviews and split-screen multiplayer. Users of the renderer
// will not know the actual pixel size of the area they are rendering to
// the x,y,width,height values are in virtual SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT coordinates
// to render to a texture, first set the crop size with makePowerOfTwo = true,
// then perform all desired rendering, then capture to an image
// if the specified physical dimensions are larger than the current cropped region, they will be cut down to fit
virtual void CropRenderSize( int width, int height, bool makePowerOfTwo = false, bool forceDimensions = false ) = 0;
virtual void CaptureRenderToImage( const char *imageName ) = 0;
// fixAlpha will set all the alpha channel values to 0xff, which allows screen captures
// to use the default tga loading code without having dimmed down areas in many places
virtual void CaptureRenderToFile( const char *fileName, bool fixAlpha = false ) = 0;
virtual void UnCrop() = 0;
// the image has to be already loaded ( most straightforward way would be through a FindMaterial )
// texture filter / mipmapping / repeat won't be modified by the upload
// returns false if the image wasn't found
virtual bool UploadImage( const char *imageName, const byte *data, int width, int height ) = 0;
virtual void DirectFrameBufferStart() = 0;
virtual void DirectFrameBufferEnd() = 0;
extern idRenderSystem * renderSystem;
// functions mainly intended for editor and dmap integration
// returns the frustum planes in world space
void R_RenderLightFrustum( const struct renderLight_s &renderLight, idPlane lightFrustum[6] );
// for use by dmap to do the carving-on-light-boundaries and for the editor for display
void R_LightProjectionMatrix( const idVec3 &origin, const idPlane &rearPlane, idVec4 mat[4] );
// used by the view shot taker
void R_ScreenshotFilename( int &lastNumber, const char *base, idStr &fileName );
#endif /* !__RENDERER_H__ */