Simon 15f78d843b Major Merge
Bringing all the changes done (mostly by baggyg) in the OVRPassToVR branch bringing over the major FP related changes to master.
Please refer to that branch for the individual changes that have all been brought over in this single commit.

Co-Authored-By: Grant Bagwell <>
2020-11-15 18:52:37 +00:00

1633 lines
44 KiB

Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "idlib/geometry/JointTransform.h"
#include "gamesys/SysCvar.h"
#include "Mover.h"
#include "IK.h"
#include "Vr.h"
#include "Player.h"
idCVar rollfix("rollfix", "20", CVAR_FLOAT, "");
idCVar rfx("rfx", "0", CVAR_FLOAT, "");
idCVar rfy("rfy", "0", CVAR_FLOAT, "");
idCVar rfz("rfz", "0", CVAR_FLOAT, "");
// idCVar rhx( "rhx", "-1", CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
// idCVar rhy( "rhy", "0", CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
// idCVar rhz( "rhz", "0", CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
ik_activate = false;
initialized = false;
self = NULL;
animator = NULL;
modifiedAnim = 0;
void idIK::Save( idSaveGame* savefile ) const
savefile->WriteBool( initialized );
savefile->WriteBool( ik_activate );
savefile->WriteObject( self );
savefile->WriteString( animator != NULL && animator->GetAnim( modifiedAnim ) ? animator->GetAnim( modifiedAnim )->Name() : "" );
savefile->WriteVec3( modelOffset );
void idIK::Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile )
idStr anim;
savefile->ReadBool( initialized );
savefile->ReadBool( ik_activate );
savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast<idClass*&>( self ) );
savefile->ReadString( anim );
savefile->ReadVec3( modelOffset );
if( self )
animator = self->GetAnimator();
if( animator == NULL || animator->ModelDef() == NULL )
gameLocal.Warning( "idIK::Restore: IK for entity '%s' at (%s) has no model set.",
self->name.c_str(), self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString( 0 ) );
modifiedAnim = animator->GetAnim( anim );
if( modifiedAnim == 0 )
gameLocal.Warning( "idIK::Restore: IK for entity '%s' at (%s) has no modified animation.",
self->name.c_str(), self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString( 0 ) );
animator = NULL;
modifiedAnim = 0;
bool idIK::IsInitialized() const
return initialized && ik_enable.GetBool();
bool idIK::Init( idEntity* self, const char* anim, const idVec3& modelOffset )
idRenderModel* model;
if( self == NULL )
return false;
this->self = self;
animator = self->GetAnimator();
if( animator == NULL || animator->ModelDef() == NULL )
gameLocal.Warning( "idIK::Init: IK for entity '%s' at (%s) has no model set.",
self->name.c_str(), self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString( 0 ) );
return false;
if( animator->ModelDef()->ModelHandle() == NULL )
gameLocal.Warning( "idIK::Init: IK for entity '%s' at (%s) uses default model.",
self->name.c_str(), self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString( 0 ) );
return false;
model = animator->ModelHandle();
if( model == NULL )
gameLocal.Warning( "idIK::Init: IK for entity '%s' at (%s) has no model set.",
self->name.c_str(), self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString( 0 ) );
return false;
modifiedAnim = animator->GetAnim( anim );
if( modifiedAnim == 0 )
gameLocal.Warning( "idIK::Init: IK for entity '%s' at (%s) has no modified animation.",
self->name.c_str(), self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().ToString( 0 ) );
return false;
this->modelOffset = modelOffset;
return true;
void idIK::Evaluate()
void idIK::ClearJointMods()
ik_activate = false;
bool idIK::SolveTwoBones( const idVec3& startPos, const idVec3& endPos, const idVec3& dir, float len0, float len1, idVec3& jointPos )
float length, lengthSqr, lengthInv, x, y;
idVec3 vec0, vec1;
vec0 = endPos - startPos;
lengthSqr = vec0.LengthSqr();
lengthInv = idMath::InvSqrt( lengthSqr );
length = lengthInv * lengthSqr;
// if the start and end position are too far out or too close to each other
if( length > len0 + len1 || length < idMath::Fabs( len0 - len1 ) )
jointPos = startPos + 0.5f * vec0;
return false;
vec0 *= lengthInv;
vec1 = dir - vec0 * dir * vec0;
x = ( length * length + len0 * len0 - len1 * len1 ) * ( 0.5f * lengthInv );
y = idMath::Sqrt( len0 * len0 - x * x );
jointPos = startPos + x * vec0 + y * vec1;
return true;
// Koz
// Moves the elbow towards the wrist (stretches the upper arm) if player reach exceeds model arm length when using motion controls
// idIK::SolveTwoArmBones
bool idIK::SolveTwoArmBones( idVec3& startPos, idVec3& endPos, const idVec3& dir, float len0, float len1, idVec3& jointPos )
float length, lengthSqr, lengthInv, x, y, maxLen, lenDif;
idVec3 vec0, vec1, vec2, vec3;
vec0 = endPos - startPos;
lengthSqr = vec0.LengthSqr();
lengthInv = idMath::InvSqrt( lengthSqr );
length = lengthInv * lengthSqr;
// Koz - if using motion controls and displaying the body, and a controller is reporting a impossible position, restrain the arm length.
if ( 0 && game->isVR && vr_playerBodyMode.GetInteger() == 0 )
maxLen = (len0 + len1) * 1.40f;
if ( length > maxLen )
lenDif = (maxLen - length) / 2.0f;
endPos = startPos + maxLen * vec0;
jointPos = endPos - (len1 - lenDif) * vec0;
startPos = startPos + lenDif * vec0;
return false;
// if the start and end position are too far out or too close to each other
if ( length > len0 + len1 )
jointPos = endPos - len1 * vec0;
return false;
else if ( length < idMath::Fabs( len0 - len1 ) )
jointPos = startPos + (0.5f * vec0);
return false;
vec0 *= lengthInv;
vec1 = dir - vec0 * dir * vec0;
x = (length * length + len0 * len0 - len1 * len1) * (0.5f * lengthInv);
y = idMath::Sqrt( len0 * len0 - x * x );
jointPos = startPos + x * vec0 + y * vec1;
float dist1 = idMath::Sqrt( (endPos.x - startPos.x) * (endPos.x - startPos.x) + (endPos.y - startPos.y) * (endPos.y - startPos.y) + (endPos.z - startPos.z) * (endPos.z - startPos.z) );
float dist2 = idMath::Sqrt( (len0 * len0) + (len1 * len1) );
if ( dist1 <= dist2 + 2.0 ) return true;
return false;
float length, lengthSqr, lengthInv, x, y;
idVec3 vec0, vec1;
vec0 = endPos - startPos;
lengthSqr = vec0.LengthSqr();
lengthInv = idMath::InvSqrt( lengthSqr );
length = lengthInv * lengthSqr;
// if the start and end position are too far out or too close to each other
if ( length > len0 + len1 || length < idMath::Fabs( len0 - len1 ) ) {
jointPos = startPos + 0.5f * vec0;
return false;
vec0 *= lengthInv;
vec1 = dir - vec0 * dir * vec0;
x = (length * length + len0 * len0 - len1 * len1) * (0.5f * lengthInv);
y = idMath::Sqrt( len0 * len0 - x * x );
jointPos = startPos + x * vec0 + y * vec1;
if ( length <= len0 * 1.05 )
return true;
return false;
float idIK::GetBoneAxis( const idVec3& startPos, const idVec3& endPos, const idVec3& dir, idMat3& axis, bool debug )
float length;
axis[0] = endPos - startPos;
length = axis[0].Normalize();
axis[1] = dir - axis[0] * dir * axis[0];
axis[2].Cross( axis[1], axis[0] );
if ( debug )
common->Printf( "\nGBA [0] x y z %f %f %f ", axis[0].x, axis[0].y, axis[0].z );
common->Printf( "[1] %f %f %f ", axis[1].x, axis[1].y, axis[1].z );
common->Printf( "[2] %f %f %f ", axis[2].x, axis[2].y, axis[2].z );
return length;
float idIK::GetBoneAxis2( const idVec3& startPos, const idVec3& endPos, const idVec3& dir, idMat3& axis )
idRotation bonRot;
bonRot.SetVec( endPos - startPos );
bonRot.SetAngle( 0.0f );
axis = bonRot.ToMat3();
float length;
//axis[0] = endPos - startPos;
length = axis[0].Normalize();
//axis[1] = dir - axis[0] * dir * axis[0];
//axis[2].Cross( axis[1], axis[0] );
return length;
int i;
initialized = false;
footModel = NULL;
numLegs = 0;
enabledLegs = 0;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
footJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
ankleJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
kneeJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
hipJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
dirJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
upperLegLength[i] = 0.0f;
lowerLegLength[i] = 0.0f;
oldAnkleHeights[i] = 0.0f;
waistJoint = INVALID_JOINT;
smoothing = 0.75f;
waistSmoothing = 0.5f;
footShift = 0.0f;
waistShift = 0.0f;
minWaistFloorDist = 0.0f;
minWaistAnkleDist = 0.0f;
footUpTrace = 32.0f;
footDownTrace = 32.0f;
tiltWaist = false;
usePivot = false;
pivotFoot = -1;
pivotYaw = 0.0f;
oldHeightsValid = false;
oldWaistHeight = 0.0f;
if( footModel )
delete footModel;
void idIK_Walk::Save( idSaveGame* savefile ) const
int i;
idIK::Save( savefile );
savefile->WriteClipModel( footModel );
savefile->WriteInt( numLegs );
savefile->WriteInt( enabledLegs );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( footJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( ankleJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( kneeJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( hipJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( dirJoints[i] );
savefile->WriteInt( waistJoint );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteVec3( hipForward[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteVec3( kneeForward[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteFloat( upperLegLength[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteFloat( lowerLegLength[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteMat3( upperLegToHipJoint[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteMat3( lowerLegToKneeJoint[i] );
savefile->WriteFloat( smoothing );
savefile->WriteFloat( waistSmoothing );
savefile->WriteFloat( footShift );
savefile->WriteFloat( waistShift );
savefile->WriteFloat( minWaistFloorDist );
savefile->WriteFloat( minWaistAnkleDist );
savefile->WriteFloat( footUpTrace );
savefile->WriteFloat( footDownTrace );
savefile->WriteBool( tiltWaist );
savefile->WriteBool( usePivot );
savefile->WriteInt( pivotFoot );
savefile->WriteFloat( pivotYaw );
savefile->WriteVec3( pivotPos );
savefile->WriteBool( oldHeightsValid );
savefile->WriteFloat( oldWaistHeight );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->WriteFloat( oldAnkleHeights[i] );
savefile->WriteVec3( waistOffset );
void idIK_Walk::Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile )
int i;
idIK::Restore( savefile );
savefile->ReadClipModel( footModel );
savefile->ReadInt( numLegs );
savefile->ReadInt( enabledLegs );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )footJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )ankleJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )kneeJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )hipJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )dirJoints[i] );
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )waistJoint );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadVec3( hipForward[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadVec3( kneeForward[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadFloat( upperLegLength[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadFloat( lowerLegLength[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadMat3( upperLegToHipJoint[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadMat3( lowerLegToKneeJoint[i] );
savefile->ReadFloat( smoothing );
savefile->ReadFloat( waistSmoothing );
savefile->ReadFloat( footShift );
savefile->ReadFloat( waistShift );
savefile->ReadFloat( minWaistFloorDist );
savefile->ReadFloat( minWaistAnkleDist );
savefile->ReadFloat( footUpTrace );
savefile->ReadFloat( footDownTrace );
savefile->ReadBool( tiltWaist );
savefile->ReadBool( usePivot );
savefile->ReadInt( pivotFoot );
savefile->ReadFloat( pivotYaw );
savefile->ReadVec3( pivotPos );
savefile->ReadBool( oldHeightsValid );
savefile->ReadFloat( oldWaistHeight );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LEGS; i++ )
savefile->ReadFloat( oldAnkleHeights[i] );
savefile->ReadVec3( waistOffset );
bool idIK_Walk::Init( idEntity* self, const char* anim, const idVec3& modelOffset )
int i;
float footSize;
idVec3 verts[4];
idTraceModel trm;
const char* jointName;
idVec3 dir, ankleOrigin, kneeOrigin, hipOrigin, dirOrigin;
idMat3 axis, ankleAxis, kneeAxis, hipAxis;
static idVec3 footWinding[4] =
idVec3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ),
idVec3( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ),
idVec3( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ),
idVec3( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f )
if( !self )
return false;
numLegs = Min( self->spawnArgs.GetInt( "ik_numLegs", "0" ), MAX_LEGS );
if( numLegs == 0 )
return true;
if( !idIK::Init( self, anim, modelOffset ) )
return false;
int numJoints = animator->NumJoints();
idJointMat* joints = ( idJointMat* )_alloca16( numJoints * sizeof( joints[0] ) );
// create the animation frame used to setup the IK
gameEdit->ANIM_CreateAnimFrame( animator->ModelHandle(), animator->GetAnim( modifiedAnim )->MD5Anim( 0 ), numJoints, joints, 1, animator->ModelDef()->GetVisualOffset() + modelOffset, animator->RemoveOrigin() );
enabledLegs = 0;
// get all the joints
for( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ )
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_foot%d", i + 1 ) );
footJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( footJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Walk::Init: invalid foot joint '%s'", jointName );
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_ankle%d", i + 1 ) );
ankleJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( ankleJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Walk::Init: invalid ankle joint '%s'", jointName );
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_knee%d", i + 1 ) );
kneeJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( kneeJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Walk::Init: invalid knee joint '%s'\n", jointName );
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_hip%d", i + 1 ) );
hipJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( hipJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Walk::Init: invalid hip joint '%s'\n", jointName );
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_dir%d", i + 1 ) );
dirJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
enabledLegs |= 1 << i;
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( "ik_waist" );
waistJoint = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( waistJoint == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Walk::Init: invalid waist joint '%s'\n", jointName );
// get the leg bone lengths and rotation matrices
for( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ )
oldAnkleHeights[i] = 0.0f;
ankleAxis = joints[ ankleJoints[ i ] ].ToMat3();
ankleOrigin = joints[ ankleJoints[ i ] ].ToVec3();
kneeAxis = joints[ kneeJoints[ i ] ].ToMat3();
kneeOrigin = joints[ kneeJoints[ i ] ].ToVec3();
hipAxis = joints[ hipJoints[ i ] ].ToMat3();
hipOrigin = joints[ hipJoints[ i ] ].ToVec3();
// get the IK direction
if( dirJoints[i] != INVALID_JOINT )
dirOrigin = joints[ dirJoints[ i ] ].ToVec3();
dir = dirOrigin - kneeOrigin;
dir.Set( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
hipForward[i] = dir * hipAxis.Transpose();
kneeForward[i] = dir * kneeAxis.Transpose();
// conversion from upper leg bone axis to hip joint axis
upperLegLength[i] = GetBoneAxis( hipOrigin, kneeOrigin, dir, axis );
upperLegToHipJoint[i] = hipAxis * axis.Transpose();
// conversion from lower leg bone axis to knee joint axis
lowerLegLength[i] = GetBoneAxis( kneeOrigin, ankleOrigin, dir, axis );
lowerLegToKneeJoint[i] = kneeAxis * axis.Transpose();
smoothing = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_smoothing", "0.75" );
waistSmoothing = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_waistSmoothing", "0.75" );
footShift = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_footShift", "0" );
waistShift = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_waistShift", "0" );
minWaistFloorDist = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_minWaistFloorDist", "0" );
minWaistAnkleDist = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_minWaistAnkleDist", "0" );
footUpTrace = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_footUpTrace", "32" );
footDownTrace = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_footDownTrace", "32" );
tiltWaist = self->spawnArgs.GetBool( "ik_tiltWaist", "0" );
usePivot = self->spawnArgs.GetBool( "ik_usePivot", "0" );
// setup a clip model for the feet
footSize = self->spawnArgs.GetFloat( "ik_footSize", "4" ) * 0.5f;
if( footSize > 0.0f )
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
verts[i] = footWinding[i] * footSize;
trm.SetupPolygon( verts, 4 );
footModel = new idClipModel( trm );
initialized = true;
return true;
void idIK_Walk::Evaluate()
int i, newPivotFoot = -1;
float modelHeight, jointHeight, lowestHeight, floorHeights[MAX_LEGS];
float shift, smallestShift, newHeight, step, newPivotYaw, height, largestAnkleHeight;
idVec3 modelOrigin, normal, hipDir, kneeDir, start, end, jointOrigins[MAX_LEGS];
idVec3 footOrigin, ankleOrigin, kneeOrigin, hipOrigin, waistOrigin;
idMat3 modelAxis, waistAxis, axis;
idMat3 hipAxis[MAX_LEGS], kneeAxis[MAX_LEGS], ankleAxis[MAX_LEGS];
trace_t results;
// Koz begin
bool isPlayer = false;
idPlayer *player;
player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer();
if ( player )
if ( player->entityNumber == self->entityNumber )
isPlayer = true;
// Koz end
if( !self || !gameLocal.isNewFrame )
// if no IK enabled on any legs
if( !enabledLegs )
normal = - self->GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal();
modelOrigin = self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
modelAxis = self->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
modelHeight = modelOrigin * normal;
modelOrigin += modelOffset * modelAxis;
// create frame without joint mods
animator->CreateFrame( gameLocal.time, false );
// get the joint positions for the feet
lowestHeight = idMath::INFINITY;
for( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ )
animator->GetJointTransform( footJoints[i], gameLocal.time, footOrigin, axis );
jointOrigins[i] = modelOrigin + footOrigin * modelAxis;
jointHeight = jointOrigins[i] * normal;
if( jointHeight < lowestHeight )
lowestHeight = jointHeight;
newPivotFoot = i;
if( usePivot )
newPivotYaw = modelAxis[0].ToYaw();
// change pivot foot
if( newPivotFoot != pivotFoot || idMath::Fabs( idMath::AngleNormalize180( newPivotYaw - pivotYaw ) ) > 30.0f )
pivotFoot = newPivotFoot;
pivotYaw = newPivotYaw;
animator->GetJointTransform( footJoints[pivotFoot], gameLocal.time, footOrigin, axis );
pivotPos = modelOrigin + footOrigin * modelAxis;
// keep pivot foot in place
jointOrigins[pivotFoot] = pivotPos;
// get the floor heights for the feet
for( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ )
if( !( enabledLegs & ( 1 << i ) ) )
start = jointOrigins[i] + normal * footUpTrace;
end = jointOrigins[i] - normal * footDownTrace;
gameLocal.clip.Translation( results, start, end, footModel, mat3_identity, CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_IKCLIP, self );
floorHeights[i] = results.endpos * normal;
if( ik_debug.GetBool() && footModel )
idFixedWinding w;
for( int j = 0; j < footModel->GetTraceModel()->numVerts; j++ )
w += footModel->GetTraceModel()->verts[j];
gameRenderWorld->DebugWinding( colorRed, w, results.endpos, results.endAxis );
const idPhysics* phys = self->GetPhysics();
// test whether or not the character standing on the ground
bool onGround = phys->HasGroundContacts();
// test whether or not the character is standing on a plat
bool onPlat = false;
for( i = 0; i < phys->GetNumContacts(); i++ )
idEntity* ent = gameLocal.entities[ phys->GetContact( i ).entityNum ];
if( ent != NULL && ent->IsType( idPlat::Type ) )
onPlat = true;
// adjust heights of the ankles
smallestShift = idMath::INFINITY;
largestAnkleHeight = -idMath::INFINITY;
for( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ )
if( onGround && ( enabledLegs & ( 1 << i ) ) )
shift = floorHeights[i] - modelHeight + footShift;
shift = 0.0f;
if( shift < smallestShift )
smallestShift = shift;
animator->GetJointTransform( ankleJoints[i], gameLocal.time, ankleOrigin, ankleAxis[i] );
jointOrigins[i] = modelOrigin + ankleOrigin * modelAxis;
height = jointOrigins[i] * normal;
if( oldHeightsValid && !onPlat )
step = height + shift - oldAnkleHeights[i];
shift -= smoothing * step;
newHeight = height + shift;
if( newHeight > largestAnkleHeight )
largestAnkleHeight = newHeight;
oldAnkleHeights[i] = newHeight;
jointOrigins[i] += shift * normal;
animator->GetJointTransform( waistJoint, gameLocal.time, waistOrigin, waistAxis );
waistOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOrigin * modelAxis;
// adjust position of the waist
waistOffset = ( smallestShift + waistShift ) * normal;
// Koz add waist IK for crouching
if ( isPlayer )
if ( vr_crouchMode.GetInteger() == 0 || (vr_crouchMode.GetInteger() != 0 && !player->IsCrouching()) )
//common->Printf( "Body delta z %f\n", commonVr->poseHmdBodyPositionDelta.z );
if ( commonVr->poseHmdBodyPositionDelta.z < 0.0f )
waistOffset.z += commonVr->poseHmdBodyPositionDelta.z;
// if the waist should be at least a certain distance above the floor
if( minWaistFloorDist > 0.0f && waistOffset * normal < 0.0f )
start = waistOrigin;
end = waistOrigin + waistOffset - normal * minWaistFloorDist;
gameLocal.clip.Translation( results, start, end, footModel, modelAxis, CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_IKCLIP, self );
height = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset - results.endpos ) * normal;
if( height < minWaistFloorDist )
waistOffset += ( minWaistFloorDist - height ) * normal;
// if the waist should be at least a certain distance above the ankles
if( minWaistAnkleDist > 0.0f )
height = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;
if( height - largestAnkleHeight < minWaistAnkleDist )
waistOffset += ( minWaistAnkleDist - ( height - largestAnkleHeight ) ) * normal;
if( oldHeightsValid )
// smoothly adjust height of waist
newHeight = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;
step = newHeight - oldWaistHeight;
waistOffset -= waistSmoothing * step * normal;
// save height of waist for smoothing
oldWaistHeight = ( waistOrigin + waistOffset ) * normal;
if( !oldHeightsValid )
oldHeightsValid = true;
// solve IK
for( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ )
// get the position of the hip in world space
animator->GetJointTransform( hipJoints[i], gameLocal.time, hipOrigin, axis );
hipOrigin = modelOrigin + waistOffset + hipOrigin * modelAxis;
hipDir = hipForward[i] * axis * modelAxis;
// get the IK bend direction
animator->GetJointTransform( kneeJoints[i], gameLocal.time, kneeOrigin, axis );
kneeDir = kneeForward[i] * axis * modelAxis;
// solve IK and calculate knee position
SolveTwoBones( hipOrigin, jointOrigins[i], kneeDir, upperLegLength[i], lowerLegLength[i], kneeOrigin );
if( ik_debug.GetBool() )
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, hipOrigin, kneeOrigin );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, kneeOrigin, jointOrigins[i] );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, kneeOrigin, kneeOrigin + hipDir );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, kneeOrigin, kneeOrigin + kneeDir );
// get the axis for the hip joint
GetBoneAxis( hipOrigin, kneeOrigin, hipDir, axis );
hipAxis[i] = upperLegToHipJoint[i] * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );
// get the axis for the knee joint
GetBoneAxis( kneeOrigin, jointOrigins[i], kneeDir, axis );
kneeAxis[i] = lowerLegToKneeJoint[i] * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );
// set the joint mods
animator->SetJointAxis( waistJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, waistAxis );
animator->SetJointPos( waistJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, ( waistOrigin + waistOffset - modelOrigin ) * modelAxis.Transpose() );
for( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ )
animator->SetJointAxis( hipJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, hipAxis[i] );
animator->SetJointAxis( kneeJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, kneeAxis[i] );
animator->SetJointAxis( ankleJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, ankleAxis[i] );
ik_activate = true;
void idIK_Walk::ClearJointMods()
int i;
if( !self || !ik_activate )
animator->SetJointAxis( waistJoint, JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointPos( waistJoint, JOINTMOD_NONE, vec3_origin );
for( i = 0; i < numLegs; i++ )
animator->SetJointAxis( hipJoints[i], JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointAxis( kneeJoints[i], JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointAxis( ankleJoints[i], JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
ik_activate = false;
void idIK_Walk::EnableAll()
enabledLegs = ( 1 << numLegs ) - 1;
oldHeightsValid = false;
void idIK_Walk::DisableAll()
enabledLegs = 0;
oldHeightsValid = false;
void idIK_Walk::EnableLeg( int num )
enabledLegs |= 1 << num;
void idIK_Walk::DisableLeg( int num )
enabledLegs &= ~( 1 << num );
int i;
initialized = false;
numArms = 0;
enabledArms = 0;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
handJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
elbowJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
shoulderJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
dirJoints[i] = INVALID_JOINT;
upperArmLength[i] = 0.0f;
lowerArmLength[i] = 0.0f;
void idIK_Reach::Save( idSaveGame* savefile ) const
int i;
idIK::Save( savefile );
savefile->WriteInt( numArms );
savefile->WriteInt( enabledArms );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( handJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( elbowJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( shoulderJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteInt( dirJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteVec3( shoulderForward[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteVec3( elbowForward[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteFloat( upperArmLength[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteFloat( lowerArmLength[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteMat3( upperArmToShoulderJoint[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->WriteMat3( lowerArmToElbowJoint[i] );
void idIK_Reach::Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile )
int i;
idIK::Restore( savefile );
savefile->ReadInt( numArms );
savefile->ReadInt( enabledArms );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )handJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )elbowJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )shoulderJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadInt( ( int& )dirJoints[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadVec3( shoulderForward[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadVec3( elbowForward[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadFloat( upperArmLength[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadFloat( lowerArmLength[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadMat3( upperArmToShoulderJoint[i] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ARMS; i++ )
savefile->ReadMat3( lowerArmToElbowJoint[i] );
bool idIK_Reach::Init( idEntity* self, const char* anim, const idVec3& modelOffset )
int i;
const char* jointName;
idTraceModel trm;
idVec3 dir, handOrigin, elbowOrigin, shoulderOrigin, dirOrigin;
idMat3 axis, handAxis, elbowAxis, shoulderAxis;
elbowAxisMotion[0] = mat3_identity;
elbowAxisMotion[1] = mat3_identity;
if( !self )
return false;
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString("mesh" );
if ( strstr( jointName, "spplayer" ) ) common->Printf( "IK Player found" );
numArms = Min( self->spawnArgs.GetInt( "ik_numArms", "0" ), MAX_ARMS );
if( numArms == 0 )
return true;
else common->Printf( "idIK_Reach::Init IK found %d Arms\n",numArms );
if( !idIK::Init( self, anim, modelOffset ) )
return false;
int numJoints = animator->NumJoints();
idJointMat* joints = ( idJointMat* )_alloca16( numJoints * sizeof( joints[0] ) );
// create the animation frame used to setup the IK
gameEdit->ANIM_CreateAnimFrame( animator->ModelHandle(), animator->GetAnim( modifiedAnim )->MD5Anim( 0 ), numJoints, joints, 1, animator->ModelDef()->GetVisualOffset() + modelOffset, animator->RemoveOrigin() );
enabledArms = 0;
// get all the joints
for( i = 0; i < numArms; i++ )
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_hand%d", i + 1 ) );
handJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( handJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
jointName = i ? "Lhand1" : "Rhand1";
handJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( handJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Reach::Init: invalid hand joint '%s'", jointName );
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_elbow%d", i + 1 ) );
elbowJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( elbowJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Reach::Init: invalid elbow joint '%s'\n", jointName );
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_shoulder%d", i + 1 ) );
shoulderJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if( shoulderJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Reach::Init: invalid shoulder joint '%s'\n", jointName );
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_wrist%d", i + 1 ) );
wristJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
if ( wristJoints[i] == INVALID_JOINT )
gameLocal.Error( "idIK_Reach::Init: invalid wrist joint '%s'\n", jointName );
jointName = self->spawnArgs.GetString( va( "ik_elbowDir%d", i + 1 ) );
dirJoints[i] = animator->GetJointHandle( jointName );
enabledArms |= 1 << i;
// get the arm bone lengths and rotation matrices
for( i = 0; i < numArms; i++ )
handAxis = joints[ handJoints[ i ] ].ToMat3();
handOrigin = joints[ handJoints[ i ] ].ToVec3();
elbowAxis = joints[ elbowJoints[ i ] ].ToMat3();
elbowOrigin = joints[ elbowJoints[ i ] ].ToVec3();
shoulderAxis = joints[ shoulderJoints[ i ] ].ToMat3();
shoulderOrigin = joints[ shoulderJoints[ i ] ].ToVec3();
// get the IK direction
if( 0 && dirJoints[i] != INVALID_JOINT )
dirOrigin = joints[ dirJoints[ i ] ].ToVec3();
dir = dirOrigin - elbowOrigin;
common->Printf( "Elbow %d dir found!\n", i );
dir.Set( -.5f, -.2f * ( -i ) , 0.0f );
shoulderForward[i] = dir * shoulderAxis.Transpose();
elbowForward[i] = dir * elbowAxis.Transpose();
// conversion from upper arm bone axis to should joint axis
upperArmLength[i] = GetBoneAxis( shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin, dir, axis );
upperArmToShoulderJoint[i] = shoulderAxis * axis.Transpose();
// conversion from lower arm bone axis to elbow joint axis
lowerArmLength[i] = GetBoneAxis( elbowOrigin, handOrigin, dir, axis );
lowerArmToElbowJoint[i] = elbowAxis * axis.Transpose();
initialized = true;
return true;
void idIK_Reach::Evaluate()
int i;
idVec3 modelOrigin, shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin, handOrigin, shoulderDir, elbowDir, handDir;
idMat3 modelAxis, axis;
idMat3 shoulderAxis[MAX_ARMS], elbowAxis[MAX_ARMS];
idVec3 elbowPos[MAX_ARMS], handPos[MAX_ARMS], shoulderPos[MAX_ARMS]; // Koz
trace_t trace;
modelOrigin = self->GetRenderEntity()->origin;
modelAxis = self->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
idMat3 wristMod[2] = { mat3_identity, mat3_identity };
// solve IK
for ( i = 0; i < numArms; i++ )
// get the position of the shoulder in world space
animator->GetJointTransform( shoulderJoints[i], gameLocal.time, shoulderOrigin, axis );
shoulderOrigin = modelOrigin + shoulderOrigin * modelAxis;
shoulderDir = shoulderForward[i] * axis * modelAxis;
// get the position of the hand in world space
animator->GetJointTransform( handJoints[i], gameLocal.time, handOrigin, axis );
handOrigin = modelOrigin + handOrigin * modelAxis;
idVec3 localHandDir;
if( i == 1 )
localHandDir = shoulderForward[1] * axis;
localHandDir = idVec3( 1.0f, 1.0f, -0.4f ) * axis; // Carl HACK! Todo! Why is it like this???
// localHandDir = idVec3( rhx.GetFloat(), rhy.GetFloat(), rhz.GetFloat() ) * axis;
handDir = localHandDir * modelAxis;
shoulderPos[i] = shoulderOrigin - modelOrigin;
shoulderPos[i] = shoulderPos[i] * modelAxis.Transpose();
handPos[i] = handOrigin - modelOrigin;
handPos[i] = handPos[i] * modelAxis.Transpose();
// if the hand is pointing across the body, the elbow can bend that way, otherwise it can't.
// (x = forward, y = left, z = up)
bool elbowCanMatchHand = ( i == 1 ) ? localHandDir.y < 0 : localHandDir.y > 0 ;
// We also need to match our hand if our hand is reaching over our shoulder
elbowCanMatchHand = elbowCanMatchHand || ( handPos[i].z >= shoulderPos[i].z && localHandDir.x < -0.4f );
// get the IK bend direction
animator->GetJointTransform( elbowJoints[i], gameLocal.time, elbowOrigin, axis );
elbowDir = elbowForward[i] * axis * modelAxis;
if( elbowCanMatchHand )
// Use 80% hand dir, 20% original elbow dir
elbowDir.SLerp( elbowDir, -handDir, 0.8f );
// solve IK and calculate elbow position
SolveTwoArmBones( shoulderOrigin, handOrigin, elbowDir, upperArmLength[i] , lowerArmLength[i] , elbowOrigin );
elbowPos[i] = elbowOrigin - modelOrigin; // Koz actually move the elbow joint
elbowPos[i] = elbowPos[i] * modelAxis.Transpose();
// uncomment these if SolveTwoArmBones changes shoulderOrigin or handOrigin
// handPos[i] = handOrigin - modelOrigin;
// handPos[i] = handPos[i] * modelAxis.Transpose();
// shoulderPos[i] = shoulderOrigin - modelOrigin;
// shoulderPos[i] = shoulderPos[i] * modelAxis.Transpose();
// get the axis for the shoulder joint
GetBoneAxis( shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin, shoulderDir, axis );
if( ik_debug.GetBool() )
if( elbowCanMatchHand )
gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorMagenta, handOrigin, handOrigin + handDir * 8.0f, 1 );
gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorRed, handOrigin, handOrigin + handDir * 8.0f, 1 );
gameRenderWorld->DrawText( va( "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", localHandDir.x, localHandDir.y, localHandDir.z ), handOrigin + handDir * 11.0f, 0.06f, colorWhite, modelAxis );
gameRenderWorld->DrawText( va( "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", handPos[i].x, handPos[i].y, handPos[i].z ), handOrigin + handDir * 9.0f, 0.04f, colorWhite, modelAxis );
gameRenderWorld->DrawText( va( "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", shoulderPos[i].x, shoulderPos[i].y, shoulderPos[i].z ), shoulderOrigin + handDir * 11.0f, 0.04f, colorWhite, modelAxis );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, shoulderOrigin, elbowOrigin );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, elbowOrigin, handOrigin );
gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorYellow, elbowOrigin, elbowOrigin + elbowDir * 8.0f, 1 );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, elbowOrigin, elbowOrigin + shoulderDir * 2.0f );
// roll the shoulder a bit
static idMat3 roll;
static idMat3 trsp;
if ( i == 0 )
roll = idAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, (-commonVr->handRoll[i] * .1 ) - 50 ).ToMat3();
roll = idAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, (-commonVr->handRoll[i] * .1) + 50 ).ToMat3();
trsp = roll * axis;
shoulderAxis[i] = upperArmToShoulderJoint[i] * (trsp * modelAxis.Transpose());
// get the axis for the elbow joint
GetBoneAxis( elbowOrigin, handOrigin, elbowDir, axis, false );
elbowAxis[i] = lowerArmToElbowJoint[i] * ( axis * modelAxis.Transpose() );
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine(colorPurple, handOrigin, handOrigin + 3 * (elbowAxis[i] * modelAxis)[0], 20);
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine(colorBrown, handOrigin, handOrigin - 3 * (elbowAxis[i] * modelAxis)[0], 20);
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine(colorWhite, handOrigin, handOrigin + 3 * (elbowAxis[i] * modelAxis)[1], 20);
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine(colorPink, handOrigin, handOrigin - 3 * (elbowAxis[i] * modelAxis)[1], 20);
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine(colorOrange, handOrigin, handOrigin + 3 * (elbowAxis[i] * modelAxis)[2], 20);
gameRenderWorld->DebugLine(colorCyan, handOrigin, handOrigin - 3 * (elbowAxis[i] * modelAxis)[2], 20);
// vars to check if elbow axis needs to be flipped.
idMat3 diff = mat3_identity;
idVec3 shoulderToHand;
idVec3 shoulderToGround;
const idVec3 gravityDir = idVec3(0, 0, -1);
//const idMat3 rollf[2] = { idAngles(180.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f).ToMat3(), idAngles(180.0f, 0.0f, -7.0f).ToMat3() };
const idMat3 rollf[2] = { idAngles( 180.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f ).ToMat3(), idAngles( 180.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f ).ToMat3() };
float crossDiff;
idVec3 shoulderPos;
idVec3 shoulderHandGroundCross;
// calc roll for wrist joint based on motion controller orientation
// this is really a bunch of hacked crap, but it looks a little better than before
idQuat handQ;
idMat3 handOr;
idVec3 handP;
idVec3 gr;
idVec3 ma;
idVec3 n;
idVec3 v;
idVec3 np;
idVec3 br;
float dist;
float dot;
float angle1;
float angle2;
animator->GetJointTransform(shoulderJoints[i], gameLocal.time, shoulderPos, diff);
shoulderToHand = handPos[i] - shoulderPos;
shoulderToGround = shoulderPos - (shoulderPos + (gravityDir * 20));
shoulderHandGroundCross = shoulderToHand.Cross(shoulderToGround);
crossDiff = shoulderHandGroundCross * elbowAxis[i][2];
wristMod[i] = idAngles(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).ToMat3();
if (i == 1) // this is the left hand
if ( crossDiff > 0 ) // elbow joint has flipped so correct it
elbowAxis[i] = rollf[i] * elbowAxis[i];
commonVr->MotionControlGetHand( i, handP, handQ ); // get the rotation of the hand controller
handOr = handQ.ToMat3() * idAngles( 0.0f, -commonVr->bodyYawOffset, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
gr = handOr[2]; // axis of the hand controller used for 'roll'
ma = -elbowAxis[i][2]; //axis of elbow joint ( forearm ) used to calculate roll difference from gr.
//project new point np from point 'v' onto the plane defined by handOr[2] and normal elbowAxis[i][1]
n = elbowAxis[i][1];
v = gr;
dist = v * n;
np = v - dist * n;
// this is the angle of roll.
dot = np * ma;
angle1 = RAD2DEG(acosf(dot));
//check to see if angle should be positive or neg, by checking if angle is >90 deg from axis orthogonal to -elbowAxis[i][2]
br = elbowAxis[i][0];
dot = np * br;
angle2 = RAD2DEG(acosf(dot));
if (angle2 > 90) angle1 = -angle1;
// fix the roll a little to better align with the elbow joint.
angle1 = angle1 - 30.0f;
angle1 = idMath::ClampFloat( -66.0f, 66.0f, angle1 );
angle2 = angle1 * 0.3f; // roll the elbow 1/3 of the total roll.
angle1 -= angle2;
wristMod[i] = idAngles(angle1, 0.0f, 0.0f).ToMat3();
// roll the elbow a little;
idMat3 trsp = idAngles( -angle2, 0.0f, 0.0f).ToMat3();
elbowAxis[i] = trsp * elbowAxis[i];
else // i == 0 - this is the right hand.
if (crossDiff < 0 ) //elbow joint has flipped so correct it
elbowAxis[i] = rollf[i] * elbowAxis[i];
commonVr->MotionControlGetHand( i, handP, handQ ); // get the rotation of the hand controller
handOr = handQ.ToMat3() * idAngles( 0.0f, -commonVr->bodyYawOffset, 0.0f ).ToMat3();;
gr = handOr[2]; // axis of the hand controller used for 'roll'
ma = -elbowAxis[i][2]; //axis of elbow joint ( forearm ) used to calculate roll difference from gr.
//project new point np from point 'v' onto the plane defined by handOr[2] and normal elbowAxis[i][1]
n = elbowAxis[i][1];
v = gr;
dist = v * n;
np = v - dist * n;
// this is the angle of roll.
dot = np * ma;
angle1 = RAD2DEG(acosf(dot));
//check to see if angle should be positive or neg, by checking if angle is >90 deg from axis orthogonal to -elbowAxis[i][2]
br = -elbowAxis[i][0];
dot = np * br;
angle2 = RAD2DEG(acosf(dot));
if ( angle2 > 90 ) angle1 = -angle1;
// fix the roll a little to better align with the elbow joint.
angle1 = angle1 - 20.0f;
angle1 = idMath::ClampFloat( -66.0f, 66.0f, angle1 );
angle2 = angle1 * 0.3f; //roll the elbow 1/3 of the total roll.
angle1 -= angle2;
wristMod[i] = idAngles(-angle1, 0.0f, 0.0f).ToMat3();
// roll the elbow a little;
idMat3 trsp = idAngles( angle2, 0.0f, 0.0f).ToMat3();
elbowAxis[i] = trsp * elbowAxis[i];
for ( i = 0; i < numArms; i++ )
animator->SetJointAxis( elbowJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, elbowAxis[i] );
animator->SetJointAxis( shoulderJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, shoulderAxis[i] );
animator->SetJointPos( elbowJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, elbowPos[i] );// Koz
animator->SetJointPos( handJoints[i], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, handPos[i] );// Koz
animator->SetJointAxis(wristJoints[i], JOINTMOD_LOCAL, wristMod[i]);
ik_activate = true;
void idIK_Reach::ClearJointMods()
int i;
if( !self || !ik_activate )
for( i = 0; i < numArms; i++ )
animator->SetJointAxis( shoulderJoints[i], JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointAxis( elbowJoints[i], JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
animator->SetJointAxis( handJoints[i], JOINTMOD_NONE, mat3_identity );
ik_activate = false;