/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "renderer/GuiModel.h" #include "ui/UserInterface.h" #include "renderer/tr_local.h" /* ========================================================================================== GUI SHADERS ========================================================================================== */ /* ================ R_SurfaceToTextureAxis Calculates two axis for the surface sutch that a point dotted against the axis will give a 0.0 to 1.0 range in S and T when inside the gui surface ================ */ void R_SurfaceToTextureAxis( const srfTriangles_t *tri, idVec3 &origin, idVec3 axis[3] ) { float area, inva; float d0[5], d1[5]; idDrawVert *a, *b, *c; float bounds[2][2]; float boundsOrg[2]; int i, j; float v; // find the bounds of the texture bounds[0][0] = bounds[0][1] = 999999; bounds[1][0] = bounds[1][1] = -999999; for ( i = 0 ; i < tri->numVerts ; i++ ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) { v = tri->verts[i].st[j]; if ( v < bounds[0][j] ) { bounds[0][j] = v; } if ( v > bounds[1][j] ) { bounds[1][j] = v; } } } // use the floor of the midpoint as the origin of the // surface, which will prevent a slight misalignment // from throwing it an entire cycle off boundsOrg[0] = floor( ( bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0] ) * 0.5 ); boundsOrg[1] = floor( ( bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1] ) * 0.5 ); // determine the world S and T vectors from the first drawSurf triangle a = tri->verts + tri->indexes[0]; b = tri->verts + tri->indexes[1]; c = tri->verts + tri->indexes[2]; VectorSubtract( b->xyz, a->xyz, d0 ); d0[3] = b->st[0] - a->st[0]; d0[4] = b->st[1] - a->st[1]; VectorSubtract( c->xyz, a->xyz, d1 ); d1[3] = c->st[0] - a->st[0]; d1[4] = c->st[1] - a->st[1]; area = d0[3] * d1[4] - d0[4] * d1[3]; if ( area == 0.0 ) { origin.Zero(); axis[0].Zero(); axis[1].Zero(); axis[2].Zero(); return; // degenerate } inva = 1.0 / area; axis[0][0] = (d0[0] * d1[4] - d0[4] * d1[0]) * inva; axis[0][1] = (d0[1] * d1[4] - d0[4] * d1[1]) * inva; axis[0][2] = (d0[2] * d1[4] - d0[4] * d1[2]) * inva; axis[1][0] = (d0[3] * d1[0] - d0[0] * d1[3]) * inva; axis[1][1] = (d0[3] * d1[1] - d0[1] * d1[3]) * inva; axis[1][2] = (d0[3] * d1[2] - d0[2] * d1[3]) * inva; idPlane plane; plane.FromPoints( a->xyz, b->xyz, c->xyz ); axis[2][0] = plane[0]; axis[2][1] = plane[1]; axis[2][2] = plane[2]; // take point 0 and project the vectors to the texture origin VectorMA( a->xyz, boundsOrg[0] - a->st[0], axis[0], origin ); VectorMA( origin, boundsOrg[1] - a->st[1], axis[1], origin ); } /* ================= R_RenderGuiSurf Create a texture space on the given surface and call the GUI generator to create quads for it. ================= */ void R_RenderGuiSurf( idUserInterface *gui, drawSurf_t *drawSurf ) { idVec3 origin, axis[3]; // for testing the performance hit if ( r_skipGuiShaders.GetInteger() == 1 ) { return; } // don't allow an infinite recursion loop if ( tr.guiRecursionLevel == 4 ) { return; } tr.pc.c_guiSurfs++; // create the new matrix to draw on this surface R_SurfaceToTextureAxis( drawSurf->geoFrontEnd, origin, axis ); float guiModelMatrix[16]; float modelMatrix[16]; guiModelMatrix[0] = axis[0][0] / 640.0; guiModelMatrix[4] = axis[1][0] / 480.0; guiModelMatrix[8] = axis[2][0]; guiModelMatrix[12] = origin[0]; guiModelMatrix[1] = axis[0][1] / 640.0; guiModelMatrix[5] = axis[1][1] / 480.0; guiModelMatrix[9] = axis[2][1]; guiModelMatrix[13] = origin[1]; guiModelMatrix[2] = axis[0][2] / 640.0; guiModelMatrix[6] = axis[1][2] / 480.0; guiModelMatrix[10] = axis[2][2]; guiModelMatrix[14] = origin[2]; guiModelMatrix[3] = 0; guiModelMatrix[7] = 0; guiModelMatrix[11] = 0; guiModelMatrix[15] = 1; myGlMultMatrix( guiModelMatrix, drawSurf->space->modelMatrix, modelMatrix ); tr.guiRecursionLevel++; // call the gui, which will call the 2D drawing functions tr.guiModel->Clear(); gui->Redraw( tr.viewDef->renderView.time ); tr.guiModel->EmitToCurrentView( modelMatrix, drawSurf->space->weaponDepthHack ); tr.guiModel->Clear(); tr.guiRecursionLevel--; } /* ================, R_ReloadGuis_f Reloads any guis that have had their file timestamps changed. An optional "all" parameter will cause all models to reload, even if they are not out of date. Should we also reload the map models? ================ */ void R_ReloadGuis_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { bool all; if ( !idStr::Icmp( args.Argv(1), "all" ) ) { all = true; common->Printf( "Reloading all gui files...\n" ); } else { all = false; common->Printf( "Checking for changed gui files...\n" ); } uiManager->Reload( all ); } /* ================, R_ListGuis_f ================ */ void R_ListGuis_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { uiManager->ListGuis(); }