/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "framework/Game.h" #include "../game/Vr.h" #include "sys/platform.h" #include "idlib/containers/List.h" #include "framework/EventLoop.h" #include "framework/Session.h" #include "framework/DemoFile.h" #include "renderer/ModelManager.h" #include "renderer/Material.h" #include "renderer/GuiModel.h" #include "renderer/VertexCache.h" #include "renderer/RenderWorld_local.h" #include "renderer/tr_local.h" idRenderSystemLocal tr; idRenderSystem *renderSystem = &tr; /* ===================== R_PerformanceCounters This prints both front and back end counters, so it should only be called when the back end thread is idle. ===================== */ static void R_PerformanceCounters( void ) { if ( r_showPrimitives.GetInteger() != 0 ) { float megaBytes = globalImages->SumOfUsedImages() / ( 1024*1024.0 ); if ( r_showPrimitives.GetInteger() > 1 ) { common->Printf( "v:%i ds:%i t:%i/%i v:%i/%i st:%i sv:%i image:%5.1f MB\n", tr.pc.c_numViews, backEnd.pc.c_drawElements + backEnd.pc.c_shadowElements, backEnd.pc.c_drawIndexes / 3, ( backEnd.pc.c_drawIndexes - backEnd.pc.c_drawRefIndexes ) / 3, backEnd.pc.c_drawVertexes, ( backEnd.pc.c_drawVertexes - backEnd.pc.c_drawRefVertexes ), backEnd.pc.c_shadowIndexes / 3, backEnd.pc.c_shadowVertexes, megaBytes ); } else { common->Printf( "views:%i draws:%i tris:%i (shdw:%i) (vbo:%i) image:%5.1f MB\n", tr.pc.c_numViews, backEnd.pc.c_drawElements + backEnd.pc.c_shadowElements, ( backEnd.pc.c_drawIndexes + backEnd.pc.c_shadowIndexes ) / 3, backEnd.pc.c_shadowIndexes / 3, backEnd.pc.c_vboIndexes / 3, megaBytes ); } } if ( r_showDynamic.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "callback:%i md5:%i dfrmVerts:%i dfrmTris:%i tangTris:%i guis:%i\n", tr.pc.c_entityDefCallbacks, tr.pc.c_generateMd5, tr.pc.c_deformedVerts, tr.pc.c_deformedIndexes/3, tr.pc.c_tangentIndexes/3, tr.pc.c_guiSurfs ); } if ( r_showCull.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "%i sin %i sclip %i sout %i bin %i bout\n", tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_in, tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_clip, tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_out, tr.pc.c_box_cull_in, tr.pc.c_box_cull_out ); } if ( r_showAlloc.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "alloc:%i free:%i\n", tr.pc.c_alloc, tr.pc.c_free ); } if ( r_showInteractions.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "createInteractions:%i createLightTris:%i createShadowVolumes:%i\n", tr.pc.c_createInteractions, tr.pc.c_createLightTris, tr.pc.c_createShadowVolumes ); } if ( r_showDefs.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "viewEntities:%i shadowEntities:%i viewLights:%i\n", tr.pc.c_visibleViewEntities, tr.pc.c_shadowViewEntities, tr.pc.c_viewLights ); } if ( r_showUpdates.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "entityUpdates:%i entityRefs:%i lightUpdates:%i lightRefs:%i\n", tr.pc.c_entityUpdates, tr.pc.c_entityReferences, tr.pc.c_lightUpdates, tr.pc.c_lightReferences ); } if ( r_showMemory.GetBool() ) { int m1 = frameData ? frameData->memoryHighwater : 0; common->Printf( "frameData: %i (%i)\n", R_CountFrameData(), m1 ); } memset( &tr.pc, 0, sizeof( tr.pc ) ); memset( &backEnd.pc, 0, sizeof( backEnd.pc ) ); } /* ==================== R_IssueRenderCommands Called by R_EndFrame each frame ==================== */ static void R_IssueRenderCommands( volatile frameData_t *fd ) { if ( fd->cmdHead->commandId == RC_NOP && !fd->cmdHead->next ) { // nothing to issue return; } // r_skipBackEnd allows the entire time of the back end // to be removed from performance measurements, although // nothing will be drawn to the screen. If the prints // are going to a file, or r_skipBackEnd is later disabled, // usefull data can be received. // r_skipRender is usually more usefull, because it will still // draw 2D graphics if ( !r_skipBackEnd.GetBool() ) { RB_ExecuteBackEndCommands( fd->cmdHead ); } } /* ============ R_GetCommandBuffer Returns memory for a command buffer (stretchPicCommand_t, drawSurfsCommand_t, etc) and links it to the end of the current command chain. ============ */ void *R_GetCommandBuffer( int bytes ) { emptyCommand_t *cmd; cmd = (emptyCommand_t *)R_FrameAlloc( bytes ); cmd->next = NULL; frameData->cmdTail->next = &cmd->commandId; frameData->cmdTail = cmd; return (void *)cmd; } /* ==================== R_ClearCommandChain Called after every buffer submission and by R_ToggleSmpFrame ==================== */ void R_ClearCommandChain( void ) { // clear the command chain frameData->cmdHead = frameData->cmdTail = (emptyCommand_t *)R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *frameData->cmdHead ) ); frameData->cmdHead->commandId = RC_NOP; frameData->cmdHead->next = NULL; } /* ================= R_ViewStatistics ================= */ static void R_ViewStatistics( viewDef_t *parms ) { // report statistics about this view if ( !r_showSurfaces.GetBool() ) { return; } common->Printf( "view:%p surfs:%i\n", parms, parms->numDrawSurfs ); } /* ============= R_AddDrawViewCmd This is the main 3D rendering command. A single scene may have multiple views if a mirror, portal, or dynamic texture is present. ============= */ void R_AddDrawViewCmd( viewDef_t *parms ) { drawSurfsCommand_t *cmd; cmd = (drawSurfsCommand_t *)R_GetCommandBuffer( sizeof( *cmd ) ); cmd->commandId = RC_DRAW_VIEW; cmd->viewDef = parms; if ( parms->viewEntitys ) { // save the command for r_lockSurfaces debugging tr.lockSurfacesCmd = *cmd; } tr.pc.c_numViews++; R_ViewStatistics( parms ); } //================================================================================= /* ====================== R_LockSurfaceScene r_lockSurfaces allows a developer to move around without changing the composition of the scene, including culling. The only thing that is modified is the view position and axis, no front end work is done at all Add the stored off command again, so the new rendering will use EXACTLY the same surfaces, including all the culling, even though the transformation matricies have been changed. This allow the culling tightness to be evaluated interactively. ====================== */ void R_LockSurfaceScene( viewDef_t *parms ) { drawSurfsCommand_t *cmd; viewEntity_t *vModel; // set the matrix for world space to eye space R_SetViewMatrix( parms ); tr.lockSurfacesCmd.viewDef->worldSpace = parms->worldSpace; // update the view origin and axis, and all // the entity matricies for (vModel = tr.lockSurfacesCmd.viewDef->viewEntitys; vModel; vModel = vModel->next) { for (int eye = 0; eye < 3; ++eye) { myGlMultMatrix(vModel->modelMatrix, tr.lockSurfacesCmd.viewDef->worldSpace.eyeViewMatrix[eye], vModel->eyeViewMatrix[eye]); } } // add the stored off surface commands again cmd = (drawSurfsCommand_t *)R_GetCommandBuffer( sizeof( *cmd ) ); *cmd = tr.lockSurfacesCmd; } /* ============= R_CheckCvars See if some cvars that we watch have changed ============= */ static void R_CheckCvars( void ) { globalImages->CheckCvars(); //GB Not Currently working - Fix (Create a Virtual Function) // Koz /*if ( game->isVR ) { if ( vr_useFloorHeight.IsModified() || ( vr_normalViewHeight.IsModified() && vr_useFloorHeight.GetInteger() == 0 ) || vr_scale.IsModified() || commonVr->shouldRecenter ) { commonVr->HMDResetTrackingOriginOffset(); vr_useFloorHeight.ClearModified(); vr_normalViewHeight.ClearModified(); vr_scale.ClearModified(); commonVr->shouldRecenter = false; } }*/ // gamma stuff if ( r_gamma.IsModified() || r_brightness.IsModified() ) { r_gamma.ClearModified(); r_brightness.ClearModified(); R_SetColorMappings(); } } /* ============= idRenderSystemLocal::idRenderSystemLocal ============= */ idRenderSystemLocal::idRenderSystemLocal( void ) { Clear(); } /* ============= idRenderSystemLocal::~idRenderSystemLocal ============= */ idRenderSystemLocal::~idRenderSystemLocal( void ) { } /* ============= SetColor This can be used to pass general information to the current material, not just colors ============= */ void idRenderSystemLocal::SetColor( const idVec4 &rgba ) { guiModel->SetColor(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], hudOpacity * rgba[3]); } /* ============= SetColor4 ============= */ void idRenderSystemLocal::SetColor4( float r, float g, float b, float a ) { a = hudOpacity * a; guiModel->SetColor( r, g, b, a ); } /* ============= DrawStretchPic ============= */ void idRenderSystemLocal::DrawStretchPic( const idDrawVert *verts, const glIndex_t *indexes, int vertCount, int indexCount, const idMaterial *material, bool clip, float min_x, float min_y, float max_x, float max_y ) { guiModel->DrawStretchPic( verts, indexes, vertCount, indexCount, material, clip, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y ); } /* ============= DrawStretchPic x/y/w/h are in the 0,0 to 640,480 range ============= */ void idRenderSystemLocal::DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, const idMaterial *material ) { guiModel->DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, s1, t1, s2, t2, material ); } /* ============= DrawStretchTri x/y/w/h are in the 0,0 to 640,480 range ============= */ void idRenderSystemLocal::DrawStretchTri( idVec2 p1, idVec2 p2, idVec2 p3, idVec2 t1, idVec2 t2, idVec2 t3, const idMaterial *material ) { tr.guiModel->DrawStretchTri( p1, p2, p3, t1, t2, t3, material ); } /* ============= GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates ============= */ void idRenderSystemLocal::GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( const idVec3 &global, idVec3 &ndc ) { R_GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( global, ndc ); } /* ============= GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates ============= */ void idRenderSystemLocal::GetGLSettings( int& width, int& height ) { width = glConfig.vidWidth; height = glConfig.vidHeight; } /* ===================== idRenderSystemLocal::DrawSmallChar small chars are drawn at native screen resolution ===================== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::DrawSmallChar( int x, int y, int ch, const idMaterial *material ) { int row, col; float frow, fcol; float size; ch &= 255; if ( ch == ' ' ) { return; } if ( y < -SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT ) { return; } row = ch >> 4; col = ch & 15; frow = row * 0.0625f; fcol = col * 0.0625f; size = 0.0625f; DrawStretchPic( x, y, SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT, fcol, frow, fcol + size, frow + size, material ); } /* ================== idRenderSystemLocal::DrawSmallString[Color] Draws a multi-colored string with a drop shadow, optionally forcing to a fixed color. Coordinates are at 640 by 480 virtual resolution ================== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::DrawSmallStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const idVec4 &setColor, bool forceColor, const idMaterial *material ) { idVec4 color; const unsigned char *s; int xx; // draw the colored text s = (const unsigned char*)string; xx = x; SetColor( setColor ); while ( *s ) { if ( idStr::IsColor( (const char*)s ) ) { if ( !forceColor ) { if ( *(s+1) == C_COLOR_DEFAULT ) { SetColor( setColor ); } else { color = idStr::ColorForIndex( *(s+1) ); color[3] = setColor[3]; SetColor( color ); } } s += 2; continue; } DrawSmallChar( xx, y, *s, material ); xx += SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; s++; } SetColor( colorWhite ); } /* ===================== idRenderSystemLocal::DrawBigChar ===================== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::DrawBigChar( int x, int y, int ch, const idMaterial *material ) { int row, col; float frow, fcol; float size; ch &= 255; if ( ch == ' ' ) { return; } if ( y < -BIGCHAR_HEIGHT ) { return; } row = ch >> 4; col = ch & 15; frow = row * 0.0625f; fcol = col * 0.0625f; size = 0.0625f; DrawStretchPic( x, y, BIGCHAR_WIDTH, BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, fcol, frow, fcol + size, frow + size, material ); } /* ================== idRenderSystemLocal::DrawBigString[Color] Draws a multi-colored string with a drop shadow, optionally forcing to a fixed color. Coordinates are at 640 by 480 virtual resolution ================== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::DrawBigStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const idVec4 &setColor, bool forceColor, const idMaterial *material ) { idVec4 color; const char *s; int xx; // draw the colored text s = string; xx = x; SetColor( setColor ); while ( *s ) { if ( idStr::IsColor( s ) ) { if ( !forceColor ) { if ( *(s+1) == C_COLOR_DEFAULT ) { SetColor( setColor ); } else { color = idStr::ColorForIndex( *(s+1) ); color[3] = setColor[3]; SetColor( color ); } } s += 2; continue; } DrawBigChar( xx, y, *s, material ); xx += BIGCHAR_WIDTH; s++; } SetColor( colorWhite ); } //====================================================================================== /* ==================== BeginFrame ==================== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::BeginFrame( int windowWidth, int windowHeight ) { setBufferCommand_t *cmd; if ( !glConfig.isInitialized ) { return; } guiModel->Clear(); // for the larger-than-window tiled rendering screenshots if ( tiledViewport[0] ) { windowWidth = tiledViewport[0]; windowHeight = tiledViewport[1]; } glConfig.vidWidth = windowWidth; glConfig.vidHeight = windowHeight; renderCrops[0].x = 0; renderCrops[0].y = 0; renderCrops[0].width = windowWidth; renderCrops[0].height = windowHeight; currentRenderCrop = 0; // screenFraction is just for quickly testing fill rate limitations if ( r_screenFraction.GetInteger() != 100 ) { int w = SCREEN_WIDTH * r_screenFraction.GetInteger() / 100.0f; int h = SCREEN_HEIGHT * r_screenFraction.GetInteger() / 100.0f; CropRenderSize( w, h ); } // this is the ONLY place this is modified frameCount++; // just in case we did a common->Error while this // was set guiRecursionLevel = 0; // the first rendering will be used for commands like // screenshot, rather than a possible subsequent remote // or mirror render // primaryWorld = NULL; // set the time for shader effects in 2D rendering frameShaderTime = eventLoop->Milliseconds() * 0.001; // // draw buffer stuff // cmd = (setBufferCommand_t *)R_GetCommandBuffer( sizeof( *cmd ) ); cmd->commandId = RC_SET_BUFFER; cmd->frameCount = frameCount; cmd->buffer = 0; } void idRenderSystemLocal::WriteDemoPics() { session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DC_GUI_MODEL ); guiModel->WriteToDemo( session->writeDemo ); } void idRenderSystemLocal::DrawDemoPics() { demoGuiModel->EmitFullScreen(); } void GLimp_ActivateContext(); void GLimp_DeactivateContext(); int idRenderSystemLocal::BackendThreadRunner(void *localRenderSystem) { idRenderSystemLocal *local = (idRenderSystemLocal*)localRenderSystem; local->BackendThread(); return 0; } void idRenderSystemLocal::BackendThreadWait() { while(!backendFinished) { //usleep(1000 * 3); Sys_WaitForEvent(TRIGGER_EVENT_BACKEND_FINISHED); //usleep(500); } } void idRenderSystemLocal::BackendThread() { GLimp_ActivateContext(); while( 1 ) { if( useSpinLock ) { while(!backendThreadRun) { if(spinLockDelay) usleep(spinLockDelay); } backendThreadRun = false; } else { // LOGI("Wait TRIGGER_EVENT_RUN_BACKEND"); Sys_WaitForEvent(TRIGGER_EVENT_RUN_BACKEND); // LOGI("Done TRIGGER_EVENT_RUN_BACKEND"); } // Thread will be woken up to either shutdown or render if( backendThreadShutdown ) { LOGI("Backend thread ending.."); // Release context GLimp_DeactivateContext(); // Finish thread break; } else { BackendThreadTask(); } } } void idRenderSystemLocal::BackendThreadTask() { idImage * img; // Purge all images while( (img = globalImages->GetNextPurgeImage()) != NULL ) { //LOGI("IMAGE PURGE!"); img->PurgeImage(); } // Load all images while( (img = globalImages->GetNextAllocImage()) != NULL ) { // LOGI("IMAGE LOAD!"); img->ActuallyLoadImage( false ); } if( useSpinLock ) { imagesFinished = true; } else { Sys_TriggerEvent(TRIGGER_EVENT_IMAGES_PROCESSES); } vertexCache.BeginBackEnd(vertListToRender); R_IssueRenderCommands(fdToRender); // Take screen shot if(pixels) { qglReadPixels( pixelsCrop->x, pixelsCrop->y, pixelsCrop->width, pixelsCrop->height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (void*)pixels ); pixels = NULL; pixelsCrop = NULL; } backendFinished = true; Sys_TriggerEvent(TRIGGER_EVENT_BACKEND_FINISHED); } void idRenderSystemLocal::BackendThreadExecute() { //LOGI("BackendThreadRun called.."); imagesFinished = false; backendFinished = false; if(multithreadActive) { if ( !renderThread.threadHandle ) { LOGI("Starting new backend thread"); GLimp_DeactivateContext(); backendThreadShutdown = false; Sys_CreateThread( &idRenderSystemLocal::BackendThreadRunner, this, renderThread, "renderThread" ); } // Start Thread if( useSpinLock ) { backendThreadRun = true; } else { // LOGI("Trigger TRIGGER_EVENT_RUN_BACKEND"); Sys_TriggerEvent(TRIGGER_EVENT_RUN_BACKEND); } } else // No multithread, just execute in sequence { BackendThreadTask(); } } void idRenderSystemLocal::BackendThreadShutdown() { LOGI("Shutting down backend thread"); if( multithreadActive && renderThread.threadHandle ) { // Wait for thread to be ready BackendThreadWait(); // Set shutdown flag backendThreadShutdown = true; // Start Thread if( useSpinLock ) { backendThreadRun = true; } else { // LOGI("Trigger TRIGGER_EVENT_RUN_BACKEND"); Sys_TriggerEvent(TRIGGER_EVENT_RUN_BACKEND); } // Join thread and wait until finished Sys_DestroyThread(renderThread); // Clear handle renderThread.threadHandle = 0; //Take GL context GLimp_ActivateContext(); } } void idRenderSystemLocal::RenderCommands(renderCrop_t *pc, byte *pix) { // Only do rendering if the app is actually active if(windowActive) { //Wait for last backend rendering to finish BackendThreadWait(); // Limit maximum FPS int maxFPS = r_maxFps.GetInteger(); if(maxFPS) { unsigned int limit = 1000 / maxFPS; unsigned int currentTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); int timeTook = currentTime - lastRenderTime; if(timeTook < limit) { usleep((limit - timeTook) * 1000); } lastRenderTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); } // LOGI("---------------------NEW FRAME---------------------"); // We have turned off multithreading, we need to shut it down if(multithreadActive && !r_multithread.GetBool()) { BackendThreadShutdown(); multithreadActive = false; } else if( !multithreadActive && r_multithread.GetBool() ) { multithreadActive = true; } //Save the current vertexs and framedata to use for next render vertListToRender = vertexCache.GetListNum(); fdToRender = frameData; //Save the potential pixel pixelsCrop = pc; pixels = pix; BackendThreadExecute(); // Wait for the backend to load any images, this only really happens at level load time // Problem is image loading is not thread safe, hence the wait if(useSpinLock) { while(!imagesFinished) { if(spinLockDelay) usleep(spinLockDelay); } } else { Sys_WaitForEvent(TRIGGER_EVENT_IMAGES_PROCESSES); } } // If we are waiting for pixel data, make sure we wait for the backend to finish if(pix) { BackendThreadWait(); } // use the other buffers next frame, because another CPU // may still be rendering into the current buffers R_ToggleSmpFrame(); // we can now release the vertexes used this frame vertexCache.EndFrame(); R_ClearCommandChain(); } /* ============= EndFrame Returns the number of msec spent in the back end ============= */ void idRenderSystemLocal::EndFrame( int *frontEndMsec, int *backEndMsec ) { emptyCommand_t *cmd; if ( !glConfig.isInitialized ) { return; } // close any gui drawing guiModel->EmitFullScreen(); guiModel->Clear(); // save out timing information if ( frontEndMsec ) { *frontEndMsec = pc.frontEndMsec; } if ( backEndMsec ) { *backEndMsec = backEnd.pc.msec; } // print any other statistics and clear all of them R_PerformanceCounters(); // check for dynamic changes that require some initialization R_CheckCvars(); // check for errors GL_CheckErrors(); // add the swapbuffers command cmd = (emptyCommand_t *)R_GetCommandBuffer( sizeof( *cmd ) ); cmd->commandId = RC_SWAP_BUFFERS; // Render the commands. No pixel data passed so it will return immediatle if multithreading RenderCommands(0, 0); if ( session->writeDemo ) { session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DC_END_FRAME ); if ( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_END_FRAME\n" ); } } } /* ===================== RenderViewToViewport Converts from SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT coordinates to current cropped pixel coordinates ===================== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::RenderViewToViewport( const renderView_t *renderView, idScreenRect *viewport ) { renderCrop_t *rc = &renderCrops[currentRenderCrop]; float wRatio = (float)rc->width / SCREEN_WIDTH; float hRatio = (float)rc->height / SCREEN_HEIGHT; viewport->x1 = idMath::Ftoi( rc->x + renderView->x * wRatio ); viewport->x2 = idMath::Ftoi( rc->x + floor( ( renderView->x + renderView->width ) * wRatio + 0.5f ) - 1 ); viewport->y1 = idMath::Ftoi( ( rc->y + rc->height ) - floor( ( renderView->y + renderView->height ) * hRatio + 0.5f ) ); viewport->y2 = idMath::Ftoi( ( rc->y + rc->height ) - floor( renderView->y * hRatio + 0.5f ) - 1 ); } static int RoundDownToPowerOfTwo( int v ) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++ ) { if ( ( 1 << i ) == v ) { return v; } if ( ( 1 << i ) > v ) { return 1 << ( i-1 ); } } return 1<EmitFullScreen(); guiModel->Clear(); if ( width < 1 || height < 1 ) { common->Error( "CropRenderSize: bad sizes" ); } if ( session->writeDemo ) { session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DC_CROP_RENDER ); session->writeDemo->WriteInt( width ); session->writeDemo->WriteInt( height ); session->writeDemo->WriteInt( makePowerOfTwo ); if ( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_CROP_RENDER\n" ); } } // convert from virtual SCREEN_WIDTH/SCREEN_HEIGHT coordinates to physical OpenGL pixels renderView_t renderView; renderView.x = 0; renderView.y = 0; renderView.width = width; renderView.height = height; idScreenRect r; RenderViewToViewport( &renderView, &r ); width = r.x2 - r.x1 + 1; height = r.y2 - r.y1 + 1; if ( forceDimensions ) { // just give exactly what we ask for width = renderView.width; height = renderView.height; } // if makePowerOfTwo, drop to next lower power of two after scaling to physical pixels if ( makePowerOfTwo ) { width = RoundDownToPowerOfTwo( width ); height = RoundDownToPowerOfTwo( height ); // FIXME: megascreenshots with offset viewports don't work right with this yet } renderCrop_t *rc = &renderCrops[currentRenderCrop]; // we might want to clip these to the crop window instead while ( width > glConfig.vidWidth ) { width >>= 1; } while ( height > glConfig.vidHeight ) { height >>= 1; } if ( currentRenderCrop == MAX_RENDER_CROPS ) { common->Error( "idRenderSystemLocal::CropRenderSize: currentRenderCrop == MAX_RENDER_CROPS" ); } currentRenderCrop++; rc = &renderCrops[currentRenderCrop]; rc->x = 0; rc->y = 0; rc->width = width; rc->height = height; } /* ================ UnCrop ================ */ void idRenderSystemLocal::UnCrop() { if ( !glConfig.isInitialized ) { return; } if ( currentRenderCrop < 1 ) { common->Error( "idRenderSystemLocal::UnCrop: currentRenderCrop < 1" ); } // close any gui drawing guiModel->EmitFullScreen(); guiModel->Clear(); currentRenderCrop--; if ( session->writeDemo ) { session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DC_UNCROP_RENDER ); if ( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_UNCROP\n" ); } } } /* ================ CaptureRenderToImage ================ */ void idRenderSystemLocal::CaptureRenderToImage( const char *imageName ) { if ( !glConfig.isInitialized ) { return; } guiModel->EmitFullScreen(); guiModel->Clear(); if ( session->writeDemo ) { session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DS_RENDER ); session->writeDemo->WriteInt( DC_CAPTURE_RENDER ); session->writeDemo->WriteHashString( imageName ); if ( r_showDemo.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "write DC_CAPTURE_RENDER: %s\n", imageName ); } } // look up the image before we create the render command, because it // may need to sync to create the image idImage *image = globalImages->ImageFromFile(imageName, TF_DEFAULT, true, TR_REPEAT, TD_DEFAULT); renderCrop_t *rc = &renderCrops[currentRenderCrop]; copyRenderCommand_t *cmd = (copyRenderCommand_t *)R_GetCommandBuffer( sizeof( *cmd ) ); cmd->commandId = RC_COPY_RENDER; cmd->x = rc->x; cmd->y = rc->y; cmd->imageWidth = rc->width; cmd->imageHeight = rc->height; cmd->image = image; guiModel->Clear(); } /* ============== CaptureRenderToFile ============== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::CaptureRenderToFile( const char *fileName, bool fixAlpha ) { if ( !glConfig.isInitialized ) { return; } renderCrop_t *rc = &renderCrops[currentRenderCrop]; guiModel->EmitFullScreen(); guiModel->Clear(); // include extra space for OpenGL padding to word boundaries int c = ( rc->width + 4 ) * rc->height; byte *data = (byte *)R_StaticAlloc( c * 4 ); // This will render the commands and will block untill finished and has the pixel data RenderCommands(rc, data); byte *data2 = (byte *)R_StaticAlloc( c * 4 ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i++ ) { data2[ i * 4 ] = data[ i * 4 ]; data2[ i * 4 + 1 ] = data[ i * 4 + 1 ]; data2[ i * 4 + 2 ] = data[ i * 4 + 2 ]; data2[ i * 4 + 3 ] = 0xff; } R_WriteTGA( fileName, data2, rc->width, rc->height, true ); R_StaticFree( data ); R_StaticFree( data2 ); } /* ============== AllocRenderWorld ============== */ idRenderWorld *idRenderSystemLocal::AllocRenderWorld() { idRenderWorldLocal *rw; rw = new idRenderWorldLocal; worlds.Append( rw ); return rw; } /* ============== FreeRenderWorld ============== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::FreeRenderWorld( idRenderWorld *rw ) { if ( primaryWorld == rw ) { primaryWorld = NULL; } worlds.Remove( static_cast(rw) ); delete rw; } /* ============== PrintMemInfo ============== */ void idRenderSystemLocal::PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t *mi ) { // sum up image totals globalImages->PrintMemInfo( mi ); // sum up model totals renderModelManager->PrintMemInfo( mi ); // compute render totals } /* =============== idRenderSystemLocal::UploadImage =============== */ bool idRenderSystemLocal::UploadImage( const char *imageName, const byte *data, int width, int height ) { idImage *image = globalImages->GetImage( imageName ); if ( !image ) { return false; } image->UploadScratch( data, width, height ); image->SetImageFilterAndRepeat(); return true; } void idRenderSystemLocal::DirectFrameBufferStart() { emptyCommand_t *cmd; cmd = (emptyCommand_t *)R_GetCommandBuffer( sizeof( *cmd ) ); cmd->commandId = RC_DIRECT_BUFFER_START; } void idRenderSystemLocal::DirectFrameBufferEnd() { emptyCommand_t *cmd; cmd = (emptyCommand_t *)R_GetCommandBuffer( sizeof( *cmd ) ); cmd->commandId = RC_DIRECT_BUFFER_END; }