/************************************************************************************ Filename : Q2VR_SurfaceView.c based on VrCubeWorld_SurfaceView.c Content : This sample uses a plain Android SurfaceView and handles all Activity and Surface life cycle events in native code. This sample does not use the application framework and also does not use LibOVR. This sample only uses the VrApi. Created : March, 2015 Authors : J.M.P. van Waveren / Simon Brown Copyright : Copyright 2015 Oculus VR, LLC. All Rights reserved. *************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for prctl( PR_SET_NAME ) #include #include // for native window JNI #include #include "argtable3.h" #include "VrInput.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VrApi_Helpers.h" #include "VrApi_SystemUtils.h" #include "VrApi_Input.h" #include "VrCompositor.h" #include "VrInput.h" #include "../../../../../../VrApi/Include/VrApi_Types.h" #include "../../../../../../VrApi/Include/VrApi.h" //Define all variables here that were externs in the VrCommon.h bool Doom3Quest_initialised; float playerYaw; float vrFOV; bool vr_moveuseoffhand; float vr_snapturn_angle; bool vr_switchsticks; bool vr_secondarybuttonmappings; bool vr_twohandedweapons; bool shutdown; #if !defined( EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR ) #define EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR 0x0040 #endif // EXT_texture_border_clamp #ifndef GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER #define GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER 0x812D #endif #ifndef GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR #define GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR 0x1004 #endif // Must use EGLSyncKHR because the VrApi still supports OpenGL ES 2.0 #define EGL_SYNC #if defined EGL_SYNC // EGL_KHR_reusable_sync PFNEGLCREATESYNCKHRPROC eglCreateSyncKHR; PFNEGLDESTROYSYNCKHRPROC eglDestroySyncKHR; PFNEGLCLIENTWAITSYNCKHRPROC eglClientWaitSyncKHR; PFNEGLSIGNALSYNCKHRPROC eglSignalSyncKHR; PFNEGLGETSYNCATTRIBKHRPROC eglGetSyncAttribKHR; #endif //Let's go to the maximum! int CPU_LEVEL = 4; int GPU_LEVEL = 4; int NUM_MULTI_SAMPLES = 1; int FFR = 0; float SS_MULTIPLIER = 1.0f; int DISPLAY_REFRESH = 60; vrClientInfo vr; vrClientInfo *pVRClientInfo; jclass clazz; float radians(float deg) { return (deg * M_PI) / 180.0; } float degrees(float rad) { return (rad * 180.0) / M_PI; } /* global arg_xxx structs */ struct arg_dbl *ss; struct arg_int *cpu; struct arg_int *gpu; struct arg_int *msaa; struct arg_int *ffr; struct arg_int *refresh; struct arg_end *end; char **argv; int argc=0; enum control_scheme { RIGHT_HANDED_DEFAULT = 0, LEFT_HANDED_DEFAULT = 10 }; /* ================================================================================ System Clock Time in millis ================================================================================ */ double GetTimeInMilliSeconds() { struct timespec now; clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now ); return ( now.tv_sec * 1e9 + now.tv_nsec ) * (double)(1e-6); } bool forceVirtualScreen = false; bool inMenu = false; bool inGameGuiActive = false; bool objectiveSystemActive = false; bool inCinematic = false; void Doom3Quest_setUseScreenLayer(int screen) { inMenu = screen & 0x1; inGameGuiActive = !!(screen & 0x2); objectiveSystemActive = !!(screen & 0x4); inCinematic = !!(screen & 0x8); } bool Doom3Quest_useScreenLayer() { return inMenu || inCinematic || forceVirtualScreen; } static void UnEscapeQuotes( char *arg ) { char *last = NULL; while( *arg ) { if( *arg == '"' && *last == '\\' ) { char *c_curr = arg; char *c_last = last; while( *c_curr ) { *c_last = *c_curr; c_last = c_curr; c_curr++; } *c_last = '\0'; } last = arg; arg++; } } static int ParseCommandLine(char *cmdline, char **argv) { char *bufp; char *lastp = NULL; int argc, last_argc; argc = last_argc = 0; for ( bufp = cmdline; *bufp; ) { while ( isspace(*bufp) ) { ++bufp; } if ( *bufp == '"' ) { ++bufp; if ( *bufp ) { if ( argv ) { argv[argc] = bufp; } ++argc; } while ( *bufp && ( *bufp != '"' || *lastp == '\\' ) ) { lastp = bufp; ++bufp; } } else { if ( *bufp ) { if ( argv ) { argv[argc] = bufp; } ++argc; } while ( *bufp && ! isspace(*bufp) ) { ++bufp; } } if ( *bufp ) { if ( argv ) { *bufp = '\0'; } ++bufp; } if( argv && last_argc != argc ) { UnEscapeQuotes( argv[last_argc] ); } last_argc = argc; } if ( argv ) { argv[argc] = NULL; } return(argc); } /* ================================================================================ OpenGL-ES Utility Functions ================================================================================ */ typedef struct { bool multi_view; // GL_OVR_multiview, GL_OVR_multiview2 bool EXT_texture_border_clamp; // GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp, GL_OES_texture_border_clamp } OpenGLExtensions_t; OpenGLExtensions_t glExtensions; static void EglInitExtensions() { #if defined EGL_SYNC eglCreateSyncKHR = (PFNEGLCREATESYNCKHRPROC) eglGetProcAddress( "eglCreateSyncKHR" ); eglDestroySyncKHR = (PFNEGLDESTROYSYNCKHRPROC) eglGetProcAddress( "eglDestroySyncKHR" ); eglClientWaitSyncKHR = (PFNEGLCLIENTWAITSYNCKHRPROC) eglGetProcAddress( "eglClientWaitSyncKHR" ); eglSignalSyncKHR = (PFNEGLSIGNALSYNCKHRPROC) eglGetProcAddress( "eglSignalSyncKHR" ); eglGetSyncAttribKHR = (PFNEGLGETSYNCATTRIBKHRPROC) eglGetProcAddress( "eglGetSyncAttribKHR" ); #endif const char * allExtensions = (const char *)glGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ); if ( allExtensions != NULL ) { glExtensions.multi_view = strstr( allExtensions, "GL_OVR_multiview2" ) && strstr( allExtensions, "GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture" ); glExtensions.EXT_texture_border_clamp = strstr( allExtensions, "GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp" ) || strstr( allExtensions, "GL_OES_texture_border_clamp" ); } } static const char * EglErrorString( const EGLint error ) { switch ( error ) { case EGL_SUCCESS: return "EGL_SUCCESS"; case EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED: return "EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED"; case EGL_BAD_ACCESS: return "EGL_BAD_ACCESS"; case EGL_BAD_ALLOC: return "EGL_BAD_ALLOC"; case EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE: return "EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE"; case EGL_BAD_CONTEXT: return "EGL_BAD_CONTEXT"; case EGL_BAD_CONFIG: return "EGL_BAD_CONFIG"; case EGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACE: return "EGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACE"; case EGL_BAD_DISPLAY: return "EGL_BAD_DISPLAY"; case EGL_BAD_SURFACE: return "EGL_BAD_SURFACE"; case EGL_BAD_MATCH: return "EGL_BAD_MATCH"; case EGL_BAD_PARAMETER: return "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER"; case EGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAP: return "EGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAP"; case EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW: return "EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW"; case EGL_CONTEXT_LOST: return "EGL_CONTEXT_LOST"; default: return "unknown"; } } static const char * GlFrameBufferStatusString( GLenum status ) { switch ( status ) { case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED: return "GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED"; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: return "GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT"; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT: return "GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT"; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: return "GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED"; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE: return "GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE"; default: return "unknown"; } } /* ================================================================================ ovrEgl ================================================================================ */ typedef struct { EGLint MajorVersion; EGLint MinorVersion; EGLDisplay Display; EGLConfig Config; EGLSurface TinySurface; EGLSurface MainSurface; EGLContext Context; } ovrEgl; static void ovrEgl_Clear( ovrEgl * egl ) { egl->MajorVersion = 0; egl->MinorVersion = 0; egl->Display = 0; egl->Config = 0; egl->TinySurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; egl->MainSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; egl->Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; } static void ovrEgl_CreateContext( ovrEgl * egl, const ovrEgl * shareEgl ) { if ( egl->Display != 0 ) { return; } egl->Display = eglGetDisplay( EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY ); eglInitialize( egl->Display, &egl->MajorVersion, &egl->MinorVersion ); // Do NOT use eglChooseConfig, because the Android EGL code pushes in multisample // flags in eglChooseConfig if the user has selected the "force 4x MSAA" option in // settings, and that is completely wasted for our warp target. const int MAX_CONFIGS = 1024; EGLConfig configs[MAX_CONFIGS]; EGLint numConfigs = 0; if ( eglGetConfigs( egl->Display, configs, MAX_CONFIGS, &numConfigs ) == EGL_FALSE ) { ALOGE( " eglGetConfigs() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); return; } const EGLint configAttribs[] = { EGL_RED_SIZE, 8, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, // need alpha for the multi-pass timewarp compositor EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, EGL_SAMPLES, 0, EGL_NONE }; egl->Config = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < numConfigs; i++ ) { EGLint value = 0; eglGetConfigAttrib( egl->Display, configs[i], EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, &value ); if ( ( value & EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR ) != EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR ) { continue; } // The pbuffer config also needs to be compatible with normal window rendering // so it can share textures with the window context. eglGetConfigAttrib( egl->Display, configs[i], EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, &value ); if ( ( value & ( EGL_WINDOW_BIT | EGL_PBUFFER_BIT ) ) != ( EGL_WINDOW_BIT | EGL_PBUFFER_BIT ) ) { continue; } int j = 0; for ( ; configAttribs[j] != EGL_NONE; j += 2 ) { eglGetConfigAttrib( egl->Display, configs[i], configAttribs[j], &value ); if ( value != configAttribs[j + 1] ) { break; } } if ( configAttribs[j] == EGL_NONE ) { egl->Config = configs[i]; break; } } if ( egl->Config == 0 ) { ALOGE( " eglChooseConfig() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); return; } EGLint contextAttribs[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 3, EGL_NONE }; ALOGV( " Context = eglCreateContext( Display, Config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, contextAttribs )" ); egl->Context = eglCreateContext( egl->Display, egl->Config, ( shareEgl != NULL ) ? shareEgl->Context : EGL_NO_CONTEXT, contextAttribs ); if ( egl->Context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT ) { ALOGE( " eglCreateContext() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); return; } const EGLint surfaceAttribs[] = { EGL_WIDTH, 16, EGL_HEIGHT, 16, EGL_NONE }; ALOGV( " TinySurface = eglCreatePbufferSurface( Display, Config, surfaceAttribs )" ); egl->TinySurface = eglCreatePbufferSurface( egl->Display, egl->Config, surfaceAttribs ); if ( egl->TinySurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE ) { ALOGE( " eglCreatePbufferSurface() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); eglDestroyContext( egl->Display, egl->Context ); egl->Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; return; } ALOGV( " eglMakeCurrent( Display, TinySurface, TinySurface, Context )" ); if ( eglMakeCurrent( egl->Display, egl->TinySurface, egl->TinySurface, egl->Context ) == EGL_FALSE ) { ALOGE( " eglMakeCurrent() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); eglDestroySurface( egl->Display, egl->TinySurface ); eglDestroyContext( egl->Display, egl->Context ); egl->Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; return; } } static void ovrEgl_DestroyContext( ovrEgl * egl ) { if ( egl->Display != 0 ) { ALOGE( " eglMakeCurrent( Display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT )" ); if ( eglMakeCurrent( egl->Display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT ) == EGL_FALSE ) { ALOGE( " eglMakeCurrent() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); } } if ( egl->Context != EGL_NO_CONTEXT ) { ALOGE( " eglDestroyContext( Display, Context )" ); if ( eglDestroyContext( egl->Display, egl->Context ) == EGL_FALSE ) { ALOGE( " eglDestroyContext() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); } egl->Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; } if ( egl->TinySurface != EGL_NO_SURFACE ) { ALOGE( " eglDestroySurface( Display, TinySurface )" ); if ( eglDestroySurface( egl->Display, egl->TinySurface ) == EGL_FALSE ) { ALOGE( " eglDestroySurface() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); } egl->TinySurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; } if ( egl->Display != 0 ) { ALOGE( " eglTerminate( Display )" ); if ( eglTerminate( egl->Display ) == EGL_FALSE ) { ALOGE( " eglTerminate() failed: %s", EglErrorString( eglGetError() ) ); } egl->Display = 0; } } /* ================================================================================ ovrFramebuffer ================================================================================ */ static void ovrFramebuffer_Clear( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer ) { frameBuffer->Width = 0; frameBuffer->Height = 0; frameBuffer->Multisamples = 0; frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength = 0; frameBuffer->ProcessingTextureSwapChainIndex = 0; frameBuffer->ReadyTextureSwapChainIndex = 0; frameBuffer->ColorTextureSwapChain = NULL; frameBuffer->DepthBuffers = NULL; frameBuffer->FrameBuffers = NULL; } typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEEXTPROC) (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2DMULTISAMPLEEXTPROC) (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLsizei samples); #if !defined(GL_OVR_multiview) /// static const int GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_NUM_VIEWS_OVR = 0x9630; /// static const int GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_BASE_VIEW_INDEX_OVR = 0x9632; /// static const int GL_MAX_VIEWS_OVR = 0x9631; typedef void(GL_APIENTRY* PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTUREMULTIVIEWOVRPROC)( GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint baseViewIndex, GLsizei numViews); #endif #if !defined(GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture) typedef void(GL_APIENTRY* PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTUREMULTISAMPLEMULTIVIEWOVRPROC)( GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLsizei samples, GLint baseViewIndex, GLsizei numViews); #endif static bool ovrFramebuffer_Create( ovrFramebuffer* frameBuffer, const bool useMultiview, const GLenum colorFormat, const int width, const int height, const int multisamples) { PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEEXTPROC glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT = (PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEEXTPROC)eglGetProcAddress( "glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT"); PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2DMULTISAMPLEEXTPROC glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT = (PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2DMULTISAMPLEEXTPROC)eglGetProcAddress( "glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT"); PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTUREMULTIVIEWOVRPROC glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR = (PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTUREMULTIVIEWOVRPROC)eglGetProcAddress( "glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR"); PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTUREMULTISAMPLEMULTIVIEWOVRPROC glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR = (PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTUREMULTISAMPLEMULTIVIEWOVRPROC)eglGetProcAddress( "glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR"); frameBuffer->Width = width; frameBuffer->Height = height; frameBuffer->Multisamples = multisamples; frameBuffer->UseMultiview = (useMultiview && (glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR != NULL)) ? true : false; frameBuffer->ColorTextureSwapChain = vrapi_CreateTextureSwapChain3( frameBuffer->UseMultiview ? VRAPI_TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY : VRAPI_TEXTURE_TYPE_2D, colorFormat, width, height, 1, 3); frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength = vrapi_GetTextureSwapChainLength(frameBuffer->ColorTextureSwapChain); frameBuffer->DepthBuffers = (GLuint*)malloc(frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength * sizeof(GLuint)); frameBuffer->FrameBuffers = (GLuint*)malloc(frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength * sizeof(GLuint)); ALOGV(" frameBuffer->UseMultiview = %d", frameBuffer->UseMultiview); for (int i = 0; i < frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength; i++) { // Create the color buffer texture. const GLuint colorTexture = vrapi_GetTextureSwapChainHandle(frameBuffer->ColorTextureSwapChain, i); GLenum colorTextureTarget = frameBuffer->UseMultiview ? GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY : GL_TEXTURE_2D; GL(glBindTexture(colorTextureTarget, colorTexture)); GL(glTexParameteri(colorTextureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER)); GL(glTexParameteri(colorTextureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER)); GLfloat borderColor[] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; GL(glTexParameterfv(colorTextureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, borderColor)); GL(glTexParameteri(colorTextureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR)); GL(glTexParameteri(colorTextureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR)); GL(glBindTexture(colorTextureTarget, 0)); if (frameBuffer->UseMultiview) { // Create the depth buffer texture. GL(glGenTextures(1, &frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i])); GL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i])); GL(glTexStorage3D(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, width, height, 2)); GL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 0)); // Create the frame buffer. GL(glGenFramebuffers(1, &frameBuffer->FrameBuffers[i])); GL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer->FrameBuffers[i])); if (multisamples > 1 && (glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR != NULL)) { GL(glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i], 0 /* level */, multisamples /* samples */, 0 /* baseViewIndex */, 2 /* numViews */)); GL(glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, colorTexture, 0 /* level */, multisamples /* samples */, 0 /* baseViewIndex */, 2 /* numViews */)); } else { GL(glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i], 0 /* level */, 0 /* baseViewIndex */, 2 /* numViews */)); GL(glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, colorTexture, 0 /* level */, 0 /* baseViewIndex */, 2 /* numViews */)); } GL(GLenum renderFramebufferStatus = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER)); GL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0)); if (renderFramebufferStatus != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { ALOGE( "Incomplete frame buffer object: %s", GlFrameBufferStatusString(renderFramebufferStatus)); return false; } } else { if (multisamples > 1 && glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT != NULL && glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT != NULL) { // Create multisampled depth buffer. GL(glGenRenderbuffers(1, &frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i])); GL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i])); GL(glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER, multisamples, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, width, height)); GL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0)); // Create the frame buffer. // NOTE: glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT only works with GL_FRAMEBUFFER. GL(glGenFramebuffers(1, &frameBuffer->FrameBuffers[i])); GL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer->FrameBuffers[i])); GL(glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, colorTexture, 0, multisamples)); GL(glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i])); GL(GLenum renderFramebufferStatus = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER)); GL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0)); if (renderFramebufferStatus != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { ALOGE( "Incomplete frame buffer object: %s", GlFrameBufferStatusString(renderFramebufferStatus)); return false; } } else { // Create depth buffer. GL(glGenRenderbuffers(1, &frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i])); GL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i])); GL(glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, width, height)); GL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0)); // Create the frame buffer. GL(glGenFramebuffers(1, &frameBuffer->FrameBuffers[i])); GL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer->FrameBuffers[i])); GL(glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers[i])); GL(glFramebufferTexture2D( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, colorTexture, 0)); GL(GLenum renderFramebufferStatus = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER)); GL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0)); if (renderFramebufferStatus != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { ALOGE( "Incomplete frame buffer object: %s", GlFrameBufferStatusString(renderFramebufferStatus)); return false; } } } } return true; } void ovrFramebuffer_Destroy(ovrFramebuffer* frameBuffer) { GL(glDeleteFramebuffers(frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength, frameBuffer->FrameBuffers)); if (frameBuffer->UseMultiview) { GL(glDeleteTextures(frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers)); } else { GL(glDeleteRenderbuffers(frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength, frameBuffer->DepthBuffers)); } vrapi_DestroyTextureSwapChain(frameBuffer->ColorTextureSwapChain); free(frameBuffer->DepthBuffers); free(frameBuffer->FrameBuffers); ovrFramebuffer_Clear(frameBuffer); } void ovrFramebuffer_SetCurrent( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer ) { GL( glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer->FrameBuffers[frameBuffer->ProcessingTextureSwapChainIndex] ) ); } void ovrFramebuffer_SetNone() { GL( glBindFramebuffer( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 ) ); } void ovrFramebuffer_Resolve( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer ) { // Discard the depth buffer, so the tiler won't need to write it back out to memory. const GLenum depthAttachment[1] = { GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT }; glInvalidateFramebuffer( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 1, depthAttachment ); } void ovrFramebuffer_Advance( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer ) { // Advance to the next texture from the set. frameBuffer->ReadyTextureSwapChainIndex = frameBuffer->ProcessingTextureSwapChainIndex; frameBuffer->ProcessingTextureSwapChainIndex = ( frameBuffer->ProcessingTextureSwapChainIndex + 1 ) % frameBuffer->TextureSwapChainLength; } void ovrFramebuffer_ClearEdgeTexels( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer ) { GL( glEnable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ); GL( glViewport( 0, 0, frameBuffer->Width, frameBuffer->Height ) ); // Explicitly clear the border texels to black because OpenGL-ES does not support GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER. // Clear to fully opaque black. GL( glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) ); // bottom GL( glScissor( 0, 0, frameBuffer->Width, 1 ) ); GL( glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ); // top GL( glScissor( 0, frameBuffer->Height - 1, frameBuffer->Width, 1 ) ); GL( glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ); // left GL( glScissor( 0, 0, 1, frameBuffer->Height ) ); GL( glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ); // right GL( glScissor( frameBuffer->Width - 1, 0, 1, frameBuffer->Height ) ); GL( glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ); GL( glScissor( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); GL( glDisable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ); } /* ================================================================================ ovrRenderer ================================================================================ */ void ovrRenderer_Clear( ovrRenderer * renderer ) { ovrFramebuffer_Clear( &renderer->FrameBuffer ); renderer->ProjectionMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_CreateIdentity(); renderer->NumBuffers = VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_EYE_MAX; } void ovrRenderer_Create( int width, int height, ovrRenderer * renderer, const ovrJava * java ) { renderer->NumBuffers = 1; // Multiview //Now using a symmetrical render target, based on the horizontal FOV vrFOV = vrapi_GetSystemPropertyInt( java, VRAPI_SYS_PROP_SUGGESTED_EYE_FOV_DEGREES_X); // Create the multi view frame buffer ovrFramebuffer_Create( &renderer->FrameBuffer, true, GL_RGBA8, width, height, NUM_MULTI_SAMPLES ); // Setup the projection matrix. renderer->ProjectionMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_CreateProjectionFov( vrFOV, vrFOV, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); } void ovrRenderer_Destroy( ovrRenderer * renderer ) { ovrFramebuffer_Destroy( &renderer->FrameBuffer ); renderer->ProjectionMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_CreateIdentity(); } #ifndef EPSILON #define EPSILON 0.001f #endif static ovrVector3f normalizeVec(ovrVector3f vec) { //NOTE: leave w-component untouched //@@const float EPSILON = 0.000001f; float xxyyzz = vec.x*vec.x + vec.y*vec.y + vec.z*vec.z; //@@if(xxyyzz < EPSILON) //@@ return *this; // do nothing if it is zero vector //float invLength = invSqrt(xxyyzz); ovrVector3f result; float invLength = 1.0f / sqrtf(xxyyzz); result.x = vec.x * invLength; result.y = vec.y * invLength; result.z = vec.z * invLength; return result; } void NormalizeAngles(vec3_t angles) { while (angles[0] >= 90) angles[0] -= 180; while (angles[1] >= 180) angles[1] -= 360; while (angles[2] >= 180) angles[2] -= 360; while (angles[0] < -90) angles[0] += 180; while (angles[1] < -180) angles[1] += 360; while (angles[2] < -180) angles[2] += 360; } void GetAnglesFromVectors(const ovrVector3f forward, const ovrVector3f right, const ovrVector3f up, vec3_t angles) { float sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy; sp = -forward.z; float cp_x_cy = forward.x; float cp_x_sy = forward.y; float cp_x_sr = -right.z; float cp_x_cr = up.z; float yaw = atan2(cp_x_sy, cp_x_cy); float roll = atan2(cp_x_sr, cp_x_cr); cy = cos(yaw); sy = sin(yaw); cr = cos(roll); sr = sin(roll); if (fabs(cy) > EPSILON) { cp = cp_x_cy / cy; } else if (fabs(sy) > EPSILON) { cp = cp_x_sy / sy; } else if (fabs(sr) > EPSILON) { cp = cp_x_sr / sr; } else if (fabs(cr) > EPSILON) { cp = cp_x_cr / cr; } else { cp = cos(asin(sp)); } float pitch = atan2(sp, cp); angles[0] = pitch / (M_PI*2.f / 360.f); angles[1] = yaw / (M_PI*2.f / 360.f); angles[2] = roll / (M_PI*2.f / 360.f); NormalizeAngles(angles); } void QuatToYawPitchRoll(ovrQuatf q, vec3_t rotation, vec3_t out) { ovrMatrix4f mat = ovrMatrix4f_CreateFromQuaternion( &q ); if (rotation[0] != 0.0f || rotation[1] != 0.0f || rotation[2] != 0.0f) { ovrMatrix4f rot = ovrMatrix4f_CreateRotation(radians(rotation[0]), radians(rotation[1]), radians(rotation[2])); mat = ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(&mat, &rot); } ovrVector4f v1 = {0, 0, -1, 0}; ovrVector4f v2 = {1, 0, 0, 0}; ovrVector4f v3 = {0, 1, 0, 0}; ovrVector4f forwardInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v1); ovrVector4f rightInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v2); ovrVector4f upInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v3); ovrVector3f forward = {-forwardInVRSpace.z, -forwardInVRSpace.x, forwardInVRSpace.y}; ovrVector3f right = {-rightInVRSpace.z, -rightInVRSpace.x, rightInVRSpace.y}; ovrVector3f up = {-upInVRSpace.z, -upInVRSpace.x, upInVRSpace.y}; ovrVector3f forwardNormal = normalizeVec(forward); ovrVector3f rightNormal = normalizeVec(right); ovrVector3f upNormal = normalizeVec(up); GetAnglesFromVectors(forwardNormal, rightNormal, upNormal, out); return; } void updateHMDOrientation() { //Position VectorSubtract(vr.hmdposition_last, vr.hmdposition, vr.hmdposition_delta); //Keep this for our records VectorCopy(vr.hmdposition, vr.hmdposition_last); //Orientation VectorSubtract(vr.hmdorientation_last, vr.hmdorientation, vr.hmdorientation_delta); //Keep this for our records VectorCopy(vr.hmdorientation, vr.hmdorientation_last); } void setHMDPosition( float x, float y, float z, float yaw ) { VectorSet(vr.hmdposition, x, y, z); } /* ======================== Doom3Quest_Vibrate ======================== */ //0 = left, 1 = right float vibration_channel_duration[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f}; float vibration_channel_intensity[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f}; void Doom3Quest_Vibrate(int duration, int channel, float intensity ) { if (vibration_channel_duration[channel] > 0.0f) return; if (vibration_channel_duration[channel] == -1.0f && duration != 0.0f) return; vibration_channel_duration[channel] = duration; vibration_channel_intensity[channel] = intensity; } void VR_Doom3Main(int argc, char** argv); void VR_GetMove( float *joy_forward, float *joy_side, float *hmd_forward, float *hmd_side, float *up, float *yaw, float *pitch, float *roll ) { *joy_forward = remote_movementForward; *hmd_forward = positional_movementForward; *up = remote_movementUp; *joy_side = remote_movementSideways; *hmd_side = positional_movementSideways; *yaw = vr.hmdorientation[YAW] + snapTurn; *pitch = vr.hmdorientation[PITCH]; *roll = vr.hmdorientation[ROLL]; } /* ================================================================================ ovrRenderThread ================================================================================ */ /* ================================================================================ ovrApp ================================================================================ */ #define MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES 4 typedef struct { ovrJava Java; ovrEgl Egl; ANativeWindow * NativeWindow; bool Resumed; ovrMobile * Ovr; ovrScene Scene; SDL_mutex * RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex; long long RenderThreadFrameIndex; long long MainThreadFrameIndex; double DisplayTime[MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES]; ovrTracking2 Tracking[MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES]; int SwapInterval; int CpuLevel; int GpuLevel; int MainThreadTid; int RenderThreadTid; ovrLayer_Union2 Layers[ovrMaxLayerCount]; int LayerCount; ovrRenderer Renderer; } ovrApp; static void ovrApp_Clear( ovrApp * app ) { app->Java.Vm = NULL; app->Java.Env = NULL; app->Java.ActivityObject = NULL; app->Ovr = NULL; app->RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); app->RenderThreadFrameIndex = 1; app->MainThreadFrameIndex = 1; memset(app->DisplayTime, 0, MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES * sizeof(double)); memset(app->Tracking, 0, MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES * sizeof(ovrTracking2)); app->SwapInterval = 1; app->CpuLevel = 4; app->GpuLevel = 4; app->MainThreadTid = 0; app->RenderThreadTid = 0; ovrEgl_Clear( &app->Egl ); ovrScene_Clear( &app->Scene ); ovrRenderer_Clear( &app->Renderer ); } static ovrApp gAppState; static ovrJava java; static bool destroyed = false; static void ovrApp_HandleVrModeChanges( ovrApp * app ) { if ( app->Resumed != false && app->NativeWindow != NULL ) { if ( app->Ovr == NULL ) { ovrJava sJava = java; sJava.Env = NULL; (*sJava.Vm)->AttachCurrentThread(sJava.Vm, &sJava.Env, NULL); ovrModeParms parms = vrapi_DefaultModeParms( &sJava ); // Must reset the FLAG_FULLSCREEN window flag when using a SurfaceView parms.Flags |= VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_RESET_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN; parms.Flags |= VRAPI_MODE_FLAG_NATIVE_WINDOW; parms.Display = (size_t)app->Egl.Display; parms.WindowSurface = (size_t)app->NativeWindow; parms.ShareContext = (size_t)app->Egl.Context; ALOGV( " eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW ) = %p", eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW ) ); ALOGV( " vrapi_EnterVrMode()" ); app->Ovr = vrapi_EnterVrMode( &parms ); ALOGV( " eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW ) = %p", eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW ) ); // If entering VR mode failed then the ANativeWindow was not valid. if ( app->Ovr == NULL ) { ALOGE( "Invalid ANativeWindow!" ); app->NativeWindow = NULL; } // Set performance parameters once we have entered VR mode and have a valid ovrMobile. if ( app->Ovr != NULL ) { vrapi_SetClockLevels( app->Ovr, app->CpuLevel, app->GpuLevel ); ALOGV( " vrapi_SetClockLevels( %d, %d )", app->CpuLevel, app->GpuLevel ); vrapi_SetPerfThread( app->Ovr, VRAPI_PERF_THREAD_TYPE_MAIN, app->MainThreadTid ); ALOGV( " vrapi_SetPerfThread( MAIN, %d )", app->MainThreadTid ); vrapi_SetPerfThread( app->Ovr, VRAPI_PERF_THREAD_TYPE_RENDERER, app->RenderThreadTid ); ALOGV( " vrapi_SetPerfThread( RENDERER, %d )", app->RenderThreadTid ); vrapi_SetExtraLatencyMode(app->Ovr, VRAPI_EXTRA_LATENCY_MODE_ON); } } } else { if ( app->Ovr != NULL ) { ALOGV( " eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW ) = %p", eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW ) ); ALOGV( " vrapi_LeaveVrMode()" ); vrapi_LeaveVrMode( app->Ovr ); app->Ovr = NULL; ALOGV( " eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW ) = %p", eglGetCurrentSurface( EGL_DRAW ) ); } } } /* ================================================================================ ovrMessageQueue ================================================================================ */ typedef enum { MQ_WAIT_NONE, // don't wait MQ_WAIT_RECEIVED, // wait until the consumer thread has received the message MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED // wait until the consumer thread has processed the message } ovrMQWait; #define MAX_MESSAGE_PARMS 8 #define MAX_MESSAGES 1024 typedef struct { int Id; ovrMQWait Wait; long long Parms[MAX_MESSAGE_PARMS]; } ovrMessage; static void ovrMessage_Init( ovrMessage * message, const int id, const int wait ) { message->Id = id; message->Wait = wait; memset( message->Parms, 0, sizeof( message->Parms ) ); } static void ovrMessage_SetPointerParm( ovrMessage * message, int index, void * ptr ) { *(void **)&message->Parms[index] = ptr; } static void * ovrMessage_GetPointerParm( ovrMessage * message, int index ) { return *(void **)&message->Parms[index]; } static void ovrMessage_SetIntegerParm( ovrMessage * message, int index, int value ) { message->Parms[index] = value; } static int ovrMessage_GetIntegerParm( ovrMessage * message, int index ) { return (int)message->Parms[index]; } static void ovrMessage_SetFloatParm( ovrMessage * message, int index, float value ) { *(float *)&message->Parms[index] = value; } static float ovrMessage_GetFloatParm( ovrMessage * message, int index ) { return *(float *)&message->Parms[index]; } // Cyclic queue with messages. typedef struct { ovrMessage Messages[MAX_MESSAGES]; volatile int Head; // dequeue at the head volatile int Tail; // enqueue at the tail ovrMQWait Wait; volatile bool EnabledFlag; volatile bool PostedFlag; volatile bool ReceivedFlag; volatile bool ProcessedFlag; pthread_mutex_t Mutex; pthread_cond_t PostedCondition; pthread_cond_t ReceivedCondition; pthread_cond_t ProcessedCondition; } ovrMessageQueue; static void ovrMessageQueue_Create( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue ) { messageQueue->Head = 0; messageQueue->Tail = 0; messageQueue->Wait = MQ_WAIT_NONE; messageQueue->EnabledFlag = false; messageQueue->PostedFlag = false; messageQueue->ReceivedFlag = false; messageQueue->ProcessedFlag = false; pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init( &attr ); pthread_mutexattr_settype( &attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK ); pthread_mutex_init( &messageQueue->Mutex, &attr ); pthread_mutexattr_destroy( &attr ); pthread_cond_init( &messageQueue->PostedCondition, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &messageQueue->ReceivedCondition, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &messageQueue->ProcessedCondition, NULL ); } static void ovrMessageQueue_Destroy( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue ) { pthread_mutex_destroy( &messageQueue->Mutex ); pthread_cond_destroy( &messageQueue->PostedCondition ); pthread_cond_destroy( &messageQueue->ReceivedCondition ); pthread_cond_destroy( &messageQueue->ProcessedCondition ); } static void ovrMessageQueue_Enable( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue, const bool set ) { messageQueue->EnabledFlag = set; } static void ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue, const ovrMessage * message ) { if ( !messageQueue->EnabledFlag ) { return; } while ( messageQueue->Tail - messageQueue->Head >= MAX_MESSAGES ) { usleep( 1000 ); } pthread_mutex_lock( &messageQueue->Mutex ); messageQueue->Messages[messageQueue->Tail & ( MAX_MESSAGES - 1 )] = *message; messageQueue->Tail++; messageQueue->PostedFlag = true; pthread_cond_broadcast( &messageQueue->PostedCondition ); if ( message->Wait == MQ_WAIT_RECEIVED ) { while ( !messageQueue->ReceivedFlag ) { pthread_cond_wait( &messageQueue->ReceivedCondition, &messageQueue->Mutex ); } messageQueue->ReceivedFlag = false; } else if ( message->Wait == MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) { while ( !messageQueue->ProcessedFlag ) { pthread_cond_wait( &messageQueue->ProcessedCondition, &messageQueue->Mutex ); } messageQueue->ProcessedFlag = false; } pthread_mutex_unlock( &messageQueue->Mutex ); } static void ovrMessageQueue_SleepUntilMessage( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue ) { if ( messageQueue->Wait == MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) { messageQueue->ProcessedFlag = true; pthread_cond_broadcast( &messageQueue->ProcessedCondition ); messageQueue->Wait = MQ_WAIT_NONE; } pthread_mutex_lock( &messageQueue->Mutex ); if ( messageQueue->Tail > messageQueue->Head ) { pthread_mutex_unlock( &messageQueue->Mutex ); return; } while ( !messageQueue->PostedFlag ) { pthread_cond_wait( &messageQueue->PostedCondition, &messageQueue->Mutex ); } messageQueue->PostedFlag = false; pthread_mutex_unlock( &messageQueue->Mutex ); } static bool ovrMessageQueue_GetNextMessage( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue, ovrMessage * message, bool waitForMessages ) { if ( messageQueue->Wait == MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) { messageQueue->ProcessedFlag = true; pthread_cond_broadcast( &messageQueue->ProcessedCondition ); messageQueue->Wait = MQ_WAIT_NONE; } if ( waitForMessages ) { ovrMessageQueue_SleepUntilMessage( messageQueue ); } pthread_mutex_lock( &messageQueue->Mutex ); if ( messageQueue->Tail <= messageQueue->Head ) { pthread_mutex_unlock( &messageQueue->Mutex ); return false; } *message = messageQueue->Messages[messageQueue->Head & ( MAX_MESSAGES - 1 )]; messageQueue->Head++; pthread_mutex_unlock( &messageQueue->Mutex ); if ( message->Wait == MQ_WAIT_RECEIVED ) { messageQueue->ReceivedFlag = true; pthread_cond_broadcast( &messageQueue->ReceivedCondition ); } else if ( message->Wait == MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) { messageQueue->Wait = MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED; } return true; } /* ================================================================================ ovrAppThread ================================================================================ */ enum { MESSAGE_ON_CREATE, MESSAGE_ON_START, MESSAGE_ON_RESUME, MESSAGE_ON_PAUSE, MESSAGE_ON_STOP, MESSAGE_ON_DESTROY, MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED, MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_DESTROYED }; typedef struct { JavaVM * JavaVm; jobject ActivityObject; jclass ActivityClass; pthread_t Thread; ovrMessageQueue MessageQueue; ANativeWindow * NativeWindow; } ovrAppThread; long shutdownCountdown; int m_width; int m_height; void Doom3Quest_GetScreenRes(int *width, int *height) { *width = m_width; *height = m_height; } void Android_MessageBox(const char *title, const char *text) { ALOGE("%s %s", title, text); } //void initialize_gl4es(); void VR_Init() { //Initialise all our variables screenYaw = 0.0f; remote_movementSideways = 0.0f; remote_movementForward = 0.0f; remote_movementUp = 0.0f; positional_movementSideways = 0.0f; positional_movementForward = 0.0f; snapTurn = 0.0f; vr.visible_hud = true; //init randomiser srand(time(NULL)); shutdown = false; } long renderThreadCPUTime = 0; void Doom3Quest_prepareEyeBuffer(int eye ) { renderThreadCPUTime = GetTimeInMilliSeconds(); ovrRenderer *renderer = Doom3Quest_useScreenLayer() ? &gAppState.Scene.CylinderRenderer : &gAppState.Renderer; ovrFramebuffer *frameBuffer = &(renderer->FrameBuffer); ovrFramebuffer_SetCurrent(frameBuffer); GL(glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST)); GL(glDepthMask(GL_TRUE)); GL(glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); GL(glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL)); //Weusing the size of the render target GL(glViewport(0, 0, frameBuffer->Width, frameBuffer->Height)); GL(glScissor(0, 0, frameBuffer->Width, frameBuffer->Height)); GL(glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); GL(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)); GL(glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST)); } void Doom3Quest_finishEyeBuffer( ) { renderThreadCPUTime = GetTimeInMilliSeconds() - renderThreadCPUTime; { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Doom3Quest", "RENDER THREAD TOTAL CPU TIME: %i", renderThreadCPUTime); } GLCheckErrors( __LINE__ ); ovrRenderer *renderer = Doom3Quest_useScreenLayer() ? &gAppState.Scene.CylinderRenderer : &gAppState.Renderer; ovrFramebuffer *frameBuffer = &(renderer->FrameBuffer); //Clear edge to prevent smearing ovrFramebuffer_ClearEdgeTexels(frameBuffer); ovrFramebuffer_Resolve(frameBuffer); ovrFramebuffer_Advance(frameBuffer); ovrFramebuffer_SetNone(); } static ovrAppThread * gAppThread = NULL; bool Doom3Quest_processMessageQueue() { for ( ; ; ) { ovrMessage message; const bool waitForMessages = ( gAppState.Ovr == NULL && destroyed == false ); if ( !ovrMessageQueue_GetNextMessage( &gAppThread->MessageQueue, &message, waitForMessages ) ) { break; } switch ( message.Id ) { case MESSAGE_ON_CREATE: { break; } case MESSAGE_ON_START: { if (!Doom3Quest_initialised) { //Set command line arguments here if (argc != 0) { //TODO } else { int argc = 1; char *argv[] = { "qzdoom" }; } Doom3Quest_initialised = true; } break; } case MESSAGE_ON_RESUME: { //If we get here, then user has opted not to quit gAppState.Resumed = true; break; } case MESSAGE_ON_PAUSE: { gAppState.Resumed = false; break; } case MESSAGE_ON_STOP: { break; } case MESSAGE_ON_DESTROY: { gAppState.NativeWindow = NULL; destroyed = true; shutdown = true; break; } case MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED: { gAppState.NativeWindow = (ANativeWindow *)ovrMessage_GetPointerParm( &message, 0 ); break; } case MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_DESTROYED: { gAppState.NativeWindow = NULL; break; } } ovrApp_HandleVrModeChanges( &gAppState ); } return true; } void shutdownVR() { SDL_DestroyMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); ovrRenderer_Destroy( &gAppState.Renderer ); ovrEgl_DestroyContext( &gAppState.Egl ); (*java.Vm)->DetachCurrentThread( java.Vm ); vrapi_Shutdown(); } void showLoadingIcon(); void jni_shutdown(); /* Called before SDL_main() to initialize JNI bindings in SDL library */ extern void SDL_Android_Init(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls); //Calld on the main thread before the rendering thread is started void DeactivateContext() { eglMakeCurrent( gAppState.Egl.Display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT ); } //Caled by the rendering thread to take charge of the context void ActivateContext() { eglMakeCurrent( gAppState.Egl.Display, gAppState.Egl.TinySurface, gAppState.Egl.TinySurface, gAppState.Egl.Context ); gAppState.RenderThreadTid = gettid(); } void * AppThreadFunction(void * parm ) { gAppThread = (ovrAppThread *) parm; java.Vm = gAppThread->JavaVm; (*java.Vm)->AttachCurrentThread(java.Vm, &java.Env, NULL); java.ActivityObject = gAppThread->ActivityObject; jclass cls = (*java.Env)->GetObjectClass(java.Env, java.ActivityObject); /* This interface could expand with ABI negotiation, callbacks, etc. */ SDL_Android_Init(java.Env, cls); SDL_SetMainReady(); pVRClientInfo = &vr; // Note that AttachCurrentThread will reset the thread name. prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (long) "OVR::Main", 0, 0, 0); Doom3Quest_initialised = false; const ovrInitParms initParms = vrapi_DefaultInitParms(&java); int32_t initResult = vrapi_Initialize(&initParms); if (initResult != VRAPI_INITIALIZE_SUCCESS) { // If intialization failed, vrapi_* function calls will not be available. exit(0); } VR_Init(); ovrApp_Clear(&gAppState); gAppState.Java = java; // This app will handle android gamepad events itself. vrapi_SetPropertyInt(&gAppState.Java, VRAPI_EAT_NATIVE_GAMEPAD_EVENTS, 0); //Set FFR property vrapi_SetPropertyInt( &gAppState.Java, VRAPI_FOVEATION_LEVEL, FFR ); //Using a symmetrical render target m_height = m_width = (int)(vrapi_GetSystemPropertyInt(&java, VRAPI_SYS_PROP_SUGGESTED_EYE_TEXTURE_WIDTH) * SS_MULTIPLIER); gAppState.CpuLevel = CPU_LEVEL; gAppState.GpuLevel = GPU_LEVEL; gAppState.MainThreadTid = gettid(); ovrEgl_CreateContext(&gAppState.Egl, NULL); EglInitExtensions(); chdir("/sdcard/Doom3Quest"); //First handle any messages in the queue while ( gAppState.Ovr == NULL ) { Doom3Quest_processMessageQueue(); } ovrRenderer_Create(m_width, m_height, &gAppState.Renderer, &java); if ( gAppState.Ovr == NULL ) { return NULL; } // Create the scene if not yet created. ovrScene_Create( m_width, m_height, &gAppState.Scene, &java ); //Set the screen refresh vrapi_SetDisplayRefreshRate(gAppState.Ovr, DISPLAY_REFRESH); //Run loading loop until we are ready to start QzDoom while (!destroyed && !Doom3Quest_initialised) { Doom3Quest_processMessageQueue(); Doom3Quest_getHMDOrientation(); showLoadingIcon(); } //Should now be all set up and ready - start the Doom3 main loop VR_Doom3Main(argc, argv); //Take the context back ActivateContext(); //We are done, shutdown cleanly shutdownVR(); //Ask Java to shut down jni_shutdown(); return NULL; } //All the stuff we want to do each frame void Doom3Quest_FrameSetup(int controlscheme) { //Use floor based tracking space vrapi_SetTrackingSpace(gAppState.Ovr, VRAPI_TRACKING_SPACE_LOCAL_FLOOR); if (!Doom3Quest_useScreenLayer()) { screenYaw = vr.hmdorientation[YAW]; } Doom3Quest_processHaptics(); Doom3Quest_getHMDOrientation(); Doom3Quest_getTrackedRemotesOrientation(controlscheme); } void Doom3Quest_processHaptics() {//Handle haptics static float lastFrameTime = 0.0f; float timestamp = (float)(GetTimeInMilliSeconds()); float frametime = timestamp - lastFrameTime; lastFrameTime = timestamp; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (vibration_channel_duration[i] > 0.0f || vibration_channel_duration[i] == -1.0f) { vrapi_SetHapticVibrationSimple(gAppState.Ovr, controllerIDs[i], vibration_channel_intensity[i]); if (vibration_channel_duration[i] != -1.0f) { vibration_channel_duration[i] -= frametime; if (vibration_channel_duration[i] < 0.0f) { vibration_channel_duration[i] = 0.0f; vibration_channel_intensity[i] = 0.0f; } } } else { vrapi_SetHapticVibrationSimple(gAppState.Ovr, controllerIDs[i], 0.0f); } } } void showLoadingIcon() { int frameFlags = 0; frameFlags |= VRAPI_FRAME_FLAG_FLUSH; ovrLayerProjection2 blackLayer = vrapi_DefaultLayerBlackProjection2(); blackLayer.Header.Flags |= VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_FLAG_INHIBIT_SRGB_FRAMEBUFFER; ovrLayerLoadingIcon2 iconLayer = vrapi_DefaultLayerLoadingIcon2(); iconLayer.Header.Flags |= VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_FLAG_INHIBIT_SRGB_FRAMEBUFFER; const ovrLayerHeader2 * layers[] = { &blackLayer.Header, &iconLayer.Header, }; ovrSubmitFrameDescription2 frameDesc = {}; { SDL_LockMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); frameDesc.Flags = frameFlags; frameDesc.SwapInterval = 1; frameDesc.FrameIndex = gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex; frameDesc.DisplayTime = gAppState.DisplayTime[gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES]; frameDesc.LayerCount = 2; frameDesc.Layers = layers; gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex++; SDL_UnlockMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); } vrapi_SubmitFrame2( gAppState.Ovr, &frameDesc ); } void Doom3Quest_getHMDOrientation() { //Update the main thread frame index in a thread safe way { SDL_LockMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); gAppState.MainThreadFrameIndex = gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex + 1; SDL_UnlockMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); } gAppState.DisplayTime[gAppState.MainThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES] = vrapi_GetPredictedDisplayTime(gAppState.Ovr, gAppState.MainThreadFrameIndex); ovrTracking2 *tracking = &gAppState.Tracking[gAppState.MainThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES]; *tracking = vrapi_GetPredictedTracking2(gAppState.Ovr, gAppState.DisplayTime[gAppState.MainThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES]); //Don't update game with tracking if we are in big screen mode if (!Doom3Quest_useScreenLayer()) { const ovrQuatf quatHmd = tracking->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation; const ovrVector3f positionHmd = tracking->HeadPose.Pose.Position; vec3_t rotation = {0}; QuatToYawPitchRoll(quatHmd, rotation, vr.hmdorientation); setHMDPosition(positionHmd.x, positionHmd.y, positionHmd.z, vr.hmdorientation[YAW]); updateHMDOrientation(); } } void Doom3Quest_getTrackedRemotesOrientation(int controlscheme) { //Get info for tracked remotes acquireTrackedRemotesData(gAppState.Ovr, gAppState.DisplayTime[gAppState.MainThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES]); //Call additional control schemes here if (controlscheme == RIGHT_HANDED_DEFAULT) { HandleInput_Default(controlscheme, &rightTrackedRemoteState_new, &rightTrackedRemoteState_old, &rightRemoteTracking_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_old, &leftRemoteTracking_new, ovrButton_A, ovrButton_B, ovrButton_X, ovrButton_Y); } else { //Left handed HandleInput_Default(controlscheme, &leftTrackedRemoteState_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_old, &leftRemoteTracking_new, &rightTrackedRemoteState_new, &rightTrackedRemoteState_old, &rightRemoteTracking_new, ovrButton_X, ovrButton_Y, ovrButton_A, ovrButton_B); } } void Doom3Quest_submitFrame() { ovrSubmitFrameDescription2 frameDesc = {0}; long long renderThreadFrameIndex; { SDL_LockMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); renderThreadFrameIndex = gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex; SDL_UnlockMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); } if (!Doom3Quest_useScreenLayer()) { ovrLayerProjection2 layer = vrapi_DefaultLayerProjection2(); layer.HeadPose = gAppState.Tracking[renderThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES].HeadPose; for ( int eye = 0; eye < VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_EYE_MAX; eye++ ) { ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer = &gAppState.Renderer.FrameBuffer; layer.Textures[eye].ColorSwapChain = frameBuffer->ColorTextureSwapChain; layer.Textures[eye].SwapChainIndex = frameBuffer->ReadyTextureSwapChainIndex; ovrMatrix4f projectionMatrix; projectionMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_CreateProjectionFov(vrFOV, vrFOV, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f); layer.Textures[eye].TexCoordsFromTanAngles = ovrMatrix4f_TanAngleMatrixFromProjection(&projectionMatrix); layer.Textures[eye].TextureRect.x = 0; layer.Textures[eye].TextureRect.y = 0; layer.Textures[eye].TextureRect.width = 1.0f; layer.Textures[eye].TextureRect.height = 1.0f; } layer.Header.Flags |= VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_FLAG_CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_CORRECTION; // Set up the description for this frame. const ovrLayerHeader2 *layers[] = { &layer.Header }; frameDesc.Flags = 0; frameDesc.SwapInterval = gAppState.SwapInterval; frameDesc.FrameIndex = renderThreadFrameIndex; frameDesc.DisplayTime = gAppState.DisplayTime[renderThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES]; frameDesc.LayerCount = 1; frameDesc.Layers = layers; // Hand over the eye images to the time warp. vrapi_SubmitFrame2(gAppState.Ovr, &frameDesc); } else { // Set-up the compositor layers for this frame. // NOTE: Multiple independent layers are allowed, but they need to be added // in a depth consistent order. memset( gAppState.Layers, 0, sizeof( ovrLayer_Union2 ) * ovrMaxLayerCount ); gAppState.LayerCount = 0; // Add a simple cylindrical layer gAppState.Layers[gAppState.LayerCount++].Cylinder = BuildCylinderLayer(&gAppState.Scene.CylinderRenderer, gAppState.Scene.CylinderWidth, gAppState.Scene.CylinderHeight, &gAppState.Tracking[renderThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES], radians(playerYaw) ); // Compose the layers for this frame. const ovrLayerHeader2 * layerHeaders[ovrMaxLayerCount] = { 0 }; for ( int i = 0; i < gAppState.LayerCount; i++ ) { layerHeaders[i] = &gAppState.Layers[i].Header; } // Set up the description for this frame. frameDesc.Flags = 0; frameDesc.SwapInterval = gAppState.SwapInterval; frameDesc.FrameIndex = renderThreadFrameIndex; frameDesc.DisplayTime = gAppState.DisplayTime[renderThreadFrameIndex % MAX_TRACKING_SAMPLES]; frameDesc.LayerCount = gAppState.LayerCount; frameDesc.Layers = layerHeaders; // Hand over the eye images to the time warp. vrapi_SubmitFrame2(gAppState.Ovr, &frameDesc); } { SDL_LockMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex++; SDL_UnlockMutex(gAppState.RenderThreadFrameIndex_Mutex); } } static void ovrAppThread_Create( ovrAppThread * appThread, JNIEnv * env, jobject activityObject, jclass activityClass ) { (*env)->GetJavaVM( env, &appThread->JavaVm ); appThread->ActivityObject = (*env)->NewGlobalRef( env, activityObject ); appThread->ActivityClass = (*env)->NewGlobalRef( env, activityClass ); appThread->Thread = 0; appThread->NativeWindow = NULL; ovrMessageQueue_Create( &appThread->MessageQueue ); const int createErr = pthread_create( &appThread->Thread, NULL, AppThreadFunction, appThread ); if ( createErr != 0 ) { ALOGE( "pthread_create returned %i", createErr ); } } static void ovrAppThread_Destroy( ovrAppThread * appThread, JNIEnv * env ) { pthread_join( appThread->Thread, NULL ); (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef( env, appThread->ActivityObject ); (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef( env, appThread->ActivityClass ); ovrMessageQueue_Destroy( &appThread->MessageQueue ); } /* ================================================================================ Activity lifecycle ================================================================================ */ jmethodID android_shutdown; static JavaVM *jVM; static jobject shutdownCallbackObj=0; void jni_shutdown() { ALOGV("Calling: jni_shutdown"); JNIEnv *env; jobject tmp; if (((*jVM)->GetEnv(jVM, (void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4))<0) { (*jVM)->AttachCurrentThread(jVM,&env, NULL); } return (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, shutdownCallbackObj, android_shutdown); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL SDL_JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved); int JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) { JNIEnv *env; jVM = vm; if((*vm)->GetEnv(vm, (void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) { ALOGE("Failed JNI_OnLoad"); return -1; } return SDL_JNI_OnLoad(vm, reserved); } JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onCreate( JNIEnv * env, jclass activityClass, jobject activity, jstring commandLineParams) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onCreate()" ); /* the global arg_xxx structs are initialised within the argtable */ void *argtable[] = { ss = arg_dbl0("s", "supersampling", "", "super sampling value (e.g. 1.0)"), cpu = arg_int0("c", "cpu", "", "CPU perf index 1-4 (default: 2)"), gpu = arg_int0("g", "gpu", "", "GPU perf index 1-4 (default: 3)"), msaa = arg_int0("m", "msaa", "", "MSAA 1-4 (default: 1)"), ffr = arg_int0("f", "ffr", "", "FFR 0-4 (default: 0)"), refresh = arg_int0("r", "refresh", "", "Display Refresh 60 or 72 (default: 72)"), end = arg_end(20) }; jboolean iscopy; const char *arg = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, commandLineParams, &iscopy); char *cmdLine = NULL; if (arg && strlen(arg)) { cmdLine = strdup(arg); } (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, commandLineParams, arg); ALOGV("Command line %s", cmdLine); argv = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 255); argc = ParseCommandLine(strdup(cmdLine), argv); /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */ if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) == 0) { /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */ arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if (ss->count > 0 && ss->dval[0] > 0.0) { SS_MULTIPLIER = ss->dval[0]; } if (cpu->count > 0 && cpu->ival[0] > 0 && cpu->ival[0] < 10) { CPU_LEVEL = cpu->ival[0]; } if (gpu->count > 0 && gpu->ival[0] > 0 && gpu->ival[0] < 10) { GPU_LEVEL = gpu->ival[0]; } if (msaa->count > 0 && msaa->ival[0] > 0 && msaa->ival[0] < 5) { NUM_MULTI_SAMPLES = msaa->ival[0]; } if (ffr->count > 0 && ffr->ival[0] >= 0 && ffr->ival[0] <= 4) { FFR = ffr->ival[0]; } if (refresh->count > 0 && (refresh->ival[0] == 60 || refresh->ival[0] == 72)) { DISPLAY_REFRESH = refresh->ival[0]; } } ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *) malloc( sizeof( ovrAppThread ) ); ovrAppThread_Create( appThread, env, activity, activityClass ); ovrMessageQueue_Enable( &appThread->MessageQueue, true ); ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_CREATE, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); return (jlong)((size_t)appThread); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onStart( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle, jobject obj1) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onStart()" ); shutdownCallbackObj = (jobject)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, obj1); jclass callbackClass = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, shutdownCallbackObj); android_shutdown = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,callbackClass,"shutdown","()V"); ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle); ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_START, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onResume( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle ) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onResume()" ); ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle); ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_RESUME, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onPause( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle ) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onPause()" ); ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle); ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_PAUSE, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onStop( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle ) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onStop()" ); ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle); ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_STOP, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onDestroy( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle ) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onDestroy()" ); ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle); ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_DESTROY, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); ovrMessageQueue_Enable( &appThread->MessageQueue, false ); ovrAppThread_Destroy( appThread, env ); free( appThread ); } /* ================================================================================ Surface lifecycle ================================================================================ */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceCreated( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle, jobject surface ) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceCreated()" ); ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle); ANativeWindow * newNativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface ); if ( ANativeWindow_getWidth( newNativeWindow ) < ANativeWindow_getHeight( newNativeWindow ) ) { // An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with // the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the // manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because // the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation. ALOGE( " Surface not in landscape mode!" ); } ALOGV( " NativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface )" ); appThread->NativeWindow = newNativeWindow; ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessage_SetPointerParm( &message, 0, appThread->NativeWindow ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceChanged( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle, jobject surface ) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceChanged()" ); ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle); ANativeWindow * newNativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface ); if ( ANativeWindow_getWidth( newNativeWindow ) < ANativeWindow_getHeight( newNativeWindow ) ) { // An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with // the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the // manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because // the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation. ALOGE( " Surface not in landscape mode!" ); } if ( newNativeWindow != appThread->NativeWindow ) { if ( appThread->NativeWindow != NULL ) { ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_DESTROYED, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); ALOGV( " ANativeWindow_release( NativeWindow )" ); ANativeWindow_release( appThread->NativeWindow ); appThread->NativeWindow = NULL; } if ( newNativeWindow != NULL ) { ALOGV( " NativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface )" ); appThread->NativeWindow = newNativeWindow; ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessage_SetPointerParm( &message, 0, appThread->NativeWindow ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); } } else if ( newNativeWindow != NULL ) { ANativeWindow_release( newNativeWindow ); } } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_doom3quest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceDestroyed( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle ) { ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceDestroyed()" ); ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle); ovrMessage message; ovrMessage_Init( &message, MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_DESTROYED, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ); ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage( &appThread->MessageQueue, &message ); ALOGV( " ANativeWindow_release( NativeWindow )" ); ANativeWindow_release( appThread->NativeWindow ); appThread->NativeWindow = NULL; }