/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "tools/edit_gui_common.h" #include "../../sys/win32/rc/guied_resource.h" #include "../../renderer/tr_local.h" #include "../../ui/EditWindow.h" #include "../../ui/ListWindow.h" #include "../../ui/BindWindow.h" #include "../../ui/RenderWindow.h" #include "../../ui/ChoiceWindow.h" #include "GEApp.h" rvGEWindowWrapper::rvGEWindowWrapper( idWindow *window,EWindowType type ) { assert(window); mWindow = window; mFlippedHorz = false; mFlippedVert = false; mHidden = false; mDeleted = false; mSelected = false; mType = type; mExpanded = false; mOldVisible = false; mMoveable = true; if ( dynamic_cast< idEditWindow*>(window) ) { mType = WT_EDIT; } else if ( dynamic_cast< idListWindow*>(window) ) { mType = WT_LIST; } else if ( dynamic_cast< idBindWindow*>(window) ) { mType = WT_BIND; } else if ( dynamic_cast< idRenderWindow*>(window) ) { mType = WT_RENDER; } else if ( dynamic_cast< idChoiceWindow*>(window) ) { mType = WT_CHOICE; } else { mType = WT_NORMAL; } // Attach the wrapper to the window by adding a defined variable // with the wrappers pointer stuffed into an integer idWinInt *var = new idWinInt(); int x = (int)this; *var = x; var->SetEval(false); var->SetName("guied_wrapper"); mWindow->AddDefinedVar(var); SetStateKey("name", mWindow->GetName(), false); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper Static method that returns the window wrapper for the given window class ================ */ rvGEWindowWrapper * rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper( idWindow *window ) { idWinInt *var; var = dynamic_cast< idWinInt*>(window->GetWinVarByName("guied_wrapper")); return var ? ((rvGEWindowWrapper *) (int) (*var)) : NULL; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::UpdateRect Updates the gui editor's representation of the window rectangle from the windows rectangle ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::UpdateRect( void ) { idVec4 rect; idWinRectangle *winrect; winrect = dynamic_cast< idWinRectangle*>(mWindow->GetWinVarByName("rect")); assert(winrect); rect = winrect->ToVec4(); mFlippedHorz = false; mFlippedVert = false; if ( rect[2] < 0 ) { mFlippedHorz = true; rect[2] *= -1; } if ( rect[3] < 0 ) { mFlippedVert = true; rect[3] *= -1; } mClientRect = rect; CalcScreenRect(); const char *rstr = mState.GetString("rect", "0,0,0,0"); mMoveable = !IsExpression(rstr); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::CalcScreenRect Calculates the screen rectangle from the client rectangle by running through the parent windows and adding their offsets ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::CalcScreenRect( void ) { idWindow *parent; mScreenRect = mClientRect; if ( NULL != (parent = mWindow->GetParent()) ) { rvGEWindowWrapper *wrapper = GetWrapper(parent); assert(wrapper); mScreenRect[0] += wrapper->GetScreenRect()[0]; mScreenRect[1] += wrapper->GetScreenRect()[1]; } // Since our screen rectangle has changed we need to tell all our our children to update // their screen rectangles as well. int i; int count; rvGEWindowWrapper *pwrapper; pwrapper = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper(mWindow); for ( count = pwrapper->GetChildCount(), i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) { rvGEWindowWrapper *wrapper; wrapper = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper(pwrapper->GetChild(i)); // Usually we assert if there is no wrapper but since this method is called // when the wrappers are being attached to the windows there may be no wrappers // for any of the children. if ( !wrapper ) { continue; } wrapper->CalcScreenRect(); } } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::SetRect Sets the wrapper's rectangle and the attached windows rectangle as well ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::SetRect( idRectangle &rect ) { const char *s; mClientRect = rect; CalcScreenRect(); s = va("%d,%d,%d,%d", (int) (rect.x + 0.5f), (int) (rect.y + 0.5f), (int) ((rect.w + 0.5f) * (mFlippedHorz ? -1 : 1)), (int) ((rect.h + 0.5f) * (mFlippedVert ? -1 : 1))); mState.Set("rect", s); UpdateWindowState(); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::SetHidden Sets the wrappers hidden state ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::SetHidden( bool h ) { mHidden = h; UpdateWindowState(); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::SetDeleted Sets the deleted state of the wrapper which in turns sets whether or not the window is visible ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::SetDeleted( bool del ) { mDeleted = del; UpdateWindowState(); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::SetState Sets the window state from the given dictionary ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::SetState( const idDict &dict ) { mState.Clear(); mState.Copy(dict); // Push the window state to the window itself UpdateWindowState(); // Update the internal rectangle since it may have changed in the state UpdateRect(); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::SetStateKey Sets the given state key and updates the ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::SetStateKey( const char *key,const char *value,bool update ) { mState.Set(key, value); if ( update ) { UpdateWindowState(); // Make sure the rectangle gets updated if its changing if ( !idStr::Icmp(key, "rect") ) { UpdateRect(); } } } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::DeleteStateKey Sets the given state key and updates the ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::DeleteStateKey( const char *key ) { if ( !idStr::Icmp(key, "rect") || !idStr::Icmp(key, "name") ) { return; } mState.Delete(key); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::UpdateWindowState Updates the windows real state with wrappers internal state. Visibility is handled specially ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::UpdateWindowState( void ) { idStr realVisible; bool tempVisible; // int i; realVisible = mState.GetString("visible", "1"); tempVisible = atoi(realVisible) ? true : false; if ( tempVisible != mOldVisible ) { mHidden = !tempVisible; mOldVisible = tempVisible; } tempVisible = !mDeleted && !mHidden; // Temporarily change the visible state so we can hide/unhide the window mState.Set("visible", tempVisible ? "1" : "0"); mWindow->UpdateFromDictionary(mState); // Put the visible state back to the real value mState.Set("visible", realVisible); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::WindowFromPoint Returns the topmost window under the given point ================ */ idWindow * rvGEWindowWrapper::WindowFromPoint( float x,float y,bool visibleOnly ) { int count; int i; rvGEWindowWrapper *pwrapper; // If the window isnt visible then skip it if ( visibleOnly && (mHidden || mDeleted) ) { return NULL; } // Now check our children next pwrapper = GetWrapper(mWindow); count = pwrapper->GetChildCount(); for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) { rvGEWindowWrapper *wrapper; idWindow *child; child = pwrapper->GetChild(i); assert(child); wrapper = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper(child); if ( !wrapper ) { continue; } if ( child = wrapper->WindowFromPoint(x, y) ) { return child; } } // We have to check this last because a child could be out outside of the parents // rectangle and we still want it selectable. if ( !mScreenRect.Contains(x, y) ) { return NULL; } return mWindow; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::StringToWindowType Converts the given string to a window type ================ */ rvGEWindowWrapper::EWindowType rvGEWindowWrapper::StringToWindowType( const char *string ) { if ( !idStr::Icmp(string, "windowDef") ) { return WT_NORMAL; } else if ( !idStr::Icmp(string, "editDef") ) { return WT_EDIT; } else if ( !idStr::Icmp(string, "choiceDef") ) { return WT_CHOICE; } else if ( !idStr::Icmp(string, "sliderDef") ) { return WT_SLIDER; } else if ( !idStr::Icmp(string, "bindDef") ) { return WT_BIND; } else if ( !idStr::Icmp(string, "listDef") ) { return WT_LIST; } else if ( !idStr::Icmp(string, "renderDef") ) { return WT_RENDER; } else if ( !idStr::Icmp(string, "htmlDef") ) { return WT_HTML; } return WT_UNKNOWN; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::WindowTypeToString Converts the given window type to a string ================ */ const char * rvGEWindowWrapper::WindowTypeToString( EWindowType type ) { static const char *typeNames[] = { "Unknown", "windowDef", "editDef", "htmlDef", "choiceDef", "sliderDef", "bindDef", "listDef", "renderDef" }; return typeNames[(int) type]; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::GetChildCount Returns the number of children the window being wrapped has ================ */ int rvGEWindowWrapper::GetChildCount( void ) { if ( !CanHaveChildren() ) { return 0; } return mWindow->GetChildCount(); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::EnumChildren Enumerates over the child windows while properly ignoring any that are not wrapped. ================ */ bool rvGEWindowWrapper::EnumChildren( PFNENUMCHILDRENPROC proc,void *data ) { int count; int i; if ( !CanHaveChildren() ) { return false; } for ( count = GetChildCount(), i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) { if ( !proc(rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper(GetChild(i)), data) ) { return false; } } return true; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::CanHaveChildren Returns true if the window is allowed to have child windows ================ */ bool rvGEWindowWrapper::CanHaveChildren( void ) { if ( mType == WT_HTML || mType == WT_LIST ) { return false; } return true; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::GetDepth Returns the depth of the wrapped window ================ */ int rvGEWindowWrapper::GetDepth( void ) { idWindow *parent; int depth; for ( depth = 0, parent = mWindow->GetParent(); parent; parent = parent->GetParent(), depth++ ) ; return depth; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::Expand Expand the window in the navigator and all of its parents too ================ */ bool rvGEWindowWrapper::Expand( void ) { bool result; if ( mWindow->GetParent() ) { result = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper(mWindow->GetParent())->Expand(); } else { result = false; } if ( mExpanded || !CanHaveChildren() || !GetChildCount() ) { return result; } mExpanded = true; return true; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::Collapse Returns the depth of the wrapped window ================ */ bool rvGEWindowWrapper::Collapse( void ) { bool result; if ( mWindow->GetParent() ) { result = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper(mWindow->GetParent())->Expand(); } else { result = false; } if ( !mExpanded ) { return result; } mExpanded = false; return true; } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::Finish After a the windwo wrapper is attached to a window and the window is parsed the finish method is called to finish up any last details ================ */ void rvGEWindowWrapper::Finish( void ) { mOldVisible = ((bool) * dynamic_cast< idWinBool*>(mWindow->GetWinVarByName("visible"))); mHidden = mOldVisible ? false : true; UpdateRect(); } /* ================ rvGEWindowWrapper::Finish After a the windwo wrapper is attached to a window and the window is parsed the finish method is called to finish up any last details ================ */ bool rvGEWindowWrapper::VerfiyStateKey( const char *name,const char *value,idStr *result ) { idStr old; bool failed; idParser src(value, strlen(value), "", LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT); // Save the current value old = mState.GetString(name); failed = false; // Try to parse in the value try { if ( !mWindow->ParseInternalVar(name, &src) ) { // Kill the old register since the parse reg entry will add a new one if ( !mWindow->ParseRegEntry(name, &src) ) { failed = true; } } } catch ( idException &) { failed = true; } // Restore the old value idParser src2(old, old.Length(), "", LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT); if ( !mWindow->ParseInternalVar(name, &src2) ) { if ( !mWindow->ParseRegEntry(name, &src2) ) { } } // Check to see if the old value matches the new value idStr before; idStr after; before = value; before.StripTrailingWhitespace(); src.GetStringFromMarker(after); after.StripTrailingWhitespace(); if ( result ) { *result = after; } if ( failed || before.Cmp(after) ) { return false; } return true; }