#if !defined(vr_client_info_h) #define vr_client_info_h #define NUM_WEAPON_SAMPLES 7 #define OLDER_READING (NUM_WEAPON_SAMPLES-1) #define NEWER_READING (NUM_WEAPON_SAMPLES-5) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef float vec3_t[3]; typedef float vec4_t[4]; typedef struct { bool screen; float fov; bool weapon_stabilised; bool right_handed; bool player_moving; bool visible_hud; bool dualwield; int weaponid; int lastweaponid; //FP - Carry original values vec4_t hmdorientation_quat; vec3_t hmdtranslation; vec3_t lhandposition; vec3_t rhandposition; vec4_t lhand_orientation_quat; vec4_t rhand_orientation_quat; vec3_t hmdposition; vec3_t hmdposition_last; // Don't use this, it is just for calculating delta! vec3_t hmdposition_delta; //FP - Temp Variables for other stuff vec3_t hmdorientation_temp; vec3_t weaponangles_temp; vec3_t weaponangles_last_temp; // Don't use this, it is just for calculating delta! vec3_t weaponangles_delta_temp; /*vec3_t hmdorientation; vec3_t hmdorientation_last; // Don't use this, it is just for calculating delta! vec3_t hmdorientation_delta;*/ /*vec3_t weaponangles_unadjusted; vec3_t weaponangles; vec3_t weaponangles_last; // Don't use this, it is just for calculating delta! vec3_t weaponangles_delta;*/ //vec3_t flashlightHolsterOffset; // Where the flashlight can be picked up from /*vec3_t current_weaponoffset; float current_weaponoffset_timestamp; vec3_t weaponoffset_history[NUM_WEAPON_SAMPLES]; float weaponoffset_history_timestamp[NUM_WEAPON_SAMPLES];*/ vec3_t throw_origin; vec3_t throw_trajectory; float throw_power; bool pistol; // True if the weapon is a pistol bool velocitytriggered; // Weapon attack triggered by velocity (knife) bool velocitytriggeredoffhand; // Weapon attack triggered by velocity (puncher) bool velocitytriggeredoffhandstate; // Weapon attack triggered by velocity (puncher) vec3_t offhandangles_temp; vec3_t offhandoffset_temp; // // Teleport Stuff // /*bool teleportenabled; bool teleportseek; // player looking to teleport bool teleportready; // player pointing to a valid teleport location vec3_t teleportdest; // teleport destination bool teleportexecute; // execute the teleport*/ ////////////////////////////////////// // Test stuff for weapon alignment ////////////////////////////////////// /*char test_name[256]; float test_scale; vec3_t test_angles; vec3_t test_offset;*/ } vrClientInfo; extern vrClientInfo *pVRClientInfo; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif //vr_client_info_h