- Corrected chainsaw orientation
- Added cvars for smooth turn / snap turn
- Made the scontrol scheme cvar actually work
- Laser sight controlled only by cvar
- No tracking while in big screen mode to avoid nausea
- Some code tidy up of stuff not used
- world scale should be a bit better (set to 42)
- It won't play the intro movie at all now
- PDA screen and menu will always appear in front of you now
- default.cfg no longer required and is removed
- Weapons (on a clean install) all appeared to be located correctly for me.
- BFG reload in the included pack doesn't cause script error
- config and saves are now located in /sdcard/Doom3Quest/config or /saves, rather than within the base directory, just copy your existing save folder to the right place
- virtual screen is now a bit closer (and should move back a bit of SS is increased)
Weapon haptics working rather nicely!
World shake also triggers haptics
Velocity triggered attack for the flashlight and chainsaw
vr_chibi (thanks to RBDOOM-BFG) just for a bit of a laugh
- Some code tidying
- Improved scaling of HUD for more visibility
- Better handling of controls when using GUIs
- First weapon pack test pk4 included (and copied)
- Flashlight from "backpack"
- HUD now visible (with some stereo depth)
- PDA now has a functional mouse pointer
- Interaction with screens is by pointing the weapon controller rather than gaze based
- Default SS is now 1.0
- Default refresh rate is 60hz