mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:21:15 +00:00
Start of RoE / Updated Assets
This commit is contained in:
26 changed files with 2926 additions and 175 deletions
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ const int IMPULSE_33 = 33; // toggle lasersight
const int IMPULSE_34 = 34; // comfort turn right
const int IMPULSE_35 = 35; // comfort turn left
const int IMPULSE_36 = 36; // toggle hud
const int IMPULSE_37 = 37; // toggle headingbeam
const int IMPULSE_37 = 37; // free
const int IMPULSE_38 = 38; // walk in place
const int IMPULSE_39 = 39; // freelook
const int IMPULSE_40 = 40; // Vehicle
@ -1117,6 +1117,61 @@ void idAFEntity_Gibbable::Damage( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const
void idAFEntity_Gibbable::SetThrown( bool isThrown )
if( isThrown )
int i, num = af.GetPhysics()->GetNumBodies();
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
idAFBody* body;
body = af.GetPhysics()->GetBody( i );
body->SetClipMask( MASK_MONSTERSOLID );
wasThrown = isThrown;
bool idAFEntity_Gibbable::Collide( const trace_t& collision, const idVec3& velocity )
if( !gibbed && wasThrown )
// Everything gibs (if possible)
if( spawnArgs.GetBool( "gib" ) )
idEntity* ent;
ent = gameLocal.entities[ collision.c.entityNum ];
if( ent->fl.takedamage )
ent->Damage( this, gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(), collision.c.normal, "damage_thrown_ragdoll", 1.f, CLIPMODEL_ID_TO_JOINT_HANDLE( collision.c.id ) );
idVec3 vel = velocity;
Gib( vel, "damage_gib" );
return idAFEntity_Base::Collide( collision, velocity );
@ -1158,6 +1213,8 @@ void idAFEntity_Gibbable::SpawnGibs( const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefNam
velocity += ( i & 1 ) ? dir : -dir;
list[i]->GetPhysics()->SetLinearVelocity( velocity * 75.0f );
// Don't allow grabber to pick up temporary gibs
list[i]->noGrab = true;
list[i]->GetRenderEntity()->noShadow = true;
list[i]->GetRenderEntity()->shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIME_OF_DEATH ] = gameLocal.time * 0.001f;
list[i]->PostEventSec( &EV_Remove, 4.0f );
@ -228,6 +228,8 @@ public:
void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile );
virtual void Present( void );
virtual void Damage( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName, const float damageScale, const int location );
void SetThrown( bool isThrown );
virtual bool Collide( const trace_t& collision, const idVec3& velocity );
virtual void SpawnGibs( const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName );
@ -235,6 +237,8 @@ protected:
int skeletonModelDefHandle;
bool gibbed;
bool wasThrown;
virtual void Gib( const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName );
void InitSkeletonModel( void );
@ -4860,6 +4860,26 @@ bool idEntity::ClientReceiveEvent( int event, int time, const idBitMsg &msg ) {
return false;
void idEntity::SetGrabbedState( bool grabbed )
fl.grabbed = grabbed;
bool idEntity::IsGrabbed()
return fl.grabbed;
@ -157,8 +157,14 @@ public:
bool isDormant :1; // if true the entity is dormant
bool hasAwakened :1; // before a monster has been awakened the first time, use full PVS for dormant instead of area-connected
bool networkSync :1; // if true the entity is synchronized over the network
bool grabbed :1; // if true object is currently being grabbed
} fl;
bool noGrab;
void SetGrabbedState( bool grabbed );
bool IsGrabbed();
@ -398,6 +398,12 @@ public:
virtual gameReturn_t ClientPrediction( int clientNum, const usercmd_t *clientCmds, bool lastPredictFrame );
virtual void GetClientStats( int clientNum, char *data, const int len );
virtual bool IsInGame() const
return GameState() == GAMESTATE_ACTIVE;
virtual void SwitchTeam( int clientNum, int team );
virtual bool DownloadRequest( const char *IP, const char *guid, const char *paks, char urls[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] );
@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "Grabber.h"
#include "../idlib/Dict.h"
#include "../renderer/Material.h"
#include "Moveable.h"
#include "gamesys/SysCvar.h"
#include "../cm/CollisionModel.h"
#include "../idlib/bv/Bounds.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "ai/AI.h"
#define HOLD_DISTANCE 72.f
#define FIRING_DELAY 1000.0f
#define DRAG_FAIL_LEN 64.f
#define THROW_SCALE 1000
#define MAX_PICKUP_VELOCITY 1500 * 1500
#define MAX_PICKUP_SIZE 96
idCVar vr_grabberBeamWidth( "vr_grabberBeamWidth", "4", CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Beam width for grabber in VR. Default 4." );
Allows entities to be dragged through the world with physics.
CLASS_DECLARATION( idEntity, idGrabber )
dragEnt = NULL;
owner = NULL;
weapon = NULL;
beam = NULL;
beamTarget = NULL;
oldImpulseSequence = 0;
shakeForceFlip = false;
holdingAF = false;
endTime = 0;
lastFiredTime = -FIRING_DELAY;
dragFailTime = 0;
startDragTime = 0;
warpId = -1;
StopDrag( true );
if( beam )
delete beam;
if( beamTarget )
delete beamTarget;
void idGrabber::Save( idSaveGame* savefile ) const
dragEnt.Save( savefile );
savefile->WriteStaticObject( drag );
savefile->WriteVec3( saveGravity );
savefile->WriteInt( id );
savefile->WriteVec3( localPlayerPoint );
owner.Save( savefile );
savefile->WriteBool( holdingAF );
savefile->WriteBool( shakeForceFlip );
savefile->WriteInt( endTime );
savefile->WriteInt( lastFiredTime );
savefile->WriteInt( dragFailTime );
savefile->WriteInt( startDragTime );
savefile->WriteFloat( dragTraceDist );
savefile->WriteInt( savedContents );
savefile->WriteInt( savedClipmask );
savefile->WriteObject( beam );
savefile->WriteObject( beamTarget );
savefile->WriteInt( warpId );
void idGrabber::Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile )
//Spawn the beams
dragEnt.Restore( savefile );
savefile->ReadStaticObject( drag );
savefile->ReadVec3( saveGravity );
savefile->ReadInt( id );
// Restore the drag force's physics object
if( dragEnt.IsValid() )
drag.SetPhysics( dragEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics(), id, dragEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() );
savefile->ReadVec3( localPlayerPoint );
owner.Restore( savefile );
if( owner )
weapon = owner->GetGrabberWeapon(); // Carl: Dual wielding, don't change save file format
weapon = NULL;
savefile->ReadBool( holdingAF );
savefile->ReadBool( shakeForceFlip );
savefile->ReadInt( endTime );
savefile->ReadInt( lastFiredTime );
savefile->ReadInt( dragFailTime );
savefile->ReadInt( startDragTime );
savefile->ReadFloat( dragTraceDist );
savefile->ReadInt( savedContents );
savefile->ReadInt( savedClipmask );
savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast<idClass*&>( beam ) );
savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast<idClass*&>( beamTarget ) );
savefile->ReadInt( warpId );
void idGrabber::Initialize()
if( !gameLocal.isMultiplayer )
idDict args;
if( !beamTarget )
args.SetVector( "origin", vec3_origin );
args.SetBool( "start_off", true );
beamTarget = ( idBeam* )gameLocal.SpawnEntityType( idBeam::Type, &args );
if( !beam )
args.Set( "target", beamTarget->name.c_str() );
args.SetVector( "origin", vec3_origin );
args.SetBool( "start_off", true );
// Koz begin
args.Set( "width", vr_grabberBeamWidth.GetString() );
// Koz end
args.Set( "skin", "textures/smf/flareSizeable" );
args.Set( "_color", "0.0235 0.843 0.969 0.2" );
beam = ( idBeam* )gameLocal.SpawnEntityType( idBeam::Type, &args );
beam->SetShaderParm( 6, 1.0f );
endTime = 0;
beam = NULL;
beamTarget = NULL;
endTime = 0;
void idGrabber::SetDragDistance( float dist )
dragTraceDist = dist;
void idGrabber::StartDrag( idEntity* grabEnt, int id )
int clipModelId = id;
idPlayer* thePlayer = owner.GetEntity();
holdingAF = false;
dragFailTime = gameLocal.slow.time;
startDragTime = gameLocal.slow.time;
//oldImpulseSequence = thePlayer->usercmd.impulseSequence;
oldImpulseSequence = thePlayer->usercmd.impulse;
// set grabbed state for networking
grabEnt->SetGrabbedState( true );
// This is the new object to drag around
dragEnt = grabEnt;
// Show the beams!
if ( beam )
if ( beamTarget )
// Move the object to the fast group (helltime)
//grabEnt->timeGroup = TIME_GROUP2;
// Handle specific class types
if ( grabEnt->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) )
idProjectile* p = (idProjectile*)grabEnt;
p->CatchProjectile( thePlayer, "_catch" );
// Make the projectile non-solid to other projectiles/enemies (special hack for helltime hunter)
if ( !idStr::Cmp( grabEnt->GetEntityDefName(), "projectile_helltime_killer" ) )
savedContents = grabEnt->GetPhysics()->GetContents();
savedClipmask = grabEnt->GetPhysics()->GetClipMask();
grabEnt->GetPhysics()->SetContents( 0 );
grabEnt->GetPhysics()->SetClipMask( CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_BODY );
else if ( grabEnt->IsType( idExplodingBarrel::Type ) )
idExplodingBarrel* ebarrel = static_cast<idExplodingBarrel*>(grabEnt);
else if ( grabEnt->IsType( idAFEntity_Gibbable::Type ) )
holdingAF = true;
clipModelId = 0;
if ( grabbableAI( grabEnt->spawnArgs.GetString( "classname" ) ) )
//GB FIX (static_cast from 'idEntity *' to 'idAI *', which are not related by inheritance, is not allowed)
idAI* aiEnt = static_cast<idAI*>(grabEnt);
else if ( grabEnt->IsType( idMoveableItem::Type ) )
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed NULL to 0
grabEnt->PostEventMS( &EV_Touch, 250, thePlayer, 0 );
// RB end
// Get the current physics object to manipulate
idPhysics* phys = grabEnt->GetPhysics();
// Turn off gravity on object
saveGravity = phys->GetGravity();
phys->SetGravity( vec3_origin );
// hold it directly in front of player
localPlayerPoint = (thePlayer->firstPersonViewAxis[0] * HOLD_DISTANCE) * thePlayer->firstPersonViewAxis.Transpose();
// Set the ending time for the hold
endTime = gameLocal.time + g_grabberHoldSeconds.GetFloat() * 1000;
// Start up the Force_Drag to bring it in
drag.Init( g_grabberDamping.GetFloat() );
drag.SetPhysics( phys, clipModelId, thePlayer->firstPersonViewOrigin + localPlayerPoint * thePlayer->firstPersonViewAxis );
// start the screen warp
void idGrabber::StopDrag( bool dropOnly )
idPlayer* thePlayer = owner.GetEntity();
if( beam )
if( beamTarget )
if( dragEnt.IsValid() )
idEntity* ent = dragEnt.GetEntity();
// set grabbed state for networking
ent->SetGrabbedState( false );
// If a cinematic has started, allow dropped object to think in cinematics
if( gameLocal.inCinematic )
ent->cinematic = true;
// Restore Gravity
ent->GetPhysics()->SetGravity( saveGravity );
// Move the object back to the slow group (helltime)
//ent->timeGroup = TIME_GROUP1;
if( holdingAF )
idAFEntity_Gibbable* af = static_cast<idAFEntity_Gibbable*>( ent );
idPhysics_AF* af_Phys = static_cast<idPhysics_AF*>( af->GetPhysics() );
if( grabbableAI( ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "classname" ) ) )
idAI* aiEnt = static_cast<idAI*>( ent );
aiEnt->Damage( thePlayer, thePlayer, vec3_origin, "damage_suicide", 1.0f, INVALID_JOINT );
af->SetThrown( !dropOnly );
// Reset timers so that it isn't forcibly put to rest in mid-air
af_Phys->SetTimeScaleRamp( MS2SEC( gameLocal.slow.time ) - 1.5f, MS2SEC( gameLocal.slow.time ) + 1.0f );
// If the object isn't near its goal, just drop it in place.
if( !ent->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) && ( dropOnly || drag.GetDistanceToGoal() > DRAG_FAIL_LEN ) )
ent->GetPhysics()->SetLinearVelocity( vec3_origin );
thePlayer->StartSoundShader( declManager->FindSound( "grabber_maindrop" ), SND_CHANNEL_WEAPON, 0, false, NULL );
if( ent->IsType( idExplodingBarrel::Type ) )
idExplodingBarrel* ebarrel = static_cast<idExplodingBarrel*>( ent );
ebarrel->SetStability( true );
// Shoot the object forward
// Koz begin : in vr launch the object in the direction the grabber is pointing
if ( game->isVR )
static idVec3 launchOrigin = vec3_zero;
static idMat3 launchAxis = mat3_identity;
weapon->GetProjectileLaunchOriginAndAxis( launchOrigin, launchAxis );
ent->ApplyImpulse( thePlayer, 0, ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), launchAxis[0] * THROW_SCALE * ent->GetPhysics()->GetMass() );
else // in normal play launch in the direction the body is facing
ent->ApplyImpulse( thePlayer, 0, ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), thePlayer->firstPersonViewAxis[0] * THROW_SCALE * ent->GetPhysics()->GetMass() );
// Koz end
thePlayer->StartSoundShader( declManager->FindSound( "grabber_release" ), SND_CHANNEL_WEAPON, 0, false, NULL );
// Orient projectiles away from the player
if( ent->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) )
idPlayer* player = owner.GetEntity();
idAngles ang = player->firstPersonViewAxis[0].ToAngles();
ang.pitch += 90.f;
ent->GetPhysics()->SetAxis( ang.ToMat3() );
ent->GetPhysics()->SetAngularVelocity( vec3_origin );
// Restore projectile contents
ent->GetPhysics()->SetContents( savedContents );
ent->GetPhysics()->SetClipMask( savedClipmask );
idProjectile* projectile = static_cast< idProjectile* >( ent );
if( projectile != NULL )
projectile->SetLaunchedFromGrabber( true );
else if( ent->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) )
// Turn on damage for this object
idMoveable* obj = static_cast<idMoveable*>( ent );
obj->EnableDamage( true, 2.5f );
obj->SetAttacker( thePlayer );
if( ent->IsType( idExplodingBarrel::Type ) )
idExplodingBarrel* ebarrel = static_cast<idExplodingBarrel*>( ent );
ebarrel->SetStability( false );
else if( ent->IsType( idMoveableItem::Type ) )
ent->GetPhysics()->SetClipMask( MASK_MONSTERSOLID );
// Remove the Force_Drag's control of the entity
drag.RemovePhysics( ent->GetPhysics() );
if( warpId != -1 )
thePlayer->playerView.FreeWarp( warpId );
warpId = -1;
lastFiredTime = gameLocal.time;
dragEnt = NULL;
endTime = 0;
int idGrabber::Update( idPlayer* player, idWeapon* weap, bool hide )
trace_t trace;
idEntity* newEnt;
weapon = weap; // Carl: support Dual Wielding
// Koz begin
idVec3 dragOrigin = vec3_zero;
idMat3 dragAxis = mat3_identity;
if ( gameLocal.IsInGame() && player != NULL) // Koz fix me
dragOrigin = player->firstPersonViewOrigin;
dragAxis = player->firstPersonViewAxis;
if ( weapon != NULL )
if ( !weapon->GetMuzzlePositionWithHacks( dragOrigin, dragAxis ) )
dragOrigin = player->firstPersonViewOrigin;
dragAxis = player->firstPersonViewAxis;
// Koz end
// pause before allowing refire
if( lastFiredTime + FIRING_DELAY > gameLocal.time )
return 3;
// Dead players release the trigger
if( hide || player->health <= 0 )
StopDrag( true );
if( hide )
lastFiredTime = gameLocal.time - FIRING_DELAY + 250;
return 3;
// Check if object being held has been removed (dead demon, projectile, etc.)
if( endTime > gameLocal.time )
bool abort = !dragEnt.IsValid();
if( !abort && dragEnt.GetEntity()->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) )
idProjectile* proj = ( idProjectile* )dragEnt.GetEntity();
if( proj->GetProjectileState() >= 3 )
abort = true;
if( !abort && dragEnt.GetEntity() && dragEnt.GetEntity()->IsHidden() )
abort = true;
// Not in multiplayer :: Pressing "reload" lets you carefully drop an item
if( !gameLocal.isMultiplayer && !abort && ( weapon->WEAPON_RELOAD ) ) // Carl: support dual wielding
abort = true;
if( abort )
StopDrag( true );
return 3;
owner = player;
// if no entity selected for dragging
if( !dragEnt.GetEntity() )
idBounds bounds;
idVec3 end;
// Koz begin
end = dragOrigin + dragAxis[0] * dragTraceDist;
bounds.ExpandSelf( TRACE_BOUNDS_SIZE );
// gameLocal.clip.TraceBounds( trace, player->firstPersonViewOrigin, end, bounds, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL | CONTENTS_PROJECTILE | CONTENTS_MOVEABLECLIP, player );
gameLocal.clip.TraceBounds( trace, dragOrigin, end, bounds, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL | CONTENTS_PROJECTILE | CONTENTS_MOVEABLECLIP, player );
// Koz end
// If the trace hit something
if( trace.fraction < 1.0f )
newEnt = gameLocal.entities[ trace.c.entityNum ];
// if entity is already being grabbed then bypass
if( gameLocal.isMultiplayer && newEnt && newEnt->IsGrabbed() )
return 0;
// Check if this is a valid entity to hold
if( newEnt && ( newEnt->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) ||
newEnt->IsType( idMoveableItem::Type ) ||
newEnt->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) ||
newEnt->IsType( idAFEntity_Gibbable::Type )
) &&
newEnt->noGrab == false &&
newEnt->GetPhysics()->GetBounds().GetRadius() < MAX_PICKUP_SIZE &&
newEnt->GetPhysics()->GetLinearVelocity().LengthSqr() < MAX_PICKUP_VELOCITY )
bool validAF = true;
if( newEnt->IsType( idAFEntity_Gibbable::Type ) )
idAFEntity_Gibbable* afEnt = static_cast<idAFEntity_Gibbable*>( newEnt );
if( grabbableAI( newEnt->spawnArgs.GetString( "classname" ) ) )
// Make sure it's also active
if( !afEnt->IsActive() )
validAF = false;
else if( !afEnt->IsActiveAF() )
validAF = false;
if( validAF && weapon->WEAPON_ATTACK ) // Carl: If dual wielding, use attack button for this specific weapon
// Grab this entity and start dragging it around
StartDrag( newEnt, trace.c.id );
else if( validAF )
// A holdable object is ready to be grabbed
return 1;
// check backwards server time in multiplayer
bool allow = true;
if( gameLocal.isMultiplayer )
// if we've marched backwards
if( gameLocal.slow.time < startDragTime )
allow = false;
// if there is an entity selected for dragging
if( dragEnt.GetEntity() && allow )
idPhysics* entPhys = dragEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics();
idVec3 goalPos;
// If the player lets go of attack, or time is up
if( !( weapon->WEAPON_ATTACK ) ) // Carl: support dual wielding
StopDrag( false );
return 3;
if( gameLocal.time > endTime )
StopDrag( true );
return 3;
// Check if the player is standing on the object
if( !holdingAF )
idBounds playerBounds;
idBounds objectBounds = entPhys->GetAbsBounds();
idVec3 newPoint = player->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
// create a bounds at the players feet
playerBounds.AddPoint( newPoint );
newPoint.z -= 1.f;
playerBounds.AddPoint( newPoint );
playerBounds.ExpandSelf( 8.f );
// If it intersects the object bounds, then drop it
if( playerBounds.IntersectsBounds( objectBounds ) )
StopDrag( true );
return 3;
// Shake the object at the end of the hold
if( g_grabberEnableShake.GetBool() && !gameLocal.isMultiplayer )
// Set and evaluate drag force
// Koz begin
//goalPos = player->firstPersonViewOrigin + localPlayerPoint * player->firstPersonViewAxis;
goalPos = dragOrigin + localPlayerPoint * dragAxis;
// Koz end
drag.SetGoalPosition( goalPos );
drag.Evaluate( gameLocal.time );
// If an object is flying too fast toward the player, stop it hard
if( g_grabberHardStop.GetBool() )
idPlane theWall;
idVec3 toPlayerVelocity, objectCenter;
float toPlayerSpeed;
//toPlayerVelocity = -player->firstPersonViewAxis[0];
toPlayerVelocity = -dragAxis[0]; // Koz
toPlayerSpeed = entPhys->GetLinearVelocity() * toPlayerVelocity;
if( toPlayerSpeed > 64.f )
objectCenter = entPhys->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter();
//theWall.SetNormal( player->firstPersonViewAxis[0] );
theWall.SetNormal( dragAxis[0] ); // Koz
theWall.FitThroughPoint( goalPos );
if( theWall.Side( objectCenter, 0.1f ) == PLANESIDE_BACK )
int i, num;
num = entPhys->GetNumClipModels();
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
entPhys->SetLinearVelocity( vec3_origin, i );
// Make sure the object isn't spinning too fast
const float MAX_ROTATION_SPEED = 12.f;
idVec3 angVel = entPhys->GetAngularVelocity();
float rotationSpeed = angVel.LengthFast();
if( rotationSpeed > MAX_ROTATION_SPEED )
entPhys->SetAngularVelocity( angVel );
// Orient projectiles away from the player
if( dragEnt.GetEntity()->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) )
//idAngles ang = player->firstPersonViewAxis[0].ToAngles();
idAngles ang = dragAxis[0].ToAngles(); // Koz
ang.pitch += 90.f;
entPhys->SetAxis( ang.ToMat3() );
// Some kind of effect from gun to object?
// If the object is stuck away from its intended position for more than 500ms, let it go.
if( drag.GetDistanceToGoal() > DRAG_FAIL_LEN )
if( dragFailTime < ( gameLocal.slow.time - 500 ) )
StopDrag( true );
return 3;
dragFailTime = gameLocal.slow.time;
// Currently holding an object
return 2;
// Not holding, nothing to hold
return 0;
void idGrabber::UpdateBeams()
jointHandle_t muzzle_joint;
idVec3 muzzle_origin;
idMat3 muzzle_axis;
renderEntity_t* re;
if( !beam )
if( dragEnt.IsValid() )
idPlayer* thePlayer = owner.GetEntity();
if( beamTarget )
beamTarget->SetOrigin( dragEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter() );
muzzle_joint = weapon.GetEntity()->GetAnimator()->GetJointHandle( /* "particle_upper" */ "beam" ); // Koz
if( muzzle_joint != INVALID_JOINT )
weapon.GetEntity()->GetJointWorldTransform( muzzle_joint, gameLocal.time, muzzle_origin, muzzle_axis );
// Koz begin
// move the beam forward 3 inches to prevent it from distorting the (now complete) grabber viewmodel.
muzzle_origin += muzzle_axis[0] * 3.0;
// Koz end
muzzle_origin = thePlayer->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
beam->SetOrigin( muzzle_origin );
re = beam->GetRenderEntity();
re->origin = muzzle_origin;
void idGrabber::ApplyShake()
float u = 1 - ( float )( endTime - gameLocal.time ) / ( g_grabberHoldSeconds.GetFloat() * 1000 );
if( u >= 0.8f )
idVec3 point, impulse;
float shakeForceMagnitude = 450.f;
float mass = dragEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetMass();
shakeForceFlip = !shakeForceFlip;
// get point to rotate around
point = dragEnt.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
point.y += 1;
// Articulated figures get less violent shake
if( holdingAF )
shakeForceMagnitude = 120.f;
// calc impulse
if( shakeForceFlip )
impulse.Set( 0, 0, shakeForceMagnitude * u * mass );
impulse.Set( 0, 0, -shakeForceMagnitude * u * mass );
dragEnt.GetEntity()->ApplyImpulse( NULL, 0, point, impulse );
bool idGrabber::grabbableAI( const char* aiName )
// skip "monster_"
aiName += 8;
if( !idStr::Cmpn( aiName, "flying_lostsoul", 15 ) ||
!idStr::Cmpn( aiName, "demon_trite", 11 ) ||
!idStr::Cmp( aiName, "flying_forgotten" ) ||
!idStr::Cmp( aiName, "demon_cherub" ) ||
!idStr::Cmp( aiName, "demon_tick" ) )
return true;
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
Grabber Object - Class to extend idWeapon to include functionality for
manipulating physics objects.
#ifndef __GAME_GRABBER_H__
#define __GAME_GRABBER_H__
#include "Entity.h"
#include "physics/Force_Grab.h"
class idBeam;
class idWeapon;
class idGrabber : public idEntity
void Save( idSaveGame* savefile ) const;
void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
void Initialize();
void SetDragDistance( float dist );
int Update( idPlayer* player, idWeapon* weap, bool hide );
idEntityPtr<idEntity> dragEnt; // entity being dragged
idForce_Grab drag;
idVec3 saveGravity;
int id; // id of body being dragged
idVec3 localPlayerPoint; // dragged point in player space
idEntityPtr<idPlayer> owner;
idEntityPtr<idWeapon> weapon;
int oldImpulseSequence;
bool holdingAF;
bool shakeForceFlip;
int endTime;
int lastFiredTime;
int dragFailTime;
int startDragTime;
float dragTraceDist;
int savedContents;
int savedClipmask;
idBeam* beam;
idBeam* beamTarget;
int warpId;
bool grabbableAI( const char* aiName );
void StartDrag( idEntity* grabEnt, int id );
void StopDrag( bool dropOnly );
void UpdateBeams();
void ApplyShake();
#endif /* !__GAME_GRABBER_H__ */
@ -469,6 +469,16 @@ void idMoveable::Event_BecomeNonSolid( void ) {
void idMoveable::SetAttacker( idEntity* ent )
attacker = ent;
@ -875,6 +885,56 @@ void idExplodingBarrel::Think( void ) {
void idExplodingBarrel::SetStability( bool stability )
isStable = stability;
bool idExplodingBarrel::IsStable()
return isStable;
void idExplodingBarrel::StartBurning()
state = BURNING;
AddParticles( "barrelfire.prt", true );
void idExplodingBarrel::StopBurning()
state = NORMAL;
if( particleModelDefHandle >= 0 )
gameRenderWorld->FreeEntityDef( particleModelDefHandle );
particleModelDefHandle = -1;
particleTime = 0;
memset( &particleRenderEntity, 0, sizeof( particleRenderEntity ) );
@ -70,11 +70,17 @@ public:
virtual void Killed( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location );
virtual void WriteToSnapshot( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const;
virtual void ReadFromSnapshot( const idBitMsgDelta &msg );
void SetAttacker( idEntity* ent );
const idEntity* GetAttacker()
return attacker;
idPhysics_RigidBody physicsObj; // physics object
idStr brokenModel; // model set when health drops down to or below zero
idStr damage; // if > 0 apply damage to hit entities
idEntity* attacker;
idStr fxCollide; // fx system to start when collides with something
int nextCollideFxTime; // next time it is ok to spawn collision fx
float minDamageVelocity; // minimum velocity before moveable applies damage
@ -158,6 +164,11 @@ public:
void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const;
void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile );
bool IsStable();
void SetStability( bool stability );
void StartBurning();
void StopBurning();
virtual void Think( void );
virtual void Damage( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &dir,
const char *damageDefName, const float damageScale, const int location );
@ -190,6 +201,7 @@ private:
int particleTime;
int lightTime;
float time;
bool isStable;
void AddParticles( const char *name, bool burn );
void AddLight( const char *name , bool burn );
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include "idlib/Lib.h"
#include "Mover.h"
#include "sys/sys_public.h"
#include "framework/DeclSkin.h"
const int ASYNC_PLAYER_INV_AMMO_BITS = idMath::BitsForInteger( 999 ); // 9 bits to cover the range [0, 999]
@ -1240,9 +1241,6 @@ idPlayer::idPlayer() {
holsterModelDefHandle = -1;
memset( &holsterRenderEntity, 0, sizeof( holsterRenderEntity ) );
headingBeamHandle = -1;
memset( &headingBeamEntity, 0, sizeof( headingBeamEntity ) );
hud = NULL;
objectiveSystem = NULL;
objectiveSystemOpen = false;
@ -1804,15 +1802,6 @@ void idPlayer::Init( void ) {
skinCrosshairCircleDot = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/vr/crosshairCircleDot" );
skinCrosshairCross = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/vr/crosshairCross" );
// heading indicator for VR - point the direction the body is facing.
* memset( &headingBeamEntity, 0, sizeof( headingBeamEntity ) );
headingBeamEntity.hModel = renderModelManager->FindModel( "/models/mapobjects/headingbeam.lwo" );
skinHeadingSolid = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/models/headingbeamsolid" );
skinHeadingArrows = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/models/headingbeamarrows" );
skinHeadingArrowsScroll = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/models/headingbeamarrowsscroll" );*/
//GBFix Not in Original
hudActive = true;
PDAorigin = vec3_zero;
@ -1924,6 +1913,7 @@ void idPlayer::Spawn( void ) {
idAFAttachment *headEnt = head;
if ( headEnt ) {
// supress head in non-player views, but allow it in mirrors and remote views
headEnt->GetRenderEntity()->suppressSurfaceInViewID = entityNumber+1;
headEnt->GetRenderEntity()->noSelfShadow = true;
@ -2416,7 +2406,6 @@ void idPlayer::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const {
// Koz begin
savefile->WriteBool( hands[0].laserSightActive || hands[1].laserSightActive );
savefile->WriteBool( headingBeamActive );
savefile->WriteBool( hudActive );
savefile->WriteInt( commonVr->currentFlashlightMode );
@ -2879,7 +2868,6 @@ void idPlayer::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
//re-init the VR ui models
headingBeamHandle = -1;
hudHandle = -1;
// re-init hud model
@ -2888,14 +2876,6 @@ void idPlayer::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
hudEntity.customShader = declManager->FindMaterial( "vr/hud" );
hudEntity.weaponDepthHack = vr_hudOcclusion.GetBool();
// re-init the heading beam model
//memset( &headingBeamEntity, 0, sizeof( headingBeamEntity ) );
//headingBeamEntity.hModel = renderModelManager->FindModel( "/models/mapobjects/headingbeam.lwo" );
// re-init skins for heading indicator, crosshair, and telepad
skinHeadingSolid = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/models/headingbeamsolid" );
skinHeadingArrows = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/models/headingbeamarrows" );
skinHeadingArrowsScroll = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/models/headingbeamarrowsscroll" );
skinCrosshairDot = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/vr/crosshairDot" );
skinCrosshairCircleDot = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/vr/crosshairCircleDot" );
skinCrosshairCross = declManager->FindSkin( "skins/vr/crosshairCross" );
@ -2908,7 +2888,6 @@ void idPlayer::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
savefile->ReadBool( laserSightActive );
hands[ 0 ].laserSightActive = laserSightActive;
hands[ 1 ].laserSightActive = laserSightActive;
savefile->ReadBool( headingBeamActive );
savefile->ReadBool( hudActive );
savefile->ReadInt( commonVr->currentFlashlightMode );
@ -3035,8 +3014,6 @@ void idPlayer::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
vr_weaponSight.SetModified(); // make sure these get initialized properly
aasState = 0;
// Koz end
@ -3308,7 +3285,6 @@ void idPlayer::SavePersistantInfo( void ) {
playerInfo.SetInt( "health", health );
playerInfo.SetInt( "current_weapon", hands[ GetBestWeaponHand() ].currentWeapon );
// Koz begin
playerInfo.SetBool( "headingBeamActive", headingBeamActive );
playerInfo.SetBool( "laserSightActive", hands[0].laserSightActive || hands[1].laserSightActive ); // Carl: don't change save format
playerInfo.SetBool( "hudActive", hudActive );
playerInfo.SetInt( "currentFlashMode", commonVr->currentFlashlightMode );
@ -3342,7 +3318,6 @@ void idPlayer::RestorePersistantInfo( void ) {
hands[vr_weaponHand.GetInteger()].idealWeapon = spawnArgs.GetInt( "current_weapon", "1" );
hands[ 1 - vr_weaponHand.GetInteger() ].idealWeapon = weapon_fists;
// Koz begin
headingBeamActive = spawnArgs.GetBool( "headingBeamActive", "1" );
bool laserSightActive = spawnArgs.GetBool( "laserSightActive", "1" );
hands[ 0 ].laserSightActive = laserSightActive;
hands[ 1 ].laserSightActive = laserSightActive;
@ -3401,9 +3376,9 @@ void idPlayer::UpdateSkinSetup()
if ( game->isVR )
//idStr skinN = skin->GetName();
idStr skinN = skin->GetName();
//GB Force skin
idStr skinN = "skins/characters/player/greenmarine_arm2";
//idStr skinN = "skins/characters/player/greenmarine_arm2";
if ( strstr( skinN.c_str(), "skins/characters/player/tshirt_mp" ) )
@ -4281,6 +4256,9 @@ void idPlayer::FireWeapon( int hand, idWeapon *weap ) {
if( g_infiniteAmmo.GetBool() || weap->AmmoInClip() || weap->AmmoAvailable() )
weapon_t w = weap->IdentifyWeapon();
// Koz grabber doesn't fire projectiles, so player script won't trigger fire anim for hand if we dont do this
@ -5625,10 +5603,10 @@ void idPlayerHand::NextWeapon( int dir )
//GB don't let it cycle to the flashlight if we're the weapon hand
if(w == owner->weapon_flashlight && whichHand == vr_weaponHand.GetInteger())
/*if(w == owner->weapon_flashlight && whichHand == vr_weaponHand.GetInteger())
// Cycle to the flashlight if we're using our flashlight hand and the flashlight is in our inventory, OR if we set to include the flashlight in the weapon cycle.
// todo: don't let it cycle to the flashlight if it's in the other hand and we're the weapon hand
@ -8509,81 +8487,6 @@ void idPlayer::UpdateHolsterSlot()
void idPlayer::UpdateHeadingBeam()
if ( vr_headingBeamMode.IsModified() )
int mode = vr_headingBeamMode.GetInteger();
switch ( mode )
case 0:
headingBeamActive = false;
case 1:
headingBeamEntity.customSkin = skinHeadingSolid;
headingBeamActive = true;
case 2:
headingBeamEntity.customSkin = skinHeadingArrows;
headingBeamActive = true;
case 3:
headingBeamEntity.customSkin = skinHeadingArrowsScroll;
headingBeamActive = true;
headingBeamEntity.customSkin = skinHeadingArrowsScroll;
headingBeamActive = true;
if ( !headingBeamActive )
// hide it
headingBeamEntity.allowSurfaceInViewID = -1;
idVec3 beamOrigin = GetEyePosition();
idMat3 beamAxis = idAngles( 0.0f, viewAngles.yaw, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
beamOrigin.z -= (pm_normalviewheight.GetFloat());
headingBeamEntity.axis = beamAxis;
headingBeamEntity.origin = beamOrigin;
headingBeamEntity.allowSurfaceInViewID = entityNumber + 1 ;
// make sure the entitydefs are updated
if ( headingBeamHandle == -1 )
headingBeamHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddEntityDef( &headingBeamEntity );
gameRenderWorld->UpdateEntityDef( headingBeamHandle, &headingBeamEntity );
@ -9372,26 +9275,17 @@ void idPlayer::SetHandIKPos( int hand, idVec3 handOrigin, idMat3 handAxis, idQua
static idVec3 weaponHandAttachJointPositionLocal = vec3_zero;
static idMat3 weaponHandAttachJointAxisLocal = mat3_identity;
//idVec3 weaponHandAttachJointPositionGlobal = vec3_zero;
//idMat3 weaponHandAttachJointAxisGlobal = mat3_identity;
idVec3 weaponHandAttachJointDefaultPositionLocal = vec3_zero;
//idVec3 handWeaponAttachJointPositionLocal = vec3_zero;
//idMat3 handWeaponAttachJointAxisLocal = mat3_identity;
//idVec3 handWeaponAttachJointPositionGlobal = vec3_zero;
//idMat3 handWeaponAttachJointAxisGlobal = mat3_identity;
idVec3 weaponAttachDelta = vec3_zero;
idVec3 handAttacherPositionLocal = vec3_zero;
idVec3 handAttacherPositionGlobal = vec3_zero;
idMat3 handmat = mat3_identity;
//idVec3 handDelta = vec3_zero;
//idMat3 rot180 = idAngles( 0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
commonVr->currentHandWorldPosition[hand] = handOrigin;
hands[hand].handOrigin = handOrigin;
@ -9608,6 +9502,20 @@ const idDeclPDA *idPlayer::GetPDA( void ) const {
Carl: Dual wielding
idWeapon* idPlayer::GetGrabberWeapon() const
if( hands[ 1 - vr_weaponHand.GetInteger() ].weapon.GetEntity() && hands[ 1 - vr_weaponHand.GetInteger() ].weapon->IdentifyWeapon() == WEAPON_GRABBER )
return hands[ 1 - vr_weaponHand.GetInteger() ].weapon.GetEntity();
return hands[ vr_weaponHand.GetInteger() ].weapon.GetEntity();
idWeapon * idPlayer::GetPDAWeapon() const
if( hands[ 1 - vr_weaponHand.GetInteger() ].weapon && hands[ 1 - vr_weaponHand.GetInteger() ].weapon->IdentifyWeapon() == WEAPON_PDA )
@ -10215,12 +10123,6 @@ void idPlayer::PerformImpulse( int impulse ) {
case IMPULSE_37: // toggle heading beam
case IMPULSE_39:// next flashlight mode
@ -11947,7 +11849,6 @@ void idPlayer::Think( void ) {
if ( game->isVR ) UpdateHeadingBeam(); // Koz
@ -11994,19 +11895,6 @@ void idPlayer::ToggleLaserSight()
idPlayer::ToggleHeadingBeam Koz toggle heading beam
void idPlayer::ToggleHeadingBeam()
if ( vr_headingBeamMode.GetInteger() != 0 )
headingBeamActive = !headingBeamActive;
// Carl: Context sensitive VR thumb clicks, and dual wielding
// 0 = right hand, 1 = left hand; true if pressed, false if released; returns true if handled as thumb click
// WARNING! Called from the input thread?
@ -12901,6 +12789,7 @@ void idPlayer::UpdateLaserSight( int hand )
commonVr->handInGui || // turn off lasersight if hand is in gui.
gameLocal.inCinematic ||
game->IsPDAOpen() || // Koz - turn off laser sight if using pda.
weapon->GetGrabberState() >= 2 || // Koz turn off laser sight if grabber is dragging an entity
showTeleport || !weapon->GetMuzzlePositionWithHacks(muzzleOrigin, muzzleAxis)) // no lasersight for fists,grenades,soulcube etc
@ -13675,7 +13564,8 @@ bool idPlayer::GetHandOrHeadPositionWithHacks( int hand, idVec3& origin, idMat3&
else if ( commonVr->GetCurrentFlashlightMode() == FLASHLIGHT_HAND && weaponEnabled && !spectating && !gameLocal.world->spawnArgs.GetBool("no_Weapons") && !game->IsPDAOpen() && !commonVr->PDAforcetoggle && hands[0].currentWeapon != weapon_pda && hands[1].currentWeapon != weapon_pda )
weapon_t currentWeapon = flashlight->IdentifyWeapon();
CalculateViewFlashlightPos( origin, axis, flashlightOffsets[ int( currentWeapon ) ] );
CalculateViewFlashlightPos( origin, axis, flashlightOffsets[hands[vr_weaponHand.GetInteger()].currentWeapon] );
return false;
// Carl: todo empty non-weapon hand (currently using head instead)
@ -13728,6 +13618,9 @@ void idPlayer::CalculateViewFlashlightPos( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis, idVec3
if( flashlightMode == FLASHLIGHT_GUN )
weaponWithFlashlightMounted = GetWeaponWithMountedFlashlight();
//GB ALTERNATIVE (think I have fixed elsewhere)
//flashlightOffset = flashlightOffsets[int( weaponWithFlashlightMounted->IdentifyWeapon() )];
if( !weaponWithFlashlightMounted || !weaponWithFlashlightMounted->GetMuzzlePositionWithHacks( origin, axis ) || commonVr->handInGui )
idAngles flashlightAx = axis.ToAngles();
@ -14349,7 +14242,8 @@ bool idPlayer::GetTeleportBeamOrigin( idVec3 &beamOrigin, idMat3 &beamAxis ) //
if ( !hands[hand].weapon->ShowCrosshair() ||
hands[hand].weapon->IsHidden() ||
hands[ hand ].weapon->hideOffset != 0 || // Koz - turn off lasersight If gun is lowered ( in gui ).
commonVr->handInGui // turn off lasersight if hand is in gui.
commonVr->handInGui || // turn off lasersight if hand is in gui.
hands[ hand ].weapon.GetEntity()->GetGrabberState() >= 2 // Koz turn off laser sight if grabber is dragging an entity
return false;
@ -16722,6 +16616,10 @@ void idPlayer::SetupHolsterSlot( int hand, int stashed )
holsterAxis = idAngles(0, -90, -90).ToMat3();
else if( strcmp(modelname, "models/weapons/grabber/grabber_world.ase") == 0 )
holsterAxis = idAngles(-90, 180, 0).ToMat3() * 0.5f;
else if (strcmp(modelname, "models/weapons/machinegun/w_machinegun.lwo") == 0)
holsterAxis = idAngles(0, 90, 90).ToMat3() * 0.75f;
@ -109,7 +109,11 @@ enum {
// powerup modifiers
@ -444,9 +448,6 @@ public:
qhandle_t flashlightModelDefHandle; // handle to static renderer model
// Koz begin
renderEntity_t headingBeamEntity; // Koz add a heading indicator pointing the direction the players body is facing.
qhandle_t headingBeamHandle;
bool headingBeamActive;
const idDeclSkin* skinHeadingSolid;
const idDeclSkin* skinHeadingArrows;
const idDeclSkin* skinHeadingArrowsScroll;
@ -694,8 +695,6 @@ public:
void SetWeaponHandPose();
void SetFlashHandPose(); // Set flashlight hand pose
void ToggleLaserSight();
void UpdateHeadingBeam();
void ToggleHeadingBeam();
void UpdateVrHud();
void ToggleHud();
void RecreateCopyJoints();
@ -875,6 +874,7 @@ public:
idWeapon* GetWeaponInHand( int hand ) const;
// Carl: when the code needs just one weapon, guess which one is the "main" one
idWeapon* GetMainWeapon();
idWeapon* GetGrabberWeapon() const;
idWeapon* GetPDAWeapon() const;
idWeapon* GetWeaponWithMountedFlashlight();
int GetBestWeaponHand();
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -57,6 +57,338 @@ typedef struct {
class WarpPolygon_t
idVec4 outer1;
idVec4 outer2;
idVec4 center;
class Warp_t
int id;
bool active;
int startTime;
float initialRadius;
idVec3 worldOrigin;
idVec2 screenOrigin;
int durationMsec;
idList<WarpPolygon_t> polys;
class idPlayerView;
class FullscreenFXManager;
class FxFader
int time;
int state;
float alpha;
int msec;
// primary functions
bool SetTriggerState( bool active );
virtual void Save( idSaveGame* savefile );
virtual void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
// fader functions
void SetFadeTime( int t )
msec = t;
int GetFadeTime()
return msec;
// misc functions
float GetAlpha()
return alpha;
class FullscreenFX
idStr name;
FxFader fader;
FullscreenFXManager* fxman;
fxman = NULL;
virtual ~FullscreenFX() { };
virtual void Initialize() = 0;
virtual bool Active() = 0;
virtual void HighQuality() = 0;
virtual void LowQuality() { };
virtual void AccumPass( const renderView_t* view ) { };
virtual bool HasAccum()
return false;
void SetName( idStr n )
name = n;
idStr GetName()
return name;
void SetFXManager( FullscreenFXManager* fx )
fxman = fx;
bool SetTriggerState( bool state )
return fader.SetTriggerState( state );
void SetFadeSpeed( int msec )
fader.SetFadeTime( msec );
float GetFadeAlpha()
return fader.GetAlpha();
virtual void Save( idSaveGame* savefile );
virtual void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
class FullscreenFX_Helltime : public FullscreenFX
const idMaterial* initMaterial;
const idMaterial* captureMaterials[3];
const idMaterial* drawMaterial;
bool clearAccumBuffer;
int DetermineLevel();
virtual void Initialize();
virtual bool Active();
virtual void HighQuality();
virtual void AccumPass( const renderView_t* view );
virtual bool HasAccum()
return true;
virtual void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
class FullscreenFX_Multiplayer : public FullscreenFX
const idMaterial* initMaterial;
const idMaterial* captureMaterial;
const idMaterial* drawMaterial;
bool clearAccumBuffer;
int DetermineLevel();
virtual void Initialize();
virtual bool Active();
virtual void HighQuality();
virtual void AccumPass( const renderView_t* view );
virtual bool HasAccum()
return true;
virtual void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
class FullscreenFX_Warp : public FullscreenFX
const idMaterial* material;
bool grabberEnabled;
int startWarpTime;
void DrawWarp( WarpPolygon_t wp, float interp );
virtual void Initialize();
virtual bool Active();
virtual void HighQuality();
void EnableGrabber( bool active )
grabberEnabled = active;
startWarpTime = gameLocal.slow.time;
virtual void Save( idSaveGame* savefile );
virtual void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
class FullscreenFX_EnviroSuit : public FullscreenFX
const idMaterial* material;
virtual void Initialize();
virtual bool Active();
virtual void HighQuality();
class FullscreenFX_DoubleVision : public FullscreenFX
const idMaterial* material;
virtual void Initialize();
virtual bool Active();
virtual void HighQuality();
class FullscreenFX_InfluenceVision : public FullscreenFX
virtual void Initialize();
virtual bool Active();
virtual void HighQuality();
class FullscreenFX_Bloom : public FullscreenFX
const idMaterial* drawMaterial;
const idMaterial* initMaterial;
float currentIntensity;
float targetIntensity;
virtual void Initialize();
virtual bool Active();
virtual void HighQuality();
virtual void Save( idSaveGame* savefile );
virtual void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
class FullscreenFXManager
idList<FullscreenFX*> fx;
idPlayerView* playerView;
const idMaterial* blendBackMaterial;
void CreateFX( idStr name, idStr fxtype, int fade );
virtual ~FullscreenFXManager();
void Initialize( idPlayerView* pv );
void Process( const renderView_t* view );
void Blendback( float alpha );
idPlayerView* GetPlayerView()
return playerView;
idPlayer* GetPlayer()
return gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer();
int GetNum()
return fx.Num();
FullscreenFX* GetFX( int index )
return fx[index];
FullscreenFX* FindFX( idStr name );
void Save( idSaveGame* savefile );
void Restore( idRestoreGame* savefile );
class idPlayerView {
@ -105,9 +437,9 @@ private:
void ScreenFade();
screenBlob_t * GetScreenBlob();
screenBlob_t screenBlobs[MAX_SCREEN_BLOBS];
int dvFinishTime; // double vision will be stopped at this time
const idMaterial * dvMaterial; // material to take the double vision screen shot
@ -136,6 +468,11 @@ private:
idPlayer * player;
renderView_t view;
FullscreenFXManager* fxManager;
int AddWarp( idVec3 worldOrigin, float centerx, float centery, float initialRadius, float durationMsec );
void FreeWarp( int id );
#endif /* !__GAME_PLAYERVIEW_H__ */
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ idProjectile::idProjectile( void ) {
lightColor = vec3_zero;
state = SPAWNED;
damagePower = 1.0f;
launchedFromGrabber = false;
memset( &projectileFlags, 0, sizeof( projectileFlags ) );
memset( &renderLight, 0, sizeof( renderLight ) );
@ -1060,6 +1061,45 @@ void idProjectile::Event_Touch( idEntity *other, trace_t *trace ) {
void idProjectile::CatchProjectile( idEntity* o, const char* reflectName )
idEntity* prevowner = owner.GetEntity();
owner = o;
physicsObj.GetClipModel()->SetOwner( o );
if( this->IsType( idGuidedProjectile::Type ) )
idGuidedProjectile* proj = static_cast<idGuidedProjectile*>( this );
proj->SetEnemy( prevowner );
idStr s = spawnArgs.GetString( "def_damage" );
s += reflectName;
const idDict* damageDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( s, false );
if( damageDef )
spawnArgs.Set( "def_damage", s );
int idProjectile::GetProjectileState()
return ( int )state;
@ -1481,6 +1521,10 @@ void idGuidedProjectile::Launch( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, const i
void idGuidedProjectile::SetEnemy( idEntity* ent )
enemy = ent;
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ public :
virtual void FreeLightDef( void );
idEntity * GetOwner( void ) const;
void CatchProjectile( idEntity* o, const char* reflectName );
int GetProjectileState();
virtual void Think( void );
virtual void Killed( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location );
@ -75,6 +77,15 @@ public :
void SetLaunchedFromGrabber( bool bl )
launchedFromGrabber = bl;
bool GetLaunchedFromGrabber()
return launchedFromGrabber;
static void DefaultDamageEffect( idEntity *soundEnt, const idDict &projectileDef, const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity );
static bool ClientPredictionCollide( idEntity *soundEnt, const idDict &projectileDef, const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity, bool addDamageEffect );
virtual void ClientPredictionThink( void );
@ -93,6 +104,8 @@ protected:
bool noSplashDamage : 1;
} projectileFlags;
bool launchedFromGrabber;
float thrust;
int thrust_end;
float damagePower;
@ -146,6 +159,8 @@ public :
void Spawn( void );
virtual void Think( void );
virtual void Launch( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, const idVec3 &pushVelocity, const float timeSinceFire = 0.0f, const float launchPower = 1.0f, const float dmgPower = 1.0f );
void SetEnemy( idEntity* ent );
void Event_SetEnemy( idEntity* ent );
float speed;
@ -98,8 +98,6 @@ idCVar vr_deadzoneYaw( "vr_deadzoneYaw", "30", CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARC
//Not sure if this is used or Dr Beefs setting - not in menu
idCVar vr_comfortDelta( "vr_comfortDelta", "10", CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Comfort Mode turning angle ", 0, 180 );
//In Menu- Not working
idCVar vr_headingBeamMode( "vr_headingBeamMode", "1", CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "0 = disabled, 1 = solid, 2 = arrows, 3 = scrolling arrows" );
//In menu - Working fine
idCVar vr_weaponSight( "vr_weaponSight", "3", CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Weapon Sight.\n 0 = Lasersight\n 1 = Red dot\n 2 = Circle dot\n 3 = Crosshair\n 4 = Beam + Dot\n" );
idCVar vr_weaponSightToSurface( "vr_weaponSightToSurface", "1", CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Map sight to surface. 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled\n" );
@ -469,8 +469,6 @@ extern idCVar vr_deadzonePitch;
extern idCVar vr_deadzoneYaw;
extern idCVar vr_comfortDelta;
extern idCVar vr_headingBeamMode;
extern idCVar vr_weaponSight;
extern idCVar vr_weaponSightToSurface;
@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ const idEventDef EV_Weapon_AutoReload( "autoReload", NULL, 'f' );
const idEventDef EV_Weapon_NetReload( "netReload" );
const idEventDef EV_Weapon_IsInvisible( "isInvisible", NULL, 'f' );
const idEventDef EV_Weapon_NetEndReload( "netEndReload" );
const idEventDef EV_Weapon_GrabberHasTarget( "grabberHasTarget", NULL, 'd' );
const idEventDef EV_Weapon_Grabber( "grabber", "d" );
const idEventDef EV_Weapon_Grabber_SetGrabDistance( "grabberGrabDistance", "f" );
// Koz
const idEventDef EV_Weapon_GetWeaponSkin( "getWeaponSkin", NULL, 's' );
const idEventDef EV_Weapon_IsMotionControlled( "isMotionControlled", NULL, 'd' );
@ -133,6 +136,9 @@ CLASS_DECLARATION( idAnimatedEntity, idWeapon )
EVENT( EV_Weapon_NetReload, idWeapon::Event_NetReload )
EVENT( EV_Weapon_IsInvisible, idWeapon::Event_IsInvisible )
EVENT( EV_Weapon_NetEndReload, idWeapon::Event_NetEndReload )
EVENT( EV_Weapon_Grabber, idWeapon::Event_Grabber )
EVENT( EV_Weapon_GrabberHasTarget, idWeapon::Event_GrabberHasTarget )
EVENT( EV_Weapon_Grabber_SetGrabDistance, idWeapon::Event_GrabberSetGrabDistance )
EVENT( EV_Weapon_GetWeaponSkin, idWeapon::Event_GetWeaponSkin )
EVENT( EV_Weapon_IsMotionControlled, idWeapon::Event_IsMotionControlled )
@ -166,6 +172,7 @@ idWeapon::idWeapon() {
guiLightHandle = -1;
nozzleGlowHandle = -1;
modelDefHandle = -1;
grabberState = -1;
berserk = 2;
brassDelay = 0;
@ -209,6 +216,8 @@ void idWeapon::Spawn( void ) {
worldModel.GetEntity()->fl.networkSync = true;
thread = new idThread();
@ -414,6 +423,9 @@ void idWeapon::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteBool( allowDrop );
savefile->WriteObject( projectileEnt );
savefile->WriteStaticObject( grabber );
savefile->WriteInt( grabberState );
savefile->WriteJoint( smokeJointView );
// Koz begin
@ -599,6 +611,9 @@ void idWeapon::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
savefile->ReadBool( allowDrop );
savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast<idClass *&>( projectileEnt ) );
savefile->ReadStaticObject( grabber );
savefile->ReadInt( grabberState );
savefile->ReadJoint( smokeJointView );
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
@ -741,6 +756,9 @@ void idWeapon::Clear( void ) {
lightOn = false;
silent_fire = false;
grabberState = -1;
grabber.Update( owner, this, true );
ammoType = 0;
ammoRequired = 0;
ammoClip = 0;
@ -1230,8 +1248,8 @@ weapon_t idWeapon::IdentifyWeapon()
else if ( idStr::Icmp( "weapon_bloodstone_active3", weaponDef->GetName() ) == 0 ) currentIdentifiedWeapon = WEAPON_ARTIFACT;
else if ( idStr::Icmp( "weapon_pda", weaponDef->GetName() ) == 0 ) currentIdentifiedWeapon = WEAPON_PDA;
else if ( idStr::Icmp( "weapon_flashlight_new", weaponDef->GetName() ) == 0 ) currentIdentifiedWeapon = lastIdentifiedWeapon;
//else if ( idStr::Icmp( "weapon_flashlight_new", weaponDef->GetName() ) == 0 ) currentWeapon = WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT;
//else if ( idStr::Icmp( "weapon_flashlight", weaponDef->GetName() ) == 0 ) currentWeapon = WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT;
//else if ( idStr::Icmp( "weapon_flashlight_new", weaponDef->GetName() ) == 0 ) currentWeapon = WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT;
//else if ( idStr::Icmp( "weapon_flashlight", weaponDef->GetName() ) == 0 ) currentWeapon = WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT;
else currentIdentifiedWeapon = WEAPON_NONE;
lastIdentifiedWeapon = currentIdentifiedWeapon;
@ -1290,6 +1308,9 @@ void idWeapon::UpdateGUI( void ) {
renderEntity.gui[ 0 ]->SetStateBool( "player_ammo_empty", ( ammoamount == 0 ) );
renderEntity.gui[ 0 ]->SetStateBool( "player_clip_empty", ( inclip == 0 ) );
renderEntity.gui[ 0 ]->SetStateBool( "player_clip_low", ( inclip <= lowAmmo ) );
//Grabber Gui Info
renderEntity.gui[ 0 ]->SetStateString( "grabber_state", va( "%i", grabberState ) );
@ -1463,6 +1484,10 @@ void idWeapon::UpdateVRGUI()
rvrStatGui->SetStateString("player_ammo_count", va("%i", ammoamount[HAND_RIGHT]));
// koz end
// koz todo also need to figure this out for dual guis
//Grabber Gui Info
rvrStatGui->SetStateString( "grabber_state", va( "%i", grabberState ) );
//health and armor
if ( player )
@ -1535,6 +1560,8 @@ void idWeapon::UpdateVRGUI()
// koz end
// koz todo also need to figure this out for dual guis
//Grabber Gui Info
lvrStatGui->SetStateString("grabber_state", va("%i", grabberState));
@ -2020,6 +2047,12 @@ void idWeapon::OwnerDied( void ) {
if ( isLinked ) {
SetState( "OwnerDied", 0 );
// Update the grabber effects
if( grabberState != -1 )
grabber.Update( owner, this, hide );
@ -2047,7 +2080,7 @@ void idWeapon::BeginAttack( void ) {
if ( sndHum ) {
if ( sndHum && grabberState == -1 ) { // _D3XP :: don't stop grabber hum
StopSound( SND_CHANNEL_BODY, false );
@ -2065,7 +2098,7 @@ void idWeapon::EndAttack( void ) {
if ( sndHum ) {
if( sndHum && grabberState == -1 ) { // _D3XP :: don't stop grabber hum
StartSoundShader( sndHum, SND_CHANNEL_BODY, 0, false, NULL );
@ -2728,6 +2761,12 @@ void idWeapon::PresentWeapon( bool showViewModel, int hand ) {
// Update the grabber effects
if( grabberState != -1 )
grabberState = grabber.Update( owner, this, hide );
// remove the muzzle flash light when it's done
if ( (!lightOn && (gameLocal.time >= muzzleFlashEnd)) || IsHidden() )
@ -3066,6 +3105,18 @@ int idWeapon::AmmoRequired( void ) const {
return ammoRequired;
Returns the current grabberState
int idWeapon::GetGrabberState() const
return grabberState;
@ -3667,6 +3718,44 @@ void idWeapon::Event_SetLightParms( float parm0, float parm1, float parm2, float
void idWeapon::Event_Grabber( int enable )
if( enable )
grabberState = 0;
grabberState = -1;
void idWeapon::Event_GrabberHasTarget()
idThread::ReturnInt( grabberState );
void idWeapon::Event_GrabberSetGrabDistance( float dist )
grabber.SetDragDistance( dist );
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include "Light.h"
#include "Actor.h"
#include "Misc.h"
#include "Grabber.h"
class idGrabber;
@ -226,6 +229,8 @@ public:
int LowAmmo( void ) const;
int AmmoRequired( void ) const;
int AmmoCount() const;
int GetGrabberState() const;
// Flashlight
idAnimatedEntity* GetWorldModel()
@ -263,6 +268,7 @@ public:
friend class idWeaponHolder;
friend class idHolster;
friend class idPlayerHand;
friend class idGrabber;
// script control
@ -495,6 +501,12 @@ private:
void Event_IsMotionControlled();
void CalculateHideRise( idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis );
// Koz end
idGrabber grabber;
int grabberState;
void Event_Grabber( int enable );
void Event_GrabberHasTarget();
void Event_GrabberSetGrabDistance( float dist );
ID_INLINE bool idWeapon::IsLinked( void ) {
@ -151,6 +151,12 @@ idCVar g_showEnemies( "g_showEnemies", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws
idCVar g_frametime( "g_frametime", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "displays timing information for each game frame" );
idCVar g_timeentities( "g_timeEntities", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "when non-zero, shows entities whose think functions exceeded the # of milliseconds specified" );
idCVar g_testFullscreenFX( "g_testFullscreenFX", "-1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "index will activate specific fx, -2 is for all on, -1 is off" );
idCVar g_testHelltimeFX( "g_testHelltimeFX", "-1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "set to 0, 1, 2 to test helltime, -1 is off" );
idCVar g_testMultiplayerFX( "g_testMultiplayerFX", "-1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "set to 0, 1, 2 to test multiplayer, -1 is off" );
idCVar g_testBloomIntensity( "g_testBloomIntensity", "-0.01", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_testBloomNumPasses( "g_testBloomNumPasses", "30", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar ai_debugScript( "ai_debugScript", "-1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "displays script calls for the specified monster entity number" );
idCVar ai_debugMove( "ai_debugMove", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws movement information for monsters" );
idCVar ai_debugTrajectory( "ai_debugTrajectory", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws trajectory tests for monsters" );
@ -87,6 +87,12 @@ extern idCVar g_showEnemies;
extern idCVar g_frametime;
extern idCVar g_timeentities;
extern idCVar g_testFullscreenFX;
extern idCVar g_testHelltimeFX;
extern idCVar g_testMultiplayerFX;
extern idCVar g_testBloomIntensity;
extern idCVar g_testBloomNumPasses;
extern idCVar ai_debugScript;
extern idCVar ai_debugMove;
extern idCVar ai_debugTrajectory;
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
#include <gamesys/SysCvar.h>
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/UsercmdGen.h"
#include "physics/Physics.h"
@ -151,8 +152,7 @@ void idForce_Grab::Evaluate( int time )
objectCenter = physics->GetAbsBounds( id ).GetCenter();
//TODO: SB g_grabberRandomMotion needs defining
if( /* g_grabberRandomMotion.GetBool() && */ !gameLocal.isMultiplayer )
if( g_grabberRandomMotion.GetBool() && !gameLocal.isMultiplayer )
// Jitter the objectCenter around so it doesn't remain stationary
float SinOffset = idMath::Sin( ( float )( gameLocal.time ) / 66.f );
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ src_game = \
game/GameEdit.cpp \
game/Game_local.cpp \
game/Game_network.cpp \
game/Grabber.cpp \
game/Item.cpp \
game/IK.cpp \
game/Light.cpp \
@ -273,29 +273,30 @@ typedef enum {
} materialFlags_t;
// contents flags, NOTE: make sure to keep the defines in doom_defs.script up to date with these!
typedef enum {
CONTENTS_SOLID = BIT(0), // an eye is never valid in a solid
CONTENTS_OPAQUE = BIT(1), // blocks visibility (for ai)
CONTENTS_WATER = BIT(2), // used for water
CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP = BIT(3), // solid to players
CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP = BIT(4), // solid to monsters
CONTENTS_MOVEABLECLIP = BIT(5), // solid to moveable entities
CONTENTS_IKCLIP = BIT(6), // solid to IK
CONTENTS_BLOOD = BIT(7), // used to detect blood decals
CONTENTS_BODY = BIT(8), // used for actors
CONTENTS_PROJECTILE = BIT(9), // used for projectiles
CONTENTS_CORPSE = BIT(10), // used for dead bodies
CONTENTS_RENDERMODEL = BIT(11), // used for render models for collision detection
CONTENTS_TRIGGER = BIT(12), // used for triggers
CONTENTS_AAS_SOLID = BIT(13), // solid for AAS
CONTENTS_AAS_OBSTACLE = BIT(14), // used to compile an obstacle into AAS that can be enabled/disabled
CONTENTS_FLASHLIGHT_TRIGGER = BIT(15), // used for triggers that are activated by the flashlight
typedef enum
CONTENTS_SOLID = BIT( 0 ), // an eye is never valid in a solid
CONTENTS_OPAQUE = BIT( 1 ), // blocks visibility (for ai)
CONTENTS_WATER = BIT( 2 ), // used for water
CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP = BIT( 3 ), // solid to players
CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP = BIT( 4 ), // solid to monsters
CONTENTS_MOVEABLECLIP = BIT( 5 ), // solid to moveable entities
CONTENTS_IKCLIP = BIT( 6 ), // solid to IK
CONTENTS_BLOOD = BIT( 7 ), // used to detect blood decals
CONTENTS_BODY = BIT( 8 ), // used for actors
CONTENTS_PROJECTILE = BIT( 9 ), // used for projectiles
CONTENTS_CORPSE = BIT( 10 ), // used for dead bodies
CONTENTS_RENDERMODEL = BIT( 11 ), // used for render models for collision detection
CONTENTS_TRIGGER = BIT( 12 ), // used for triggers
CONTENTS_AAS_SOLID = BIT( 13 ), // solid for AAS
CONTENTS_AAS_OBSTACLE = BIT( 14 ), // used to compile an obstacle into AAS that can be enabled/disabled
CONTENTS_FLASHLIGHT_TRIGGER = BIT( 15 ), // used for triggers that are activated by the flashlight
// contents used by utils
CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL = BIT(20), // portal separating renderer areas
CONTENTS_NOCSG = BIT(21), // don't cut this brush with CSG operations in the editor
CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL = BIT( 20 ), // portal separating renderer areas
CONTENTS_NOCSG = BIT( 21 ), // don't cut this brush with CSG operations in the editor
} contentsFlags_t;
// surface types
Binary file not shown.
Reference in a new issue