Various haptic improvements

This commit is contained in:
Simon 2021-03-22 22:12:24 +00:00
parent 6a24bce726
commit 26125033dd
2 changed files with 136 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -988,6 +988,9 @@ bool idInventory::Give( idPlayer *owner, const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *st
if ( armor > maxarmor ) {
armor = maxarmor;
common->HapticEvent("pickup_shield", 0, 0, amount * 5, 0, 0);
nextArmorDepleteTime = 0;
armorPulse = true;
@ -996,6 +999,8 @@ bool idInventory::Give( idPlayer *owner, const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *st
if ( i != -1 ) {
// set, don't add. not going over the clip size limit.
clip[ i ] = atoi( value );
common->HapticEvent("pickup_ammo", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( statname, "berserk" ) ) {
GivePowerUp( owner, BERSERK, SEC2MS( atof( value ) ) );
@ -1042,6 +1047,8 @@ bool idInventory::Give( idPlayer *owner, const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *st
if ( ( weapons & ( 1 << i ) ) == 0 || ( duplicateWeapons & ( 1 << i ) ) == 0 || gameLocal.isMultiplayer ) {
tookWeapon = true;
common->HapticEvent("pickup_weapon", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
if ( owner->GetUserInfo()->GetBool( "ui_autoSwitch" ) && idealWeapon ) {
assert( !gameLocal.isClient );
*idealWeapon = i;
@ -3871,7 +3878,7 @@ void idPlayer::UpdateVrHud()
idAngles a(0, viewAngles.yaw - pVRClientInfo->hmdorientation[YAW], 0);
offpos *= a.ToMat3();
offpos *= ((100.0f / 2.54f) * vr_scale.GetFloat());
offpos *= vr_worldscale.GetFloat();
hudOrigin = viewOrigin + offpos;
@ -4636,6 +4643,11 @@ bool idPlayer::GiveItem( idItem *item ) {
// frame no matter what
UpdateHudWeapon( false );
hud->HandleNamedEvent( "weaponPulse" );
if (gave)
common->HapticEvent("pickup_weapon", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
// display the pickup feedback on the hud
@ -5076,6 +5088,8 @@ void idPlayer::GiveSecurity( const char *security ) {
hud->SetStateString( "pda_security", "1" );
hud->HandleNamedEvent( "securityPickup" );
common->HapticEvent("pda_alarm", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
@ -5095,8 +5109,11 @@ void idPlayer::GiveEmail( const char *emailName ) {
if ( hud ) {
hud->HandleNamedEvent( "emailPickup" );
common->HapticEvent("pda_alarm", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
@ -5553,6 +5570,8 @@ void idPlayerHand::NextBestWeapon()
common->Printf( "After NextBestWeapon():\n" );
common->HapticEvent("weapon_switch", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
@ -5728,6 +5747,7 @@ void idPlayerHand::NextWeapon( int dir )
if( vr_debugHands.GetBool() )
common->Printf( "Changing weapon\n" );
common->HapticEvent("weapon_switch", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
if( vr_debugHands.GetBool() )
@ -5986,6 +6006,8 @@ void idPlayerHand::SelectWeapon( int num, bool force, bool specific )
// If we made it all this way, we want weapon "num" and we can switch to it
idealWeapon = num;
owner->UpdateHudWeapon( whichHand );
common->HapticEvent("weapon_switch", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
common->Printf( "After SelectWeapon(%d):\n", idealWeapon);
@ -7476,6 +7498,12 @@ bool idPlayer::HandleSingleGuiCommand( idEntity *entityGui, idLexer *src ) {
if ( entityGui->GetRenderEntity() && entityGui->GetRenderEntity()->gui[ 0 ] ) {
entityGui->GetRenderEntity()->gui[ 0 ]->SetStateInt( "gui_parm1", _health );
if (health < 100)
//Ass health increases, play the effect higher up the body
float yHeight = -0.5f + ((float)(health+amt) / 100.0f);
common->HapticEvent("healstation", 0, 0, 100, 0, yHeight);
health += amt;
if ( health > 100 ) {
health = 100;
@ -8188,6 +8216,8 @@ void idPlayer::UpdateFocus( void ) {
//Rumble the controller to let player know they scored a touch.
hands[fingerHand].SetControllerShake( 0.1f, 12, 0.8f, 12 );
common->HapticEvent("pda_touch", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
focusTime = gameLocal.time + FOCUS_GUI_TIME;
@ -8399,6 +8429,8 @@ bool idPlayer::UpdateFocusPDA()
// Carl: Should the PDA vibrate/haptic feedback too?
hands[fingerHand].SetControllerShake( 0.1f, 12, 0.8f, 12 );
hands[pdahand].SetControllerShake( 0.1f, 12, 0.8f, 12 );
common->HapticEvent("pda_touch", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
commonVr->scanningPDA = false;
return true;
@ -9843,12 +9875,16 @@ void idPlayer::TogglePDA( int hand ) {
objectiveSystem->Activate( true, gameLocal.time );
hud->HandleNamedEvent( "pdaPickupHide" );
hud->HandleNamedEvent( "videoPickupHide" );
common->HapticEvent("pda_open", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
} else {
inventory.selPDA = objectiveSystem->State().GetInt( "listPDA_sel_0" );
inventory.selVideo = objectiveSystem->State().GetInt( "listPDAVideo_sel_0" );
inventory.selAudio = objectiveSystem->State().GetInt( "listPDAAudio_sel_0" );
inventory.selEMail = objectiveSystem->State().GetInt( "listPDAEmail_sel_0" );
objectiveSystem->Activate( false, gameLocal.time );
common->HapticEvent("pda_close", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
//objectiveSystemOpen ^= 1;
objectiveSystemOpen = !objectiveSystemOpen;
@ -11535,7 +11571,7 @@ void idPlayer::UpdateFlashlightHolster()
idAngles a(0, viewAngles.yaw - pVRClientInfo->hmdorientation[YAW], 0);
holsterOffset *= a.ToMat3();
holsterOffset *= ((100.0f / 2.54f) * vr_scale.GetFloat());
holsterOffset *= vr_worldscale.GetFloat();
flashlightRenderEntity.origin = firstPersonViewOrigin + holsterOffset;
flashlightRenderEntity.entityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
@ -11600,16 +11636,14 @@ void idPlayer::Think( void ) {
else {
pVRClientInfo->weaponid = -1;
cvarSystem->SetCVarBool("vr_weapon_stabilised", pVRClientInfo->weapon_stabilised);
int _currentWeapon = GetCurrentWeaponId();
if(_currentWeapon == WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT || _currentWeapon == WEAPON_FISTS)
pVRClientInfo->velocitytriggered = true;
pVRClientInfo->velocitytriggered = false;
pVRClientInfo->velocitytriggeredoffhand = true;
pVRClientInfo->oneHandOnly = (_currentWeapon == WEAPON_FISTS) ||
(_currentWeapon == weapon_handgrenade);
pVRClientInfo->pistol = GetCurrentWeaponId() == WEAPON_PISTOL;
// clear the ik before we do anything else so the skeleton doesn't get updated twice
@ -11760,6 +11794,12 @@ void idPlayer::Think( void ) {
if (health > 0 && health < 40)
//heartbeat is a special case that uses intensity for a different purpose
common->HapticEvent("heartbeat", 0, 0, health, 0, 0);
//Dr Beef version - maybe minimise
@ -12468,6 +12508,13 @@ void idPlayer::Damage( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &di
if ( armorSave ) {
inventory.armor -= armorSave;
if (inventory.armor == 0)
if ( IsType( idPlayer::Type ) ) {
common->HapticEvent("shield_break", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
if ( gameLocal.time > lastArmorPulse + 200 ) {
StartSound( "snd_hitArmor", SND_CHANNEL_ITEM, 0, false, NULL );
@ -12476,6 +12523,11 @@ void idPlayer::Damage( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &di
if ( damageDef->dict.GetBool( "burn" ) ) {
StartSound( "snd_burn", SND_CHANNEL_BODY3, 0, false, NULL );
if ( IsType( idPlayer::Type ) ) {
common->HapticEvent("fire", 0, 0, 50, 0, 0);
} else if ( damageDef->dict.GetBool( "no_air" ) ) {
if ( !armorSave && health > 0 ) {
StartSound( "snd_airGasp", SND_CHANNEL_ITEM, 0, false, NULL );
@ -12560,6 +12612,33 @@ void idPlayer::Damage( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &di
if ( IsType( idPlayer::Type ) &&
//Save the effort of going through this code if bhaptics isn't enabled
vr_bhaptics.GetBool()) {
idVec3 bodyOrigin = vec3_zero;
idMat3 bodyAxis;
GetViewPos( bodyOrigin, bodyAxis );
idAngles bodyAng = bodyAxis.ToAngles();
float yHeight = idMath::ClampFloat(-0.5f, 0.5f, damage_from.ToPitch() / 45.0f);
float damageYaw = 180 + (damage_from.ToYaw() - bodyAng.yaw);
if (damageYaw < 0.0f)
damageYaw += 360.0f;
if (damageYaw >= 360.0f)
damageYaw -= 360.0f;
//Ensure a decent level of haptic feedback for any damage
float hapticLevel = 80 + Min<float>(damage * 4, 120.0);
//Indicate head damage if appropriate
if ( location >= 0 && location < damageGroups.Size() &&
strstr( damageGroups[location].c_str(), "head" ) ) {
common->HapticEvent(damageDefName, 4, 0, hapticLevel, damageYaw, yHeight);
} else {
common->HapticEvent(damageDefName, 0, 0, hapticLevel, damageYaw, yHeight);
lastDamageDef = damageDef->Index();
lastDamageDir = damage_from;
lastDamageLocation = location;
@ -13168,7 +13247,7 @@ void idPlayer::CalculateViewWeaponPos( int hand, idVec3& origin, idMat3& axis )
idAngles a(0, viewAngles.yaw - pVRClientInfo->hmdorientation[YAW], 0);
gunpos *= a.ToMat3();
gunpos *= ((100.0f / 2.54f) * vr_scale.GetFloat());
gunpos *= cvarSystem->GetCVarFloat( "vr_worldscale" );
if (GetCurrentWeaponId( == WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT) // Flashlight adjustment
@ -13389,11 +13468,8 @@ void idPlayer::CalculateViewWeaponPosVR( int hand, idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis
commonVr->MotionControlGetHand( hand, hands[ hand ].motionPosition, hands[ hand ].motionRotation );
if (!commonVr->GetWeaponStabilised())
weaponPitch = idAngles( vr_motionWeaponPitchAdj.GetFloat(), 0.0f, 0.0f ).ToQuat();
hands[hand].motionRotation = weaponPitch * hands[hand].motionRotation;
hands[ hand ].motionRotation = weaponPitch * hands[ hand ].motionRotation;
GetViewPos( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
@ -13665,10 +13741,6 @@ void idPlayer::CalculateViewFlashlightPos( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis, idVec3
axis = idAngles( 0.0, viewAngles.yaw - commonVr->bodyYawOffset, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
int flashlightMode = commonVr->GetCurrentFlashlightMode();
if (commonVr->GetWeaponStabilised() && flashlightMode == FLASHLIGHT_HAND )
flashlightMode = FLASHLIGHT_GUN;
setLeftHand = false;
//move the flashlight to alternate location for items with no mount
@ -13952,7 +14024,7 @@ idVec3 idPlayer::GetEyePosition( void ) const {
if (pVRClientInfo)
float eyeHeight = 0;
float vrEyeHeight = (-(pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[1] + vr_heightoffset.GetFloat()) * ((100.0f / 2.54f) * vr_scale.GetFloat()));
float vrEyeHeight = (-(pVRClientInfo->hmdposition[1] + vr_heightoffset.GetFloat()) * vr_worldscale.GetFloat());
//Add special handling for physical crouching at some point
if (physicsObj.IsCrouching() && PHYSICAL_CROUCH) {

View File

@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ public class bHaptics {
registerFromAsset(context, "bHaptics/Interaction/Vest/Body_Door_Open.tact", "dooropen", "door");
registerFromAsset(context, "bHaptics/Interaction/Vest/Body_Door_Close.tact", "doorclose", "door");
registerFromAsset(context, "bHaptics/Interaction/Vest/Body_Scan.tact", PositionType.Vest, "scan", "environment", 1.0f, 1.15f);
registerFromAsset(context, "bHaptics/Interaction/Vest/Body_Scan.tact", PositionType.Vest, "decontaminate", "environment", 0.5f, 0.65f);
registerFromAsset(context, "bHaptics/Interaction/Vest/Body_Chamber_Up.tact", "liftup", "environment");
registerFromAsset(context, "bHaptics/Interaction/Vest/Body_Chamber_Down.tact", "liftdown", "environment");
registerFromAsset(context, "bHaptics/Interaction/Vest/Body_Machine.tact", "machine", "environment");
@ -308,10 +309,11 @@ public class bHaptics {
position values:
0 - Will play on both arms if tactosy tact files present for both
1 - Will play on left arm only if tactosy tact files present for left
2 - Will play on right arm only if tactosy tact files present for right
0 - Will play on vest and both arms if tactosy tact files present for both
1 - Will play on vest and on left arm only if tactosy tact files present for left
2 - Will play on vest and on right arm only if tactosy tact files present for right
3 - Will play on head only (if present)
4 - Will play on all devices (that have a pattern defined for them)
flag values:
0 - No flags set
@ -366,6 +368,11 @@ public class bHaptics {
intensity = 100;
float flIntensity = ((intensity / 100.0F) * haptic.intensity);
float flAngle = angle;
float flDuration = haptic.duration;
if (position > 0)
BhapticsManager manager = BhapticsModule.getBhapticsManager();
@ -389,23 +396,24 @@ public class bHaptics {
if (position != 3 && haptic.type == PositionType.Head)
if (haptic.type == PositionType.Head) {
if (position < 3) {
//Zero angle for head
flAngle = 0;
if (haptic != null) {
float flIntensity = ((intensity / 100.0F) * haptic.intensity);
float duration = haptic.duration;
//Special hack for heartbeat
//Special values for heartbeat
if ("health") == 0)
//The worse condition we are in, the faster the heart beats!
float health = intensity;
duration = 1.0f - (0.4f * ((40 - health) / 40));
flDuration = 1.0f - (0.4f * ((40 - health) / 40));
flIntensity = 1.0f;
flAngle = 0;
//If this is a repeating event, then add to the set to play in begin frame
@ -414,7 +422,7 @@ public class bHaptics {
repeatingHaptics.put(key, haptic);
else {
player.submitRegistered(haptic.key, haptic.altKey, flIntensity, duration, angle, yHeight);
player.submitRegistered(haptic.key, haptic.altKey, flIntensity, flDuration, flAngle, yHeight);
@ -479,6 +487,9 @@ public class bHaptics {
} else if (key.contains("entrance_scanner") || key.contains("scanner_rot1s"))
key = "scan";
} else if (key.contains("decon_started"))
key = "decontaminate";
return key;