mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 02:52:10 +00:00
Half a fix of Rockets
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 228 additions and 140 deletions
@ -131,8 +131,15 @@ void HandleInput_Default( int controlscheme, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pDomina
const ovrVector3f positionRHand = pWeapon->HeadPose.Pose.Position;
const ovrQuatf quatLHand = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Orientation;
const ovrVector3f positionLHand = pOff->HeadPose.Pose.Position;
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->rhandposition, positionRHand.x, positionRHand.y, positionRHand.z);
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->rhand_orientation_quat, quatRHand.x, quatRHand.y, quatRHand.z, quatRHand.w);
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->lhandposition, positionLHand.x, positionLHand.y, positionLHand.z);
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->lhand_orientation_quat, quatLHand.x, quatLHand.y, quatLHand.z, quatLHand.w);
//Right Hand
if(pVRClientInfo->right_handed) {
//GB - FP Already does this so we end up with backward hands
/*if(pVRClientInfo->right_handed) {
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->rhandposition, positionRHand.x, positionRHand.y, positionRHand.z);
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->rhand_orientation_quat, quatRHand.x, quatRHand.y, quatRHand.z, quatRHand.w);
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->lhandposition, positionLHand.x, positionLHand.y, positionLHand.z);
@ -142,7 +149,7 @@ void HandleInput_Default( int controlscheme, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pDomina
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->lhand_orientation_quat, quatRHand.x, quatRHand.y, quatRHand.z, quatRHand.w);
VectorSet(pVRClientInfo->rhandposition, positionLHand.x, positionLHand.y, positionLHand.z);
Vector4Set(pVRClientInfo->rhand_orientation_quat, quatLHand.x, quatLHand.y, quatLHand.z, quatLHand.w);
//Set gun angles - We need to calculate all those we might need (including adjustments) for the client to then take its pick
@ -13222,7 +13222,7 @@ void idPlayer::CalculateViewWeaponPosVR( int hand, idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis
gunOrigin = GetEyePosition();
if ( game->isVR && commonVr->VR_USE_MOTION_CONTROLS ) gunOrigin += commonVr->leanOffset;
gunOrigin += commonVr->leanOffset;
// direction the player body is facing.
idMat3 bodyAxis = idAngles( 0.0, viewAngles.yaw, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
@ -13287,163 +13287,162 @@ void idPlayer::CalculateViewWeaponPosVR( int hand, idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis
// motion control weapon positioning.
idVec3 weapOrigin = vec3_zero;
idMat3 weapAxis = mat3_identity;
// motion control weapon positioning.
// idVec3 fixPosVec = idVec3( -17.0f, 6.0f, 0.0f );
// idVec3 fixPos = fixPosVec;
// idQuat fixRot = idAngles( 40.0f, -40.0f, 20.0f ).ToQuat();
idVec3 attacherToDefault = vec3_zero;
// idMat3 rot180 = idAngles( 0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
idVec3 weapOrigin = vec3_zero;
idMat3 weapAxis = mat3_identity;
if ( !hands[ hand ].PDAfixed && currentWeaponEnum == WEAPON_PDA )
// do the non-PDA hand first (the hand with the pointy finger)
int fingerHand = 1 - hand;
// idVec3 fixPosVec = idVec3( -17.0f, 6.0f, 0.0f );
// idVec3 fixPos = fixPosVec;
// idQuat fixRot = idAngles( 40.0f, -40.0f, 20.0f ).ToQuat();
idVec3 attacherToDefault = vec3_zero;
// idMat3 rot180 = idAngles( 0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
attacherToDefault = handWeaponAttacherToDefaultOffset[fingerHand][currentWeaponIndex];
originOffset = weapon->weaponHandDefaultPos[fingerHand];
commonVr->MotionControlGetHand( fingerHand, hands[fingerHand].motionPosition, hands[fingerHand].motionRotation );
if ( !hands[ hand ].PDAfixed && currentWeaponEnum == WEAPON_PDA )
// do the non-PDA hand first (the hand with the pointy finger)
int fingerHand = 1 - hand;
weaponPitch = idAngles( vr_motionWeaponPitchAdj.GetFloat(), 0.f, 0.0f ).ToQuat();
hands[fingerHand].motionRotation = weaponPitch * hands[fingerHand].motionRotation;
attacherToDefault = handWeaponAttacherToDefaultOffset[fingerHand][currentWeaponIndex];
originOffset = weapon->weaponHandDefaultPos[fingerHand];
commonVr->MotionControlGetHand( fingerHand, hands[fingerHand].motionPosition, hands[fingerHand].motionRotation );
GetViewPos( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
weaponPitch = idAngles( vr_motionWeaponPitchAdj.GetFloat(), 0.f, 0.0f ).ToQuat();
hands[fingerHand].motionRotation = weaponPitch * hands[fingerHand].motionRotation;
weapOrigin += commonVr->leanOffset;
//commonVr->HMDGetOrientation( hmdAngles, headPositionDelta, bodyPositionDelta, absolutePosition, false );// gameLocal.inCinematic );
GetViewPos( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
hmdAngles = commonVr->poseHmdAngles;
headPositionDelta = commonVr->poseHmdHeadPositionDelta;
bodyPositionDelta = commonVr->poseHmdBodyPositionDelta;
absolutePosition = commonVr->poseHmdAbsolutePosition;
weapOrigin += commonVr->leanOffset;
//commonVr->HMDGetOrientation( hmdAngles, headPositionDelta, bodyPositionDelta, absolutePosition, false );// gameLocal.inCinematic );
hmdAngles = commonVr->poseHmdAngles;
headPositionDelta = commonVr->poseHmdHeadPositionDelta;
bodyPositionDelta = commonVr->poseHmdBodyPositionDelta;
absolutePosition = commonVr->poseHmdAbsolutePosition;
weapAxis = idAngles( 0.0, weapAxis.ToAngles().yaw - commonVr->bodyYawOffset, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
weapAxis = idAngles( 0.0, weapAxis.ToAngles().yaw - commonVr->bodyYawOffset, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
weapOrigin += weapAxis[0] * headPositionDelta.x + weapAxis[1] * headPositionDelta.y + weapAxis[2] * headPositionDelta.z;
weapOrigin += weapAxis[0] * headPositionDelta.x + weapAxis[1] * headPositionDelta.y + weapAxis[2] * headPositionDelta.z;
weapOrigin += hands[fingerHand].motionPosition * weapAxis;
weapAxis = hands[fingerHand].motionRotation.ToMat3() * weapAxis;
weapOrigin += hands[fingerHand].motionPosition * weapAxis;
weapAxis = hands[fingerHand].motionRotation.ToMat3() * weapAxis;
//weapon->CalculateHideRise( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
//weapon->CalculateHideRise( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
idAngles motRot = hands[fingerHand].motionRotation.ToAngles();
motRot.yaw -= commonVr->bodyYawOffset;
hands[fingerHand].motionRotation = motRot.ToQuat();
idAngles motRot = hands[fingerHand].motionRotation.ToAngles();
motRot.yaw -= commonVr->bodyYawOffset;
hands[fingerHand].motionRotation = motRot.ToQuat();
SetHandIKPos( fingerHand, weapOrigin, weapAxis, hands[fingerHand].motionRotation, false );
SetHandIKPos( fingerHand, weapOrigin, weapAxis, hands[fingerHand].motionRotation, false );
// now switch hands and fall through again.,
// NOT the PDA
// now switch hands and fall through again.,
// NOT the PDA
attacherToDefault = handWeaponAttacherToDefaultOffset[hand][currentWeaponIndex];
originOffset = weapon->weaponHandDefaultPos[hand];
attacherToDefault = handWeaponAttacherToDefaultOffset[hand][currentWeaponIndex];
originOffset = weapon->weaponHandDefaultPos[hand];
commonVr->MotionControlGetHand( hand, hands[ hand ].motionPosition, hands[ hand ].motionRotation );
commonVr->MotionControlGetHand( hand, hands[ hand ].motionPosition, hands[ hand ].motionRotation );
weaponPitch = idAngles( vr_motionWeaponPitchAdj.GetFloat(), 0.0f, 0.0f ).ToQuat();
hands[ hand ].motionRotation = weaponPitch * hands[ hand ].motionRotation;
weaponPitch = idAngles( vr_motionWeaponPitchAdj.GetFloat(), 0.0f, 0.0f ).ToQuat();
hands[ hand ].motionRotation = weaponPitch * hands[ hand ].motionRotation;
GetViewPos( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
GetViewPos( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
weapOrigin += commonVr->leanOffset;
weapOrigin += commonVr->leanOffset;
//commonVr->HMDGetOrientation( hmdAngles, headPositionDelta, bodyPositionDelta, absolutePosition, false );// gameLocal.inCinematic );
//commonVr->HMDGetOrientation( hmdAngles, headPositionDelta, bodyPositionDelta, absolutePosition, false );// gameLocal.inCinematic );
hmdAngles = commonVr->poseHmdAngles;
headPositionDelta = commonVr->poseHmdHeadPositionDelta;
bodyPositionDelta = commonVr->poseHmdBodyPositionDelta;
absolutePosition = commonVr->poseHmdAbsolutePosition;
hmdAngles = commonVr->poseHmdAngles;
headPositionDelta = commonVr->poseHmdHeadPositionDelta;
bodyPositionDelta = commonVr->poseHmdBodyPositionDelta;
absolutePosition = commonVr->poseHmdAbsolutePosition;
weapAxis = idAngles( 0.0f, weapAxis.ToAngles().yaw - commonVr->bodyYawOffset, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
weapAxis = idAngles( 0.0f, weapAxis.ToAngles().yaw - commonVr->bodyYawOffset, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
weapOrigin += weapAxis[0] * headPositionDelta.x + weapAxis[1] * headPositionDelta.y + weapAxis[2] * headPositionDelta.z;
weapOrigin += weapAxis[0] * headPositionDelta.x + weapAxis[1] * headPositionDelta.y + weapAxis[2] * headPositionDelta.z;
weapOrigin += hands[ hand ].motionPosition * weapAxis;
weapOrigin += hands[ hand ].motionPosition * weapAxis;
if ( currentWeaponEnum != WEAPON_ARTIFACT && currentWeaponEnum != WEAPON_SOULCUBE )
weapAxis = hands[ hand ].motionRotation.ToMat3() * weapAxis;
weapAxis = idAngles( 0.0f ,viewAngles.yaw , 0.0f).ToMat3();
if ( currentWeaponEnum != WEAPON_ARTIFACT && currentWeaponEnum != WEAPON_SOULCUBE )
weapAxis = hands[ hand ].motionRotation.ToMat3() * weapAxis;
weapAxis = idAngles( 0.0f ,viewAngles.yaw , 0.0f).ToMat3();
//DebugCross( weapOrigin, weapAxis, colorYellow );
//DebugCross( weapOrigin, weapAxis, colorYellow );
if ( currentWeaponEnum != WEAPON_PDA )
hands[hand].TrackWeaponDirection( weapOrigin );
//GB why do both hands here
//hands[1 - hand].TrackWeaponDirection( weapOrigin );
weapon->CalculateHideRise( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
//check for melee hit?
else if( !hands[ hand ].PDAfixed )
// Koz FIXME hack hack hack this is getting so ungodly ugly.
// Lovely. I forgot to correct the origin for the PDA model when I switched
// to always showing the body, so now when holding the PDA it doesn't align with your controller.
// will fix the assets later but for now hack this correction in.
if ( currentWeaponEnum != WEAPON_PDA )
hands[hand].TrackWeaponDirection( weapOrigin );
//GB why do both hands here
//hands[1 - hand].TrackWeaponDirection( weapOrigin );
weapon->CalculateHideRise( weapOrigin, weapAxis );
//check for melee hit?
else if( !hands[ hand ].PDAfixed )
// Koz FIXME hack hack hack this is getting so ungodly ugly.
// Lovely. I forgot to correct the origin for the PDA model when I switched
// to always showing the body, so now when holding the PDA it doesn't align with your controller.
// will fix the assets later but for now hack this correction in.
/* GB Debugger Change Values
* float _vr_pdaPosX = 0.0;
float _vr_pdaPosY = 0.0;
float _vr_pdaPosZ = 0.0;
if(_vr_pdaPosX != 0.0f && _vr_pdaPosX != vr_pdaPosX.GetFloat())
cvarSystem->SetCVarFloat("vr_pdaPosX", _vr_pdaPosX);
if(_vr_pdaPosY != 0.0f && _vr_pdaPosY != vr_pdaPosY.GetFloat())
cvarSystem->SetCVarFloat("vr_pdaPosY", _vr_pdaPosY);
if(_vr_pdaPosZ != 0.0f && _vr_pdaPosZ != vr_pdaPosZ.GetFloat())
cvarSystem->SetCVarFloat("vr_pdaPosZ", _vr_pdaPosZ);
const idVec3 pdaHackOrigin[2] { idVec3( vr_pdaPosX.GetFloat(), vr_pdaPosY.GetFloat(), vr_pdaPosZ.GetFloat() ), idVec3( vr_pdaPosX.GetFloat(), -vr_pdaPosY.GetFloat(), vr_pdaPosZ.GetFloat() ) };
weapOrigin += pdaHackOrigin[hand] * weapAxis;
/* GB Debugger Change Values
* float _vr_pdaPosX = 0.0;
float _vr_pdaPosY = 0.0;
float _vr_pdaPosZ = 0.0;
if(_vr_pdaPosX != 0.0f && _vr_pdaPosX != vr_pdaPosX.GetFloat())
cvarSystem->SetCVarFloat("vr_pdaPosX", _vr_pdaPosX);
if(_vr_pdaPosY != 0.0f && _vr_pdaPosY != vr_pdaPosY.GetFloat())
cvarSystem->SetCVarFloat("vr_pdaPosY", _vr_pdaPosY);
if(_vr_pdaPosZ != 0.0f && _vr_pdaPosZ != vr_pdaPosZ.GetFloat())
cvarSystem->SetCVarFloat("vr_pdaPosZ", _vr_pdaPosZ);
const idVec3 pdaHackOrigin[2] { idVec3( vr_pdaPosX.GetFloat(), vr_pdaPosY.GetFloat(), vr_pdaPosZ.GetFloat() ), idVec3( vr_pdaPosX.GetFloat(), -vr_pdaPosY.GetFloat(), vr_pdaPosZ.GetFloat() ) };
weapOrigin += pdaHackOrigin[hand] * weapAxis;
idAngles motRot = hands[ hand ].motionRotation.ToAngles();
motRot.yaw -= commonVr->bodyYawOffset;
hands[ hand ].motionRotation = motRot.ToQuat();
idAngles motRot = hands[ hand ].motionRotation.ToAngles();
motRot.yaw -= commonVr->bodyYawOffset;
hands[ hand ].motionRotation = motRot.ToQuat();
SetHandIKPos( hand, weapOrigin, weapAxis, hands[ hand ].motionRotation, false );
SetHandIKPos( hand, weapOrigin, weapAxis, hands[ hand ].motionRotation, false );
if ( hands[ hand ].PDAfixed ) return;
if ( hands[ hand ].PDAfixed ) return;
if ( currentWeaponEnum == WEAPON_PDA )
if ( currentWeaponEnum == WEAPON_PDA )
PDAaxis = weapAxis;
PDAorigin = weapOrigin;
if ( hands[ hand ].wasPDA == false )
SetFlashHandPose(); // Call set flashlight hand pose script function
hands[ hand ].wasPDA = true;
hands[hand].wasPDA = false;
PDAaxis = weapAxis;
PDAorigin = weapOrigin;
if ( hands[ hand ].wasPDA == false )
SetFlashHandPose(); // Call set flashlight hand pose script function
hands[ hand ].wasPDA = true;
hands[hand].wasPDA = false;
axis = weapAxis;
origin = weapOrigin;
axis = weapAxis;
origin = weapOrigin;
origin -= originOffset * weapAxis;
origin += attacherToDefault * weapAxis; // handWeaponAttacherToDefaultOffset[hand][currentWeaponIndex] * weapAxis; // add the attacher offsets
origin -= originOffset * weapAxis;
origin += attacherToDefault * weapAxis; // handWeaponAttacherToDefaultOffset[hand][currentWeaponIndex] * weapAxis; // add the attacher offsets
bool idPlayer::CanDualWield( int num ) const
@ -56,12 +56,19 @@ const idEventDef EV_Fizzle( "<fizzle>", NULL );
const idEventDef EV_RadiusDamage( "<radiusdmg>", "e" );
const idEventDef EV_GetProjectileState( "getProjectileState", NULL, 'd' );
const idEventDef EV_CreateProjectile( "projectileCreateProjectile", "evv" );
const idEventDef EV_LaunchProjectile( "projectileLaunchProjectile", "vvv" );
const idEventDef EV_SetGravity( "setGravity", "f" );
CLASS_DECLARATION( idEntity, idProjectile )
EVENT( EV_Explode, idProjectile::Event_Explode )
EVENT( EV_Fizzle, idProjectile::Event_Fizzle )
EVENT( EV_Touch, idProjectile::Event_Touch )
EVENT( EV_RadiusDamage, idProjectile::Event_RadiusDamage )
EVENT( EV_GetProjectileState, idProjectile::Event_GetProjectileState )
EVENT( EV_CreateProjectile, idProjectile::Event_CreateProjectile )
EVENT( EV_LaunchProjectile, idProjectile::Event_LaunchProjectile )
EVENT( EV_SetGravity, idProjectile::Event_SetGravity )
@ -69,7 +76,10 @@ END_CLASS
idProjectile::idProjectile( void ) {
idProjectile::idProjectile() :
launchOrigin( 0.0f ),
launchAxis( mat3_identity )
owner = NULL;
lightDefHandle = -1;
thrust = 0.0f;
@ -282,6 +292,7 @@ idProjectile::Launch
void idProjectile::Launch( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir, const idVec3& pushVelocity, const float timeSinceFire, const float launchPower, const float dmgPower, const float motionThrowSpeed ) {
float fuse;
float startthrust;
float endthrust;
idVec3 velocity;
idAngles angular_velocity;
@ -295,6 +306,7 @@ void idProjectile::Launch( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir, const idVec3&
idVec3 gravVec;
idVec3 tmp;
idMat3 axis;
int thrust_start;
int contents;
int clipMask;
@ -306,6 +318,7 @@ void idProjectile::Launch( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir, const idVec3&
thrust = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "thrust" );
startthrust = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "thrust_start" );
endthrust = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "thrust_end" );
spawnArgs.GetVector( "velocity", "0 0 0", velocity );
@ -338,6 +351,7 @@ void idProjectile::Launch( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir, const idVec3&
thrust *= mass;
thrust_start = SEC2MS( startthrust ) + gameLocal.time;
thrust_end = SEC2MS( endthrust ) + gameLocal.time;
lightStartTime = 0;
@ -368,6 +382,13 @@ void idProjectile::Launch( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir, const idVec3&
if( !idStr::Cmp( this->GetEntityDefName(), "projectile_helltime_killer" ) )
fuse = 10.0f;
// don't do tracers on client, we don't know origin and direction
if ( spawnArgs.GetBool( "tracers" ) && gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() > 0.5f ) {
SetModel( spawnArgs.GetString( "model_tracer" ) );
@ -388,6 +409,9 @@ void idProjectile::Launch( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir, const idVec3&
physicsObj.SetOrigin( start );
physicsObj.SetAxis( axis );
launchOrigin = start;
launchAxis = axis;
thruster.SetPosition( &physicsObj, 0, idVec3( GetPhysics()->GetBounds()[ 0 ].x, 0, 0 ) );
if ( !gameLocal.isClient ) {
@ -773,6 +797,40 @@ void idProjectile::Event_GetProjectileState( void ) {
idThread::ReturnInt( state );
void idProjectile::Event_CreateProjectile( idEntity* owner, const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir )
Create( owner, start, dir );
void idProjectile::Event_LaunchProjectile( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir, const idVec3& pushVelocity )
Launch( start, dir, pushVelocity );
void idProjectile::Event_SetGravity( float gravity )
idVec3 gravVec;
gravVec = gameLocal.GetGravity();
physicsObj.SetGravity( gravVec * gravity );
@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ public :
idEntity * GetOwner( void ) const;
void CatchProjectile( idEntity* o, const char* reflectName );
int GetProjectileState();
void Event_CreateProjectile( idEntity* owner, const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir );
void Event_LaunchProjectile( const idVec3& start, const idVec3& dir, const idVec3& pushVelocity );
void Event_SetGravity( float gravity );
virtual void Think( void );
virtual void Killed( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location );
@ -137,6 +140,9 @@ protected:
bool netSyncPhysics;
idVec3 launchOrigin;
idMat3 launchAxis;
void AddDefaultDamageEffect( const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity );
void Event_Explode( void );
@ -2594,7 +2594,7 @@ void idWeapon::PresentWeapon( bool showViewModel, int hand ) {
viewWeaponAxis = playerViewAxis;
owner->CalculateViewFlashlightPos( viewWeaponOrigin, viewWeaponAxis, flashlightOffsets[owner->hands[vr_weaponHand.GetInteger()].currentWeapon] );
else if ( isPlayerLeftHand ) // Koz left hand
else if ( isPlayerLeftHand || hand != vr_weaponHand.GetInteger()) // Koz left hand
@ -4117,6 +4117,8 @@ idProjectile *idAI::LaunchProjectile( const char *jointname, idEntity *target, b
int num_projectiles;
int i;
idMat3 axis;
idMat3 proj_axis;
bool forceMuzzle;
idVec3 tmp;
idProjectile *lastProjectile;
@ -4129,6 +4131,7 @@ idProjectile *idAI::LaunchProjectile( const char *jointname, idEntity *target, b
attack_cone = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "attack_cone", "70" );
projectile_spread = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "projectile_spread", "0" );
num_projectiles = spawnArgs.GetInt( "num_projectiles", "1" );
forceMuzzle = spawnArgs.GetBool( "forceMuzzle", "0" );
GetMuzzle( jointname, muzzle, axis );
@ -4151,27 +4154,38 @@ idProjectile *idAI::LaunchProjectile( const char *jointname, idEntity *target, b
axis[2] = axis[0];
axis[0] = -tmp;
// make sure the projectile starts inside the monster bounding box
const idBounds &ownerBounds = physicsObj.GetAbsBounds();
projClip = lastProjectile->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel();
projBounds = projClip->GetBounds().Rotate( axis );
proj_axis = axis;
// check if the owner bounds is bigger than the projectile bounds
if ( ( ( ownerBounds[1][0] - ownerBounds[0][0] ) > ( projBounds[1][0] - projBounds[0][0] ) ) &&
( ( ownerBounds[1][1] - ownerBounds[0][1] ) > ( projBounds[1][1] - projBounds[0][1] ) ) &&
( ( ownerBounds[1][2] - ownerBounds[0][2] ) > ( projBounds[1][2] - projBounds[0][2] ) ) ) {
if ( (ownerBounds - projBounds).RayIntersection( muzzle, viewAxis[ 0 ], distance ) ) {
start = muzzle + distance * viewAxis[ 0 ];
} else {
if( !forceMuzzle ) // _D3XP
// make sure the projectile starts inside the monster bounding box
const idBounds& ownerBounds = physicsObj.GetAbsBounds();
projClip = lastProjectile->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel();
projBounds = projClip->GetBounds().Rotate( axis );
// check if the owner bounds is bigger than the projectile bounds
if( ( ( ownerBounds[1][0] - ownerBounds[0][0] ) > ( projBounds[1][0] - projBounds[0][0] ) ) &&
( ( ownerBounds[1][1] - ownerBounds[0][1] ) > ( projBounds[1][1] - projBounds[0][1] ) ) &&
( ( ownerBounds[1][2] - ownerBounds[0][2] ) > ( projBounds[1][2] - projBounds[0][2] ) ) )
if( ( ownerBounds - projBounds ).RayIntersection( muzzle, viewAxis[ 0 ], distance ) )
start = muzzle + distance * viewAxis[ 0 ];
start = ownerBounds.GetCenter();
// projectile bounds bigger than the owner bounds, so just start it from the center
start = ownerBounds.GetCenter();
} else {
// projectile bounds bigger than the owner bounds, so just start it from the center
start = ownerBounds.GetCenter();
gameLocal.clip.Translation( tr, start, muzzle, projClip, axis, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL, this );
muzzle = tr.endpos;
gameLocal.clip.Translation( tr, start, muzzle, projClip, axis, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL, this );
muzzle = tr.endpos;
// set aiming direction
GetAimDir( muzzle, target, this, dir );
@ -325,6 +325,10 @@ public:
float z;
idVec3( void );
explicit idVec3( const float xyz )
Set( xyz, xyz, xyz );
explicit idVec3( const float x, const float y, const float z );
void Set( const float x, const float y, const float z );
Reference in a new issue