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synced 2025-03-11 03:31:06 +00:00
Updated, Curve Linedefs mode: changing angle by mouse-dragging when "Fixed circular curve" option is enabled is now performed in a more predictable way. Updated, Curve Linedefs mode: generated geometry is now merged with existing geometry. Added, Curve Linedefs mode: a hint label is now displayed when modifying settings using mouse-dragging. Added, Curve Linedefs mode: number of curve vertices can now be changed using LMB+RMB-drag.
609 lines
17 KiB
609 lines
17 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.Interface;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
[EditMode(DisplayName = "Curve Linedefs",
AllowCopyPaste = false,
Volatile = true)]
public sealed class CurveLinedefsMode : BaseClassicMode
#region ================== Constants
internal const int DEFAULT_VERTICES_COUNT = 8; //mxd
internal const int DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 128; //mxd
internal const int DEFAULT_ANGLE = 180; //mxd
private const float LINE_THICKNESS = 0.6f;
#region ================== Variables
// Collections
private ICollection<Linedef> selectedlines;
private ICollection<Linedef> unselectedlines;
private Dictionary<Linedef, List<Vector2D>> curves; //mxd
//mxd. UI and controls
private HintLabel hintlabel;
private CurveLinedefsOptionsPanel panel;
private Linedef closestline;
private Vector2D mousedownoffset;
private int prevoffset;
#region ================== Properties
// Just keep the base mode button checked
public override string EditModeButtonName { get { return General.Editing.PreviousStableMode.Name; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public CurveLinedefsMode()
// Make collections by selection
selectedlines = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedLinedefs(true);
unselectedlines = General.Map.Map.GetSelectedLinedefs(false);
curves = new Dictionary<Linedef, List<Vector2D>>(selectedlines.Count); //mxd
//mxd. UI
panel = new CurveLinedefsOptionsPanel();
hintlabel = new HintLabel(General.Colors.InfoLine);
public override void Dispose() //mxd
// Not already disposed?
// Clean up
if(hintlabel != null) hintlabel.Dispose();
// Done
#region ================== Methods
private void GenerateCurves()
foreach(Linedef ld in selectedlines) curves[ld] = GenerateCurve(ld);
// This generates the vertices to split the line with, from start to end
private List<Vector2D> GenerateCurve(Linedef line)
// Fetch settings from the panel
bool fixedcurve = panel.FixedCurve;
int vertices = Math.Min(panel.Vertices, (int)Math.Ceiling(line.Length / 4));
int distance = panel.Distance;
int angle = (!fixedcurve && distance == 0 ? Math.Max(5, panel.Angle) : panel.Angle);
float theta = Angle2D.DegToRad(angle);
if(distance < 0) theta = -theta; //mxd
// Make list
List<Vector2D> points = new List<Vector2D>(vertices);
float segDelta = 1.0f / (vertices + 1); //mxd
Vector2D linecenter = line.GetCenterPoint(); //mxd
//mxd. Special cases...
if(angle == 0)
for(int v = 1; v <= vertices; v++)
float x = (line.Length * segDelta) * (vertices - v + 1) - line.Length * 0.5f; // Line segment coord
// Rotate and transform to fit original line
Vector2D vertex = new Vector2D(x, 0).GetRotated(line.Angle + Angle2D.PIHALF) + linecenter;
//Added by Anders <20>strand 2008-05-18
//The formulas used are taken from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CircularSegment.html
//c and theta are known (length of line and angle parameter). d, R and h are
//calculated from those two
//If the curve is not supposed to be a circular segment it's simply deformed to fit
//the value set for distance.
//The vertices are generated to be evenly distributed (by angle) along the curve
//and lastly they are rotated and moved to fit with the original line
//calculate some identities of a circle segment (refer to the graph in the url above)
float c = line.Length;
float d = (c / (float)Math.Tan(theta / 2)) / 2;
float R = d / (float)Math.Cos(theta / 2);
float h = R - d;
float yDeform = (fixedcurve ? 1 : distance / h);
float xDelta = Math.Min(1, yDeform); //mxd
for(int v = 1; v <= vertices; v++)
//calculate the angle for this vertex
//the curve starts at PI/2 - theta/2 and is segmented into vertices+1 segments
//this assumes the line is horisontal and on y = 0, the point is rotated and moved later
float a = (Angle2D.PI - theta) / 2 + v * (theta / (vertices + 1));
//calculate the coordinates of the point, and distort the y coordinate
//using the deform factor calculated above
float xr = (float)Math.Cos(a) * R; //mxd. Circle segment coord
float xl = (line.Length * segDelta) * (vertices - v + 1) - line.Length * 0.5f; // mxd. Line segment coord
float x = InterpolationTools.Linear(xl, xr, xDelta); //mxd
float y = ((float)Math.Sin(a) * R - d) * yDeform;
//rotate and transform to fit original line
Vector2D vertex = new Vector2D(x, y).GetRotated(line.Angle + Angle2D.PIHALF) + linecenter;
// Done
return points;
#region ================== Settings panel (mxd)
private void AddInterface()
panel = new CurveLinedefsOptionsPanel();
int vertices = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("curvelinedefsmode.vertices", DEFAULT_VERTICES_COUNT);
int distance = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("curvelinedefsmode.distance", DEFAULT_DISTANCE);
int angle = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("curvelinedefsmode.angle", DEFAULT_ANGLE);
bool fixedcurve = General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("curvelinedefsmode.fixedcurve", false);
panel.SetValues(vertices, distance, angle, fixedcurve);
panel.OnValueChanged += OnValuesChanged;
private void RemoveInterface()
panel.OnValueChanged -= OnValuesChanged;
General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("curvelinedefsmode.vertices", panel.Vertices);
General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("curvelinedefsmode.distance", panel.Distance);
General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("curvelinedefsmode.angle", panel.Angle);
General.Settings.WritePluginSetting("curvelinedefsmode.fixedcurve", panel.FixedCurve);
private void OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Update curves
// Redraw display
#region ================== Events
public override void OnHelp()
// Cancelled
public override void OnCancel()
// Cancel base class
// Return to base mode
// Mode engages
public override void OnEngage()
// Disenagaging
public override void OnDisengage()
// Hide toolbox panel
// This applies the curves and returns to the base mode
public override void OnAccept()
// Create undo
string rest = (selectedlines.Count == 1 ? "a linedef" : selectedlines.Count + " linedefs"); //mxd
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Curve " + rest);
// Go for all selected lines
foreach(Linedef ld in selectedlines)
if(curves[ld].Count < 1) continue;
// Make curve for line
Linedef splitline = ld;
//mxd. Mark all changed geometry...
splitline.Marked = true;
splitline.Start.Marked = true;
splitline.End.Marked = true;
// Go for all points to split the line
foreach(Vector2D p in curves[ld])
// Make vertex
Vertex v = General.Map.Map.CreateVertex(p);
if(v == null)
// Split the line and move on with this line
splitline = splitline.Split(v);
if(splitline == null)
//mxd. Mark all changed geometry...
splitline.Marked = true;
splitline.Start.Marked = true;
splitline.End.Marked = true;
//mxd. Stitch geometry
// Snap to map format accuracy
// Update caches
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
// Return to base mode
// Redrawing display
public override void OnRedrawDisplay()
// Render lines
// Render things
renderer.RenderThingSet(General.Map.Map.Things, General.Settings.ActiveThingsAlpha);
// Render overlay
// Go for all selected lines
float vsize = (renderer.VertexSize + 1.0f) / renderer.Scale; //mxd
foreach(Linedef ld in selectedlines)
// Make curve for line
List<Vector2D> points = curves[ld];
if(points.Count > 0)
Vector2D p1 = ld.Start.Position;
Vector2D p2 = points[0];
for(int i = 1; i <= points.Count; i++)
// Draw the line
renderer.RenderLine(p1, p2, LINE_THICKNESS, General.Colors.Highlight, true);
// Next points
p1 = p2;
if(i < points.Count) p2 = points[i];
// Draw last line
renderer.RenderLine(p2, ld.End.Position, LINE_THICKNESS, General.Colors.Highlight, true);
//mxd. Draw verts
foreach(Vector2D p in points)
renderer.RenderRectangleFilled(new RectangleF(p.x - vsize, p.y - vsize, vsize * 2.0f, vsize * 2.0f), General.Colors.Selection, true);
//mxd. Render hint
public override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
closestline = MapSet.NearestLinedef(selectedlines, mousedownmappos);
// Special cases...
int distance;
if(panel.Angle > 0)
// Calculate diameter for current angle...
float ma = Angle2D.DegToRad(panel.Angle);
float d = (closestline.Length / (float)Math.Tan(ma / 2f)) / 2;
float D = d / (float)Math.Cos(ma / 2f);
distance = (int)Math.Round(D - d) * Math.Sign(panel.Distance);
distance = 0; // Special cases...
distance = panel.Distance;
// Store offset between intial mouse position and curve top
Vector2D perpendicular = closestline.Line.GetPerpendicular().GetNormal();
if(distance != 0) perpendicular *= distance; // Special cases...
Vector2D curvetop = closestline.GetCenterPoint() - perpendicular;
mousedownoffset = mousedownmappos - curvetop;
public override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
closestline = null;
prevoffset = 0;
public override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
// Anything to do?
if((!selectpressed && !editpressed) || closestline == null)
hintlabel.Text = string.Empty;
// Do something...
Vector2D perpendicular = closestline.Line.GetPerpendicular().GetNormal();
if(panel.Distance != 0) perpendicular *= panel.Distance; // Special cases...
Vector2D center = closestline.GetCenterPoint();
Line2D radius = new Line2D(center, center - perpendicular);
float u = radius.GetNearestOnLine(mousemappos - mousedownoffset);
int dist = (panel.Distance == 0 ? 1 : panel.Distance); // Special cases...
int offset = (int)Math.Round(dist * u - dist);
bool updaterequired = false;
// Clamp values?
bool clampvalue = !General.Interface.ShiftState;
// Change verts amount
if(selectpressed && editpressed)
if(prevoffset != 0)
// Set new verts count without triggering the update...
panel.SetValues(panel.Vertices + Math.Sign(prevoffset - offset), panel.Distance, panel.Angle, panel.FixedCurve);
// Update hint text
hintlabel.Text = "Vertices: " + panel.Vertices;
updaterequired = true;
// Change distance
else if(selectpressed && !panel.FixedCurve)
// Set new distance without triggering the update...
panel.SetValues(panel.Vertices, 0, panel.Angle, panel.FixedCurve); // Special cases...
int newoffset;
newoffset = (panel.Distance + offset) / panel.DistanceIncrement * panel.DistanceIncrement; // Clamp to 8 mu increments
newoffset = panel.Distance + offset;
// Set new distance without triggering the update...
panel.SetValues(panel.Vertices, newoffset, panel.Angle, panel.FixedCurve);
// Update hint text
hintlabel.Text = "Distance: " + panel.Distance;
updaterequired = true;
// Change angle
else if(editpressed && prevoffset != 0)
int newangle = 0;
// Flip required?
if(panel.Angle == 0 && (Math.Sign(offset - prevoffset) != Math.Sign(panel.Distance)))
// Set new distance without triggering the update...
panel.SetValues(panel.Vertices, -panel.Distance, panel.Angle, panel.FixedCurve);
// Recalculate affected values...
perpendicular *= -1;
radius.v2 = center - perpendicular;
u = radius.GetNearestOnLine(mousemappos - mousedownoffset);
//TODO: there surely is a way to get new angle without iteration...
float targetoffset = radius.GetLength() * u;
float prevdiff = float.MaxValue;
int increment = (clampvalue ? panel.AngleIncrement : 1);
for(int i = 1; i < panel.MaximumAngle; i += increment)
// Calculate diameter for current angle...
float ma = Angle2D.DegToRad(i);
float d = (closestline.Length / (float)Math.Tan(ma / 2f)) / 2;
float D = d / (float)Math.Cos(ma / 2f);
float h = D - d;
float curdiff = Math.Abs(h - targetoffset);
// This one matches better...
if(curdiff < prevdiff) newangle = i;
prevdiff = curdiff;
// Clamp to 5 deg increments
if(clampvalue) newangle = (newangle / panel.AngleIncrement) * panel.AngleIncrement;
int diff = (int)Math.Round((offset - prevoffset) * renderer.Scale);
if(panel.Angle + diff > 0)
if(clampvalue) newangle = (panel.Angle / panel.AngleIncrement + Math.Sign(diff)) * panel.AngleIncrement; // Clamp to 5 deg increments
else newangle = panel.Angle + diff;
// Set new angle without triggering the update...
panel.SetValues(panel.Vertices, panel.Distance, newangle, panel.FixedCurve);
// Update hint text
hintlabel.Text = "Angle: " + panel.Angle;
updaterequired = true;
// Update UI
// Update label position
float labeldistance;
if(panel.Angle == 0)
labeldistance = 0; // Special cases!
else if(panel.FixedCurve)
float ma = Angle2D.DegToRad(panel.Angle);
float d = (closestline.Length / (float)Math.Tan(ma / 2f)) / 2;
float D = d / (float)Math.Cos(ma / 2f);
labeldistance = D - d;
labeldistance = Math.Abs(panel.Distance);
labeldistance += 16 / renderer.Scale;
Vector2D labelpos = radius.GetCoordinatesAt(labeldistance / radius.GetLength());
hintlabel.Move(labelpos, labelpos);
// Trigger update
OnValuesChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty);
// Store current offset
prevoffset = offset;
#region ================== Actions (mxd)
private void IncreaseSubdivLevel() { panel.Vertices += 1; }
private void DecreaseSubdivLevel() { panel.Vertices -= 1; }
private void IncreaseBevel() { panel.Distance += panel.DistanceIncrement; }
private void DecreaseBevel() { panel.Distance -= panel.DistanceIncrement; }
private void IncreaseAngle() { panel.Angle += panel.AngleIncrement; }
private void DecreaseAngle() { panel.Angle -= panel.AngleIncrement; }