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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
internal partial class ImageBrowserControl : UserControl
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Delegates / Events
public delegate void SelectedItemChangedDelegate();
public delegate void SelectedItemDoubleClickDelegate();
public event SelectedItemChangedDelegate SelectedItemChanged;
public event SelectedItemDoubleClickDelegate SelectedItemDoubleClicked;
#region ================== Variables
// Properties
private bool preventselection;
// States
private bool updating;
private int keepselected;
private bool browseFlats; //mxd
private static bool uselongtexturenames; //mxd
private static bool showtexturesfromsubdirs; //mxd
private int currentlevel; //mxd
// All items
private readonly List<ImageBrowserItem> items;
// Items visible in the list
private List<ImageBrowserItem> visibleitems;
private static int mixMode;
#region ================== Properties
public bool PreventSelection { get { return preventselection; } set { preventselection = value; } }
public bool HideInputBox { get { return splitter.Panel2Collapsed; } set { splitter.Panel2Collapsed = value; } }
public bool BrowseFlats { get { return browseFlats; } set { browseFlats = value; } } //mxd
public static bool ShowTexturesFromSubDirectories { get { return showtexturesfromsubdirs; } internal set { showtexturesfromsubdirs = value; } } //mxd
public static bool UseLongTextureNames { get { return uselongtexturenames; } internal set { uselongtexturenames = value; } } //mxd
public ListViewItem SelectedItem { get { if(list.SelectedItems.Count > 0) return list.SelectedItems[0]; else return null; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public ImageBrowserControl()
// Initialize
items = new List<ImageBrowserItem>();
StepsList sizes = new StepsList { 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 196, 256, 512, 1024 };
filterWidth.StepValues = sizes;
filterHeight.StepValues = sizes;
//mxd. Looks like SplitterDistance is unaffected by DPI scaling. Let's fix that...
if(MainForm.DPIScaler.Height != 1.0f)
splitter.SplitterDistance = splitter.Height - splitter.Panel2.Height - (int)Math.Round(splitter.SplitterWidth * MainForm.DPIScaler.Height);
// This applies the application settings
public void ApplySettings()
// Force black background?
list.BackColor = Color.Black;
list.ForeColor = Color.White;
// Set the size of preview images
if(General.Map != null)
int itemwidth = General.Map.Data.Previews.MaxImageWidth + 26;
int itemheight = General.Map.Data.Previews.MaxImageHeight + 26;
list.TileSize = new Size(itemwidth, itemheight);
cbMixMode.SelectedIndex = mixMode;
labelMixMode.Visible = false;
cbMixMode.Visible = false;
int offset = label.Left - labelMixMode.Left;
label.Left -= offset;
objectname.Left -= offset;
filterWidth.Left -= offset;
filterwidthlabel.Left -= offset;
filterHeight.Left -= offset;
filterheightlabel.Left -= offset;
showsubdirtextures.Left -= offset;
longtexturenames.Left -= offset;
mixMode = 0;
//mxd. Use long texture names?
longtexturenames.Checked = (uselongtexturenames && General.Map.Config.UseLongTextureNames);
longtexturenames.Visible = General.Map.Config.UseLongTextureNames;
showsubdirtextures.Left = longtexturenames.Left; //mxd
longtexturenames.Visible = false; //mxd
uselongtexturenames = false; //mxd
showsubdirtextures.Left = longtexturenames.Left; //mxd
objectname.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Normal;
//mxd. Show textures in subfolders?
showsubdirtextures.Checked = showtexturesfromsubdirs;
// This cleans everything up
public virtual void CleanUp()
// Stop refresh timer
refreshtimer.Enabled = false;
#region ================== Rendering
// Draw item
private void list_DrawItem(object sender, DrawListViewItemEventArgs e)
if(!updating) (e.Item as ImageBrowserItem).Draw(e.Graphics, e.Bounds);
// Refresher
private void refreshtimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool allpreviewsloaded = true;
// Go for all items
foreach(ImageBrowserItem i in list.Items)
// Check if there are still previews that are not loaded
allpreviewsloaded &= i.IsPreviewLoaded;
// Items needs to be redrawn?
// Refresh item in list
//list.RedrawItems(i.Index, i.Index, false);
// If all previews were loaded, stop this timer
if(allpreviewsloaded) refreshtimer.Stop();
#region ================== Events
// Name typed
private void objectname_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Update list
// No item selected?
if(list.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
// Select first
// Key pressed in textbox
private void objectname_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
// Check what key is pressed
// Cursor keys
case Keys.Left: SelectNextItem(SearchDirectionHint.Left); e.SuppressKeyPress = true; break;
case Keys.Right: SelectNextItem(SearchDirectionHint.Right); e.SuppressKeyPress = true; break;
case Keys.Up: SelectNextItem(SearchDirectionHint.Up); e.SuppressKeyPress = true; break;
case Keys.Down: SelectNextItem(SearchDirectionHint.Down); e.SuppressKeyPress = true; break;
// Tab
case Keys.Tab: GoToNextSameTexture(); e.SuppressKeyPress = true; break;
private void filterSize_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
objectname_TextChanged(sender, e);
protected override bool ProcessTabKey(bool forward)
return false;
// Selection changed
private void list_ItemSelectionChanged(object sender, ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if(!e.IsSelected) return; //mxd. Don't want to trigger this twice
// Prevent selecting?
foreach(ListViewItem i in list.SelectedItems) i.Selected = false;
// Raise event
if(SelectedItemChanged != null) SelectedItemChanged();
// Doublelicking an item
private void list_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(!preventselection && (list.SelectedItems.Count > 0))
if(SelectedItemDoubleClicked != null) SelectedItemDoubleClicked();
//mxd. Transfer focus to Filter textbox
private void list_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if(e.KeyChar == '\b') // Any better way to check for Backspace?..
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectname.Text) && objectname.SelectionStart > 0 && objectname.SelectionLength == 0)
int s = objectname.SelectionStart - 1;
objectname.Text = objectname.Text.Remove(s, 1);
objectname.SelectionStart = s;
private void cbMixMode_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
mixMode = cbMixMode.SelectedIndex;
private void longtexturenames_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
uselongtexturenames = longtexturenames.Checked;
private void showsubdirtextures_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
showtexturesfromsubdirs = showsubdirtextures.Checked;
#region ================== Methods
// This selects the next texture with the same name as the selected texture
public void GoToNextSameTexture()
if(list.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
list.Focus(); //mxd
ListViewItem selected = list.SelectedItems[0];
foreach(ImageBrowserItem n in visibleitems)
if(n == selected) continue;
if(n.Text == selected.Text)
if(list.IsGroupCollapsed(n.Group)) list.SetGroupCollapsed(n.Group, false);
n.Selected = true;
n.Focused = true;
// This selects an item by longname (mxd - changed from name to longname)
public void SelectItem(long longname, ListViewGroup preferredgroup)
ImageBrowserItem lvi = null; //mxd
// Not when selecting is prevented
if(preventselection) return;
// Search in preferred group first
if(preferredgroup != null)
foreach(ListViewItem item in list.Items)
ImageBrowserItem curitem = item as ImageBrowserItem;
if(curitem != null && longname == curitem.Icon.LongName) //mxd
lvi = curitem;
if(item.Group == preferredgroup) break;
// Select the item
if(lvi != null)
// Select this item
lvi.Selected = true;
// This performs item sleection by keys
private void SelectNextItem(SearchDirectionHint dir)
// Not when selecting is prevented
if(preventselection) return;
// Nothing selected?
if(list.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
// Select first
// Get selected item
ListViewItem lvi = list.SelectedItems[0];
Rectangle lvirect = list.GetItemRect(lvi.Index, ItemBoundsPortion.Entire);
Point spos = new Point(lvirect.Location.X + lvirect.Width / 2, lvirect.Y + lvirect.Height / 2);
// Try finding 5 times in the given direction
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// Move point in given direction
case SearchDirectionHint.Left: spos.X -= list.TileSize.Width / 2; break;
case SearchDirectionHint.Right: spos.X += list.TileSize.Width / 2; break;
case SearchDirectionHint.Up: spos.Y -= list.TileSize.Height / 2; break;
case SearchDirectionHint.Down: spos.Y += list.TileSize.Height / 2; break;
// Test position
lvi = list.GetItemAt(spos.X, spos.Y);
if(lvi != null)
// Select item
lvi.Selected = true;
// Make selection visible
if(list.SelectedItems.Count > 0) list.SelectedItems[0].EnsureVisible();
// This selectes the first item
private void SelectFirstItem()
// Not when selecting is prevented
if(preventselection) return;
// Select first
if(list.Items.Count > 0)
ListViewItem lvi = list.GetItemAt(list.TileSize.Width / 2, list.TileSize.Height / 2);
if(lvi != null)
lvi.Selected = true;
// This adds a group
public ListViewGroup AddGroup(string name)
ListViewGroup grp = new ListViewGroup(name);
return grp;
public bool IsGroupCollapsed(ListViewGroup group)
if(!list.Groups.Contains(group)) return false;
return list.IsGroupCollapsed(group);
//mxd. This enables group collapsability and optionally collapses it
public void SetGroupCollapsed(ListViewGroup group, bool collapse)
if(!list.Groups.Contains(group)) return;
list.SetGroupCollapsed(group, collapse);
// This begins adding items
public void BeginAdding(bool keepselectedindex) { BeginAdding(0, keepselectedindex); } //mxd
public void BeginAdding(int selectedlevel, bool keepselectedindex)
if(keepselectedindex && (list.SelectedItems.Count > 0))
keepselected = list.SelectedIndices[0];
keepselected = -1;
currentlevel = selectedlevel;
// Clean list
// Stop updating
refreshtimer.Enabled = false;
// This ends adding items
public void EndAdding()
// Fill list with items
// Start updating
refreshtimer.Enabled = true;
// This adds an item
public void Add(ImageData image, object tag, ListViewGroup group)
ImageBrowserItem i = new ImageBrowserItem(image, tag, uselongtexturenames); //mxd
i.ListGroup = group;
i.Group = group;
i.ToolTipText = image.Name; //mxd
// This adds an item
public void Add(ImageData image, object tag, ListViewGroup group, string tooltiptext)
ImageBrowserItem i = new ImageBrowserItem(image, tag, uselongtexturenames); //mxd
i.ListGroup = group;
i.Group = group;
i.ToolTipText = tooltiptext;
// This fills the list based on the objectname filter
private void RefillList(bool selectfirst)
visibleitems = new List<ImageBrowserItem>();
// Begin updating list
updating = true;
// Clear list first
// Group property of items will be set to null, we will restore it later
//mxd. Filtering by texture size?
int w = filterWidth.GetResult(-1);
int h = filterHeight.GetResult(-1);
// Go for all items
ImageBrowserItem previtem = null; //mxd
for(int i = items.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
// Add item if valid
items[i].ShowFullName = uselongtexturenames; //mxd
if(ValidateItem(items[i], previtem) && ValidateItemSize(items[i], w, h))
items[i].Group = items[i].ListGroup;
items[i].Selected = false;
previtem = items[i];
// Fill list
ListViewItem[] array = new ListViewItem[visibleitems.Count];
for(int i = 0; i < visibleitems.Count; i++) array[i] = visibleitems[i];
// Done updating list
updating = false;
// Make selection?
if(!preventselection && (list.Items.Count > 0))
// Select specific item?
if(keepselected > -1)
list.Items[keepselected].Selected = true;
// Select first item?
else if(selectfirst)
// Raise event
if((SelectedItemChanged != null) && !preventselection) SelectedItemChanged();
// This validates an item
private bool ValidateItem(ImageBrowserItem item, ImageBrowserItem previtem)
//mxd. Don't show duplicate items
if(previtem != null && item.TextureName == previtem.TextureName && item.Group == previtem.Group) return false; //mxd
//mxd. mixMode: 0 = All, 1 = Textures, 2 = Flats, 3 = Based on BrowseFlats
if(mixMode == 1 && item.Icon.IsFlat) return false;
if(mixMode == 2 && !item.Icon.IsFlat) return false;
if(mixMode == 3 && (browseFlats != item.Icon.IsFlat)) return false;
if(!showtexturesfromsubdirs && item.Icon.Level > currentlevel) return false;
return item.Text.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(objectname.Text.ToUpperInvariant());
//mxd. This validates an item's texture size
private static bool ValidateItemSize(ImageBrowserItem i, int w, int h)
if(!i.Icon.IsPreviewLoaded) return true;
if(w > 0 && i.Icon.Width != w) return false;
if(h > 0 && i.Icon.Height != h) return false;
return true;
// This sends the focus to the textbox
public void FocusTextbox()