mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:02:38 +00:00
Probably fixed probable I/O race condition when loading images. Fixed Visual mode stuttering due to floating point precision degradation when running the editor for several days without restarting (internal timer is now reset when saving the map or creating a new one). Fixed, Nodes Viewer, cosmetic: Nodes Viewer window position was reset after pressing the "Rebuild Nodes" button. Added Eternity Game configurations by printz. Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (CheckClass). Updated ZDoom ACC (CheckClass).
1893 lines
55 KiB
1893 lines
55 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Controls;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows
internal partial class LinedefEditFormUDMF : DelayedForm
#region ================== Events
public event EventHandler OnValuesChanged; //mxd
#region ================== Variables
private ICollection<Linedef> lines;
private List<LinedefProperties> linedefprops; //mxd
private bool preventchanges;
private bool undocreated; //mxd
private readonly string[] renderstyles; //mxd
private readonly List<int> keynumbers; //mxd
//mxd. Persistent settings
private static bool linkFrontTopScale;
private static bool linkFrontMidScale;
private static bool linkFrontBottomScale;
private static bool linkBackTopScale;
private static bool linkBackMidScale;
private static bool linkBackBottomScale;
private readonly List<PairedFieldsControl> frontUdmfControls; //mxd
private readonly List<PairedFieldsControl> backUdmfControls; //mxd
//mxd. Window setup stuff
private static Point location = Point.Empty;
private static int activetab;
private struct LinedefProperties //mxd
public readonly Dictionary<string, bool> Flags;
public readonly float Alpha;
public readonly SidedefProperties Front;
public readonly SidedefProperties Back;
public LinedefProperties(Linedef line)
Front = (line.Front != null ? new SidedefProperties(line.Front) : null);
Back = (line.Back != null ? new SidedefProperties(line.Back) : null);
Alpha = UniFields.GetFloat(line.Fields, "alpha", 1.0f);
Flags = line.GetFlags();
private class SidedefProperties //mxd
public readonly Dictionary<string, bool> Flags;
public readonly float ScaleTopX;
public readonly float ScaleTopY;
public readonly float ScaleMidX;
public readonly float ScaleMidY;
public readonly float ScaleBottomX;
public readonly float ScaleBottomY;
public readonly int OffsetX;
public readonly int OffsetY;
public readonly float OffsetTopX;
public readonly float OffsetTopY;
public readonly float OffsetMidX;
public readonly float OffsetMidY;
public readonly float OffsetBottomX;
public readonly float OffsetBottomY;
public readonly int Brightness;
public readonly bool AbsoluteBrightness;
public readonly string HighTexture;
public readonly string MiddleTexture;
public readonly string LowTexture;
public SidedefProperties(Sidedef side)
Flags = side.GetFlags();
// Offset
OffsetX = side.OffsetX;
OffsetY = side.OffsetY;
Brightness = UniFields.GetInteger(side.Fields, "light", 0);
AbsoluteBrightness = side.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false);
// Scale
ScaleTopX = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "scalex_top", 1.0f);
ScaleTopY = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "scaley_top", 1.0f);
ScaleMidX = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "scalex_mid", 1.0f);
ScaleMidY = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "scaley_mid", 1.0f);
ScaleBottomX = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "scalex_bottom", 1.0f);
ScaleBottomY = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "scaley_bottom", 1.0f);
// Local offsets
OffsetTopX = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "offsetx_top", 0f);
OffsetTopY = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "offsety_top", 0f);
OffsetMidX = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "offsetx_mid", 0f);
OffsetMidY = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "offsety_mid", 0f);
OffsetBottomX = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "offsetx_bottom", 0f);
OffsetBottomY = UniFields.GetFloat(side.Fields, "offsety_bottom", 0f);
// Textures
HighTexture = side.HighTexture;
MiddleTexture = side.MiddleTexture;
LowTexture = side.LowTexture;
#region ================== Constructor
public LinedefEditFormUDMF(bool selectfront, bool selectback)
// Initialize
// Widow setup
if(location != Point.Empty)
this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
this.Location = location;
if(General.Settings.StoreSelectedEditTab && activetab > 0)
// When front or back tab was previously selected, switch to appropriate side (selectfront/selectback are set in BaseVisualGeometrySidedef.OnEditEnd)
if((selectfront || selectback) && (activetab == 1 || activetab == 2))
tabs.SelectTab(selectfront ? 1 : 2);
// Fill flags lists
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> lf in General.Map.Config.LinedefFlags)
flags.Add(lf.Value, lf.Key);
flags.Enabled = General.Map.Config.LinedefFlags.Count > 0;
// Fill sidedef flags lists
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> lf in General.Map.Config.SidedefFlags)
flagsFront.Add(lf.Value, lf.Key);
flagsBack.Add(lf.Value, lf.Key);
flagsFront.Enabled = General.Map.Config.SidedefFlags.Count > 0;
flagsBack.Enabled = General.Map.Config.SidedefFlags.Count > 0;
// Fill actions list
// Fill activations list
foreach(LinedefActivateInfo ai in General.Map.Config.LinedefActivates) udmfactivates.Add(ai.Title, ai);
// Fill keys list
keynumbers = new List<int>();
foreach(EnumItem item in General.Map.Config.Enums["keys"])
lockpick.Enabled = (keynumbers.Count > 0);
labellockpick.Enabled = (keynumbers.Count > 0);
// Initialize image selectors
// Initialize custom fields editor
// Fill universal fields list
// Initialize controls
frontUdmfControls = new List<PairedFieldsControl> { pfcFrontOffsetTop, pfcFrontOffsetMid, pfcFrontOffsetBottom, pfcFrontScaleTop, pfcFrontScaleMid, pfcFrontScaleBottom };
backUdmfControls = new List<PairedFieldsControl> { pfcBackOffsetTop, pfcBackOffsetMid, pfcBackOffsetBottom, pfcBackScaleTop, pfcBackScaleMid, pfcBackScaleBottom };
// Setup renderstyles
renderstyles = new string[General.Map.Config.LinedefRenderStyles.Count];
General.Map.Config.LinedefRenderStyles.Keys.CopyTo(renderstyles, 0);
renderStyle.Enabled = (General.Map.Config.LinedefRenderStyles.Count > 0);
labelrenderstyle.Enabled = (General.Map.Config.LinedefRenderStyles.Count > 0);
// Fill renderstyles
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> lf in General.Map.Config.LinedefRenderStyles)
// Restore value linking
pfcFrontScaleTop.LinkValues = linkFrontTopScale;
pfcFrontScaleMid.LinkValues = linkFrontMidScale;
pfcFrontScaleBottom.LinkValues = linkFrontBottomScale;
pfcBackScaleTop.LinkValues = linkBackTopScale;
pfcBackScaleMid.LinkValues = linkBackMidScale;
pfcBackScaleBottom.LinkValues = linkBackBottomScale;
#region ================== Methods
// This sets up the form to edit the given lines
public void Setup(ICollection<Linedef> lines)
preventchanges = true;
// Keep this list
this.lines = lines;
if(lines.Count > 1) this.Text = "Edit Linedefs (" + lines.Count + ")";
linedefprops = new List<LinedefProperties>();
// Set all options to the first linedef properties
// Get first line
Linedef fl = General.GetByIndex(lines, 0);
// Flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
if(fl.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString())) c.Checked = fl.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()];
// UDMF Activations
foreach(CheckBox c in udmfactivates.Checkboxes)
LinedefActivateInfo ai = (c.Tag as LinedefActivateInfo);
if(fl.Flags.ContainsKey(ai.Key)) c.Checked = fl.Flags[ai.Key];
fieldslist.SetValues(fl.Fields, true); // Custom fields
commenteditor.SetValues(fl.Fields, true); //mxd. Comments
renderStyle.SelectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(renderstyles, fl.Fields.GetValue("renderstyle", "translucent"));
alpha.Text = General.Clamp(fl.Fields.GetValue("alpha", 1.0f), 0f, 1f).ToString();
// Locknumber
int locknumber = fl.Fields.GetValue("locknumber", 0);
lockpick.SelectedIndex = keynumbers.IndexOf(locknumber);
if(lockpick.SelectedIndex == -1) lockpick.Text = locknumber.ToString();
// Action
action.Value = fl.Action;
//mxd. Tags
tagsselector.SetValue(fl.Tags, true);
//mxd. Args
argscontrol.SetValue(fl, true);
// Front side and back side checkboxes
frontside.Checked = (fl.Front != null);
backside.Checked = (fl.Back != null);
// Front settings
if(fl.Front != null)
fronthigh.TextureName = fl.Front.HighTexture;
frontmid.TextureName = fl.Front.MiddleTexture;
frontlow.TextureName = fl.Front.LowTexture;
fronthigh.Required = fl.Front.HighRequired();
frontmid.Required = fl.Front.MiddleRequired();
frontlow.Required = fl.Front.LowRequired();
frontsector.Text = fl.Front.Sector.Index.ToString();
// Flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsFront.Checkboxes)
if(fl.Front.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString())) c.Checked = fl.Front.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()];
// Front settings
foreach(PairedFieldsControl pfc in frontUdmfControls)
pfc.SetValuesFrom(fl.Front.Fields, true);
lightFront.Text = UniFields.GetInteger(fl.Front.Fields, "light", 0).ToString();
cbLightAbsoluteFront.Checked = fl.Front.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false);
frontTextureOffset.SetValues(fl.Front.OffsetX, fl.Front.OffsetY, true); //mxd
// Back settings
if(fl.Back != null)
backhigh.TextureName = fl.Back.HighTexture;
backmid.TextureName = fl.Back.MiddleTexture;
backlow.TextureName = fl.Back.LowTexture;
backhigh.Required = fl.Back.HighRequired();
backmid.Required = fl.Back.MiddleRequired();
backlow.Required = fl.Back.LowRequired();
backsector.Text = fl.Back.Sector.Index.ToString();
// Flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsBack.Checkboxes)
if(fl.Back.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString())) c.Checked = fl.Back.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()];
// Back settings
foreach(PairedFieldsControl pfc in backUdmfControls)
pfc.SetValuesFrom(fl.Back.Fields, true);
lightBack.Text = UniFields.GetInteger(fl.Back.Fields, "light", 0).ToString();
cbLightAbsoluteBack.Checked = fl.Back.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false);
backTextureOffset.SetValues(fl.Back.OffsetX, fl.Back.OffsetY, true); //mxd
// Now go for all lines and change the options when a setting is different
// Go for all lines
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
// Flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) continue; //mxd
if(l.IsFlagSet(c.Tag.ToString()) != c.Checked)
c.ThreeState = true;
c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
// UDMF Activations
foreach(CheckBox c in udmfactivates.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) continue; //mxd
LinedefActivateInfo ai = (c.Tag as LinedefActivateInfo);
if(l.IsFlagSet(ai.Key) != c.Checked)
c.ThreeState = true;
c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
//mxd. UDMF Settings
// Render style
if(renderStyle.SelectedIndex > -1 && renderStyle.SelectedIndex != Array.IndexOf(renderstyles, l.Fields.GetValue("renderstyle", "translucent")))
renderStyle.SelectedIndex = -1;
// Alpha
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alpha.Text) && General.Clamp(alpha.GetResultFloat(1.0f), 0f, 1f) != l.Fields.GetValue("alpha", 1.0f))
alpha.Text = string.Empty;
// Locknumber
if(lockpick.SelectedIndex == -1)
if(int.TryParse(lockpick.Text, out locknumber) && locknumber != l.Fields.GetValue("locknumber", 0))
lockpick.SelectedIndex = -1;
lockpick.Text = string.Empty;
else if(keynumbers[lockpick.SelectedIndex] != l.Fields.GetValue("locknumber", 0))
lockpick.SelectedIndex = -1;
lockpick.Text = string.Empty;
// Custom fields
fieldslist.SetValues(l.Fields, false);
//mxd. Comments
commenteditor.SetValues(l.Fields, false);
// Action/tags
if(l.Action != action.Value) action.Empty = true;
tagsselector.SetValue(l.Tags, false);
//mxd. Arguments
argscontrol.SetValue(l, false);
// Front side checkbox
if((l.Front != null) != frontside.Checked)
frontside.ThreeState = true;
frontside.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
frontside.AutoCheck = false;
// Back side checkbox
if((l.Back != null) != backside.Checked)
backside.ThreeState = true;
backside.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
backside.AutoCheck = false;
// Front settings
if(l.Front != null)
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fronthigh.TextureName) && fronthigh.TextureName != l.Front.HighTexture)
if(!fronthigh.Required && l.Front.HighRequired()) fronthigh.Required = true;
fronthigh.MultipleTextures = true;
fronthigh.TextureName = string.Empty;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(frontmid.TextureName) && frontmid.TextureName != l.Front.MiddleTexture)
if(!frontmid.Required && l.Front.MiddleRequired()) frontmid.Required = true;
frontmid.MultipleTextures = true;
frontmid.TextureName = string.Empty;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(frontlow.TextureName) && frontlow.TextureName != l.Front.LowTexture)
if(!frontlow.Required && l.Front.LowRequired()) frontlow.Required = true;
frontlow.MultipleTextures = true; //mxd
frontlow.TextureName = string.Empty;
if(frontsector.Text != l.Front.Sector.Index.ToString()) frontsector.Text = string.Empty;
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsFront.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) continue;
if(l.Front.IsFlagSet(c.Tag.ToString()) != c.Checked)
c.ThreeState = true;
c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
foreach(PairedFieldsControl pfc in frontUdmfControls)
pfc.SetValuesFrom(l.Front.Fields, false);
int light = UniFields.GetInteger(l.Front.Fields, "light", 0);
if(light != lightFront.GetResult(light)) lightFront.Text = string.Empty;
if(l.Front.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false) != cbLightAbsoluteFront.Checked)
cbLightAbsoluteFront.ThreeState = true;
cbLightAbsoluteFront.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
frontTextureOffset.SetValues(l.Front.OffsetX, l.Front.OffsetY, false); //mxd
// Back settings
if(l.Back != null)
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backhigh.TextureName) && backhigh.TextureName != l.Back.HighTexture)
if(!backhigh.Required && l.Back.HighRequired()) backhigh.Required = true;
backhigh.MultipleTextures = true;
backhigh.TextureName = string.Empty;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backmid.TextureName) && backmid.TextureName != l.Back.MiddleTexture)
if(!backmid.Required && l.Back.MiddleRequired()) backmid.Required = true;
backmid.MultipleTextures = true;
backmid.TextureName = string.Empty;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backlow.TextureName) && backlow.TextureName != l.Back.LowTexture)
if(!backlow.Required && l.Back.LowRequired()) backlow.Required = true;
backlow.MultipleTextures = true;
backlow.TextureName = string.Empty;
if(backsector.Text != l.Back.Sector.Index.ToString()) backsector.Text = string.Empty;
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsBack.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) continue;
if(l.Back.IsFlagSet(c.Tag.ToString()) != c.Checked)
c.ThreeState = true;
c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
foreach(PairedFieldsControl pfc in backUdmfControls)
pfc.SetValuesFrom(l.Back.Fields, false);
int light = UniFields.GetInteger(l.Back.Fields, "light", 0);
if(light != lightBack.GetResult(light))
lightBack.Text = string.Empty;
if(l.Back.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false) != cbLightAbsoluteBack.Checked)
cbLightAbsoluteBack.ThreeState = true;
cbLightAbsoluteBack.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
backTextureOffset.SetValues(l.Back.OffsetX, l.Back.OffsetY, false); //mxd
linedefprops.Add(new LinedefProperties(l));
// Refresh controls so that they show their image
preventchanges = false;
CheckActivationFlagsRequired(); //mxd
argscontrol.UpdateScriptControls(); //mxd
actionhelp.UpdateAction(action.GetValue()); //mxd
tagsselector.FinishSetup(); //mxd
commenteditor.FinishSetup(); //mxd
//mxd. Update brightness reset buttons
resetfrontlight.Visible = (cbLightAbsoluteFront.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked || lightFront.GetResult(0) != 0);
resetbacklight.Visible = (cbLightAbsoluteBack.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked || lightBack.GetResult(0) != 0);
//mxd. Update some labels
if(frontside.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked)
// Update Offset labels
labelFrontTextureOffset.Enabled = frontTextureOffset.NonDefaultValue;
labelFrontOffsetTop.Enabled = pfcFrontOffsetTop.NonDefaultValue;
labelFrontOffsetMid.Enabled = pfcFrontOffsetMid.NonDefaultValue;
labelFrontOffsetBottom.Enabled = pfcFrontOffsetBottom.NonDefaultValue;
// Update Scale labels
labelFrontScaleTop.Enabled = pfcFrontScaleTop.NonDefaultValue;
labelFrontScaleMid.Enabled = pfcFrontScaleMid.NonDefaultValue;
labelFrontScaleBottom.Enabled = pfcFrontScaleBottom.NonDefaultValue;
if(backside.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked)
// Update Offset labels
labelBackTextureOffset.Enabled = backTextureOffset.NonDefaultValue;
labelBackOffsetTop.Enabled = pfcBackOffsetTop.NonDefaultValue;
labelBackOffsetMid.Enabled = pfcBackOffsetMid.NonDefaultValue;
labelBackOffsetBottom.Enabled = pfcBackOffsetBottom.NonDefaultValue;
// Update Scale labels
labelBackScaleTop.Enabled = pfcBackScaleTop.NonDefaultValue;
labelBackScaleMid.Enabled = pfcBackScaleMid.NonDefaultValue;
labelBackScaleBottom.Enabled = pfcBackScaleBottom.NonDefaultValue;
private void MakeUndo()
if(undocreated) return;
undocreated = true;
//mxd. Make undo
General.Map.UndoRedo.CreateUndo("Edit " + (lines.Count > 1 ? lines.Count + " linedefs" : "linedef"));
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null) l.Front.Fields.BeforeFieldsChange();
if(l.Back != null) l.Back.Fields.BeforeFieldsChange();
private void CheckActivationFlagsRequired()
// Display a warning if we have an action and no activation flags
if(action.Value != 0
&& General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.ContainsKey(action.Value)
&& General.Map.Config.LinedefActions[action.Value].RequiresActivation)
bool haveactivationflag = false;
foreach(CheckBox c in udmfactivates.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked)
haveactivationflag = true;
missingactivation.Visible = !haveactivationflag;
activationGroup.ForeColor = (!haveactivationflag ? Color.DarkRed : SystemColors.ControlText);
missingactivation.Visible = false;
activationGroup.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
#region ================== Events
// Apply clicked
private void apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Verify the action
if((action.Value < General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction) || (action.Value > General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction))
General.ShowWarningMessage("Linedef action must be between " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MinAction + " and " + General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxAction + ".", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
int locknumber = 0;
bool setlocknumber = false;
if(lockpick.SelectedIndex == -1)
setlocknumber = int.TryParse(lockpick.Text, out locknumber);
locknumber = keynumbers[lockpick.SelectedIndex];
setlocknumber = true;
// Go for all the lines
int offset = 0; //mxd
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
// UDMF activations
foreach(CheckBox c in udmfactivates.Checkboxes)
LinedefActivateInfo ai = (c.Tag as LinedefActivateInfo);
case CheckState.Checked: l.SetFlag(ai.Key, true); break;
case CheckState.Unchecked: l.SetFlag(ai.Key, false); break;
// Action
if(!action.Empty) l.Action = action.Value;
//mxd. Apply args
argscontrol.Apply(l, offset++);
// Remove front side?
if((l.Front != null) && (frontside.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked))
// Create or modify front side?
else if(frontside.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
// Make sure we have a valid sector (make a new one if needed)
int index = (l.Front != null ? l.Front.Sector.Index : -1);
index = frontsector.GetResult(index);
if((index > -1) && (index < General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count))
Sector s = (General.Map.Map.GetSectorByIndex(index) ?? General.Map.Map.CreateSector());
if(s != null)
// Create new sidedef?
if(l.Front == null) General.Map.Map.CreateSidedef(l, true, s);
// Change sector?
if(l.Front != null && l.Front.Sector != s) l.Front.SetSector(s);
// Remove back side?
if((l.Back != null) && (backside.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked))
// Create or modify back side?
else if(backside.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
// Make sure we have a valid sector (make a new one if needed)
int index = (l.Back != null ? l.Back.Sector.Index : -1);
index = backsector.GetResult(index);
if((index > -1) && (index < General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count))
Sector s = (General.Map.Map.GetSectorByIndex(index) ?? General.Map.Map.CreateSector());
if(s != null)
// Create new sidedef?
if(l.Back == null) General.Map.Map.CreateSidedef(l, false, s);
// Change sector?
if(l.Back != null && l.Back.Sector != s) l.Back.SetSector(s);
//mxd. UDMF Settings
if(setlocknumber) UniFields.SetInteger(l.Fields, "locknumber", locknumber, 0);
//mxd. Store value linking
linkFrontTopScale = pfcFrontScaleTop.LinkValues;
linkFrontMidScale = pfcFrontScaleMid.LinkValues;
linkFrontBottomScale = pfcFrontScaleBottom.LinkValues;
linkBackTopScale = pfcBackScaleTop.LinkValues;
linkBackMidScale = pfcBackScaleMid.LinkValues;
linkBackBottomScale = pfcBackScaleBottom.LinkValues;
// Update the used textures
// Done
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); //mxd
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
// Cancel clicked
private void cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//mxd. Let's pretend nothing of this really happened...
if(undocreated) General.Map.UndoRedo.WithdrawUndo();
// Be gone
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
// Front side (un)checked
private void frontside_CheckStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Enable/disable panel
// NOTE: Also enabled when checkbox is grayed!
frontgroup.Enabled = (frontside.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked);
tabfront.ImageIndex = (frontside.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked ? 1 : 0);
// Back side (un)checked
private void backside_CheckStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Enable/disable panel
// NOTE: Also enabled when checkbox is grayed!
backgroup.Enabled = (backside.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked);
tabback.ImageIndex = (backside.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked ? 1 : 0);
// Action changes
private void action_ValueChanges(object sender, EventArgs e)
int showaction = 0;
// Only when line type is known
if(General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.ContainsKey(action.Value)) showaction = action.Value;
//mxd. Change the argument descriptions
argscontrol.UpdateAction(showaction, preventchanges);
MakeUndo(); //mxd
//mxd. Update what must be updated
// Browse Action clicked
private void browseaction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
action.Value = ActionBrowserForm.BrowseAction(this, action.Value);
private void tabcustom_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
//mxd. Store window settings
private void LinedefEditForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
// Save location and active tab
location = this.Location;
activetab = tabs.SelectedIndex;
// Help!
private void LinedefEditForm_HelpRequested(object sender, HelpEventArgs hlpevent)
hlpevent.Handled = true;
#region ================== mxd. Realtime events (linedef)
private void cbRenderStyle_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
//update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
UniFields.SetString(l.Fields, "renderstyle", renderstyles[renderStyle.SelectedIndex], "translucent");
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void alpha_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
//restore values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
UniFields.SetFloat(l.Fields, "alpha", linedefprops[i++].Alpha, 1.0f);
else //update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
float value = General.Clamp(alpha.GetResultFloat(l.Fields.GetValue("alpha", 1.0f)), 0f, 1.0f);
UniFields.SetFloat(l.Fields, "alpha", value, 1.0f);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void flags_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
// Apply all flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flags.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
l.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), true);
else if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
l.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false);
else if(linedefprops[i].Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString()))
l.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), linedefprops[i].Flags[c.Tag.ToString()]);
else //linedefs created in the editor have empty Flags by default
l.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void udmfactivates_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
#region ================== mxd. Realtime events (sides)
#region Custom fields changed
// Custom fields on front sides
private void customfrontbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Make collection of front sides
List<MapElement> sides = new List<MapElement>(lines.Count);
foreach(Linedef l in lines) if(l.Front != null) sides.Add(l.Front);
if(!CustomFieldsForm.ShowDialog(this, "Front side custom fields", "sidedef", sides, General.Map.Config.SidedefFields)) return;
//Apply values
Sidedef fs = General.GetByIndex(sides, 0) as Sidedef;
//..to the first side
foreach(PairedFieldsControl pfc in frontUdmfControls)
pfc.SetValuesFrom(fs.Fields, true);
lightFront.Text = UniFields.GetInteger(fs.Fields, "light", 0).ToString();
cbLightAbsoluteFront.ThreeState = false;
cbLightAbsoluteFront.Checked = fs.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false);
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsFront.Checkboxes)
if(fs.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString())) c.Checked = fs.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()];
//..then to all of them
foreach(Sidedef s in sides)
foreach(PairedFieldsControl pfc in frontUdmfControls)
pfc.SetValuesFrom(s.Fields, false);
int light = UniFields.GetInteger(s.Fields, "light", 0);
if(light != lightFront.GetResult(light)) lightFront.Text = string.Empty;
if(s.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false) != cbLightAbsoluteFront.Checked)
cbLightAbsoluteFront.ThreeState = true;
cbLightAbsoluteFront.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsFront.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) continue;
if(s.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()] != c.Checked)
c.ThreeState = true;
c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
// Custom fields on back sides
private void custombackbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Make collection of back sides
List<MapElement> sides = new List<MapElement>(lines.Count);
foreach(Linedef l in lines) if(l.Back != null) sides.Add(l.Back);
// Edit these
if(!CustomFieldsForm.ShowDialog(this, "Back side custom fields", "sidedef", sides, General.Map.Config.SidedefFields)) return;
//Apply values
Sidedef fs = General.GetByIndex(sides, 0) as Sidedef;
//..to the first side
foreach(PairedFieldsControl pfc in backUdmfControls)
pfc.SetValuesFrom(fs.Fields, true);
lightBack.Text = UniFields.GetInteger(fs.Fields, "light", 0).ToString();
cbLightAbsoluteBack.ThreeState = false;
cbLightAbsoluteBack.Checked = fs.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false);
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsBack.Checkboxes)
if(fs.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString())) c.Checked = fs.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()];
//..then to all of them
foreach(Sidedef s in sides)
foreach(PairedFieldsControl pfc in backUdmfControls)
pfc.SetValuesFrom(s.Fields, false);
int light = UniFields.GetInteger(s.Fields, "light", 0);
if(light != lightBack.GetResult(light)) lightBack.Text = string.Empty;
if(s.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false) != cbLightAbsoluteBack.Checked)
cbLightAbsoluteBack.ThreeState = true;
cbLightAbsoluteBack.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsBack.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate) continue;
if(s.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString()) && s.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()] != c.Checked)
c.ThreeState = true;
c.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region Texture changed
private void fronthigh_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
// Restore values
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null) l.Front.SetTextureHigh(linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.HighTexture : "-");
// Update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null) l.Front.SetTextureHigh(fronthigh.GetResult(l.Front.HighTexture));
// Update the used textures
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void frontmid_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
// Restore values
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null) l.Front.SetTextureMid(linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.MiddleTexture : "-");
// Update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null) l.Front.SetTextureMid(frontmid.GetResult(l.Front.MiddleTexture));
// Update the used textures
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void frontlow_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
// Restore values
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null) l.Front.SetTextureLow(linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.LowTexture : "-");
// Update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null) l.Front.SetTextureLow(frontlow.GetResult(l.Front.LowTexture));
// Update the used textures
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void backhigh_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
// Restore values
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null) l.Back.SetTextureHigh(linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.HighTexture : "-");
// Update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null) l.Back.SetTextureHigh(backhigh.GetResult(l.Back.HighTexture));
// Update the used textures
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void backmid_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
// Restore values
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null) l.Back.SetTextureMid(linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.MiddleTexture : "-");
// Update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null) l.Back.SetTextureMid(backmid.GetResult(l.Back.MiddleTexture));
// Update the used textures
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void backlow_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
// Restore values
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null) l.Back.SetTextureLow(linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.LowTexture : "-");
// Update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null) l.Back.SetTextureLow(backlow.GetResult(l.Back.LowTexture));
// Update the used textures
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region Brightness changed
private void lightFront_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
//restore values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
UniFields.SetInteger(l.Front.Fields, "light", (linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.Brightness : 0), 0);
else //update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
bool absolute = false;
case CheckState.Indeterminate:
absolute = l.Front.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false);
case CheckState.Checked:
absolute = true;
int value = General.Clamp(lightFront.GetResult((linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.Brightness : 0)), (absolute ? 0 : -255), 255);
UniFields.SetInteger(l.Front.Fields, "light", value, 0);
resetfrontlight.Visible = (cbLightAbsoluteFront.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked || lightFront.Text != "0");
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void lightBack_WhenTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
//restore values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
UniFields.SetInteger(l.Back.Fields, "light", (linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.Brightness : 0), 0);
else //update values
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
bool absolute = false;
case CheckState.Indeterminate:
absolute = l.Back.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false);
case CheckState.Checked:
absolute = true;
int value = General.Clamp(lightBack.GetResult((linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.Brightness : 0)), (absolute ? 0 : -255), 255);
UniFields.SetInteger(l.Back.Fields, "light", value, 0);
resetbacklight.Visible = (cbLightAbsoluteBack.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked || lightBack.Text != "0");
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void cbLightAbsoluteFront_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front == null) continue;
l.Front.Fields["lightabsolute"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Boolean, true);
else if(cbLightAbsoluteFront.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate)
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
if(linedefprops[i].Front != null && linedefprops[i].Front.AbsoluteBrightness)
l.Front.Fields["lightabsolute"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Boolean, true);
else if(l.Front.Fields.ContainsKey("lightabsolute"))
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front == null) continue;
if(l.Front.Fields.ContainsKey("lightabsolute")) l.Front.Fields.Remove("lightabsolute");
resetfrontlight.Visible = (cbLightAbsoluteFront.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked || lightFront.Text != "0");
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void cbLightAbsoluteBack_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back == null) continue;
l.Back.Fields["lightabsolute"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Boolean, true);
else if(cbLightAbsoluteBack.CheckState == CheckState.Indeterminate)
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
if(linedefprops[i].Back != null && linedefprops[i].Back.AbsoluteBrightness)
l.Back.Fields["lightabsolute"] = new UniValue(UniversalType.Boolean, true);
else if(l.Back.Fields.ContainsKey("lightabsolute"))
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back == null) continue;
if(l.Back.Fields.ContainsKey("lightabsolute")) l.Back.Fields.Remove("lightabsolute");
resetbacklight.Visible = (cbLightAbsoluteBack.CheckState != CheckState.Unchecked || lightBack.Text != "0");
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void resetfrontlight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MakeUndo(); //mxd
preventchanges = true;
cbLightAbsoluteFront.Checked = false;
lightFront.Text = "0";
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front == null) continue;
if(l.Front.Fields.ContainsKey("lightabsolute")) l.Front.Fields.Remove("lightabsolute");
if(l.Front.Fields.ContainsKey("light")) l.Front.Fields.Remove("light");
preventchanges = false;
resetfrontlight.Visible = false;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void resetbacklight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MakeUndo(); //mxd
preventchanges = true;
cbLightAbsoluteBack.Checked = false;
lightBack.Text = "0";
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back == null) continue;
if(l.Back.Fields.ContainsKey("lightabsolute")) l.Back.Fields.Remove("lightabsolute");
if(l.Back.Fields.ContainsKey("light")) l.Back.Fields.Remove("light");
preventchanges = false;
resetbacklight.Visible = false;
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region Global texture offsets changed
private void frontTextureOffset_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
if(linedefprops[i].Front != null)
l.Front.OffsetX = frontTextureOffset.GetValue1(linedefprops[i].Front.OffsetX);
l.Front.OffsetY = frontTextureOffset.GetValue2(linedefprops[i].Front.OffsetY);
l.Front.OffsetX = frontTextureOffset.GetValue1(0);
l.Front.OffsetY = frontTextureOffset.GetValue2(0);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelFrontTextureOffset.Enabled = frontTextureOffset.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void backTextureOffset_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
if(linedefprops[i].Back != null)
l.Back.OffsetX = backTextureOffset.GetValue1(linedefprops[i].Back.OffsetX);
l.Back.OffsetY = backTextureOffset.GetValue2(linedefprops[i].Back.OffsetY);
l.Back.OffsetX = backTextureOffset.GetValue1(0);
l.Back.OffsetY = backTextureOffset.GetValue2(0);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelBackTextureOffset.Enabled = backTextureOffset.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region Texture offsets changed
private void pfcFrontOffsetTop_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.OffsetTopX : 0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.OffsetTopY : 0f;
pfcFrontOffsetTop.ApplyTo(l.Front.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelFrontOffsetTop.Enabled = pfcFrontOffsetTop.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcFrontOffsetMid_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.OffsetMidX : 0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.OffsetMidY : 0f;
pfcFrontOffsetMid.ApplyTo(l.Front.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelFrontOffsetMid.Enabled = pfcFrontOffsetMid.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcFrontOffsetBottom_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.OffsetBottomX : 0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.OffsetBottomY : 0f;
pfcFrontOffsetBottom.ApplyTo(l.Front.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelFrontOffsetBottom.Enabled = pfcFrontOffsetBottom.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcBackOffsetTop_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.OffsetTopX : 0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.OffsetTopY : 0f;
pfcBackOffsetTop.ApplyTo(l.Back.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelBackOffsetTop.Enabled = pfcBackOffsetTop.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcBackOffsetMid_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.OffsetMidX : 0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.OffsetMidY : 0f;
pfcBackOffsetMid.ApplyTo(l.Back.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelBackOffsetMid.Enabled = pfcBackOffsetMid.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcBackOffsetBottom_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.OffsetBottomX : 0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.OffsetBottomY : 0f;
pfcBackOffsetBottom.ApplyTo(l.Back.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelBackOffsetBottom.Enabled = pfcBackOffsetBottom.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region Scale changed
private void pfcFrontScaleTop_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.ScaleTopX : 1.0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.ScaleTopY : 1.0f;
pfcFrontScaleTop.ApplyTo(l.Front.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelFrontScaleTop.Enabled = pfcFrontScaleTop.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcFrontScaleMid_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.ScaleMidX : 1.0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.ScaleMidY : 1.0f;
pfcFrontScaleMid.ApplyTo(l.Front.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelFrontScaleMid.Enabled = pfcFrontScaleMid.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcFrontScaleBottom_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.ScaleBottomX : 1.0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Front != null ? linedefprops[i].Front.ScaleBottomY : 1.0f;
pfcFrontScaleBottom.ApplyTo(l.Front.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelFrontScaleBottom.Enabled = pfcFrontScaleBottom.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcBackScaleTop_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.ScaleTopX : 1.0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.ScaleTopY : 1.0f;
pfcBackScaleTop.ApplyTo(l.Back.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelBackScaleTop.Enabled = pfcBackScaleTop.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcBackScaleMid_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.ScaleMidX : 1.0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.ScaleMidY : 1.0f;
pfcBackScaleMid.ApplyTo(l.Back.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelBackScaleMid.Enabled = pfcBackScaleMid.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void pfcBackScaleBottom_OnValuesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back != null)
float oldX = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.ScaleBottomX : 1.0f;
float oldY = linedefprops[i].Back != null ? linedefprops[i].Back.ScaleBottomY : 1.0f;
pfcBackScaleBottom.ApplyTo(l.Back.Fields, General.Map.FormatInterface.MinTextureOffset, General.Map.FormatInterface.MaxTextureOffset, oldX, oldY);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
labelBackScaleBottom.Enabled = pfcBackScaleBottom.NonDefaultValue;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region Flags cahnged
private void flagsFront_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Front == null) continue;
// Apply all flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsFront.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
l.Front.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), true);
else if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
l.Front.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false);
else if(linedefprops[i].Front.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString()))
l.Front.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), linedefprops[i].Front.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()]);
else //linedefs created in the editor have empty Flags by default
l.Front.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void flagsBack_OnValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(preventchanges) return;
MakeUndo(); //mxd
int i = 0;
foreach(Linedef l in lines)
if(l.Back == null) continue;
// Apply all flags
foreach(CheckBox c in flagsBack.Checkboxes)
if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
l.Back.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), true);
else if(c.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
l.Back.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false);
else if(linedefprops[i].Back.Flags.ContainsKey(c.Tag.ToString()))
l.Back.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), linedefprops[i].Back.Flags[c.Tag.ToString()]);
else //linedefs created in the editor have empty Flags by default
l.Back.SetFlag(c.Tag.ToString(), false);
General.Map.IsChanged = true;
if(OnValuesChanged != null) OnValuesChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);