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synced 2025-03-04 16:41:26 +00:00
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818 lines
33 KiB
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.ZDoom;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.GZDoom
internal sealed class GldefsParser : ZDTextParser
#region ================== Constants
private const int DEFAULT_GLOW_HEIGHT = 64;
#region ================== Structs
private struct GldefsLightType
public const string POINT = "pointlight";
public const string PULSE = "pulselight";
public const string FLICKER = "flickerlight";
public const string FLICKER2 = "flickerlight2";
public const string SECTOR = "sectorlight";
public static readonly Dictionary<string, DynamicLightType> GLDEFS_TO_GZDOOM_LIGHT_TYPE = new Dictionary<string, DynamicLightType>(StringComparer.Ordinal) { { POINT, DynamicLightType.NORMAL }, { PULSE, DynamicLightType.PULSE }, { FLICKER, DynamicLightType.FLICKER }, { FLICKER2, DynamicLightType.RANDOM }, { SECTOR, DynamicLightType.SECTOR } };
#region ================== Delegates
public delegate void IncludeDelegate(GldefsParser parser, string includefile, bool clearerrors);
public IncludeDelegate OnInclude;
#region ================== Variables
private readonly Dictionary<string, DynamicLightData> lightsbyname; //LightName, light definition
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> objects; //ClassName, LightName
private readonly Dictionary<long, GlowingFlatData> glowingflats;
private readonly Dictionary<string, SkyboxInfo> skyboxes;
private readonly HashSet<string> parsedlumps;
#region ================== Properties
internal Dictionary<string, DynamicLightData> LightsByName { get { return lightsbyname; } }
internal Dictionary<string, string> Objects { get { return objects; } }
internal Dictionary<long, GlowingFlatData> GlowingFlats { get { return glowingflats; } }
internal Dictionary<string, SkyboxInfo> Skyboxes { get { return skyboxes; } }
#region ================== Constructor
public GldefsParser()
// Syntax
whitespace = "\n \t\r\u00A0";
specialtokens = ",{}\n";
parsedlumps = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
lightsbyname = new Dictionary<string, DynamicLightData>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //LightName, Light params
objects = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //ClassName, LightName
glowingflats = new Dictionary<long, GlowingFlatData>(); // Texture name hash, Glowing Flat Data
skyboxes = new Dictionary<string, SkyboxInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
#region ================== Parsing
public override bool Parse(Stream stream, string sourcefilename, bool clearerrors)
if (!base.Parse(stream, sourcefilename, clearerrors)) return false;
// Keep local data
Stream localstream = datastream;
string localsourcename = sourcename;
BinaryReader localreader = datareader;
// Continue until at the end of the stream
while (SkipWhitespace(true))
string token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken()).ToLowerInvariant(); // Quotes can be anywhere! ANYWHERE!!! And GZDoom will still parse data correctly
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) break;
switch (token)
case GldefsLightType.POINT:
case GldefsLightType.PULSE:
case GldefsLightType.SECTOR:
case GldefsLightType.FLICKER:
case GldefsLightType.FLICKER2:
if (!ParseLight(token)) return false;
case "object":
if (!ParseObject()) return false;
case "glow":
if (!ParseGlowingFlats()) return false;
case "skybox":
if (!ParseSkybox()) return false;
case "#include":
if (!ParseInclude(clearerrors)) return false;
// Set our buffers back to continue parsing
datastream = localstream;
datareader = localreader;
sourcename = localsourcename;
case "$gzdb_skip": return !this.HasError;
// Unknown structure!
// All done
return !this.HasError;
private bool ParseLight(string lighttype)
DynamicLightData light = new DynamicLightData { Type = GldefsLightType.GLDEFS_TO_GZDOOM_LIGHT_TYPE[lighttype] };
// Find classname
string lightname = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lightname))
ReportError("Expected " + lighttype + " name");
return false;
// Now find opening brace
if (!NextTokenIs("{", false))
ReportError("Expected opening brace");
return false;
// Read gldefs light structure
while (SkipWhitespace(true))
string token = ReadToken().ToLowerInvariant();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) continue;
switch (token)
case "color":
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out light.Color.Red))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Red color value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out light.Color.Green))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Green color value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out light.Color.Blue))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Blue color value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
case "size":
if (lighttype != GldefsLightType.SECTOR)
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out light.PrimaryRadius))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Size value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
light.PrimaryRadius *= 2;
ReportError("'" + token + "' is not valid property for " + lighttype);
return false;
case "offset":
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!ReadSignedFloat(token, ref light.Offset.X))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Offset X value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!ReadSignedFloat(token, ref light.Offset.Z))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Offset Y value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!ReadSignedFloat(token, ref light.Offset.Y))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Offset Z value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
case "subtractive":
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
int i;
if (!int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out i))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("expected Subtractive value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
light.Subtractive = (i == 1);
case "dontlightself":
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
int i;
if (!int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out i))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected DontLightSelf value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
light.DontLightSelf = (i == 1);
case "interval":
if (lighttype == GldefsLightType.PULSE || lighttype == GldefsLightType.FLICKER2)
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
float interval;
if (!float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out interval))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Interval value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
if (interval == 0) LogWarning("Interval value should be greater than zero");
//I wrote logic for dynamic lights animation first, so here I modify gldefs settings to fit in existing logic
if (lighttype == GldefsLightType.PULSE)
light.Interval = (int)(interval * 35); //measured in tics (35 per second) in PointLightPulse, measured in seconds in gldefs' PulseLight
else //FLICKER2. Seems like PointLightFlickerRandom to me
light.Interval = (int)(interval * 350); //0.1 is one second for FlickerLight2
ReportError("'" + token + "' is not valid property for " + lighttype);
return false;
case "secondarysize":
if (lighttype == GldefsLightType.PULSE || lighttype == GldefsLightType.FLICKER || lighttype == GldefsLightType.FLICKER2)
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (!int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out light.SecondaryRadius))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected SecondarySize value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
light.SecondaryRadius *= 2;
ReportError("'" + token + "' is not valid property for " + lighttype);
return false;
case "chance":
if (lighttype == GldefsLightType.FLICKER)
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
float chance;
if (!float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out chance))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Chance value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
// Transforming from 0.0 .. 1.0 to 0 .. 359 to fit in existing logic
light.Interval = (int)(chance * 359.0f);
ReportError("'" + token + "' is not valid property for " + lighttype);
return false;
case "scale":
if (lighttype == GldefsLightType.SECTOR)
token = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
float scale;
if (!float.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out scale))
// Not numeric!
ReportError("Expected Scale value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
if (scale > 1.0f)
ReportError("Scale must be in 0.0 - 1.0 range, but is " + scale);
return false;
//sector light doesn't have animation, so we will store it's size in Interval
//transforming from 0.0 .. 1.0 to 0 .. 10 to preserve value.
light.Interval = (int)(scale * 10.0f);
ReportError("'" + token + "' is not valid property for " + lighttype);
return false;
case "}":
bool skip = false;
// General checks
if (light.Color.Red == 0.0f && light.Color.Green == 0.0f && light.Color.Blue == 0.0f)
LogWarning("'" + lightname + "' light Color is " + light.Color.Red + "," + light.Color.Green + "," + light.Color.Blue + ". It won't be shown in GZDoom");
skip = true;
// Light-type specific checks
if (light.Type == DynamicLightType.NORMAL && light.PrimaryRadius == 0)
LogWarning("'" + lightname + "' light Size is 0. It won't be shown in GZDoom");
skip = true;
if (light.Type == DynamicLightType.FLICKER || light.Type == DynamicLightType.PULSE || light.Type == DynamicLightType.RANDOM)
if (light.PrimaryRadius == 0 && light.SecondaryRadius == 0)
LogWarning("'" + lightname + "' light Size and SecondarySize are 0. This light won't be shown in GZDoom");
skip = true;
// Add to the collection?
if (!skip) lightsbyname[lightname] = light;
// Break out of this parsing loop
return true;
// All done here
return true;
private bool ParseObject()
// Read object class
string objectclass = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectclass))
ReportError("Expected object class");
return false;
// Now find opening brace
if (!NextTokenIs("{", false))
ReportError("Expected opening brace");
return false;
int bracescount = 1;
bool foundlight = false;
bool foundframe = false;
// Read frames structure
while (SkipWhitespace(true))
string token = ReadToken();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) continue;
token = StripTokenQuotes(token).ToLowerInvariant();
if (!foundlight && !foundframe && token == "frame")
token = ReadToken().ToLowerInvariant(); // Should be frame name
// Use this frame if it's 4 characters long or it's the first frame
foundframe = (token.Length == 4 || (token.Length > 4 && token[4] == 'a'));
else if (!foundlight && foundframe && token == "light") // Just use first light and be done with it
token = ReadToken(); // Should be light name
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
if (lightsbyname.ContainsKey(token))
objects[objectclass] = token;
foundlight = true;
LogWarning("Light declaration not found for light '" + token + "'");
else if (token == "{") // Continue in this loop until object structure ends
else if (token == "}")
if (--bracescount < 1) break; // This was Cave Johnson. And we are done here.
// All done here
return true;
private bool ParseGlowingFlats()
// Next sould be opening brace
if (!NextTokenIs("{", false))
ReportError("Expected opening brace");
return false;
// Parse inner blocks
while (SkipWhitespace(true))
string token = ReadToken().ToLowerInvariant();
if (token == "}") break; // End of Glow structure
switch (token)
case "walls":
case "flats":
if (!NextTokenIs("{", false))
ReportError("Expected opening brace");
return false;
while (SkipWhitespace(true))
token = ReadToken();
if (token == "}") break;
// Add glow data
long flatnamehash = General.Map.Data.GetFullLongFlatName(Lump.MakeLongName(token, General.Map.Options.UseLongTextureNames));
glowingflats[flatnamehash] = new GlowingFlatData
Fullbright = true,
Color = new PixelColor(255, 255, 255, 255),
CalculateTextureColor = true
case "subwalls":
case "subflats":
if (!NextTokenIs("{", false))
ReportError("Expected opening brace");
return false;
while (SkipWhitespace(true))
token = ReadToken();
if (token == "}") break;
// Add glow data
long flatnamehash = General.Map.Data.GetFullLongFlatName(Lump.MakeLongName(token, General.Map.Options.UseLongTextureNames));
glowingflats[flatnamehash] = new GlowingFlatData
Fullblack = true,
Subtractive = true,
Color = new PixelColor(255, 0, 0, 0),
CalculateTextureColor = false
case "subtexture":
case "texture":
int color;
int glowheight = DEFAULT_GLOW_HEIGHT;
bool subtractivetexture = (token == "subtexture");
string texturename = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken(false));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(texturename))
ReportError("expected " + token + " name");
return false;
// Now we should find a comma
if (!NextTokenIs(",", false))
ReportError("Expected a comma");
return false;
// Next is color
token = ReadToken();
if (!int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out color))
//probably it's a color name?
Color c = Color.FromName(token); //should be similar to C++ color name detection, I suppose
if (c.IsKnownColor)
color = PixelColor.FromColor(c).ToInt();
ReportError("expected glow color value, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
// The glow data is valid at thispoint. Let's get texture hash
long texturehash = General.Map.Data.GetFullLongFlatName(Lump.MakeLongName(texturename, General.Map.Options.UseLongTextureNames));
// Now we can find a comma
if (!NextTokenIs(",", false))
// Add glow data
glowingflats[texturehash] = new GlowingFlatData
Height = glowheight * 2,
Subtractive = subtractivetexture,
Color = PixelColor.FromInt(color).WithAlpha(255),
CalculateTextureColor = false
// Can be glow height
token = ReadToken();
int h;
if (int.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out h))
// Can't pass glowheight directly cause TryParse will unconditionally set it to 0
glowheight = h;
// Now we can find a comma
if (!NextTokenIs(",", false))
// Add glow data
glowingflats[texturehash] = new GlowingFlatData
Height = glowheight * 2,
Subtractive = subtractivetexture,
Color = PixelColor.FromInt(color).WithAlpha(255),
CalculateTextureColor = false
// Read the flag
token = ReadToken().ToLowerInvariant();
// Next is "fullbright" or "fullblack" flag
bool fullbright = (token == "fullbright");
bool fullblack = (!subtractivetexture && token == "fullblack");
if (!fullblack && !fullbright)
string expectedflags = (subtractivetexture ? "'fullbright'" : "'fullbright' or 'fullblack'");
ReportError("expected " + expectedflags + " flag, but got '" + token + "'");
return false;
// Add glow data
glowingflats[texturehash] = new GlowingFlatData
Height = glowheight * 2,
Fullbright = fullbright,
Fullblack = fullblack,
Subtractive = subtractivetexture,
Color = PixelColor.FromInt(color).WithAlpha(255),
CalculateTextureColor = false
// All done here
return true;
private bool ParseSkybox()
string name = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
ReportError("Expected skybox name");
return false;
if (skyboxes.ContainsKey(name)) LogWarning("Skybox \"" + name + "\" is double-defined");
SkyboxInfo info = new SkyboxInfo(name.ToUpperInvariant());
// FlipTop / opening brace
string token = ReadToken();
if (token.ToLowerInvariant() == "fliptop")
info.FlipTop = true;
if (!NextTokenIs("{")) return false;
else if (token != "{")
ReportError("Expected opening brace or \"fliptop\" keyword");
return false;
// Read skybox texture names
while (SkipWhitespace(true))
token = ReadToken();
if (token == "}") break;
// Sanity check. Should have 3 or 6 textrues
if (info.Textures.Count != 3 && info.Textures.Count != 6)
ReportError("Expected 3 or 6 skybox textures");
return false;
// Add to collection
skyboxes[name] = info;
// All done here
return true;
private bool ParseInclude(bool clearerrors)
//INFO: GZDoom GLDEFS include paths can't be relative ("../glstuff.txt")
//or absolute ("d:/project/glstuff.txt")
//or have backward slashes ("info\glstuff.txt")
//include paths are relative to the first parsed entry, not the current one
//also include paths may or may not be quoted
string includelump = StripTokenQuotes(ReadToken(false)); // Don't skip newline
// Sanity checks
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(includelump))
ReportError("Expected file name to include");
return false;
// Check invalid path chars
if (!CheckInvalidPathChars(includelump)) return false;
// Absolute paths are not supported...
if (Path.IsPathRooted(includelump))
ReportError("Absolute include paths are not supported by GZDoom");
return false;
// Relative paths are not supported
if (includelump.StartsWith(RELATIVE_PATH_MARKER) || includelump.StartsWith(CURRENT_FOLDER_PATH_MARKER) ||
includelump.StartsWith(ALT_RELATIVE_PATH_MARKER) || includelump.StartsWith(ALT_CURRENT_FOLDER_PATH_MARKER))
ReportError("Relative include paths are not supported by GZDoom");
return false;
// Backward slashes are not supported
if (includelump.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))
ReportError("Only forward slashes are supported by GZDoom");
return false;
// Already parsed?
if (parsedlumps.Contains(includelump))
ReportError("Already parsed '" + includelump + "'. Check your #include directives");
return false;
// Add to collection
// Callback to parse this file
if (OnInclude != null) OnInclude(this, includelump, clearerrors);
// All done here
return !this.HasError;
#region ================== Methods
internal void ClearIncludesList()
protected override string GetLanguageType()
return "GLDEFS";
} |