This describes the placeholders that can be used in the command-line parameter for testing settings (for launching the sourceport). These placeholders are not case-sensitive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %F indicates the edited PWAD file to be tested. NOTE: Doom Builder writes everything to a temporary file, this is not the file that was opened through the File -> Open Map dialog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %WP indicates the IWAD resource file to be used (path included). This is the first (highest) IWAD file that is found in the resources list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %WF indicates the IWAD resource file to be used (without path). This is the first (highest) IWAD file that is found in the resources list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %L indicates the map lump name as is set in the map options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %L1 indicates the first number in the map lump name and %L2 indicates the second number in the map lump name. These can be used for the -warp parameter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %AP indicates the all resources files, except the first IWAD file (paths included). The items are seperated by spaces. When used within quotes "%AP", the quotes are also repeated for every item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %S indicates the skill number at which to test. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %NM indicates the position where to put -nomonsters when the user chooses to test without monsters.