compilers { // This defines what files a compiler uses // The setting named "program" defines what .exe to run glbsp { interface = "NodesCompiler"; program = "glBSP.exe"; } } // Below are configurations for this nodebuilder. If you want to make your own configurations, // it is recommended to do so in your own file as this file will be updated each release. // NOTE: Nodebuilder configuration key names defined here must be unique for all nodebuilders! // Recommend to start the key name with the name of the compiler, followed by underscore and a specific name. // The "compiler" setting must refer to an existing compiler (such as defined above), but it // does not have to be a compiler defined in the same configuration file. nodebuilders { glbsp_normal { title = "glBSP - Normal"; compiler = "glbsp"; parameters = "%FI -o %FO"; } glbsp_fast { title = "glBSP - Fast (no reject)"; compiler = "glbsp"; parameters = "-normal -noreject -v5 -factor 1 %FI -o %FO"; } }