What's New - Zone Builder Unofficial

Quick way to set laps

Angle UI component supports "loops", very useful for creating checkpoints in SRB2 Kart.
Dragging mouse while holding middle-button on angle component changes the number of loops.

New building tools

Perpendicular Tool, create elements perpendicular to linedefs or vertices, available in Vertices Mode, Linedefs Mode and Sectors Mode.
Parallel Tool, create elements parallel to linedefs, available in Vertices Mode, Linedefs Mode and Sectors Mode.
Draw Shapes Mode (Alt+D), it peforms the same as Draw Ellipse Mode and Insert Things Radially Mode but with added functionality.
Vertex Into Shape to create multiple shapes, available in Vertices Mode, works similar to Draw Shapes Mode.
Vertex Slope Assistant to help managing and creating vertex slopes, available in Things Mode.

Better support for SRB2 Kart

SRB2 2.2 / SRB2 Kart Sector Flat Alignment support (by MascaraSnake).
VSlope Absolute Z, Visual mode now display absolute Z Vertex Slopes properly.
Improved SRB2 Kart configs, added missing sector type "Invert Encore Remap" and linedef trigger "Encore Load" and more.