// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file LexNsis.cxx ** Lexer for NSIS **/ // Copyright 2003 - 2005 by Angelo Mandato // Last Updated: 03/13/2005 // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #include #include #include #include #include #include "Platform.h" #include "PropSet.h" #include "Accessor.h" #include "KeyWords.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "SciLexer.h" #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE using namespace Scintilla; #endif /* // located in SciLexer.h #define SCLEX_NSIS 43 #define SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT 0 #define SCE_NSIS_COMMENT 1 #define SCE_NSIS_STRINGDQ 2 #define SCE_NSIS_STRINGLQ 3 #define SCE_NSIS_STRINGRQ 4 #define SCE_NSIS_FUNCTION 5 #define SCE_NSIS_VARIABLE 6 #define SCE_NSIS_LABEL 7 #define SCE_NSIS_USERDEFINED 8 #define SCE_NSIS_SECTIONDEF 9 #define SCE_NSIS_SUBSECTIONDEF 10 #define SCE_NSIS_IFDEFINEDEF 11 #define SCE_NSIS_MACRODEF 12 #define SCE_NSIS_STRINGVAR 13 #define SCE_NSIS_NUMBER 14 // ADDED for Scintilla v1.63 #define SCE_NSIS_SECTIONGROUP 15 #define SCE_NSIS_PAGEEX 16 #define SCE_NSIS_FUNCTIONDEF 17 #define SCE_NSIS_COMMENTBOX 18 */ static bool isNsisNumber(char ch) { return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); } static bool isNsisChar(char ch) { return (ch == '.' ) || (ch == '_' ) || isNsisNumber(ch) || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'); } static bool isNsisLetter(char ch) { return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'); } static bool NsisNextLineHasElse(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, Accessor &styler) { int nNextLine = -1; for( unsigned int i = start; i < end; i++ ) { char cNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt( i ); if( cNext == '\n' ) { nNextLine = i+1; break; } } if( nNextLine == -1 ) // We never foudn the next line... return false; for( unsigned int firstChar = nNextLine; firstChar < end; firstChar++ ) { char cNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt( firstChar ); if( cNext == ' ' ) continue; if( cNext == '\t' ) continue; if( cNext == '!' ) { if( styler.Match(firstChar, "!else") ) return true; } break; } return false; } static int NsisCmp( const char *s1, const char *s2, bool bIgnoreCase ) { if( bIgnoreCase ) return CompareCaseInsensitive( s1, s2); return strcmp( s1, s2 ); } static int calculateFoldNsis(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, int foldlevel, Accessor &styler, bool bElse, bool foldUtilityCmd ) { int style = styler.StyleAt(end); // If the word is too long, it is not what we are looking for if( end - start > 20 ) return foldlevel; if( foldUtilityCmd ) { // Check the style at this point, if it is not valid, then return zero if( style != SCE_NSIS_FUNCTIONDEF && style != SCE_NSIS_SECTIONDEF && style != SCE_NSIS_SUBSECTIONDEF && style != SCE_NSIS_IFDEFINEDEF && style != SCE_NSIS_MACRODEF && style != SCE_NSIS_SECTIONGROUP && style != SCE_NSIS_PAGEEX ) return foldlevel; } else { if( style != SCE_NSIS_FUNCTIONDEF && style != SCE_NSIS_SECTIONDEF && style != SCE_NSIS_SUBSECTIONDEF && style != SCE_NSIS_SECTIONGROUP && style != SCE_NSIS_PAGEEX ) return foldlevel; } int newFoldlevel = foldlevel; bool bIgnoreCase = false; if( styler.GetPropertyInt("nsis.ignorecase") == 1 ) bIgnoreCase = true; char s[20]; // The key word we are looking for has atmost 13 characters for (unsigned int i = 0; i < end - start + 1 && i < 19; i++) { s[i] = static_cast( styler[ start + i ] ); s[i + 1] = '\0'; } if( s[0] == '!' ) { if( NsisCmp(s, "!ifndef", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "!ifdef", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "!if", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "!macro", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 ) newFoldlevel++; else if( NsisCmp(s, "!endif", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "!macroend", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 ) newFoldlevel--; else if( bElse && NsisCmp(s, "!else", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) newFoldlevel++; } else { if( NsisCmp(s, "Section", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "SectionGroup", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "Function", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "SubSection", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "PageEx", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 ) newFoldlevel++; else if( NsisCmp(s, "SectionGroupEnd", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "SubSectionEnd", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "FunctionEnd", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "SectionEnd", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "PageExEnd", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 ) newFoldlevel--; } return newFoldlevel; } static int classifyWordNsis(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, WordList *keywordLists[], Accessor &styler ) { bool bIgnoreCase = false; if( styler.GetPropertyInt("nsis.ignorecase") == 1 ) bIgnoreCase = true; bool bUserVars = false; if( styler.GetPropertyInt("nsis.uservars") == 1 ) bUserVars = true; char s[100]; WordList &Functions = *keywordLists[0]; WordList &Variables = *keywordLists[1]; WordList &Lables = *keywordLists[2]; WordList &UserDefined = *keywordLists[3]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < end - start + 1 && i < 99; i++) { if( bIgnoreCase ) s[i] = static_cast( tolower(styler[ start + i ] ) ); else s[i] = static_cast( styler[ start + i ] ); s[i + 1] = '\0'; } // Check for special words... if( NsisCmp(s, "!macro", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "!macroend", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) // Covers !micro and !microend return SCE_NSIS_MACRODEF; if( NsisCmp(s, "!ifdef", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "!ifndef", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "!endif", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) return SCE_NSIS_IFDEFINEDEF; if( NsisCmp(s, "!else", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 ) // || NsisCmp(s, "!ifndef", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "!endif", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) return SCE_NSIS_IFDEFINEDEF; if( NsisCmp(s, "!if", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 ) return SCE_NSIS_IFDEFINEDEF; if( NsisCmp(s, "SectionGroup", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "SectionGroupEnd", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) // Covers SectionGroup and SectionGroupEnd return SCE_NSIS_SECTIONGROUP; if( NsisCmp(s, "Section", bIgnoreCase ) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "SectionEnd", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) // Covers Section and SectionEnd return SCE_NSIS_SECTIONDEF; if( NsisCmp(s, "SubSection", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "SubSectionEnd", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) // Covers SubSection and SubSectionEnd return SCE_NSIS_SUBSECTIONDEF; if( NsisCmp(s, "PageEx", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "PageExEnd", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) // Covers PageEx and PageExEnd return SCE_NSIS_PAGEEX; if( NsisCmp(s, "Function", bIgnoreCase) == 0 || NsisCmp(s, "FunctionEnd", bIgnoreCase) == 0 ) // Covers Function and FunctionEnd return SCE_NSIS_FUNCTIONDEF; if ( Functions.InList(s) ) return SCE_NSIS_FUNCTION; if ( Variables.InList(s) ) return SCE_NSIS_VARIABLE; if ( Lables.InList(s) ) return SCE_NSIS_LABEL; if( UserDefined.InList(s) ) return SCE_NSIS_USERDEFINED; if( strlen(s) > 3 ) { if( s[1] == '{' && s[strlen(s)-1] == '}' ) return SCE_NSIS_VARIABLE; } // See if the variable is a user defined variable if( s[0] == '$' && bUserVars ) { bool bHasSimpleNsisChars = true; for (unsigned int j = 1; j < end - start + 1 && j < 99; j++) { if( !isNsisChar( s[j] ) ) { bHasSimpleNsisChars = false; break; } } if( bHasSimpleNsisChars ) return SCE_NSIS_VARIABLE; } // To check for numbers if( isNsisNumber( s[0] ) ) { bool bHasSimpleNsisNumber = true; for (unsigned int j = 1; j < end - start + 1 && j < 99; j++) { if( !isNsisNumber( s[j] ) ) { bHasSimpleNsisNumber = false; break; } } if( bHasSimpleNsisNumber ) return SCE_NSIS_NUMBER; } return SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; } static void ColouriseNsisDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *keywordLists[], Accessor &styler) { int state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; if( startPos > 0 ) state = styler.StyleAt(startPos-1); // Use the style from the previous line, usually default, but could be commentbox styler.StartAt( startPos ); styler.GetLine( startPos ); unsigned int nLengthDoc = startPos + length; styler.StartSegment( startPos ); char cCurrChar; bool bVarInString = false; bool bClassicVarInString = false; unsigned int i; for( i = startPos; i < nLengthDoc; i++ ) { cCurrChar = styler.SafeGetCharAt( i ); char cNextChar = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i+1); switch(state) { case SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT: if( cCurrChar == ';' || cCurrChar == '#' ) // we have a comment line { styler.ColourTo(i-1, state ); state = SCE_NSIS_COMMENT; break; } if( cCurrChar == '"' ) { styler.ColourTo(i-1, state ); state = SCE_NSIS_STRINGDQ; bVarInString = false; bClassicVarInString = false; break; } if( cCurrChar == '\'' ) { styler.ColourTo(i-1, state ); state = SCE_NSIS_STRINGRQ; bVarInString = false; bClassicVarInString = false; break; } if( cCurrChar == '`' ) { styler.ColourTo(i-1, state ); state = SCE_NSIS_STRINGLQ; bVarInString = false; bClassicVarInString = false; break; } // NSIS KeyWord,Function, Variable, UserDefined: if( cCurrChar == '$' || isNsisChar(cCurrChar) || cCurrChar == '!' ) { styler.ColourTo(i-1,state); state = SCE_NSIS_FUNCTION; // If it is a number, we must check and set style here first... if( isNsisNumber(cCurrChar) && (cNextChar == '\t' || cNextChar == ' ' || cNextChar == '\r' || cNextChar == '\n' ) ) styler.ColourTo( i, SCE_NSIS_NUMBER); break; } if( cCurrChar == '/' && cNextChar == '*' ) { styler.ColourTo(i-1,state); state = SCE_NSIS_COMMENTBOX; break; } break; case SCE_NSIS_COMMENT: if( cNextChar == '\n' || cNextChar == '\r' ) { // Special case: if( cCurrChar == '\\' ) { styler.ColourTo(i-2,state); styler.ColourTo(i,SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT); } else { styler.ColourTo(i,state); state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; } } break; case SCE_NSIS_STRINGDQ: case SCE_NSIS_STRINGLQ: case SCE_NSIS_STRINGRQ: if( styler.SafeGetCharAt(i-1) == '\\' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i-2) == '$' ) break; // Ignore the next character, even if it is a quote of some sort if( cCurrChar == '"' && state == SCE_NSIS_STRINGDQ ) { styler.ColourTo(i,state); state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; break; } if( cCurrChar == '`' && state == SCE_NSIS_STRINGLQ ) { styler.ColourTo(i,state); state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; break; } if( cCurrChar == '\'' && state == SCE_NSIS_STRINGRQ ) { styler.ColourTo(i,state); state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; break; } if( cNextChar == '\r' || cNextChar == '\n' ) { int nCurLine = styler.GetLine(i+1); int nBack = i; // We need to check if the previous line has a \ in it... bool bNextLine = false; while( nBack > 0 ) { if( styler.GetLine(nBack) != nCurLine ) break; char cTemp = styler.SafeGetCharAt(nBack, 'a'); // Letter 'a' is safe here if( cTemp == '\\' ) { bNextLine = true; break; } if( cTemp != '\r' && cTemp != '\n' && cTemp != '\t' && cTemp != ' ' ) break; nBack--; } if( bNextLine ) { styler.ColourTo(i+1,state); } if( bNextLine == false ) { styler.ColourTo(i,state); state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; } } break; case SCE_NSIS_FUNCTION: // NSIS KeyWord: if( cCurrChar == '$' ) state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; else if( cCurrChar == '\\' && (cNextChar == 'n' || cNextChar == 'r' || cNextChar == 't' ) ) state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; else if( (isNsisChar(cCurrChar) && !isNsisChar( cNextChar) && cNextChar != '}') || cCurrChar == '}' ) { state = classifyWordNsis( styler.GetStartSegment(), i, keywordLists, styler ); styler.ColourTo( i, state); state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; } else if( !isNsisChar( cCurrChar ) && cCurrChar != '{' && cCurrChar != '}' ) { if( classifyWordNsis( styler.GetStartSegment(), i-1, keywordLists, styler) == SCE_NSIS_NUMBER ) styler.ColourTo( i-1, SCE_NSIS_NUMBER ); state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; if( cCurrChar == '"' ) { state = SCE_NSIS_STRINGDQ; bVarInString = false; bClassicVarInString = false; } else if( cCurrChar == '`' ) { state = SCE_NSIS_STRINGLQ; bVarInString = false; bClassicVarInString = false; } else if( cCurrChar == '\'' ) { state = SCE_NSIS_STRINGRQ; bVarInString = false; bClassicVarInString = false; } else if( cCurrChar == '#' || cCurrChar == ';' ) { state = SCE_NSIS_COMMENT; } } break; case SCE_NSIS_COMMENTBOX: if( styler.SafeGetCharAt(i-1) == '*' && cCurrChar == '/' ) { styler.ColourTo(i,state); state = SCE_NSIS_DEFAULT; } break; } if( state == SCE_NSIS_COMMENT || state == SCE_NSIS_COMMENTBOX ) { styler.ColourTo(i,state); } else if( state == SCE_NSIS_STRINGDQ || state == SCE_NSIS_STRINGLQ || state == SCE_NSIS_STRINGRQ ) { bool bIngoreNextDollarSign = false; bool bUserVars = false; if( styler.GetPropertyInt("nsis.uservars") == 1 ) bUserVars = true; if( bVarInString && cCurrChar == '$' ) { bVarInString = false; bIngoreNextDollarSign = true; } else if( bVarInString && cCurrChar == '\\' && (cNextChar == 'n' || cNextChar == 'r' || cNextChar == 't' || cNextChar == '"' || cNextChar == '`' || cNextChar == '\'' ) ) { styler.ColourTo( i+1, SCE_NSIS_STRINGVAR); bVarInString = false; bIngoreNextDollarSign = false; } // Covers "$INSTDIR and user vars like $MYVAR" else if( bVarInString && !isNsisChar(cNextChar) ) { int nWordState = classifyWordNsis( styler.GetStartSegment(), i, keywordLists, styler); if( nWordState == SCE_NSIS_VARIABLE ) styler.ColourTo( i, SCE_NSIS_STRINGVAR); else if( bUserVars ) styler.ColourTo( i, SCE_NSIS_STRINGVAR); bVarInString = false; } // Covers "${TEST}..." else if( bClassicVarInString && cNextChar == '}' ) { styler.ColourTo( i+1, SCE_NSIS_STRINGVAR); bClassicVarInString = false; } // Start of var in string if( !bIngoreNextDollarSign && cCurrChar == '$' && cNextChar == '{' ) { styler.ColourTo( i-1, state); bClassicVarInString = true; bVarInString = false; } else if( !bIngoreNextDollarSign && cCurrChar == '$' ) { styler.ColourTo( i-1, state); bVarInString = true; bClassicVarInString = false; } } } // Colourise remaining document styler.ColourTo(nLengthDoc-1,state); } static void FoldNsisDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) { // No folding enabled, no reason to continue... if( styler.GetPropertyInt("fold") == 0 ) return; bool foldAtElse = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.at.else", 0) == 1; bool foldUtilityCmd = styler.GetPropertyInt("nsis.foldutilcmd", 1) == 1; bool blockComment = false; int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); unsigned int safeStartPos = styler.LineStart( lineCurrent ); bool bArg1 = true; int nWordStart = -1; int levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE; if (lineCurrent > 0) levelCurrent = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent-1) >> 16; int levelNext = levelCurrent; int style = styler.StyleAt(safeStartPos); if( style == SCE_NSIS_COMMENTBOX ) { if( styler.SafeGetCharAt(safeStartPos) == '/' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(safeStartPos+1) == '*' ) levelNext++; blockComment = true; } for (unsigned int i = safeStartPos; i < startPos + length; i++) { char chCurr = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i); style = styler.StyleAt(i); if( blockComment && style != SCE_NSIS_COMMENTBOX ) { levelNext--; blockComment = false; } else if( !blockComment && style == SCE_NSIS_COMMENTBOX ) { levelNext++; blockComment = true; } if( bArg1 && !blockComment) { if( nWordStart == -1 && (isNsisLetter(chCurr) || chCurr == '!') ) { nWordStart = i; } else if( isNsisLetter(chCurr) == false && nWordStart > -1 ) { int newLevel = calculateFoldNsis( nWordStart, i-1, levelNext, styler, foldAtElse, foldUtilityCmd ); if( newLevel == levelNext ) { if( foldAtElse && foldUtilityCmd ) { if( NsisNextLineHasElse(i, startPos + length, styler) ) levelNext--; } } else levelNext = newLevel; bArg1 = false; } } if( chCurr == '\n' ) { if( bArg1 && foldAtElse && foldUtilityCmd && !blockComment ) { if( NsisNextLineHasElse(i, startPos + length, styler) ) levelNext--; } // If we are on a new line... int levelUse = levelCurrent; int lev = levelUse | levelNext << 16; if (levelUse < levelNext ) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev); lineCurrent++; levelCurrent = levelNext; bArg1 = true; // New line, lets look at first argument again nWordStart = -1; } } int levelUse = levelCurrent; int lev = levelUse | levelNext << 16; if (levelUse < levelNext) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev); } static const char * const nsisWordLists[] = { "Functions", "Variables", "Lables", "UserDefined", 0, }; LexerModule lmNsis(SCLEX_NSIS, ColouriseNsisDoc, "nsis", FoldNsisDoc, nsisWordLists);