E Starts the Edit Selection Mode to move, resize, flip and/or rotate the highlighted or selected elements.
LMB Click to select or deselect. Hold and drag to make a rectangular selection. While making a rectangular selection you can hold Shift to change the additive behavior.
RMB Click once on an element or selection of elements to edit properties. Hold and drag to move the element or selection around. While dragging you can hold Shift to change the Snap-To-Grid behavior, and/or hold Control to change the Snap-To-Geometry behavior.
C Clears the selection.
Control+C Copy the current selection or highlighted element to the clipboard.
Control+X Cuts the current selection or highlighted element and places it on the clipboard.
Control+V Pastes from the clipboard as a new selection in Edit Selection Mode.
Control+W Place or move the Visual Mode camera to the mouse coordinates. Next time you go into Visual Mode, you will be at these coordinates.