/* The following declarations are based on the declarations found in the zdefs.acs and zspecial.acs files, both shipped with the acc compiler. */ region std { enum ON = 1; enum OFF = 0; enum YES = 1; enum NO = 0; enum LINE_FRONT = 0; enum LINE_BACK = 1; enum SIDE_FRONT = 0; enum SIDE_BACK = 1; enum TEXTURE_TOP = 0; enum TEXTURE_MIDDLE = 1; enum TEXTURE_BOTTOM = 2; enum TEXFLAG_TOP = 1; enum TEXFLAG_MIDDLE = 2; enum TEXFLAG_BOTTOM = 4; enum TEXFLAG_ADDOFFSET = 8; enum { GAME_SINGLE_PLAYER, GAME_NET_COOPERATIVE, GAME_NET_DEATHMATCH, GAME_TITLE_MAP }; enum CLASS_FIGHTER = 0; enum CLASS_CLERIC = 1; enum CLASS_MAGE = 2; enum { SKILL_VERY_EASY, SKILL_EASY, SKILL_NORMAL, SKILL_HARD, SKILL_VERY_HARD }; enum { BLOCK_NOTHING, BLOCK_CREATURES, BLOCK_EVERYTHING, BLOCK_RAILING, BLOCK_PLAYERS }; enum SCROLL = 0; enum CARRY = 1; enum SCROLL_AND_CARRY = 2; enum { MOD_UNKNOWN, MOD_ROCKET = 5, MOD_R_SPLASH, MOD_PLASMARIFLE, MOD_BFG_BOOM, MOD_BFG_SPLASH, MOD_CHAINSAW, MOD_SSHOTGUN, MOD_WATER, MOD_SLIME, MOD_LAVA, MOD_CRUSH, MOD_TELEFRAG, MOD_FALLING, MOD_SUICIDE, MOD_BARREL, MOD_EXIT, MOD_SPLASH, MOD_HIT, MOD_RAILGUN, MOD_ICE, MOD_DISINTEGRATE, MOD_POISON, MOD_ELECTRIC }; enum MOVIE_PLAYED = 0; enum MOVIE_PLAYED_NOVIDEO = 1; enum MOVIE_PLAYED_ABORTED = 2; enum MOVIE_FAILED = -1; enum { PROP_FROZEN, PROP_NOTARGET, PROP_INSTANTWEAPONSWITCH, PROP_FLY, PROP_TOTALLYFROZEN, PROP_INVULNERABILITY, PROP_STRENGTH, PROP_INVISIBILITY, PROP_RADIATIONSUIT, PROP_ALLMAP, PROP_INFRARED, PROP_WEAPONLEVEL2, PROP_FLIGHT, PROP_SPEED = 15, PROP_BUDDHA }; enum { INPUT_OLDBUTTONS, INPUT_BUTTONS, INPUT_PITCH, INPUT_YAW, INPUT_ROLL, INPUT_FORWARDMOVE, INPUT_SIDEMOVE, INPUT_UPMOVE }; enum { MODINPUT_OLDBUTTONS = 8, MODINPUT_BUTTONS, MODINPUT_PITCH, MODINPUT_YAW, MODINPUT_ROLL, MODINPUT_FORWARDMOVE, MODINPUT_SIDEMOVE, MODINPUT_UPMOVE }; enum BT_ATTACK = 0x1; enum BT_USE = 0x2; enum BT_JUMP = 0x4; enum BT_CROUCH = 0x8; enum BT_TURN180 = 0x10; enum BT_ALTATTACK = 0x20; enum BT_RELOAD = 0x40; enum BT_ZOOM = 0x80; enum BT_SPEED = 0x100; enum BT_STRAFE = 0x200; enum BT_MOVERIGHT = 0x400; enum BT_MOVELEFT = 0x800; enum BT_BACK = 0x1000; enum BT_FORWARD = 0x2000; enum BT_RIGHT = 0x4000; enum BT_LEFT = 0x8000; enum BT_LOOKUP = 0x10000; enum BT_LOOKDOWN = 0x20000; enum BT_MOVEUP = 0x40000; enum BT_MOVEDOWN = 0x80000; enum BT_SHOWSCORES = 0x100000; enum BT_USER1 = 0x200000; enum BT_USER2 = 0x400000; enum BT_USER3 = 0x800000; enum BT_USER4 = 0x1000000; enum { CR_UNTRANSLATED = -1, CR_BRICK, CR_TAN, CR_GRAY, CR_GREY = CR_GRAY, CR_GREEN, CR_BROWN, CR_GOLD, CR_RED, CR_BLUE, CR_ORANGE, CR_WHITE, CR_YELLOW, CR_BLACK = 12, CR_LIGHTBLUE, CR_CREAM, CR_OLIVE, CR_DARKGREEN, CR_DARKRED, CR_DARKBROWN, CR_PURPLE, CR_DARKGRAY, CR_DARKGREY = CR_DARKGRAY, CR_CYAN }; enum HUDMSG_PLAIN = 0; enum HUDMSG_FADEOUT = 1; enum HUDMSG_TYPEON = 2; enum HUDMSG_FADEINOUT = 3; enum HUDMSG_LOG = 0x80000000; enum HUDMSG_COLORSTRING = 0x40000000; enum HUDMSG_ADDBLEND = 0x20000000; enum HUDMSG_ALPHA = 0x10000000; enum HUDMSG_NOWRAP = 0x8000000; enum HUDMSG_LAYER_OVERHUD = 0x0; enum HUDMSG_LAYER_UNDERHUD = 0x1000; enum HUDMSG_LAYER_OVERMAP = 0x2000; enum HUDMSG_NOTWITH3DVIEW = 0x10000; enum HUDMSG_NOTWITHFULLMAP = 0x20000; enum HUDMSG_NOTWITHOVERLAYMAP = 0x40000; enum { MARINEWEAPON_DUMMY, MARINEWEAPON_FIST, MARINEWEAPON_BERSERKFIST, MARINEWEAPON_CHAINSAW, MARINEWEAPON_PISTOL, MARINEWEAPON_SHOTGUN, MARINEWEAPON_SUPERSHOTGUN, MARINEWEAPON_CHAINGUN, MARINEWEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER, MARINEWEAPON_PLASMARIFLE, MARINEWEAPON_RAILGUN, MARINEWEAPON_BFG }; enum { APROP_HEALTH, APROP_SPEED, APROP_DAMAGE, APROP_ALPHA, APROP_RENDERSTYLE, APROP_SEESOUND, APROP_ATTACKSOUND, APROP_PAINSOUND, APROP_DEATHSOUND, APROP_ACTIVESOUND, APROP_AMBUSH, APROP_INVULNERABLE, APROP_JUMPZ, APROP_CHASEGOAL, APROP_FRIGHTENED, APROP_GRAVITY, APROP_FRIENDLY, APROP_SPAWNHEALTH, APROP_DROPPED, APROP_NOTARGET, APROP_SPECIES, APROP_NAMETAG, APROP_SCORE, APROP_NOTRIGGER, APROP_DAMAGEFACTOR, APROP_MASTERTID, APROP_TARGETTID, APROP_TRACERTID, APROP_WATERLEVEL, APROP_SCALEX, APROP_SCALEY, APROP_DORMANT, APROP_MASS, APROP_ACCURACY, APROP_STAMINA, APROP_HEIGHT, APROP_RADIUS, APROP_REACTIONTIME, APROP_MELEERANGE, APROP_VIEWHEIGHT, APROP_ATTACKZOFFSET, APROP_STENCILCOLOR }; enum { STYLE_NONE, STYLE_NORMAL, STYLE_FUZZY, STYLE_SOULTRANS, STYLE_OPTFUZZY, STYLE_STENCIL, STYLE_ADDSTENCIL, STYLE_ADDSHADED, STYLE_TRANSLUCENT = 64, STYLE_ADD, STYLE_SHADED, STYLE_TRANSLUCENTSTENCIL, STYLE_SHADOW, STYLE_SUBTRACT }; enum { LEVELINFO_PAR_TIME, LEVELINFO_CLUSTERNUM, LEVELINFO_LEVELNUM, LEVELINFO_TOTAL_SECRETS, LEVELINFO_FOUND_SECRETS, LEVELINFO_TOTAL_ITEMS, LEVELINFO_FOUND_ITEMS, LEVELINFO_TOTAL_MONSTERS, LEVELINFO_KILLED_MONSTERS, LEVELINFO_SUCK_TIME }; enum { PLAYERINFO_TEAM, PLAYERINFO_AIMDIST, PLAYERINFO_COLOR, PLAYERINFO_GENDER, PLAYERINFO_NEVERSWITCH, PLAYERINFO_MOVEBOB, PLAYERINFO_STILLBOB, PLAYERINFO_PLAYERCLASS, PLAYERINFO_FOV, PLAYERINFO_DESIREDFOV }; enum NOT_BOTTOM = 1; enum NOT_MIDDLE = 2; enum NOT_TOP = 4; enum NOT_FLOOR = 8; enum NOT_CEILING = 16; enum DAMAGE_PLAYERS = 1; enum DAMAGE_NONPLAYERS = 2; enum DAMAGE_IN_AIR = 4; enum DAMAGE_SUBCLASSES_PROTECT = 8; enum MRF_OLDEFFECTS = 0x0; enum MRF_ADDSTAMINA = 0x1; enum MRF_FULLHEALTH = 0x2; enum MRF_UNDOBYTOMEOFPOWER = 0x4; enum MRF_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE = 0x8; enum MRF_FAILNOTELEFRAG = 0x10; enum MRF_FAILNOLAUGH = 0x20; enum MRF_WHENINVULNERABLE = 0x40; enum MRF_LOSEACTUALWEAPON = 0x80; enum MRF_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR = 0x100; enum MRF_UNDOBYDEATH = 0x200; enum MRF_UNDOBYDEATHFORCED = 0x400; enum MRF_UNDOBYDEATHSAVES = 0x800; enum { T_ROCK1 = 41, T_ROCK2, T_ROCK3, T_DIRT1, T_DIRT2, T_DIRT3, T_DIRT4, T_DIRT5, T_DIRT6, T_STAINEDGLASS1 = 54, T_STAINEDGLASS2, T_STAINEDGLASS3, T_STAINEDGLASS4, T_STAINEDGLASS5, T_STAINEDGLASS6, T_STAINEDGLASS7, T_STAINEDGLASS8, T_STAINEDGLASS9, T_STAINEDGLASS0 }; enum { T_NONE, T_SHOTGUY, T_CHAINGUY, T_BARON, T_ZOMBIE, T_IMP, T_ARACHNOTRON, T_SPIDERMASTERMIND, T_DEMON, T_SPECTRE, T_IMPFIREBALL, T_CLIP, T_SHELLS, T_CACODEMON = 19, T_REVENANT, T_BRIDGE, T_ARMORBONUS, T_STIMPACK, T_MEDKIT, T_SOULSPHERE, T_SHOTGUN = 27, T_CHAINGUN, T_ROCKETLAUNCHER, T_PLASMAGUN, T_BFG, T_CHAINSAW, T_SUPERSHOTGUN, T_PLASMABOLT = 51, T_TRACER = 53, T_GREENARMOR = 68, T_BLUEARMOR, T_CELL = 75, T_BLUEKEYCARD = 85, T_REDKEYCARD, T_YELLOWKEYCARD, T_YELLOWSKULLKEY, T_REDSKULLKEY, T_BLUESKULLKEY, T_TEMPLARGEFLAME = 98, T_STEALTHBARON = 100, T_STEALTHKNIGHT, T_STEALTHZOMBIE, T_STEALTHSHOTGUY, T_LOSTSOUL = 110, T_VILE, T_MANCUBUS, T_HELLKNIGHT, T_CYBERDEMON, T_PAINELEMENTAL, T_WOLFSS, T_STEALTHARACHNOTRON, T_STEALTHVILE, T_STEALTHCACODEMON, T_STEALTHCHAINGUY, T_STEALTHSERGEANT, T_STEALTHIMP, T_STEALTHMANCUBUS, T_STEALTHREVENANT, T_BARREL, T_CACODEMONSHOT, T_ROCKET, T_BFGSHOT, T_ARACHNOTRONPLASMA, T_BLOOD, T_PUFF, T_MEGASPHERE, T_INVULNERABILITY, T_BERSERK, T_INVISIBILITY, T_IRONFEET, T_COMPUTERMAP, T_LIGHTAMP, T_AMMOBOX, T_ROCKETAMMO, T_ROCKETBOX, T_BATTERY, T_SHELLBOX, T_BACKPACK, T_GUTS, T_BLOODPOOL, T_BLOODPOOL1, T_BLOODPOOL2, T_FLAMINGBARREL, T_BRAINS, T_SCRIPTEDMARINE, T_HEALTHBONUS, T_MANCUBUSSHOT, T_BARONBALL }; enum { T_CLINK = 1, T_MUMMYLEADER, T_BEAST, T_MUMMY, T_KNIGHT = 6, T_IMPLEADER, T_MUMMYGHOST, T_MUMMYLEADERGHOST, T_WIMPYWANDAMMO = 11, T_HEFTYWANDAMMO, T_ITEMEGG = 14, T_ITEMFLIGHT, T_ITEMTELEPORT = 18, T_WIZARD, T_IRONLICH, T_ITEMHEALTHPOTION = 23, T_ITEMHEALTHFLASH, T_ITEMHEALTHFLASK = T_ITEMHEALTHFLASH, T_ITEMHEALTHFULL, T_CROSSBOW = 27, T_BLASTER, T_PHOENIXROD, T_SKULLROD, T_MACE, T_GAUNTLETS, T_WIMPYCROSSBOWAMMO, T_HEFTYCROSSBOWAMMO, T_WIMPYMACEAMMO, T_HEFTYMACEAMMO, T_WIMPYBLASTERAMMO, T_HEFTYBLASTERAMMO, T_MORPHBLAST = 40, T_SHIELD1 = 68, T_SHIELD2, T_ITEMTIMEBOMB = 72, T_ITEMTORCH, T_BLUEKEY = 85, T_GREENKEY, T_YELLOWKEY, T_SOUND_WIND = 110, T_SOUND_WATERFALL, T_BEASTBALL = 120, T_FEATHER, T_CHICKEN, T_VOLCANOBALL, T_TINYVOLCANOBALL, T_POD, T_PODGENERATOR, T_KNIGHTAXE, T_KNIGHTBLOODAXE, T_KNIGHTGHOST, T_MUMMYHEAD = 131, T_SNAKE, T_ITEMINVULNERABILITY, T_ITEMTOME, T_ITEMINVISIBILITY, T_ITEMBAGOFHOLDING, T_ITEMALLMAP, T_SNAKEPROJECTILE, T_SNAKEPROJECTILEBIG, T_WIZARDSHOT, T_DSPARILTELEPORTDEST, T_DSPARILONSERPENT, T_DSPARILALONE, T_SERPENTFIREBALL, T_DSPARILBLUESHOT, T_DSPARILWIZARDSPAWNER, T_CROSSBOWMAINBLAST, T_CROSSBOWMINIBLAST, T_CROSSBOWPOWERBLAST, T_VOLCANO, T_POWERWANDMINIBLAST, T_POWERWANDBIGGERBLAST, T_DEATHBALL, T_NOGRAVITYMACEBALL, T_BOUNCYMACEBALL, T_HEAVYMACEBALL, T_RIPPER, T_WIMPYSKULLRODAMMO, T_HEFTYSKULLRODAMMO, T_SKULLRODBLAST, T_WIMPYPHOENIXRODAMMO, T_HEFTYPHOENIXRODAMMO, T_PHOENIXSHOT, T_IRONLICHBLUESHOT, T_WHIRLWIND, T_REDTELEGLITTER, T_BLUETELEGLITTER }; enum { T_CENTAUR = 1, T_CENTAURLEADER, T_DEMON1, T_ETTIN, T_FIREGARGOYLE, T_WATERLURKER, T_WATERLURKERLEADER, T_WRAITH, T_WRAITHBURIED, T_FIREBALL1, T_MANA1, T_MANA2, T_ITEMBOOTS, T_ITEMPORK, T_ITEMSUMMON = 16, T_ITEMTPORTOTHER, T_BISHOP = 19, T_ICEGOLEM, T_DRAGONSKINBRACERS = 22, T_ITEMBOOSTMANA = 26, T_FIGHTERAXE, T_FIGHTERHAMMER, T_FIGHTERSWORD1, T_FIGHTERSWORD2, T_FIGHTERSWORD3, T_CLERICSTAFF, T_CLERICHOLY1, T_CLERICHOLY2, T_CLERICHOLY3, T_MAGESHARDS, T_MAGESTAFF1, T_MAGESTAFF2, T_MAGESTAFF3, T_ARROW = 50, T_DART, T_POISONDART, T_RIPPERBALL, T_BLADE = 64, T_ICESHARD, T_FLAME_SMALL, T_FLAME_LARGE, T_MESHARMOR, T_FALCONSHIELD, T_PLATINUMHELM, T_AMULETOFWARDING, T_ITEMFLECHETTE, T_ITEMREPULSION = 74, T_MANA3, T_PUZZSKULL, T_PUZZGEMBIG, T_PUZZGEMRED, T_PUZZGEMGREEN1, T_PUZZGEMGREEN2, T_PUZZGEMBLUE1, T_PUZZGEMBLUE2, T_PUZZBOOK1, T_PUZZBOOK2, T_METALKEY, T_SMALLMETALKEY, T_AXEKEY, T_FIREKEY, T_EMERALDKEY, T_MACEKEY, T_SILVERKEY, T_RUSTYKEY, T_HORNKEY, T_SERPENTKEY, T_WATERDRIP, T_TEMPSMALLFLAME, T_PERMSMALLFLAME, T_PERMLARGEFLAME = 99, T_DEMON_MASH, T_DEMON2_MASH, T_ETTIN_MASH, T_CENTAUR_MASH, T_THRUSTSPIKEUP, T_THRUSTSPIKEDOWN, T_FLESH_DRIP1, T_FLESH_DRIP2, T_SPARK_DRIP }; enum ACTOR_NONE = 0x0; enum ACTOR_WORLD = 0x1; enum ACTOR_PLAYER = 0x2; enum ACTOR_BOT = 0x4; enum ACTOR_VOODOODOLL = 0x8; enum ACTOR_MONSTER = 0x10; enum ACTOR_ALIVE = 0x20; enum ACTOR_DEAD = 0x40; enum ACTOR_MISSILE = 0x80; enum ACTOR_GENERIC = 0x100; enum { SECSEQ_FLOOR = 1, SECSEQ_CEILING, SECSEQ_FULLHEIGHT, SECSEQ_INTERIOR }; enum CHAN_AUTO = 0; enum CHAN_WEAPON = 1; enum CHAN_VOICE = 2; enum CHAN_ITEM = 3; enum CHAN_BODY = 4; enum CHAN_LISTENERZ = 0x8; enum CHAN_MAYBE_LOCAL = 0x10; enum CHAN_UI = 0x20; enum CHAN_NOPAUSE = 0x40; enum ATTN_NONE = 0; enum ATTN_NORM = 1.0; enum ATTN_IDLE = 1.001; enum ATTN_STATIC = 3.0; enum { SOUND_SEE, SOUND_ATTACK, SOUND_PAIN, SOUND_DEATH, SOUND_ACTIVE, SOUND_USE, SOUND_BOUNCE, SOUND_WALLBOUNCE, SOUND_CRUSHPAIN, SOUND_HOWL }; enum SDF_ABSANGLE = 0x1; enum SDF_PERMANENT = 0x2; enum AAPTR_DEFAULT = 0x0; enum AAPTR_NULL = 0x1; enum AAPTR_TARGET = 0x2; enum AAPTR_MASTER = 0x4; enum AAPTR_TRACER = 0x8; enum AAPTR_PLAYER_GETTARGET = 0x10; enum AAPTR_PLAYER_GETCONVERSATION = 0x20; enum AAPTR_PLAYER1 = 0x40; enum AAPTR_PLAYER2 = 0x80; enum AAPTR_PLAYER3 = 0x100; enum AAPTR_PLAYER4 = 0x200; enum AAPTR_PLAYER5 = 0x400; enum AAPTR_PLAYER6 = 0x800; enum AAPTR_PLAYER7 = 0x1000; enum AAPTR_PLAYER8 = 0x2000; enum AAPTR_FRIENDPLAYER = 0x4000; enum PTROP_UNSAFETARGET = 0x1; enum PTROP_UNSAFEMASTER = 0x2; enum PTROP_NOSAFEGUARDS = PTROP_UNSAFETARGET | PTROP_UNSAFEMASTER; enum { ARMORINFO_CLASSNAME, ARMORINFO_SAVEAMOUNT, ARMORINFO_SAVEPERCENT, ARMORINFO_MAXABSORB, ARMORINFO_MAXFULLABSORB, ARMORINFO_ACTUALSAVEAMOUNT, }; enum SPAC_NONE = 0x0; enum SPAC_CROSS = 0x1; enum SPAC_USE = 0x2; enum SPAC_MCROSS = 0x4; enum SPAC_IMPACT = 0x8; enum SPAC_PUSH = 0x10; enum SPAC_PCROSS = 0x20; enum SPAC_ANYCROSS = 0x40; enum SPAC_MUSE = 0x80; enum SPAC_MPUSH = 0x100; enum SPAC_USEBACK = 0x200; enum TEAM_BLUE = 0; enum TEAM_RED = 1; enum NO_TEAM = 2; enum { TPROP_NAME, TPROP_SCORE, TPROP_ISVALID, TPROP_NUMPLAYERS, TPROP_NUMLIVEPLAYERS, TPROP_TEXTCOLOR, TPROP_PLAYERSTARTNUM, TPROP_SPREAD, TPROP_CARRIER, TPROP_ASSISTER, TPROP_FRAGCOUNT, TPROP_DEATHCOUNT, TPROP_WINCOUNT, TPROP_POINTCOUNT, TPROP_RETURNTICS, TPROP_TEAMITEM, TPROP_WINNERTHEME, TPROP_LOSERTHEME }; enum { IS_WAITINGFORPLAYERS, IS_FIRSTCOUNTDOWN, IS_INPROGRESS, IS_BOSSFIGHT, IS_WAVECOMPLETE, IS_COUNDOWN }; enum { T_GRENADE = 216, T_BFG10KSHOT, T_DARKIMPFIREBALL, T_CACOLANTERNSHOT, T_ABADDONSHOT = 221 }; enum { T_DARKIMP = 155, T_BLOODDEMON, T_SSGGUY, T_HECTEBUS, T_CACOLANTERN, T_BELPHEGOR = 215, T_ABADDON = 220 }; enum { T_PISTOL = 162, T_GRENADELAUNCHER, T_RAILGUN, T_BFG10000, T_MINIGUN = 214 }; enum { T_MAXHEALTHBONUS = 166, T_MAXARMORBONUS, T_REDARMOR }; enum { T_TURBOSPHERE = 169, T_ANTIGRAVBELT, T_TIMEFREEZER, T_INFRAGOGGLES, T_INFRATRACKER, T_TRANSLUCENCY, T_DOOMSPHERE, T_RANDOMPOWERUP }; enum { T_BLUEFLAG = 177, T_REDFLAG, T_WHITEFLAG }; enum { T_STRENGTH = 180, T_RAGE, T_DRAIN, T_SPREAD, T_RESISTANCE, T_REGENERATION, T_PROSPERITY, T_REFLECTION, T_HIGHJUMP, T_HASTE }; enum { EV_KEYDOWN = 1, EV_KEYREPEAT, EV_KEYUP, EV_CHAR, EV_MOUSEMOVE, EV_LBUTTONDOWN, EV_LBUTTONUP, EV_LBUTTONDBLCLICK, EV_MBUTTONDOWN, EV_MBUTTONUP, EV_MBUTTONDBLCLICK, EV_RBUTTONDOWN, EV_RBUTTONUP, EV_RBUTTONDBLCLICK, EV_WHEELDOWN, EV_WHEELUP }; enum GKM_SHIFT = 0x100; enum GKM_CTRL = 0x200; enum GKM_ALT = 0x400; enum GKM_LBUTTON = 0x800; enum GKM_MBUTTON = 0x1000; enum GKM_RBUTTON = 0x2000; enum { GK_PGDN = 1, GK_PGUP, GK_HOME, GK_END, GK_LEFT, GK_RIGHT, GK_ALERT, GK_BACKSPACE, GK_TAB, GK_LINEFEED, GK_DOWN = GK_LINEFEED, GK_VTAB, GK_UP = GK_VTAB, GK_FORMFEED, GK_RETURN, GK_F1, GK_F2, GK_F3, GK_F4, GK_F5, GK_F6, GK_F7, GK_F8, GK_F9, GK_F10, GK_F11, GK_F12, GK_DEL, GK_ESCAPE, GK_FREE1, GK_FREE2, GK_FREE3, GK_CESCAPE }; enum CHANGELEVEL_KEEPFACING = 0x1; enum CHANGELEVEL_RESETINVENTORY = 0x2; enum CHANGELEVEL_NOMONSTERS = 0x4; enum CHANGELEVEL_CHANGESKILL = 0x8; enum CHANGELEVEL_NOINTERMISSION = 0x10; enum CHANGELEVEL_RESETHEALTH = 0x20; enum CHANGELEVEL_PRERAISEWEAPON = 0x40; enum NO_CHANGE = 32767.0; enum SECF_SILENT = 0x1; enum SECF_NOFALLINGDAMAGE = 0x2; enum SECF_FLOORDROP = 0x4; enum SECF_NORESPAWN = 0x8; enum BLOCKF_CREATURES = 0x1; enum BLOCKF_MONSTERS = 0x2; enum BLOCKF_PLAYERS = 0x4; enum BLOCKF_FLOATERS = 0x8; enum BLOCKF_PROJECTILES = 0x10; enum BLOCKF_EVERYTHING = 0x20; enum BLOCKF_RAILING = 0x40; enum BLOCKF_USE = 0x80; enum BLOCKF_SIGHT = 0x100; enum FOGP_DENSITY = 0; enum FOGP_OUTSIDEDENSITY = 1; enum FOGP_SKYFOG = 2; enum PRINTNAME_LEVELNAME = -1; enum PRINTNAME_LEVEL = -2; enum PRINTNAME_SKILL = -3; enum CSF_NOFAKEFLOORS = 0x1; enum CSF_NOBLOCKALL = 0x2; enum FHF_NORANDOMPUFFZ = 0x1; enum { GAMESTATE_UNSPECIFIED = -1, GAMESTATE_WAITFORPLAYERS, GAMESTATE_COUNTDOWN, GAMESTATE_INPROGRESS, GAMESTATE_INRESULTSEQUENCE }; enum { GAMEEVENT_PLAYERFRAGS, GAMEEVENT_MEDALS, GAMEEVENT_CAPTURES, GAMEEVENT_TOUCHES, GAMEEVENT_RETURNS, GAMEEVENT_ROUND_STARTS, GAMEEVENT_ROUND_ENDS, GAMEEVENT_ROUND_ABORTED }; enum DB_ORDER_DESC = false; enum DB_ORDER_ASC = true; // Action specials // Tail format: = , int Polyobj_StartLine( int, int, int, int ) = 1, 0; int Polyobj_RotateLeft( int, int, int ) = 2, 1; int Polyobj_RotateRight( int, int, int ) = 3, 1; int Polyobj_Move( int, int, int, int ) = 4, 1; int Polyobj_ExplicitLine( int, int, int, int, int ) = 5, 0; int Polyobj_MoveTimes8( int, int, int, int ) = 6, 1; int Polyobj_DoorSwing( int, int, int, int ) = 7, 1; int Polyobj_DoorSlide( int, int, int, int, int ) = 8, 1; int Line_Horizon() = 9, 0; int Door_Close( int, int, int = 0 ) = 10, 1; int Door_Open( int, int, int = 0 ) = 11, 1; int Door_Raise( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 12, 1; int Door_LockedRaise( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 13, 1; int Door_Animated( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 14, 1; int Autosave() = 15, 1; int Transfer_WallLight( int, int ) = 16, 0; int Thing_Raise( int ) = 17, 1; int StartConversation( int, int = 0 ) = 18, 1; int Thing_Stop( int ) = 19, 1; int Floor_LowerByValue( int, int, int ) = 20, 1; int Floor_LowerToLowest( int, int ) = 21, 1; int Floor_LowerToNearest( int, int ) = 22, 1; int Floor_RaiseByValue( int, int, int ) = 23, 1; int Floor_RaiseToHighest( int, int ) = 24, 1; int Floor_RaiseToNearest( int, int ) = 25, 1; int Stairs_BuildDown( int, int, int, int, int ) = 26, 1; int Stairs_BuildUp( int, int, int, int, int ) = 27, 1; int Floor_RaiseAndCrush( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 28, 1; int Pillar_Build( int, int, int ) = 29, 1; int Pillar_Open( int, int, int, int ) = 30, 1; int Stairs_BuildDownSync( int, int, int, int ) = 31, 1; int Stairs_BuildUpSync( int, int, int, int ) = 32, 1; int ForceField() = 33, 1; int ClearForceField( int ) = 34, 1; int Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8( int, int, int ) = 35, 1; int Floor_LowerByValueTimes8( int, int, int ) = 36, 1; int Floor_MoveToValue( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 37, 1; int Ceiling_Waggle( int, int, int, int, int ) = 38, 1; int Teleport_ZombieChanger( int, int ) = 39, 1; int Ceiling_LowerByValue( int, int, int ) = 40, 1; int Ceiling_RaiseByValue( int, int, int ) = 41, 1; int Ceiling_CrushAndRaise( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 42, 1; int Ceiling_LowerAndCrush( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 43, 1; int Ceiling_CrushStop( int ) = 44, 1; int Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 45, 1; int Floor_CrushStop( int ) = 46, 1; int Ceiling_MoveToValue( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 47, 1; int Sector_Attach3dMidTex( int, int, int ) = 48, 0; int GlassBreak( int = 0 ) = 49, 1; int ExtraFloor_LightOnly( int, int ) = 50, 0; int Sector_SetLink( int, int, int, int ) = 51, 1; int Scroll_Wall( int, int, int, int, int ) = 52, 1; int Line_SetTextureOffset( int, int, int, int, int ) = 53, 1; int Sector_ChangeFlags( int, int, int ) = 54, 1; int Line_SetBlocking( int, int, int ) = 55, 1; int Line_SetTextureScale( int, int, int, int, int ) = 56, 1; int Sector_SetPortal( int, int, int, int, int ) = 57, 0; int Sector_CopyScroller( int, int ) = 58, 0; int Polyobj_Or_MoveToSpot( int, int, int ) = 59, 1; int Plat_PerpetualRaise( int, int, int ) = 60, 1; int Plat_Stop( int ) = 61, 1; int Plat_DownWaitUpStay( int, int, int ) = 62, 1; int Plat_DownByValue( int, int, int, int ) = 63, 1; int Plat_UpWaitDownStay( int, int, int ) = 64, 1; int Plat_UpByValue( int, int, int, int ) = 65, 1; int Floor_LowerInstant( int, int, int ) = 66, 1; int Floor_RaiseInstant( int, int, int ) = 67, 1; int Floor_MoveToValueTimes8( int, int, int, int ) = 68, 1; int Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8( int, int, int, int ) = 69, 1; int Teleport( int, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 70, 1; int Teleport_NoFog( int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 71, 1; int ThrustThing( int, int, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 72, 1; int DamageThing( int, int = 0 ) = 73, 1; int Teleport_NewMap( int, int, int = 0 ) = 74, 1; int Teleport_EndGame() = 75, 1; int TeleportOther( int, int, int ) = 76, 1; int TeleportGroup( int, int, int, int, int ) = 77, 1; int TeleportInSector( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 78, 1; int Thing_SetConversation( int, int ) = 79, 1; int Acs_Execute( int, int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 80, 1; int Acs_Suspend( int, int ) = 81, 1; int Acs_Terminate( int, int ) = 82, 1; int Acs_LockedExecute( int, int, int, int, int ) = 83, 1; int Acs_ExecuteWithResult( int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 84, 1; int Acs_LockedExecuteDoor( int, int, int, int, int ) = 85, 1; int Polyobj_MoveToSpot( int, int, int ) = 86, 1; int Polyobj_Stop( int ) = 87, 1; int Polyobj_MoveTo( int, int, int, int ) = 88, 1; int Polyobj_Or_MoveTo( int, int, int, int ) = 89, 1; int Polyobj_Or_RotateLeft( int, int, int ) = 90, 1; int Polyobj_Or_RotateRight( int, int, int ) = 91, 1; int Polyobj_Or_Move( int, int, int, int ) = 92, 1; int Polyobj_Or_MoveTimes8( int, int, int, int ) = 93, 1; int Pillar_BuildAndCrush( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 94, 1; int FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue( int, int, int ) = 95, 1; int FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue( int, int, int ) = 96, 1; int Ceiling_LowerAndCrushDist( int, int, int, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 97, 1; int Sector_SetTranslucent( int, int, int, int ) = 98, 1; int Floor_RaiseAndCrushDoom( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 99, 1; int Scroll_Texture_Left( int, int = 0 ) = 100, 0; int Scroll_Texture_Right( int, int = 0 ) = 101, 0; int Scroll_Texture_Up( int, int = 0 ) = 102, 0; int Scroll_Texture_Down( int, int = 0 ) = 103, 0; int Light_ForceLightning( int ) = 109, 1; int Light_RaiseByValue( int, int ) = 110, 1; int Light_LowerByValue( int, int ) = 111, 1; int Light_ChangeToValue( int, int ) = 112, 1; int Light_Fade( int, int, int ) = 113, 1; int Light_Glow( int, int, int, int ) = 114, 1; int Light_Flicker( int, int, int ) = 115, 1; int Light_Strobe( int, int, int, int, int ) = 116, 1; int Light_Stop( int ) = 117, 1; int Plane_Copy( int, int, int, int, int ) = 118, 0; int Thing_Damage( int, int, int = 0 ) = 119, 1; int Radius_Quake( int, int, int, int, int ) = 120, 1; int Line_SetIdentification( int, int, int, int, int ) = 121, 0; int Thing_Move( int, int, int = 0 ) = 125, 1; int Thing_SetSpecial( int, int, int, int, int ) = 127, 1; int ThrustThingZ( int, int, int, int ) = 128, 1; int UsePuzzleItem() = 129, 0; int Thing_Activate( int ) = 130, 1; int Thing_Deactivate( int ) = 131, 1; int Thing_Remove( int ) = 132, 1; int Thing_Destroy( int, int = 0 ) = 133, 1; int Thing_Projectile( int, int, int, int, int ) = 134, 1; int Thing_Spawn( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 135, 1; int Thing_ProjectileGravity( int, int, int, int, int ) = 136, 1; int Thing_SpawnNoFog( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 137, 1; int Floor_Waggle( int, int, int, int, int ) = 138, 1; int Thing_SpawnFacing( int, int, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 139, 1; int Sector_ChangeSound( int, int ) = 140, 1; int Player_SetTeam( int ) = 145, 1; int Team_Score( int, int ) = 152, 1; int Team_GivePoints( int, int, int ) = 153, 1; int Teleport_NoStop( int, int, int = 0 ) = 154, 1; int SetGlobalFogParameter( int, int ) = 157, 1; int Fs_Excute( int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 158, 1; int Sector_SetPlaneReflection( int, int, int ) = 159, 1; int Sector_Set3dFloor( int, int, int, int, int ) = 160, 0; int Sector_SetContents( int, int, int ) = 161, 0; int Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 168, 1; int Generic_Crusher2( int, int, int, int, int ) = 169, 1; int Sector_SetCeilingScale2( int, int, int ) = 170, 1; int Sector_SetFloorScale2( int, int, int ) = 171, 1; int Plat_UpNearestWaitDownStay( int, int, int ) = 172, 1; int NoiseAlert( int, int ) = 173, 1; int SendToCommunicator( int, int, int, int ) = 174, 1; int Thing_ProjectileIntercept( int, int, int, int, int ) = 175, 1; int Thing_ChangeTid( int, int ) = 176, 1; int Thing_Hate( int, int, int = 0 ) = 177, 1; int Thing_ProjectileAimed( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 178, 1; int ChangeSkill( int ) = 179, 1; int Thing_SetTranslation( int, int ) = 180, 1; int Plane_Align( int, int, int ) = 181, 0; int Line_Mirror() = 182, 0; int Line_AlignCeiling( int, int ) = 183, 1; int Line_AlignFloor( int, int ) = 184, 1; int Sector_SetRotation( int, int, int ) = 185, 1; int Sector_SetCeilingPanning( int, int, int, int, int ) = 186, 1; int Sector_SetFloorPanning( int, int, int, int, int ) = 187, 1; int Sector_SetCeilingScale( int, int, int, int, int ) = 188, 1; int Sector_SetFloorScale( int, int, int, int, int ) = 189, 1; int Static_Init( int, int, int, int ) = 190, 0; int SetPlayerProperty( int, int, int ) = 191, 1; int Ceiling_LowerToHighestFloor( int, int ) = 192, 1; int Ceiling_LowerInstant( int, int, int ) = 193, 1; int Ceiling_RaiseInstant( int, int, int ) = 194, 1; int Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStayA( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 195, 1; int Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 196, 1; int Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentA( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 197, 1; int Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8( int, int, int ) = 198, 1; int Ceiling_LowerByValueTImes8( int, int, int ) = 199, 1; int Generic_Floor( int, int, int, int, int ) = 200, 1; int Generic_Ceiling( int, int, int, int, int ) = 201, 1; int Generic_Door( int, int, int, int, int ) = 202, 1; int Generic_Lift( int, int, int, int, int ) = 203, 1; int Generic_Stairs( int, int, int, int, int ) = 204, 1; int Generic_Crusher( int, int, int, int, int ) = 205, 1; int Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 206, 1; int Plat_PerpetualRaiseLip( int, int, int, int ) = 207, 1; int TranslucentLine( int, int, int = 0 ) = 208, 1; int Transfer_Heights( int, int ) = 209, 0; int Transfer_FloorLight( int ) = 210, 0; int Transfer_CeilingLight( int ) = 211, 0; int Sector_SetColor( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 212, 1; int Sector_SetFade( int, int, int, int ) = 213, 1; int Sector_SetDamage( int, int, int ) = 214, 1; int Teleport_Line( int, int ) = 215, 1; int Sector_SetGravity( int, int, int ) = 216, 1; int Stairs_BuildUpDoom( int, int, int, int, int ) = 217, 1; int Sector_SetWind( int, int, int, int ) = 218, 1; int Sector_SetFriction( int, int ) = 219, 1; int Sector_SetCurrent( int, int, int, int ) = 220, 1; int Scroll_Texture_Both( int, int, int, int, int ) = 221, 1; int Scroll_Texture_Model( int, int ) = 222, 0; int Scroll_Floor( int, int, int, int ) = 223, 1; int Scroll_Ceiling( int, int, int, int ) = 224, 1; int Scroll_Texture_Offsets( int ) = 225, 0; int Acs_ExecuteAlways( int, int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) = 226, 1; int PointPush_SetForce( int, int, int, int ) = 227, 0; int Plat_RaiseAndStayTx0( int, int, int = 0 ) = 228, 1; int Thing_SetGoal( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 229, 1; int Plat_UpByValueStayTx( int, int, int ) = 230, 1; int Plat_ToggleCeiling( int ) = 231, 1; int Light_StrobeDoom( int, int, int ) = 232, 1; int Light_MinNeighbor( int ) = 233, 1; int Light_MaxNeighbor( int ) = 234, 1; int Floor_TransferTrigger( int ) = 235, 1; int Floor_TransferNumeric( int ) = 236, 1; int ChangeCamera( int, int, int ) = 237, 1; int Floor_RaiseToLowestCeiling( int, int ) = 238, 1; int Floor_RaiseByValueTxTy( int, int, int ) = 239, 1; int Floor_RaiseByTexture( int, int ) = 240, 1; int Floor_LowerToLowestTxTy( int, int ) = 241, 1; int Floor_LowerToHighest( int, int, int ) = 242, 1; int Exit_Normal( int ) = 243, 1; int Exit_Secret( int ) = 244, 1; int Elevator_RaiseToNearest( int, int ) = 245, 1; int Elevator_MoveToFloor( int, int ) = 246, 1; int Elevator_LowerToNearest( int, int ) = 247, 1; int HealThing( int, int = 0 ) = 248, 1; int Door_CloseWaitOpen( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 249, 1; int Floor_Donut( int, int, int ) = 250, 1; int FloorAndCeiling_LowerRaise( int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 251, 1; int Ceiling_RaiseToNearest( int, int ) = 252, 1; int Ceiling_LowerToLowest( int, int ) = 253, 1; int Ceiling_LowerToFloor( int, int ) = 254, 1; int Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStaySilA( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) = 255, 1; // Extension functions // Tail format: -= int GetLineUdmfInt( int, str ) -= 1; int GetLineUdmfFixed( int, str ) -= 2; int GetThingUdmfInt( int, str ) -= 3; int GetThingUdmfFixed( int, str ) -= 4; int GetSectorUdmfInt( int, str ) -= 5; int GetSectorUdmfFixed( int, str ) -= 6; int GetSideUdmfInt( int, bool, str ) -= 7; int GetSideUdmfFixed( int, bool, str ) -= 8; int GetActorVelX( int ) -= 9; int GetActorVelY( int ) -= 10; int GetActorVelZ( int ) -= 11; bool SetActivator( int ) -= 12; bool SetActivatorToTarget( int ) -= 13; int GetActorViewHeight( int ) -= 14; int GetChar( str, int ) -= 15; int GetAirSupply( int ) -= 16; bool SetAirSupply( int, int ) -= 17; void SetSkyScrollSpeed( int, int ) -= 18; int GetArmorType( str, int ) -= 19; int SpawnSpotForced( str, int, int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 20; int SpawnSpotFacingForced( str, int, int = 0 ) -= 21; bool CheckActorProperty( int, int, int ) -= 22; bool SetActorVelocity( int, int, int, int, bool, bool ) -= 23; void SetUserVariable( int, str, int ) -= 24; int GetUserVariable( int, str ) -= 25; void Radius_Quake2( int, int, int, int, int, str ) -= 26; bool CheckActorClass( int, str ) -= 27; void SetUserArray( int, str, int, int ) -= 28; int GetUserArray( int, str, int ) -= 29; void SoundSequenceOnActor( int, str ) -= 30; void SoundSequenceOnSector( int, str, int ) -= 31; void SoundSequenceOnPolyobj( int, str ) -= 32; int GetPolyobjX( int ) -= 33; int GetPolyobjY( int ) -= 34; bool CheckSight( int, int, int ) -= 35; int SpawnForced( str, int, int, int, int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 36; void AnnouncerSound( str, int ) -= 37; bool SetPointer( int, int, int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 38; bool Acs_NamedExecute( str, int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 39; bool Acs_NamedSuspend( str, int ) -= 40; bool Acs_NamedTerminate( str, int ) -= 41; bool Acs_NamedLockedExecute( str, int, int, int, int ) -= 42; bool Acs_NamedLockedExecuteDoor( str, int, int, int, int ) -= 43; int Acs_NamedExecuteWithResult( str, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 44; bool Acs_NamedExecuteAlways( str, int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 45; int UniqueTid( int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 46; bool IsTidUsed( int ) -= 47; int Sqrt( int ) -= 48; int FixedSqrt( int ) -= 49; int VectorLength( int, int ) -= 50; void SetHudClipRect( int, int, int, int, int = 0 ) -= 51; void SetHudWrapWidth( int ) -= 52; bool SetCVar( str, int ) -= 53; int GetUserCVar( int, str ) -= 54; bool SetUserCVar( int, str, int ) -= 55; str GetCVarString( str ) -= 56; bool SetCVarString( str, str ) -= 57; str GetUserCVarString( int, str ) -= 58; bool SetUserCVarString( int, str, str ) -= 59; void LineAttack( int, int, int, int, str, str, int, int = 0 ) -= 60; void PlaySound( int, str, int, int, bool, int ) -= 61; void StopSound( int, int ) -= 62; int Strcmp( str, str, int = 0 ) -= 63; int Stricmp( str, str, int = 0 ) -= 64; int Strcasecmp( str, str, int = 0 ) -= 64; str StrLeft( str, int ) -= 65; str StrRight( str, int ) -= 66; str StrMid( str, int, int ) -= 67; str GetActorClass( int ) -= 68; str GetWeapon() -= 69; void SoundVolume( int, int, int ) -= 70; void PlayActorSound( int, int, int = 0, int = 0.0, bool = false, int = 0.0 ) -= 71; int SpawnDecal( int, str, int = 0, int = 0.0, int = 0.0, int = 0.0 ) -= 72; bool CheckFont( str ) -= 73; int DropItem( int, str, int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 74; bool CheckFlag( int, str ) -= 75; void SetLineActivation( int, int ) -= 76; int GetLineActivation( int ) -= 77; int GetActorPowerupTics( int, str ) -= 78; void ChangeActorAngle( int, int, bool = false ) -= 79; void ChangeActorPitch( int, int, bool = false ) -= 80; int GetArmorInfo( int ) -= 81; bool ResetMap() -= 100; bool PlayerIsSpectator( int ) -= 101; int ConsolePlayerNumber() -= 102; int GetTeamProperty( int, int ) -= 103; int GetPlayerLivesLeft( int ) -= 104; bool SetPlayerLivesLeft( int, int ) -= 105; bool KickFromGame( int, str ) -= 106; int GetGamemodeState() -= 107; void SetDBEntry( str, str, int ) -= 108; int GetDBEntry( str, str ) -= 109; void SetDBEntryString( str, str, str ) -= 110; str GetDBEntryString( str, str ) -= 111; void IncrementDBEntry( str, str, int ) -= 112; bool PlayerIsLoggedIn( int ) -= 113; str GetPlayerAccountName( int ) -= 114; int SortDBEntries( str, int, int, bool ) -= 115; int CountDBResults( int ) -= 116; void FreeDBResults( int ) -= 117; str GetDBResultKeyString( int, int ) -= 118; str GetDBResultValueString( int, int ) -= 119; int GetDBResultValue( int, int ) -= 120; int GetDBEntryRank( str, str, bool ) -= 121; int RequestScriptPuke( int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) -= 122; int GetTeamScore( int ) -= 19620; void SetTeamScore( int, int ) -= 19621; // Dedicated functions // Tail format: += , void Delay( int ) += 55, 1; int Random( int, int ) += 57, 0; int ThingCount( int, int = 0 ) += 59, 0; void TagWait( int ) += 61, 1; void PolyWait( int ) += 63, 1; void ChangeFloor( int, str ) += 65, 0; void ChangeCeiling( int, str ) += 67, 0; int LineSide() += 80, 0; void ScriptWait( int ) += 81, 1; void ClearLineSpecial() += 83, 0; int PlayerCount() += 90, 0; int GameType() += 91, 0; int GameSkill() += 92, 0; int Timer() += 93, 0; void SectorSound( str, int ) += 94, 0; void AmbientSound( str, int ) += 95, 0; void SoundSequence( str ) += 96, 0; void SetLineTexture( int, int, int, str ) += 97, 0; void SetLineBlocking( int, int ) += 98, 0; void SetLineSpecial( int, int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 99, 0; void ThingSound( int, str, int ) += 100, 0; void ActivatorSound( str, int ) += 102, 0; void LocalAmbientSound( str, int ) += 103, 0; void SetLineMonsterBlocking( int, int ) += 104, 0; bool IsMultiplayer() += 118, 0; int PlayerTeam() += 119, 0; int PlayerHealth() += 120, 0; int PlayerArmorPoints() += 121, 0; int PlayerFrags() += 122, 0; int BlueCount() += 124, 0; int BlueTeamCount() += 124, 0; int RedCount() += 125, 0; int RedTeamCount() += 125, 0; int BlueScore() += 126, 0; int BlueTeamScore() += 126, 0; int RedScore() += 127, 0; int RedTeamScore() += 127, 0; bool IsOneFlagCtf() += 128, 0; int GetInvasionWave() += 129, 0; int GetInvasionState() += 130, 0; void Music_Change( str, int ) += 132, 0; void ConsoleCommand( str, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 134, 0; bool SinglePlayer() += 135, 0; int FixedMul( int, int ) += 136, 0; int FixedDiv( int, int ) += 137, 0; void SetGravity( int ) += 138, 0; void SetAirControl( int ) += 140, 0; void ClearInventory() += 142, 0; void GiveInventory( str, int ) += 143, 0; void TakeInventory( str, int ) += 145, 0; int CheckInventory( str ) += 147, 0; int Spawn( str, int, int, int, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 149, 0; int SpawnSpot( str, int, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 151, 0; void SetMusic( str, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 153, 0; void LocalSetMusic( str, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 155, 0; void SetFont( str ) += 165, 0; void SetThingSpecial( int, int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 180, 0; void FadeTo( int, int, int, int, int ) += 190, 0; void FadeRange( int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int ) += 191, 0; void CancelFade() += 192, 0; int PlayMovie( str ) += 193, 0; void SetFloorTrigger( int, int, int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 194, 0; void SetCeilingTrigger( int, int, int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) += 195, 0; int GetActorX( int ) += 196, 0; int GetActorY( int ) += 197, 0; int GetActorZ( int ) += 198, 0; int Sin( int ) += 220, 0; int Cos( int ) += 221, 0; int VectorAngle( int, int ) += 222, 0; bool CheckWeapon( str ) += 223, 0; bool SetWeapon( str ) += 224, 0; void SetMarineWeapon( int, int ) += 244, 0; void SetActorProperty( int, int, int ) += 245, 0; int GetActorProperty( int, int ) += 246, 0; int PlayerNumber() += 247, 0; int ActivatorTid() += 248, 0; void SetMarineSprite( int, str ) += 249, 0; int GetScreenWidth() += 250, 0; int GetScreenHeight() += 251, 0; void Thing_Projectile2( int, int, int, int, int, int, int ) += 252, 0; int StrLen( str ) += 253, 0; void SetHudSize( int, int, bool ) += 254, 0; int GetCvar( str ) += 255, 0; void SetResultValue( int ) += 257, 0; int GetLineRowOffset() += 258, 0; int GetActorFloorZ( int ) += 259, 0; int GetActorAngle( int ) += 260, 0; int GetSectorFloorZ( int, int, int ) += 261, 0; int GetSectorCeilingZ( int, int, int ) += 262, 0; int GetSigilPieces() += 264, 0; int GetLevelInfo( int ) += 265, 0; void ChangeSky( str, str ) += 266, 0; bool PlayerInGame( int ) += 267, 0; bool PlayerIsBot( int ) += 268, 0; void SetCameraToTexture( int, str, int ) += 269, 0; int GetAmmoCapacity( str ) += 271, 0; void SetAmmoCapacity( str, int ) += 272, 0; void SetActorAngle( int, int ) += 276, 0; void SpawnProjectile( int, str, int, int, int, int, int ) += 280, 0; int GetSectorLightLevel( int ) += 281, 0; int GetActorCeilingZ( int ) += 282, 0; bool SetActorPosition( int, int, int, int, bool ) += 283, 0; void ClearActorInventory( int ) += 284, 0; void GiveActorInventory( int, str, int ) += 285, 0; void TakeActorInventory( int, str, int ) += 286, 0; int CheckActorInventory( int, str ) += 287, 0; int ThingCountName( str, int ) += 288, 0; int SpawnSpotFacing( str, int, int = 0 ) += 289, 0; int PlayerClass( int ) += 290, 0; int GetPlayerInfo( int, int ) += 326, 0; void ChangeLevel( str, int, int, int = 0 ) += 327, 0; void SectorDamage( int, int, str, str, int ) += 328, 0; void ReplaceTextures( str, str, int = 0 ) += 329, 0; int GetActorPitch( int ) += 331, 0; void SetActorPitch( int, int ) += 332, 0; int SetActorState( int, str, bool = false ) += 334, 0; int Thing_Damage2( int, int, str ) += 335, 0; int UseInventory( str ) += 336, 0; int UseActorInventory( int, str ) += 337, 0; bool CheckActorCeilingTexture( int, str ) += 338, 0; bool CheckActorFloorTexture( int, str ) += 339, 0; int GetActorLightLevel( int ) += 340, 0; void SetMugShotState( str ) += 341, 0; int ThingCountSector( str, int, int ) += 342, 0; int ThingCountNameSector( str, int, int ) += 343, 0; int CheckPlayerCamera( int ) += 344, 0; int MorphActor( int, str = "", str = "", int = 0, int = 0, str = "", str = "" ) += 345, 0; int UnmorphActor( int, int = 0 ) += 346, 0; int GetPlayerInput( int, int ) += 347, 0; int ClassifyActor( int ) += 348, 0; // Format functions // Tail format: *= void Print( {} ) *= 86; void PrintBold( {} ) *= 101; void HudMessage( {}, int, int, int, int, int, int, int = 0.0, int = 0.0 ) *= 161; void HudMessageBold( {}, int, int, int, int, int, int, int = 0.0, int = 0.0 ) *= 162; void Log( {} ) *= 270; str StrParam( {} ) *= 352; // Internal functions // Tail format: /= void Acs_ExecuteWait( int, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0 ) /= 0; }