Game Configuration - Things Settings

General settings:

defaultthingflags (structure)
This defines what the default flags should be first the first new thing when inserted. In map formats that use numeric thing flags, the settings in this structure should be the numeric flags to set. In map formats that use named flags, the settings must be the names of the flags to set. The value of the settings is optional and is ignored by Doom Builder.

Example for numeric flags:


Example for named flags:

thingrenderstyles (structure) - GZDB only, UDMF only.
Lists the renderstyles that can be set on a thing.

	normal = "Normal";
	translucent = "Translucent";
	soultrans = "Translucent (Lost Soul)";
	translucentstencil = "Translucent (stencil)";
	add = "Additive";
	subtract = "Subtractive";
	stencil = "Stencil";
	fuzzy = "Fuzzy";
	optfuzzy = "Fuzzy/Shadow (uses r_drawfuzz CVAR)";
	none = "None";

Thing Category definitions:
These settings can be used inside of thing category definitions.
Info: thing categories can be nested in GZDB.

sorted (integer) [0 .. 1]
When set to 1, items in this category will be sorted by title.

Thing and Thing Category definitions:
These settings can be used inside of both thing category and thing definitions.

color (integer) [0 .. 19]
Sets the color used by things in this category.
Possible values are:

arrow (integer) [0 .. 1]
When set to 1, thing angle will be shown as an arrow in Classic and Visual modes.

renderstyle (string)
Sets the renderstyle of this category or thing. See
Default value is "Normal".

alpha (decimal) [0.0f .. 1.0f]
Sets alpha of this category or thing.
Default value is "1.0f".

title (string)
Sets the title of this category or thing.

sprite (string)
Sets the sprite graphic to use when rendering this thing or things in this category. This should be fully qualified sprite name without file extension, like "CPOSA2".
You can also use images from the"Sprites" directory by prefixing an image name without extension with "internal:", like so: "internal:Actor".

width (integer)
Sets the width to use when rendering things in Classic and Visual modes.
Default value is 10.

height (integer)
Sets the height to use when rendering things in Classic and Visual modes.
Default value is 20.

hangs (integer) [0 .. 1]
When set to 1, the thing will be aligned to ceiling instead of floor in Visual mode.

blocking (integer) [0 .. 2]
Sets thing blocking mode. This value is used when checking for stuck things.
Possible values are:

error (integer) [0 .. 2]
Sets the stuck things error checking mode to use on this thing.
Possible values are: Default value is 1.

fixedsize (boolean)
When set to true, thing will be rendered as sizeless in Classic and Visual modes.

fixedrotation (boolean) - GZDB only.
When set to true, thing's angle won't be changed when rotating things using Edit Selection mode.

absolutez (boolean)
When set to true, thing's vertical position will be used as an absolute value instead of distance from floor/ceiling in Visual mode.

spritescale (decimal)
Can be used to modify the rendered sprite scale in Visual mode.
Default value is "1.0f".

Thing definitions:
These settings can be used inside of thing definitions.

locksprite (boolean) - GZDB only.
When set to true, the sprite set in the Game Configuration will be used even if a DECORATE actor definition of this thing contains a different sprite.

class (string) - GZDB only.
Sets DECORATE class name, which corresponds to this thing. Used internally to attach models and dynamic lights to given thing and when looking for an actor class to inherit from in DECORATE parser.
    title = "Imp";
    sprite = "TROOA2A8";
    class = "DoomImp";

Thing argument definitions:
See Action Argument Settings.