// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file LexTADS3.cxx ** Lexer for TADS3. **/ // Copyright 1998-2006 by Neil Hodgson // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. /* * TADS3 is a language designed by Michael J. Roberts for the writing of text * based games. TADS comes from Text Adventure Development System. It has good * support for the processing and outputting of formatted text and much of a * TADS program listing consists of strings. * * TADS has two types of strings, those enclosed in single quotes (') and those * enclosed in double quotes ("). These strings have different symantics and * can be given different highlighting if desired. * * There can be embedded within both types of strings html tags * ( ), library directives ( <.directive> ), and message * parameters ( {The doctor's/his} ). * * Double quoted strings can also contain interpolated expressions * ( << rug.moved ? ' and a hole in the floor. ' : nil >> ). These expressions * may themselves contain single or double quoted strings, although the double * quoted strings may not contain interpolated expressions. * * These embedded constructs influence the output and formatting and are an * important part of a program and require highlighting. * * LINKS * http://www.tads.org/ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Platform.h" #include "PropSet.h" #include "Accessor.h" #include "StyleContext.h" #include "KeyWords.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "SciLexer.h" #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE using namespace Scintilla; #endif static const int T3_SINGLE_QUOTE = 1; static const int T3_INT_EXPRESSION = 2; static const int T3_INT_EXPRESSION_IN_TAG = 4; static const int T3_HTML_SQUOTE = 8; static inline bool IsEOL(const int ch, const int chNext) { return (ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n'); } /* * Test the current character to see if it's the START of an EOL sequence; * if so, skip ahead to the last character of the sequence and return true, * and if not just return false. There are a few places where we want to * check to see if a newline sequence occurs at a particular point, but * where a caller expects a subroutine to stop only upon reaching the END * of a newline sequence (in particular, CR-LF on Windows). That's why * IsEOL() above only returns true on CR if the CR isn't followed by an LF * - it doesn't want to admit that there's a newline until reaching the END * of the sequence. We meet both needs by saying that there's a newline * when we see the CR in a CR-LF, but skipping the CR before returning so * that the caller's caller will see that we've stopped at the LF. */ static inline bool IsEOLSkip(StyleContext &sc) { /* test for CR-LF */ if (sc.ch == '\r' && sc.chNext == '\n') { /* got CR-LF - skip the CR and indicate that we're at a newline */ sc.Forward(); return true; } /* * in other cases, we have at most a 1-character newline, so do the * normal IsEOL test */ return IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext); } static inline bool IsASpaceOrTab(const int ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'; } static inline bool IsATADS3Operator(const int ch) { return ch == '=' || ch == '{' || ch == '}' || ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == ',' || ch == ':' || ch == ';' || ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '%' || ch == '?' || ch == '!' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '|' || ch == '@' || ch == '&' || ch == '~'; } static inline bool IsAWordChar(const int ch) { return isalnum(ch) || ch == '_'; } static inline bool IsAWordStart(const int ch) { return isalpha(ch) || ch == '_'; } static inline bool IsAHexDigit(const int ch) { int lch = tolower(ch); return isdigit(lch) || lch == 'a' || lch == 'b' || lch == 'c' || lch == 'd' || lch == 'e' || lch == 'f'; } static inline bool IsAnHTMLChar(int ch) { return isalnum(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '_' || ch == '.'; } static inline bool IsADirectiveChar(int ch) { return isalnum(ch) || isspace(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '/'; } static inline bool IsANumberStart(StyleContext &sc) { return isdigit(sc.ch) || (!isdigit(sc.chPrev) && sc.ch == '.' && isdigit(sc.chNext)); } inline static void ColouriseTADS3Operator(StyleContext &sc) { int initState = sc.state; int c = sc.ch; sc.SetState(c == '{' || c == '}' ? SCE_T3_BRACE : SCE_T3_OPERATOR); sc.ForwardSetState(initState); } static void ColouriseTADSHTMLString(StyleContext &sc, int &lineState) { int endState = sc.state; int chQuote = sc.ch; int chString = (lineState & T3_SINGLE_QUOTE) ? '\'' : '"'; if (endState == SCE_T3_HTML_STRING) { if (lineState&T3_SINGLE_QUOTE) { endState = SCE_T3_S_STRING; chString = '\''; } else if (lineState&T3_INT_EXPRESSION) { endState = SCE_T3_X_STRING; chString = '"'; } else { endState = SCE_T3_HTML_DEFAULT; chString = '"'; } chQuote = (lineState & T3_HTML_SQUOTE) ? '\'' : '"'; } else { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_HTML_STRING); sc.Forward(); } if (chQuote == '"') lineState &= ~T3_HTML_SQUOTE; else lineState |= T3_HTML_SQUOTE; while (sc.More()) { if (IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext)) { return; } if (sc.ch == chQuote) { sc.ForwardSetState(endState); return; } if (sc.Match('\\', static_cast(chQuote))) { sc.Forward(2); sc.SetState(endState); return; } if (sc.ch == chString) { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_DEFAULT); return; } if (sc.Match('<', '<')) { lineState |= T3_INT_EXPRESSION | T3_INT_EXPRESSION_IN_TAG; sc.SetState(SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT); sc.Forward(2); return; } if (sc.Match('\\', static_cast(chQuote)) || sc.Match('\\', static_cast(chString)) || sc.Match('\\', '\\')) { sc.Forward(2); } else { sc.Forward(); } } } static void ColouriseTADS3HTMLTagStart(StyleContext &sc) { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_HTML_TAG); sc.Forward(); if (sc.ch == '/') { sc.Forward(); } while (IsAnHTMLChar(sc.ch)) { sc.Forward(); } } static void ColouriseTADS3HTMLTag(StyleContext &sc, int &lineState) { int endState = sc.state; int chQuote = '"'; int chString = '\''; switch (endState) { case SCE_T3_S_STRING: ColouriseTADS3HTMLTagStart(sc); sc.SetState(SCE_T3_HTML_DEFAULT); chQuote = '\''; chString = '"'; break; case SCE_T3_D_STRING: case SCE_T3_X_STRING: ColouriseTADS3HTMLTagStart(sc); sc.SetState(SCE_T3_HTML_DEFAULT); break; case SCE_T3_HTML_DEFAULT: if (lineState&T3_SINGLE_QUOTE) { endState = SCE_T3_S_STRING; chQuote = '\''; chString = '"'; } else if (lineState&T3_INT_EXPRESSION) { endState = SCE_T3_X_STRING; } else { endState = SCE_T3_D_STRING; } break; } while (sc.More()) { if (IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext)) { return; } if (sc.Match('/', '>')) { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_HTML_TAG); sc.Forward(2); sc.SetState(endState); return; } if (sc.ch == '>') { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_HTML_TAG); sc.ForwardSetState(endState); return; } if (sc.ch == chQuote) { sc.SetState(endState); return; } if (sc.Match('\\', static_cast(chQuote))) { sc.Forward(); ColouriseTADSHTMLString(sc, lineState); if (sc.state == SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT) break; } else if (sc.ch == chString) { ColouriseTADSHTMLString(sc, lineState); } else if (sc.ch == '=') { ColouriseTADS3Operator(sc); } else { sc.Forward(); } } } static void ColouriseTADS3Keyword(StyleContext &sc, WordList *keywordlists[], unsigned int endPos) { char s[250]; WordList &keywords = *keywordlists[0]; WordList &userwords1 = *keywordlists[1]; WordList &userwords2 = *keywordlists[2]; WordList &userwords3 = *keywordlists[3]; int initState = sc.state; sc.SetState(SCE_T3_IDENTIFIER); while (sc.More() && (IsAWordChar(sc.ch))) { sc.Forward(); } sc.GetCurrent(s, sizeof(s)); if ( strcmp(s, "is") == 0 || strcmp(s, "not") == 0) { // have to find if "in" is next int n = 1; while (n + sc.currentPos < endPos && IsASpaceOrTab(sc.GetRelative(n))) n++; if (sc.GetRelative(n) == 'i' && sc.GetRelative(n+1) == 'n') { sc.Forward(n+2); sc.ChangeState(SCE_T3_KEYWORD); } } else if (keywords.InList(s)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_T3_KEYWORD); } else if (userwords3.InList(s)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_T3_USER3); } else if (userwords2.InList(s)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_T3_USER2); } else if (userwords1.InList(s)) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_T3_USER1); } sc.SetState(initState); } static void ColouriseTADS3MsgParam(StyleContext &sc, int &lineState) { int endState = sc.state; int chQuote = '"'; switch (endState) { case SCE_T3_S_STRING: sc.SetState(SCE_T3_MSG_PARAM); sc.Forward(); chQuote = '\''; break; case SCE_T3_D_STRING: case SCE_T3_X_STRING: sc.SetState(SCE_T3_MSG_PARAM); sc.Forward(); break; case SCE_T3_MSG_PARAM: if (lineState&T3_SINGLE_QUOTE) { endState = SCE_T3_S_STRING; chQuote = '\''; } else if (lineState&T3_INT_EXPRESSION) { endState = SCE_T3_X_STRING; } else { endState = SCE_T3_D_STRING; } break; } while (sc.More() && sc.ch != '}' && sc.ch != chQuote) { if (IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext)) { return; } if (sc.ch == '\\') { sc.Forward(); } sc.Forward(); } if (sc.ch == chQuote) { sc.SetState(endState); } else { sc.ForwardSetState(endState); } } static void ColouriseTADS3LibDirective(StyleContext &sc, int &lineState) { int initState = sc.state; int chQuote = '"'; switch (initState) { case SCE_T3_S_STRING: sc.SetState(SCE_T3_LIB_DIRECTIVE); sc.Forward(2); chQuote = '\''; break; case SCE_T3_D_STRING: sc.SetState(SCE_T3_LIB_DIRECTIVE); sc.Forward(2); break; case SCE_T3_LIB_DIRECTIVE: if (lineState&T3_SINGLE_QUOTE) { initState = SCE_T3_S_STRING; chQuote = '\''; } else { initState = SCE_T3_D_STRING; } break; } while (sc.More() && IsADirectiveChar(sc.ch)) { if (IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext)) { return; } sc.Forward(); }; if (sc.ch == '>' || !sc.More()) { sc.ForwardSetState(initState); } else if (sc.ch == chQuote) { sc.SetState(initState); } else { sc.ChangeState(initState); sc.Forward(); } } static void ColouriseTADS3String(StyleContext &sc, int &lineState) { int chQuote = sc.ch; int endState = sc.state; switch (sc.state) { case SCE_T3_DEFAULT: case SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT: if (chQuote == '"') { if (sc.state == SCE_T3_DEFAULT) { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_D_STRING); } else { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_X_STRING); } lineState &= ~T3_SINGLE_QUOTE; } else { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_S_STRING); lineState |= T3_SINGLE_QUOTE; } sc.Forward(); break; case SCE_T3_S_STRING: chQuote = '\''; endState = lineState&T3_INT_EXPRESSION ? SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT : SCE_T3_DEFAULT; break; case SCE_T3_D_STRING: chQuote = '"'; endState = SCE_T3_DEFAULT; break; case SCE_T3_X_STRING: chQuote = '"'; endState = SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT; break; } while (sc.More()) { if (IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext)) { return; } if (sc.ch == chQuote) { sc.ForwardSetState(endState); return; } if (sc.state == SCE_T3_D_STRING && sc.Match('<', '<')) { lineState |= T3_INT_EXPRESSION; sc.SetState(SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT); sc.Forward(2); return; } if (sc.Match('\\', static_cast(chQuote)) || sc.Match('\\', '\\')) { sc.Forward(2); } else if (sc.ch == '{') { ColouriseTADS3MsgParam(sc, lineState); } else if (sc.Match('<', '.')) { ColouriseTADS3LibDirective(sc, lineState); } else if (sc.ch == '<') { ColouriseTADS3HTMLTag(sc, lineState); if (sc.state == SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT) return; } else { sc.Forward(); } } } static void ColouriseTADS3Comment(StyleContext &sc, int endState) { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_BLOCK_COMMENT); while (sc.More()) { if (IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext)) { return; } if (sc.Match('*', '/')) { sc.Forward(2); sc.SetState(endState); return; } sc.Forward(); } } static void ColouriseToEndOfLine(StyleContext &sc, int initState, int endState) { sc.SetState(initState); while (sc.More()) { if (sc.ch == '\\') { sc.Forward(); if (IsEOLSkip(sc)) { return; } } if (IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext)) { sc.SetState(endState); return; } sc.Forward(); } } static void ColouriseTADS3Number(StyleContext &sc) { int endState = sc.state; bool inHexNumber = false; bool seenE = false; bool seenDot = sc.ch == '.'; sc.SetState(SCE_T3_NUMBER); if (sc.More()) { sc.Forward(); } if (sc.chPrev == '0' && tolower(sc.ch) == 'x') { inHexNumber = true; sc.Forward(); } while (sc.More()) { if (inHexNumber) { if (!IsAHexDigit(sc.ch)) { break; } } else if (!isdigit(sc.ch)) { if (!seenE && tolower(sc.ch) == 'e') { seenE = true; seenDot = true; if (sc.chNext == '+' || sc.chNext == '-') { sc.Forward(); } } else if (!seenDot && sc.ch == '.') { seenDot = true; } else { break; } } sc.Forward(); } sc.SetState(endState); } static void ColouriseTADS3Doc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler) { int visibleChars = 0; int bracketLevel = 0; int lineState = 0; unsigned int endPos = startPos + length; int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); if (lineCurrent > 0) { lineState = styler.GetLineState(lineCurrent-1); } StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler); while (sc.More()) { if (IsEOL(sc.ch, sc.chNext)) { styler.SetLineState(lineCurrent, lineState); lineCurrent++; visibleChars = 0; sc.Forward(); if (sc.ch == '\n') { sc.Forward(); } } switch(sc.state) { case SCE_T3_PREPROCESSOR: case SCE_T3_LINE_COMMENT: ColouriseToEndOfLine(sc, sc.state, lineState&T3_INT_EXPRESSION ? SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT : SCE_T3_DEFAULT); break; case SCE_T3_S_STRING: case SCE_T3_D_STRING: case SCE_T3_X_STRING: ColouriseTADS3String(sc, lineState); visibleChars++; break; case SCE_T3_MSG_PARAM: ColouriseTADS3MsgParam(sc, lineState); break; case SCE_T3_LIB_DIRECTIVE: ColouriseTADS3LibDirective(sc, lineState); break; case SCE_T3_HTML_DEFAULT: ColouriseTADS3HTMLTag(sc, lineState); break; case SCE_T3_HTML_STRING: ColouriseTADSHTMLString(sc, lineState); break; case SCE_T3_BLOCK_COMMENT: ColouriseTADS3Comment(sc, lineState&T3_INT_EXPRESSION ? SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT : SCE_T3_DEFAULT); break; case SCE_T3_DEFAULT: case SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT: if (IsASpaceOrTab(sc.ch)) { sc.Forward(); } else if (sc.ch == '#' && visibleChars == 0) { ColouriseToEndOfLine(sc, SCE_T3_PREPROCESSOR, sc.state); } else if (sc.Match('/', '*')) { ColouriseTADS3Comment(sc, sc.state); visibleChars++; } else if (sc.Match('/', '/')) { ColouriseToEndOfLine(sc, SCE_T3_LINE_COMMENT, sc.state); } else if (sc.ch == '"') { bracketLevel = 0; ColouriseTADS3String(sc, lineState); visibleChars++; } else if (sc.ch == '\'') { ColouriseTADS3String(sc, lineState); visibleChars++; } else if (sc.state == SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT && bracketLevel == 0 && sc.Match('>', '>')) { sc.Forward(2); sc.SetState(SCE_T3_D_STRING); if (lineState & T3_INT_EXPRESSION_IN_TAG) sc.SetState(SCE_T3_HTML_STRING); lineState &= ~(T3_SINGLE_QUOTE|T3_INT_EXPRESSION |T3_INT_EXPRESSION_IN_TAG); } else if (IsATADS3Operator(sc.ch)) { if (sc.state == SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT) { if (sc.ch == '(') { bracketLevel++; } else if (sc.ch == ')' && bracketLevel > 0) { bracketLevel--; } } ColouriseTADS3Operator(sc); visibleChars++; } else if (IsANumberStart(sc)) { ColouriseTADS3Number(sc); visibleChars++; } else if (IsAWordStart(sc.ch)) { ColouriseTADS3Keyword(sc, keywordlists, endPos); visibleChars++; } else if (sc.Match("...")) { sc.SetState(SCE_T3_IDENTIFIER); sc.Forward(3); sc.SetState(SCE_T3_DEFAULT); } else { sc.Forward(); visibleChars++; } break; default: sc.SetState(SCE_T3_DEFAULT); sc.Forward(); } } sc.Complete(); } /* TADS3 has two styles of top level block (TLB). Eg // default style silverKey : Key 'small silver key' 'small silver key' "A small key glints in the sunlight. " ; and silverKey : Key { 'small silver key' 'small silver key' "A small key glints in the sunlight. " } Some constructs mandate one or the other, but usually the author has may choose either. T3_SEENSTART is used to indicate that a braceless TLB has been (potentially) seen and is also used to match the closing ';' of the default style. T3_EXPECTINGIDENTIFIER and T3_EXPECTINGPUNCTUATION are used to keep track of what characters may be seen without incrementing the block level. The general pattern is identifier identifier, acceptable punctuation characters are ':', ',', '(' and ')'. No attempt is made to ensure that punctuation characters are syntactically correct, eg parentheses match. A ')' always signifies the start of a block. We just need to check if it is followed by a '{', in which case we let the brace handling code handle the folding level. expectingIdentifier == false && expectingIdentifier == false Before the start of a TLB. expectingIdentifier == true && expectingIdentifier == true Currently in an identifier. Will accept identifier or punctuation. expectingIdentifier == true && expectingIdentifier == false Just seen a punctuation character & now waiting for an identifier to start. expectingIdentifier == false && expectingIdentifier == truee We were in an identifier and have seen space. Now waiting to see a punctuation character Space, comments & preprocessor directives are always acceptable and are equivalent. */ static const int T3_SEENSTART = 1 << 12; static const int T3_EXPECTINGIDENTIFIER = 1 << 13; static const int T3_EXPECTINGPUNCTUATION = 1 << 14; static inline bool IsStringTransition(int s1, int s2) { return s1 != s2 && (s1 == SCE_T3_S_STRING || s1 == SCE_T3_X_STRING || s1 == SCE_T3_D_STRING && s2 != SCE_T3_X_DEFAULT) && s2 != SCE_T3_LIB_DIRECTIVE && s2 != SCE_T3_MSG_PARAM && s2 != SCE_T3_HTML_TAG && s2 != SCE_T3_HTML_STRING; } static inline bool IsATADS3Punctuation(const int ch) { return ch == ':' || ch == ',' || ch == '(' || ch == ')'; } static inline bool IsAnIdentifier(const int style) { return style == SCE_T3_IDENTIFIER || style == SCE_T3_USER1 || style == SCE_T3_USER2 || style == SCE_T3_USER3; } static inline bool IsAnOperator(const int style) { return style == SCE_T3_OPERATOR || SCE_T3_BRACE; } static inline bool IsSpaceEquivalent(const int ch, const int style) { return isspace(ch) || style == SCE_T3_BLOCK_COMMENT || style == SCE_T3_LINE_COMMENT || style == SCE_T3_PREPROCESSOR; } static char peekAhead(unsigned int startPos, unsigned int endPos, Accessor &styler) { for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) { int style = styler.StyleAt(i); char ch = styler[i]; if (!IsSpaceEquivalent(ch, style)) { if (IsAnIdentifier(style)) { return 'a'; } if (IsATADS3Punctuation(ch)) { return ':'; } if (ch == '{') { return '{'; } return '*'; } } return ' '; } static void FoldTADS3Doc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) { unsigned int endPos = startPos + length; int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); int levelCurrent = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE; if (lineCurrent > 0) levelCurrent = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent-1) >> 16; int seenStart = levelCurrent & T3_SEENSTART; int expectingIdentifier = levelCurrent & T3_EXPECTINGIDENTIFIER; int expectingPunctuation = levelCurrent & T3_EXPECTINGPUNCTUATION; levelCurrent &= SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK; int levelMinCurrent = levelCurrent; int levelNext = levelCurrent; char chNext = styler[startPos]; int styleNext = styler.StyleAt(startPos); int style = initStyle; char ch = chNext; int stylePrev = style; bool redo = false; for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) { if (redo) { redo = false; i--; } else { ch = chNext; chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1); stylePrev = style; style = styleNext; styleNext = styler.StyleAt(i + 1); } bool atEOL = IsEOL(ch, chNext); if (levelNext == SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) { if (IsSpaceEquivalent(ch, style)) { if (expectingPunctuation) { expectingIdentifier = 0; } if (style == SCE_T3_BLOCK_COMMENT) { levelNext++; } } else if (ch == '{') { levelNext++; seenStart = 0; } else if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"' || ch == '[') { levelNext++; if (seenStart) { redo = true; } } else if (ch == ';') { seenStart = 0; expectingIdentifier = 0; expectingPunctuation = 0; } else if (expectingIdentifier && expectingPunctuation) { if (IsATADS3Punctuation(ch)) { if (ch == ')' && peekAhead(i+1, endPos, styler) != '{') { levelNext++; } else { expectingPunctuation = 0; } } else if (!IsAnIdentifier(style)) { levelNext++; } } else if (expectingIdentifier && !expectingPunctuation) { if (!IsAnIdentifier(style)) { levelNext++; } else { expectingPunctuation = T3_EXPECTINGPUNCTUATION; } } else if (!expectingIdentifier && expectingPunctuation) { if (!IsATADS3Punctuation(ch)) { levelNext++; } else { if (ch == ')' && peekAhead(i+1, endPos, styler) != '{') { levelNext++; } else { expectingIdentifier = T3_EXPECTINGIDENTIFIER; expectingPunctuation = 0; } } } else if (!expectingIdentifier && !expectingPunctuation) { if (IsAnIdentifier(style)) { seenStart = T3_SEENSTART; expectingIdentifier = T3_EXPECTINGIDENTIFIER; expectingPunctuation = T3_EXPECTINGPUNCTUATION; } } if (levelNext != SC_FOLDLEVELBASE && style != SCE_T3_BLOCK_COMMENT) { expectingIdentifier = 0; expectingPunctuation = 0; } } else if (levelNext == SC_FOLDLEVELBASE+1 && seenStart && ch == ';' && IsAnOperator(style)) { levelNext--; seenStart = 0; } else if (style == SCE_T3_BLOCK_COMMENT) { if (stylePrev != SCE_T3_BLOCK_COMMENT) { levelNext++; } else if (styleNext != SCE_T3_BLOCK_COMMENT && !atEOL) { // Comments don't end at end of line and the next character may be unstyled. levelNext--; } } else if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') { if (IsStringTransition(style, stylePrev)) { if (levelMinCurrent > levelNext) { levelMinCurrent = levelNext; } levelNext++; } else if (IsStringTransition(style, styleNext)) { levelNext--; } } else if (IsAnOperator(style)) { if (ch == '{' || ch == '[') { // Measure the minimum before a '{' to allow // folding on "} else {" if (levelMinCurrent > levelNext) { levelMinCurrent = levelNext; } levelNext++; } else if (ch == '}' || ch == ']') { levelNext--; } } if (atEOL) { if (seenStart && levelNext == SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) { switch (peekAhead(i+1, endPos, styler)) { case ' ': case '{': break; case '*': levelNext++; break; case 'a': if (expectingPunctuation) { levelNext++; } break; case ':': if (expectingIdentifier) { levelNext++; } break; } if (levelNext != SC_FOLDLEVELBASE) { expectingIdentifier = 0; expectingPunctuation = 0; } } int lev = levelMinCurrent | (levelNext | expectingIdentifier | expectingPunctuation | seenStart) << 16; if (levelMinCurrent < levelNext) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) { styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev); } lineCurrent++; levelCurrent = levelNext; levelMinCurrent = levelCurrent; } } } static const char * const tads3WordList[] = { "TADS3 Keywords", "User defined 1", "User defined 2", "User defined 3", 0 }; LexerModule lmTADS3(SCLEX_TADS3, ColouriseTADS3Doc, "tads3", FoldTADS3Doc, tads3WordList);