Changed, internal: made TextLabel and IRenderer2D public properties compatible with DB2 implementation.
Fixed some more cases when sidedefs belonging to linedefs, which were moved on top of existing linedefs, were incorrectly reassigned when applying Edit Selection and Drag Geometry modes.
Fixed, Map Analysis mode: error checks must be updated after switching map format.
Currently this will work as intended only if the selection ends up either completely inside a single sector or completely outside of any sector. Also this logic won't be applied if the selection contains the lines with only start or end vertex selected.
Internal: some TextLabel refactoring.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases not all sidedef geometry was updated when updating sectors with Plane Align (181) action. Also fixed some more unnecessary geometry updates.
Fixed, Linedefs mode, Things mode: in some cases deleting linedefs/things caused a crash when trying to update text labels.
Fixed, Draw Lines mode: in some cases the drawing was prematurely finished when "Auto-finish drawing" option was enabled.
Fixed: CVARINFO parser was unable to parse negative int/float values.
Fixed: in some cases TextLabel text size was checked before it was calculated.
Internal, Visual mode: reduced the number of unnecessary geometry updates when changing map geometry.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (atan2 and VectorAngle).
Fixed, Script Editor: fixed infinite loop when trying to search for empty string.
Changed, Linedefs mode: selection labels are now positioned in a less line angle obscuring way.
Changed, Draw Lines mode: text label background alpha didn't match the alpha of the labels used in other classic modes.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (SetMusicVolume).
Updated ZDoom ACC (SetMusicVolume).
Fixed, Things mode: in some cases selection labels were not updated after editing a thing.
Fixed, Things mode: selection labels were positioned incorrectly on things with FixedSize setting.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed a crash when selecting self-referencing sector when selection labels were enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Auto-align texture actions were not working when "use long texture names" Map Options setting was enabled.
Fixed, MD2/MD3 loader: available animation frames upper bound check was performed incorrectly, which would cause a crash in some very special cases.
Fixed, Game configurations: most Hexen/ZDoom teleport actions use TeleportDests as teleport targets, not MapSpots.
Added, Linedefs mode, Things mode: sector tags can now be displayed and can be toggled using the "View Sector Tags" mode toolbar button.
Fixed, Classic modes, DB2 bug: in some cases text label size was queried before it was calculated, resulting in text labels being rendered when they shouldn't.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_LogFloat).
Changed, Classic modes: when "Fixed Things Scale" option is enabled, things will now switch to fixed size rendering mode when their visible size is less than 48 pixels.
Changed, Classic modes: changed the fixed size of things with FixedSize setting to 28 pixels.
Updated documentation ("targetclasses" argument property).
Changed, Classic modes: bigger Thing arrows are now rendered when thing sprite rendering is skipped.
Changed, Classic modes: when "Fixed Things Scale" option is enabled, thing size stays at 2x scale instead of 1x when extra bounding box is rendered.
Added Preferences -> Appearance -> "Things transparency (Things mode)" slider.
Renamed Preferences -> Appearance -> "Things transparency" to "Things transparency (other modes)".
Externalized thing bounding box and arrow texture, used to render things in Classic modes (Textures/ThingTexture2D.png).
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_SetUserVarFloat, A_SetUserArrayFloat).
Added Preferences -> Appearance -> "Hidden Things transparency" slider. It controls transparency of Things hidden by Things filter in Things mode, of all things :)
Fixed, Visual mode: alpha-based texture picking didn't work correctly on HiRes images.
Fixed, Visual mode: fog density was calculated incorrectly for things lit by dynamic lights.
Fixed, Edit Sector window, UDMF: "Fade" and "Light" color pickers initial values were incorrect when displaying mixed values.
Fixed, Edit Thing window, UDMF: "Color" color picker initial value was incorrect when displaying mixed values.
Changed, cosmetic: elapsed time is now displayed after resources loading finishes.
Changed, internal: changed Clock.CurrentTime type to long.
Fixed, Tag Statistics window: in some cases the map view was not updated after selecting items in Sectors/Linedefs/Things columns.
Fixed, cosmetic: Draw Curve mode icon was missing a shadow.