Changed, Visplane Explorer mode: vpo.dll is now initialized when entering the mode instead of after opening a map.
Fixed inconsistent Hexen Puzzle Gears names between game configuration and spawn numbers list.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (GetMissileDamage).
Changed: "+++" and "---" prefixes are now incremented on the first step instead of the second when used in any numeric inputs, which support prefixes, except action arguments.
Fixed, Visual mode, UDMF: texture offset/scale/rotation changes were applied several times when used on several 3d-floor floors/ceilings linked to the same control sector, when using "Move Texture Offsets" / "Change Texture Scale" / "Rotate Texture CW/CCW" actions.
Updated ZDoom ACC (DamageActor).
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (DamageActor).
Probably fixed probable I/O race condition when loading images.
Fixed Visual mode stuttering due to floating point precision degradation when running the editor for several days without restarting (internal timer is now reset when saving the map or creating a new one).
Fixed, Nodes Viewer, cosmetic: Nodes Viewer window position was reset after pressing the "Rebuild Nodes" button.
Added Eternity Game configurations by printz.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg (CheckClass).
Updated ZDoom ACC (CheckClass).
Changed, Sectors mode: "Flip Linedefs" and "Align Linedefs" actions will no longer flip single-sided linedefs with only front side.
Fixed, Script Editor: fixed a crash when trying to update script navigator combo box when switching to a never saved ACS script.
Added "doomthingrotationangles" Game Configuration property. When enabled, editor actions related to changing thing angle will snap the resulting angle to 45 degree increments. This property is set to true for vanilla game configurations.
Fixed a crash when changing game configuration from one without Thing actions support to one with them while in Things mode.
Fixed, cosmetic, DB2 bug: current editing mode button was deselected after reloading resources.
Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).
Changed: multi-part sectors are now better preserved after drawing new lines.
Changed, TEXTURES parser: patch loading errors are now ignored for textures with "NullTexture" option.
Changed, Game configurations: changed default door action arguments to better match vanilla ones.
Fixed, Actions: in some cases keyboard shortcuts involving Ctrl/Alt/Shift modifier keys were displayed incorrectly.
Fixed(?): probably fixed inability to save map wad in Slade 3.
Updated ZDoom_ACS.cfg.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg.
Updated ZDoom ACC.
Changed, Map Analysis mode: some checks are now available only under certain conditions (for example, "Check polyobjects" is now available only when the map is in Hexen or UDMF map format).
Updated documentation ("Game Configuration - Basic Settings" page).
Added, Sound Environments mode: current sound environment is now highlighted (can be toggled using "Toggle Highlight" action).
Added: Tag selectors now have up/down buttons.
Fixed, Sound Environments mode: sound environments were not updated after performing Undo/Redo actions.
Fixed, Sound Propagation mode: sound zones were not updated after performing Undo/Redo actions.
Internal: moved "Toggle Highlight" action to the core, also changed it's category to "View".
Internal: "Toggle Highlight" action state is now saved in the Program configuration.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (GetZAt).
Updated ZDoom_linedefs.cfg (Sector_SetPortal args).
Added/restored, Visual mode: restored "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by 8" actions, added "Move Texture Left/Right/Up/Down by Grid Size" actions (default keys are Ctrl+arrow keys).
Fixed, Game configurations: Hexen's Bell actor was missing "hangs" flag.
Currently this will work as intended only if the selection ends up either completely inside a single sector or completely outside of any sector. Also this logic won't be applied if the selection contains the lines with only start or end vertex selected.
Internal: some TextLabel refactoring.
Fixed, Things mode: in some cases selection labels were not updated after editing a thing.
Fixed, Things mode: selection labels were positioned incorrectly on things with FixedSize setting.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed a crash when selecting self-referencing sector when selection labels were enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Auto-align texture actions were not working when "use long texture names" Map Options setting was enabled.
Fixed, MD2/MD3 loader: available animation frames upper bound check was performed incorrectly, which would cause a crash in some very special cases.
Fixed, Game configurations: most Hexen/ZDoom teleport actions use TeleportDests as teleport targets, not MapSpots.
Changed, Classic modes: when "Fixed Things Scale" option is enabled, things will now switch to fixed size rendering mode when their visible size is less than 48 pixels.
Changed, Classic modes: changed the fixed size of things with FixedSize setting to 28 pixels.
Updated documentation ("targetclasses" argument property).
Added, Tag Explorer plugin: a separate category for each generalized/predefined effect is now created when "Sort by action special" sort mode is used.
Added, Edit Effect window: normal and generalized effects can now be set at the same time.
Fixed, Edit Action window: in some cases Generalized actions were incorrectly processed.
Fixed, Edit Effect window: in some cases Generalized effects were incorrectly processed.
Fixed, Select Similar window: Tab control was incorrectly anchored.
Fixed, Nodes Viewer mode, cosmetic: segs angles were calculated incorrectly when showing nodes in classic format.
Fixed: HiRes textures, which didn't override any texture or flat were not loaded.
Fixed, Tag Explorer plugin: linedef action categories were missing title when "Sort by action special" sort mode was used.
Cosmetic: renamed "Grid Setup" action to "Grid and Backdrop Setup".
Changed, Game configurations: "Polyobject Anchor" things should not trigger "Thing outside the map geometry" error in the Map Analysis mode.
Updated ZDoom_DECORATE.cfg (A_SetScale).
- Add binary multitagging specials
- Add copy flag for line slopes
- Add blentran actions
- Show flags for changing crumble respawn time
- Show flag for faster, unordered linedef execution
- Fixed some wording issues