Added support for Lua and SOC scripts to script editor (including syntax highlighting for Lua)

This commit is contained in:
MascaraSnake 2016-03-03 01:25:27 +01:00
parent 8d48514ed2
commit 658e349f95
8 changed files with 644 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -334,6 +334,22 @@ maplumpnames
} }
} }
isprefix = true;
script = "Lua.cfg";
isprefix = true;
sectorbrightness sectorbrightness

Build/Scripting/Lua.cfg Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
Zone Builder Script highlighting definitions for SRB2 Lua
// Editor settings
description = "SRB2 Lua Script";
codepage = 0;
extensions = "lua";
casesensitive = true;
insertcase = 0; // 0=Normal, 1=Lowercase, 2=Uppercase
lexer = 15;
functionopen = "(";
functionclose = ")";
codeblockopen = "{";
codeblockclose = "}";
arrayopen = "[";
arrayclose = "]";
argumentdelimiter = ",";
terminator = ";";
scripttype = 0; //0 = unknown script, 1 = acc, 2 = modeldef, 3 = decorate
and = "";
break = "";
continue = "";
do = "";
else = "";
elseif = "";
end = "";
false = "";
for = "";
function = "";
if = "";
in = "";
local = "";
nil = "";
not = "";
or = "";
repeat = "";
return = "";
then = "";
true = "";
until = "";
while = "";
$1 = "";
$2 = "";
$3 = "";
$4 = "";
$5 = "";
$6 = "";
$7 = "";
$8 = "";
$9 = "";
print = "string output, [string output2, [...]]";
freeslot = "string resource, [string resource2, [...]]";
super = "mobj_t actor, int var1, int var2";
addHook = "string hook, function(?) fn, [int extra]";
EvalMath = "string word";
// math
abs = "int a";
min = "int a, int b";
max = "int a, int b";
sin = "angle angle";
cos = "angle angle";
tan = "angle angle";
FixedAngle = "fixed angle";
AngleFixed = "angle angle";
InvAngle = "angle angle";
FixedMul = "fixed a, fixed b";
FixedInt = "fixed a";
FixedDiv = "fixed a, fixed b";
FixedRem = "fixed a, fixed b";
FixedSqrt = "fixed a";
FixedHypot = "fixed a, fixed b";
FixedFloor = "fixed a";
FixedTrunc = "fixed a";
FixedCeil = "fixed a";
FixedRound = "fixed a";
// misc
GetSecSpecial = "int special, int section";
All7Emeralds = "int flags";
ColorOpposite = "int color";
// p_random
P_Random = "";
P_SignedRandom = "";
P_RandomKey = "int a";
P_RandomRange = "int a, int b";
// p_maputil
P_AproxDistance = "fixed dx, fixed dy";
P_ClosestPointOnLine = "fixed x, fixed y, line_t line";
// p_enemy
P_CheckMeleeRange = "mobj_t actor";
P_JetbCheckMeleeRange = "mobj_t actor";
P_FaceStabCheckMeleeRange = "mobj_t actor";
P_SkimCheckMeleeRange = "mobj_t actor";
P_CheckMissileRange = "mobj_t actor";
P_NewChaseDir = "mobj_t actor";
P_LookForPlayers = "mobj_t actor, [fixed dist, [boolean allaround?, [boolean tracer?]]]";
// p_mobj
P_SpawnMobj = "fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, int type";
P_RemoveMobj = "mobj_t mobj";
P_SpawnMissile = "mobj_t source, mobj_t dest, int type";
P_SpawnXYZMissile = "mobj_t source, mobj_t dest, int type, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z";
P_SpawnPointMissile = "mobj_t source, fixed dest_x, fixed dest_y, fixed dest_z, int type, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z";
P_SpawnAlteredDirectionMissile = "mobj_t source, int type, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, int angle_shift";
P_ColorTeamMissile = "mobj_t missile, player_t player";
P_SPMAngle = "mobj_t source, int type, angle angle, [boolean allowaim?, [int flags2]]";
P_SpawnPlayerMissile = "mobj_t source, int type, [int flags2]";
P_MobjFlip = "mobj_t mobj";
P_WeaponOrPanel = "int type";
P_FlashPal = "player_t player, int type, int duration";
P_GetClosestAxis = "mobj_t mobj";
P_SpawnParaloop = "fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, fixed radius, int number, int type, int rotate, [int state, [boolean spawncenter?]]";
P_BossTargetPlayer = "mobj_t actor, [boolean closest?]";
P_SupermanLook4Players = "mobj_t actor";
P_SetScale = "mobj_t mobj, fixed scale";
P_CheckDeathPitCollide = "mobj_t mobj";
P_InsideANonSolidFFloor = "mobj_t mobj, ffloor_t rover";
P_CheckSolidLava = "mobj_t mobj, ffloor_t rover";
P_CanRunOnWater = "player_t player, ffloor_t rover";
// p_user
P_GetPlayerHeight = "player_t player";
P_GetPlayerSpinHeight = "player_t player";
P_GetPlayerControlDirection = "player_t player";
P_AddPlayerScore = "player_t player, int amount";
P_PlayerInPain = "player_t player";
P_DoPlayerPain = "player_t player, [mobj_t source, [mobj_t inflictor]]";
P_ResetPlayer = "player_t player";
P_IsObjectOnGround = "mobj_t mobj";
P_SetObjectMomZ = "mobj_t mobj, fixed momz, [boolean relative?]";
P_RestoreMusic = "player_t player";
P_SpawnGhostMobj = "mobj_t mobj";
P_GivePlayerRings = "player_t player, int amount";
P_GivePlayerLives = "player_t player, int amount";
P_ResetScore = "player_t player";
P_BlackOw = "player_t player";
P_ElementalFireTrail = "player_t player";
P_DoPlayerExit = "player_t player";
P_InstaThrust = "mobj_t mobj, angle angle, fixed move";
P_ReturnThrustX = "mobj_t mobj, angle angle, fixed move";
P_ReturnThrustY = "mobj_t mobj, angle angle, fixed move";
P_LookForEnemies = "player_t player";
P_NukeEnemies = "mobj_t inflictor, mobj_t source, fixed radius";
P_HomingAttack = "mobj_t source, mobj_t target";
P_SpawnThokMobj = "player_t player";
P_SpawnSpinMobj = "player_t player, int type";
P_Telekinesis = "player_t player, fixed_t thrust, fixed_t range";
P_InQuicksand = "mobj_t mobj";
P_InSpaceSector = "mobj_t mobj";
P_DoJumpShield = "player_t player";
P_IsObjectInGoop = "mobj_t mobj";
// p_map
P_CheckPosition = "mobj_t mobj, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z";
P_TryMove = "mobj_t mobj, fixed x, fixed y, [boolean allowdrowoff?]";
P_Move = "mobj_t actor, int speed";
P_TeleportMove = "mobj_t mobj, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z";
P_SlideMove = "mobj_t mo";
P_BounceMove = "mobj_t mo";
P_CheckSight = "mobj_t source, mobj_t target";
P_CheckHoopPosition = "mobj_t hoop, fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, fixed radius";
P_RadiusAttack = "mobj_t inflictor, mobj_t source, fixed radius";
P_FloorzAtPos = "fixed x, fixed y, fixed z, fixed height";
P_DoSpring = "mobj_t spring, mobj_t object";
// p_inter
P_RemoveShield = "player_t player";
P_SpawnShieldOrb = "player_t player";
P_DamageMobj = "mobj_t target, [mobj_t inflictor, [mobj_t source, [int damage]]]";
P_KillMobj = "mobj_t target, [mobj_t inflictor, [mobj_t source]]";
P_PlayerRingBurst = "player_t player, [int numrings]";
P_PlayerWeaponPanelBurst = "player_t player";
P_PlayerWeaponAmmoBurst = "player_t player";
P_PlayerEmeraldBurst = "player_t player, [boolean toss?]";
P_PlayerFlagBurst = "player_t player, [boolean toss?]";
P_PlayRinglossSound = "mobj_t source, [player_t player]";
P_PlayDeathSound = "mobj_t source, [player_t player]";
P_PlayVictorySound = "mobj_t source, [player_t player]";
P_PlayLivesJingle = "player_t player";
P_CanPickupItem = "player_t player, [boolean weapon?]";
P_DoNightsScore = "player_t player";
// p_spec
P_Thrust = "mobj_t mobj, angle angle, fixed move";
P_SetMobjStateNF = "mobj_t mobj, int statenum";
P_DoSuperTransformation = "player_t player, [boolean giverings?]";
P_ExplodeMissile = "mobj_t missile";
P_PlayerTouchingSectorSpecial = "player_t player, int section, int specialnum";
P_FindSpecialLineFromTag = "int special, int tag, [int start]";
P_SwitchWeather = "int weather, [player_t player]";
P_LinedefExecute = "int tag, [mobj_t actor, [sector_t caller]]";
P_SpawnLightningFlash = "sector_t sector";
P_FadeLight = "int tag, int destvalue, int speed";
P_ThingOnSpecial3DFloor = "mobj_t mobj";
P_SetupLevelSky = "int skynum, [player player]";
P_SetSkyboxMobj = "mobj_t mobj, [boolean centerpoint?, [player_t user]]";
P_StartQuake = "fixed intensity, int time, [table{x/y/z} epicenter, [fixed radius]]";
P_IsFlagAtBase = "int type";
EV_CrumbleChain = "sector_t sector, ffloor_t rover";
// r_defs
R_PointToAngle = "fixed x, fixed y";
R_PointToAngle2 = "fixed x, fixed y, fixed dest_x, fixed dest_y";
R_PointToDist = "fixed x, fixed y";
R_PointToDist2 = "fixed x, fixed y, fixed dest_x, fixed dest_y";
R_PointInSubsector = "fixed x, fixed y";
// r_things
R_Char2Frame = "string char";
R_Frame2Char = "int frame";
R_SetPlayerSkin = "player_t player, int/string skin";
// s_sound
S_StartSound = "mobj_t origin, int soundnum, [player_t player]";
S_StartSoundAtVolume = "mobj_t origin, int soundnum, int volume, [player_t player]";
S_StopSound = "mobj_t origin";
S_ChangeMusic = "int musicnum, [boolean looping?], [player_t player]";
S_SpeedMusic = "fixed musicspeed, [player_t player]";
S_StopMusic = "[player_t player]";
S_OriginPlaying = "mobj_t origin";
S_IdPlaying = "int soundnum";
S_SoundPlaying = "mobj_t origin, int soundnum";
// g_game
G_BuildMapName = "int map";
G_DoReborn = "int playernum";
G_ExitLevel = "";
G_IsSpecialStage = "int map";
G_GametypeUsesLives = "";
G_GametypeHasTeams = "";
G_GametypeHasSpectators = "";
G_RingSlingerGametype = "";
G_PlatformGametype = "";
G_TagGametype = "";
G_TicsToHours = "int tics";
G_TicsToMinutes = "int tics, [boolean full?]";
G_TicsToSeconds = "int tics";
G_TicsToCentiseconds = "int tics";
G_TicsToMilliseconds = "int tics";
// console
COM_AddCommand = "string name, function(player_t player/[string arg/[...]]) fn, int flags";
COM_BufAddText = "player_t player, string text";
COM_BufInsertText = "player_t player, string text";
CV_RegisterVar = "table{string name/string defaultvalue/int flags/PossibleValue pv/function() fn}, [...]";
CONS_Printf = "player_t player, string text";
// iterators
players.iterate = "";
thinkers.iterate = "string type";
skins.iterate = "";
sectors.iterate = "";
subsectors.iterate = "";
lines.iterate = "";
sides.iterate = "";
vertexes.iterate = "";
hud.enable = "string huditem";
hud.disable = "string huditem";
hud.add = "function(drawer v/[player_t stplyr]), string type)";
// technically these are a part of the video code but you can rename that whatever you want...
draw = "int x, int y, patch patch, [int flags, [(unimplemented) colormap]]";
drawScaled = "fixed x, fixed y, fixed scale, patch patch, [int flags, [(unimplemented) colormap]]";
drawNum = "int x, int y, int num, [int flags]";
drawPaddedNum = "int x, int y, int num, [int digits, [int flags]]";
drawFill = "[int x, [int y, [int w, [int h, [int color]]]]]";
drawString = "fixed x, fixed y, string str, [int flags, [string alignment]]";
patchExists = "string name";
cachePatch = "string name";
stringWidth = "string string, [int flags, [string widthtype]]";
// basic Lua
assert = "boolean assert, [string errormsg]";
collectgarbage = "[string opt, [string arg]]";
error = "string message, [int level]";
gcinfo = "(unknown)";
getfenv = "function(*) fn";
getmetatable = "object obj";
ipairs = "table{} t";
next = "table{} t, [int index]";
pairs = "table{} t";
pcall = "function(*) fn, [* arg, [...]]";
rawequal = "* v1, * v2";
rawget = "table{} t, * index";
rawset = "table{} t, * index, * value";
select = "* index";
setfenv = "function(*) fn, table{} table";
setmetatable = "table{} t, table{} metatable";
tonumber = "* e, [int base]";
tostring = "* e";
type = "* v";
unpack = "table{} list, [int start, [int end]]";
xpcall = "function(?) call, function(boolean status) errortrap";
coroutine.create = "function(?) fn";
coroutine.resume = "coroutine co, [* val, [...]]";
coroutine.running = "";
coroutine.status = "coroutine co";
coroutine.wrap = "function(?) fn";
coroutine.yield = "[...]";
string.byte = "string s, [int start, [int end]]";
string.char = "[int charid, [...]]";
string.dump = "function(?) fn";
string.find = "string s, string pattern, [int start, [boolean plain?]]";
string.format = "string formatstr, [...]";
string.gfind = "string s, string pattern";
string.gmatch = "string s, string pattern";
string.gsub = "string s, string pattern, string replace, [int n]";
string.len = "string s";
string.lower = "string s";
string.match = "string s, string pattern, [int n]";
string.rep = "string s, int n";
string.reverse = "string s, int start, [int end]";
string.sub = "string s";
string.upper = "string s";
table.concat = "table{}, [string sep, [int start, [int end]]]";
table.maxn = "table{}";
table.insert = "table{}, * element";
table.remove = "table{}, * key";
table.sort = "table{}, [function(* element_a/* element_b) comp]";

View file

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
<Compile Include="Compilers\AccCompiler.cs" /> <Compile Include="Compilers\AccCompiler.cs" />
<Compile Include="Compilers\NodesCompiler.cs" /> <Compile Include="Compilers\NodesCompiler.cs" />
<Compile Include="Config\ArgumentInfo.cs" /> <Compile Include="Config\ArgumentInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="Config\ScriptLumpInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="Config\MapLumpInfo.cs" /> <Compile Include="Config\MapLumpInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="Config\ScriptConfiguration.cs" /> <Compile Include="Config\ScriptConfiguration.cs" />
<Compile Include="Config\DefinedTextureSet.cs" /> <Compile Include="Config\DefinedTextureSet.cs" />
@ -134,6 +135,9 @@
<Compile Include="Controls\ScriptFileDocumentTab.cs"> <Compile Include="Controls\ScriptFileDocumentTab.cs">
<SubType>Component</SubType> <SubType>Component</SubType>
</Compile> </Compile>
<Compile Include="Controls\GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab.cs">
<Compile Include="Controls\ScriptLumpDocumentTab.cs"> <Compile Include="Controls\ScriptLumpDocumentTab.cs">
<SubType>Component</SubType> <SubType>Component</SubType>
</Compile> </Compile>

View file

@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
// Map lumps // Map lumps
private readonly Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> maplumps; private readonly Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> maplumps;
//Global script lumps
private readonly Dictionary<string, ScriptLumpInfo> scriptlumps;
//mxd. Map format //mxd. Map format
private readonly bool doommapformat; private readonly bool doommapformat;
@ -224,6 +226,8 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
// Map lumps // Map lumps
public Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> MapLumps { get { return maplumps; } } public Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo> MapLumps { get { return maplumps; } }
//Global script lumps
public Dictionary<string, ScriptLumpInfo> ScriptLumps { get { return scriptlumps; } }
//mxd. Map format //mxd. Map format
public bool UDMF { get { return universalmapformat; } } public bool UDMF { get { return universalmapformat; } }
@ -317,6 +321,7 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
this.texturesets = new List<DefinedTextureSet>(); this.texturesets = new List<DefinedTextureSet>();
this.makedoorargs = new int[Linedef.NUM_ARGS]; this.makedoorargs = new int[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
this.maplumps = new Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo>(StringComparer.Ordinal); this.maplumps = new Dictionary<string, MapLumpInfo>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.scriptlumps = new Dictionary<string, ScriptLumpInfo>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
this.thingflagstranslation = new List<FlagTranslation>(); this.thingflagstranslation = new List<FlagTranslation>();
this.linedefflagstranslation = new List<FlagTranslation>(); this.linedefflagstranslation = new List<FlagTranslation>();
this.thingfilters = new List<ThingsFilter>(); this.thingfilters = new List<ThingsFilter>();
@ -407,6 +412,8 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
// Map lumps // Map lumps
LoadMapLumps(); LoadMapLumps();
//Global script lumps
// Skills // Skills
LoadSkills(); LoadSkills();
@ -485,6 +492,19 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
} }
} }
// This loads the script lumps
private void LoadScriptLumps()
// Get script lumps list
IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptlumpnames", new Hashtable());
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Make script lumps
ScriptLumpInfo lumpinfo = new ScriptLumpInfo(de.Key.ToString(), cfg);
scriptlumps.Add(de.Key.ToString(), lumpinfo);
// This loads the enumerations // This loads the enumerations
private void LoadEnums() private void LoadEnums()
{ {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden,
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config
public struct ScriptLumpInfo
// Members
public readonly string Name;
public readonly bool IsPrefix;
internal readonly ScriptConfiguration Script;
// Construct from IDictionary
internal ScriptLumpInfo(string name, Configuration cfg)
// Apply settings
this.Name = name;
this.Script = this.Script = new ScriptConfiguration();
this.IsPrefix = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptlumpnames." + name + ".isprefix", false);
string scriptconfig = cfg.ReadSetting("scriptlumpnames." + name + ".script", "");
// Find script configuration
if(scriptconfig.Length > 0)
this.Script = General.ScriptConfigs[scriptconfig.ToLowerInvariant()];
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Script lump '" + name + "' in the current game configuration specifies an unknown script configuration '" + scriptconfig + "'. Using plain text instead.");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden,
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Compilers;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
internal sealed class GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab : ScriptDocumentTab
#region ================== Constants
#region ================== Variables
private readonly string lumpname;
private readonly string filepath;
#region ================== Properties
public override bool ExplicitSave { get { return true; } }
public override bool IsSaveAsRequired { get { return false; } }
public override bool IsClosable { get { return false; } }
public override bool IsReconfigurable { get { return false; } }
public override string Filename { get { return lumpname; } } //mxd
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab(ScriptEditorPanel panel, string lumpname, ScriptConfiguration config, string filepath) : base(panel)
this.lumpname = lumpname;
this.filepath = filepath;
this.config = config;
// Load the lump data
WAD file = new WAD(filepath);
Lump lump = file.FindLump(lumpname);
if (lump != null)
ClippedStream stream = lump.Stream;
if (stream != null)
// Set title
#region ================== Methods
// Compile script
public override void Compile()
//mxd. List of errors. UpdateScriptNames can return errors and also updates acs includes list
List<CompilerError> errors = (config.ScriptType == ScriptType.ACS ? General.Map.UpdateScriptNames() : new List<CompilerError>());
//mxd. Errors already?..
if(errors.Count > 0)
// Feed errors to panel
// Compile
General.Map.CompileLump(lumpname, true);
//mxd. Update script navigator
// Feed errors to panel
// Implicit save
public override bool Save()
if (!IsChanged) return true;
// Store the lump data
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(editor.GetText());
WAD file = new WAD(filepath);
int insertindex = file.Lumps.Count;
// Remove the lump if it already exists
int li = file.FindLumpIndex(lumpname);
if (li > -1)
insertindex = li;
// Insert new lump
Lump l = file.Insert(lumpname, insertindex, (int)stream.Length);
l.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
editor.SetSavePoint(); //mxd
UpdateTitle(); //mxd
return true;
// This checks if a script error applies to this script
public override bool VerifyErrorForScript(CompilerError e)
return (string.Compare(e.filename, "?" + lumpname, true) == 0);
#region ================== Events

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Compilers;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows; using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using ScintillaNET; using ScintillaNET;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
#endregion #endregion
@ -134,6 +135,40 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
tabs.TabPages.Add(t); tabs.TabPages.Add(t);
} }
} }
if (General.Map.FilePathName != "")
WAD file = new WAD(General.Map.FilePathName);
List<Lump> lumps = file.Lumps;
//Load the global script lumps
foreach (ScriptLumpInfo scriptlumpinfo in General.Map.Config.ScriptLumps.Values)
if (scriptlumpinfo.Script != null)
if (scriptlumpinfo.IsPrefix)
foreach (Lump l in lumps)
if (l.Name.ToUpperInvariant().StartsWith(scriptlumpinfo.Name.ToUpperInvariant()))
GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab t = new GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab(this, l.Name, scriptlumpinfo.Script, General.Map.FilePathName);
t.OnTextChanged += tabpage_OnTextChanged;
t.Scintilla.UpdateUI += scintilla_OnUpdateUI;
GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab t = new GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab(this, scriptlumpinfo.Name, scriptlumpinfo.Script, General.Map.FilePathName);
t.OnTextChanged += tabpage_OnTextChanged;
t.Scintilla.UpdateUI += scintilla_OnUpdateUI;
// Load the files that were previously opened for this map // Load the files that were previously opened for this map
foreach (String filename in General.Map.Options.ScriptFiles) foreach (String filename in General.Map.Options.ScriptFiles)
@ -147,7 +182,8 @@ namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
} }
//mxd. Select "Scripts" tab, because that's what user will want 99% of time //mxd. Select "Scripts" tab, because that's what user will want 99% of time
int scriptsindex = GetTabPageIndex("SCRIPTS"); //MascaraSnake: For SRB2, select "MAINCFG" tab
int scriptsindex = General.Map.SRB2 ? GetTabPageIndex("MAINCFG") : GetTabPageIndex("SCRIPTS");
tabs.SelectedIndex = (scriptsindex == -1 ? 0 : scriptsindex); tabs.SelectedIndex = (scriptsindex == -1 ? 0 : scriptsindex);
//mxd. Apply quick search settings //mxd. Apply quick search settings

View file

@ -57,6 +57,24 @@ lexer6 // Perl-style
constantsindex = -1; constantsindex = -1;
} }
lexer15 // Lua-style
10 = 0; // operator -> plain text
11 = 0; // identifier -> plain text
1 = 3; // comments
2 = 3; // comments
3 = 3; // comments
5 = 1; // keywords
4 = 4; // literal
7 = 4; // literal
8 = 4; // literal
6 = 6; // strings
9 = 7; // includes
keywordsindex = 0;
constantsindex = 1;
snippetindex = 2;
lexer18 // Pascal-style lexer18 // Pascal-style
{ {