2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using JetBrains.Profiler.Core.Api;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder
#region ================== Enums
public enum DebugMessageType
LOG = 1,
INFO = 2,
ERROR = 8,
public partial class DebugConsole : UserControl
#region ================== Variables
private const int MAX_MESSAGES = 1024;
private static readonly List<KeyValuePair<DebugMessageType, string>> messages = new List<KeyValuePair<DebugMessageType, string>>(MAX_MESSAGES);
private readonly Dictionary<DebugMessageType, Color> textcolors;
private readonly Dictionary<DebugMessageType, string> textheaders;
private DebugMessageType filters;
private static long starttime = -1;
Sectors, Linedefs, Things modes: optimized text label rendering.
Fixed, Things mode: in some cases selection labels were not updated after editing a thing.
Fixed, Things mode: selection labels were positioned incorrectly on things with FixedSize setting.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed a crash when selecting self-referencing sector when selection labels were enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Auto-align texture actions were not working when "use long texture names" Map Options setting was enabled.
Fixed, MD2/MD3 loader: available animation frames upper bound check was performed incorrectly, which would cause a crash in some very special cases.
Fixed, Game configurations: most Hexen/ZDoom teleport actions use TeleportDests as teleport targets, not MapSpots.
2016-04-05 22:24:36 +00:00
private static int counter;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
private static DebugConsole me;
#region ================== Properties
public bool AlwaysOnTop { get { return alwaysontop.Checked; } }
#region ================== Constructor
public DebugConsole()
me = this;
// Setup filters
foreach(ToolStripMenuItem item in filterselector.DropDownItems)
// Setup colors
textcolors = new Dictionary<DebugMessageType, Color> {
{ DebugMessageType.LOG, SystemColors.WindowText },
{ DebugMessageType.INFO, Color.DarkGreen },
{ DebugMessageType.WARNING, Color.DarkOrange },
{ DebugMessageType.ERROR, Color.DarkRed },
{ DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, Color.DarkMagenta }
// Setup headers
textheaders = new Dictionary<DebugMessageType, string> {
{ DebugMessageType.LOG, string.Empty},
{ DebugMessageType.INFO, string.Empty},
{ DebugMessageType.WARNING, "Warning: "},
{ DebugMessageType.ERROR, "ERROR: "},
{ DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, string.Empty}
// Word wrap?
wordwrap.Checked = console.WordWrap;
// Pending messages?
if(messages.Count > 0) UpdateMessages();
#region ================== Methods
public static void Write(string text)
Write(DebugMessageType.INFO, text);
public static void WriteLine(string text)
Write(DebugMessageType.INFO, text + Environment.NewLine);
public static void Write(DebugMessageType type, string text)
if(me != null && me.InvokeRequired)
me.Invoke(new Action<DebugMessageType, string>(Write), new object[] { type, text });
if(messages.Count + 1 > MAX_MESSAGES) lock (messages) { messages.RemoveAt(0); }
messages.Add(new KeyValuePair<DebugMessageType, string>(type, text));
if(me != null && (me.filters & type) == type)
me.AddMessage(type, text, true);
public static void WriteLine(DebugMessageType type, string text)
Write(type, text + Environment.NewLine);
public static void Clear()
if(me != null && me.InvokeRequired)
me.Invoke(new Action(Clear));
if(me != null) me.console.Clear();
public static void StartTimer()
starttime = SlimDX.Configuration.Timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
public static void StopTimer(string message)
if(starttime == -1) throw new InvalidOperationException("DebugConsole.StartTimer() must be called before DebugConsole.StopTimer()!");
long duration = SlimDX.Configuration.Timer.ElapsedMilliseconds - starttime;
message = message.Replace("%", duration.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
message = message.TrimEnd() + " " + duration + " ms.";
WriteLine(DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, message);
starttime = -1;
Sectors, Linedefs, Things modes: optimized text label rendering.
Fixed, Things mode: in some cases selection labels were not updated after editing a thing.
Fixed, Things mode: selection labels were positioned incorrectly on things with FixedSize setting.
Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed a crash when selecting self-referencing sector when selection labels were enabled.
Fixed, Visual mode: in some cases Auto-align texture actions were not working when "use long texture names" Map Options setting was enabled.
Fixed, MD2/MD3 loader: available animation frames upper bound check was performed incorrectly, which would cause a crash in some very special cases.
Fixed, Game configurations: most Hexen/ZDoom teleport actions use TeleportDests as teleport targets, not MapSpots.
2016-04-05 22:24:36 +00:00
public static void IncrementCounter() { IncrementCounter(1); }
public static void IncrementCounter(int incrementby)
counter += incrementby;
public static void ResetCounter(string message)
message = message.Replace("%", counter.ToString());
message = message.TrimEnd() + ": " + counter;
WriteLine(DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, message);
counter = 0;
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public static void StartProfiler()
WriteLine(DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, "Starting the Profiler...");
WriteLine(DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, "Unable to start the Profiler...");
WriteLine(DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, "Unable to start the Profiler: incorrect build configuration selected!");
public static void StopProfiler() { StopProfiler(true); }
public static void StopProfiler(bool savesnapshot)
if(savesnapshot) PerformanceProfiler.EndSave();
else PerformanceProfiler.EndDrop();
WriteLine(DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, "Profiler Stopped...");
WriteLine(DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, "Unable to stop the Profiler...");
WriteLine(DebugMessageType.SPECIAL, "Unable to stop the Profiler: incorrect build configuration selected!");
private void AddMessage(DebugMessageType type, string text, bool scroll)
text = textheaders[type] + text;
console.SelectionStart = console.TextLength;
console.SelectionColor = textcolors[type];
if(scroll && autoscroll.Checked) console.ScrollToCaret();
private void UpdateFilters(ToolStripMenuItem item)
DebugMessageType flag = (DebugMessageType)(int)item.Tag;
filters |= flag;
filters &= ~flag;
private void UpdateMessages()
foreach(KeyValuePair<DebugMessageType, string> pair in messages)
if((filters & pair.Key) == pair.Key && CheckTextFilter(pair.Value, searchbox.Text))
AddMessage(pair.Key, pair.Value, false);
// Should we display this message?
private static bool CheckTextFilter(string text, string filter)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) || filter.Length < 3) return true;
return text.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(filter.ToUpperInvariant());
#region ================== Events
private void clearall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void filters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
UpdateFilters(sender as ToolStripMenuItem);
private void wordwrap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
console.WordWrap = wordwrap.Checked;
#region ================== Search events
private void searchclear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void searchbox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchbox.Text) || searchbox.Text.Length > 2) UpdateMessages();