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1538 lines
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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== CFG file structure syntax
' ====================================================================================
' ====================================================================================
' Whitepace is always allowed. This includes spaces, tabs
' linefeeds (10) and carriage returns (13)
' Keys may not have spaces or assignment operator = in them.
' Comments start with // (unless used within strings)
' and count as comment for the rest of the line. Or use /* and */ /*
' to mark the beginning and end of a comment.
' Simple setting:
' key = value;
' Example: speed = 345;
' cars = 8;
' Strings must be in quotes.
' Example: nickname = "Gherkin";
' altnick = "Gherk inn";
' String Escape Sequences:
' \n New line (10)
' \r Carriage return (13)
' \t Tab (9)
' \" Double-quotation mark
' \\ Backslash
' \000 Any ASCII character (MUST be 3 digits! So for 13 you use \013)
' Decimals ALWAYS use a dot, NEVER comma!
' Example: pressure = 15.29;
' acceleration = 1.0023;
' true, false and null are valid keywords.
' null values can be left out.
' In this example, both items are null.
' Example: myitem = null;
' myotheritem;
' Structures must use brackets.
' Structure Example:
' key
' {
' key = value;
' key = value;
' key
' {
' key = value;
' key = value;
' key = value;
' }
' key = value;
' key = value;
' key = value;
' key = value;
' key = value;
' }
' As you can see, structures inside structures are allowed
' and you may go as deep as you want. Note that only the root structures
' can be readed from config using ReadSetting. ReadSetting will return a
' Dictionary object containing everything in that root structure.
' Key names must be unique within their scope.
' This is NOT allowed, it may not have 'father' more
' than once in the same scope:
' mother = 45;
' father = 52;
' father
' {
' length = 1.87;
' }
' This however is allowed, because father
' now exists in a different scope:
' mother = 45;
' father = 52;
' parents
' {
' father = 52;
' }
' This too is allowed, both 'age' are in a different scope:
' mother
' {
' age = 45;
' }
' father
' {
' age = 52;
' }
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO
public sealed class Configuration
#region ================== Constants
// Path seperator
public const string DEFAULT_SEPERATOR = ".";
// Error strings
private const string ERROR_KEYMISSING = "Missing key name in assignment or scope.";
private const string ERROR_KEYSPACES = "Spaces not allowed in key names.";
private const string ERROR_ASSIGNINVALID = "Invalid assignment. Missing a previous terminator symbol?";
private const string ERROR_VALUEINVALID = "Invalid value in assignment. Missing a previous terminator symbol?";
private const string ERROR_VALUETOOBIG = "Value too big.";
//private const string ERROR_KEYNOTUNQIUE = "Key is not unique within scope.";
private const string ERROR_KEYWORDUNKNOWN = "Unknown keyword in assignment. Missing a previous terminator symbol?";
private const string ERROR_UNEXPECTED_END = "Unexpected end of data. Missing a previous terminator symbol?";
private const string ERROR_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION = "Unknown function call.";
private const string ERROR_INVALID_ARGS = "Invalid function arguments.";
private const string ERROR_INCLUDE_UNSUPPORTED = "Include function is not supported in data parsed from stream.";
public const string NUMBERS = "0123456789";
public const string NUMBERS2 = "0123456789-.&";
#region ================== Variables
// Error result
private bool cpErrorResult;
private string cpErrorDescription = "";
private int cpErrorLine;
private string cpErrorFile = "";
private static readonly char[] space = new[] { ' ' }; //mxd
private static readonly char[] newline = new[] { '\n' }; //mxd
// Configuration root
private IDictionary root;
//mxd. Cache
private static Dictionary<string, IDictionary> cfgcache = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
#region ================== Properties
// Properties
public bool ErrorResult { get { return cpErrorResult; } }
public string ErrorDescription { get { return cpErrorDescription; } }
public int ErrorLine { get { return cpErrorLine; } }
public string ErrorFile { get { return cpErrorFile; } }
public IDictionary Root { get { return root; } set { root = value; } }
public bool Sorted { get { return (root is ListDictionary); } }
#region ================== Constructor / Destructor
// Constructor
public Configuration()
// Standard new configuration
// We have no destructor
// Constructor
public Configuration(bool sorted)
// Standard new configuration
// We have no destructor
// Constructor to load a file immediately
public Configuration(string filename)
// Load configuration from file
// We have no destructor
// Constructor to load a file immediately
public Configuration(string filename, bool sorted)
// Load configuration from file
LoadConfiguration(filename, sorted);
// We have no destructor
#region ================== Private Methods
// This merges two structures
private static IDictionary Combine(IDictionary d1, IDictionary d2, bool sorted)
// Create new dictionary
IDictionary result;
if(sorted) result = new ListDictionary(); else result = new Hashtable();
// Copy all items from d1 to result
IDictionaryEnumerator d1e = d1.GetEnumerator();
while(d1e.MoveNext()) result.Add(d1e.Key, d1e.Value);
// Go for all items in d2
IDictionaryEnumerator d2e = d2.GetEnumerator();
// Check if this is another Hashtable
if(d2e.Value is IDictionary)
// Check if already in result
if(result.Contains(d2e.Key) && (result[d2e.Key] is IDictionary))
// Modify result
result[d2e.Key] = Combine((IDictionary)result[d2e.Key], (IDictionary)d2e.Value, sorted);
// Copy from d2
// Sorted combine
result[d2e.Key] = Combine(new ListDictionary(), (IDictionary)d2e.Value, true);
// Unsorted combine
result[d2e.Key] = Combine(new Hashtable(), (IDictionary)d2e.Value, false);
// Check if also in d1
// Modify result
result[d2e.Key] = d2e.Value;
// Copy
result.Add(d2e.Key, d2e.Value);
// Return result
return result;
// This is called by all the ReadSetting overloads to perform the read
private bool CheckSetting(IDictionary dic, string setting, string pathseperator)
// Split the path in an array
string[] keys = setting.Split(pathseperator.ToCharArray());
// Get the root item
object item = dic;
// Go for each item
foreach(string key in keys)
// Check if the current item is of ConfigStruct type
if(item is IDictionary)
// Check if the key is valid
if(ValidateKey(key.Trim(), "", -1))
// Cast to ConfigStruct
IDictionary cs = (IDictionary)item;
// Check if the requested item exists
// Set the item to the next item
item = cs[key];
// Key not found
return false;
// Invalid key in path
return false;
// Unable to go any further
return false;
// Return result
return true;
// This is called by all the ReadSetting overloads to perform the read
private object ReadAnySetting(string setting, object defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return ReadAnySetting(root, setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator); }
private object ReadAnySetting(IDictionary dic, string setting, object defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return ReadAnySetting(dic, "", -1, setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator); }
private object ReadAnySetting(IDictionary dic, string file, int line, string setting, object defaultsetting, string pathseperator)
// Split the path in an array
string[] keys = setting.Split(pathseperator.ToCharArray());
// Get the root item
object item = dic;
// Go for each item
foreach(string key in keys)
// Check if the current item is of ConfigStruct type
if(item is IDictionary)
// Check if the key is valid
if(ValidateKey(key.Trim(), file, line))
// Cast to ConfigStruct
IDictionary cs = (IDictionary)item;
// Check if the requested item exists
// Set the item to the next item
item = cs[key];
// Key not found
// return default setting
return defaultsetting;
// Invalid key in path
// return default setting
return defaultsetting;
// Unable to go any further
// return default setting
return defaultsetting;
// Return the item
return item;
// This returns a string added with escape characters
private static string EscapedString(string str)
// Replace the \ with \\ first!
str = str.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
str = str.Replace("\n", "\\n");
str = str.Replace("\r", "\\r");
str = str.Replace("\t", "\\t");
str = str.Replace("\"", "\\\"");
// Return result
return str;
// This raises an error
private void RaiseError(string file, int line, string description)
// Raise error
cpErrorResult = true;
cpErrorDescription = description;
cpErrorLine = line;
cpErrorFile = file;
// This validates a given key and sets
// error properties if key is invalid and errorline > -1
private bool ValidateKey(string key, string file, int errorline)
bool validateresult;
// Check if key is an empty string
if(key == "")
// ERROR: Missing key name in statement
if(errorline > -1) RaiseError(file, errorline, ERROR_KEYMISSING);
validateresult = false;
// Check if there are spaces in the key
if(key.IndexOfAny(space) > -1)
// ERROR: Spaces not allowed in key names
if(errorline > -1) RaiseError(file, errorline, ERROR_KEYSPACES);
validateresult = false;
// Check if we can test existance
//if(container != null)
// Test if the key exists in this container
if(container.Contains(key) == true)
// ERROR: Key is not unique within struct
if(errorline > -1) RaiseError(file, errorline, ERROR_KEYNOTUNQIUE);
validateresult = false;
// Key OK
//validateresult = true;
// Key OK
validateresult = true;
// Return result
return validateresult;
// This validates a given keyword and sets
// error properties if keyword is invalid and errorline > -1
private bool ValidateKeyword(string keyword, string file, int errorline)
bool validateresult;
// Check if key is an empty string
if(keyword == "")
// ERROR: Missing key name in statement
if(errorline > -1) RaiseError(file, errorline, ERROR_ASSIGNINVALID);
validateresult = false;
// Check if there are spaces in the key
if(keyword.IndexOfAny(space) > -1)
// ERROR: Spaces not allowed in key names
if(errorline > -1) RaiseError(file, errorline, ERROR_ASSIGNINVALID);
validateresult = false;
// Key OK
validateresult = true;
// Return result
return validateresult;
#region ================== Parsing
// This parses an assignment
private object ParseAssignment(ref string file, ref string data, ref int pos, ref int line)
object val = null;
while((pos < data.Length) && !cpErrorResult)
// Get current character
char c = data[pos++];
// Check for string opening
if(c == '\"')
// Now parsing a string
val = ParseString(ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
if(cpErrorResult) return null;
// Check for numeric character
else if(NUMBERS2.IndexOf(c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1)
// Go one byte back, because this
// byte is part of the number!
// Now parsing a number
val = ParseNumber(ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
if(cpErrorResult) return null;
// Check for new line
else if(c == '\n')
// Count the new line
// Check if assignment ends
else if(c == ';')
// End of assignment
return val;
// Otherwise (if not whitespace) it is a keyword
else if((c != ' ') && (c != '\t'))
// Go one byte back, because this
// byte is part of the keyword!
// Now parsing a keyword
val = ParseKeyword(ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
if(cpErrorResult) return null;
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_END);
return null;
// This parses a string
private string ParseString(ref string file, ref string data, ref int pos, ref int line)
string val = "";
// In escape sequence?
bool escape = false;
while((pos < data.Length) && !cpErrorResult)
// Get current character
char c = data[pos++];
// Check if in an escape sequence
// What character?
case '\\': val += "\\"; break;
case 'n': val += "\n"; break;
case '\"': val += "\""; break;
case 'r': val += "\r"; break;
case 't': val += "\t"; break;
// Is it a number?
if(NUMBERS.IndexOf(c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1)
int vv;
char vc;
// Convert the next 3 characters to a number
string v = data.Substring(pos, 3);
try { vv = Convert.ToInt32(v.Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
// ERROR: Invalid value in assignment
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_VALUEINVALID);
return null;
// Convert the number to a char
try { vc = Convert.ToChar(vv, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
// ERROR: Invalid value in assignment
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_VALUEINVALID);
return null;
// Add the char
val += vc.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// Add the character as it is
val += c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// Leave switch
// End of escape sequence
escape = false;
switch(c) //mxd
// Check for sequence start
case '\\':
// Next character is of escape sequence
escape = true;
// Check if string ends
case '\"':
return val;
// Check for new line
case '\n':
// Count the new line
// Everything else is just part of string
// Add to value
val += c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_END);
return null;
// Parsing a number
private object ParseNumber(ref string file, ref string data, ref int pos, ref int line)
string val = "";
while((pos < data.Length) && !cpErrorResult)
// Get current character
char c = data[pos++];
// Check if number ends here
if((c == ';') || (c == ',') || (c == ')'))
// One byte back, because this
// is also the end of the assignment
// Floating point?
if(val.IndexOf("f", StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1)
float fval;
// Convert to float (remove the f first)
try { fval = Convert.ToSingle(val.Trim().Replace("f", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
// ERROR: Invalid value in assignment
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_VALUEINVALID);
return null;
return fval;
// Convert to int
// Convert to value
int ival = Convert.ToInt32(val.Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return ival;
// Too large for Int32, try Int64
// Convert to value
long lval = Convert.ToInt64(val.Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return lval;
// Too large for Int64, return error
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_VALUETOOBIG);
return null;
// ERROR: Invalid value in assignment
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_VALUEINVALID);
return null;
// ERROR: Invalid value in assignment
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_VALUEINVALID);
return null;
// Check for new line
else if(c == '\n')
// Count the new line
// Everything else is part of the value
val += c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_END);
return null;
// Parsing a keyword
private object ParseKeyword(ref string file, ref string data, ref int pos, ref int line)
string val = "";
while((pos < data.Length) && !cpErrorResult)
// Get current character
char c = data[pos++];
// Check if keyword ends
if((c == ';') || (c == ',') || (c == ')'))
// One byte back, because this
// is also the end of the assignment
// Validate the keyword
if(ValidateKeyword(val.Trim(), file, line))
// Return result depending on the keyword
case "true": return true;
case "false": return false;
case "null": return null;
default: RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_KEYWORDUNKNOWN + "\nUnrecognized token: '" + val.Trim().ToLowerInvariant() + "'"); return null;
// Check for new line
else if(c == '\n')
// Count the new line
// Everything else is just part of keyword
// Add to value
val += c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_END);
return null;
// This includes another file
private void FunctionInclude(IDictionary cs, List<object> args, ref string file, int line)
string data;
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_INCLUDE_UNSUPPORTED);
if(args.Count < 1) RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
if(!(args[0] is string)) RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_INVALID_ARGS + " Expected a string for argument 1.");
if((args.Count > 1) && !(args[1] is string)) RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_INVALID_ARGS + " Expected a string for argument 2.");
string filename = Path.GetFileName(file);
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) RaiseError(file, line, "Invalid include statement: file name is missing."); //mxd
else if(args[0].ToString().ToUpperInvariant() == filename.ToUpperInvariant()) RaiseError(file, line, "A file cannot call include() on itself."); //mxd
if(cpErrorResult) return;
// Determine the full path of the file to include
string includefile = Path.GetDirectoryName(file) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + args[0];
//mxd. Caching
IDictionary cinc = cfgcache[includefile];
// Check if a path is given
if((args.Count > 1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[1].ToString()))
IDictionary def;
if(cs is ListDictionary) def = new ListDictionary(); else def = new Hashtable();
if(CheckSetting(cinc, args[1].ToString(), DEFAULT_SEPERATOR))
cinc = (IDictionary)ReadAnySetting(cinc, file, line, args[1].ToString(), def, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR);
RaiseError(file, line, "Include missing structure '" + args[1] + "' in file '" + includefile + "'");
// Recursively merge the structures with the current structure
IDictionary newcs = Combine(cs, cinc, (cs is ListDictionary));
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in newcs) cs.Add(de.Key, de.Value);
// Load the file contents
FileStream fstream = File.OpenRead(includefile);
byte[] fbuffer = new byte[fstream.Length];
fstream.Read(fbuffer, 0, fbuffer.Length);
// Convert byte array to string
data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fbuffer);
catch(Exception e)
RaiseError(file, line, "Unable to include file '" + includefile + "'. " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message);
// Remove returns and tabs because the
// parser only uses newline for new lines.
data = data.Replace("\r", "");
data = data.Replace("\t", "");
// Parse the data
IDictionary inc;
if(cs is ListDictionary) inc = new ListDictionary(); else inc = new Hashtable();
int npos = 0, nline = 1;
InputStructure(inc, ref includefile, ref data, ref npos, ref nline);
//mxd. Add to cache
cfgcache.Add(includefile, inc);
// Check if a path is given
if((args.Count > 1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[1].ToString()))
IDictionary def;
if(cs is ListDictionary) def = new ListDictionary(); else def = new Hashtable();
if(CheckSetting(inc, args[1].ToString(), DEFAULT_SEPERATOR))
inc = (IDictionary)ReadAnySetting(inc, file, line, args[1].ToString(), def, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR);
RaiseError(file, line, "Include missing structure '" + args[1] + "' in file '" + includefile + "'");
// Recursively merge the structures with the current structure
IDictionary newcs = Combine(cs, inc, (cs is ListDictionary));
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in newcs) cs.Add(de.Key, de.Value);
// This parses a function
private void ParseFunction(IDictionary cs, ref string file, ref string data, ref int pos, ref int line, ref string functionname)
// We now parse arguments, separated by commas, until we reach the end of the function
List<object> args = new List<object>();
while((pos < data.Length) && !cpErrorResult)
// Get current character
char c = data[pos++];
// Check for end of function
if(c == ')')
// Check what function to run
// Include another file in here
case "include":
FunctionInclude(cs, args, ref file, line);
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION);
// Check for string opening
if(c == '\"')
// Now parsing a string
object val = ParseString(ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
if(cpErrorResult) return;
// Check for numeric character
else if(NUMBERS2.IndexOf(c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1)
// Go one byte back, because this
// byte is part of the number!
// Now parsing a number
object val = ParseNumber(ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
if(cpErrorResult) return;
// Check for new line
else if(c == '\n')
// Count the new line
// Check if argument ends
else if(c == ',')
// End of argument
// Otherwise (if not whitespace) it is a keyword
else if((c != ' ') && (c != '\t'))
// Go one byte back, because this
// byte is part of the keyword!
// Now parsing a keyword
object val = ParseKeyword(ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
if(cpErrorResult) return;
RaiseError(file, line, ERROR_UNEXPECTED_END);
// This parses a structure in the given data starting
// from the given pos and line and updates pos and line.
private void InputStructure(IDictionary cs, ref string file, ref string data, ref int pos, ref int line)
string key = "";
// Go through all of the data until
// the end or until the struct closes
// or when an arror occurred
while((pos < data.Length) && !cpErrorResult)
// Get current character
char c = data[pos++];
// Check what character this is
case '{': // Begin of new struct
// Validate key
if(ValidateKey(key.Trim(), file, line))
// Parse this struct and add it
IDictionary cs2;
if(cs is ListDictionary) cs2 = new ListDictionary(); else cs2 = new Hashtable();
InputStructure(cs2, ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
if(cs.Contains(key.Trim()) && (cs[key.Trim()] is IDictionary))
cs[key.Trim()] = Combine((IDictionary)cs[key.Trim()], cs2, (cs is ListDictionary));
cs[key.Trim()] = cs2;
key = "";
case '}': // End of this struct
// Stop parsing in this struct
case '(': // Function
ParseFunction(cs, ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line, ref key);
key = "";
case '=': // Assignment
// Validate key
if(ValidateKey(key.Trim(), file, line))
// Now parsing assignment
object val = ParseAssignment(ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
cs[key.Trim()] = val;
key = "";
case ';': // Terminator
// Validate key
if(ValidateKey(key.Trim(), file, line))
// Add the key with null as value
cs[key.Trim()] = null;
key = "";
case '\n': // New line
// Count the line
// Add this to the key as a space.
// Spaces are not allowed, but it will be trimmed
// when its the first or last character.
key += " ";
case '\\': // Possible comment
case '/':
// Backtrack to use previous character also
// Check for the line comment //
if(data.Substring(pos, 2) == "//")
// Find the next line
int np = data.IndexOf("\n", pos, StringComparison.Ordinal);
// Next line found?
if(np > -1)
// Count the line
// Skip everything on this line
pos = np + 1;
// No end of line
// Skip everything else
pos = data.Length + 1;
// Check for the block comment /* */
else if(data.Substring(pos, 2) == "/*")
// Find the next closing block comment
int np = data.IndexOf("*/", pos, StringComparison.Ordinal);
// Closing block comment found?
if(np > -1)
// Count the lines in the block comment
string blockdata = data.Substring(pos, np - pos + 2);
line += (blockdata.Split(newline).Length - 1);
// Skip everything in this block
pos = np + 2;
// No end of line
// Skip everything else
pos = data.Length + 1;
// No whitespace
default: // Everything else
// Add character to key
key += c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
#region ================== Writing
// This will create a data structure from the given object
private static string OutputStructure(IDictionary cs, int level, string newline, bool whitespace)
string leveltabs = "";
string spacing = "";
StringBuilder db = new StringBuilder("");
// Check if this ConfigStruct is not empty
if(cs.Count > 0)
// Create whitespace
for(int i = 0; i < level; i++) leveltabs += "\t";
spacing = " ";
// Get enumerator
IDictionaryEnumerator de = cs.GetEnumerator();
// Go for each item
for(int i = 0; i < cs.Count; i++)
// Go to next item
// Check if the value is null
if(de.Value == null)
// Output key only
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(de.Key); db.Append(";"); db.Append(newline);
// Check if the value if of ConfigStruct type
else if(de.Value is IDictionary)
// Output recursive structure
if(whitespace) { db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(newline); }
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(de.Key); db.Append(newline);
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append("{"); db.Append(newline);
db.Append(OutputStructure((IDictionary)de.Value, level + 1, newline, whitespace));
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append("}"); db.Append(newline);
//if(whitespace) { db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(newline); }
// Check if the value is of boolean type
else if(de.Value is bool)
// Check value
// Output the keyword "true"
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(de.Key); db.Append(spacing);
db.Append("="); db.Append(spacing); db.Append("true;"); db.Append(newline);
// Output the keyword "false"
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(de.Key); db.Append(spacing);
db.Append("="); db.Append(spacing); db.Append("false;"); db.Append(newline);
// Check if value is of float type
else if(de.Value is float)
// Output the value with a postfixed f
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(de.Key); db.Append(spacing); db.Append("=");
db.Append(spacing); db.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", de.Value)); db.Append("f;"); db.Append(newline);
// Check if value is of other numeric type
else if(de.Value.GetType().IsPrimitive)
// Output the value unquoted
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(de.Key); db.Append(spacing); db.Append("=");
db.Append(spacing); db.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}", de.Value)); db.Append(";"); db.Append(newline);
// Output the value with quotes and escape characters
db.Append(leveltabs); db.Append(de.Key); db.Append(spacing); db.Append("=");
db.Append(spacing); db.Append("\""); db.Append(EscapedString(de.Value.ToString())); db.Append("\";"); db.Append(newline);
// Return the structure
return db.ToString();
#region ================== Public Methods
// This clears the last error
public void ClearError()
// Clear error
cpErrorResult = false;
cpErrorDescription = "";
cpErrorLine = 0;
cpErrorFile = "";
// This creates a new configuration
public void NewConfiguration() { NewConfiguration(false); }
public void NewConfiguration(bool sorted)
// Create new configuration
if(sorted) root = new ListDictionary(); else root = new Hashtable();
// This checks if a given setting exists (disregards type)
public bool SettingExists(string setting) { return CheckSetting(root, setting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR); }
public bool SettingExists(string setting, string pathseperator) { return CheckSetting(root, setting, pathseperator); }
// This can give a value of a key specified in a path form
// also, this does not error when the setting does not exist,
// but instead returns the given default value.
public string ReadSetting(string setting, string defaultsetting) { object r = ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR); if(r != null) return r.ToString(); else return null; }
public string ReadSetting(string setting, string defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { object r = ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator); if(r != null) return r.ToString(); else return null; }
public int ReadSetting(string setting, int defaultsetting) { return Convert.ToInt32(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public int ReadSetting(string setting, int defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return Convert.ToInt32(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public float ReadSetting(string setting, float defaultsetting) { return Convert.ToSingle(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public float ReadSetting(string setting, float defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return Convert.ToSingle(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public short ReadSetting(string setting, short defaultsetting) { return Convert.ToInt16(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public short ReadSetting(string setting, short defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return Convert.ToInt16(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public long ReadSetting(string setting, long defaultsetting) { return Convert.ToInt64(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public long ReadSetting(string setting, long defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return Convert.ToInt64(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public bool ReadSetting(string setting, bool defaultsetting) { return Convert.ToBoolean(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public bool ReadSetting(string setting, bool defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return Convert.ToBoolean(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public byte ReadSetting(string setting, byte defaultsetting) { return Convert.ToByte(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public byte ReadSetting(string setting, byte defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return Convert.ToByte(ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }
public IDictionary ReadSetting(string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting) { return (IDictionary)ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR); }
public IDictionary ReadSetting(string setting, IDictionary defaultsetting, string pathseperator) { return (IDictionary)ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, pathseperator); }
public object ReadSettingObject(string setting, object defaultsetting) { return ReadAnySetting(setting, defaultsetting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR); }
// This writes a given setting to the configuration.
// Wont change existing structs, but will add them as needed.
// Returns true when written, false when failed.
public bool WriteSetting(string setting, object settingvalue) { return WriteSetting(setting, settingvalue, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR); }
public bool WriteSetting(string setting, object settingvalue, string pathseperator)
IDictionary cs;
// Split the path in an array
string[] keys = setting.Split(pathseperator.ToCharArray());
string finalkey = keys[keys.Length - 1];
// Get the root item
object item = root;
// Go for each path item
for(int i = 0; i < (keys.Length - 1); i++)
// Check if the key is valid
if(ValidateKey(keys[i].Trim(), "", -1))
// Cast to ConfigStruct
cs = (IDictionary)item;
// Check if the requested item exists
// Check if the requested item is a ConfigStruct
if(cs[keys[i]] is IDictionary)
// Set the item to the next item
item = cs[keys[i]];
// Cant proceed with path
return false;
// Key not found
// Create it now
IDictionary ncs;
if(root is ListDictionary) ncs = new ListDictionary(); else ncs = new Hashtable();
cs.Add(keys[i], ncs);
// Set the item to the next item
item = cs[keys[i]];
// Invalid key in path
return false;
// Cast to ConfigStruct
cs = (IDictionary)item;
// Check if the key already exists
// Update the value
cs[finalkey] = settingvalue;
// Create the key/value pair
cs.Add(finalkey, settingvalue);
// Return success
return true;
// This removes a given setting from the configuration.
public bool DeleteSetting(string setting) { return DeleteSetting(setting, DEFAULT_SEPERATOR); }
public bool DeleteSetting(string setting, string pathseperator)
IDictionary cs;
// Split the path in an array
string[] keys = setting.Split(pathseperator.ToCharArray());
string finalkey = keys[keys.Length - 1];
// Get the root item
object item = root;
// Go for each path item
for(int i = 0; i < (keys.Length - 1); i++)
// Check if the key is valid
if(ValidateKey(keys[i].Trim(), "", -1))
// Cast to ConfigStruct
cs = (IDictionary)item;
// Check if the requested item exists
// Check if the requested item is a ConfigStruct
if(cs[keys[i]] is IDictionary)
// Set the item to the next item
item = cs[keys[i]];
// Cant proceed with path
return false;
// Key not found
// Create it now
IDictionary ncs;
if(root is ListDictionary) ncs = new ListDictionary(); else ncs = new Hashtable();
cs.Add(keys[i], ncs);
// Set the item to the next item
item = cs[keys[i]];
// Invalid key in path
return false;
// Cast to ConfigStruct
cs = (IDictionary)item;
// Arrived at our destination
// Delete the key if the key exists
// Key exists, delete it
// Return success
return true;
// Key not found, return fail
return false;
// This will save the current configuration to the specified file
public bool SaveConfiguration(string filename) { return SaveConfiguration(filename, "\r\n", true); }
public bool SaveConfiguration(string filename, string newline) { return SaveConfiguration(filename, newline, true); }
public bool SaveConfiguration(string filename, string newline, bool whitespace)
// Kill the file if it exists
if(File.Exists(filename)) File.Delete(filename);
// Open file stream for writing
FileStream fstream = File.OpenWrite(filename);
// Create output structure and write to file
string data = OutputConfiguration(newline, whitespace);
byte[] baData= Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
fstream.Write(baData, 0, baData.Length);
// Return true when done, false when errors occurred
return !cpErrorResult;
// This will output the current configuration as a string
public string OutputConfiguration() { return OutputConfiguration("\r\n", true); }
public string OutputConfiguration(string newline) { return OutputConfiguration(newline, true); }
public string OutputConfiguration(string newline, bool whitespace)
// Simply return the configuration structure as string
return OutputStructure(root, 0, newline, whitespace);
// This will load a configuration from file
public bool LoadConfiguration(string filename) { return LoadConfiguration(filename, false); }
public bool LoadConfiguration(string filename, bool sorted)
// Check if the file is missing
throw(new FileNotFoundException("File not found \"" + filename + "\"", filename));
// Load the file contents
FileStream fstream = File.OpenRead(filename);
byte[] fbuffer = new byte[fstream.Length];
fstream.Read(fbuffer, 0, fbuffer.Length);
// Convert byte array to string
string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fbuffer);
// Load the configuration from this data
return InputConfiguration(filename, data, sorted);
// This will load a configuration from string
public bool InputConfiguration(string data) { return InputConfiguration(data, false); }
public bool InputConfiguration(string data, bool sorted) { return InputConfiguration("", data, sorted); }
private bool InputConfiguration(string file, string data, bool sorted)
// Remove returns and tabs because the
// parser only uses newline for new lines.
data = data.Replace("\r", "");
data = data.Replace("\t", "");
// Clear errors
// Parse the data to the root structure
if(sorted) root = new ListDictionary(); else root = new Hashtable();
int pos = 0, line = 1;
InputStructure(root, ref file, ref data, ref pos, ref line);
// Return true when done, false when errors occurred
return !cpErrorResult;