2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Copyright ( c ) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
/ *
* Copyright ( c ) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden , www . codeimp . com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* /
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Namespaces
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry ;
using System.Drawing ;
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
using System.Text.RegularExpressions ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO ;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map
public sealed class Linedef : SelectableElement
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Constants
public const float SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE = 0.01f ;
public const int NUM_ARGS = 5 ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Variables
// Map
private MapSet map ;
// List items
private LinkedListNode < Linedef > startvertexlistitem ;
private LinkedListNode < Linedef > endvertexlistitem ;
private LinkedListNode < Linedef > selecteditem ;
// Vertices
private Vertex start ;
private Vertex end ;
// Sidedefs
private Sidedef front ;
private Sidedef back ;
// Cache
private bool updateneeded ;
private float lengthsq ;
private float lengthsqinv ;
private float length ;
private float lengthinv ;
private float angle ;
private RectangleF rect ;
private bool impassableflag ;
// Properties
private Dictionary < string , bool > flags ;
private int action ;
private int activate ;
private List < int > tags ; //mxd
private int [ ] args ;
private bool frontinterior ; // for drawing only
private int colorPresetIndex ; //mxd
// Clone
private int serializedindex ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Properties
public MapSet Map { get { return map ; } }
public Vertex Start { get { return start ; } }
public Vertex End { get { return end ; } }
public Sidedef Front { get { return front ; } }
public Sidedef Back { get { return back ; } }
public Line2D Line { get { return new Line2D ( start . Position , end . Position ) ; } }
internal Dictionary < string , bool > Flags { get { return flags ; } }
public int Action { get { return action ; } set { BeforePropsChange ( ) ; action = value ; UpdateColorPreset ( ) ; } }
public int Activate { get { return activate ; } set { BeforePropsChange ( ) ; activate = value ; UpdateColorPreset ( ) ; } }
2016-01-15 13:40:36 +00:00
public bool Is3DFloor { get { return ( ! General . Map . SRB2 & & Action = = 160 ) | | General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . ThreeDFloor ; } }
2022-12-05 23:20:42 +00:00
public bool IsInvisibleFOF { get { return General . Map . SRB2 & & General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . InvisibleFOF ; } }
2016-01-15 13:40:36 +00:00
public bool IsCustom3DFloor { get { return General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . ThreeDFloorCustom ; } }
2016-01-14 23:47:32 +00:00
public bool IsRegularSlope { get { return ( ! General . Map . SRB2 & & Action = = 181 ) | | General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . IsRegularSlope ; } }
public bool IsCopySlope { get { return ( ! General . Map . SRB2 & & Action = = 118 ) | | General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . IsCopySlope ; } }
public bool IsVertexSlope { get { return General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . IsVertexSlope ; } }
2016-01-04 19:26:34 +00:00
public bool IsTranslucentLine { get { return General . Map . FormatInterface . TranslucentLineTypes . ContainsKey ( Action ) ; } }
2016-01-03 23:01:07 +00:00
public bool IsColormap { get { return Action = = General . Map . FormatInterface . ColormapType ; } }
2016-01-04 11:55:41 +00:00
public bool IsFlatAlignment { get { return Action = = General . Map . FormatInterface . FlatAlignmentType ; } }
2021-10-21 10:21:27 +00:00
public bool IsHorizonLine { get { return Action = = General . Map . FormatInterface . HorizonLineType ; } }
public int Tag { get { return tags [ 0 ] ; } set { BeforePropsChange ( ) ; tags [ 0 ] = value ; if ( ( value < General . Map . FormatInterface . MinTag ) | | ( value > General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxTag ) ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Tag" , "Invalid tag number" ) ; } } //mxd
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
public List < int > Tags { get { return tags ; } set { BeforePropsChange ( ) ; tags = value ; } } //mxd
public float LengthSq { get { return lengthsq ; } }
public float Length { get { return length ; } }
public float LengthInv { get { return lengthinv ; } }
public float Angle { get { return angle ; } }
public int AngleDeg { get { return ( int ) ( angle * Angle2D . PIDEG ) ; } }
public RectangleF Rect { get { return rect ; } }
public int [ ] Args { get { return args ; } }
internal int SerializedIndex { get { return serializedindex ; } set { serializedindex = value ; } }
internal bool FrontInterior { get { return frontinterior ; } set { frontinterior = value ; } }
internal bool ImpassableFlag { get { return impassableflag ; } }
internal int ColorPresetIndex { get { return colorPresetIndex ; } } //mxd
internal bool ExtraFloorFlag ; //mxd
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
internal Linedef ( MapSet map , int listindex , Vertex start , Vertex end )
// Initialize
this . elementtype = MapElementType . LINEDEF ; //mxd
this . map = map ;
this . listindex = listindex ;
this . updateneeded = true ;
this . args = new int [ NUM_ARGS ] ;
this . tags = new List < int > { 0 } ; //mxd
this . flags = new Dictionary < string , bool > ( StringComparer . Ordinal ) ;
this . colorPresetIndex = - 1 ; //mxd
// Attach to vertices
this . start = start ;
this . startvertexlistitem = start . AttachLinedefP ( this ) ;
this . end = end ;
this . endvertexlistitem = end . AttachLinedefP ( this ) ;
if ( map = = General . Map . Map )
General . Map . UndoRedo . RecAddLinedef ( this ) ;
// We have no destructor
GC . SuppressFinalize ( this ) ;
// Disposer
public override void Dispose ( )
// Not already disposed?
if ( ! isdisposed )
// Already set isdisposed so that changes can be prohibited
isdisposed = true ;
// Dispose sidedefs
if ( ( front ! = null ) & & map . AutoRemove ) front . Dispose ( ) ; else AttachFrontP ( null ) ;
if ( ( back ! = null ) & & map . AutoRemove ) back . Dispose ( ) ; else AttachBackP ( null ) ;
if ( map = = General . Map . Map )
General . Map . UndoRedo . RecRemLinedef ( this ) ;
// Remove from main list
map . RemoveLinedef ( listindex ) ;
// Detach from vertices
if ( startvertexlistitem ! = null ) start . DetachLinedefP ( startvertexlistitem ) ;
startvertexlistitem = null ;
start = null ;
if ( endvertexlistitem ! = null ) end . DetachLinedefP ( endvertexlistitem ) ;
endvertexlistitem = null ;
end = null ;
// Clean up
start = null ;
end = null ;
front = null ;
back = null ;
map = null ;
//mxd. Restore isdisposed so base classes can do their disposal job
isdisposed = false ;
// Clean up base
base . Dispose ( ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Management
// Call this before changing properties
protected override void BeforePropsChange ( )
if ( map = = General . Map . Map )
General . Map . UndoRedo . RecPrpLinedef ( this ) ;
// Serialize / deserialize (passive: doesn't record)
new internal void ReadWrite ( IReadWriteStream s )
if ( ! s . IsWriting )
BeforePropsChange ( ) ;
updateneeded = true ;
base . ReadWrite ( s ) ;
if ( s . IsWriting )
s . wInt ( flags . Count ) ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , bool > f in flags )
s . wString ( f . Key ) ;
s . wBool ( f . Value ) ;
int c ; s . rInt ( out c ) ;
flags = new Dictionary < string , bool > ( c , StringComparer . Ordinal ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
string t ; s . rString ( out t ) ;
bool b ; s . rBool ( out b ) ;
flags . Add ( t , b ) ;
s . rwInt ( ref action ) ;
s . rwInt ( ref activate ) ;
if ( s . IsWriting )
s . wInt ( tags . Count ) ;
foreach ( int tag in tags ) s . wInt ( tag ) ;
int c ; s . rInt ( out c ) ;
tags = new List < int > ( c ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
int t ; s . rInt ( out t ) ;
tags . Add ( t ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ARGS ; i + + ) s . rwInt ( ref args [ i ] ) ;
if ( ! s . IsWriting ) UpdateColorPreset ( ) ;
// This sets new start vertex
public void SetStartVertex ( Vertex v )
if ( map = = General . Map . Map )
General . Map . UndoRedo . RecRefLinedefStart ( this ) ;
// Change start
if ( startvertexlistitem ! = null ) start . DetachLinedefP ( startvertexlistitem ) ;
startvertexlistitem = null ;
start = v ;
if ( start ! = null ) startvertexlistitem = start . AttachLinedefP ( this ) ;
this . updateneeded = true ;
// This sets new end vertex
public void SetEndVertex ( Vertex v )
if ( map = = General . Map . Map )
General . Map . UndoRedo . RecRefLinedefEnd ( this ) ;
// Change end
if ( endvertexlistitem ! = null ) end . DetachLinedefP ( endvertexlistitem ) ;
endvertexlistitem = null ;
end = v ;
if ( end ! = null ) endvertexlistitem = end . AttachLinedefP ( this ) ;
this . updateneeded = true ;
// This detaches a vertex
internal void DetachVertexP ( Vertex v )
if ( v = = start )
if ( startvertexlistitem ! = null ) start . DetachLinedefP ( startvertexlistitem ) ;
startvertexlistitem = null ;
start = null ;
else if ( v = = end )
if ( endvertexlistitem ! = null ) end . DetachLinedefP ( endvertexlistitem ) ;
endvertexlistitem = null ;
end = null ;
throw new Exception ( "Specified Vertex is not attached to this Linedef." ) ;
// This copies all properties to another line
2016-01-23 00:30:20 +00:00
public void CopyPropertiesTo ( Linedef l )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
l . BeforePropsChange ( ) ;
// Copy properties
l . action = action ;
l . args = ( int [ ] ) args . Clone ( ) ;
l . flags = new Dictionary < string , bool > ( flags ) ;
l . tags = new List < int > ( tags ) ; //mxd
l . updateneeded = true ;
l . activate = activate ;
l . impassableflag = impassableflag ;
l . UpdateColorPreset ( ) ; //mxd
base . CopyPropertiesTo ( l ) ;
// This attaches a sidedef on the front
internal void AttachFront ( Sidedef s )
if ( map = = General . Map . Map )
General . Map . UndoRedo . RecRefLinedefFront ( this ) ;
// Attach and recalculate
AttachFrontP ( s ) ;
// Passive version, does not record the change
internal void AttachFrontP ( Sidedef s )
// Attach and recalculate
front = s ;
if ( front ! = null ) front . SetLinedefP ( this ) ;
updateneeded = true ;
// This attaches a sidedef on the back
internal void AttachBack ( Sidedef s )
if ( map = = General . Map . Map )
General . Map . UndoRedo . RecRefLinedefBack ( this ) ;
// Attach and recalculate
AttachBackP ( s ) ;
// Passive version, does not record the change
internal void AttachBackP ( Sidedef s )
// Attach and recalculate
back = s ;
if ( back ! = null ) back . SetLinedefP ( this ) ;
updateneeded = true ;
// This detaches a sidedef from the front
internal void DetachSidedefP ( Sidedef s )
// Sidedef is on the front?
if ( front = = s )
// Remove sidedef reference
if ( front ! = null ) front . SetLinedefP ( null ) ;
front = null ;
updateneeded = true ;
// Sidedef is on the back?
else if ( back = = s )
// Remove sidedef reference
if ( back ! = null ) back . SetLinedefP ( null ) ;
back = null ;
updateneeded = true ;
//else throw new Exception("Specified Sidedef is not attached to this Linedef.");
// This updates the line when changes have been made
public void UpdateCache ( )
// Update if needed
if ( updateneeded )
// Delta vector
Vector2D delta = end . Position - start . Position ;
// Recalculate values
lengthsq = delta . GetLengthSq ( ) ;
length = ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( lengthsq ) ;
if ( length > 0f ) lengthinv = 1f / length ; else lengthinv = 1f / 0.0000000001f ;
if ( lengthsq > 0f ) lengthsqinv = 1f / lengthsq ; else lengthsqinv = 1f / 0.0000000001f ;
angle = delta . GetAngle ( ) ;
float l = Math . Min ( start . Position . x , end . Position . x ) ;
float t = Math . Min ( start . Position . y , end . Position . y ) ;
float r = Math . Max ( start . Position . x , end . Position . x ) ;
float b = Math . Max ( start . Position . y , end . Position . y ) ;
rect = new RectangleF ( l , t , r - l , b - t ) ;
// Cached flags
impassableflag = IsFlagSet ( General . Map . Config . ImpassableFlag ) ;
//mxd. Color preset
UpdateColorPreset ( ) ;
// Updated
updateneeded = false ;
// This flags the line needs an update because it moved
public void NeedUpdate ( )
// Update this line
updateneeded = true ;
// Update sectors as well
if ( front ! = null ) front . Sector . UpdateNeeded = true ;
if ( back ! = null ) back . Sector . UpdateNeeded = true ;
// This translates the flags and activations into UDMF fields
internal void TranslateToUDMF ( Type previousmapformatinterfacetype )
// First make a single integer with all bits from activation and flags
int bits = activate ;
int flagbit ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , bool > f in flags )
if ( int . TryParse ( f . Key , out flagbit ) & & f . Value ) bits | = flagbit ;
// Now make the new flags
flags . Clear ( ) ;
//mxd. Add default activation flag if needed
if ( action ! = 0 & & activate = = 0 & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( General . Map . Config . DefaultLinedefActivationFlag ) )
flags [ General . Map . Config . DefaultLinedefActivationFlag ] = true ;
foreach ( FlagTranslation f in General . Map . Config . LinedefFlagsTranslation )
// Flag found in bits?
if ( ( bits & f . Flag ) = = f . Flag )
// Add fields and remove bits
bits & = ~ f . Flag ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < f . Fields . Count ; i + + )
flags [ f . Fields [ i ] ] = f . FieldValues [ i ] ;
// Add fields with inverted value
for ( int i = 0 ; i < f . Fields . Count ; i + + )
if ( ! flags . ContainsKey ( f . Fields [ i ] ) ) //mxd
flags [ f . Fields [ i ] ] = ! f . FieldValues [ i ] ;
//mxd. Hexen -> UDMF action translation. Hardcoded for now...
if ( previousmapformatinterfacetype = = typeof ( HexenMapSetIO ) )
switch ( Action )
case 121 : //Line_SetIdentification
//Convert arg0 to tag
tags [ 0 ] = args [ 0 ] + args [ 4 ] * 256 ;
//Convert arg1 to flags
ConvertArgToFlags ( 1 ) ;
//clear action and arguments
action = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < args . Length ; i + + ) args [ i ] = 0 ;
break ;
case 208 : //TranslucentLine
//Convert arg0 to tag
tags [ 0 ] = args [ 0 ] ;
//Convert arg3 to flags
ConvertArgToFlags ( 3 ) ;
break ;
case 1 : ConvertArgToTag ( 3 , true ) ; break ; //Polyobj_StartLine
case 5 : ConvertArgToTag ( 4 , true ) ; break ; //Polyobj_ExplicitLine
case 181 : ConvertArgToTag ( 2 , true ) ; break ; //Plane_Align
case 215 : ConvertArgToTag ( 0 , true ) ; break ; //Teleport_Line
case 222 : ConvertArgToTag ( 0 , false ) ; break ; //Scroll_Texture_Model
case 160 : //Sector_3DFloor
// Convert to UDMF
if ( ( args [ 1 ] & 8 ) = = 8 ) // arg4 is LineID?
tags [ 0 ] = args [ 4 ] ;
args [ 1 ] & = ~ 8 ; // Unset flag
else // It's sector's HiTag then
args [ 0 ] + = args [ 4 ] * 256 ;
// Clear arg
args [ 4 ] = 0 ;
break ;
//mxd. Update cached flags
impassableflag = IsFlagSet ( General . Map . Config . ImpassableFlag ) ;
// Update color preset
UpdateColorPreset ( ) ;
// This translates UDMF fields back into the normal flags and activations
internal void TranslateFromUDMF ( )
//mxd. Clear UDMF-related properties
this . Fields . Clear ( ) ;
ExtraFloorFlag = false ;
// Make copy of the flags
Dictionary < string , bool > oldfields = new Dictionary < string , bool > ( flags ) ;
// Make the flags
flags . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , string > f in General . Map . Config . LinedefFlags )
// Flag must be numeric
int flagbit ;
if ( int . TryParse ( f . Key , out flagbit ) )
foreach ( FlagTranslation ft in General . Map . Config . LinedefFlagsTranslation )
if ( ft . Flag = = flagbit )
// Only set this flag when the fields match
bool fieldsmatch = true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ft . Fields . Count ; i + + )
if ( ! oldfields . ContainsKey ( ft . Fields [ i ] ) | | ( oldfields [ ft . Fields [ i ] ] ! = ft . FieldValues [ i ] ) )
fieldsmatch = false ;
break ;
// Field match? Then add the flag.
if ( fieldsmatch )
flags . Add ( f . Key , true ) ;
break ;
// Make the activation
foreach ( LinedefActivateInfo a in General . Map . Config . LinedefActivates )
bool foundactivation = false ;
foreach ( FlagTranslation ft in General . Map . Config . LinedefFlagsTranslation )
if ( ft . Flag = = a . Index )
// Only set this activation when the fields match
bool fieldsmatch = true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ft . Fields . Count ; i + + )
if ( ! oldfields . ContainsKey ( ft . Fields [ i ] ) | | ( oldfields [ ft . Fields [ i ] ] ! = ft . FieldValues [ i ] ) )
fieldsmatch = false ;
break ;
// Field match? Then add the flag.
if ( fieldsmatch )
activate = a . Index ;
foundactivation = true ;
break ;
if ( foundactivation ) break ;
//mxd. UDMF -> Hexen action translation. Hardcoded for now...
if ( General . Map . FormatInterface is HexenMapSetIO )
switch ( action )
case 208 : //TranslucentLine
//Convert tag to arg0
if ( tags [ 0 ] < General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument | | tags [ 0 ] > General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument )
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Linedef " + Index + ": unable to convert Tag (" + tags [ 0 ] + ") to LineID because it's outside of supported argument range [" + General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument + ".." + General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument + "]." ) ;
args [ 0 ] = tags [ 0 ] ;
//Convert flags to arg3
ConvertFlagsToArg ( oldfields , 3 ) ;
break ;
case 1 : ConvertTagToArg ( 3 ) ; break ; //Polyobj_StartLine
case 5 : ConvertTagToArg ( 4 ) ; break ; //Polyobj_ExplicitLine
case 181 : ConvertTagToArg ( 2 ) ; break ; //Plane_Align
case 215 : ConvertTagToArg ( 0 ) ; break ; //Teleport_Line
case 222 : ConvertTagToArg ( 0 ) ; break ; //Scroll_Texture_Model
case 160 : //Sector_3DFloor
if ( args [ 0 ] > General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument ) // Split sector tag?
int hitag = args [ 0 ] / 256 ;
int lotag = args [ 0 ] - hitag ;
args [ 0 ] = lotag ;
args [ 4 ] = hitag ;
if ( tags [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Linedef " + Index + ": unable to convert Tag (" + tags [ 0 ] + ") to LineID, because target sector tag (arg0) is greater than " + General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument + "." ) ;
else if ( args [ 0 ] < General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument )
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Linedef " + Index + ": unable to convert arg0 (" + args [ 0 ] + "), because it's outside of supported argument range [" + General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument + ".." + General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument + "]." ) ;
else if ( tags [ 0 ] > General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument ) // Convert to LineID?
if ( tags [ 0 ] > General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument )
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Linedef " + Index + ": unable to convert Tag (" + tags [ 0 ] + ") to LineID, because linedef tag is greater than " + General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument + "." ) ;
args [ 4 ] = tags [ 0 ] ;
args [ 1 ] | = 8 ; // Add "Use arg4 as LineID" flag
break ;
default : // Convert tag to Line_SetIdentification?
if ( tags [ 0 ] > General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument )
if ( action ! = 0 )
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Linedef " + Index + ": unable to convert Tag (" + tags [ 0 ] + ") to LineID, because linedef already has an action." ) ;
else // Convert to Line_SetIdentification
int hiid = tags [ 0 ] / 256 ;
int loid = tags [ 0 ] - hiid ;
action = 121 ;
args [ 0 ] = loid ;
args [ 4 ] = hiid ;
ConvertFlagsToArg ( oldfields , 1 ) ;
else if ( tags [ 0 ] < General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument )
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Linedef " + Index + ": unable to convert Tag (" + tags [ 0 ] + ") to LineID, because it's outside of supported argument range [" + General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument + ".." + General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument + "]." ) ;
break ;
// Clear tag
tags [ 0 ] = 0 ;
//mxd. Update cached flags
impassableflag = IsFlagSet ( General . Map . Config . ImpassableFlag ) ;
// Update color preset
UpdateColorPreset ( ) ;
private void ConvertArgToTag ( int argnum , bool cleararg )
// Convert arg to tag
tags [ 0 ] = args [ argnum ] ;
// Clear obsolete arg
if ( cleararg ) args [ argnum ] = 0 ;
private void ConvertTagToArg ( int argnum )
if ( tags [ 0 ] < General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument | | tags [ 0 ] > General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument )
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Linedef " + Index + ": unable to convert Tag (" + tags [ 0 ] + ") to LineID because it's outside of supported argument range [" + General . Map . FormatInterface . MinArgument + ".." + General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxArgument + "]." ) ;
args [ argnum ] = tags [ 0 ] ;
private void ConvertArgToFlags ( int argnum )
if ( args [ argnum ] = = 0 ) return ;
// Convert to flags
if ( ( args [ argnum ] & 1 ) = = 1 ) flags [ "zoneboundary" ] = true ;
if ( ( args [ argnum ] & 2 ) = = 2 ) flags [ "jumpover" ] = true ;
if ( ( args [ argnum ] & 4 ) = = 4 ) flags [ "blockfloaters" ] = true ;
if ( ( args [ argnum ] & 8 ) = = 8 ) flags [ "clipmidtex" ] = true ;
if ( ( args [ argnum ] & 16 ) = = 16 ) flags [ "wrapmidtex" ] = true ;
if ( ( args [ argnum ] & 32 ) = = 32 ) flags [ "midtex3d" ] = true ;
if ( ( args [ argnum ] & 64 ) = = 64 ) flags [ "checkswitchrange" ] = true ;
if ( ( args [ argnum ] & 128 ) = = 128 ) flags [ "firstsideonly" ] = true ;
// Clear obsolete arg
args [ argnum ] = 0 ;
private void ConvertFlagsToArg ( Dictionary < string , bool > oldflags , int argnum )
int bits = 0 ;
if ( oldflags . ContainsKey ( "zoneboundary" ) & & oldflags [ "zoneboundary" ] ) bits & = 1 ;
if ( oldflags . ContainsKey ( "jumpover" ) & & oldflags [ "jumpover" ] ) bits & = 2 ;
if ( oldflags . ContainsKey ( "blockfloaters" ) & & oldflags [ "blockfloaters" ] ) bits & = 4 ;
if ( oldflags . ContainsKey ( "clipmidtex" ) & & oldflags [ "clipmidtex" ] ) bits & = 8 ;
if ( oldflags . ContainsKey ( "wrapmidtex" ) & & oldflags [ "wrapmidtex" ] ) bits & = 16 ;
if ( oldflags . ContainsKey ( "midtex3d" ) & & oldflags [ "midtex3d" ] ) bits & = 32 ;
if ( oldflags . ContainsKey ( "checkswitchrange" ) & & oldflags [ "checkswitchrange" ] ) bits & = 64 ;
if ( oldflags . ContainsKey ( "firstsideonly" ) & & oldflags [ "firstsideonly" ] ) bits & = 128 ;
// Set arg
args [ argnum ] = bits ;
// Selected
protected override void DoSelect ( )
base . DoSelect ( ) ;
selecteditem = map . SelectedLinedefs . AddLast ( this ) ;
// Deselect
protected override void DoUnselect ( )
base . DoUnselect ( ) ;
if ( selecteditem . List ! = null ) selecteditem . List . Remove ( selecteditem ) ;
selecteditem = null ;
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Methods
2016-01-01 10:41:42 +00:00
//Set 3D floor arguments for SRB2-style 3D floors. See http://zdoom.org/wiki/Sector_Set3dFloor.
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
public void Set3DFloorArgs ( )
2016-01-01 10:41:42 +00:00
Args [ 0 ] = Tag ; //tag
Args [ 1 ] = 1 ; //type
Args [ 2 ] = 0 ; //flags
Args [ 3 ] = 0 ; //alpha
Args [ 4 ] = 0 ; //hi-tag/line ID (irrelevant for SRB2)
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2016-01-15 13:40:36 +00:00
int value ;
if ( IsCustom3DFloor & & Back ! = null )
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2016-01-01 10:41:42 +00:00
//Read 3D floor flags from upper back texture
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
string tex = Back . HighTexture ;
2016-01-15 13:40:36 +00:00
try { value = Convert . ToInt32 ( Back . HighTexture , 16 ) ; }
2016-01-20 20:31:52 +00:00
catch ( FormatException ) { return ; }
2016-07-17 12:16:50 +00:00
catch ( ArgumentException ) { return ; }
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2016-01-15 13:40:36 +00:00
else value = General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . Get3DFloorFlags ( flags ) ;
bool exists = ( value & 0x1 ) = = 0x1 ; //FF_EXISTS
bool solid = ( ( value & 0x2 ) = = 0x2 ) | | ( ( value & 0x4 ) = = 0x4 ) ; //FF_BLOCKPLAYER/FF_BLOCKOTHERS/FF_SOLID
bool rendersides = ( value & 0x8 ) = = 0x8 ; //FF_RENDERSIDES
bool renderplanes = ( value & 0x10 ) = = 0x10 ; //FF_RENDERPLANES
bool render = rendersides | | renderplanes ;
bool water = ( value & 0x20 ) = = 0x20 ; //FF_SWIMMABLE
bool noshade = ( value & 0x40 ) = = 0x40 ; //FF_NOSHADE
bool translucent = ( value & 0x1000 ) = = 0x1000 ; //FF_TRANSLUCENT
bool fog = ( value & 0x2000 ) = = 0x2000 ; //FF_FOG
bool inside = ( ( value & 0x8000 ) = = 0x8000 ) | | ( ( value & 0x10000 ) = = 0x10000 ) ; //FF_ALLSIDES/FF_INVERTSIDES
bool doubleshadow = ( value & 0x20000 ) = = 0x20000 ; //FF_DOUBLESHADOW
if ( exists )
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2016-01-15 13:40:36 +00:00
Args [ 1 ] = water ? 2 : ( solid ? 1 : 3 ) ;
if ( inside ) Args [ 1 ] + = 4 ;
if ( ! renderplanes ) Args [ 1 ] + = 64 ;
if ( ! rendersides ) Args [ 1 ] + = 128 ;
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2016-01-15 13:40:36 +00:00
if ( noshade ) Args [ 2 ] + = 1 ;
if ( doubleshadow ) Args [ 2 ] + = 2 ;
if ( fog ) Args [ 2 ] + = 4 ;
2021-06-17 09:05:08 +00:00
if ( ParseAdditive ( Front . HighTexture ) ) Args [ 2 ] + = 64 ;
if ( ParseSubtractive ( Front . HighTexture ) ) Args [ 2 ] + = 2048 ; // hack for SRB2, not actually in UDMF
if ( ParseReverseSubtractive ( Front . HighTexture ) ) Args [ 2 ] + = 4096 ; // hack for SRB2, not actually in UDMF
Args [ 3 ] = render ? ( translucent ? ParseTranslucency ( Front . HighTexture ) : 255 ) : 0 ;
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2016-01-01 10:41:42 +00:00
//Read translucency value from texture name (#000-#255)
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
private int ParseTranslucency ( string tex )
int result = 128 ;
2021-06-17 09:05:08 +00:00
if ( tex . StartsWith ( "#" ) )
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
int alpha ;
2021-06-17 09:05:08 +00:00
if ( int . TryParse ( tex . Substring ( 1 , 3 ) , out alpha ) & & alpha > = 0 & & alpha < = 255 ) result = alpha ;
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
return result ;
2021-06-17 09:05:08 +00:00
private bool ParseAdditive ( string tex )
if ( tex . StartsWith ( "#" ) & & tex . Length > = 5 )
return int . TryParse ( tex . Substring ( 4 , 1 ) , out int value ) & & value = = 1 ;
return false ;
private bool ParseSubtractive ( string tex )
if ( tex . StartsWith ( "#" ) & & tex . Length > = 5 )
return int . TryParse ( tex . Substring ( 4 , 1 ) , out int value ) & & value = = 2 ;
return false ;
private bool ParseReverseSubtractive ( string tex )
if ( tex . StartsWith ( "#" ) & & tex . Length > = 5 )
return int . TryParse ( tex . Substring ( 4 , 1 ) , out int value ) & & value = = 3 ;
return false ;
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2021-06-17 09:05:08 +00:00
//Read color value from texture name (#RRGGBBA)
public void ParseColor ( string tex , out int color , out int alpha )
2016-01-03 23:01:07 +00:00
color = 0x000000 ;
alpha = 255 ;
if ( tex . StartsWith ( "#" ) & & tex . Length > = 7 )
string colorString = tex . Substring ( 1 , 6 ) ;
Regex r = new Regex ( "^[A-F0-9]*$" ) ;
if ( r . IsMatch ( colorString ) ) color = Convert . ToInt32 ( colorString , 16 ) ;
if ( tex . Length = = 8 )
char alphaChar = tex . ToUpper ( ) [ 7 ] ;
2016-01-04 13:56:32 +00:00
if ( alphaChar > = 'A' & & alphaChar < = 'Z' ) alpha = ( int ) ( ( ( float ) ( alphaChar - 'A' ) / 25 ) * 255 ) ;
2016-01-03 23:01:07 +00:00
2016-01-01 10:41:42 +00:00
//Set slope arguments for SRB2-style slopes. See http://zdoom.org/wiki/Plane_Align.
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
public void SetSlopeArgs ( )
2016-01-15 14:21:53 +00:00
//+1 = frontside floor, +2 = frontside ceiling, +4 = backside floor, +8 = backside ceiling
int slopeargs = General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . SlopeArgs ;
bool frontfloor = ( slopeargs & 0x1 ) = = 0x1 ;
bool frontceiling = ( slopeargs & 0x2 ) = = 0x2 ;
bool backfloor = ( slopeargs & 0x4 ) = = 0x4 ;
bool backceiling = ( slopeargs & 0x8 ) = = 0x8 ;
2016-01-14 23:47:32 +00:00
Args [ 0 ] = frontfloor ? 1 : ( backfloor ? 2 : 0 ) ; //floor
Args [ 1 ] = frontceiling ? 1 : ( backceiling ? 2 : 0 ) ; //ceiling
2016-01-01 10:41:42 +00:00
Args [ 2 ] = 0 ; //lineid (irrelevant for SRB2)
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2016-01-14 23:47:32 +00:00
//Finds the appropriate slope type for the current arguments. Sadly there's no better way to do this generically than to iterate over all linedef types. Oh well.
2016-01-01 21:53:25 +00:00
public void SetSlopeTypeFromArgs ( )
2016-01-14 23:47:32 +00:00
if ( ! General . Map . SRB2 ) Action = 181 ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < int , LinedefActionInfo > type in General . Map . Config . LinedefActions )
2016-01-01 21:53:25 +00:00
2016-01-14 23:47:32 +00:00
if ( ! type . Value . IsRegularSlope ) continue ;
2016-01-15 14:21:53 +00:00
//+1 = frontside floor, +2 = frontside ceiling, +4 = backside floor, +8 = backside ceiling
int slopeargs = type . Value . SlopeArgs ;
bool frontfloor = ( slopeargs & 0x1 ) = = 0x1 ;
bool frontceiling = ( slopeargs & 0x2 ) = = 0x2 ;
bool backfloor = ( slopeargs & 0x4 ) = = 0x4 ;
bool backceiling = ( slopeargs & 0x8 ) = = 0x8 ;
2016-01-14 23:47:32 +00:00
int args0 = frontfloor ? 1 : ( backfloor ? 2 : 0 ) ;
int args1 = frontceiling ? 1 : ( backceiling ? 2 : 0 ) ;
if ( Args [ 0 ] = = args0 & & Args [ 1 ] = = args1 )
Action = type . Key ;
return ;
2016-01-01 21:53:25 +00:00
2016-01-01 10:41:42 +00:00
//Set slope arguments for SRB2-style copy slopes. See http://zdoom.org/wiki/Plane_Copy.
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
public void SetSlopeCopyArgs ( )
2016-01-15 14:21:53 +00:00
//+1 = frontside floor, +2 = frontside ceiling, +4 = backside floor, +8 = backside ceiling
int slopeargs = General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . SlopeArgs ;
2021-02-17 00:49:48 +00:00
int copyslopeargs = General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . CopySlopeArgs ;
bool frontfloor = ( slopeargs & 0x1 ) = = 0x1 ;
2016-01-15 14:21:53 +00:00
bool frontceiling = ( slopeargs & 0x2 ) = = 0x2 ;
bool backfloor = ( slopeargs & 0x4 ) = = 0x4 ;
bool backceiling = ( slopeargs & 0x8 ) = = 0x8 ;
2016-01-14 23:47:32 +00:00
if ( frontfloor ) Args [ 0 ] = Tag ; //front floor
if ( frontceiling ) Args [ 1 ] = Tag ; //front ceiling
if ( backfloor ) Args [ 2 ] = Tag ; //back floor
if ( backceiling ) Args [ 3 ] = Tag ; //back ceiling
2021-02-17 00:49:48 +00:00
Args [ 4 ] = copyslopeargs ; //for copying slopes without tags
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
2016-01-02 13:21:15 +00:00
//Set slope arguments for SRB2-style vertex slopes. These are fake arguments I invented to make their handling easier.
2016-01-15 14:21:53 +00:00
//Args[0]: 0 = frontside floor, 1 = frontside ceiling, 2 = backside floor, 3 = backside ceiling
2016-01-02 13:21:15 +00:00
public void SetVertexSlopeArgs ( )
2016-01-15 14:21:53 +00:00
Args [ 0 ] = General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( Action ) . SlopeArgs ;
2016-01-02 13:21:15 +00:00
2016-01-04 19:26:34 +00:00
//Set translucent line arguments for SRB2-style translucent walls. See http://zdoom.org/wiki/TranslucentLine.
public void SetTranslucentLineArgs ( )
2021-06-17 09:05:08 +00:00
bool additive = ( Action > = 910 & & Action < = 919 ) ;
bool subtractive = ( Action > = 920 & & Action < = 929 ) ;
bool reversesubtractive = ( Action > = 930 & & Action < = 939 ) ;
Args [ 0 ] = 0 ; //lineid (irrelevant for SRB2)
2016-01-04 19:26:34 +00:00
Args [ 1 ] = ( int ) ( General . Map . FormatInterface . TranslucentLineTypes [ Action ] * 255 ) ; //amount
2021-06-17 09:05:08 +00:00
Args [ 2 ] = additive ? 1 : ( subtractive ? 2 : ( reversesubtractive ? 3 : 0 ) ) ; //additive/subtractive/reversesubtractive
Args [ 3 ] = 0 ; //moreflags (irrelevant for SRB2)
2016-01-04 19:26:34 +00:00
2015-12-31 15:46:40 +00:00
// This checks and returns a flag without creating it
public bool IsFlagSet ( string flagname )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
return flags . ContainsKey ( flagname ) & & flags [ flagname ] ;
// This sets a flag
public void SetFlag ( string flagname , bool value )
if ( ! flags . ContainsKey ( flagname ) | | ( IsFlagSet ( flagname ) ! = value ) )
BeforePropsChange ( ) ;
flags [ flagname ] = value ;
// Cached flags
if ( flagname = = General . Map . Config . ImpassableFlag ) impassableflag = value ;
UpdateColorPreset ( ) ;
// This returns a copy of the flags dictionary
public Dictionary < string , bool > GetFlags ( )
return new Dictionary < string , bool > ( flags ) ;
2016-06-15 22:57:39 +00:00
//mxd. This returns enabled flags
public HashSet < string > GetEnabledFlags ( )
HashSet < string > result = new HashSet < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , bool > group in flags )
if ( group . Value ) result . Add ( group . Key ) ;
return result ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// This clears all flags
public void ClearFlags ( )
BeforePropsChange ( ) ;
flags . Clear ( ) ;
impassableflag = false ;
UpdateColorPreset ( ) ;
// This flips the linedef's vertex attachments
public void FlipVertices ( )
// make sure the start/end vertices are not automatically
// deleted if they do not belong to any other line
General . Map . Map . AutoRemove = false ;
// Flip vertices
Vertex oldstart = start ;
Vertex oldend = end ;
SetStartVertex ( oldend ) ;
SetEndVertex ( oldstart ) ;
General . Map . Map . AutoRemove = true ;
// For drawing, the interior now lies on the other side
frontinterior = ! frontinterior ;
// Update required (angle changed)
NeedUpdate ( ) ;
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
// This flips the sidedefs
public void FlipSidedefs ( )
// Flip sidedefs
Sidedef oldfront = front ;
Sidedef oldback = back ;
AttachFront ( oldback ) ;
AttachBack ( oldfront ) ;
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
// This returns a point for testing on one side
public Vector2D GetSidePoint ( bool front )
Vector2D n = new Vector2D ( ) ;
n . x = ( end . Position . x - start . Position . x ) * lengthinv * SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE ;
n . y = ( end . Position . y - start . Position . y ) * lengthinv * SIDE_POINT_DISTANCE ;
if ( front )
n . x = - n . x ;
n . y = - n . y ;
Vector2D p = new Vector2D ( ) ;
p . x = start . Position . x + ( end . Position . x - start . Position . x ) * 0.5f - n . y ;
p . y = start . Position . y + ( end . Position . y - start . Position . y ) * 0.5f + n . x ;
return p ;
// This returns a point in the middle of the line
public Vector2D GetCenterPoint ( )
return start . Position + ( end . Position - start . Position ) * 0.5f ;
// This applies single/double sided flags
public void ApplySidedFlags ( )
// Doublesided?
if ( ( front ! = null ) & & ( back ! = null ) )
// Apply or remove flags for doublesided line
SetFlag ( General . Map . Config . SingleSidedFlag , false ) ;
SetFlag ( General . Map . Config . DoubleSidedFlag , true ) ;
// Apply or remove flags for singlesided line
SetFlag ( General . Map . Config . SingleSidedFlag , true ) ;
SetFlag ( General . Map . Config . DoubleSidedFlag , false ) ;
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
// This returns all points at which the line intersects with the grid
public List < Vector2D > GetGridIntersections ( )
return GetGridIntersections ( new Vector2D ( ) ) ;
// This returns all points at which the line intersects with the grid
public List < Vector2D > GetGridIntersections ( Vector2D gridoffset )
List < Vector2D > coords = new List < Vector2D > ( ) ;
Vector2D v = new Vector2D ( ) ;
float minx , maxx , miny , maxy ;
bool reversex , reversey ;
if ( start . Position . x > end . Position . x )
minx = end . Position . x ;
maxx = start . Position . x ;
reversex = true ;
minx = start . Position . x ;
maxx = end . Position . x ;
reversex = false ;
if ( start . Position . y > end . Position . y )
miny = end . Position . y ;
maxy = start . Position . y ;
reversey = true ;
miny = start . Position . y ;
maxy = end . Position . y ;
reversey = false ;
// Go for all vertical grid lines in between line start and end
float gx = General . Map . Grid . GetHigher ( minx ) + gridoffset . x ;
if ( gx < maxx )
for ( ; gx < maxx ; gx + = General . Map . Grid . GridSizeF )
// Add intersection point at this x coordinate
float u = ( gx - minx ) / ( maxx - minx ) ;
if ( reversex ) u = 1.0f - u ;
v . x = gx ;
v . y = start . Position . y + ( end . Position . y - start . Position . y ) * u ;
coords . Add ( v ) ;
// Go for all horizontal grid lines in between line start and end
float gy = General . Map . Grid . GetHigher ( miny ) + gridoffset . y ;
if ( gy < maxy )
for ( ; gy < maxy ; gy + = General . Map . Grid . GridSizeF )
// Add intersection point at this y coordinate
float u = ( gy - miny ) / ( maxy - miny ) ;
if ( reversey ) u = 1.0f - u ;
v . x = start . Position . x + ( end . Position . x - start . Position . x ) * u ;
v . y = gy ;
coords . Add ( v ) ;
// Profit
return coords ;
// This returns the closest coordinates ON the line
public Vector2D NearestOnLine ( Vector2D pos )
float u = Line2D . GetNearestOnLine ( start . Position , end . Position , pos ) ;
if ( u < 0f ) u = 0f ; else if ( u > 1f ) u = 1f ;
return Line2D . GetCoordinatesAt ( start . Position , end . Position , u ) ;
// This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line
public float SafeDistanceToSq ( Vector2D p , bool bounded )
Vector2D v1 = start . Position ;
Vector2D v2 = end . Position ;
// Calculate intersection offset
float u = ( ( p . x - v1 . x ) * ( v2 . x - v1 . x ) + ( p . y - v1 . y ) * ( v2 . y - v1 . y ) ) * lengthsqinv ;
// Limit intersection offset to the line
if ( bounded ) if ( u < lengthinv ) u = lengthinv ; else if ( u > ( 1f - lengthinv ) ) u = 1f - lengthinv ;
// Calculate intersection point
Vector2D i = v1 + u * ( v2 - v1 ) ;
// Return distance between intersection and point
// which is the shortest distance to the line
float ldx = p . x - i . x ;
float ldy = p . y - i . y ;
return ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy ;
// This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line
public float SafeDistanceTo ( Vector2D p , bool bounded )
return ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( SafeDistanceToSq ( p , bounded ) ) ;
// This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line
public float DistanceToSq ( Vector2D p , bool bounded )
Vector2D v1 = start . Position ;
Vector2D v2 = end . Position ;
// Calculate intersection offset
float u = ( ( p . x - v1 . x ) * ( v2 . x - v1 . x ) + ( p . y - v1 . y ) * ( v2 . y - v1 . y ) ) * lengthsqinv ;
// Limit intersection offset to the line
if ( bounded ) if ( u < 0f ) u = 0f ; else if ( u > 1f ) u = 1f ;
// Calculate intersection point
Vector2D i = v1 + u * ( v2 - v1 ) ;
// Return distance between intersection and point
// which is the shortest distance to the line
float ldx = p . x - i . x ;
float ldy = p . y - i . y ;
return ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy ;
// This returns the shortest distance from given coordinates to line
public float DistanceTo ( Vector2D p , bool bounded )
return ( float ) Math . Sqrt ( DistanceToSq ( p , bounded ) ) ;
// This tests on which side of the line the given coordinates are
// returns < 0 for front (right) side, > 0 for back (left) side and 0 if on the line
public float SideOfLine ( Vector2D p )
Vector2D v1 = start . Position ;
Vector2D v2 = end . Position ;
// Calculate and return side information
return ( p . y - v1 . y ) * ( v2 . x - v1 . x ) - ( p . x - v1 . x ) * ( v2 . y - v1 . y ) ;
// This splits this line by vertex v
// Returns the new line resulting from the split, or null when it failed
public Linedef Split ( Vertex v )
Sidedef nsd ;
// Copy linedef and change vertices
Linedef nl = map . CreateLinedef ( v , end ) ;
if ( nl = = null ) return null ;
CopyPropertiesTo ( nl ) ;
SetEndVertex ( v ) ;
nl . Selected = this . Selected ;
nl . marked = this . marked ;
nl . ExtraFloorFlag = this . ExtraFloorFlag ; //mxd
// Copy front sidedef if exists
if ( front ! = null )
nsd = map . CreateSidedef ( nl , true , front . Sector ) ;
if ( nsd = = null ) return null ;
front . CopyPropertiesTo ( nsd ) ;
nsd . Marked = front . Marked ;
// Copy back sidedef if exists
if ( back ! = null )
nsd = map . CreateSidedef ( nl , false , back . Sector ) ;
if ( nsd = = null ) return null ;
back . CopyPropertiesTo ( nsd ) ;
nsd . Marked = back . Marked ;
AdjustSplitCoordinates ( this , nl , General . Settings . SplitLineBehavior ) ;
// Return result
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
return nl ;
// This joins the line with another line
// This line will be disposed
// Returns false when the operation could not be completed
public bool Join ( Linedef other )
// Check which lines were 2 sided
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
bool otherwas2s = ( ( other . Front ! = null ) & & ( other . Back ! = null ) ) ;
2016-05-29 00:38:55 +00:00
bool thiswas2s = ( ( this . Front ! = null ) & & ( this . Back ! = null ) ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Get sector references
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
Sector otherfs = ( other . front ! = null ? other . front . Sector : null ) ;
Sector otherbs = ( other . back ! = null ? other . back . Sector : null ) ;
Sector thisfs = ( this . front ! = null ? this . front . Sector : null ) ;
Sector thisbs = ( this . back ! = null ? this . back . Sector : null ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// This line has no sidedefs?
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
if ( ( thisfs = = null ) & & ( thisbs = = null ) )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// We have no sidedefs, so we have no influence
// Nothing to change on the other line
// Other line has no sidedefs?
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
else if ( ( otherfs = = null ) & & ( otherbs = = null ) )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// The other has no sidedefs, so it has no influence
// Copy my sidedefs to the other
if ( this . Start = = other . Start )
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , true , front ) ) return false ;
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , back ) ) return false ;
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , front ) ) return false ;
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , true , back ) ) return false ;
// Copy my properties to the other
this . CopyPropertiesTo ( other ) ;
// Compare front sectors
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
if ( ( otherfs ! = null ) & & ( otherfs = = thisfs ) )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( other . front ! = null ) other . front . AddTexturesTo ( this . back ) ;
if ( this . front ! = null ) this . front . AddTexturesTo ( other . back ) ;
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Change sidedefs?
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , true , back ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Compare back sectors
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
else if ( ( otherbs ! = null ) & & ( otherbs = = thisbs ) )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( other . back ! = null ) other . back . AddTexturesTo ( this . front ) ;
if ( this . back ! = null ) this . back . AddTexturesTo ( other . front ) ;
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Change sidedefs?
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , front ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Compare front and back
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
else if ( ( otherfs ! = null ) & & ( otherfs = = thisbs ) )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( other . front ! = null ) other . front . AddTexturesTo ( this . front ) ;
if ( this . back ! = null ) this . back . AddTexturesTo ( other . back ) ;
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Change sidedefs?
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , true , front ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Compare back and front
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
else if ( ( otherbs ! = null ) & & ( otherbs = = thisfs ) )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( other . back ! = null ) other . back . AddTexturesTo ( this . back ) ;
if ( this . front ! = null ) this . front . AddTexturesTo ( other . front ) ;
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Change sidedefs?
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , back ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Other line single sided?
if ( other . back = = null )
// This line with its back to the other?
if ( this . start = = other . end )
// Copy textures
if ( this . back ! = null ) this . back . AddTexturesTo ( other . front ) ;
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Change sidedefs?
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , front ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( this . front ! = null ) this . front . AddTexturesTo ( other . front ) ;
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Change sidedefs?
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , back ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// This line single sided?
else if ( this . back = = null )
// Other line with its back to this?
if ( other . start = = this . end )
2016-05-29 00:38:55 +00:00
if ( otherbs = = null )
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( other . back ! = null ) other . back . AddTexturesTo ( this . front ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Change sidedefs
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , front ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
2016-05-29 00:38:55 +00:00
if ( otherfs = = null )
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( other . front ! = null ) other . front . AddTexturesTo ( this . front ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Change sidedefs
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , true , front ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// This line with its back to the other?
if ( this . start = = other . end )
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( other . back ! = null ) other . back . AddTexturesTo ( this . front ) ;
if ( this . back ! = null ) this . back . AddTexturesTo ( other . front ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
// Change sidedefs
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , front ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
// Both lines face the same way
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
// Copy textures
if ( other . back ! = null ) other . back . AddTexturesTo ( this . back ) ;
if ( this . front ! = null ) this . front . AddTexturesTo ( other . front ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
2016-06-24 22:25:12 +00:00
// Change sidedefs
if ( ! JoinChangeSidedefs ( other , false , back ) ) return false ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// Apply single/double sided flags if the double-sided-ness changed
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
if ( ( ! otherwas2s & & ( other . Front ! = null & & other . Back ! = null ) ) | |
( otherwas2s & & ( other . Front = = null | | other . Back = = null ) ) )
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
other . ApplySidedFlags ( ) ;
// Remove unneeded textures
2016-05-29 00:38:55 +00:00
if ( other . front ! = null ) other . front . RemoveUnneededTextures ( ! ( otherwas2s & & thiswas2s ) ) ;
if ( other . back ! = null ) other . back . RemoveUnneededTextures ( ! ( otherwas2s & & thiswas2s ) ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
// If either of the two lines was selected, keep the other selected
if ( this . Selected ) other . Selected = true ;
if ( this . marked ) other . marked = true ;
// I got killed by the other.
this . Dispose ( ) ;
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
return true ;
// This changes sidedefs (used for joining lines)
// target: The linedef on which to remove or create a new sidedef
// front: Side on which to remove or create the sidedef (true for front side)
// newside: The side from which to copy the properties to the new sidedef.
// If this is null, no sidedef will be created (only removed)
// Returns false when the operation could not be completed.
private bool JoinChangeSidedefs ( Linedef target , bool front , Sidedef newside )
// Change sidedefs
if ( front )
if ( target . front ! = null ) target . front . Dispose ( ) ;
if ( target . back ! = null ) target . back . Dispose ( ) ;
if ( newside ! = null )
Sidedef sd = map . CreateSidedef ( target , front , newside . Sector ) ;
if ( sd = = null ) return false ;
newside . CopyPropertiesTo ( sd ) ;
sd . Marked = newside . Marked ;
return true ;
internal void UpdateColorPreset ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < General . Map . ConfigSettings . LinedefColorPresets . Length ; i + + )
if ( General . Map . ConfigSettings . LinedefColorPresets [ i ] . Matches ( this ) )
colorPresetIndex = i ;
return ;
colorPresetIndex = - 1 ;
// String representation
public override string ToString ( )
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
string starttext = ( start ! = null ? " (" + start : string . Empty ) ;
string endtext = ( end ! = null ? ", " + end + ")" : string . Empty ) ;
return "Linedef " + listindex + ( marked ? " (marked)" : "" ) + starttext + endtext ; //mxd
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
return "Linedef " + listindex ;
2016-05-18 20:31:40 +00:00
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Changes
// This updates all properties
public void Update ( Dictionary < string , bool > flags , int activate , List < int > tags , int action , int [ ] args )
BeforePropsChange ( ) ;
// Apply changes
this . flags = new Dictionary < string , bool > ( flags ) ;
this . tags = new List < int > ( tags ) ; //mxd
this . activate = activate ;
this . action = action ;
this . args = new int [ NUM_ARGS ] ;
args . CopyTo ( this . args , 0 ) ;
this . updateneeded = true ;
// mxd. Moved here from BuilderModes.BuilderPlug
// This adjusts texture coordinates for splitted lines according to the user preferences
private static void AdjustSplitCoordinates ( Linedef oldline , Linedef newline , SplitLineBehavior splitlinebehavior )
switch ( splitlinebehavior )
case SplitLineBehavior . Interpolate :
//Make texture offset adjustments
if ( oldline . back ! = null )
if ( ( oldline . back . MiddleRequired ( ) & & oldline . back . LongMiddleTexture ! = MapSet . EmptyLongName ) | | oldline . back . HighRequired ( ) | | oldline . back . LowRequired ( ) )
int distance = ( int ) Vector2D . Distance ( newline . start . Position , newline . end . Position ) ;
if ( General . Map . UDMF )
if ( distance ! = 0 ) oldline . back . SetUdmfTextureOffsetX ( distance ) ;
oldline . back . OffsetX + = distance ;
if ( newline . front ! = null & & ( ( newline . front . MiddleRequired ( ) | | newline . front . LongMiddleTexture ! = MapSet . EmptyLongName ) | | newline . front . HighRequired ( ) | | newline . front . LowRequired ( ) ) )
int distance = ( int ) Vector2D . Distance ( oldline . start . Position , oldline . end . Position ) ;
if ( General . Map . UDMF )
if ( distance ! = 0 ) newline . front . SetUdmfTextureOffsetX ( distance ) ;
newline . front . OffsetX + = distance ;
//Clamp texture coordinates
if ( ( oldline . front ! = null ) & & ( newline . front ! = null ) )
//get texture
ImageData texture = null ;
if ( newline . front . MiddleRequired ( ) & & newline . front . LongMiddleTexture ! = MapSet . EmptyLongName & & General . Map . Data . GetTextureExists ( newline . front . LongMiddleTexture ) )
texture = General . Map . Data . GetTextureImage ( newline . front . MiddleTexture ) ;
else if ( newline . front . HighRequired ( ) & & newline . front . LongHighTexture ! = MapSet . EmptyLongName & & General . Map . Data . GetTextureExists ( newline . front . LongHighTexture ) )
texture = General . Map . Data . GetTextureImage ( newline . front . HighTexture ) ;
else if ( newline . front . LowRequired ( ) & & newline . front . LongLowTexture ! = MapSet . EmptyLongName & & General . Map . Data . GetTextureExists ( newline . front . LongLowTexture ) )
texture = General . Map . Data . GetTextureImage ( newline . front . LowTexture ) ;
2017-01-28 18:11:49 +00:00
//clamp offsetX
if ( texture ! = null )
int repeatmidtexoffset = General . Map . SRB2 & & newline . IsFlagSet ( General . Map . Config . RepeatMidtextureFlag ) ? ( newline . front . OffsetX / 4096 ) * 4096 : 0 ;
newline . front . OffsetX % = texture . Width ;
newline . front . OffsetX + = repeatmidtexoffset ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
if ( ( oldline . back ! = null ) & & ( newline . back ! = null ) )
//get texture
ImageData texture = null ;
if ( newline . back . MiddleRequired ( ) & & newline . back . LongMiddleTexture ! = MapSet . EmptyLongName & & General . Map . Data . GetTextureExists ( newline . back . LongMiddleTexture ) )
texture = General . Map . Data . GetTextureImage ( newline . back . MiddleTexture ) ;
else if ( newline . back . HighRequired ( ) & & newline . back . LongHighTexture ! = MapSet . EmptyLongName & & General . Map . Data . GetTextureExists ( newline . back . LongHighTexture ) )
texture = General . Map . Data . GetTextureImage ( newline . back . HighTexture ) ;
else if ( newline . back . LowRequired ( ) & & newline . back . LongLowTexture ! = MapSet . EmptyLongName & & General . Map . Data . GetTextureExists ( newline . back . LongLowTexture ) )
texture = General . Map . Data . GetTextureImage ( newline . back . LowTexture ) ;
2017-01-28 18:11:49 +00:00
//clamp offsetX
if ( texture ! = null )
int repeatmidtexoffset = General . Map . SRB2 & & newline . IsFlagSet ( General . Map . Config . RepeatMidtextureFlag ) ? ( newline . back . OffsetX / 4096 ) * 4096 : 0 ;
newline . back . OffsetX % = texture . Width ;
newline . back . OffsetX + = repeatmidtexoffset ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
break ;
case SplitLineBehavior . CopyXY :
if ( ( oldline . front ! = null ) & & ( newline . front ! = null ) )
newline . front . OffsetX = oldline . front . OffsetX ;
newline . front . OffsetY = oldline . front . OffsetY ;
//mxd. Copy UDMF offsets as well
if ( General . Map . UDMF )
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_top" , oldline . front . Fields . GetValue ( "offsetx_top" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_mid" , oldline . front . Fields . GetValue ( "offsetx_mid" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_bottom" , oldline . front . Fields . GetValue ( "offsetx_bottom" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsety_top" , oldline . front . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_top" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsety_mid" , oldline . front . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_mid" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsety_bottom" , oldline . front . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_bottom" , 0f ) ) ;
if ( ( oldline . back ! = null ) & & ( newline . back ! = null ) )
newline . back . OffsetX = oldline . back . OffsetX ;
newline . back . OffsetY = oldline . back . OffsetY ;
//mxd. Copy UDMF offsets as well
if ( General . Map . UDMF )
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_top" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsetx_top" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_mid" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsetx_mid" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_bottom" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsetx_bottom" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_top" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_top" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_mid" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_mid" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_bottom" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_bottom" , 0f ) ) ;
break ;
case SplitLineBehavior . ResetXCopyY :
if ( ( oldline . front ! = null ) & & ( newline . front ! = null ) )
newline . front . OffsetX = 0 ;
newline . front . OffsetY = oldline . front . OffsetY ;
//mxd. Reset UDMF X offset as well
if ( General . Map . UDMF )
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_top" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_mid" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_bottom" , 0f ) ;
if ( ( oldline . back ! = null ) & & ( newline . back ! = null ) )
newline . back . OffsetX = 0 ;
newline . back . OffsetY = oldline . back . OffsetY ;
//mxd. Reset UDMF X offset and copy Y offset as well
if ( General . Map . UDMF )
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_top" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_mid" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_bottom" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_top" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_top" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_mid" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_mid" , 0f ) ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_bottom" , oldline . back . Fields . GetValue ( "offsety_bottom" , 0f ) ) ;
break ;
case SplitLineBehavior . ResetXY :
if ( newline . front ! = null )
newline . front . OffsetX = 0 ;
newline . front . OffsetY = 0 ;
if ( General . Map . UDMF )
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_top" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_mid" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsetx_bottom" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsety_top" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsety_mid" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . front . Fields , "offsety_bottom" , 0f ) ;
if ( newline . back ! = null )
newline . back . OffsetX = 0 ;
newline . back . OffsetY = 0 ;
if ( General . Map . UDMF )
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_top" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_mid" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsetx_bottom" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_top" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_mid" , 0f ) ;
UniFields . SetFloat ( newline . back . Fields , "offsety_bottom" , 0f ) ;
break ;