A_DamageChildren="A_DamageChildren(int amount[, str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]]])\namount: amount of damage to inflict. Use a negative value to heal.\ndamagetype: the type of damage to inflict.\nflags: DMSS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_DamageMaster="A_DamageMaster(int amount[, str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]]])\namount: amount of damage to inflict. Use a negative value to heal.\ndamagetype: the type of damage to inflict.\nflags: DMSS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_DamageSelf="A_DamageSelf(int amount[, str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]]])\namount: amount of damage to inflict. Use a negative value to heal.\ndamagetype: the type of damage to inflict.\nflags: DMSS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_DamageSiblings="A_DamageSiblings(int amount[, str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]]])\namount: amount of damage to inflict. Use a negative value to heal.\ndamagetype: the type of damage to inflict.\nflags: DMSS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_DamageTarget="A_DamageTarget(int amount[, str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]]])\namount: amount of damage to inflict. Use a negative value to heal.\ndamagetype: the type of damage to inflict.\nflags: DMSS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_DamageTracer="A_DamageTracer(int amount[, str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]]])\namount: amount of damage to inflict. Use a negative value to heal.\ndamagetype: the type of damage to inflict.\nflags: DMSS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_KillChildren="A_KillChildren[(str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\[, str species = \"None\]]])]\ndamagetype: if the actor dies, the actor will enter a death state based on damagetype if present (or pain state if using NODAMAGE).\nflags: KILS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_KillMaster="A_KillMaster[(str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]])]\ndamagetype: if the actor dies, the actor will enter a death state based on damagetype if present (or pain state if using NODAMAGE).\nflags: KILS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_KillSiblings="A_KillSiblings[(str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]])]\ndamagetype: if the actor dies, the actor will enter a death state based on damagetype if present (or pain state if using NODAMAGE).\nflags: KILS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_KillTarget="A_KillTarget[(str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]])]\ndamagetype: if the actor dies, the actor will enter a death state based on damagetype if present (or pain state if using NODAMAGE).\nflags: KILS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_KillTracer="A_KillTracer[(str damagetype = \"None\"[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]])]\ndamagetype: if the actor dies, the actor will enter a death state based on damagetype if present (or pain state if using NODAMAGE).\nflags: KILS flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_RemoveChildren="A_RemoveChildren[(bool all = false[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]])]\nflags: RMVF flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_RemoveMaster="A_RemoveMaster[(int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]])]\nflags: RMVF flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_RemoveSiblings="A_RemoveSiblings[(bool all = false[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]])]\nflags: RMVF flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_RemoveTarget="A_RemoveTarget[(int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]])]\nflags: RMVF flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_RemoveTracer="A_RemoveTracer[(int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]])]\nflags: RMVF flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_Remove="A_Remove(int pointer[, int flags = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"]]])\nflags: RMVF flags.\nfilter: the actor class to damage.\nspecies: the actor species to damage.";
A_CustomMissile="A_CustomMissile(str missiletype[, float spawnheight = 0.0[, int spawnofs_horiz = 0[, int angle = 0[, int aimflags = 0[, int pitch = 0[, int target = AAPTR_TARGET]]]]]])";
A_CustomBulletAttack="A_CustomBulletAttack(float horz_spread, float vert_spread, int numbullets, int damageperbullet[, str pufftype = \"BulletPuff\"[, float range = 0.0[, int flags = 0[, int target = AAPTR_TARGET]]]])";
A_CustomRailgun="A_CustomRailgun(int damage[, int offset[, color ringcolor[, color corecolor[, int flags = 0[, bool aim = false[, float maxdiff = 0.0[, str pufftype = \"\"[, float spread_xy = 0.0[, float spread_z = 0.0[, fixed range = 8192[, int duration = 35[, float sparsity = 1.0[, float driftspeed = 1.0[, str spawnclass = \"\"[, float spawnofs_z = 0[, int spiraloffset = 270]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])";
A_JumpIfTargetInsideMeleeRange="A_JumpIfTargetInsideMeleeRange(int offset OR str state)\nJumps the number of frames (offset) forward, or to the specified state\nwhen the target of the calling actor is within melee range of the caller.";
A_JumpIfTargetOutsideMeleeRange="A_JumpIfTargetOutsideMeleeRange(int offset OR str state)\nJumps the number of frames (offset) forward, or to the specified state\nwhen the target of the calling actor is beyond melee range of the caller.";
A_JumpIfTracerCloser="A_JumpIfTracerCloser(int distance, int offset OR str state[, bool noz = false])";
A_ChangeVelocity="A_ChangeVelocity[(float x = 0.0[, float y = 0.0[, float z = 0.0[, int flags = 0[, int pointer = AAPTR_DEFAULT]]]])]\nflags: CVF flags.";
A_SetFloatSpeed="A_SetFloatSpeed(float speed[, int pointer = AAPTR_DEFAULT])";
A_FloatBobPhase="A_FloatBobPhase(int bob)\nChanges the calling actor's FloatBobPhase to bob, which takes a number from 0 to 63.\nIf the number is invalid or not in range, the function does nothing.";
A_SetHealth="A_SetHealth(int health[, int pointer = AAPTR_DEFAULT])\nhealth: The health value to set for the actor. Valid values are 1 and above.\npointer: The actor to set its health. Default is AAPTR_DEFAULT, which corresponds to the calling actor.";
A_GiveInventory="A_GiveInventory(str type[, int count = 0[, int giveto = AAPTR_DEFAULT]])\ntype: the item to give. This should be a valid inventory item.\ncount: the number of samples of this item to give. Default is 0, which is interpreted as 1.\ngiveto: the actor to give the item to";
A_GiveToChildren="A_GiveToChildren(str type[, int count])\ntype: the item to give. This should be a valid inventory item.\ncount: the number of samples of this item to give. Default is 0, which is interpreted as 1.";
A_GiveToSiblings="A_GiveToSiblings(str type[, int count])\ntype: the item to give. This should be a valid inventory item.\ncount: the number of samples of this item to give. Default is 0, which is interpreted as 1.";
A_GiveToTarget="A_GiveToTarget(str type, int count[, int giveto])";
A_TakeInventory="A_TakeInventory(str type, int count[, int flags[, int takefrom = AAPTR_DEFAULT]])";
A_TakeFromChildren="A_TakeFromChildren(str type[, int count])\ntype: the item to take. This should be a valid inventory item.\ncount: the number of samples of this item to take.\nIf this is 0, the item is cleared from the inventory unless it has the\nINVENTORY.KEEPDEPLETED flag set, and in which case, its amount is merely reduced to 0.\nDefault is 0.";
A_TakeFromSiblings="A_TakeFromSiblings(str type[, int count])\ntype: the item to take. This should be a valid inventory item.\ncount: the number of samples of this item to take.\nIf this is 0, the item is cleared from the inventory unless it has the\nINVENTORY.KEEPDEPLETED flag set, and in which case, its amount is merely reduced to 0.\nDefault is 0.";
A_TakeFromTarget="A_TakeFromTarget(str type, int count[, int flags[, int takefrom]])";
A_DropInventory="A_DropInventory(str type)";
A_DropItem="A_DropItem(str item[, int dropamount = -1[, int chance = 256]])\nThe calling actor drops the specified item.\nThis works in a similar way to the DropItem actor property.";
A_SelectWeapon="A_SelectWeapon(str type)";
A_RadiusGive="A_RadiusGive(str item, fixed distance, int flags[, int amount = 0[, str filter = \"None\"[, str species = \"None\"[, fixed mindist = 0]]]])\nflags: RGF flags.";
A_FireBullets="A_FireBullets(int spread_horz, int spread_vert, int numbullets, int damage[, str pufftype = \"\"[, int flags = FBF_USEAMMO[, float range = 0.0]]])";
A_FireCustomMissile="A_FireCustomMissile(str missiletype[, int angle = 0[, bool useammo = false[, int spawnofs_horz = 0[, int spawnheight = 0[, bool aim = false OR int flags = 0[, angle pitch = 0]]]]]])";
A_RailAttack="A_RailAttack(int damage[, int spawnofs_horz[, bool useammo[, str ringcolor[, str corecolor[, int flags[, int maxdiff[, str pufftype[, float spread_xy = 0[, float spread_z = 0.0[, fixed range = 8192[, int duration = 35[, float sparsity = 1.0[, float driftspeed = 1.0[, str spawnclass[, float spawnofs_z = 0.0[, int spiraloffset = 270]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])";
//Script functions
ACS_ExecuteWithResult="int ACS_ExecuteWithResult(int script, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4)";
ACS_NamedExecute="bool ACS_NamedExecute(str script, int map, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)";
ACS_NamedSuspend="bool ACS_NamedSuspend(str script, int map)";
ACS_NamedTerminate="bool ACS_NamedTerminate(str script, int map)";
ACS_NamedLockedExecute="bool ACS_NamedLockedExecute(str script, int map, int arg1, int arg2, int lock)";
ACS_NamedLockedExecuteDoor="bool ACS_NamedLockedExecuteDoor(str script, int map, int arg1, int arg2, int lock)";
ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult="int ACS_NamedExecuteWithResult(str script, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4)";
ACS_NamedExecuteAlways="bool ACS_NamedExecuteAlways(str script, int map, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)";
CallACS="int CallACS(str script, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4)";
//Original Doom/Strife monster attacks
A_SkullAttack="A_SkullAttack[(int speed = 20)]";
A_PainAttack="A_PainAttack[(str spawntype = \"LostSoul\"[, float angle = 0.0[, int flags = 0[, int limit = 21]]])]";