
708 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden,
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
internal partial class LinedefInfoPanel : UserControl
private readonly int hexenformatwidth;
private readonly int doomformatwidth;
// Constructor
public LinedefInfoPanel()
// Initialize
// Hide stuff when in Doom format
hexenformatwidth = infopanel.Width;
doomformatwidth = infopanel.Width - 190;
labelTextureFrontTop.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(128, labelTextureFrontTop.BackColor);
labelTextureFrontMid.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(128, labelTextureFrontMid.BackColor);
labelTextureFrontBottom.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(128, labelTextureFrontBottom.BackColor);
labelTextureBackTop.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(128, labelTextureBackTop.BackColor);
labelTextureBackMid.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(128, labelTextureBackMid.BackColor);
labelTextureBackBottom.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(128, labelTextureBackBottom.BackColor);
// This shows the info
public void ShowInfo(Linedef l, Sidedef highlightside)
string peggedness;
// Show/hide stuff depending on format
arglbl1.Visible = false;
arglbl2.Visible = false;
arglbl3.Visible = false;
arglbl4.Visible = false;
arglbl5.Visible = false;
arg1.Visible = false;
arg2.Visible = false;
arg3.Visible = false;
arg4.Visible = false;
arg5.Visible = false;
infopanel.Width = doomformatwidth;
arglbl1.Visible = true;
arglbl2.Visible = true;
arglbl3.Visible = true;
arglbl4.Visible = true;
arglbl5.Visible = true;
arg1.Visible = true;
arg2.Visible = true;
arg3.Visible = true;
arg4.Visible = true;
arg5.Visible = true;
infopanel.Width = hexenformatwidth;
//mxd. Hide activation or tag and rearrange labels
if(!General.Map.FormatInterface.HasBuiltInActivations && General.Map.FormatInterface.HasNumericLinedefActivations) //Hexen map format?
activation.Visible = true;
activationlabel.Text = "Activation:";
activationlabel.Visible = true;
taglabel.Visible = false;
tag.Visible = false;
//set activation
foreach(LinedefActivateInfo ai in General.Map.Config.LinedefActivates)
if(l.Activate == ai.Index)
activation.Text = ai.Title;
2016-04-07 20:54:11 +00:00
activation.Enabled = (l.Activate != 0 || l.Action != 0); //mxd
activationlabel.Enabled = (l.Activate != 0 || l.Action != 0); //mxd
// Hijack activation labels to show lock numer...
activationlabel.Text = "Lock:";
activationlabel.Visible = true;
activation.Visible = true;
int locknum = l.Fields.GetValue("locknumber", 0);
if(locknum != 0)
activationlabel.Enabled = true;
activation.Enabled = true;
foreach(EnumItem item in General.Map.Config.Enums["keys"])
if(item.GetIntValue() == locknum)
activation.Text = locknum + " - " + item.Title;
activation.Text = locknum.ToString();
activationlabel.Enabled = false;
activation.Enabled = false;
activation.Text = "None";
// Should be Doom map format
activationlabel.Visible = false;
activation.Visible = false;
taglabel.Visible = true;
tag.Visible = true;
//mxd. Set tag(s)
if(l.Tags.Count > 1)
string[] tags = new string[l.Tags.Count];
for(int i = 0; i < l.Tags.Count; i++) tags[i] = l.Tags[i].ToString();
tag.Text = string.Join(", ", tags);
tag.Enabled = true;
taglabel.Enabled = true;
taglabel.Text = "Tags:";
tag.Text = l.Tag + (General.Map.Options.TagLabels.ContainsKey(l.Tag) ? " - " + General.Map.Options.TagLabels[l.Tag] : string.Empty);
tag.Enabled = (l.Tag != 0);
taglabel.Enabled = (l.Tag != 0);
taglabel.Text = "Tag:";
// Get line action information
LinedefActionInfo act = General.Map.Config.GetLinedefActionInfo(l.Action);
// Determine peggedness
bool upperunpegged = l.IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.UpperUnpeggedFlag);
bool lowerunpegged = l.IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag);
if(upperunpegged && lowerunpegged)
peggedness = "Upper & Lower";
else if(upperunpegged)
peggedness = "Upper";
else if(lowerunpegged)
peggedness = "Lower";
peggedness = "None";
// Linedef info
infopanel.Text = " Linedef " + l.Index + " ";
action.Text = act.ToString();
length.Text = l.Length.ToString("0.##");
angle.Text = General.ClampAngle(l.AngleDeg - 90) + "\u00B0";
unpegged.Text = peggedness;
unpegged.Enabled = (peggedness != "None"); //mxd
peglabel.Enabled = (peggedness != "None"); //mxd
action.Enabled = (act.Index != 0);
actionlabel.Enabled = (act.Index != 0);
//mxd. ACS script argument names
bool isacsscript = (Array.IndexOf(GZGeneral.ACS_SPECIALS, l.Action) != -1);
bool isnamedacsscript = (isacsscript && General.Map.UDMF && l.Fields.ContainsKey("arg0str"));
string scriptname = (isnamedacsscript ? l.Fields.GetValue("arg0str", string.Empty) : string.Empty);
ScriptItem scriptitem = null;
// Named script?
if(isnamedacsscript && General.Map.NamedScripts.ContainsKey(scriptname.ToLowerInvariant()))
scriptitem = General.Map.NamedScripts[scriptname.ToLowerInvariant()];
// Script number?
else if(isacsscript && General.Map.NumberedScripts.ContainsKey(l.Args[0]))
scriptitem = General.Map.NumberedScripts[l.Args[0]];
scriptname = (scriptitem.HasCustomName ? scriptitem.Name : scriptitem.Index.ToString());
// Apply script args?
Label[] arglabels = new[] { arglbl1, arglbl2, arglbl3, arglbl4, arglbl5 };
Label[] args = new[] { arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 };
if(scriptitem != null)
string[] argnames = scriptitem.GetArgumentsDescriptions(l.Action);
for(int i = 0; i < argnames.Length; i++)
arglabels[i].Text = argnames[i] + ":";
arglabels[i].Enabled = true;
args[i].Enabled = true;
arglabels[i].Text = act.Args[i].Title + ":";
arglabels[i].Enabled = act.Args[i].Used;
args[i].Enabled = act.Args[i].Used;
for(int i = 0; i < act.Args.Length; i++)
arglabels[i].Text = act.Args[i].Title + ":";
arglabels[i].Enabled = act.Args[i].Used;
args[i].Enabled = act.Args[i].Used;
//mxd. Set argument value and label
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptname)) arg1.Text = scriptname;
else SetArgumentText(act.Args[0], arg1, l.Args[0]);
SetArgumentText(act.Args[1], arg2, l.Args[1]);
SetArgumentText(act.Args[2], arg3, l.Args[2]);
SetArgumentText(act.Args[3], arg4, l.Args[3]);
SetArgumentText(act.Args[4], arg5, l.Args[4]);
// Front side available?
if(l.Front != null)
//mxd. Extended info shown?
bool hasTopFields = false;
bool hasMiddleFields = false;
bool hasBottomFields = false;
//mxd. Highlight this side?
bool highlight = (l.Front == highlightside);
frontpanel.ForeColor = (highlight ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText); //mxd
// Show sidedef info
frontpanel.Visible = true; //mxd
frontpanel.Text = " Front Sidedef " + l.Front.Index;
frontoffsetlabel.Text = "Front light:";
SetUDMFLight(l.Front, frontoffsetlabel, frontoffset, highlight);
//global offset, sector index
frontpanel.Text += ". Offset " + l.Front.OffsetX + ", " + l.Front.OffsetY + ". Sector " + l.Front.Sector.Index + " ";
//sidedef top
hasTopFields = SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Front.Fields, "offsetx_top", "offsety_top", 0.0f, frontTopUDMFOffsetLabel, frontTopUDMFOffset, highlight);
hasTopFields |= SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Front.Fields, "scalex_top", "scaley_top", 1.0f, frontTopUDMFScaleLabel, frontTopUDMFScale, highlight);
//sidedef middle
hasMiddleFields = SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Front.Fields, "offsetx_mid", "offsety_mid", 0.0f, frontMidUDMFOffsetLabel, frontMidUDMFOffset, highlight);
hasMiddleFields |= SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Front.Fields, "scalex_mid", "scaley_mid", 1.0f, frontMidUDMFScaleLabel, frontMidUDMFScale, highlight);
//sidedef bottom
hasBottomFields = SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Front.Fields, "offsetx_bottom", "offsety_bottom", 0.0f, frontBottomUDMFOffsetLabel, frontBottomUDMFOffset, highlight);
hasBottomFields |= SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Front.Fields, "scalex_bottom", "scaley_bottom", 1.0f, frontBottomUDMFScaleLabel, frontBottomUDMFScale, highlight);
frontTopUDMFOffset.Visible = hasTopFields;
frontTopUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = hasTopFields;
frontTopUDMFScale.Visible = hasTopFields;
frontTopUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = hasTopFields;
frontMidUDMFOffset.Visible = hasMiddleFields;
frontMidUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = hasMiddleFields;
frontMidUDMFScale.Visible = hasMiddleFields;
frontMidUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = hasMiddleFields;
frontBottomUDMFOffset.Visible = hasBottomFields;
frontBottomUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = hasBottomFields;
frontBottomUDMFScale.Visible = hasBottomFields;
frontBottomUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = hasBottomFields;
frontoffsetlabel.Text = "Front offset:";
if(l.Front.OffsetX != 0 || l.Front.OffsetY != 0)
frontoffset.Text = l.Front.OffsetX + ", " + l.Front.OffsetY;
frontoffsetlabel.Enabled = true;
frontoffset.Enabled = true;
frontoffset.ForeColor = (highlight ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText);
frontoffsetlabel.ForeColor = frontoffset.ForeColor;
frontoffset.Text = "--, --";
frontoffsetlabel.Enabled = false;
frontoffset.Enabled = false;
//mxd. Sector index
frontpanel.Text += ". Sector " + l.Front.Sector.Index + " ";
2016-01-23 00:30:20 +00:00
frontTopUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = false;
frontTopUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = false;
frontMidUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = false;
frontMidUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = false;
frontBottomUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = false;
frontBottomUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = false;
//mxd. Set texture names, update panel sizes
UpdateTexturePanel(panelFrontTop, l.Front.HighTexture, fronthighname, labelTextureFrontTop,
Math.Max(frontTopUDMFOffset.Right, frontTopUDMFScale.Right) + 4, fronthightex,
frontTopUDMFOffsetLabel.Left, hasTopFields, l.Front.HighRequired());
UpdateTexturePanel(panelFrontMid, l.Front.MiddleTexture, frontmidname, labelTextureFrontMid,
Math.Max(frontMidUDMFOffset.Right, frontMidUDMFScale.Right) + 4, frontmidtex,
frontMidUDMFOffsetLabel.Left, hasMiddleFields, l.Front.MiddleRequired());
UpdateTexturePanel(panelFrontLow, l.Front.LowTexture, frontlowname, labelTextureFrontBottom,
Math.Max(frontBottomUDMFOffset.Right, frontBottomUDMFScale.Right) + 4, frontlowtex,
frontBottomUDMFOffsetLabel.Left, hasBottomFields, l.Front.LowRequired());
//mxd. Resize panel
flowLayoutPanelFront.Width = panelFrontLow.Right;
frontpanel.Width = flowLayoutPanelFront.Width + flowLayoutPanelFront.Left * 2 - 4;
// Show no info
if(General.Map.UDMF) //mxd
frontoffsetlabel.Text = "Front light:";
frontoffset.Text = "--";
frontoffsetlabel.Text = "Front offset:";
frontoffset.Text = "--, --";
frontoffsetlabel.Enabled = false;
frontoffset.Enabled = false;
fronthightex.BackgroundImage = null;
frontmidtex.BackgroundImage = null;
frontlowtex.BackgroundImage = null;
frontpanel.Visible = false; //mxd
// Back size available?
if(l.Back != null)
//mxd. Extended info shown?
bool hasTopFields = false;
bool hasMiddleFields = false;
bool hasBottomFields = false;
//mxd. Highlight this side?
bool highlight = l.Back == highlightside;
backpanel.ForeColor = (highlight ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText); //mxd
// Show sidedef info
backpanel.Visible = true; //mxd
backpanel.Text = " Back Sidedef " + l.Back.Index;
backoffsetlabel.Text = "Back light:";
SetUDMFLight(l.Back, backoffsetlabel, backoffset, highlight);
//global offset, sector index
backpanel.Text += ". Offset " + l.Back.OffsetX + ", " + l.Back.OffsetY + ". Sector " + l.Back.Sector.Index + " ";
//sidedef top
hasTopFields = SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Back.Fields, "offsetx_top", "offsety_top", 0f, backTopUDMFOffsetLabel, backTopUDMFOffset, highlight);
hasTopFields |= SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Back.Fields, "scalex_top", "scaley_top", 1.0f, backTopUDMFScaleLabel, backTopUDMFScale, highlight);
//sidedef middle
hasMiddleFields = SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Back.Fields, "offsetx_mid", "offsety_mid", 0f, backMidUDMFOffsetLabel, backMidUDMFOffset, highlight);
hasMiddleFields |= SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Back.Fields, "scalex_mid", "scaley_mid", 1.0f, backMidUDMFScaleLabel, backMidUDMFScale, highlight);
//sidedef bottom
hasBottomFields = SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Back.Fields, "offsetx_bottom", "offsety_bottom", 0f, backBottomUDMFOffsetLabel, backBottomUDMFOffset, highlight);
hasBottomFields |= SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(l.Back.Fields, "scalex_bottom", "scaley_bottom", 1.0f, backBottomUDMFScaleLabel, backBottomUDMFScale, highlight);
backTopUDMFOffset.Visible = hasTopFields;
backTopUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = hasTopFields;
backTopUDMFScale.Visible = hasTopFields;
backTopUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = hasTopFields;
backMidUDMFOffset.Visible = hasMiddleFields;
backMidUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = hasMiddleFields;
backMidUDMFScale.Visible = hasMiddleFields;
backMidUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = hasMiddleFields;
backBottomUDMFOffset.Visible = hasBottomFields;
backBottomUDMFOffsetLabel.Visible = hasBottomFields;
backBottomUDMFScale.Visible = hasBottomFields;
backBottomUDMFScaleLabel.Visible = hasBottomFields;
backoffsetlabel.Text = "Back offset:";
if(l.Back.OffsetX != 0 || l.Back.OffsetY != 0)
backoffset.Text = l.Back.OffsetX + ", " + l.Back.OffsetY;
backoffsetlabel.Enabled = true;
backoffset.Enabled = true;
backoffset.ForeColor = (highlight ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText);
backoffsetlabel.ForeColor = backoffset.ForeColor;
backoffset.Text = "--, --";
backoffsetlabel.Enabled = false;
backoffset.Enabled = false;
// Sector index
backpanel.Text += ". Sector " + l.Back.Sector.Index + " ";
//mxd. Set texture names, update panel sizes
UpdateTexturePanel(panelBackTop, l.Back.HighTexture, backhighname, labelTextureBackTop,
Math.Max(backTopUDMFOffset.Right, backTopUDMFScale.Right) + 4, backhightex,
backTopUDMFOffsetLabel.Left, hasTopFields, l.Back.HighRequired());
UpdateTexturePanel(panelBackMid, l.Back.MiddleTexture, backmidname, labelTextureBackMid,
Math.Max(backMidUDMFOffset.Right, backMidUDMFScale.Right) + 4, backmidtex,
backMidUDMFOffsetLabel.Left, hasMiddleFields, l.Back.MiddleRequired());
UpdateTexturePanel(panelBackLow, l.Back.LowTexture, backlowname, labelTextureBackBottom,
Math.Max(backBottomUDMFOffset.Right, backBottomUDMFScale.Right) + 4, backlowtex,
backBottomUDMFOffsetLabel.Left, hasBottomFields, l.Back.LowRequired());
//mxd. Resize panel
flowLayoutPanelBack.Width = panelBackLow.Right;
backpanel.Width = flowLayoutPanelBack.Width + flowLayoutPanelBack.Left * 2 - 4;
// Show no info
if(General.Map.UDMF) //mxd
backoffsetlabel.Text = "Back light:";
backoffset.Text = "--";
backoffsetlabel.Text = "Back offset:";
backoffset.Text = "--, --";
backoffsetlabel.Enabled = false;
backoffset.Enabled = false;
backhightex.BackgroundImage = null;
backmidtex.BackgroundImage = null;
backlowtex.BackgroundImage = null;
backpanel.Visible = false; //mxd
//mxd. Flags and activations
// Add activations
foreach(LinedefActivateInfo ai in General.Map.Config.LinedefActivates)
if(l.Flags.ContainsKey(ai.Key) && l.Flags[ai.Key])
flags.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(ai.Title) { Checked = true, ForeColor = SystemColors.HotTrack });
// And flags
IDictionary<string, string> flagList = (act == null || act.Flags.Count == 0) ? General.Map.Config.LinedefFlags : act.Flags;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> group in flagList)
if(l.Flags.ContainsKey(group.Key) && l.Flags[group.Key])
flags.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(group.Value) { Checked = true });
// And front flags
if(l.Front != null)
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> group in General.Map.Config.SidedefFlags)
if(l.Front.Flags.ContainsKey(group.Key) && l.Front.Flags[group.Key])
flags.Items.Add(new ListViewItem("Front: " + group.Value) { Checked = true });
// And back flags
if(l.Back != null)
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> group in General.Map.Config.SidedefFlags)
if(l.Back.Flags.ContainsKey(group.Key) && l.Back.Flags[group.Key])
flags.Items.Add(new ListViewItem("Back: " + group.Value) { Checked = true });
//mxd. Flags panel visibility and size
flagsPanel.Visible = (flags.Items.Count > 0);
if(flags.Items.Count > 0)
Rectangle rect = flags.GetItemRect(0);
int itemspercolumn = 1;
// Check how many items per column we have...
for(int i = 1; i < flags.Items.Count; i++)
if(flags.GetItemRect(i).X != rect.X) break;
flags.Width = rect.Width * (int)Math.Ceiling(flags.Items.Count / (float)itemspercolumn);
flagsPanel.Width = flags.Width + flags.Left * 2;
// Show the whole thing
private static void UpdateTexturePanel(Panel panel, string texturename, Label texturenamelabel, Label sizelabel, int maxlabelright, Panel image, int sizeref, bool extendedinfoshown, bool required)
// Set texture name
texturenamelabel.Text = texturename;
// And image
DisplayTextureImage(image, sizelabel, texturename, required);
//Reposition texture name label?
if(texturenamelabel.Width < image.Width + 2)
texturenamelabel.Location = new Point(image.Location.X + (image.Width - texturenamelabel.Width) / 2, texturenamelabel.Location.Y);
texturenamelabel.Location = new Point(image.Location.X, texturenamelabel.Location.Y);
// Resize panel
panel.Width = Math.Max(texturenamelabel.Right + image.Location.X + 1, sizeref);
panel.Width = Math.Max(texturenamelabel.Right, maxlabelright) + image.Location.X;
private static bool SetPairedUDMFFieldsLabel(UniFields fields, string paramX, string paramY, float defaultvalue, Label namelabel, Label valuelabel, bool highlight)
float x = UniFields.GetFloat(fields, paramX, defaultvalue);
float y = UniFields.GetFloat(fields, paramY, defaultvalue);
if(fields.ContainsKey(paramX)) x = (float)fields[paramX].Value;
if(fields.ContainsKey(paramY)) y = (float)fields[paramY].Value;
if(x != defaultvalue || y != defaultvalue)
valuelabel.Text = x.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", " + y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
valuelabel.Enabled = true;
namelabel.Enabled = true;
return true;
valuelabel.Text = "--, --";
valuelabel.Enabled = highlight;
namelabel.Enabled = highlight;
return false;
private static void SetUDMFLight(Sidedef sd, Label label, Label value, bool highlight)
int light = (int)sd.Fields["light"].Value;
if(sd.Fields.GetValue("lightabsolute", false))
value.Text = light + " (abs.)";
value.Text = light + " (" + Math.Min(255, Math.Max(0, (light + sd.Sector.Brightness))) + ")";
value.Enabled = true;
label.Enabled = true;
value.Text = "-- (" + sd.Sector.Brightness + ")";
label.Enabled = highlight;
value.Enabled = highlight;
label.ForeColor = (highlight ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText);
value.ForeColor = label.ForeColor;
private static void SetArgumentText(ArgumentInfo info, Label label, int value)
TypeHandler th = General.Types.GetArgumentHandler(info);
label.Text = th.GetStringValue();
// When visible changed
protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e)
// Hiding panels
fronthightex.BackgroundImage = null;
frontmidtex.BackgroundImage = null;
frontlowtex.BackgroundImage = null;
backhightex.BackgroundImage = null;
backmidtex.BackgroundImage = null;
backlowtex.BackgroundImage = null;
// Call base
// This shows a sidedef texture in a panel
private static void DisplayTextureImage(Panel panel, Label sizelabel, string name, bool required)
// Check if name is a "none" texture
if((name.Length < 1) || (name == "-"))
sizelabel.Visible = false; //mxd
// Determine image to show
General.DisplayZoomedImage(panel, Properties.Resources.MissingTexture);
panel.BackgroundImage = null;
ImageData texture = General.Map.Data.GetTextureImage(name);
if(General.Settings.ShowTextureSizes && texture.ImageState == ImageLoadState.Ready && !(texture is UnknownImage))
sizelabel.Visible = true;
sizelabel.Text = Math.Abs(texture.ScaledWidth) + "x" + Math.Abs(texture.ScaledHeight);
sizelabel.Visible = false;
// Set the image
General.DisplayZoomedImage(panel, texture.GetPreview());