2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Copyright ( c ) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
/ *
* Copyright ( c ) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden , www . codeimp . com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* /
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Namespaces
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.Interface ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Geometry ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows ;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes
[ EditMode ( DisplayName = "Things Mode" ,
SwitchAction = "thingsmode" , // Action name used to switch to this mode
ButtonImage = "ThingsMode.png" , // Image resource name for the button
ButtonOrder = int . MinValue + 300 , // Position of the button (lower is more to the left)
ButtonGroup = "000_editing" ,
UseByDefault = true ,
SafeStartMode = true ) ]
public class ThingsMode : BaseClassicMode
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Constants
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Variables
// Highlighted item
private Thing highlighted ;
private readonly Association [ ] association = new Association [ Thing . NUM_ARGS ] ;
private readonly Association highlightasso = new Association ( ) ;
// Interface
private bool editpressed ;
private bool thinginserted ;
private bool awaitingMouseClick ; //mxd
//mxd. Event lines
private List < Line3D > persistenteventlines ;
//mxd. Dynamic light shapes
private List < Line3D > dynamiclightshapes ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Properties
public override object HighlightedObject { get { return highlighted ; } }
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Constructor / Disposer
public ThingsMode ( )
//mxd. Associations now requre initializing...
for ( int i = 0 ; i < association . Length ; i + + ) association [ i ] = new Association ( ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Methods
//mxd. This makes a CRC for given selection
private static int CreateSelectionCRC ( ICollection < Thing > selection )
CRC crc = new CRC ( ) ;
crc . Add ( selection . Count ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in selection ) crc . Add ( t . Index ) ;
return ( int ) ( crc . Value & 0xFFFFFFFF ) ;
public override void OnHelp ( )
General . ShowHelp ( "e_things.html" ) ;
// Cancel mode
public override void OnCancel ( )
base . OnCancel ( ) ;
// Return to this mode
General . Editing . ChangeMode ( new ThingsMode ( ) ) ;
// Mode engages
public override void OnEngage ( )
base . OnEngage ( ) ;
renderer . SetPresentation ( Presentation . Things ) ;
// Add toolbar buttons
General . Interface . AddButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . CopyProperties ) ;
General . Interface . AddButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . PasteProperties ) ;
General . Interface . AddButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . PastePropertiesOptions ) ; //mxd
General . Interface . AddButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . SeparatorCopyPaste ) ; //mxd
General . Interface . AddButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . AlignThingsToWall ) ; //mxd
// Convert geometry selection to linedefs selection
General . Map . Map . ConvertSelection ( SelectionType . Linedefs ) ;
General . Map . Map . SelectionType = SelectionType . Things ;
UpdateSelectionInfo ( ) ; //mxd
UpdateHelperObjects ( ) ; //mxd
// Mode disengages
public override void OnDisengage ( )
base . OnDisengage ( ) ;
// Remove toolbar buttons
General . Interface . RemoveButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . CopyProperties ) ;
General . Interface . RemoveButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . PasteProperties ) ;
General . Interface . RemoveButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . PastePropertiesOptions ) ; //mxd
General . Interface . RemoveButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . SeparatorCopyPaste ) ; //mxd
General . Interface . RemoveButton ( BuilderPlug . Me . MenusForm . AlignThingsToWall ) ; //mxd
//mxd. Do some highlight management...
if ( highlighted ! = null ) highlighted . Highlighted = false ;
// Going to EditSelectionMode?
if ( General . Editing . NewMode is EditSelectionMode )
// Not pasting anything?
EditSelectionMode editmode = ( General . Editing . NewMode as EditSelectionMode ) ;
if ( ! editmode . Pasting )
// No selection made? But we have a highlight!
if ( ( General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) . Count = = 0 ) & & ( highlighted ! = null ) )
// Make the highlight the selection
highlighted . Selected = true ;
// Hide highlight info and tooltip
General . Interface . HideInfo ( ) ;
General . Interface . Display . HideToolTip ( ) ; //mxd
// This redraws the display
public override void OnRedrawDisplay ( )
renderer . RedrawSurface ( ) ;
List < Line3D > eventlines = new List < Line3D > ( ) ; //mxd
// Render lines and vertices
if ( renderer . StartPlotter ( true ) )
renderer . PlotLinedefSet ( General . Map . Map . Linedefs ) ;
renderer . PlotVerticesSet ( General . Map . Map . Vertices ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Thing . NUM_ARGS ; i + + ) BuilderPlug . PlotAssociations ( renderer , association [ i ] , eventlines ) ;
if ( ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed ) BuilderPlug . PlotReverseAssociations ( renderer , highlightasso , eventlines ) ;
renderer . Finish ( ) ;
// Render things
if ( renderer . StartThings ( true ) )
renderer . RenderThingSet ( General . Map . ThingsFilter . HiddenThings , Presentation . THINGS_HIDDEN_ALPHA ) ;
renderer . RenderThingSet ( General . Map . ThingsFilter . VisibleThings , Presentation . THINGS_ALPHA ) ;
2016-01-11 23:26:00 +00:00
renderer . RenderNiGHTSPath ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Thing . NUM_ARGS ; i + + ) BuilderPlug . RenderAssociations ( renderer , association [ i ] , eventlines ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
if ( ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed )
renderer . RenderThing ( highlighted , General . Colors . Highlight , Presentation . THINGS_ALPHA ) ;
BuilderPlug . RenderReverseAssociations ( renderer , highlightasso , eventlines ) ; //mxd
//mxd. Event lines
if ( General . Settings . GZShowEventLines ) eventlines . AddRange ( persistenteventlines ) ;
//mxd. Dynamic light radii
if ( ! General . Map . DOOM & & General . Settings . GZDrawLightsMode ! = LightRenderMode . NONE )
eventlines . AddRange ( dynamiclightshapes ) ;
if ( eventlines . Count > 0 ) renderer . RenderArrows ( eventlines ) ;
renderer . Finish ( ) ;
// Selecting?
if ( renderer . StartOverlay ( true ) )
// Render selection
if ( selecting ) RenderMultiSelection ( ) ;
//mxd. Render comments
if ( General . Map . UDMF & & General . Settings . RenderComments ) foreach ( Thing t in General . Map . Map . Things ) RenderComment ( t ) ;
renderer . Finish ( ) ;
renderer . Present ( ) ;
// This highlights a new item
private void Highlight ( Thing t )
// Set highlight association
if ( t ! = null & & t . Tag ! = 0 )
highlightasso . Set ( t . Position , t . Tag , UniversalType . ThingTag ) ;
highlightasso . Set ( new Vector2D ( ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( highlighted ! = null ) highlighted . Highlighted = false ; //mxd
//mxd. Determine thing associations
bool clearassociations = true ; //mxd
if ( t ! = null )
t . Highlighted = true ; //mxd
// Check if we can find the linedefs action
if ( ( t . Action > 0 ) & & General . Map . Config . LinedefActions . ContainsKey ( t . Action ) )
clearassociations = false ;
LinedefActionInfo action = General . Map . Config . LinedefActions [ t . Action ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Thing . NUM_ARGS ; i + + )
association [ i ] . Set ( t . Position , t . Args [ i ] , action . Args [ i ] . Type ) ;
//mxd. Check if we can use thing arguments
else if ( t . Action = = 0 )
2016-02-29 10:41:17 +00:00
ThingTypeInfo ti = General . Map . Data . GetThingInfoEx ( t . SRB2Type ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
if ( ti ! = null )
clearassociations = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Thing . NUM_ARGS ; i + + )
association [ i ] . Set ( t . Position , t . Args [ i ] , ti . Args [ i ] . Type ) ;
// mxd. Clear associations?
if ( clearassociations )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Thing . NUM_ARGS ; i + + ) association [ i ] . Set ( new Vector2D ( ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
// Set new highlight and redraw display
highlighted = t ;
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
// Show highlight info
if ( ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed )
General . Interface . ShowThingInfo ( highlighted ) ;
General . Interface . Display . HideToolTip ( ) ; //mxd
General . Interface . HideInfo ( ) ;
// Selection
protected override void OnSelectBegin ( )
//mxd. Yep, it's kinda hackish...
if ( awaitingMouseClick )
awaitingMouseClick = false ;
ThingPointAtCursor ( ) ;
return ;
// Item highlighted?
if ( ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed )
// Update display
if ( renderer . StartThings ( false ) )
// Redraw highlight to show selection
renderer . RenderThing ( highlighted , renderer . DetermineThingColor ( highlighted ) , Presentation . THINGS_ALPHA ) ;
renderer . Finish ( ) ;
renderer . Present ( ) ;
base . OnSelectBegin ( ) ;
// End selection
protected override void OnSelectEnd ( )
// Not ending from a multi-selection?
if ( ! selecting )
// Item highlighted?
if ( ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed )
//mxd. Flip selection
highlighted . Selected = ! highlighted . Selected ;
// Update display
if ( renderer . StartThings ( false ) )
// Render highlighted item
renderer . RenderThing ( highlighted , General . Colors . Highlight , Presentation . THINGS_ALPHA ) ;
renderer . Finish ( ) ;
renderer . Present ( ) ;
else if ( BuilderPlug . Me . AutoClearSelection & & General . Map . Map . SelectedThingsCount > 0 )
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedThings ( ) ;
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
UpdateSelectionInfo ( ) ; //mxd
base . OnSelectEnd ( ) ;
// Start editing
protected override void OnEditBegin ( )
thinginserted = false ;
// Item highlighted?
if ( ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed )
// Edit pressed in this mode
editpressed = true ;
// Highlighted item not selected?
if ( ! highlighted . Selected & & ( BuilderPlug . Me . AutoClearSelection | | ( General . Map . Map . SelectedThingsCount = = 0 ) ) )
// Make this the only selection
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedThings ( ) ;
highlighted . Selected = true ;
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
// Update display
if ( renderer . StartThings ( false ) )
// Redraw highlight to show selection
renderer . RenderThing ( highlighted , renderer . DetermineThingColor ( highlighted ) , Presentation . THINGS_ALPHA ) ;
renderer . Finish ( ) ;
renderer . Present ( ) ;
else if ( mouseinside & & ! selecting & & BuilderPlug . Me . AutoDrawOnEdit ) //mxd. We don't want to insert a thing when multiselecting
// Edit pressed in this mode
editpressed = true ;
thinginserted = true ;
// Insert a new item and select it for dragging
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Insert thing" ) ;
Thing t = InsertThing ( mousemappos ) ;
if ( t = = null )
General . Map . UndoRedo . WithdrawUndo ( ) ;
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedThings ( ) ;
t . Selected = true ;
Highlight ( t ) ;
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
base . OnEditBegin ( ) ;
// Done editing
protected override void OnEditEnd ( )
// Edit pressed in this mode?
if ( editpressed )
// Anything selected?
ICollection < Thing > selected = General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ;
if ( selected . Count > 0 )
if ( General . Interface . IsActiveWindow )
// Edit only when preferred
if ( ! thinginserted | | BuilderPlug . Me . EditNewThing )
//mxd. Show realtime thing edit dialog
General . Interface . OnEditFormValuesChanged + = thingEditForm_OnValuesChanged ;
DialogResult result = General . Interface . ShowEditThings ( selected ) ;
General . Interface . OnEditFormValuesChanged - = thingEditForm_OnValuesChanged ;
// When a single thing was selected, deselect it now
if ( selected . Count = = 1 )
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedThings ( ) ;
else if ( result = = DialogResult . Cancel ) //mxd. Restore selection...
foreach ( Thing t in selected ) t . Selected = true ;
//mxd. Update helper lines
UpdateHelperObjects ( ) ;
// Update display
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
//mxd. Update selection info
UpdateSelectionInfo ( ) ;
editpressed = false ;
base . OnEditEnd ( ) ;
public override void OnUndoEnd ( )
base . OnUndoEnd ( ) ;
//mxd. Update helper lines
UpdateHelperObjects ( ) ;
public override void OnRedoEnd ( )
base . OnRedoEnd ( ) ;
//mxd. Update helper lines
UpdateHelperObjects ( ) ;
//mxd. Otherwise event lines won't be drawn after panning finishes.
protected override void EndViewPan ( )
base . EndViewPan ( ) ;
if ( General . Settings . GZShowEventLines ) General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
private void thingEditForm_OnValuesChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Update things filter
General . Map . ThingsFilter . Update ( ) ;
// Update entire display
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
// Mouse moves
public override void OnMouseMove ( MouseEventArgs e )
base . OnMouseMove ( e ) ;
if ( panning ) return ; //mxd. Skip all this jazz while panning
if ( selectpressed & & ! editpressed & & ! selecting )
// Check if moved enough pixels for multiselect
Vector2D delta = mousedownpos - mousepos ;
if ( ( Math . Abs ( delta . x ) > MULTISELECT_START_MOVE_PIXELS ) | |
( Math . Abs ( delta . y ) > MULTISELECT_START_MOVE_PIXELS ) )
// Start multiselecting
StartMultiSelection ( ) ;
else if ( paintselectpressed & & ! editpressed & & ! selecting ) //mxd. Drag-select
// Find the nearest thing within highlight range
Thing t = MapSet . NearestThingSquareRange ( General . Map . ThingsFilter . VisibleThings , mousemappos , BuilderPlug . Me . HighlightThingsRange / renderer . Scale ) ;
if ( t ! = null )
if ( t ! = highlighted )
//toggle selected state
if ( General . Interface . ShiftState ^ BuilderPlug . Me . AdditiveSelect )
t . Selected = true ;
else if ( General . Interface . CtrlState )
t . Selected = false ;
t . Selected = ! t . Selected ;
highlighted = t ;
UpdateSelectionInfo ( ) ; //mxd
// Update entire display
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
else if ( highlighted ! = null )
Highlight ( null ) ;
// Update entire display
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
else if ( e . Button = = MouseButtons . None ) // Not holding any buttons?
// Find the nearest thing within highlight range
Thing t = MapSet . NearestThingSquareRange ( General . Map . ThingsFilter . VisibleThings , mousemappos , BuilderPlug . Me . HighlightThingsRange / renderer . Scale ) ;
//mxd. Show tooltip?
if ( General . Map . UDMF & & General . Settings . RenderComments & & mouselastpos ! = mousepos & & highlighted ! = null & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed & & highlighted . Fields . ContainsKey ( "comment" ) )
string comment = highlighted . Fields . GetValue ( "comment" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( comment . Length > 2 )
string type = comment . Substring ( 0 , 3 ) ;
int index = Array . IndexOf ( CommentType . Types , type ) ;
if ( index > 0 ) comment = comment . TrimStart ( type . ToCharArray ( ) ) ;
General . Interface . Display . ShowToolTip ( "Comment:" , comment , ( int ) ( mousepos . x + 32 * MainForm . DPIScaler . Width ) , ( int ) ( mousepos . y + 8 * MainForm . DPIScaler . Height ) ) ;
// Highlight if not the same
if ( t ! = highlighted ) Highlight ( t ) ;
// Mouse leaves
public override void OnMouseLeave ( EventArgs e )
base . OnMouseLeave ( e ) ;
// Highlight nothing
Highlight ( null ) ;
protected override void OnPaintSelectBegin ( )
// Highlight nothing
Highlight ( null ) ;
base . OnPaintSelectBegin ( ) ;
// Mouse wants to drag
protected override void OnDragStart ( MouseEventArgs e )
base . OnDragStart ( e ) ;
// Edit button used?
if ( General . Actions . CheckActionActive ( null , "classicedit" ) )
// Anything highlighted?
if ( ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed )
// Highlighted item not selected?
if ( ! highlighted . Selected )
// Select only this thing for dragging
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedThings ( ) ;
highlighted . Selected = true ;
// Start dragging the selection
if ( ! BuilderPlug . Me . DontMoveGeometryOutsideMapBoundary | | CanDrag ( ) ) //mxd
// Shift pressed? Clone things!
if ( General . Interface . ShiftState )
ICollection < Thing > selection = General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in selection )
Thing clone = InsertThing ( t . Position ) ;
t . CopyPropertiesTo ( clone ) ;
// If the cloned item is an interpolation point or patrol point, then insert the point in the path
2016-02-29 10:41:17 +00:00
ThingTypeInfo info = General . Map . Data . GetThingInfo ( t . SRB2Type ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
int nextpointtagargnum = - 1 ;
// Thing type can be changed in MAPINFO DoomEdNums block...
switch ( info . ClassName . ToLowerInvariant ( ) )
case "interpolationpoint" :
nextpointtagargnum = 3 ;
break ;
case "patrolpoint" :
nextpointtagargnum = 0 ;
break ;
// Apply changes?
if ( nextpointtagargnum ! = - 1 )
if ( t . Tag = = 0 ) t . Tag = General . Map . Map . GetNewTag ( ) ;
t . Args [ nextpointtagargnum ] = clone . Tag = General . Map . Map . GetNewTag ( ) ;
t . Selected = false ;
clone . Selected = true ;
General . Editing . ChangeMode ( new DragThingsMode ( new ThingsMode ( ) , mousedownmappos ) ) ;
//mxd. Check if any selected thing is outside of map boundary
private static bool CanDrag ( )
ICollection < Thing > selectedthings = General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ;
int unaffectedCount = 0 ;
foreach ( Thing t in selectedthings )
// Make sure the vertex is inside the map boundary
if ( t . Position . x < General . Map . Config . LeftBoundary | | t . Position . x > General . Map . Config . RightBoundary
| | t . Position . y > General . Map . Config . TopBoundary | | t . Position . y < General . Map . Config . BottomBoundary )
t . Selected = false ;
unaffectedCount + + ;
if ( unaffectedCount = = selectedthings . Count )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Unable to drag selection: " + ( selectedthings . Count = = 1 ? "selected thing is" : "all of selected things are" ) + " outside of map boundary!" ) ;
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
return false ;
if ( unaffectedCount > 0 )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , unaffectedCount + " of selected vertices " + ( unaffectedCount = = 1 ? "is" : "are" ) + " outside of map boundary!" ) ;
return true ;
// This is called wheh selection ends
protected override void OnEndMultiSelection ( )
bool selectionvolume = ( ( Math . Abs ( selectionrect . Width ) > 0.1f ) & & ( Math . Abs ( selectionrect . Height ) > 0.1f ) ) ;
if ( selectionvolume )
switch ( marqueSelectionMode )
case MarqueSelectionMode . SELECT :
foreach ( Thing t in General . Map . ThingsFilter . VisibleThings )
t . Selected = selectionrect . Contains ( t . Position . x , t . Position . y ) ;
break ;
case MarqueSelectionMode . ADD :
foreach ( Thing t in General . Map . ThingsFilter . VisibleThings )
t . Selected | = selectionrect . Contains ( t . Position . x , t . Position . y ) ;
break ;
case MarqueSelectionMode . SUBTRACT :
foreach ( Thing t in General . Map . ThingsFilter . VisibleThings )
if ( selectionrect . Contains ( t . Position . x , t . Position . y ) ) t . Selected = false ;
break ;
default : //should be Intersect
foreach ( Thing t in General . Map . ThingsFilter . VisibleThings )
if ( ! selectionrect . Contains ( t . Position . x , t . Position . y ) ) t . Selected = false ;
break ;
UpdateSelectionInfo ( ) ; //mxd
base . OnEndMultiSelection ( ) ;
// Clear overlay
if ( renderer . StartOverlay ( true ) ) renderer . Finish ( ) ;
// Redraw
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
// This is called when the selection is updated
protected override void OnUpdateMultiSelection ( )
base . OnUpdateMultiSelection ( ) ;
// Render selection
if ( renderer . StartOverlay ( true ) )
RenderMultiSelection ( ) ;
renderer . Finish ( ) ;
renderer . Present ( ) ;
// When copying
public override bool OnCopyBegin ( )
// No selection made? But we have a highlight!
if ( ( General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) . Count = = 0 ) & & ( highlighted ! = null ) )
// Make the highlight the selection
highlighted . Selected = true ;
//mxd. Actually, we want it marked, not selected
bool result = base . OnCopyBegin ( ) ;
highlighted . Selected = false ;
return result ;
return base . OnCopyBegin ( ) ;
private void RenderComment ( Thing t )
if ( t . Fields . ContainsKey ( "comment" ) )
float size = ( ( t . FixedSize & & renderer . Scale > 1.0f ) ? t . Size / renderer . Scale : t . Size ) ;
if ( size * renderer . Scale < 1.5f ) return ; // Thing is too small to render
int iconindex = 0 ;
string comment = t . Fields . GetValue ( "comment" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( comment . Length > 2 )
string type = comment . Substring ( 0 , 3 ) ;
int index = Array . IndexOf ( CommentType . Types , type ) ;
if ( index ! = - 1 ) iconindex = index ;
RectangleF rect = new RectangleF ( t . Position . x + size - 10 / renderer . Scale , t . Position . y + size + 18 / renderer . Scale , 16 / renderer . Scale , - 16 / renderer . Scale ) ;
PixelColor c = ( t = = highlighted ? General . Colors . Highlight : ( t . Selected ? General . Colors . Selection : PixelColor . FromColor ( Color . White ) ) ) ;
renderer . RenderRectangleFilled ( rect , c , true , General . Map . Data . CommentTextures [ iconindex ] ) ;
private void UpdateHelperObjects ( )
// Update event lines
persistenteventlines = LinksCollector . GetThingLinks ( General . Map . ThingsFilter . VisibleThings ) ;
// Update light radii
dynamiclightshapes = Tools . GetDynamicLightShapes ( ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Actions
// This copies the properties
public void CopyProperties ( )
// Determine source things
ICollection < Thing > sel = null ;
if ( General . Map . Map . SelectedThingsCount > 0 ) sel = General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ;
else if ( highlighted ! = null ) sel = new List < Thing > { highlighted } ;
if ( sel ! = null )
// Copy properties from the first source thing
BuilderPlug . Me . CopiedThingProps = new ThingProperties ( General . GetByIndex ( sel , 0 ) ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Copied thing properties." ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action requires highlight or selection!" ) ;
// This pastes the properties
public void PasteProperties ( )
if ( BuilderPlug . Me . CopiedThingProps ! = null )
// Determine target things
ICollection < Thing > sel = null ;
if ( General . Map . Map . SelectedThingsCount > 0 ) sel = General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ;
else if ( highlighted ! = null ) sel = new List < Thing > { highlighted } ;
if ( sel ! = null )
// Apply properties to selection
string rest = ( sel . Count = = 1 ? "a single thing" : sel . Count + " things" ) ; //mxd
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Paste properties to " + rest ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in sel )
BuilderPlug . Me . CopiedThingProps . Apply ( t , false ) ;
t . UpdateConfiguration ( ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Pasted properties to" + rest + "." ) ;
// Update
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
General . Map . ThingsFilter . Update ( ) ;
General . Interface . RefreshInfo ( ) ;
//mxd. Update helper lines
UpdateHelperObjects ( ) ;
// Redraw
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action requires highlight or selection!" ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Copy thing properties first!" ) ;
//mxd. This pastes the properties with options
public void PastePropertiesWithOptions ( )
if ( BuilderPlug . Me . CopiedThingProps ! = null )
// Determine target things
ICollection < Thing > sel = null ;
if ( General . Map . Map . SelectedThingsCount > 0 ) sel = General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ;
else if ( highlighted ! = null ) sel = new List < Thing > { highlighted } ;
if ( sel ! = null )
PastePropertiesOptionsForm form = new PastePropertiesOptionsForm ( ) ;
if ( form . Setup ( MapElementType . THING ) & & form . ShowDialog ( General . Interface ) = = DialogResult . OK )
// Apply properties to selection
string rest = ( sel . Count = = 1 ? "a single thing" : sel . Count + " things" ) ;
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Paste properties with options to " + rest ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in sel )
BuilderPlug . Me . CopiedThingProps . Apply ( t , true ) ;
t . UpdateConfiguration ( ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Pasted properties with options to " + rest + "." ) ;
// Update
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
General . Map . ThingsFilter . Update ( ) ;
General . Interface . RefreshInfo ( ) ;
//mxd. Update helper lines
UpdateHelperObjects ( ) ;
// Redraw
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action requires highlight or selection!" ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Copy thing properties first!" ) ;
// This clears the selection
[BeginAction("clearselection", BaseAction = true)]
public void ClearSelection ( )
// Clear selection
General . Map . Map . ClearAllSelected ( ) ;
//mxd. Clear selection info
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Selection , string . Empty ) ;
// Redraw
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
// This creates a new thing at the mouse position
[BeginAction("insertitem", BaseAction = true)]
public void InsertThing ( )
// Mouse in window?
if ( mouseinside )
// Insert new thing
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Insert thing" ) ;
Thing t = InsertThing ( mousemappos ) ;
if ( t = = null )
General . Map . UndoRedo . WithdrawUndo ( ) ;
return ;
// Edit the thing?
if ( BuilderPlug . Me . EditNewThing )
// Redraw screen
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
General . Interface . ShowEditThings ( new List < Thing > { t } ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Inserted a new thing." ) ;
// Update things filter
General . Map . ThingsFilter . Update ( ) ;
//mxd. Update helper lines
UpdateHelperObjects ( ) ;
// Redraw screen
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
// This creates a new thing
private static Thing InsertThing ( Vector2D pos )
if ( pos . x < General . Map . Config . LeftBoundary | | pos . x > General . Map . Config . RightBoundary | |
pos . y > General . Map . Config . TopBoundary | | pos . y < General . Map . Config . BottomBoundary )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to insert thing: outside of map boundaries." ) ;
return null ;
// Create thing
Thing t = General . Map . Map . CreateThing ( ) ;
if ( t ! = null )
General . Settings . ApplyDefaultThingSettings ( t ) ;
t . Move ( pos ) ;
t . UpdateConfiguration ( ) ;
// Update things filter so that it includes this thing
General . Map . ThingsFilter . Update ( ) ;
// Snap to grid enabled?
if ( General . Interface . SnapToGrid )
// Snap to grid
t . SnapToGrid ( ) ;
// Snap to map format accuracy
t . SnapToAccuracy ( ) ;
return t ;
[BeginAction("deleteitem", BaseAction = true)]
public void DeleteItem ( )
// Make list of selected things
List < Thing > selected = new List < Thing > ( General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ) ;
if ( ( selected . Count = = 0 ) & & ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed ) selected . Add ( highlighted ) ;
// Anything to do?
if ( selected . Count > 0 )
// Make undo
if ( selected . Count > 1 )
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Delete " + selected . Count + " things" ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Deleted " + selected . Count + " things." ) ;
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Delete thing" ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Deleted a thing." ) ;
DeleteThings ( selected ) ; //mxd
// Update cache values
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
General . Map . ThingsFilter . Update ( ) ;
//mxd. Update helper lines
UpdateHelperObjects ( ) ;
// Invoke a new mousemove so that the highlighted item updates
MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs ( MouseButtons . None , 0 , ( int ) mousepos . x , ( int ) mousepos . y , 0 ) ;
OnMouseMove ( e ) ;
// Redraw screen
UpdateSelectionInfo ( ) ; //mxd
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
public void AlignThingsToWall ( )
// Make list of selected things
List < Thing > selected = new List < Thing > ( General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ) ;
if ( ( selected . Count = = 0 ) & & ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed ) selected . Add ( highlighted ) ;
if ( selected . Count = = 0 )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action requires a selection!" ) ;
return ;
List < Thing > toAlign = new List < Thing > ( ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in selected ) if ( t . IsModel ) toAlign . Add ( t ) ;
if ( toAlign . Count = = 0 )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action only works for things with models!" ) ;
return ;
// Make undo
if ( toAlign . Count > 1 )
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Align " + toAlign . Count + " things" ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Aligned " + toAlign . Count + " things." ) ;
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Align thing" ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Aligned a thing." ) ;
//align things
int thingsCount = General . Map . Map . Things . Count ;
foreach ( Thing t in toAlign )
List < Linedef > excludedLines = new List < Linedef > ( ) ;
bool aligned ;
Linedef l = General . Map . Map . NearestLinedef ( t . Position , excludedLines ) ;
aligned = Tools . TryAlignThingToLine ( t , l ) ;
if ( ! aligned )
excludedLines . Add ( l ) ;
if ( excludedLines . Count = = thingsCount )
2016-02-29 10:41:17 +00:00
ThingTypeInfo tti = General . Map . Data . GetThingInfo ( t . SRB2Type ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Unable to align Thing <20> " + t . Index + " (" + tti . Title + ") to any linedef in a map!" ) ;
aligned = true ;
} while ( ! aligned ) ;
// Update cache values
General . Map . IsChanged = true ;
// Redraw screen
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
public void ThingPointAtCursor ( )
// Make list of selected things
List < Thing > selected = new List < Thing > ( General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ) ;
if ( ( selected . Count = = 0 ) & & ( highlighted ! = null ) & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed )
selected . Add ( highlighted ) ;
if ( selected . Count = = 0 )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action requires a selection!" ) ;
return ;
//check mouse position
if ( ! mousemappos . IsFinite ( ) )
awaitingMouseClick = true ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Now click in the editing area!" ) ;
return ;
awaitingMouseClick = false ;
// Make undo
if ( selected . Count > 1 )
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Rotate " + selected . Count + " things" ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Rotated " + selected . Count + " things." ) ;
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Rotate thing" ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Rotated a thing." ) ;
//change angle
if ( General . Interface . CtrlState ) //point away
foreach ( Thing t in selected )
2016-02-29 10:41:17 +00:00
ThingTypeInfo info = General . Map . Data . GetThingInfo ( t . SRB2Type ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
if ( info = = null | | info . Category = = null | | info . Category . Arrow = = 0 )
continue ;
t . Rotate ( Vector2D . GetAngle ( mousemappos , t . Position ) + Angle2D . PI ) ;
else //point at
foreach ( Thing t in selected )
2016-02-29 10:41:17 +00:00
ThingTypeInfo info = General . Map . Data . GetThingInfo ( t . SRB2Type ) ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
if ( info = = null | | info . Category = = null | | info . Category . Arrow = = 0 )
continue ;
t . Rotate ( Vector2D . GetAngle ( mousemappos , t . Position ) ) ;
// Redraw screen
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
//mxd. rotate clockwise
public void RotateCW ( )
RotateThings ( - 5 ) ;
//mxd. rotate counterclockwise
public void RotateCCW ( )
RotateThings ( 5 ) ;
private void RotateThings ( int increment )
// Make list of selected things
List < Thing > selected = new List < Thing > ( General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ) ;
if ( selected . Count = = 0 & & highlighted ! = null & & ! highlighted . IsDisposed )
selected . Add ( highlighted ) ;
if ( selected . Count = = 0 )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action requires a selection!" ) ;
return ;
// Make undo
if ( selected . Count > 1 )
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Rotate " + selected . Count + " things" , this , UndoGroup . ThingAngleChange , CreateSelectionCRC ( selected ) ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Rotated " + selected . Count + " things." ) ;
General . Map . UndoRedo . CreateUndo ( "Rotate thing" , this , UndoGroup . ThingAngleChange , CreateSelectionCRC ( selected ) ) ;
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Action , "Rotated a thing." ) ;
//change angle
foreach ( Thing t in selected ) t . Rotate ( General . ClampAngle ( t . AngleDoom + increment ) ) ;
// Redraw screen
General . Interface . RedrawDisplay ( ) ;
General . Interface . RefreshInfo ( ) ;
public void ShowFilterDialog ( )
ICollection < Thing > selection = General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ;
if ( selection . Count = = 0 )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action requires a selection!" ) ;
return ;
new FilterSelectedThingsForm ( selection , this ) . ShowDialog ( ) ;
public void SelectSimilar ( )
ICollection < Thing > selection = General . Map . Map . GetSelectedThings ( true ) ;
if ( selection . Count = = 0 )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "This action requires a selection!" ) ;
return ;
var form = new SelectSimilarElementOptionsPanel ( ) ;
if ( form . Setup ( this ) ) form . ShowDialog ( ) ;