2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Copyright ( c ) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
/ *
* Copyright ( c ) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden , www . codeimp . com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* /
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Namespaces
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Compilers ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
using ScintillaNET ;
2016-03-03 00:25:27 +00:00
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
internal partial class ScriptEditorPanel : UserControl
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Constants
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Variables
private List < ScriptConfiguration > scriptconfigs ;
private List < CompilerError > compilererrors ;
// Find/Replace
private ScriptFindReplaceForm findreplaceform ;
private FindReplaceOptions findoptions ;
// Quick search bar settings (mxd)
private static bool matchwholeword ;
private static bool matchcase ;
//mxd. Status update
private ScriptStatusInfo status ;
private int statusflashcount ;
private bool statusflashicon ;
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
private bool reload ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Properties
public ScriptDocumentTab ActiveTab { get { return ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ; } }
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
public bool Reload { get { return reload ; } set { reload = value ; } }
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Constructor
// Constructor
public ScriptEditorPanel ( )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
// This initializes the control
public void Initialize ( )
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
reload = false ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
// Make list of script configs
scriptconfigs = new List < ScriptConfiguration > ( General . ScriptConfigs . Values ) ;
scriptconfigs . Add ( new ScriptConfiguration ( ) ) ;
scriptconfigs . Sort ( ) ;
// Fill the list of new document types
foreach ( ScriptConfiguration cfg in scriptconfigs )
// Button for new script menu
ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem ( cfg . Description ) ;
//item.Image = buttonnew.Image;
item . Tag = cfg ;
item . Click + = buttonnew_Click ;
buttonnew . DropDownItems . Add ( item ) ;
// Button for script type menu
item = new ToolStripMenuItem ( cfg . Description ) ;
//item.Image = buttonnew.Image;
item . Tag = cfg ;
item . Click + = buttonscriptconfig_Click ;
buttonscriptconfig . DropDownItems . Add ( item ) ;
// Setup supported extensions
string filterall = "" ;
string filterseperate = "" ;
foreach ( ScriptConfiguration cfg in scriptconfigs )
if ( cfg . Extensions . Length > 0 )
string exts = "*." + string . Join ( ";*." , cfg . Extensions ) ;
if ( filterseperate . Length > 0 ) filterseperate + = "|" ;
filterseperate + = cfg . Description + "|" + exts ;
if ( filterall . Length > 0 ) filterall + = ";" ;
filterall + = exts ;
openfile . Filter = "Script files|" + filterall + "|" + filterseperate + "|All files|*.*" ;
// Load the script lumps
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
ScriptDocumentTab activetab = null ; //mxd
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
foreach ( MapLumpInfo maplumpinfo in General . Map . Config . MapLumps . Values )
// Is this a script lump?
if ( maplumpinfo . ScriptBuild ) //mxd
// Load this!
ScriptLumpDocumentTab t = new ScriptLumpDocumentTab ( this , maplumpinfo . Name , General . CompiledScriptConfigs [ General . Map . Options . ScriptCompiler ] ) ;
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
//mxd. Apply stored settings?
if ( General . Map . Options . ScriptLumpSettings . ContainsKey ( maplumpinfo . Name ) )
t . SetViewSettings ( General . Map . Options . ScriptLumpSettings [ maplumpinfo . Name ] ) ;
if ( General . Map . Options . ScriptLumpSettings [ maplumpinfo . Name ] . IsActiveTab )
activetab = t ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
t . OnTextChanged + = tabpage_OnLumpTextChanged ; //mxd
t . Scintilla . UpdateUI + = scintilla_OnUpdateUI ; //mxd
tabs . TabPages . Add ( t ) ;
else if ( maplumpinfo . Script ! = null )
// Load this!
ScriptLumpDocumentTab t = new ScriptLumpDocumentTab ( this , maplumpinfo . Name , maplumpinfo . Script ) ;
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
//mxd. Apply stored settings?
if ( General . Map . Options . ScriptLumpSettings . ContainsKey ( maplumpinfo . Name ) )
t . SetViewSettings ( General . Map . Options . ScriptLumpSettings [ maplumpinfo . Name ] ) ;
if ( General . Map . Options . ScriptLumpSettings [ maplumpinfo . Name ] . IsActiveTab )
activetab = t ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
t . OnTextChanged + = tabpage_OnLumpTextChanged ; //mxd
t . Scintilla . UpdateUI + = scintilla_OnUpdateUI ; //mxd
tabs . TabPages . Add ( t ) ;
2016-04-07 13:29:47 +00:00
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( General . Map . FilePathName ) )
2016-03-03 00:25:27 +00:00
WAD file = new WAD ( General . Map . FilePathName ) ;
List < Lump > lumps = file . Lumps ;
file . Dispose ( ) ;
//Load the global script lumps
foreach ( ScriptLumpInfo scriptlumpinfo in General . Map . Config . ScriptLumps . Values )
if ( scriptlumpinfo . Script ! = null )
if ( scriptlumpinfo . IsPrefix )
foreach ( Lump l in lumps )
if ( l . Name . ToUpperInvariant ( ) . StartsWith ( scriptlumpinfo . Name . ToUpperInvariant ( ) ) )
GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab t = new GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab ( this , l . Name , scriptlumpinfo . Script , General . Map . FilePathName ) ;
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
//mxd. Apply stored settings?
if ( General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings . ContainsKey ( l . Name ) )
t . SetViewSettings ( General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings [ l . Name ] ) ;
if ( General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings [ l . Name ] . IsActiveTab )
activetab = t ;
2016-03-03 00:25:27 +00:00
t . OnTextChanged + = tabpage_OnTextChanged ;
t . Scintilla . UpdateUI + = scintilla_OnUpdateUI ;
tabs . TabPages . Add ( t ) ;
GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab t = new GlobalScriptLumpDocumentTab ( this , scriptlumpinfo . Name , scriptlumpinfo . Script , General . Map . FilePathName ) ;
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
//mxd. Apply stored settings?
if ( General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings . ContainsKey ( scriptlumpinfo . Name ) )
t . SetViewSettings ( General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings [ scriptlumpinfo . Name ] ) ;
if ( General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings [ scriptlumpinfo . Name ] . IsActiveTab )
activetab = t ;
2016-03-03 00:25:27 +00:00
t . OnTextChanged + = tabpage_OnTextChanged ;
t . Scintilla . UpdateUI + = scintilla_OnUpdateUI ;
tabs . TabPages . Add ( t ) ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
// Load the files that were previously opened for this map
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
foreach ( ScriptDocumentSettings settings in General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings . Values )
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
// Does this file exist?
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
if ( File . Exists ( settings . Filename ) )
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
// Load this!
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
ScriptFileDocumentTab t = OpenFile ( settings . Filename ) ;
t . SetViewSettings ( settings ) ; //mxd
if ( settings . IsActiveTab ) activetab = t ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
//mxd. Reselect previously selected tab
if ( activetab ! = null )
tabs . SelectedTab = activetab ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
//mxd. Select "Scripts" tab, because that's what user will want 99% of time
2016-03-03 00:25:27 +00:00
//MascaraSnake: For SRB2, select "MAINCFG" tab
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
int scriptsindex = General . Map . SRB2 ? GetTabPageIndex ( "MAINCFG" ) : GetTabPageIndex ( "SCRIPTS" ) ;
tabs . SelectedIndex = ( scriptsindex = = - 1 ? 0 : scriptsindex ) ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
//mxd. Apply quick search settings
searchmatchcase . Checked = matchcase ;
searchwholeword . Checked = matchwholeword ;
searchbox_TextChanged ( this , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
// If the map has remembered any compile errors, then show them
ShowErrors ( General . Map . Errors ) ;
// Done
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// This applies user preferences
public void ApplySettings ( )
errorlist . Columns [ 0 ] . Width = General . Settings . ReadSetting ( "scriptspanel.errorscolumn0width" , errorlist . Columns [ 0 ] . Width ) ;
errorlist . Columns [ 1 ] . Width = General . Settings . ReadSetting ( "scriptspanel.errorscolumn1width" , errorlist . Columns [ 1 ] . Width ) ;
errorlist . Columns [ 2 ] . Width = General . Settings . ReadSetting ( "scriptspanel.errorscolumn2width" , errorlist . Columns [ 2 ] . Width ) ;
buttonwhitespace . Checked = General . Settings . ReadSetting ( "scriptspanel.showwhitespace" , false ) ; //mxd
buttonwordwrap . Checked = General . Settings . ReadSetting ( "scriptspanel.wraplonglines" , false ) ; //mxd
ApplyTabSettings ( ) ; //mxd
// This saves user preferences
public void SaveSettings ( )
General . Settings . WriteSetting ( "scriptspanel.errorscolumn0width" , errorlist . Columns [ 0 ] . Width ) ;
General . Settings . WriteSetting ( "scriptspanel.errorscolumn1width" , errorlist . Columns [ 1 ] . Width ) ;
General . Settings . WriteSetting ( "scriptspanel.showwhitespace" , buttonwhitespace . Checked ) ; //mxd
General . Settings . WriteSetting ( "scriptspanel.wraplonglines" , buttonwordwrap . Checked ) ; //mxd
private void ApplyTabSettings ( )
foreach ( var tp in tabs . TabPages )
ScriptDocumentTab scripttab = ( tp as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
if ( scripttab ! = null )
scripttab . WrapLongLines = buttonwordwrap . Checked ;
scripttab . ShowWhitespace = buttonwhitespace . Checked ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Methods
// Find Next
public void FindNext ( FindReplaceOptions options )
// Save the options
findoptions = options ;
FindNext ( ) ;
// Find Next with saved options
public void FindNext ( )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( findoptions . FindText ) & & ( ActiveTab ! = null ) )
if ( ! ActiveTab . FindNext ( findoptions ) )
DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType . Warning , "Can't find any occurence of \"" + findoptions . FindText + "\"." ) ;
General . MessageBeep ( MessageBeepType . Default ) ;
// Find Previous
public void FindPrevious ( FindReplaceOptions options )
// Save the options
findoptions = options ;
FindPrevious ( ) ;
// Find Previous with saved options (mxd)
public void FindPrevious ( )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( findoptions . FindText ) & & ( ActiveTab ! = null ) )
if ( ! ActiveTab . FindPrevious ( findoptions ) )
DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType . Warning , "Can't find any occurence of \"" + findoptions . FindText + "\"." ) ;
General . MessageBeep ( MessageBeepType . Default ) ;
// Replace if possible
public void Replace ( FindReplaceOptions options )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( findoptions . FindText ) & & ( options . ReplaceWith ! = null ) & & ( ActiveTab ! = null ) )
if ( string . Compare ( ActiveTab . SelectedText , options . FindText , ! options . CaseSensitive ) = = 0 )
// Replace selection
ActiveTab . ReplaceSelection ( options . ReplaceWith ) ;
General . MessageBeep ( MessageBeepType . Default ) ;
// Replace all
public void ReplaceAll ( FindReplaceOptions options )
int replacements = 0 ;
findoptions = options ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( findoptions . FindText ) & & ( options . ReplaceWith ! = null ) & & ( ActiveTab ! = null ) )
int firstfindpos = - 1 ;
int lastpos = - 1 ;
bool firstreplace = true ;
bool wrappedaround = false ;
int selectionstart = Math . Min ( ActiveTab . SelectionStart , ActiveTab . SelectionEnd ) ;
// Continue finding and replacing until nothing more found
while ( ActiveTab . FindNext ( findoptions ) )
int curpos = Math . Min ( ActiveTab . SelectionStart , ActiveTab . SelectionEnd ) ;
if ( curpos < = lastpos )
wrappedaround = true ;
if ( firstreplace )
// Remember where we started replacing
firstfindpos = curpos ;
else if ( wrappedaround )
// Make sure we don't go past our start point, or we could be in an endless loop
if ( curpos > = firstfindpos )
break ;
Replace ( findoptions ) ;
replacements + + ;
firstreplace = false ;
lastpos = curpos ;
// Restore selection
ActiveTab . SelectionStart = selectionstart ;
ActiveTab . SelectionEnd = selectionstart ;
// Show result
if ( replacements = = 0 )
DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType . Warning , "Can't find any occurence of \"" + findoptions . FindText + "\"." ) ;
DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType . Info , "Replaced " + replacements + " occurences of \"" + findoptions . FindText + "\" with \"" + findoptions . ReplaceWith + "\"." ) ;
General . MessageBeep ( MessageBeepType . Default ) ;
// This closed the Find & Replace subwindow
public void CloseFindReplace ( bool closing )
if ( findreplaceform ! = null )
if ( ! closing ) findreplaceform . Close ( ) ;
findreplaceform = null ;
// This opens the Find & Replace subwindow
public void OpenFindAndReplace ( )
if ( findreplaceform = = null )
findreplaceform = new ScriptFindReplaceForm ( ) ;
if ( findreplaceform . Visible )
findreplaceform . Focus ( ) ;
findreplaceform . Show ( this . ParentForm ) ;
if ( ActiveTab . SelectionEnd ! = ActiveTab . SelectionStart )
findreplaceform . SetFindText ( ActiveTab . SelectedText ) ;
catch ( Exception )
// If we can't pop up the find/replace form right now, thats just too bad.
// This refreshes all settings
public void RefreshSettings ( )
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages )
t . RefreshSettings ( ) ;
// This clears all error marks and hides the errors list
public void ClearErrors ( )
// Hide list
splitter . Panel2Collapsed = true ;
errorlist . Items . Clear ( ) ;
// Clear marks
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages )
t . ClearMarks ( ) ;
// This shows the errors panel with the given errors
// Also updates the scripts with markers for the given errors
public void ShowErrors ( IEnumerable < CompilerError > errors )
// Copy list
if ( errors ! = null )
compilererrors = new List < CompilerError > ( errors ) ;
compilererrors = new List < CompilerError > ( ) ;
// Fill list
errorlist . BeginUpdate ( ) ;
errorlist . Items . Clear ( ) ;
int listindex = 1 ;
foreach ( CompilerError e in compilererrors )
ListViewItem ei = new ListViewItem ( listindex . ToString ( ) ) ;
ei . ImageIndex = 0 ;
ei . SubItems . Add ( e . description ) ;
string filename = ( e . filename . StartsWith ( "?" ) ? e . filename . Replace ( "?" , "" ) : Path . GetFileName ( e . filename ) ) ; //mxd
string linenumber = ( e . linenumber ! = CompilerError . NO_LINE_NUMBER ? " (line " + ( e . linenumber + 1 ) + ")" : String . Empty ) ; //mxd
ei . SubItems . Add ( filename + linenumber ) ;
ei . Tag = e ;
errorlist . Items . Add ( ei ) ;
listindex + + ;
errorlist . EndUpdate ( ) ;
// Show marks on scripts
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages )
t . MarkScriptErrors ( compilererrors ) ;
// Show/hide panel
splitter . Panel2Collapsed = ( errorlist . Items . Count = = 0 ) ;
// This writes all explicitly opened files to the configuration
public void WriteOpenFilesToConfiguration ( )
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings . Clear ( ) ; //mxd
General . Map . Options . ScriptLumpSettings . Clear ( ) ; //mxd
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages ) //mxd
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
2016-04-07 17:31:06 +00:00
if ( t . ExplicitSave )
General . Map . Options . ScriptFileSettings . Add ( t . Filename , t . GetViewSettings ( ) ) ;
General . Map . Options . ScriptLumpSettings . Add ( t . Filename , t . GetViewSettings ( ) ) ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
// This asks to save files and returns the result
public bool AskSaveAll ( )
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages )
if ( t . ExplicitSave )
if ( ! CloseScript ( t , true ) ) return false ;
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
if ( Reload )
General . Map . ReloadResources ( ) ;
Reload = false ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
return true ;
// This closes a script and returns true when closed
private bool CloseScript ( ScriptDocumentTab t , bool saveonly )
if ( t . IsChanged )
// Ask to save
DialogResult result = MessageBox . Show ( this . ParentForm , "Do you want to save changes to " + t . Title + "?" , "Close File" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNoCancel , MessageBoxIcon . Question ) ;
switch ( result )
case DialogResult . Yes :
if ( ! SaveScript ( t ) ) return false ;
break ;
case DialogResult . Cancel :
return false ;
if ( ! saveonly )
//mxd. Select tab to the left of the one we are going to close
if ( t = = tabs . SelectedTab & & tabs . SelectedIndex > 0 )
tabs . SelectedIndex - - ;
// Close file
tabs . TabPages . Remove ( t ) ;
t . Dispose ( ) ;
return true ;
// This returns true when any of the implicit-save scripts are changed
public bool CheckImplicitChanges ( )
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages )
if ( ! t . ExplicitSave & & t . IsChanged ) return true ;
return false ;
// This forces the focus to the script editor
public void ForceFocus ( )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
tabs . Focus ( ) ;
if ( t ! = null ) t . Focus ( ) ;
// This does an implicit save on all documents that use implicit saving
// Call this to save the lumps before disposing the panel!
public void ImplicitSave ( )
// Save all scripts
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages )
if ( ! t . ExplicitSave ) t . Save ( ) ;
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
if ( Reload )
General . Map . ReloadResources ( ) ;
Reload = false ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
UpdateToolbar ( false ) ;
// This updates the toolbar for the current status
private void UpdateToolbar ( bool focuseditor )
int numscriptsopen = tabs . TabPages . Count ;
int explicitsavescripts = 0 ;
ScriptDocumentTab t = null ;
// Any explicit save scripts?
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab dt in tabs . TabPages )
if ( dt . ExplicitSave ) explicitsavescripts + + ;
// Get current script, if any are open
if ( numscriptsopen > 0 )
t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
// Enable/disable buttons
buttonsave . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . ExplicitSave & & t . IsChanged ) ;
buttonsaveall . Enabled = ( explicitsavescripts > 0 ) ;
buttoncompile . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . Config . Compiler ! = null ) ;
buttonsearch . Enabled = ( t ! = null ) ; //mxd
buttonkeywordhelp . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( t . Config . KeywordHelp ) ) ;
buttonscriptconfig . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . IsReconfigurable ) ;
buttonundo . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . Scintilla . CanUndo ) ;
buttonredo . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . Scintilla . CanRedo ) ;
buttoncopy . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . Scintilla . SelectionStart < t . Scintilla . SelectionEnd ) ;
buttoncut . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . Scintilla . SelectionStart < t . Scintilla . SelectionEnd ) ;
buttonpaste . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . Scintilla . CanPaste ) ;
buttonclose . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . IsClosable ) ;
buttonsnippets . DropDownItems . Clear ( ) ; //mxd
buttonsnippets . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . Config . Snippets . Count > 0 ) ; //mxd
buttonindent . Enabled = ( t ! = null ) ; //mxd
buttonunindent . Enabled = ( t ! = null & & t . Scintilla . Lines [ t . Scintilla . CurrentLine ] . Indentation > 0 ) ; //mxd
buttonwhitespace . Enabled = ( t ! = null ) ; //mxd
buttonwordwrap . Enabled = ( t ! = null ) ; //mxd
if ( t ! = null )
// Check the according script config in menu
foreach ( ToolStripMenuItem item in buttonscriptconfig . DropDownItems )
ScriptConfiguration config = ( item . Tag as ScriptConfiguration ) ;
item . Checked = ( config = = t . Config ) ;
//mxd. Add snippets
if ( t . Config ! = null & & t . Config . Snippets . Count > 0 )
if ( t . Config . Snippets . Count > 0 )
foreach ( string snippetname in t . Config . Snippets ) buttonsnippets . DropDownItems . Add ( snippetname ) . Click + = OnInsertSnippetClick ;
// Focus to script editor
if ( focuseditor ) ForceFocus ( ) ;
//mxd. Update script type description
scripttype . Text = ( ( t ! = null & & t . Config ! = null ) ? t . Config . Description : "Plain Text" ) ;
private int GetTabPageIndex ( string title )
if ( tabs . TabPages . Count = = 0 ) return - 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tabs . TabPages . Count ; i + + )
if ( tabs . TabPages [ i ] . Text = = title ) return i ;
return - 1 ;
// This opens the given file, returns null when failed
public ScriptFileDocumentTab OpenFile ( string filename )
ScriptConfiguration foundconfig = new ScriptConfiguration ( ) ;
// Find the most suitable script configuration to use
foreach ( ScriptConfiguration cfg in scriptconfigs )
foreach ( string ext in cfg . Extensions )
// Use this configuration if the extension matches
2016-04-07 13:29:47 +00:00
if ( filename . EndsWith ( "." + ext , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
foundconfig = cfg ;
break ;
// Create new document
ScriptFileDocumentTab t = new ScriptFileDocumentTab ( this , foundconfig ) ;
if ( t . Open ( filename ) )
ScriptType st = t . VerifyScriptType ( ) ;
if ( st ! = ScriptType . UNKNOWN )
foreach ( ScriptConfiguration cfg in scriptconfigs )
if ( cfg . ScriptType = = st )
t . ChangeScriptConfig ( cfg ) ;
break ;
// Mark any errors this script may have
if ( compilererrors ! = null ) t . MarkScriptErrors ( compilererrors ) ;
// Add to tabs
tabs . TabPages . Add ( t ) ;
tabs . SelectedTab = t ;
// Done
t . OnTextChanged + = tabpage_OnTextChanged ; //mxd
t . Scintilla . UpdateUI + = scintilla_OnUpdateUI ;
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
return t ;
// Failed
return null ;
// This saves the current open script
public void ExplicitSaveCurrentTab ( )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
if ( ( t ! = null ) )
if ( t . ExplicitSave )
buttonsave_Click ( this , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
else if ( t . Config . Compiler ! = null ) //mxd
buttoncompile_Click ( this , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
General . MessageBeep ( MessageBeepType . Default ) ;
General . MessageBeep ( MessageBeepType . Default ) ;
// This opens a script
public void OpenBrowseScript ( )
buttonopen_Click ( this , EventArgs . Empty ) ;
//mxd. This launches keyword help website
public bool LaunchKeywordHelp ( )
// Get script
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
return ( t ! = null & & t . LaunchKeywordHelp ( ) ) ;
//mxd. This changes status text
private void DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType type , string message ) { DisplayStatus ( new ScriptStatusInfo ( type , message ) ) ; }
private void DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusInfo newstatus )
// Stop timers
if ( ! newstatus . displayed )
statusresetter . Stop ( ) ;
statusflasher . Stop ( ) ;
statusflashicon = false ;
// Determine what to do specifically for this status type
switch ( newstatus . type )
// Shows information without flashing the icon.
case ScriptStatusType . Ready :
case ScriptStatusType . Info :
if ( ! newstatus . displayed )
statusresetter . Interval = MainForm . INFO_RESET_DELAY ;
statusresetter . Start ( ) ;
break ;
// Shows a warning, makes a warning sound and flashes a warning icon.
case ScriptStatusType . Warning :
if ( ! newstatus . displayed )
General . MessageBeep ( MessageBeepType . Warning ) ;
statusflasher . Interval = MainForm . WARNING_FLASH_INTERVAL ;
statusflashcount = MainForm . WARNING_FLASH_COUNT ;
statusflasher . Start ( ) ;
statusresetter . Interval = MainForm . WARNING_RESET_DELAY ;
statusresetter . Start ( ) ;
break ;
// Update status description
status = newstatus ;
status . displayed = true ;
statuslabel . Text = status . message ;
// Update icon as well
UpdateStatusIcon ( ) ;
// Refresh
statusbar . Invalidate ( ) ;
this . Update ( ) ;
// This updates the status icon
private void UpdateStatusIcon ( )
int statusflashindex = ( statusflashicon ? 1 : 0 ) ;
// Status type
switch ( status . type )
case ScriptStatusType . Ready :
case ScriptStatusType . Info :
statuslabel . Image = General . MainWindow . STATUS_IMAGES [ statusflashindex , 0 ] ;
break ;
case ScriptStatusType . Busy :
statuslabel . Image = General . MainWindow . STATUS_IMAGES [ statusflashindex , 2 ] ;
break ;
case ScriptStatusType . Warning :
statuslabel . Image = General . MainWindow . STATUS_IMAGES [ statusflashindex , 3 ] ;
break ;
default :
throw new NotImplementedException ( "Unsupported Script Status Type!" ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Events
// Called when the window that contains this panel closes
public void OnClose ( )
//mxd. Store quick search settings
matchcase = searchmatchcase . Checked ;
matchwholeword = searchwholeword . Checked ;
//mxd. Stop status timers
statusresetter . Stop ( ) ;
statusflasher . Stop ( ) ;
// Close the sub windows now
if ( findreplaceform ! = null ) findreplaceform . Dispose ( ) ;
// Keyword help requested
private void buttonkeywordhelp_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
LaunchKeywordHelp ( ) ;
// When the user changes the script configuration
private void buttonscriptconfig_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the tab and new script config
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
ScriptConfiguration scriptconfig = ( ( sender as ToolStripMenuItem ) . Tag as ScriptConfiguration ) ;
// Change script config
t . ChangeScriptConfig ( scriptconfig ) ;
//mxd. Update script type description
scripttype . Text = scriptconfig . Description ;
// Done
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// When new script is clicked
private void buttonnew_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Get the script config to use
ScriptConfiguration scriptconfig = ( ( sender as ToolStripMenuItem ) . Tag as ScriptConfiguration ) ;
// Create new document
ScriptFileDocumentTab t = new ScriptFileDocumentTab ( this , scriptconfig ) ;
tabs . TabPages . Add ( t ) ;
tabs . SelectedTab = t ;
// Done
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// Open script clicked
private void buttonopen_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Show open file dialog
if ( openfile . ShowDialog ( this . ParentForm ) = = DialogResult . OK )
//mxd. Gather already opened file names
List < string > openedfiles = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( var page in tabs . TabPages )
var scriptpage = page as ScriptFileDocumentTab ;
if ( scriptpage ! = null ) openedfiles . Add ( scriptpage . Filename ) ;
//mxd. Add new tabs
foreach ( string name in openfile . FileNames )
if ( ! openedfiles . Contains ( name ) ) OpenFile ( name ) ;
// Select the last new item
foreach ( var page in tabs . TabPages )
var scriptpage = page as ScriptFileDocumentTab ;
if ( scriptpage ! = null & & scriptpage . Filename = = openfile . FileNames [ openfile . FileNames . Length - 1 ] )
tabs . SelectedTab = scriptpage ;
break ;
// Save script clicked
private void buttonsave_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Save the current script
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
SaveScript ( t ) ;
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
if ( Reload )
General . Map . ReloadResources ( ) ;
Reload = false ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// Save All clicked
private void buttonsaveall_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Save all scripts
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages )
// Use explicit save for this script?
if ( t . ExplicitSave )
if ( ! SaveScript ( t ) ) break ;
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
if ( Reload )
General . Map . ReloadResources ( ) ;
Reload = false ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// This is called by Save and Save All to save a script
// Returns false when cancelled by the user
private bool SaveScript ( ScriptDocumentTab t )
// Do we have to do a save as?
if ( t . IsSaveAsRequired )
// Setup save dialog
string scriptfilter = t . Config . Description + "|*." + string . Join ( ";*." , t . Config . Extensions ) ;
savefile . Filter = scriptfilter + "|All files|*.*" ;
if ( savefile . ShowDialog ( this . ParentForm ) = = DialogResult . OK )
// Save to new filename
t . SaveAs ( savefile . FileName ) ;
return true ;
// Cancelled
return false ;
// Save to same filename
t . Save ( ) ;
return true ;
// A tab is selected
private void tabs_Selecting ( object sender , TabControlCancelEventArgs e )
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// This closes the current file
private void buttonclose_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
CloseScript ( t , false ) ;
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
if ( Reload )
General . Map . ReloadResources ( ) ;
Reload = false ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// Compile Script clicked
private void buttoncompile_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// First save all implicit scripts to the temporary wad file
ImplicitSave ( ) ;
// Get script
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
// Check if it must be saved as a new file
if ( t . ExplicitSave & & t . IsSaveAsRequired )
// Save the script first!
if ( MessageBox . Show ( this . ParentForm , "You must save your script before you can compile it. Do you want to save your script now?" , "Compile Script" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo , MessageBoxIcon . Warning ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
if ( ! SaveScript ( t ) ) return ;
return ;
else if ( t . ExplicitSave & & t . IsChanged )
// We can only compile when the script is saved
if ( ! SaveScript ( t ) ) return ;
2016-03-03 15:29:46 +00:00
if ( Reload )
General . Map . ReloadResources ( ) ;
Reload = false ;
2016-01-29 23:04:41 +00:00
// Compile now
DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType . Busy , "Compiling script \"" + t . Title + "\"..." ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
t . Compile ( ) ;
// Show warning
if ( ( compilererrors ! = null ) & & ( compilererrors . Count > 0 ) )
DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType . Warning , compilererrors . Count + " errors while compiling \"" + t . Title + "\"!" ) ;
DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType . Info , "Script \"" + t . Title + "\" compiled without errors." ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// Undo clicked
private void buttonundo_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
t . Undo ( ) ;
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// Redo clicked
private void buttonredo_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
t . Redo ( ) ;
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// Cut clicked
private void buttoncut_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
t . Cut ( ) ;
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// Copy clicked
private void buttoncopy_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
t . Copy ( ) ;
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
// Paste clicked
private void buttonpaste_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
t . Paste ( ) ;
UpdateToolbar ( true ) ;
private void buttonunindent_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
t . IndentSelection ( false ) ;
private void buttonindent_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
t . IndentSelection ( true ) ;
private void buttonwhitespace_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ApplyTabSettings ( ) ;
private void buttonwordwrap_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ApplyTabSettings ( ) ;
//mxd. Search clicked
private void buttonsearch_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenFindAndReplace ( ) ;
private void OnInsertSnippetClick ( object sender , EventArgs eventArgs )
ScriptDocumentTab t = ( tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ) ;
t . InsertSnippet ( ( ( ToolStripItem ) sender ) . Text ) ;
// Mouse released on tabs
private void tabs_MouseUp ( object sender , MouseEventArgs e )
ForceFocus ( ) ;
//mxd. Text in ScriptFileDocumentTab was changed
private void tabpage_OnTextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs eventArgs )
if ( tabs . SelectedTab ! = null )
ScriptDocumentTab curtab = tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ;
if ( curtab ! = null )
buttonsave . Enabled = ( curtab . ExplicitSave & & curtab . IsChanged ) ;
buttonundo . Enabled = curtab . Scintilla . CanUndo ;
buttonredo . Enabled = curtab . Scintilla . CanRedo ;
//mxd. Text in ScriptLumpDocumentTab was changed
private void tabpage_OnLumpTextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( tabs . SelectedTab ! = null )
ScriptDocumentTab curtab = tabs . SelectedTab as ScriptDocumentTab ;
if ( curtab ! = null )
buttonundo . Enabled = curtab . Scintilla . CanUndo ;
buttonredo . Enabled = curtab . Scintilla . CanRedo ;
private void scintilla_OnUpdateUI ( object sender , UpdateUIEventArgs e )
Scintilla s = sender as Scintilla ;
if ( s ! = null )
// Update caret position info [line] : [caret pos start] OR [caret pos start x selection length] ([total lines])
positionlabel . Text = ( s . CurrentLine + 1 ) + " : "
+ ( s . SelectionStart + 1 - s . Lines [ s . LineFromPosition ( s . SelectionStart ) ] . Position )
+ ( s . SelectionStart ! = s . SelectionEnd ? "x" + ( s . SelectionEnd - s . SelectionStart ) : "" )
+ " (" + s . Lines . Count + ")" ;
// Update copy-paste buttons
buttoncut . Enabled = ( s . SelectionEnd > s . SelectionStart ) ;
buttoncopy . Enabled = ( s . SelectionEnd > s . SelectionStart ) ;
buttonpaste . Enabled = s . CanPaste ;
buttonunindent . Enabled = s . Lines [ s . CurrentLine ] . Indentation > 0 ;
// User double-clicks and error in the list
private void errorlist_ItemActivate ( object sender , EventArgs e )
// Anything selection?
if ( errorlist . SelectedItems . Count > 0 )
// Get the compiler error
CompilerError err = ( CompilerError ) errorlist . SelectedItems [ 0 ] . Tag ;
// Show the tab with the script that matches
bool foundscript = false ;
foreach ( ScriptDocumentTab t in tabs . TabPages )
if ( t . VerifyErrorForScript ( err ) )
tabs . SelectedTab = t ;
t . MoveToLine ( err . linenumber ) ;
foundscript = true ;
break ;
// If we don't have the script opened, see if we can find the file and open the script
if ( ! foundscript & & File . Exists ( err . filename ) )
ScriptDocumentTab t = OpenFile ( err . filename ) ;
if ( t ! = null ) t . MoveToLine ( err . linenumber ) ;
ForceFocus ( ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Quick Search ( mxd )
private FindReplaceOptions GetQuickSearchOptions ( )
return new FindReplaceOptions
CaseSensitive = searchmatchcase . Checked ,
WholeWord = searchwholeword . Checked ,
FindText = searchbox . Text
} ;
private void searchbox_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
bool success = ( searchbox . Text . Length > 0 & & ActiveTab . FindNext ( GetQuickSearchOptions ( ) , true ) ) ;
searchbox . BackColor = ( ( success | | searchbox . Text . Length = = 0 ) ? SystemColors . Window : Color . MistyRose ) ;
searchnext . Enabled = success ;
searchprev . Enabled = success ;
private void searchnext_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ActiveTab . FindNext ( GetQuickSearchOptions ( ) ) ;
private void searchprev_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ActiveTab . FindPrevious ( GetQuickSearchOptions ( ) ) ;
//mxd. This flashes the status icon
private void statusflasher_Tick ( object sender , EventArgs e )
statusflashicon = ! statusflashicon ;
UpdateStatusIcon ( ) ;
statusflashcount - - ;
if ( statusflashcount = = 0 ) statusflasher . Stop ( ) ;
//mxd. This resets the status to ready
private void statusresetter_Tick ( object sender , EventArgs e )
DisplayStatus ( ScriptStatusType . Ready , null ) ;