2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Copyright ( c ) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
/ *
* Copyright ( c ) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden , www . codeimp . com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* /
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Namespaces
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Collections.Specialized ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Types ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes ;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data ;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map
/// <summary>
/// Manages all geometry structures and things in a map. Also provides
/// methods to works with selections and marking elements for any purpose.
/// Note that most methods are of O(n) complexity.
/// </summary>
public sealed class MapSet
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Constants
/// <summary>Stiching distance. This is only to get around inaccuracies. Basically,
/// geometry only stitches when exactly on top of each other.</summary>
public const float STITCH_DISTANCE = 0.001f ;
// Virtual sector identification
// This contains a character that is invalid in the UDMF standard, but valid
// in our parser, so that it can only be used by Doom Builder and will never
// conflict with any other valid UDMF field.
internal const string VIRTUAL_SECTOR_FIELD = "!virtual_sector" ;
private const string SELECTION_GROUPS_PATH = "selectiongroups" ;
// Handler for tag fields
public delegate void TagHandler < T > ( MapElement element , bool actionargument , UniversalType type , ref int value , T obj ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Variables
// Sector indexing
private List < int > indexholes ;
private int lastsectorindex ;
// Sidedef indexing for (de)serialization
private Sidedef [ ] sidedefindices ;
// Map structures
private Vertex [ ] vertices ;
private Linedef [ ] linedefs ;
private Sidedef [ ] sidedefs ;
private Sector [ ] sectors ;
private Thing [ ] things ;
private int numvertices ;
private int numlinedefs ;
private int numsidedefs ;
private int numsectors ;
private int numthings ;
// Behavior
private int freezearrays ;
private bool autoremove ;
// Selected elements
private LinkedList < Vertex > sel_vertices ;
private LinkedList < Linedef > sel_linedefs ;
private LinkedList < Sector > sel_sectors ;
private LinkedList < Thing > sel_things ;
private SelectionType sel_type ;
// Statics
private static long emptylongname ;
private static UniValue virtualsectorvalue ;
// Disposing
private bool isdisposed ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Properties
/// <summary>Returns the number of selected sectors.</summary>
public int SelectedSectorsCount { get { return sel_sectors . Count ; } }
/// <summary>Returns the number of selected linedefs.</summary>
public int SelectedLinedefsCount { get { return sel_linedefs . Count ; } }
/// <summary>Returns the number of selected vertices.</summary>
public int SelectedVerticessCount { get { return sel_vertices . Count ; } }
/// <summary>Returns the number of selected things.</summary>
public int SelectedThingsCount { get { return sel_things . Count ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of all vertices.</summary>
public ICollection < Vertex > Vertices { get { if ( freezearrays = = 0 ) return vertices ; else return new MapElementCollection < Vertex > ( ref vertices , numvertices ) ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of all linedefs.</summary>
public ICollection < Linedef > Linedefs { get { if ( freezearrays = = 0 ) return linedefs ; else return new MapElementCollection < Linedef > ( ref linedefs , numlinedefs ) ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of all sidedefs.</summary>
public ICollection < Sidedef > Sidedefs { get { if ( freezearrays = = 0 ) return sidedefs ; else return new MapElementCollection < Sidedef > ( ref sidedefs , numsidedefs ) ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of all sectors.</summary>
public ICollection < Sector > Sectors { get { if ( freezearrays = = 0 ) return sectors ; else return new MapElementCollection < Sector > ( ref sectors , numsectors ) ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of all things.</summary>
public ICollection < Thing > Things { get { if ( freezearrays = = 0 ) return things ; else return new MapElementCollection < Thing > ( ref things , numthings ) ; } }
/// <summary>Indicates if the map is disposed.</summary>
public bool IsDisposed { get { return isdisposed ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of selected vertices.</summary>
internal LinkedList < Vertex > SelectedVertices { get { return sel_vertices ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of selected linedefs.</summary>
internal LinkedList < Linedef > SelectedLinedefs { get { return sel_linedefs ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of selected sectors.</summary>
internal LinkedList < Sector > SelectedSectors { get { return sel_sectors ; } }
/// <summary>Returns a reference to the list of selected things.</summary>
internal LinkedList < Thing > SelectedThings { get { return sel_things ; } }
/// <summary>Returns the current type of selection.</summary>
public SelectionType SelectionType { get { return sel_type ; } set { sel_type = value ; } }
/// <summary>Long name to indicate "no texture". This is the long name for a single dash.</summary>
public static long EmptyLongName { get { return emptylongname ; } }
/// <summary>Returns the name of the custom field that marks virtual sectors in pasted geometry.</summary>
public static string VirtualSectorField { get { return VIRTUAL_SECTOR_FIELD ; } }
/// <summary>Returns the value of the custom field that marks virtual sectors in pasted geometry.</summary>
public static UniValue VirtualSectorValue { get { return virtualsectorvalue ; } }
internal Sidedef [ ] SidedefIndices { get { return sidedefindices ; } }
internal bool AutoRemove { get { return autoremove ; } set { autoremove = value ; } }
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor for new empty map
internal MapSet ( )
// Initialize
vertices = new Vertex [ 0 ] ;
linedefs = new Linedef [ 0 ] ;
sidedefs = new Sidedef [ 0 ] ;
sectors = new Sector [ 0 ] ;
things = new Thing [ 0 ] ;
sel_vertices = new LinkedList < Vertex > ( ) ;
sel_linedefs = new LinkedList < Linedef > ( ) ;
sel_sectors = new LinkedList < Sector > ( ) ;
sel_things = new LinkedList < Thing > ( ) ;
indexholes = new List < int > ( ) ;
lastsectorindex = 0 ;
autoremove = true ;
// We have no destructor
GC . SuppressFinalize ( this ) ;
// Constructor for map to deserialize
internal MapSet ( MemoryStream stream )
// Initialize
vertices = new Vertex [ 0 ] ;
linedefs = new Linedef [ 0 ] ;
sidedefs = new Sidedef [ 0 ] ;
sectors = new Sector [ 0 ] ;
things = new Thing [ 0 ] ;
sel_vertices = new LinkedList < Vertex > ( ) ;
sel_linedefs = new LinkedList < Linedef > ( ) ;
sel_sectors = new LinkedList < Sector > ( ) ;
sel_things = new LinkedList < Thing > ( ) ;
indexholes = new List < int > ( ) ;
lastsectorindex = 0 ;
autoremove = true ;
// Deserialize
Deserialize ( stream ) ;
// We have no destructor
GC . SuppressFinalize ( this ) ;
// Disposer
internal void Dispose ( )
// Not already disposed?
if ( ! isdisposed )
// Already set isdisposed so that changes can be prohibited
isdisposed = true ;
BeginAddRemove ( ) ;
// Dispose all things
while ( ( things . Length > 0 ) & & ( things [ 0 ] ! = null ) )
things [ 0 ] . Dispose ( ) ;
// Dispose all sectors
while ( ( sectors . Length > 0 ) & & ( sectors [ 0 ] ! = null ) )
sectors [ 0 ] . Dispose ( ) ;
// Dispose all sidedefs
while ( ( sidedefs . Length > 0 ) & & ( sidedefs [ 0 ] ! = null ) )
sidedefs [ 0 ] . Dispose ( ) ;
// Dispose all linedefs
while ( ( linedefs . Length > 0 ) & & ( linedefs [ 0 ] ! = null ) )
linedefs [ 0 ] . Dispose ( ) ;
// Dispose all vertices
while ( ( vertices . Length > 0 ) & & ( vertices [ 0 ] ! = null ) )
vertices [ 0 ] . Dispose ( ) ;
// Clean up
vertices = null ;
linedefs = null ;
sidedefs = null ;
sectors = null ;
things = null ;
sel_vertices = null ;
sel_linedefs = null ;
sel_sectors = null ;
sel_things = null ;
indexholes = null ;
// Done
isdisposed = true ;
// Static initializer
internal static void Initialize ( )
emptylongname = Lump . MakeLongName ( "-" , false ) ;
virtualsectorvalue = new UniValue ( ( int ) UniversalType . Integer , 0 ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Management
// This begins large add/remove operations
public void BeginAddRemove ( )
freezearrays + + ;
// This allocates the arrays to a minimum size so that
// a lot of items can be created faster. This function will never
// allocate less than the current number of items.
public void SetCapacity ( int nvertices , int nlinedefs , int nsidedefs , int nsectors , int nthings )
if ( freezearrays = = 0 )
throw new Exception ( "You must call BeginAddRemove before setting the reserved capacity." ) ;
if ( numvertices < nvertices )
Array . Resize ( ref vertices , nvertices ) ;
if ( numlinedefs < nlinedefs )
Array . Resize ( ref linedefs , nlinedefs ) ;
if ( numsidedefs < nsidedefs )
Array . Resize ( ref sidedefs , nsidedefs ) ;
if ( numsectors < nsectors )
Array . Resize ( ref sectors , nsectors ) ;
if ( numthings < nthings )
Array . Resize ( ref things , nthings ) ;
// This ends add/remove operations and crops the arrays
public void EndAddRemove ( )
if ( freezearrays > 0 )
freezearrays - - ;
if ( freezearrays = = 0 )
if ( numvertices < vertices . Length )
Array . Resize ( ref vertices , numvertices ) ;
if ( numlinedefs < linedefs . Length )
Array . Resize ( ref linedefs , numlinedefs ) ;
if ( numsidedefs < sidedefs . Length )
Array . Resize ( ref sidedefs , numsidedefs ) ;
if ( numsectors < sectors . Length )
Array . Resize ( ref sectors , numsectors ) ;
if ( numthings < things . Length )
Array . Resize ( ref things , numthings ) ;
/// <summary>
/// This makes a deep copy and returns the new MapSet.
/// </summary>
public MapSet Clone ( )
// Create the map set
MapSet newset = new MapSet ( ) ;
newset . BeginAddRemove ( ) ;
newset . SetCapacity ( numvertices , numlinedefs , numsidedefs , numsectors , numthings ) ;
// Go for all vertices
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices )
// Make new vertex
v . Clone = newset . CreateVertex ( v . Position ) ;
v . CopyPropertiesTo ( v . Clone ) ;
// Go for all sectors
foreach ( Sector s in sectors )
// Make new sector
s . Clone = newset . CreateSector ( ) ;
s . CopyPropertiesTo ( s . Clone ) ;
// Go for all linedefs
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
// Make new linedef
Linedef nl = newset . CreateLinedef ( l . Start . Clone , l . End . Clone ) ;
l . CopyPropertiesTo ( nl ) ;
// Linedef has a front side?
if ( l . Front ! = null )
// Make new sidedef
Sidedef nd = newset . CreateSidedef ( nl , true , l . Front . Sector . Clone ) ;
l . Front . CopyPropertiesTo ( nd ) ;
// Linedef has a back side?
if ( l . Back ! = null )
// Make new sidedef
Sidedef nd = newset . CreateSidedef ( nl , false , l . Back . Sector . Clone ) ;
l . Back . CopyPropertiesTo ( nd ) ;
// Go for all things
foreach ( Thing t in things )
// Make new thing
Thing nt = newset . CreateThing ( ) ;
t . CopyPropertiesTo ( nt ) ;
// Remove clone references
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) v . Clone = null ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) s . Clone = null ;
// Return the new set
newset . EndAddRemove ( ) ;
return newset ;
// This makes a deep copy of the marked geometry and binds missing sectors to a virtual sector
internal MapSet CloneMarked ( )
Sector virtualsector = null ;
// Create the map set
MapSet newset = new MapSet ( ) ;
newset . BeginAddRemove ( ) ;
// Get marked geometry
ICollection < Vertex > mvertices = GetMarkedVertices ( true ) ;
ICollection < Linedef > mlinedefs = GetMarkedLinedefs ( true ) ;
ICollection < Sector > msectors = GetMarkedSectors ( true ) ;
ICollection < Thing > mthings = GetMarkedThings ( true ) ;
newset . SetCapacity ( mvertices . Count , mlinedefs . Count , numsidedefs , msectors . Count , mthings . Count ) ;
// Go for all vertices
foreach ( Vertex v in mvertices )
// Make new vertex
v . Clone = newset . CreateVertex ( v . Position ) ;
v . CopyPropertiesTo ( v . Clone ) ;
// Go for all sectors
foreach ( Sector s in msectors )
// Make new sector
s . Clone = newset . CreateSector ( ) ;
s . CopyPropertiesTo ( s . Clone ) ;
// Go for all linedefs
foreach ( Linedef l in mlinedefs )
// Make new linedef
Linedef nl = newset . CreateLinedef ( l . Start . Clone , l . End . Clone ) ;
l . CopyPropertiesTo ( nl ) ;
// Linedef has a front side?
if ( l . Front ! = null )
Sidedef nd ;
// Sector on front side marked?
if ( l . Front . Sector . Marked )
// Make new sidedef
nd = newset . CreateSidedef ( nl , true , l . Front . Sector . Clone ) ;
// Make virtual sector if needed
if ( virtualsector = = null )
virtualsector = newset . CreateSector ( ) ;
l . Front . Sector . CopyPropertiesTo ( virtualsector ) ;
virtualsector . Fields . BeforeFieldsChange ( ) ;
virtualsector . Fields [ VIRTUAL_SECTOR_FIELD ] = new UniValue ( virtualsectorvalue ) ;
// Make new sidedef that links to the virtual sector
nd = newset . CreateSidedef ( nl , true , virtualsector ) ;
l . Front . CopyPropertiesTo ( nd ) ;
// Linedef has a back side?
if ( l . Back ! = null )
Sidedef nd ;
// Sector on front side marked?
if ( l . Back . Sector . Marked )
// Make new sidedef
nd = newset . CreateSidedef ( nl , false , l . Back . Sector . Clone ) ;
// Make virtual sector if needed
if ( virtualsector = = null )
virtualsector = newset . CreateSector ( ) ;
l . Back . Sector . CopyPropertiesTo ( virtualsector ) ;
virtualsector . Fields . BeforeFieldsChange ( ) ;
virtualsector . Fields [ VIRTUAL_SECTOR_FIELD ] = new UniValue ( virtualsectorvalue ) ;
// Make new sidedef that links to the virtual sector
nd = newset . CreateSidedef ( nl , false , virtualsector ) ;
l . Back . CopyPropertiesTo ( nd ) ;
// Go for all things
foreach ( Thing t in mthings )
// Make new thing
Thing nt = newset . CreateThing ( ) ;
t . CopyPropertiesTo ( nt ) ;
// Remove clone references
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) v . Clone = null ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) s . Clone = null ;
// Return the new set
newset . EndAddRemove ( ) ;
return newset ;
/// <summary>This creates a new vertex and returns it.</summary>
public Vertex CreateVertex ( Vector2D pos )
if ( numvertices = = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxVertices )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of vertices reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the vertex
Vertex v = new Vertex ( this , numvertices , pos ) ;
AddItem ( v , ref vertices , numvertices , ref numvertices ) ;
return v ;
/// <summary>This creates a new vertex and returns it.</summary>
public Vertex CreateVertex ( int index , Vector2D pos )
if ( numvertices = = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxVertices )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of vertices reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the vertex
Vertex v = new Vertex ( this , index , pos ) ;
AddItem ( v , ref vertices , index , ref numvertices ) ;
return v ;
/// <summary>This creates a new linedef and returns it.</summary>
public Linedef CreateLinedef ( Vertex start , Vertex end )
if ( numlinedefs = = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxLinedefs )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of linedefs reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the linedef
Linedef l = new Linedef ( this , numlinedefs , start , end ) ;
AddItem ( l , ref linedefs , numlinedefs , ref numlinedefs ) ;
return l ;
/// <summary>This creates a new linedef and returns it.</summary>
public Linedef CreateLinedef ( int index , Vertex start , Vertex end )
if ( numlinedefs = = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxLinedefs )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of linedefs reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the linedef
Linedef l = new Linedef ( this , index , start , end ) ;
AddItem ( l , ref linedefs , index , ref numlinedefs ) ;
return l ;
/// <summary>This creates a new sidedef and returns it.</summary>
public Sidedef CreateSidedef ( Linedef l , bool front , Sector s )
if ( numsidedefs = = int . MaxValue )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of sidedefs reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the sidedef
Sidedef sd = new Sidedef ( this , numsidedefs , l , front , s ) ;
AddItem ( sd , ref sidedefs , numsidedefs , ref numsidedefs ) ;
return sd ;
/// <summary>This creates a new sidedef and returns it.</summary>
public Sidedef CreateSidedef ( int index , Linedef l , bool front , Sector s )
if ( numsidedefs = = int . MaxValue )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of sidedefs reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the sidedef
Sidedef sd = new Sidedef ( this , index , l , front , s ) ;
AddItem ( sd , ref sidedefs , index , ref numsidedefs ) ;
return sd ;
/// <summary>This creates a new sector and returns it.</summary>
public Sector CreateSector ( )
// Make the sector
return CreateSector ( numsectors ) ;
/// <summary>This creates a new sector and returns it.</summary>
public Sector CreateSector ( int index )
int fixedindex ;
if ( numsectors = = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxSectors )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of sectors reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Do we have any index holes we can use?
if ( indexholes . Count > 0 )
// Take one of the index holes
fixedindex = indexholes [ indexholes . Count - 1 ] ;
indexholes . RemoveAt ( indexholes . Count - 1 ) ;
// Make a new index
fixedindex = lastsectorindex + + ;
// Make the sector
return CreateSectorEx ( fixedindex , index ) ;
// This creates a new sector with a specific fixed index
private Sector CreateSectorEx ( int fixedindex , int index )
if ( numsectors = = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxSectors )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of sectors reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the sector
Sector s = new Sector ( this , index , fixedindex ) ;
AddItem ( s , ref sectors , index , ref numsectors ) ;
return s ;
/// <summary>This creates a new thing and returns it.</summary>
public Thing CreateThing ( )
if ( numthings = = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxThings )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of things reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the thing
Thing t = new Thing ( this , numthings ) ;
AddItem ( t , ref things , numthings , ref numthings ) ;
return t ;
/// <summary>This creates a new thing and returns it.</summary>
public Thing CreateThing ( int index )
if ( numthings = = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxThings )
General . Interface . DisplayStatus ( StatusType . Warning , "Failed to complete operation: maximum number of things reached." ) ;
return null ;
// Make the thing
Thing t = new Thing ( this , index ) ;
AddItem ( t , ref things , index , ref numthings ) ;
return t ;
// This increases the size of the array to add an item
private void AddItem < T > ( T item , ref T [ ] array , int index , ref int counter ) where T : MapElement
// Only resize when there are no more free entries
if ( counter = = array . Length )
if ( freezearrays = = 0 )
Array . Resize ( ref array , counter + 1 ) ;
Array . Resize ( ref array , counter + 10 ) ;
// Move item at the given index if the new item is not added at the end
if ( index ! = counter )
array [ counter ] = array [ index ] ;
array [ counter ] . Index = counter ;
// Add item
array [ index ] = item ;
counter + + ;
// This adds a sector index hole
internal void AddSectorIndexHole ( int index )
indexholes . Add ( index ) ;
private void RemoveItem < T > ( ref T [ ] array , int index , ref int counter ) where T : MapElement
if ( index = = ( counter - 1 ) )
array [ index ] = null ;
array [ index ] = array [ counter - 1 ] ;
array [ index ] . Index = index ;
array [ counter - 1 ] = null ;
counter - - ;
if ( freezearrays = = 0 )
Array . Resize ( ref array , counter ) ;
internal void RemoveVertex ( int index )
RemoveItem ( ref vertices , index , ref numvertices ) ;
internal void RemoveLinedef ( int index )
RemoveItem ( ref linedefs , index , ref numlinedefs ) ;
internal void RemoveSidedef ( int index )
RemoveItem ( ref sidedefs , index , ref numsidedefs ) ;
internal void RemoveSector ( int index )
RemoveItem ( ref sectors , index , ref numsectors ) ;
internal void RemoveThing ( int index )
RemoveItem ( ref things , index , ref numthings ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Serialization
// This serializes the MapSet
internal MemoryStream Serialize ( )
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream ( 20000000 ) ; // Yes that is about 20 MB.
SerializerStream serializer = new SerializerStream ( stream ) ;
// Index the sidedefs
int sidedefindex = 0 ;
foreach ( Sidedef sd in sidedefs )
sd . SerializedIndex = sidedefindex + + ;
serializer . Begin ( ) ;
// Write private data
serializer . wInt ( lastsectorindex ) ;
serializer . wInt ( indexholes . Count ) ;
foreach ( int i in indexholes ) serializer . wInt ( i ) ;
// Write map data
WriteVertices ( serializer ) ;
WriteSectors ( serializer ) ;
WriteLinedefs ( serializer ) ;
WriteSidedefs ( serializer ) ;
WriteThings ( serializer ) ;
serializer . End ( ) ;
// Reallocate to keep only the used memory
stream . Capacity = ( int ) stream . Length ;
return stream ;
// This serializes things
private void WriteThings ( SerializerStream stream )
stream . wInt ( numthings ) ;
// Go for all things
foreach ( Thing t in things )
t . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
// This serializes vertices
private void WriteVertices ( SerializerStream stream )
stream . wInt ( numvertices ) ;
// Go for all vertices
int index = 0 ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices )
v . SerializedIndex = index + + ;
v . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
// This serializes linedefs
private void WriteLinedefs ( SerializerStream stream )
stream . wInt ( numlinedefs ) ;
// Go for all lines
int index = 0 ;
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
l . SerializedIndex = index + + ;
stream . wInt ( l . Start . SerializedIndex ) ;
stream . wInt ( l . End . SerializedIndex ) ;
l . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
// This serializes sidedefs
private void WriteSidedefs ( SerializerStream stream )
stream . wInt ( numsidedefs ) ;
// Go for all sidedefs
foreach ( Sidedef sd in sidedefs )
stream . wInt ( sd . Line . SerializedIndex ) ;
stream . wInt ( sd . Sector . SerializedIndex ) ;
stream . wBool ( sd . IsFront ) ;
sd . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
// This serializes sectors
private void WriteSectors ( SerializerStream stream )
stream . wInt ( numsectors ) ;
// Go for all sectors
int index = 0 ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors )
s . SerializedIndex = index + + ;
s . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
s . Triangles . ReadWrite ( stream ) ; //mxd
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Deserialization
// This deserializes the MapSet
internal void Deserialize ( MemoryStream stream )
stream . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
DeserializerStream deserializer = new DeserializerStream ( stream ) ;
deserializer . Begin ( ) ;
// Read private data
int c ;
deserializer . rInt ( out lastsectorindex ) ;
deserializer . rInt ( out c ) ;
indexholes = new List < int > ( c ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
int index ; deserializer . rInt ( out index ) ;
indexholes . Add ( index ) ;
// Read map data
Vertex [ ] verticesarray = ReadVertices ( deserializer ) ;
Sector [ ] sectorsarray = ReadSectors ( deserializer ) ;
Linedef [ ] linedefsarray = ReadLinedefs ( deserializer , verticesarray ) ;
ReadSidedefs ( deserializer , linedefsarray , sectorsarray ) ;
ReadThings ( deserializer ) ;
deserializer . End ( ) ;
2016-04-07 13:29:47 +00:00
deserializer . Dispose ( ) ; //mxd
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
2016-04-07 13:29:47 +00:00
// Make table of sidedef indices
sidedefindices = new Sidedef [ numsidedefs ] ;
2015-12-31 12:21:44 +00:00
foreach ( Sidedef sd in sidedefs )
sidedefindices [ sd . SerializedIndex ] = sd ;
// Call PostDeserialize
foreach ( Sector s in sectors )
s . PostDeserialize ( this ) ;
// This deserializes things
private void ReadThings ( DeserializerStream stream )
int c ; stream . rInt ( out c ) ;
// Go for all things
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
Thing t = CreateThing ( ) ;
t . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
// This deserializes vertices
private Vertex [ ] ReadVertices ( DeserializerStream stream )
int c ; stream . rInt ( out c ) ;
Vertex [ ] array = new Vertex [ c ] ;
// Go for all vertices
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
array [ i ] = CreateVertex ( new Vector2D ( ) ) ;
array [ i ] . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
return array ;
// This deserializes linedefs
private Linedef [ ] ReadLinedefs ( DeserializerStream stream , Vertex [ ] verticesarray )
int c ; stream . rInt ( out c ) ;
Linedef [ ] array = new Linedef [ c ] ;
// Go for all lines
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
int start , end ;
stream . rInt ( out start ) ;
stream . rInt ( out end ) ;
array [ i ] = CreateLinedef ( verticesarray [ start ] , verticesarray [ end ] ) ;
array [ i ] . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
return array ;
// This deserializes sidedefs
private void ReadSidedefs ( DeserializerStream stream , Linedef [ ] linedefsarray , Sector [ ] sectorsarray )
int c ; stream . rInt ( out c ) ;
// Go for all sidedefs
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
int lineindex , sectorindex ;
bool front ;
stream . rInt ( out lineindex ) ;
stream . rInt ( out sectorindex ) ;
stream . rBool ( out front ) ;
Sidedef sd = CreateSidedef ( linedefsarray [ lineindex ] , front , sectorsarray [ sectorindex ] ) ;
sd . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
// This deserializes sectors
private Sector [ ] ReadSectors ( DeserializerStream stream )
int c ; stream . rInt ( out c ) ;
Sector [ ] array = new Sector [ c ] ;
// Go for all sectors
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
array [ i ] = CreateSector ( ) ;
array [ i ] . ReadWrite ( stream ) ;
array [ i ] . Triangles . ReadWrite ( stream ) ; //mxd
return array ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Updating
/// <summary>
/// This updates the cache of all elements where needed. You must call this after making changes to the map.
/// </summary>
public void Update ( )
// Update all!
Update ( true , true ) ;
/// <summary>
/// This updates the cache of all elements where needed. It is not recommended to use this version, please use Update() instead.
/// </summary>
public void Update ( bool dolines , bool dosectors )
// Update all linedefs
if ( dolines ) foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) l . UpdateCache ( ) ;
// Update all sectors
if ( dosectors )
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) s . Triangulate ( ) ;
General . Map . CRenderer2D . Surfaces . AllocateBuffers ( ) ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) s . CreateSurfaces ( ) ;
General . Map . CRenderer2D . Surfaces . UnlockBuffers ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// This updates the cache of all elements that is required after a configuration or settings change.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateConfiguration ( )
// Update all things
foreach ( Thing t in things ) t . UpdateConfiguration ( ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Selection
// This checks a flag in a selection type
private static bool InSelectionType ( SelectionType value , SelectionType bits )
return ( value & bits ) = = bits ;
/// <summary>This converts the current selection to a different type of selection as specified.
/// Note that this function uses the markings to convert the selection.</summary>
public void ConvertSelection ( SelectionType target )
ConvertSelection ( SelectionType . All , target ) ;
/// <summary>This converts the current selection to a different type of selection as specified.
/// Note that this function uses the markings to convert the selection.</summary>
public void ConvertSelection ( SelectionType source , SelectionType target )
ClearAllMarks ( false ) ;
switch ( target )
// Convert geometry selection to vertices only
case SelectionType . Vertices :
if ( InSelectionType ( source , SelectionType . Linedefs ) ) MarkSelectedLinedefs ( true , true ) ;
if ( InSelectionType ( source , SelectionType . Sectors ) ) General . Map . Map . MarkSelectedSectors ( true , true ) ;
ICollection < Vertex > verts = General . Map . Map . GetVerticesFromLinesMarks ( true ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in verts ) v . Selected = true ;
verts = General . Map . Map . GetVerticesFromSectorsMarks ( true ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in verts ) v . Selected = true ;
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedSectors ( ) ;
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedLinedefs ( ) ;
break ;
// Convert geometry selection to linedefs only
case SelectionType . Linedefs :
if ( InSelectionType ( source , SelectionType . Vertices ) ) MarkSelectedVertices ( true , true ) ;
if ( ! InSelectionType ( source , SelectionType . Linedefs ) ) ClearSelectedLinedefs ( ) ;
ICollection < Linedef > lines = General . Map . Map . LinedefsFromMarkedVertices ( false , true , false ) ;
foreach ( Linedef l in lines ) l . Selected = true ;
if ( InSelectionType ( source , SelectionType . Sectors ) )
foreach ( Sector s in General . Map . Map . Sectors )
if ( s . Selected )
foreach ( Sidedef sd in s . Sidedefs )
sd . Line . Selected = true ;
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedSectors ( ) ;
General . Map . Map . ClearSelectedVertices ( ) ;
break ;
// Convert geometry selection to sectors only
case SelectionType . Sectors :
if ( InSelectionType ( source , SelectionType . Vertices ) ) MarkSelectedVertices ( true , true ) ;
if ( ! InSelectionType ( source , SelectionType . Linedefs ) ) ClearSelectedLinedefs ( ) ;
lines = LinedefsFromMarkedVertices ( false , true , false ) ;
foreach ( Linedef l in lines ) l . Selected = true ;
ClearMarkedSectors ( true ) ;
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
if ( ! l . Selected )
if ( l . Front ! = null ) l . Front . Sector . Marked = false ;
if ( l . Back ! = null ) l . Back . Sector . Marked = false ;
ClearSelectedLinedefs ( ) ;
ClearSelectedVertices ( ) ;
if ( InSelectionType ( source , SelectionType . Sectors ) )
foreach ( Sector s in General . Map . Map . Sectors )
if ( s . Selected | | ( s . Marked & & s . Sidedefs . Count > 0 ) )
s . Selected = true ;
foreach ( Sidedef sd in s . Sidedefs )
sd . Line . Selected = true ;
foreach ( Sector s in General . Map . Map . Sectors )
if ( s . Marked & & s . Sidedefs . Count > 0 )
s . Selected = true ;
foreach ( Sidedef sd in s . Sidedefs )
sd . Line . Selected = true ;
s . Selected = false ;
break ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( "Unsupported selection target conversion" ) ;
// New selection type
sel_type = target ;
/// <summary>This clears all selected items</summary>
public void ClearAllSelected ( )
ClearSelectedVertices ( ) ;
ClearSelectedThings ( ) ;
ClearSelectedLinedefs ( ) ;
ClearSelectedSectors ( ) ;
/// <summary>This clears selected vertices.</summary>
public void ClearSelectedVertices ( )
sel_vertices . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) v . Selected = false ;
/// <summary>This clears selected things.</summary>
public void ClearSelectedThings ( )
sel_things . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in things ) t . Selected = false ;
/// <summary>This clears selected linedefs.</summary>
public void ClearSelectedLinedefs ( )
sel_linedefs . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) l . Selected = false ;
/// <summary>This clears selected sectors.</summary>
public void ClearSelectedSectors ( )
sel_sectors . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) s . Selected = false ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of vertices that match a selected state.</summary>
public ICollection < Vertex > GetSelectedVertices ( bool selected )
if ( selected )
return new List < Vertex > ( sel_vertices ) ;
List < Vertex > list = new List < Vertex > ( numvertices - sel_vertices . Count ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) if ( ! v . Selected ) list . Add ( v ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of things that match a selected state.</summary>
public ICollection < Thing > GetSelectedThings ( bool selected )
if ( selected )
return new List < Thing > ( sel_things ) ;
List < Thing > list = new List < Thing > ( numthings - sel_things . Count ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in things ) if ( ! t . Selected ) list . Add ( t ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of linedefs that match a selected state.</summary>
public ICollection < Linedef > GetSelectedLinedefs ( bool selected )
if ( selected )
return new List < Linedef > ( sel_linedefs ) ;
List < Linedef > list = new List < Linedef > ( numlinedefs - sel_linedefs . Count ) ;
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) if ( ! l . Selected ) list . Add ( l ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of sidedefs that match a selected linedefs state.</summary>
public ICollection < Sidedef > GetSidedefsFromSelectedLinedefs ( bool selected )
if ( selected )
List < Sidedef > list = new List < Sidedef > ( sel_linedefs . Count ) ;
foreach ( Linedef ld in sel_linedefs )
if ( ld . Front ! = null ) list . Add ( ld . Front ) ;
if ( ld . Back ! = null ) list . Add ( ld . Back ) ;
return list ;
List < Sidedef > list = new List < Sidedef > ( numlinedefs - sel_linedefs . Count ) ;
foreach ( Linedef ld in linedefs )
if ( ! ld . Selected & & ( ld . Front ! = null ) ) list . Add ( ld . Front ) ;
if ( ! ld . Selected & & ( ld . Back ! = null ) ) list . Add ( ld . Back ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of sectors that match a selected state.</summary>
public ICollection < Sector > GetSelectedSectors ( bool selected )
if ( selected )
return new List < Sector > ( sel_sectors ) ;
List < Sector > list = new List < Sector > ( numsectors - sel_sectors . Count ) ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) if ( ! s . Selected ) list . Add ( s ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>This selects or deselectes geometry based on marked elements.</summary>
public void SelectMarkedGeometry ( bool mark , bool select )
SelectMarkedVertices ( mark , select ) ;
SelectMarkedLinedefs ( mark , select ) ;
SelectMarkedSectors ( mark , select ) ;
SelectMarkedThings ( mark , select ) ;
/// <summary>This selects or deselectes geometry based on marked elements.</summary>
public void SelectMarkedVertices ( bool mark , bool select )
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) if ( v . Marked = = mark ) v . Selected = select ;
/// <summary>This selects or deselectes geometry based on marked elements.</summary>
public void SelectMarkedLinedefs ( bool mark , bool select )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) if ( l . Marked = = mark ) l . Selected = select ;
/// <summary>This selects or deselectes geometry based on marked elements.</summary>
public void SelectMarkedSectors ( bool mark , bool select )
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) if ( s . Marked = = mark ) s . Selected = select ;
/// <summary>This selects or deselectes geometry based on marked elements.</summary>
public void SelectMarkedThings ( bool mark , bool select )
foreach ( Thing t in things ) if ( t . Marked = = mark ) t . Selected = select ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Selection groups
/// <summary>This selects geometry by selection group index.</summary>
public void SelectVerticesByGroup ( int groupmask )
foreach ( Vertex e in vertices ) e . SelectByGroup ( groupmask ) ;
/// <summary>This selects geometry by selection group index.</summary>
public void SelectLinedefsByGroup ( int groupmask )
foreach ( Linedef e in linedefs ) e . SelectByGroup ( groupmask ) ;
/// <summary>This selects geometry by selection group index.</summary>
public void SelectSectorsByGroup ( int groupmask )
foreach ( Sector e in sectors ) e . SelectByGroup ( groupmask ) ;
/// <summary>This selects geometry by selection group index.</summary>
public void SelectThingsByGroup ( int groupmask )
foreach ( Thing e in things ) e . SelectByGroup ( groupmask ) ;
/// <summary>This adds the current selection to the specified selection group.</summary>
//mxd. switched groupmask to groupindex
public void AddSelectionToGroup ( int groupindex )
int groupmask = 0x01 < < groupindex ;
foreach ( Vertex e in vertices ) if ( e . Selected ) e . AddToGroup ( groupmask ) ;
foreach ( Linedef e in linedefs ) if ( e . Selected ) e . AddToGroup ( groupmask ) ;
foreach ( Sector e in sectors ) if ( e . Selected ) e . AddToGroup ( groupmask ) ;
foreach ( Thing e in things ) if ( e . Selected ) e . AddToGroup ( groupmask ) ;
/// <summary>This clears specified selection group.</summary>
public void ClearGroup ( int groupmask )
foreach ( Vertex e in vertices ) e . RemoveFromGroup ( groupmask ) ;
foreach ( Linedef e in linedefs ) e . RemoveFromGroup ( groupmask ) ;
foreach ( Sector e in sectors ) e . RemoveFromGroup ( groupmask ) ;
foreach ( Thing e in things ) e . RemoveFromGroup ( groupmask ) ;
internal GroupInfo GetGroupInfo ( int groupindex )
int numSectors = 0 ;
int numLines = 0 ;
int numVerts = 0 ;
int numThings = 0 ;
int groupmask = 0x01 < < groupindex ;
foreach ( Vertex e in vertices ) if ( e . IsInGroup ( groupmask ) ) numVerts + + ; //mxd
foreach ( Linedef e in linedefs ) if ( e . IsInGroup ( groupmask ) ) numLines + + ; //mxd
foreach ( Sector e in sectors ) if ( e . IsInGroup ( groupmask ) ) numSectors + + ; //mxd
foreach ( Thing e in things ) if ( e . IsInGroup ( groupmask ) ) numThings + + ; //mxd
return new GroupInfo ( groupindex + 1 , numSectors , numLines , numVerts , numThings ) ;
internal void WriteSelectionGroups ( Configuration cfg )
// Fill structure
IDictionary groups = new ListDictionary ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + )
IDictionary group = new ListDictionary ( ) ;
int groupmask = 0x01 < < i ;
//store verts
List < string > indices = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( Vertex e in vertices ) if ( e . IsInGroup ( groupmask ) ) indices . Add ( e . Index . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( indices . Count > 0 ) group . Add ( "vertices" , string . Join ( " " , indices . ToArray ( ) ) ) ;
//store linedefs
indices . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Linedef e in linedefs ) if ( e . IsInGroup ( groupmask ) ) indices . Add ( e . Index . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( indices . Count > 0 ) group . Add ( "linedefs" , string . Join ( " " , indices . ToArray ( ) ) ) ;
//store sectors
indices . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Sector e in sectors ) if ( e . IsInGroup ( groupmask ) ) indices . Add ( e . Index . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( indices . Count > 0 ) group . Add ( "sectors" , string . Join ( " " , indices . ToArray ( ) ) ) ;
//store things
indices . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Thing e in things ) if ( e . IsInGroup ( groupmask ) ) indices . Add ( e . Index . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( indices . Count > 0 ) group . Add ( "things" , string . Join ( " " , indices . ToArray ( ) ) ) ;
//add to main collection
if ( group . Count > 0 ) groups . Add ( i , group ) ;
// Write to config
if ( groups . Count > 0 ) cfg . WriteSetting ( SELECTION_GROUPS_PATH , groups ) ;
internal void ReadSelectionGroups ( Configuration cfg )
IDictionary grouplist = cfg . ReadSetting ( SELECTION_GROUPS_PATH , new Hashtable ( ) ) ;
foreach ( DictionaryEntry mp in grouplist )
// Item is a structure?
if ( mp . Value is IDictionary )
//get group number
int groupnum ;
if ( ! int . TryParse ( mp . Key as string , out groupnum ) ) continue ;
int groupmask = 0x01 < < General . Clamp ( groupnum , 0 , 10 ) ;
IDictionary groupinfo = ( IDictionary ) mp . Value ;
if ( groupinfo . Contains ( "vertices" ) )
string s = groupinfo [ "vertices" ] as string ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( s ) )
List < int > indices = GetIndices ( groupinfo [ "vertices" ] as string ) ;
foreach ( int index in indices )
if ( index > vertices . Length ) continue ;
vertices [ index ] . AddToGroup ( groupmask ) ;
if ( groupinfo . Contains ( "linedefs" ) )
string s = groupinfo [ "linedefs" ] as string ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( s ) )
List < int > indices = GetIndices ( groupinfo [ "linedefs" ] as string ) ;
foreach ( int index in indices )
if ( index > linedefs . Length ) continue ;
linedefs [ index ] . AddToGroup ( groupmask ) ;
if ( groupinfo . Contains ( "sectors" ) )
string s = groupinfo [ "sectors" ] as string ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( s ) )
List < int > indices = GetIndices ( groupinfo [ "sectors" ] as string ) ;
foreach ( int index in indices )
if ( index > sectors . Length ) continue ;
sectors [ index ] . AddToGroup ( groupmask ) ;
if ( groupinfo . Contains ( "things" ) )
string s = groupinfo [ "things" ] as string ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( s ) )
List < int > indices = GetIndices ( groupinfo [ "things" ] as string ) ;
foreach ( int index in indices )
if ( index > things . Length ) continue ;
things [ index ] . AddToGroup ( groupmask ) ;
private static List < int > GetIndices ( string input )
string [ ] parts = input . Split ( new [ ] { ' ' } , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) ;
int index ;
List < int > result = new List < int > ( parts . Length ) ;
foreach ( string part in parts ) if ( int . TryParse ( part , out index ) ) result . Add ( index ) ;
return result ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Marking
/// <summary>This clears all marks on all elements.</summary>
public void ClearAllMarks ( bool mark )
ClearMarkedVertices ( mark ) ;
ClearMarkedThings ( mark ) ;
ClearMarkedLinedefs ( mark ) ;
ClearMarkedSectors ( mark ) ;
ClearMarkedSidedefs ( mark ) ;
/// <summary>This clears all marks on all vertices.</summary>
public void ClearMarkedVertices ( bool mark )
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) v . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>This clears all marks on all things.</summary>
public void ClearMarkedThings ( bool mark )
foreach ( Thing t in things ) t . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>This clears all marks on all linedefs.</summary>
public void ClearMarkedLinedefs ( bool mark )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) l . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>This clears all marks on all sidedefs.</summary>
public void ClearMarkedSidedefs ( bool mark )
foreach ( Sidedef s in sidedefs ) s . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>This clears all marks on all sectors.</summary>
public void ClearMarkedSectors ( bool mark )
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) s . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>This inverts all marks on all elements.</summary>
public void InvertAllMarks ( )
InvertMarkedVertices ( ) ;
InvertMarkedThings ( ) ;
InvertMarkedLinedefs ( ) ;
InvertMarkedSectors ( ) ;
InvertMarkedSidedefs ( ) ;
/// <summary>This inverts all marks on all vertices.</summary>
public void InvertMarkedVertices ( )
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) v . Marked = ! v . Marked ;
/// <summary>This inverts all marks on all things.</summary>
public void InvertMarkedThings ( )
foreach ( Thing t in things ) t . Marked = ! t . Marked ;
/// <summary>This inverts all marks on all linedefs.</summary>
public void InvertMarkedLinedefs ( )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) l . Marked = ! l . Marked ;
/// <summary>This inverts all marks on all sidedefs.</summary>
public void InvertMarkedSidedefs ( )
foreach ( Sidedef s in sidedefs ) s . Marked = ! s . Marked ;
/// <summary>This inverts all marks on all sectors.</summary>
public void InvertMarkedSectors ( )
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) s . Marked = ! s . Marked ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of vertices that match a marked state.</summary>
public List < Vertex > GetMarkedVertices ( bool mark )
List < Vertex > list = new List < Vertex > ( numvertices > > 1 ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) if ( v . Marked = = mark ) list . Add ( v ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of things that match a marked state.</summary>
public List < Thing > GetMarkedThings ( bool mark )
List < Thing > list = new List < Thing > ( numthings > > 1 ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in things ) if ( t . Marked = = mark ) list . Add ( t ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of linedefs that match a marked state.</summary>
public List < Linedef > GetMarkedLinedefs ( bool mark )
List < Linedef > list = new List < Linedef > ( numlinedefs > > 1 ) ;
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) if ( l . Marked = = mark ) list . Add ( l ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of sidedefs that match a marked state.</summary>
public List < Sidedef > GetMarkedSidedefs ( bool mark )
List < Sidedef > list = new List < Sidedef > ( numsidedefs > > 1 ) ;
foreach ( Sidedef s in sidedefs ) if ( s . Marked = = mark ) list . Add ( s ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>Returns a collection of sectors that match a marked state.</summary>
public List < Sector > GetMarkedSectors ( bool mark )
List < Sector > list = new List < Sector > ( numsectors > > 1 ) ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) if ( s . Marked = = mark ) list . Add ( s ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>This marks vertices based on selected vertices.</summary>
public void MarkSelectedVertices ( bool selected , bool mark )
foreach ( Vertex v in sel_vertices ) v . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>This marks linedefs based on selected linedefs.</summary>
public void MarkSelectedLinedefs ( bool selected , bool mark )
foreach ( Linedef l in sel_linedefs ) l . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>This marks sectors based on selected sectors.</summary>
public void MarkSelectedSectors ( bool selected , bool mark )
foreach ( Sector s in sel_sectors ) s . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>This marks things based on selected things.</summary>
public void MarkSelectedThings ( bool selected , bool mark )
foreach ( Thing t in sel_things ) t . Marked = mark ;
/// <summary>
/// This marks the front and back sidedefs on linedefs with the matching mark.
/// </summary>
public void MarkSidedefsFromLinedefs ( bool matchmark , bool setmark )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
if ( l . Marked = = matchmark )
if ( l . Front ! = null ) l . Front . Marked = setmark ;
if ( l . Back ! = null ) l . Back . Marked = setmark ;
/// <summary>
/// This marks the sidedefs that make up the sectors with the matching mark.
/// </summary>
public void MarkSidedefsFromSectors ( bool matchmark , bool setmark )
foreach ( Sidedef sd in sidedefs )
if ( sd . Sector . Marked = = matchmark ) sd . Marked = setmark ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a collection of vertices that match a marked state on the linedefs.
/// </summary>
public ICollection < Vertex > GetVerticesFromLinesMarks ( bool mark )
List < Vertex > list = new List < Vertex > ( numvertices > > 1 ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices )
foreach ( Linedef l in v . Linedefs )
if ( l . Marked = = mark )
list . Add ( v ) ;
break ;
return list ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a collection of vertices that match a marked state on the linedefs.
/// The difference with GetVerticesFromLinesMarks is that in this method
/// ALL linedefs of a vertex must match the specified marked state.
/// </summary>
public ICollection < Vertex > GetVerticesFromAllLinesMarks ( bool mark )
List < Vertex > list = new List < Vertex > ( numvertices > > 1 ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices )
bool qualified = true ;
foreach ( Linedef l in v . Linedefs )
if ( l . Marked ! = mark )
qualified = false ;
break ;
if ( qualified ) list . Add ( v ) ;
return list ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a collection of vertices that match a marked state on the linedefs.
/// </summary>
public ICollection < Vertex > GetVerticesFromSectorsMarks ( bool mark )
List < Vertex > list = new List < Vertex > ( numvertices > > 1 ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices )
foreach ( Linedef l in v . Linedefs )
if ( ( ( l . Front ! = null ) & & ( l . Front . Sector ! = null ) & & ( l . Front . Sector . Marked = = mark ) ) | |
( ( l . Back ! = null ) & & ( l . Back . Sector ! = null ) & & ( l . Back . Sector . Marked = = mark ) ) )
list . Add ( v ) ;
break ;
return list ;
/// <summary>
/// This marks all selected geometry, including sidedefs from sectors.
/// When sidedefsfromsectors is true, then the sidedefs are marked according to the
/// marked sectors. Otherwise the sidedefs are marked according to the marked linedefs.
/// </summary>
public void MarkAllSelectedGeometry ( bool mark , bool linedefsfromvertices , bool verticesfromlinedefs , bool sectorsfromlinedefs , bool sidedefsfromsectors )
General . Map . Map . ClearAllMarks ( ! mark ) ;
// Direct vertices
General . Map . Map . MarkSelectedVertices ( true , mark ) ;
// Direct linedefs
General . Map . Map . MarkSelectedLinedefs ( true , mark ) ;
// Linedefs from vertices
// We do this before "vertices from lines" because otherwise we get lines marked that we didn't select
if ( linedefsfromvertices )
ICollection < Linedef > lines = General . Map . Map . LinedefsFromMarkedVertices ( ! mark , mark , ! mark ) ;
foreach ( Linedef l in lines ) l . Marked = mark ;
// Vertices from linedefs
if ( verticesfromlinedefs )
ICollection < Vertex > verts = General . Map . Map . GetVerticesFromLinesMarks ( mark ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in verts ) v . Marked = mark ;
// Mark sectors from linedefs (note: this must be the first to mark
// sectors, because this clears the sector marks!)
if ( sectorsfromlinedefs )
General . Map . Map . ClearMarkedSectors ( mark ) ;
foreach ( Linedef l in General . Map . Map . Linedefs )
if ( ! l . Selected )
if ( l . Front ! = null ) l . Front . Sector . Marked = ! mark ;
if ( l . Back ! = null ) l . Back . Sector . Marked = ! mark ;
// Direct sectors
General . Map . Map . MarkSelectedSectors ( true , mark ) ;
// Direct things
General . Map . Map . MarkSelectedThings ( true , mark ) ;
// Sidedefs from linedefs or sectors
if ( sidedefsfromsectors )
General . Map . Map . MarkSidedefsFromSectors ( true , mark ) ;
General . Map . Map . MarkSidedefsFromLinedefs ( true , mark ) ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Indexing
/// <summary>
/// Returns the vertex at the specified index. Returns null when index is out of range. This is an O(1) operation.
/// </summary>
public Vertex GetVertexByIndex ( int index )
return index < numvertices ? vertices [ index ] : null ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the linedef at the specified index. Returns null when index is out of range. This is an O(1) operation.
/// </summary>
public Linedef GetLinedefByIndex ( int index )
return index < numlinedefs ? linedefs [ index ] : null ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the sidedef at the specified index. Returns null when index is out of range. This is an O(1) operation.
/// </summary>
public Sidedef GetSidedefByIndex ( int index )
return index < numsidedefs ? sidedefs [ index ] : null ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the sector at the specified index. Returns null when index is out of range. This is an O(1) operation.
/// </summary>
public Sector GetSectorByIndex ( int index )
return index < numsectors ? sectors [ index ] : null ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the thing at the specified index. Returns null when index is out of range. This is an O(1) operation.
/// </summary>
public Thing GetThingByIndex ( int index )
return index < numthings ? things [ index ] : null ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Areas
/// <summary>This creates an initial, undefined area.</summary>
public static RectangleF CreateEmptyArea ( )
return new RectangleF ( float . MaxValue / 2 , float . MaxValue / 2 , - float . MaxValue , - float . MaxValue ) ;
/// <summary>This creates an area from vertices.</summary>
public static RectangleF CreateArea ( ICollection < Vertex > verts )
float l = float . MaxValue ;
float t = float . MaxValue ;
float r = float . MinValue ;
float b = float . MinValue ;
// Go for all vertices
foreach ( Vertex v in verts )
// Adjust boundaries by vertices
if ( v . Position . x < l ) l = v . Position . x ;
if ( v . Position . x > r ) r = v . Position . x ;
if ( v . Position . y < t ) t = v . Position . y ;
if ( v . Position . y > b ) b = v . Position . y ;
// Return a rect
return new RectangleF ( l , t , r - l , b - t ) ;
/// <summary>This increases and existing area with the given vertices.</summary>
public static RectangleF IncreaseArea ( RectangleF area , ICollection < Vertex > verts )
float l = area . Left ;
float t = area . Top ;
float r = area . Right ;
float b = area . Bottom ;
// Go for all vertices
foreach ( Vertex v in verts )
// Adjust boundaries by vertices
if ( v . Position . x < l ) l = v . Position . x ;
if ( v . Position . x > r ) r = v . Position . x ;
if ( v . Position . y < t ) t = v . Position . y ;
if ( v . Position . y > b ) b = v . Position . y ;
// Return a rect
return new RectangleF ( l , t , r - l , b - t ) ;
/// <summary>This increases and existing area with the given things.</summary>
public static RectangleF IncreaseArea ( RectangleF area , ICollection < Thing > things )
float l = area . Left ;
float t = area . Top ;
float r = area . Right ;
float b = area . Bottom ;
// Go for all vertices
foreach ( Thing th in things )
// Adjust boundaries by vertices
if ( th . Position . x < l ) l = th . Position . x ;
if ( th . Position . x > r ) r = th . Position . x ;
if ( th . Position . y < t ) t = th . Position . y ;
if ( th . Position . y > b ) b = th . Position . y ;
// Return a rect
return new RectangleF ( l , t , r - l , b - t ) ;
/// <summary>This increases and existing area with the given vertices.</summary>
public static RectangleF IncreaseArea ( RectangleF area , ICollection < Vector2D > verts )
float l = area . Left ;
float t = area . Top ;
float r = area . Right ;
float b = area . Bottom ;
// Go for all vertices
foreach ( Vector2D v in verts )
// Adjust boundaries by vertices
if ( v . x < l ) l = v . x ;
if ( v . x > r ) r = v . x ;
if ( v . y < t ) t = v . y ;
if ( v . y > b ) b = v . y ;
// Return a rect
return new RectangleF ( l , t , r - l , b - t ) ;
/// <summary>This increases and existing area with the given vertex.</summary>
public static RectangleF IncreaseArea ( RectangleF area , Vector2D vert )
float l = area . Left ;
float t = area . Top ;
float r = area . Right ;
float b = area . Bottom ;
// Adjust boundaries by vertices
if ( vert . x < l ) l = vert . x ;
if ( vert . x > r ) r = vert . x ;
if ( vert . y < t ) t = vert . y ;
if ( vert . y > b ) b = vert . y ;
// Return a rect
return new RectangleF ( l , t , r - l , b - t ) ;
/// <summary>This creates an area from linedefs.</summary>
public static RectangleF CreateArea ( ICollection < Linedef > lines )
float l = float . MaxValue ;
float t = float . MaxValue ;
float r = float . MinValue ;
float b = float . MinValue ;
// Go for all linedefs
foreach ( Linedef ld in lines )
// Adjust boundaries by vertices
if ( ld . Start . Position . x < l ) l = ld . Start . Position . x ;
if ( ld . Start . Position . x > r ) r = ld . Start . Position . x ;
if ( ld . Start . Position . y < t ) t = ld . Start . Position . y ;
if ( ld . Start . Position . y > b ) b = ld . Start . Position . y ;
if ( ld . End . Position . x < l ) l = ld . End . Position . x ;
if ( ld . End . Position . x > r ) r = ld . End . Position . x ;
if ( ld . End . Position . y < t ) t = ld . End . Position . y ;
if ( ld . End . Position . y > b ) b = ld . End . Position . y ;
// Return a rect
return new RectangleF ( l , t , r - l , b - t ) ;
/// <summary>This filters lines by a rectangular area.</summary>
public static ICollection < Linedef > FilterByArea ( ICollection < Linedef > lines , ref RectangleF area )
ICollection < Linedef > newlines = new List < Linedef > ( lines . Count ) ;
// Go for all lines
foreach ( Linedef l in lines )
// Check the cs field bits
if ( ( GetCSFieldBits ( l . Start . Position , area ) & GetCSFieldBits ( l . End . Position , area ) ) = = 0 )
// The line could be in the area
newlines . Add ( l ) ;
// Return result
return newlines ;
/// <summary> This returns the cohen-sutherland field bits for a vector in a rectangle area</summary>
public static int GetCSFieldBits ( Vector2D v , RectangleF area )
int bits = 0 ;
if ( v . y < area . Top ) bits | = 0x01 ;
if ( v . y > area . Bottom ) bits | = 0x02 ;
if ( v . x < area . Left ) bits | = 0x04 ;
if ( v . x > area . Right ) bits | = 0x08 ;
return bits ;
/// <summary>This filters vertices by a rectangular area.</summary>
public static ICollection < Vertex > FilterByArea ( ICollection < Vertex > verts , ref RectangleF area )
ICollection < Vertex > newverts = new List < Vertex > ( verts . Count ) ;
// Go for all verts
foreach ( Vertex v in verts )
// Within rect?
if ( ( v . Position . x < area . Left ) | | ( v . Position . x > area . Right ) | |
( v . Position . y < area . Top ) | | ( v . Position . y > area . Bottom ) ) continue ;
// The vertex is in the area
newverts . Add ( v ) ;
// Return result
return newverts ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Stitching
/// <summary>
/// Stitches marked geometry with non-marked geometry. Returns false when the operation failed.
/// </summary>
public bool StitchGeometry ( )
// Find vertices
ICollection < Vertex > movingverts = General . Map . Map . GetMarkedVertices ( true ) ;
ICollection < Vertex > fixedverts = General . Map . Map . GetMarkedVertices ( false ) ;
// Find lines that moved during the drag
ICollection < Linedef > movinglines = LinedefsFromMarkedVertices ( false , true , true ) ;
// Find all non-moving lines
ICollection < Linedef > fixedlines = LinedefsFromMarkedVertices ( true , false , false ) ;
// Determine area in which we are editing
RectangleF editarea = CreateArea ( movinglines ) ;
editarea = IncreaseArea ( editarea , movingverts ) ;
editarea . Inflate ( 1.0f , 1.0f ) ;
// Join nearby vertices
BeginAddRemove ( ) ;
JoinVertices ( fixedverts , movingverts , true , STITCH_DISTANCE ) ;
EndAddRemove ( ) ;
// Update cached values of lines because we need their length/angle
Update ( true , false ) ;
BeginAddRemove ( ) ;
// Split moving lines with unselected vertices
ICollection < Vertex > nearbyfixedverts = FilterByArea ( fixedverts , ref editarea ) ;
if ( ! SplitLinesByVertices ( movinglines , nearbyfixedverts , STITCH_DISTANCE , movinglines ) )
return false ;
// Split non-moving lines with selected vertices
fixedlines = FilterByArea ( fixedlines , ref editarea ) ;
if ( ! SplitLinesByVertices ( fixedlines , movingverts , STITCH_DISTANCE , movinglines ) )
return false ;
// Remove looped linedefs
RemoveLoopedLinedefs ( movinglines ) ;
// Join overlapping lines
if ( ! JoinOverlappingLines ( movinglines ) )
return false ;
EndAddRemove ( ) ;
return true ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Geometry Tools
/// <summary>This removes any virtual sectors in the map and returns the number of sectors removed.</summary>
public int RemoveVirtualSectors ( )
int count = 0 ;
int index = 0 ;
// Go for all sectors
while ( index < numsectors )
// Remove when virtual
if ( sectors [ index ] . Fields . ContainsKey ( VIRTUAL_SECTOR_FIELD ) )
sectors [ index ] . Dispose ( ) ;
count + + ;
index + + ;
return count ;
/// <summary>This removes unused sectors and returns the number of removed sectors.</summary>
public int RemoveUnusedSectors ( bool reportwarnings )
int count = 0 ;
int index = numsectors - 1 ;
// Go for all sectors
while ( index > = 0 )
// Remove when unused
if ( sectors [ index ] . Sidedefs . Count = = 0 )
if ( reportwarnings )
General . ErrorLogger . Add ( ErrorType . Warning , "Sector " + index + " was unused and has been removed." ) ;
sectors [ index ] . Dispose ( ) ;
count + + ;
index - - ;
return count ;
/// <summary>This joins overlapping lines together. Returns false when the operation failed.</summary>
public static bool JoinOverlappingLines ( ICollection < Linedef > lines )
bool joined ;
// No joins yet
joined = false ;
// Go for all the lines
foreach ( Linedef l1 in lines )
// Check if these vertices have lines that overlap
foreach ( Linedef l2 in l1 . Start . Linedefs )
//mxd. The same line?
if ( l1 . Index = = l2 . Index ) continue ;
// Sharing vertices?
if ( ( l1 . End = = l2 . End ) | |
( l1 . End = = l2 . Start ) )
bool oppositedirection = ( l1 . End = = l2 . Start ) ;
bool l2marked = l2 . Marked ;
// Merge these two linedefs
while ( lines . Remove ( l2 ) ) ;
if ( ! l2 . Join ( l1 ) ) return false ;
// If l2 was marked as new geometry, we have to make sure
// that l1's FrontInterior is correct for the drawing procedure
if ( l2marked )
l1 . FrontInterior = l2 . FrontInterior ^ oppositedirection ;
// If l1 is marked as new geometry, we may need to flip it to preserve
// orientation of the original geometry, and update its FrontInterior
else if ( l1 . Marked )
if ( oppositedirection )
l1 . FlipVertices ( ) ; // This also flips FrontInterior
l1 . FlipSidedefs ( ) ;
joined = true ;
break ;
// Will have to restart when joined
if ( joined ) break ;
// Check if these vertices have lines that overlap
foreach ( Linedef l2 in l1 . End . Linedefs )
//mxd. The same line?
if ( l1 . Index = = l2 . Index ) continue ;
// Sharing vertices?
if ( ( l1 . Start = = l2 . End ) | |
( l1 . Start = = l2 . Start ) )
bool oppositedirection = ( l1 . Start = = l2 . End ) ;
bool l2marked = l2 . Marked ;
// Merge these two linedefs
while ( lines . Remove ( l2 ) ) ;
if ( ! l2 . Join ( l1 ) ) return false ;
// If l2 was marked as new geometry, we have to make sure
// that l1's FrontInterior is correct for the drawing procedure
if ( l2marked )
l1 . FrontInterior = l2 . FrontInterior ^ oppositedirection ;
// If l1 is marked as new geometry, we may need to flip it to preserve
// orientation of the original geometry, and update its FrontInterior
else if ( l1 . Marked )
if ( oppositedirection )
l1 . FlipVertices ( ) ; // This also flips FrontInterior
l1 . FlipSidedefs ( ) ;
joined = true ;
break ;
// Will have to restart when joined
if ( joined ) break ;
while ( joined ) ;
// Return result
return true ;
/// <summary>This removes looped linedefs (linedefs which reference the same vertex for
/// start and end) and returns the number of linedefs removed.</summary>
public static int RemoveLoopedLinedefs ( ICollection < Linedef > lines )
int linesremoved = 0 ;
bool removedline ;
// Nothing removed yet
removedline = false ;
// Go for all the lines
foreach ( Linedef l in lines )
// Check if referencing the same vertex twice
if ( l . Start = = l . End )
// Remove this line
while ( lines . Remove ( l ) ) ;
l . Dispose ( ) ;
linesremoved + + ;
removedline = true ;
break ;
while ( removedline ) ;
// Return result
return linesremoved ;
/// <summary>This joins nearby vertices from two collections. This does NOT join vertices
/// within the same collection, only if they exist in both collections.
/// The vertex from the second collection is moved to match the first vertex.
/// When keepsecond is true, the vertex in the second collection is kept,
/// otherwise the vertex in the first collection is kept.
/// Returns the number of joins made.</summary>
public static int JoinVertices ( ICollection < Vertex > set1 , ICollection < Vertex > set2 , bool keepsecond , float joindist )
float joindist2 = joindist * joindist ;
int joinsdone = 0 ;
bool joined ;
// No joins yet
joined = false ;
// Go for all vertices in the first set
foreach ( Vertex v1 in set1 )
// Go for all vertices in the second set
foreach ( Vertex v2 in set2 )
// Check if vertices are close enough
if ( v1 . DistanceToSq ( v2 . Position ) < = joindist2 )
// Check if not the same vertex
if ( v1 ! = v2 )
// Move the second vertex to match the first
v2 . Move ( v1 . Position ) ;
// Check which one to keep
if ( keepsecond )
// Join the first into the second
// Second is kept, first is removed
v1 . Join ( v2 ) ;
set1 . Remove ( v1 ) ;
set2 . Remove ( v1 ) ;
// Join the second into the first
// First is kept, second is removed
v2 . Join ( v1 ) ;
set1 . Remove ( v2 ) ;
set2 . Remove ( v2 ) ;
// Count the join
joinsdone + + ;
joined = true ;
break ;
// Will have to restart when joined
if ( joined ) break ;
while ( joined ) ;
// Return result
return joinsdone ;
/// <summary>This joins nearby vertices in the same collection </summary>
public static int JoinVertices ( List < Vertex > set , float joindist )
float joindist2 = joindist * joindist ;
int joinsdone = 0 ;
bool joined ;
// No joins yet
joined = false ;
// Go for all vertices in the first set
for ( int i = 0 ; i < set . Count - 1 ; i + + )
for ( int c = i + 1 ; c < set . Count ; c + + )
Vertex v1 = set [ i ] ;
Vertex v2 = set [ c ] ;
// Check if vertices are close enough
if ( v1 . DistanceToSq ( v2 . Position ) < = joindist2 )
// Check if not the same vertex
if ( v1 . Index ! = v2 . Index )
// Move the second vertex to match the first
v2 . Move ( v1 . Position ) ;
// Join the second into the first
v2 . Join ( v1 ) ;
set . Remove ( v2 ) ;
// Count the join
joinsdone + + ;
joined = true ;
break ;
} while ( joined ) ;
// Return result
return joinsdone ;
/// <summary>This corrects lines that have a back sidedef but no front sidedef by flipping them. Returns the number of flips made.</summary>
public static int FlipBackwardLinedefs ( ICollection < Linedef > lines )
int flipsdone = 0 ;
// Examine all lines
foreach ( Linedef l in lines )
// Back side but no front side?
if ( ( l . Back ! = null ) & & ( l . Front = = null ) )
// Flip that linedef!
l . FlipVertices ( ) ;
l . FlipSidedefs ( ) ;
flipsdone + + ;
// Return result
return flipsdone ;
/// <summary>This splits the given lines with the given vertices. All affected lines
/// will be added to changedlines. Returns false when the operation failed.</summary>
public static bool SplitLinesByVertices ( ICollection < Linedef > lines , ICollection < Vertex > verts , float splitdist , ICollection < Linedef > changedlines )
if ( verts . Count = = 0 | | lines . Count = = 0 ) return true ; //mxd
float splitdist2 = splitdist * splitdist ;
bool splitted ;
//mxd. Create blockmap
RectangleF area = CreateArea ( lines ) ;
IncreaseArea ( area , verts ) ;
BlockMap < BlockEntry > blockmap = new BlockMap < BlockEntry > ( area ) ;
blockmap . AddVerticesSet ( verts ) ;
blockmap . AddLinedefsSet ( lines ) ;
int bmWidth = blockmap . Size . Width ;
int bmHeight = blockmap . Size . Height ;
BlockEntry [ , ] bmap = blockmap . Map ;
// No split yet
splitted = false ;
for ( int w = 0 ; w < bmWidth ; w + + )
for ( int h = 0 ; h < bmHeight ; h + + )
BlockEntry block = bmap [ w , h ] ;
if ( block . Vertices . Count = = 0 | | block . Lines . Count = = 0 ) continue ;
// Go for all the lines
foreach ( Linedef l in block . Lines )
// Go for all the vertices
foreach ( Vertex v in block . Vertices )
// Check if v is close enough to l for splitting
if ( l . DistanceToSq ( v . Position , true ) < = splitdist2 )
// Line is not already referencing v?
Vector2D deltastart = l . Start . Position - v . Position ;
Vector2D deltaend = l . End . Position - v . Position ;
if ( ( ( Math . Abs ( deltastart . x ) > 0.001f ) | | ( Math . Abs ( deltastart . y ) > 0.001f ) ) & &
( ( Math . Abs ( deltaend . x ) > 0.001f ) | | ( Math . Abs ( deltaend . y ) > 0.001f ) ) )
// Split line l with vertex v
Linedef nl = l . Split ( v ) ;
if ( nl = = null ) return false ;
// Add the new line to the list
lines . Add ( nl ) ;
blockmap . AddLinedef ( nl ) ;
// Both lines must be updated because their new length
// is relevant for next iterations!
l . UpdateCache ( ) ;
nl . UpdateCache ( ) ;
// Add both lines to changedlines
if ( changedlines ! = null )
changedlines . Add ( l ) ;
changedlines . Add ( nl ) ;
// Count the split
splitted = true ;
break ;
// Will have to restart when splitted
// TODO: If we make (linked) lists from the collections first,
// we don't have to restart when splitted?
if ( splitted ) break ;
while ( splitted ) ;
return true ;
/// <summary>This finds the side closest to the specified position.</summary>
public static Sidedef NearestSidedef ( ICollection < Sidedef > selection , Vector2D pos )
Sidedef closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
// Go for all sidedefs in selection
foreach ( Sidedef sd in selection )
// Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find
float d = sd . Line . SafeDistanceToSq ( pos , true ) ;
if ( d = = distance )
// Same distance, so only pick the one that is on the right side of the line
float side = sd . Line . SideOfLine ( pos ) ;
if ( ( ( side < = 0.0f ) & & sd . IsFront ) | | ( ( side > 0.0f ) & & ! sd . IsFront ) )
closest = sd ;
distance = d ;
else if ( d < distance )
// This one is closer
closest = sd ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
/// <summary>This finds the line closest to the specified position.</summary>
public static Linedef NearestLinedef ( ICollection < Linedef > selection , Vector2D pos )
Linedef closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
// Go for all linedefs in selection
foreach ( Linedef l in selection )
// Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find
float d = l . SafeDistanceToSq ( pos , true ) ;
if ( d < distance )
// This one is closer
closest = l ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
/// <summary>This finds the line closest to the specified position.</summary>
public static Linedef NearestLinedefRange ( ICollection < Linedef > selection , Vector2D pos , float maxrange )
Linedef closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
float maxrangesq = maxrange * maxrange ;
// Go for all linedefs in selection
foreach ( Linedef l in selection )
// Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find
float d = l . SafeDistanceToSq ( pos , true ) ;
if ( d < distance & & d < = maxrangesq )
// This one is closer
closest = l ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
/// <summary>mxd. This finds the line closest to the specified position excluding given list of linedefs.</summary>
public Linedef NearestLinedef ( Vector2D pos , List < Linedef > linesToExclude )
Linedef closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
// Go for all linedefs in selection
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
if ( linesToExclude . Contains ( l ) ) continue ;
// Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find
float d = l . SafeDistanceToSq ( pos , true ) ;
if ( d < distance )
// This one is closer
closest = l ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
/// <summary>This finds the vertex closest to the specified position.</summary>
public static Vertex NearestVertex ( ICollection < Vertex > selection , Vector2D pos )
Vertex closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
// Go for all vertices in selection
foreach ( Vertex v in selection )
// Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find
float d = v . DistanceToSq ( pos ) ;
if ( d < distance )
// This one is closer
closest = v ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
/// <summary>This finds the thing closest to the specified position.</summary>
public static Thing NearestThing ( ICollection < Thing > selection , Vector2D pos )
Thing closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
// Go for all things in selection
foreach ( Thing t in selection )
// Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find
float d = t . DistanceToSq ( pos ) ;
if ( d < distance )
// This one is closer
closest = t ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
/// <summary>mxd. This finds the thing closest to the specified thing.</summary>
public static Thing NearestThing ( ICollection < Thing > selection , Thing thing )
Thing closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
// Go for all things in selection
foreach ( Thing t in selection )
if ( t = = thing ) continue ;
// Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find
float d = t . DistanceToSq ( thing . Position ) ;
if ( d < distance )
// This one is closer
closest = t ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
/// <summary>This finds the vertex closest to the specified position.</summary>
public static Vertex NearestVertexSquareRange ( ICollection < Vertex > selection , Vector2D pos , float maxrange )
RectangleF range = RectangleF . FromLTRB ( pos . x - maxrange , pos . y - maxrange , pos . x + maxrange , pos . y + maxrange ) ;
Vertex closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
// Go for all vertices in selection
foreach ( Vertex v in selection )
float px = v . Position . x ;
float py = v . Position . y ;
//mxd. Within range?
if ( ( v . Position . x < range . Left ) | | ( v . Position . x > range . Right )
| | ( v . Position . y < range . Top ) | | ( v . Position . y > range . Bottom ) )
continue ;
// Close than previous find?
float d = Math . Abs ( px - pos . x ) + Math . Abs ( py - pos . y ) ;
if ( d < distance )
// This one is closer
closest = v ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
/// <summary>This finds the thing closest to the specified position.</summary>
public static Thing NearestThingSquareRange ( ICollection < Thing > selection , Vector2D pos , float maxrange )
RectangleF range = RectangleF . FromLTRB ( pos . x - maxrange , pos . y - maxrange , pos . x + maxrange , pos . y + maxrange ) ;
Thing closest = null ;
float distance = float . MaxValue ;
float size = float . MaxValue ; //mxd
// Go for all things in selection
foreach ( Thing t in selection )
float px = t . Position . x ;
float py = t . Position . y ;
float ts = ( ( t . FixedSize & & General . Map . Renderer2D . Scale > 1.0f ) ? t . Size / General . Map . Renderer2D . Scale : t . Size ) ;
//mxd. Within range?
if ( px < range . Left - ts | | px > range . Right + ts | | py < range . Top - ts | | py > range . Bottom + ts ) continue ;
// Closer than previous find? mxd. Or smaller when distance is the same?
float d = Math . Abs ( px - pos . x ) + Math . Abs ( py - pos . y ) ;
if ( d < distance | | ( d = = distance & & ts < size ) )
// This one is closer
closest = t ;
distance = d ;
size = ts ; //mxd
// Return result
return closest ;
#region = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Tools
/// <summary>This snaps all vertices to the map format accuracy. Call this to ensure the vertices are at valid coordinates.</summary>
public void SnapAllToAccuracy ( )
SnapAllToAccuracy ( true ) ;
/// <summary>This snaps all vertices to the map format accuracy. Call this to ensure the vertices are at valid coordinates.</summary>
public void SnapAllToAccuracy ( bool usepreciseposition )
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices ) v . SnapToAccuracy ( usepreciseposition ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in things ) t . SnapToAccuracy ( usepreciseposition ) ;
/// <summary>This returns the next unused tag number.</summary>
public int GetNewTag ( )
Dictionary < int , bool > usedtags = new Dictionary < int , bool > ( ) ;
ForAllTags ( NewTagHandler , false , usedtags ) ;
ForAllTags ( NewTagHandler , true , usedtags ) ;
// Now find the first unused index
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxTag ; i + + )
if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( i ) ) return i ;
// All tags used!
return 0 ;
/// <summary>This returns the next unused tag number.</summary>
public int GetNewTag ( List < int > moreusedtags )
Dictionary < int , bool > usedtags = new Dictionary < int , bool > ( ) ;
foreach ( int t in moreusedtags ) if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( t ) ) usedtags . Add ( t , true ) ;
ForAllTags ( NewTagHandler , false , usedtags ) ;
ForAllTags ( NewTagHandler , true , usedtags ) ;
// Now find the first unused index
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxTag ; i + + )
if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( i ) ) return i ;
// All tags used!
return 0 ;
/// <summary>This returns the tag number, which is not used by any map element of given type. This method doesn't check action arguments!</summary>
public int GetNewTag ( UniversalType elementType )
Dictionary < int , bool > usedtags = new Dictionary < int , bool > ( ) ;
switch ( elementType )
case UniversalType . ThingTag :
for ( int i = 0 ; i < things . Length ; i + + )
if ( things [ i ] . Tag > 0 & & ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( things [ i ] . Tag ) )
usedtags . Add ( things [ i ] . Tag , false ) ;
break ;
case UniversalType . LinedefTag :
for ( int i = 0 ; i < linedefs . Length ; i + + )
foreach ( int tag in linedefs [ i ] . Tags )
if ( tag = = 0 ) continue ;
if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( tag ) ) usedtags . Add ( tag , false ) ;
break ;
case UniversalType . SectorTag :
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sectors . Length ; i + + )
foreach ( int tag in sectors [ i ] . Tags )
if ( tag = = 0 ) continue ;
if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( tag ) ) usedtags . Add ( tag , false ) ;
break ;
// Now find the first unused index
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxTag ; i + + )
if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( i ) ) return i ;
// All tags used!
return 0 ;
/// <summary>This returns the next unused tag number within the marked geometry.</summary>
public int GetNewTag ( bool marked )
Dictionary < int , bool > usedtags = new Dictionary < int , bool > ( ) ;
ForAllTags ( NewTagHandler , marked , usedtags ) ;
// Now find the first unused index
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxTag ; i + + )
if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( i ) ) return i ;
// All tags used!
return 0 ;
/// <summary>This returns the next unused tag number.</summary>
public List < int > GetMultipleNewTags ( int count )
List < int > newtags = new List < int > ( count ) ;
if ( count > 0 )
Dictionary < int , bool > usedtags = new Dictionary < int , bool > ( ) ;
ForAllTags ( NewTagHandler , false , usedtags ) ;
ForAllTags ( NewTagHandler , true , usedtags ) ;
// Find unused tags and add them
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxTag ; i + + )
if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( i ) )
newtags . Add ( i ) ;
if ( newtags . Count = = count ) break ;
return newtags ;
/// <summary>This returns the next unused tag number within the marked geometry.</summary>
public List < int > GetMultipleNewTags ( int count , bool marked )
List < int > newtags = new List < int > ( count ) ;
if ( count > 0 )
Dictionary < int , bool > usedtags = new Dictionary < int , bool > ( ) ;
ForAllTags ( NewTagHandler , marked , usedtags ) ;
// Find unused tags and add them
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = General . Map . FormatInterface . MaxTag ; i + + )
if ( ! usedtags . ContainsKey ( i ) )
newtags . Add ( i ) ;
if ( newtags . Count = = count ) break ;
return newtags ;
// Handler for finding a new tag
private static void NewTagHandler ( MapElement element , bool actionargument , UniversalType type , ref int value , Dictionary < int , bool > usedtags )
usedtags [ value ] = true ;
/// <summary>This calls a function for all tag fields in the marked or unmarked geometry. The obj parameter can be anything you wish to pass on to your TagHandler function.</summary>
public void ForAllTags < T > ( TagHandler < T > handler , bool marked , T obj )
// Call handler on sectors tags
foreach ( Sector s in sectors )
if ( s . Marked = = marked )
//mxd. Multiple tags support...
bool changed = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < s . Tags . Count ; i + + )
int tag = s . Tags [ i ] ;
handler ( s , false , UniversalType . SectorTag , ref tag , obj ) ;
if ( tag ! = s . Tags [ i ] )
s . Tags [ i ] = tag ;
changed = true ;
if ( changed ) s . Tags = s . Tags . Distinct ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
// Call handler on things tags
if ( General . Map . FormatInterface . HasThingTag )
foreach ( Thing t in things )
if ( t . Marked = = marked )
int tag = t . Tag ;
handler ( t , false , UniversalType . ThingTag , ref tag , obj ) ;
if ( tag ! = t . Tag ) t . Tag = tag ;
// Call handler on things action
if ( General . Map . FormatInterface . HasThingAction & & General . Map . FormatInterface . HasActionArgs )
foreach ( Thing t in things )
if ( t . Marked = = marked )
LinedefActionInfo info = General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( t . Action ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Thing . NUM_ARGS ; i + + )
if ( info . Args [ i ] . Used & & CheckIsTagType ( info . Args [ i ] . Type ) )
int tag = t . Args [ i ] ;
handler ( t , true , ( UniversalType ) ( info . Args [ i ] . Type ) , ref tag , obj ) ;
if ( tag ! = t . Args [ i ] ) t . Args [ i ] = tag ;
// Call handler on linedefs tags
if ( General . Map . FormatInterface . HasLinedefTag )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
if ( l . Marked = = marked )
//mxd. Multiple tags support...
bool changed = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < l . Tags . Count ; i + + )
int tag = l . Tags [ i ] ;
handler ( l , false , UniversalType . LinedefTag , ref tag , obj ) ;
if ( tag ! = l . Tags [ i ] )
l . Tags [ i ] = tag ;
changed = true ;
if ( changed ) l . Tags = l . Tags . Distinct ( ) . ToList ( ) ;
// Call handler on linedefs action
if ( General . Map . FormatInterface . HasActionArgs )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
if ( l . Marked = = marked )
LinedefActionInfo info = General . Map . Config . GetLinedefActionInfo ( l . Action ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Linedef . NUM_ARGS ; i + + )
if ( info . Args [ i ] . Used & & CheckIsTagType ( info . Args [ i ] . Type ) )
int tag = l . Args [ i ] ;
handler ( l , true , ( UniversalType ) ( info . Args [ i ] . Type ) , ref tag , obj ) ;
if ( tag ! = l . Args [ i ] ) l . Args [ i ] = tag ;
// This checks if the given action argument type is a tag type
private static bool CheckIsTagType ( int argtype )
return ( argtype = = ( int ) UniversalType . LinedefTag ) | |
( argtype = = ( int ) UniversalType . SectorTag ) | |
( argtype = = ( int ) UniversalType . ThingTag ) ;
/// <summary>This makes a list of lines related to marked vertices.
/// A line is unstable when one vertex is marked and the other isn't.</summary>
public ICollection < Linedef > LinedefsFromMarkedVertices ( bool includeunselected , bool includestable , bool includeunstable )
List < Linedef > list = new List < Linedef > ( ( numlinedefs / 2 ) + 1 ) ;
// Go for all lines
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
// Check if this is to be included
if ( ( includestable & & ( l . Start . Marked & & l . End . Marked ) ) | |
( includeunstable & & ( l . Start . Marked ^ l . End . Marked ) ) | |
( includeunselected & & ( ! l . Start . Marked & & ! l . End . Marked ) ) )
// Add to list
list . Add ( l ) ;
// Return result
return list ;
/// <summary>This makes a list of unstable lines from the given vertices.
/// A line is unstable when one vertex is selected and the other isn't.</summary>
public static ICollection < Linedef > UnstableLinedefsFromVertices ( ICollection < Vertex > verts )
Dictionary < Linedef , Linedef > lines = new Dictionary < Linedef , Linedef > ( ) ;
// Go for all vertices
foreach ( Vertex v in verts )
// Go for all lines
foreach ( Linedef l in v . Linedefs )
// If the line exists in the list
if ( lines . ContainsKey ( l ) )
// Remove it
lines . Remove ( l ) ;
// Otherwise add it
// Add the line
lines . Add ( l , l ) ;
// Return result
return new List < Linedef > ( lines . Values ) ;
/// <summary>This returns a sector if given coordinates are inside one.</summary>
public Sector GetSectorByCoordinates ( Vector2D pos )
foreach ( Sector s in sectors )
if ( s . Intersect ( pos ) ) return s ;
return null ;
/// <summary>This returns a sector if given coordinates are inside one.</summary>
public Sector GetSectorByCoordinates ( Vector2D pos , VisualBlockMap blockmap )
// Find nearest sectors using the blockmap
List < Sector > possiblesectors = blockmap . GetBlock ( blockmap . GetBlockCoordinates ( pos ) ) . Sectors ;
foreach ( Sector s in possiblesectors )
if ( s . Intersect ( pos ) ) return s ;
return null ;
/// <summary>This finds the line closest to the specified position.</summary>
public Linedef NearestLinedef ( Vector2D pos ) { return MapSet . NearestLinedef ( linedefs , pos ) ; }
/// <summary>This finds the line closest to the specified position.</summary>
public Linedef NearestLinedefRange ( Vector2D pos , float maxrange ) { return MapSet . NearestLinedefRange ( linedefs , pos , maxrange ) ; }
/// <summary>This finds the vertex closest to the specified position.</summary>
public Vertex NearestVertex ( Vector2D pos ) { return MapSet . NearestVertex ( vertices , pos ) ; }
/// <summary>This finds the vertex closest to the specified position.</summary>
public Vertex NearestVertexSquareRange ( Vector2D pos , float maxrange ) { return MapSet . NearestVertexSquareRange ( vertices , pos , maxrange ) ; }
/// <summary>This finds the thing closest to the specified position.</summary>
public Thing NearestThingSquareRange ( Vector2D pos , float maxrange ) { return MapSet . NearestThingSquareRange ( things , pos , maxrange ) ; }
/// <summary>This finds the closest unselected linedef that is not connected to the given vertex.</summary>
public Linedef NearestUnselectedUnreferencedLinedef ( Vector2D pos , float maxrange , Vertex v , out float distance )
Linedef closest = null ;
distance = float . MaxValue ;
float maxrangesq = maxrange * maxrange ;
// Go for all linedefs in selection
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs )
// Calculate distance and check if closer than previous find
float d = l . SafeDistanceToSq ( pos , true ) ;
if ( ( d < = maxrangesq ) & & ( d < distance ) )
// Check if not selected
// Check if linedef is not connected to v
if ( ( l . Start ! = v ) & & ( l . End ! = v ) )
// This one is closer
closest = l ;
distance = d ;
// Return result
return closest ;
// This performs sidedefs compression
// Note: Only use this for saving, because this messes up the expected data structure horribly.
internal void CompressSidedefs ( )
Dictionary < uint , List < Sidedef > > storedsides = new Dictionary < uint , List < Sidedef > > ( numsidedefs ) ;
int originalsidescount = numsidedefs ;
float starttime = Clock . CurrentTime ;
BeginAddRemove ( ) ;
int sn = 0 ;
while ( sn < numsidedefs )
Sidedef stored = null ;
Sidedef snsd = sidedefs [ sn ] ;
// Check if checksum is stored
bool samesidedef = false ;
uint checksum = snsd . GetChecksum ( ) ;
bool checksumstored = storedsides . ContainsKey ( checksum ) ;
if ( checksumstored )
List < Sidedef > othersides = storedsides [ checksum ] ;
foreach ( Sidedef os in othersides )
// They must be in the same sector
if ( snsd . Sector = = os . Sector )
// Check if sidedefs are really the same
stored = os ;
MemoryStream sidemem = new MemoryStream ( 1024 ) ;
SerializerStream sidedata = new SerializerStream ( sidemem ) ;
MemoryStream othermem = new MemoryStream ( 1024 ) ;
SerializerStream otherdata = new SerializerStream ( othermem ) ;
snsd . ReadWrite ( sidedata ) ;
os . ReadWrite ( otherdata ) ;
if ( sidemem . Length = = othermem . Length )
samesidedef = true ;
sidemem . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
othermem . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sidemem . Length ; i + + )
if ( sidemem . ReadByte ( ) ! = othermem . ReadByte ( ) )
samesidedef = false ;
break ;
if ( samesidedef ) break ;
// Same sidedef?
if ( samesidedef )
// Replace with stored sidedef
bool isfront = snsd . IsFront ;
Linedef ld = snsd . Line ;
snsd . Line . DetachSidedefP ( snsd ) ;
if ( isfront )
ld . AttachFront ( stored ) ;
ld . AttachBack ( stored ) ;
// Remove the sidedef
snsd . SetSector ( null ) ;
RemoveSidedef ( sn ) ;
// Store this new one
if ( checksumstored )
storedsides [ checksum ] . Add ( snsd ) ;
List < Sidedef > newlist = new List < Sidedef > ( 4 ) { snsd } ;
storedsides . Add ( checksum , newlist ) ;
// Next
sn + + ;
EndAddRemove ( ) ;
// Output info
float endtime = Clock . CurrentTime ;
float deltatimesec = ( endtime - starttime ) / 1000.0f ;
float ratio = 100.0f - ( ( numsidedefs / ( float ) originalsidescount ) * 100.0f ) ;
General . WriteLogLine ( "Sidedefs compressed: " + numsidedefs + " remaining out of " + originalsidescount + " (" + ratio . ToString ( "########0.00" ) + "%) in " + deltatimesec . ToString ( "########0.00" ) + " seconds" ) ;
// This converts flags and activations to UDMF fields
internal void TranslateToUDMF ( Type previousmapformatinterfacetype )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) l . TranslateToUDMF ( previousmapformatinterfacetype ) ;
foreach ( Thing t in things ) t . TranslateToUDMF ( ) ;
// This converts UDMF fields back into flags and activations
// NOTE: Only converts the marked items
internal void TranslateFromUDMF ( )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) if ( l . Marked ) l . TranslateFromUDMF ( ) ;
foreach ( Sidedef s in sidedefs ) if ( s . Marked ) s . TranslateFromUDMF ( ) ; //mxd
foreach ( Sector s in sectors ) if ( s . Marked ) s . TranslateFromUDMF ( ) ; //mxd
foreach ( Thing t in things ) if ( t . Marked ) t . TranslateFromUDMF ( ) ;
internal bool TranslateTextureNames ( bool uselongnames , bool markedonly )
if ( markedonly )
List < Sector > markedsectors = GetMarkedSectors ( true ) ;
List < Sidedef > markedsides = GetMarkedSidedefs ( true ) ;
if ( uselongnames ) return TranslateToLongTextureNames ( markedsectors , markedsides ) ;
return TranslateToShortTextureNames ( markedsectors , markedsides ) ;
if ( uselongnames ) return TranslateToLongTextureNames ( sectors , sidedefs ) ;
return TranslateToShortTextureNames ( sectors , sidedefs ) ;
private static bool TranslateToLongTextureNames ( IEnumerable < Sector > sectors , IEnumerable < Sidedef > sidedefs )
bool changed = false ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors )
if ( s . FloorTexture ! = "-" )
string ft = General . Map . Data . GetFullFlatName ( s . FloorTexture ) ;
if ( ft ! = s . FloorTexture )
s . SetFloorTexture ( Lump . MakeLongName ( ft ) ) ;
changed = true ;
if ( s . CeilTexture ! = "-" )
string ct = General . Map . Data . GetFullFlatName ( s . CeilTexture ) ;
if ( ct ! = s . CeilTexture )
s . SetCeilTexture ( Lump . MakeLongName ( ct ) ) ;
changed = true ;
foreach ( Sidedef s in sidedefs )
if ( s . HighTexture ! = "-" )
string ht = General . Map . Data . GetFullTextureName ( s . HighTexture ) ;
if ( ht ! = s . HighTexture )
s . SetTextureHigh ( Lump . MakeLongName ( ht ) ) ;
changed = true ;
if ( s . MiddleTexture ! = "-" )
string mt = General . Map . Data . GetFullTextureName ( s . MiddleTexture ) ;
if ( mt ! = s . MiddleTexture )
s . SetTextureMid ( Lump . MakeLongName ( mt ) ) ;
changed = true ;
if ( s . LowTexture ! = "-" )
string lt = General . Map . Data . GetFullTextureName ( s . LowTexture ) ;
if ( lt ! = s . LowTexture )
s . SetTextureLow ( Lump . MakeLongName ( lt ) ) ;
changed = true ;
return changed ;
private static bool TranslateToShortTextureNames ( IEnumerable < Sector > sectors , IEnumerable < Sidedef > sidedefs )
bool changed = false ;
foreach ( Sector s in sectors )
if ( s . FloorTexture ! = "-" )
string ft = GetShortTextureName ( s . FloorTexture ) ;
if ( ft ! = s . FloorTexture )
s . SetFloorTexture ( ft ) ;
changed = true ;
if ( s . CeilTexture ! = "-" )
string ct = GetShortTextureName ( s . CeilTexture ) ;
if ( ct ! = s . CeilTexture )
s . SetCeilTexture ( ct ) ;
changed = true ;
foreach ( Sidedef s in sidedefs )
if ( s . HighTexture ! = "-" )
string ht = GetShortTextureName ( s . HighTexture ) ;
if ( ht ! = s . HighTexture )
s . SetTextureHigh ( ht ) ;
changed = true ;
if ( s . MiddleTexture ! = "-" )
string mt = GetShortTextureName ( s . MiddleTexture ) ;
if ( mt ! = s . MiddleTexture )
s . SetTextureMid ( mt ) ;
changed = true ;
if ( s . LowTexture ! = "-" )
string lt = GetShortTextureName ( s . LowTexture ) ;
if ( lt ! = s . LowTexture )
s . SetTextureLow ( lt ) ;
changed = true ;
return changed ;
internal static string GetShortTextureName ( string name )
string shortname = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( name ) . ToUpperInvariant ( ) ;
if ( shortname . Length > DataManager . CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH ) shortname = shortname . Substring ( 0 , DataManager . CLASIC_IMAGE_NAME_LENGTH ) ;
return shortname ;
/// <summary>This removes unused vertices.</summary>
public void RemoveUnusedVertices ( )
// Go for all vertices
int index = numvertices - 1 ;
while ( index > = 0 )
if ( ( vertices [ index ] ! = null ) & & ( vertices [ index ] . Linedefs . Count = = 0 ) )
vertices [ index ] . Dispose ( ) ;
index - - ;
public void UpdateCustomLinedefColors ( )
foreach ( Linedef l in linedefs ) l . UpdateColorPreset ( ) ;