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477 lines
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Executable file
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
public class NumericTextbox : AutoSelectTextbox
#region ================== Constants
private const int ROUNDING_PRECISION = 5; //mxd
#region ================== Variables
private bool allownegative; // Allow negative numbers
private bool allowrelative; // Allow ++, --, * and / prefix for relative changes
private bool allowdecimal; // Allow decimal (float) numbers
private bool allowexpressions; // mxd/mgr_inz_rafal. Allow expressions
private bool controlpressed;
private int incrementstep; //mxd. Step for +++ and --- prefixes
private ToolTip tooltip; //mxd
//mxd. Used to compute expressions
private static DataTable datatable = new DataTable();
#region ================== Properties
public bool AllowNegative { get { return allownegative; } set { allownegative = value; } }
public bool AllowRelative { get { return allowrelative; } set { allowrelative = value; UpdateTextboxStyle(); } }
public bool AllowDecimal { get { return allowdecimal; } set { allowdecimal = value; } }
public bool AllowExpressions { get { return allowexpressions; } set { allowexpressions = value; } } //mxd/mgr_inz_rafal
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public NumericTextbox()
this.ImeMode = ImeMode.Off;
this.incrementstep = 1; //mxd
//mxd. Setup tooltip
this.tooltip = new ToolTip { AutomaticDelay = 100, AutoPopDelay = 8000, InitialDelay = 100, ReshowDelay = 100 };
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
tooltip = null;
#region ================== Methods
// Key pressed
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
controlpressed = e.Control;
// Key released
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)
controlpressed = e.Control;
// When a key is pressed
protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e)
incrementstep = 1; //mxd
string allowedchars = "0123456789\b";
// Determine allowed chars
if(allownegative) allowedchars += CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NegativeSign;
if(allowrelative) allowedchars += "+-*/"; //mxd
allowedchars += "()"; //mxd/mgr_inz_rafal
if(!allowrelative) allowedchars += "+-*/"; //mxd
if(controlpressed) allowedchars += "\u0018\u0003\u0016";
if(allowdecimal || allowexpressions || this.Text.StartsWith("*") || this.Text.StartsWith("/")) //mxd
allowedchars += CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;
// Check if key is not allowed
if(allowedchars.IndexOf(e.KeyChar) == -1)
// Cancel this
e.Handled = true;
else if(!allowexpressions)
//mxd. Check if * or / is pressed
if(e.KeyChar == '*' || e.KeyChar == '/')
if(this.SelectionStart - 1 > -1) e.Handled = true; //only valid when at the start of the text
// Check if + or - is pressed
else if((e.KeyChar == '+') || (e.KeyChar == '-'))
string nonselectedtext;
// Determine non-selected text
if(this.SelectionLength > 0)
nonselectedtext = this.Text.Substring(0, this.SelectionStart) +
this.Text.Substring(this.SelectionStart + this.SelectionLength);
else if(this.SelectionLength < 0)
nonselectedtext = this.Text.Substring(0, this.SelectionStart + this.SelectionLength) +
nonselectedtext = this.Text;
// Not at the start?
int selectionpos = this.SelectionStart - 1;
if(this.SelectionLength < 0) selectionpos = (this.SelectionStart + this.SelectionLength) - 1;
if(selectionpos > -1)
// Find any other characters before the insert position
string textpart = this.Text.Substring(0, selectionpos + 1);
textpart = textpart.Replace("+", "");
textpart = textpart.Replace("-", "");
if(textpart.Length > 0)
// Cancel this
e.Handled = true;
// Determine other prefix
char otherprefix = (e.KeyChar == '+' ? '-' : '+');
// Limit the number of + and - allowed
int numprefixes = nonselectedtext.Split(e.KeyChar, otherprefix).Length;
if(numprefixes > 3)
// Can't have more than 3 prefixes (mxd)
e.Handled = true;
else if(numprefixes > 1)
// Must have 2 or 3 same prefixes
if(this.Text.IndexOf(e.KeyChar) == -1) e.Handled = true;
// Double or triple prefix must be allowed
if(!allowrelative) e.Handled = true;
// Call base
protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
// Validate expression
// Check if expression is valid. We may want "++" and "--" on their own...
if(IsValidResult(StripPrefixes(this.Text)) || this.Text == "++" || this.Text == "--")
this.ForeColor = (allowrelative ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText);
this.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed;
// Validate contents
protected override void OnValidating(CancelEventArgs e)
//mxd. We may want "++" and "--" on their own...
if(allowrelative && (this.Text == "++" || this.Text == "--"))
// Call base and bail out
if(allowexpressions) //mxd
// Make the textbox empty
this.Text = "";
// Strip prefixes
string textpart = this.Text.Replace("+", "").Replace("*", "").Replace("/", ""); //mxd
textpart = textpart.Replace("-", "");
// No numbers left?
if(textpart.Length == 0)
// Make the textbox empty
this.Text = "";
// Call base
private string StripPrefixes(string input)
// Strip prefixes
if(input.StartsWith("+++") || input.StartsWith("---")) return input.Substring(3);
if(input.StartsWith("++") || input.StartsWith("--")) return input.Substring(2);
if(input.StartsWith("*") || input.StartsWith("/")) return input.Substring(1);
return input;
// This checks if the number is relative
public bool CheckIsRelative()
// Prefixed with +++, ---, ++, --, * or /?
return ( (this.Text.Length > 3 && (this.Text.StartsWith("+++") || this.Text.StartsWith("---"))) || //mxd
(this.Text.Length > 2 && (this.Text.StartsWith("++") || this.Text.StartsWith("--") )) || //mxd
(this.Text.Length > 1 && (this.Text.StartsWith("*") || this.Text.StartsWith("/"))) ); //mxd
//mxd. This determines the result value
public int GetResult(int original)
return GetResult(original, incrementstep++);
//mxd. This determines the result value
public int GetResult(int original, int step)
return (int)Math.Round(GetResultFloat(original, step));
//mxd. This determines the result value
public double GetResultFloat(double original)
return GetResultFloat(original, incrementstep++);
// This determines the result value
public double GetResultFloat(double original, int step)
// Support specific starting point for increment step
bool start;
// Strip prefixes
string textpart = StripPrefixes(this.Text);
// Check for alternate original
if (textpart.Contains("---"))
string[] split = textpart.Split('-');
original = double.Parse(split[0]);
textpart = StripPrefixes(split[3]);
start = true;
else if (textpart.Contains("+++"))
string[] split = textpart.Split('+');
original = double.Parse(split[0]);
textpart = StripPrefixes(split[3]);
start = true;
start = false;
// Any numbers left?
if (textpart.Length > 0)
double result;
//mxd. Prefixed with +++?
if(this.Text.StartsWith("+++") || (start && this.Text.Contains("+++")))
// Add number to original
if(TryGetResultValue(textpart, out result))
return original + result * step;
// Keep original value
return original;
//mxd. Prefixed with ---?
if(this.Text.StartsWith("---") || (start && this.Text.Contains("---")))
// Subtract number from original
if(TryGetResultValue(textpart, out result))
double newvalue = original - result * step;
return (!allownegative && (newvalue < 0)) ? original : newvalue;
// Keep original value
return original;
// Prefixed with ++?
// Add number to original
if(TryGetResultValue(textpart, out result))
return original + result;
// Keep original value
return original;
// Prefixed with --?
// Subtract number from original
if(TryGetResultValue(textpart, out result))
double newvalue = original - result;
return (!allownegative && (newvalue < 0)) ? original : newvalue;
// Keep original value
return original;
//mxd. Prefixed with *?
// Multiply original by number
if(TryGetResultValue(textpart, out result))
double newvalue = Math.Round(original * result, ROUNDING_PRECISION);
return (!allownegative && (newvalue < 0f)) ? original : newvalue;
// Keep original value
return original;
//mxd. Prefixed with /?
// Divide original by number
if(TryGetResultValue(textpart, out result))
if(result == 0.0f) return original;
double newvalue = Math.Round(original / result, ROUNDING_PRECISION);
return (!allownegative && (newvalue < 0f)) ? original : newvalue;
// Keep original value
return original;
//mxd. Return the new value
if(TryGetResultValue(textpart, out result))
return (!allownegative && (result < 0f)) ? original : result;
// Nothing given, keep original value
return original;
private bool IsValidResult(string expression)
double unused;
return TryGetResultValue(expression, out unused);
private bool TryGetResultValue(string expression, out double value)
//Compute expression
try { expression = datatable.Compute(expression, null).ToString(); }
value = 0f;
return false;
// Parse result
return double.TryParse(expression, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value);
public void UpdateTextboxStyle() { UpdateTextboxStyle(string.Empty); }
public void UpdateTextboxStyle(string tip)
this.ForeColor = (allowrelative ? SystemColors.HotTrack : SystemColors.WindowText);
if(allowrelative || allowexpressions)
string s = string.Empty;
s += "You can use expressions. Example: (128+64)*2.5" + Environment.NewLine;
s += "Use ++ or -- prefixes to change by given value." + Environment.NewLine +
"Use +++ or --- prefixes to incrementally change by given value." + Environment.NewLine +
"Use * or / prefixes to multiply or divide by given value." + Environment.NewLine;
tooltip.SetToolTip(this, s + tip);
else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tip))
tooltip.SetToolTip(this, tip);
// biwa
public void ResetIncrementStep()
incrementstep = 1;