mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 04:21:10 +00:00
Fixed, Map Analysis mode: fixed a crash when trying to dissolve an invalid sector when one of it's linedefs referenced it on the both sides. Fixed, Sectors mode: fixed incorrect undo description when deleting sectors. Internal: joined declaration and assignment of some more variables.
957 lines
33 KiB
957 lines
33 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using System.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Properties;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
internal partial class ScriptEditorControl : UserControl
#region ================== Constants
private const string LEXERS_RESOURCE = "Lexers.cfg";
private const int DEFAULT_STYLE = (int)ScriptStylesCommon.Default;
private const int MAX_BACKTRACK_LENGTH = 200;
// Index for registered images
private enum ImageIndex
ScriptConstant = 0,
ScriptKeyword = 1,
ScriptError = 2,
ScriptSnippet = 3, //mxd
#region ================== Delegates / Events
public delegate void ExplicitSaveTabDelegate();
public delegate void OpenScriptBrowserDelegate();
public delegate void OpenFindReplaceDelegate();
public delegate void FindNextDelegate();
public delegate void FindPreviousDelegate(); //mxd
public event ExplicitSaveTabDelegate OnExplicitSaveTab;
public event OpenScriptBrowserDelegate OnOpenScriptBrowser;
public event OpenFindReplaceDelegate OnOpenFindAndReplace;
public event FindNextDelegate OnFindNext;
public event FindPreviousDelegate OnFindPrevious; //mxd
public new event EventHandler OnTextChanged; //mxd
#region ================== Variables
// Script configuration
private ScriptConfiguration scriptconfig;
// List of keywords and constants, sorted as uppercase
private string autocompletestring;
// Style translation from Scintilla style to ScriptStyleType
private Dictionary<int, ScriptStyleType> stylelookup;
// Current position information
private string curfunctionname = "";
private int curargumentindex;
private int curfunctionstartpos;
// Status
private bool changed;
#region ================== Properties
public bool IsChanged { get { return changed; } set { changed = value; } }
public int Position { get { return scriptedit.CurrentPos; } set { scriptedit.CurrentPos = value; } }
public int SelectionStart { get { return scriptedit.SelectionStart; } set { scriptedit.SelectionStart = value; } }
public int SelectionEnd { get { return scriptedit.SelectionEnd; } set { scriptedit.SelectionEnd = value; } }
#region ================== Contructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public ScriptEditorControl()
// Initialize
// Script editor properties
// Unfortunately, these cannot be set using the designer
// because the control is not really loaded in design mode
scriptedit.AutoCMaximumHeight = 8;
scriptedit.AutoCSeparator = ' ';
scriptedit.AutoCTypeSeparator = '?';
scriptedit.AutoCSetFillUps("\r\n();[]"); // I should put this in the script configs
scriptedit.CaretWidth = 2;
scriptedit.EndAtLastLine = 1;
scriptedit.EndOfLineMode = ScriptEndOfLine.CRLF;
scriptedit.IsAutoCGetChooseSingle = true;
scriptedit.IsAutoCGetIgnoreCase = true;
scriptedit.IsBackSpaceUnIndents = true;
scriptedit.IsBufferedDraw = true;
scriptedit.IsCaretLineVisible = false;
scriptedit.IsHScrollBar = true;
scriptedit.IndentationGuides = (int)ScriptIdentGuides.None;
scriptedit.IsMouseDownCaptures = true;
scriptedit.IsTabIndents = true;
scriptedit.IsUndoCollection = true;
scriptedit.IsUseTabs = true;
scriptedit.IsViewEOL = false;
scriptedit.IsVScrollBar = true;
scriptedit.TabWidth = 4;
scriptedit.Indent = 4;
scriptedit.ExtraAscent = 1;
scriptedit.ExtraDescent = 1;
scriptedit.CursorType = -1;
// Symbol margin
scriptedit.SetMarginTypeN(0, (int)ScriptMarginType.Symbol);
scriptedit.SetMarginWidthN(0, 20);
scriptedit.SetMarginMaskN(0, -1); // all
// Line numbers margin
scriptedit.SetMarginTypeN(1, (int)ScriptMarginType.Number);
scriptedit.SetMarginWidthN(1, 40);
scriptedit.SetMarginMaskN(1, 0); // none
// Spacing margin
scriptedit.SetMarginTypeN(2, (int)ScriptMarginType.Symbol);
scriptedit.SetMarginWidthN(2, 5);
scriptedit.SetMarginMaskN(2, 0); // none
// Setup with default script config
// Disabled, the form designer doesn't like this
//SetupStyles(new ScriptConfiguration());
// Images
RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex.ScriptConstant, Resources.ScriptConstant);
RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex.ScriptKeyword, Resources.ScriptKeyword);
RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex.ScriptSnippet, Resources.ScriptSnippet); //mxd
RegisterMarkerImage(ImageIndex.ScriptError, Resources.ScriptError);
// Events
scriptedit.ModEventMask = 0x7FFFF; // Which events to receive (see also ScriptModificationFlags)
scriptedit.TextDeleted += scriptedit_TextChanged; //mxd
scriptedit.TextInserted += scriptedit_TextChanged; //mxd
scriptedit.UndoPerformed += scriptedit_UndoRedoPerformed; //mxd
scriptedit.RedoPerformed += scriptedit_UndoRedoPerformed; //mxd
#region ================== Methods
// This launches keyword help website
public bool LaunchKeywordHelp()
string helpsite = scriptconfig.KeywordHelp;
string currentword = GetCurrentWord();
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentword) && (currentword.Length > 1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpsite))
currentword = scriptconfig.GetKeywordCase(currentword);
helpsite = helpsite.Replace("%K", currentword);
return true;
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpsite); //mxd
// This replaces the selection with the given text
public void ReplaceSelection(string replacement)
Encoding encoder = Encoding.GetEncoding(scriptedit.CodePage);
string text = encoder.GetString(GetText());
int selectionstart = scriptedit.SelectionStart;
// Make new text
StringBuilder newtext = new StringBuilder(text.Length + replacement.Length);
newtext.Append(text.Substring(0, scriptedit.SelectionStart));
// Adjust selection
scriptedit.SelectionStart = selectionstart;
scriptedit.SelectionEnd = selectionstart + replacement.Length;
// This moves the caret to a given line and ensures the line is visible
public void MoveToLine(int linenumber)
// This makes sure a line is visible
public void EnsureLineVisible(int linenumber)
// This returns the line for a position
public int LineFromPosition(int position)
return scriptedit.LineFromPosition(position);
// This clears all marks
public void ClearMarks()
// This adds a mark on the given line
public void AddMark(int linenumber)
scriptedit.MarkerAdd(linenumber, (int)ImageIndex.ScriptError);
// This refreshes the style setup
public void RefreshStyle()
// Re-setup with the same config
// This sets up the script editor with a script configuration
public void SetupStyles(ScriptConfiguration config)
Configuration lexercfg = new Configuration();
// Make collections
stylelookup = new Dictionary<int, ScriptStyleType>();
SortedList<string, string> autocompletelist = new SortedList<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
// Keep script configuration
scriptconfig = config;
// Find a resource named Lexers.cfg
string[] resnames = General.ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
foreach(string rn in resnames)
// Found one?
if(rn.EndsWith(LEXERS_RESOURCE, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
// Get a stream from the resource
Stream lexersdata = General.ThisAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(rn);
StreamReader lexersreader = new StreamReader(lexersdata, Encoding.ASCII);
// Load configuration from stream
// Done with the resource
// Check if specified lexer exists and set the lexer to use
string lexername = "lexer" + scriptconfig.Lexer.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if(!lexercfg.SettingExists(lexername)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown lexer " + scriptconfig.Lexer + " specified in script configuration!");
scriptedit.Lexer = scriptconfig.Lexer;
// Set the default style and settings
scriptedit.StyleSetFont(DEFAULT_STYLE, General.Settings.ScriptFontName);
scriptedit.StyleSetSize(DEFAULT_STYLE, General.Settings.ScriptFontSize);
scriptedit.StyleSetBold(DEFAULT_STYLE, General.Settings.ScriptFontBold);
scriptedit.StyleSetItalic(DEFAULT_STYLE, false);
scriptedit.StyleSetUnderline(DEFAULT_STYLE, false);
scriptedit.StyleSetCase(DEFAULT_STYLE, ScriptCaseVisible.Mixed);
scriptedit.StyleSetFore(DEFAULT_STYLE, General.Colors.PlainText.ToInversedColorRef());
scriptedit.StyleSetBack(DEFAULT_STYLE, General.Colors.ScriptBackground.ToInversedColorRef());
scriptedit.CaretPeriod = SystemInformation.CaretBlinkTime;
scriptedit.CaretFore = General.Colors.ScriptBackground.Inverse().ToInversedColorRef();
scriptedit.StyleBits = 7;
// These don't work?
scriptedit.TabWidth = General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth;
scriptedit.IsUseTabs = false;
scriptedit.IsTabIndents = true;
scriptedit.Indent = General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth;
scriptedit.IsBackSpaceUnIndents = true;
// This applies the default style to all styles
// Set the code page to use
scriptedit.CodePage = scriptconfig.CodePage;
// Set the default to something normal (this is used by the autocomplete list)
scriptedit.StyleSetFont(DEFAULT_STYLE, this.Font.Name);
scriptedit.StyleSetBold(DEFAULT_STYLE, this.Font.Bold);
scriptedit.StyleSetItalic(DEFAULT_STYLE, this.Font.Italic);
scriptedit.StyleSetUnderline(DEFAULT_STYLE, this.Font.Underline);
scriptedit.StyleSetSize(DEFAULT_STYLE, (int)Math.Round(this.Font.SizeInPoints));
// Set style for linenumbers and margins
scriptedit.StyleSetBack((int)ScriptStylesCommon.LineNumber, General.Colors.ScriptBackground.ToInversedColorRef());
// Clear all keywords
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) scriptedit.KeyWords(i, null);
// Now go for all elements in the lexer configuration
// We are looking for the numeric keys, because these are the
// style index to set and the value is our ScriptStyleType
IDictionary dic = lexercfg.ReadSetting(lexername, new Hashtable());
foreach(DictionaryEntry de in dic)
// Check if this is a numeric key
int stylenum;
if(int.TryParse(de.Key.ToString(), out stylenum))
// Add style to lookup table
stylelookup.Add(stylenum, (ScriptStyleType)(int)de.Value);
// Apply color to style
int colorindex;
case ScriptStyleType.PlainText: colorindex = ColorCollection.PLAINTEXT; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Comment: colorindex = ColorCollection.COMMENTS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Constant: colorindex = ColorCollection.CONSTANTS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Keyword: colorindex = ColorCollection.KEYWORDS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.LineNumber: colorindex = ColorCollection.LINENUMBERS; break;
case ScriptStyleType.Literal: colorindex = ColorCollection.LITERALS; break;
default: colorindex = ColorCollection.PLAINTEXT; break;
scriptedit.StyleSetFore(stylenum, General.Colors.Colors[colorindex].ToInversedColorRef());
// Create the keywords list and apply it
string imageindex = ((int)ImageIndex.ScriptKeyword).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int keywordsindex = lexercfg.ReadSetting(lexername + ".keywordsindex", -1);
if(keywordsindex > -1)
StringBuilder keywordslist = new StringBuilder("");
foreach(string k in scriptconfig.Keywords)
if(keywordslist.Length > 0) keywordslist.Append(" ");
autocompletelist.Add(k.ToUpperInvariant(), k + "?" + imageindex);
string words = keywordslist.ToString();
scriptedit.KeyWords(keywordsindex, words);
scriptedit.KeyWords(keywordsindex, words.ToLowerInvariant());
// Create the constants list and apply it
imageindex = ((int)ImageIndex.ScriptConstant).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int constantsindex = lexercfg.ReadSetting(lexername + ".constantsindex", -1);
if(constantsindex > -1)
StringBuilder constantslist = new StringBuilder("");
foreach(string c in scriptconfig.Constants)
if(autocompletelist.ContainsKey(c.ToUpperInvariant())) //mxd. This happens when there's a keyword and a constant with the same name...
General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Constant '" + c + "' is double-defined in '" + scriptconfig.Description + "' script configuration!");
if(constantslist.Length > 0) constantslist.Append(" ");
autocompletelist.Add(c.ToUpperInvariant(), c + "?" + imageindex);
string words = constantslist.ToString();
scriptedit.KeyWords(constantsindex, words);
scriptedit.KeyWords(constantsindex, words.ToLowerInvariant());
//mxd. Create the snippets list and apply it
imageindex = ((int)ImageIndex.ScriptSnippet).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int snippetindex = lexercfg.ReadSetting(lexername + ".snippetindex", -1);
if(snippetindex > -1 && scriptconfig.Snippets.Count > 0)
StringBuilder snippetslist = new StringBuilder("");
foreach(string c in scriptconfig.Snippets.Keys)
if(autocompletelist.ContainsKey(c.ToUpperInvariant())) continue;
if(snippetslist.Length > 0) snippetslist.Append(" ");
autocompletelist.Add(c.ToUpperInvariant(), c + "?" + imageindex);
string words = snippetslist.ToString();
scriptedit.KeyWords(snippetindex, words);
scriptedit.KeyWords(snippetindex, words.ToLowerInvariant());
// Sort the autocomplete list
List<string> autocompleteplainlist = new List<string>(autocompletelist.Values);
autocompletestring = string.Join(" ", autocompleteplainlist.ToArray());
// Show/hide the functions bar
functionbar.Visible = (scriptconfig.FunctionRegEx.Length > 0);
// Rearrange the layout
bool ischanged = changed; //mxd. Don't want the "changed" status to change when changing text styles
changed = ischanged; //mxd
// This returns the current word (where the caret is at)
public string GetCurrentWord()
return GetWordAt(scriptedit.CurrentPos);
// This returns the word at the given position
public string GetWordAt(int position)
int wordstart = scriptedit.WordStartPosition(position, true);
int wordend = scriptedit.WordEndPosition(position, true);
// Decode the text
byte[] scripttextdata = scriptedit.GetText(scriptedit.TextSize);
Encoding encoder = Encoding.GetEncoding(scriptedit.CodePage);
string scripttext = encoder.GetString(scripttextdata);
if(wordstart < wordend)
return scripttext.Substring(wordstart, wordend - wordstart);
return "";
// This returns the ScriptStyleType for a given Scintilla style
private ScriptStyleType GetScriptStyle(int scintillastyle)
return stylelookup[scintillastyle];
return ScriptStyleType.PlainText;
// This gathers information about the current caret position
private void UpdatePositionInfo()
int bracketlevel = 0; // bracket level counting
int argindex = 0; // function argument counting
int pos = scriptedit.CurrentPos;
// Decode the text
byte[] scripttextdata = scriptedit.GetText(scriptedit.TextSize);
Encoding encoder = Encoding.GetEncoding(scriptedit.CodePage);
string scripttext = encoder.GetString(scripttextdata);
// Reset position info
curfunctionname = "";
curargumentindex = 0;
curfunctionstartpos = 0;
// Determine lowest backtrack position
int limitpos = scriptedit.CurrentPos - MAX_BACKTRACK_LENGTH;
if(limitpos < 0) limitpos = 0;
// We can only do this when we have function syntax information
if((scriptconfig.ArgumentDelimiter.Length == 0) || (scriptconfig.FunctionClose.Length == 0) ||
(scriptconfig.FunctionOpen.Length == 0) || (scriptconfig.Terminator.Length == 0)) return;
// Get int versions of the function syntax informantion
int argumentdelimiter = scriptconfig.ArgumentDelimiter[0];
int functionclose = scriptconfig.FunctionClose[0];
int functionopen = scriptconfig.FunctionOpen[0];
int terminator = scriptconfig.Terminator[0];
// Continue backtracking until we reached the limitpos
while(pos >= limitpos)
// Backtrack 1 character
// Get the style and character at this position
ScriptStyleType curstyle = GetScriptStyle(scriptedit.StyleAt(pos));
int curchar = scriptedit.CharAt(pos);
// Then meeting ) then increase bracket level
// When meeting ( then decrease bracket level
// When bracket level goes -1, then the next word should be the function name
// Only when at bracket level 0, count the comma's for argument index
// TODO:
// Original code checked for scope character here and breaks if found
// Check if in plain text or keyword
if((curstyle == ScriptStyleType.PlainText) || (curstyle == ScriptStyleType.Keyword))
// Closing bracket
if(curchar == functionclose)
// Opening bracket
else if(curchar == functionopen)
// Out of the brackets?
if(bracketlevel < 0)
// Skip any whitespace before this bracket
// Backtrack 1 character
curchar = scriptedit.CharAt(--pos);
while((pos >= limitpos) && ((curchar == ' ') || (curchar == '\t') ||
(curchar == '\r') || (curchar == '\n')));
// NOTE: We may need to set onlyWordCharacters argument in the
// following calls to false to get any argument delimiter included,
// but this may also cause a valid keyword to be combined with other
// surrounding characters that do not belong to the keyword.
// Find the word before this bracket
int wordstart = scriptedit.WordStartPosition(pos, true);
int wordend = scriptedit.WordEndPosition(pos, true);
string word = scripttext.Substring(wordstart, wordend - wordstart);
if(word.Length > 0)
// Check if this is an argument delimiter
// I can't remember why I did this, but I'll probably stumble
// upon the problem if this doesn't work right (see note above)
if(word[0] == argumentdelimiter)
// We are now in the parent function
argindex = 0;
// Now check if this is a keyword
else if(scriptconfig.IsKeyword(word))
// Found it!
curfunctionname = scriptconfig.GetKeywordCase(word);
curargumentindex = argindex;
curfunctionstartpos = wordstart;
// Don't know this word
// Argument delimiter
else if(curchar == argumentdelimiter)
// Only count these at brackt level 0
if(bracketlevel == 0) argindex++;
// Terminator
else if(curchar == terminator)
// Can't find anything, break now
// This clears all undo levels
public void ClearUndoRedo()
// This registers an XPM image for the autocomplete list
private void RegisterAutoCompleteImage(ImageIndex index, byte[] imagedata)
// Convert to string
string bigstring = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(imagedata);
// Register image
scriptedit.RegisterImage((int)index, bigstring);
// This registers an XPM image for the markes list
private void RegisterMarkerImage(ImageIndex index, byte[] imagedata)
// Convert to string
string bigstring = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(imagedata);
// Register image
scriptedit.MarkerDefinePixmap((int)index, bigstring);
// Perform undo
public void Undo()
// Perform redo
public void Redo()
// Perform cut
public void Cut()
// Perform copy
public void Copy()
// Perform paste
public void Paste()
// This steals the focus (use with care!)
public void GrabFocus()
public byte[] GetText()
return scriptedit.GetText(scriptedit.TextSize);
public void SetText(byte[] text)
public void InsertSnippet(string[] lines)
//insert the snippet
int curline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(scriptedit.SelectionStart);
int numtabs = scriptedit.GetLineIndentation(curline);
string tabs = Environment.NewLine + new String(' ', numtabs);
string spaces = new String(' ', General.Settings.ScriptTabWidth);
int entrypos = -1;
int entryline = -1;
string[] processedlines = ProcessLineBreaks(lines);
for(int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
processedlines[i] = processedlines[i].Replace("\t", spaces);
//check if we have the [EP] marker
if(entrypos == -1)
int pos = processedlines[i].IndexOf("[EP]");
if(pos != -1)
entryline = curline + i;
entrypos = pos + numtabs;
processedlines[i] = processedlines[i].Remove(pos, 4);
//replace the text
string text = string.Join(tabs, processedlines);
scriptedit.SelectionStart = scriptedit.WordStartPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPos, true);
scriptedit.SelectionEnd = scriptedit.WordEndPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPos, true);
//move the cursor if we had the [EP] marker
if(entrypos != -1)
scriptedit.SelectionStart = scriptedit.PositionFromLine(entryline) + entrypos;
scriptedit.SelectionEnd = scriptedit.PositionFromLine(entryline) + entrypos;
//mxd. This converts [LB] markers to line breaks if necessary
private static string[] ProcessLineBreaks(string[] lines)
List<string> result = new List<string>(lines.Length);
string[] separator = new[] { "[LB]" };
foreach(string line in lines)
if(line.IndexOf(separator[0]) != -1)
result.AddRange(line.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
result.Add(line.Replace(separator[0], " "));
return result.ToArray();
#region ================== Events
// Layout needs to be re-organized
protected override void OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs e)
// With or without functions bar?
scriptpanel.Top = functionbar.Bottom + 6;
scriptpanel.Height = this.ClientSize.Height - scriptpanel.Top;
scriptpanel.Top = 0;
scriptpanel.Height = this.ClientSize.Height;
//mxd. Script text changed
private void scriptedit_UndoRedoPerformed(ScintillaControl pSender)
changed = true;
if(OnTextChanged != null) OnTextChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
//mxd. Script text changed
private void scriptedit_TextChanged(ScintillaControl pSender, int position, int length, int linesAdded)
changed = true;
if(OnTextChanged != null) OnTextChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
// Key pressed down
private void scriptedit_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
// These key combinations put odd characters in the script, so I disabled them
if((e.KeyCode == Keys.Q) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.W) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.E) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.R) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.Y) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.U) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.I) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.P) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.A) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.D) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.G) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.H) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.J) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.K) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.L) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.Z) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.X) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.C) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.V) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.B) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.N) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.M) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)) e.Handled = true;
// F3 for Find Next
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.F3) && (e.Modifiers == Keys.None))
if(OnFindNext != null) OnFindNext();
e.Handled = true;
// F2 for Find Previous (mxd)
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.F2) && (e.Modifiers == Keys.None))
if(OnFindPrevious != null) OnFindPrevious();
e.Handled = true;
// CTRL+F for find & replace
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.F) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control))
if(OnOpenFindAndReplace != null) OnOpenFindAndReplace();
e.Handled = true;
// CTRL+S for save
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.S) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control))
if(OnExplicitSaveTab != null) OnExplicitSaveTab();
e.Handled = true;
// CTRL+O for open
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.O) && ((e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control))
if(OnOpenScriptBrowser != null) OnOpenScriptBrowser();
e.Handled = true;
// CTRL+Space to autocomplete
else if((e.KeyCode == Keys.Space) && (e.Modifiers == Keys.Control))
// Hide call tip if any
// Show autocomplete
int currentpos = scriptedit.CurrentPos;
int wordstartpos = scriptedit.WordStartPosition(currentpos, true);
scriptedit.AutoCShow(currentpos - wordstartpos, autocompletestring);
e.Handled = true;
//mxd. Tab to expand code snippet
// Do it only when the text cursor is at the end of a keyword.
else if(e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab)
string curword = GetCurrentWord().ToLowerInvariant();
if(scriptconfig.Snippets.ContainsKey(curword) && scriptedit.CurrentPos == scriptedit.WordEndPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPos, true))
e.Handled = true;
//mxd. Handle screenshot saving
else if(DelayedForm.ProcessSaveScreenshotAction((int)e.KeyData))
e.Handled = true;
// Key released
private void scriptedit_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
bool showcalltip = false;
int highlightstart = 0;
int highlightend = 0;
// Enter pressed?
if((e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) && (e.Modifiers == Keys.None))
// Do we want auto-indent?
// Get the current line index and check if its not the first line
int curline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPos);
if(curline > 0 && scriptedit.GetLineIndentation(curline) == 0)
// Apply identation of the previous line to this line
int ident = scriptedit.GetLineIndentation(curline - 1);
scriptedit.SetLineIndentation(curline, ident);
scriptedit.SetSel(scriptedit.SelectionStart + ident, scriptedit.SelectionStart + ident);
// Call tip shown
// Should we hide the call tip?
if(curfunctionname.Length == 0)
// Hide the call tip
// Update the call tip
showcalltip = true;
// No call tip
// Should we show a call tip?
showcalltip = (curfunctionname.Length > 0) && !scriptedit.IsAutoCActive;
// Show or update call tip
string functiondef = scriptconfig.GetFunctionDefinition(curfunctionname);
if(functiondef != null)
// Determine the range to highlight
int argsopenpos = functiondef.IndexOf(scriptconfig.FunctionOpen);
int argsclosepos = functiondef.LastIndexOf(scriptconfig.FunctionClose);
if((argsopenpos > -1) && (argsclosepos > -1))
string argsstr = functiondef.Substring(argsopenpos + 1, argsclosepos - argsopenpos - 1);
string[] args = argsstr.Split(scriptconfig.ArgumentDelimiter[0]);
if((curargumentindex >= 0) && (curargumentindex < args.Length))
int argoffset = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < curargumentindex; i++) argoffset += args[i].Length + 1;
highlightstart = argsopenpos + argoffset + 1;
highlightend = highlightstart + args[curargumentindex].Length;
//mxd. If the tip obscures the view, move it down
int tippos;
int funcline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(curfunctionstartpos);
int curline = scriptedit.LineFromPosition(scriptedit.CurrentPos);
if(curline > funcline)
tippos = scriptedit.PositionFromLine(curline) + scriptedit.GetLineIndentation(curline); //scriptedit.PositionFromLine(curline) /*+ (curfunctionstartpos - scriptedit.PositionFromLine(funcline))*/;
tippos = curfunctionstartpos;
// Show tip
scriptedit.CallTipShow(tippos, functiondef);
scriptedit.CallTipSetHlt(highlightstart, highlightend);