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synced 2025-03-11 04:21:10 +00:00
87 lines
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87 lines
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Doom Builder Script highlighting definitions for LUA
casesensitive = 1;
insertcase = 0; // 0=Normal, 1=Lowercase, 2=Uppercase
linecomment = "--";
commentopen = "--[";
commentclose = "]--";
string = "\"";
escape = "\\";
terminator = ";";
scopeopen = "";
scopeclose = "";
delimiters = " \n\r\t(){}[]:;!%^&*-+=.,<>/\?|\"'";
functionopen = "(";
functionclose = ")";
argumentdelimiter = ",";
keywordhelp = "";
// Reserved keywords
and = "and";
break = "break";
do = "do";
else = "else";
elseif = "elseif";
end = "end";
false = "false";
for = "for";
function = "function";
if = "if";
in = "in";
local = "local";
nil = "nil";
not = "not";
or = "or";
repeat = "repeat";
return = "return";
then = "then";
true = "true";
until = "until";
while = "while";
type = "type(v);";
// Debug methods
ConsoleLine = "ConsoleLine(text)";
// Scripting methods
DelayedCall = "DelayedCall(delay, method, [arguments])";
CancelCall = "CancelCall(callid)";
// Object methods
IsValidObjectID = "IsValidObjectID(id)";
GetObjectType = "GetObjectType(id)";
GetObjectAngle = "GetObjectAngle(id)";
GetObjectPosition = "GetObjectPosition(id)";
GetObjectsByTag = "GetObjectsByTag(tag)";
// Player methods
GetCurrentPlayers = "GetCurrentPlayers()";
GetPlayerName = "GetPlayerName(id)";
GetPlayerPlainTextName = "GetPlayerPlainTextName(id)";
LookAtPlayer = "LookAtPlayer(id)";
LookAtObject = "LookAtObject(playerid, targetid, speed)";
LookAtPosition = "LookAtPosition(playerid, x, y, z, angle, speed)";
// Map methods
GetCeilingTexture = "GetCeilingTexture(tag)";
GetFloorTexture = "GetFloorTexture(tag)";
ChangeCeilingTexture = "ChangeCeilingTexture(tag, texture)";
ChangeFloorTexture = "ChangeFloorTexture(tag, texture)";
GetCeilingHeight = "GetCeilingHeight(tag)";
GetFloorHeight = "GetFloorHeight(tag)";
MoveCeiling = "MoveCeiling(tag, targetheight, speed)";
MoveFloor = "MoveFloor(tag, targetheight, speed)";
ACTIVATOR; // Object that activated the script
GAMETYPE; // Game type of the game currently running
SKILL; // Skill of the game currently running
MAPPACK; // Current map pack name
MAPNAME; // Current map name