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#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data
internal abstract class PK3StructuredReader : DataReader
#region ================== Constants
private const string PATCHES_DIR = "patches";
private const string TEXTURES_DIR = "textures";
private const string FLATS_DIR = "flats";
private const string HIRES_DIR = "hires";
private const string SPRITES_DIR = "sprites";
#region ================== Variables
// Source
private bool roottextures;
private bool rootflats;
// Paths
protected string rootpath;
protected string patchespath;
protected string texturespath;
protected string flatspath;
protected string hirespath;
protected string spritespath;
// WAD files that must be loaded as well
private List<WADReader> wads;
#region ================== Properties
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
// Constructor
public PK3StructuredReader(DataLocation dl) : base(dl)
// Initialize
this.roottextures = dl.textures;
this.rootflats = dl.flats;
// Call this to initialize this class
protected virtual void Initialize(string rootpath)
// Initialize
this.rootpath = rootpath;
this.patchespath = Path.Combine(rootpath, PATCHES_DIR);
this.texturespath = Path.Combine(rootpath, TEXTURES_DIR);
this.flatspath = Path.Combine(rootpath, FLATS_DIR);
this.hirespath = Path.Combine(rootpath, HIRES_DIR);
this.spritespath = Path.Combine(rootpath, SPRITES_DIR);
// Load all WAD files in the root as WAD resources
string[] wadfiles = GetFilesWithExt(rootpath, "wad");
wads = new List<WADReader>(wadfiles.Length);
foreach(string w in wadfiles)
string tempfile = CreateTempFile(w);
DataLocation wdl = new DataLocation(DataLocation.RESOURCE_WAD, tempfile, false, false);
wads.Add(new WADReader(wdl));
// Disposer
public override void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Clean up
foreach(WADReader wr in wads) wr.Dispose();
// Remove temp files
foreach(WADReader wr in wads)
try { File.Delete(wr.Location.location); }
catch(Exception) { }
// Done
#region ================== Management
// This suspends use of this resource
public override void Suspend()
foreach(WADReader wr in wads) wr.Suspend();
// This resumes use of this resource
public override void Resume()
foreach(WADReader wr in wads) wr.Resume();
#region ================== Palette
// This loads the PLAYPAL palette
public override Playpal LoadPalette()
// Error when suspended
if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");
// Palette from wad(s)
Playpal palette = null;
foreach(WADReader wr in wads)
Playpal wadpalette = wr.LoadPalette();
if(wadpalette != null) palette = wadpalette;
// Done
return palette;
#region ================== Textures
// This loads the textures
public override ICollection<ImageData> LoadTextures(PatchNames pnames)
List<ImageData> images = new List<ImageData>();
ICollection<ImageData> collection;
// Error when suspended
if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");
// Load from wad files (NOTE: backward order, because the last wad's images have priority)
for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
collection = wads[i].LoadTextures(pnames);
AddImagesToList(images, collection);
// Should we load the images in this directory as textures?
collection = LoadDirectoryImages(rootpath, false);
AddImagesToList(images, collection);
// TODO: Add support for hires texture here
// Add images from texture directory
collection = LoadDirectoryImages(texturespath, false);
AddImagesToList(images, collection);
// Load TEXTURE1 lump file
List<ImageData> imgset = new List<ImageData>();
string texture1file = FindFirstFile(rootpath, "TEXTURE1");
if((texture1file != null) && FileExists(texture1file))
MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texture1file);
WADReader.LoadTextureSet(filedata, ref imgset, pnames);
// Load TEXTURE2 lump file
string texture2file = FindFirstFile(rootpath, "TEXTURE2");
if((texture2file != null) && FileExists(texture2file))
MemoryStream filedata = LoadFile(texture2file);
WADReader.LoadTextureSet(filedata, ref imgset, pnames);
// Add images from TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 lump files
AddImagesToList(images, imgset);
return images;
// This returns the patch names from the PNAMES lump
// A directory resource does not support this lump, but the wads in the directory may contain this lump
public override PatchNames LoadPatchNames()
PatchNames pnames;
// Error when suspended
if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");
// Load from wad files
// Note the backward order, because the last wad's images have priority
for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
pnames = wads[i].LoadPatchNames();
if(pnames != null) return pnames;
// If none of the wads provides patch names, let's see if we can
string pnamesfile = FindFirstFile(rootpath, "PNAMES");
if((pnamesfile != null) && FileExists(pnamesfile))
MemoryStream pnamesdata = LoadFile(pnamesfile);
pnames = new PatchNames(pnamesdata);
return pnames;
return null;
// This finds and returns a patch stream
public override Stream GetPatchData(string pname)
// Error when suspended
if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");
// Find in any of the wad files
// Note the backward order, because the last wad's images have priority
for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Stream data = wads[i].GetPatchData(pname);
if(data != null) return data;
// Find in patches directory
string filename = FindFirstFile(patchespath, pname);
if((filename != null) && FileExists(filename))
return LoadFile(filename);
// Nothing found
return null;
#region ================== Flats
// This loads the textures
public override ICollection<ImageData> LoadFlats()
List<ImageData> images = new List<ImageData>();
ICollection<ImageData> collection;
// Error when suspended
if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");
// Load from wad files
// Note the backward order, because the last wad's images have priority
for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
collection = wads[i].LoadFlats();
AddImagesToList(images, collection);
// Should we load the images in this directory as flats?
collection = LoadDirectoryImages(rootpath, true);
AddImagesToList(images, collection);
// Add images from flats directory
collection = LoadDirectoryImages(flatspath, true);
AddImagesToList(images, collection);
return images;
#region ================== Sprites
// This finds and returns a sprite stream
public override Stream GetSpriteData(string pname)
string pfilename = pname.Replace('\\', '^');
// Error when suspended
if(issuspended) throw new Exception("Data reader is suspended");
// Find in any of the wad files
for(int i = wads.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Stream sprite = wads[i].GetSpriteData(pname);
if(sprite != null) return sprite;
// Find in sprites directory
string filename = FindFirstFile(spritespath, pfilename);
if((filename != null) && FileExists(filename))
return LoadFile(filename);
// Nothing found
return null;
#region ================== Methods
// This loads the images in this directory
private ICollection<ImageData> LoadDirectoryImages(string path, bool flats)
List<ImageData> images = new List<ImageData>();
string[] files;
string name;
// Go for all files
files = GetAllFiles(path);
foreach(string f in files)
// Make the texture name from filename without extension
name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f).ToUpperInvariant();
if(name.Length > 8) name = name.Substring(0, 8);
// Add image to list
images.Add(CreateImage(name, f, flats));
// Return result
return images;
// This copies images from a collection unless they already exist in the list
private void AddImagesToList(List<ImageData> targetlist, ICollection<ImageData> sourcelist)
// Go for all source images
foreach(ImageData src in sourcelist)
// Check if exists in target list
bool alreadyexists = false;
foreach(ImageData tgt in targetlist)
if(tgt.LongName == src.LongName)
alreadyexists = true;
// Add source image to target list
if(!alreadyexists) targetlist.Add(src);
// This must create an image
protected abstract ImageData CreateImage(string name, string filename, bool flat);
// This must return true if the specified file exists
protected abstract bool FileExists(string filename);
// This must return all files in a given directory
protected abstract string[] GetAllFiles(string path);
// This must return all files in a given directory that match the given extension
protected abstract string[] GetFilesWithExt(string path, string extension);
// This must find the first file that has the specific name, regardless of file extension
protected abstract string FindFirstFile(string path, string beginswith);
// This must load an entire file in memory and returns the stream
// NOTE: Callers are responsible for disposing the stream!
protected abstract MemoryStream LoadFile(string filename);
// This must create a temp file for the speciied file and return the absolute path to the temp file
// NOTE: Callers are responsible for removing the temp file when done!
protected abstract string CreateTempFile(string filename);