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1177 lines
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Executable file
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal vd Heiden, www.codeimp.com
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes
/// <summary>
/// Provides specialized functionality for a visual (3D) Doom Builder editing mode.
/// </summary>
public abstract class VisualMode : EditMode
#region ================== Constants
private const float MOVE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER = 0.001f;
#region ================== Variables
// Graphics
protected IRenderer3D renderer;
// Options
private bool processgeometry;
private bool processthings;
// Input
private bool keyforward;
private bool keybackward;
private bool keyleft;
private bool keyright;
private bool keyup;
private bool keydown;
private List<VisualThing> selectedVisualThings;
private List<VisualSector> selectedVisualSectors;
protected Dictionary<Vertex, VisualVertexPair> vertices;
private static Vector2D initialcameraposition;
//used in "Play From Here" Action
private Thing playerStart;
private Vector3D playerStartPosition;
private float playerStartAngle;
// Map
protected VisualBlockMap blockmap;
protected Dictionary<Thing, VisualThing> allthings;
protected Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> allsectors;
protected List<VisualBlockEntry> visibleblocks;
protected Dictionary<Thing, VisualThing> visiblethings;
protected Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> visiblesectors;
protected List<VisualGeometry> visiblegeometry;
#region ================== Properties
public bool ProcessGeometry { get { return processgeometry; } set { processgeometry = value; } }
public bool ProcessThings { get { return processthings; } set { processthings = value; } }
public VisualBlockMap BlockMap { get { return blockmap; } }
public Dictionary<Vertex, VisualVertexPair> VisualVertices { get { return vertices; } } //mxd
// Rendering
public IRenderer3D Renderer { get { return renderer; } }
#region ================== Constructor / Disposer
/// <summary>
/// Provides specialized functionality for a visual (3D) Doom Builder editing mode.
/// </summary>
protected VisualMode()
// Initialize
this.renderer = General.Map.Renderer3D;
this.blockmap = new VisualBlockMap();
this.allsectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(General.Map.Map.Sectors.Count);
this.allthings = new Dictionary<Thing, VisualThing>(General.Map.Map.Things.Count);
this.visibleblocks = new List<VisualBlockEntry>();
this.visiblesectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(50);
this.visiblegeometry = new List<VisualGeometry>(200);
this.visiblethings = new Dictionary<Thing, VisualThing>(100);
this.processgeometry = true;
this.processthings = true;
this.vertices = new Dictionary<Vertex, VisualVertexPair>(); //mxd
//mxd. Synch camera position to cursor position or center of the screen in 2d-mode
if(General.Settings.GZSynchCameras && General.Editing.Mode is ClassicMode)
ClassicMode oldmode = (ClassicMode)General.Editing.Mode;
initialcameraposition = new Vector2D(oldmode.MouseMapPos.x, oldmode.MouseMapPos.y);
initialcameraposition = new Vector2D(General.Map.CRenderer2D.Viewport.Left + General.Map.CRenderer2D.Viewport.Width / 2.0f, General.Map.CRenderer2D.Viewport.Top + General.Map.CRenderer2D.Viewport.Height / 2.0f);
// Disposer
public override void Dispose()
// Not already disposed?
// Clean up
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> s in allsectors) s.Value.Dispose();
visiblesectors = null;
visiblegeometry = null;
visibleblocks = null;
visiblethings = null;
allsectors = null;
allthings = null;
blockmap = null;
selectedVisualSectors = null;
selectedVisualThings = null;
// Done
#region ================== Start / Stop
// Mode is engaged
public override void OnEngage()
// Update projection (mxd)
// Update the used textures
// Fill the blockmap
//mxd. Synch camera position to cursor position or center of the screen in 2d-mode
// Keep previous camera position if Control is held and camera was previously moved in Visual mode
if(!General.Interface.CtrlState || General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.GetLengthSq() == 0)
//If initial position is inside or nearby a sector - adjust camera.z accordingly
float posz = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.z;
Sector nearestsector = General.Map.Map.GetSectorByCoordinates(initialcameraposition, blockmap);
if(nearestsector == null)
Linedef nearestline = MapSet.NearestLinedef(General.Map.Map.Linedefs, initialcameraposition);
if(nearestline != null)
float side = nearestline.SideOfLine(initialcameraposition);
Sidedef nearestside = (side < 0.0f ? nearestline.Front : nearestline.Back) ?? (side < 0.0f ? nearestline.Back : nearestline.Front);
if(nearestside != null) nearestsector = nearestside.Sector;
if(nearestsector != null)
int sectorheight = nearestsector.CeilHeight - nearestsector.FloorHeight;
if(sectorheight < 41)
posz = nearestsector.FloorHeight + Math.Max(16, sectorheight / 2);
else if(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.z < nearestsector.FloorHeight + 41)
posz = nearestsector.FloorHeight + 41; // same as in doom
else if(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position.z > nearestsector.CeilHeight)
posz = nearestsector.CeilHeight - 4;
General.Map.VisualCamera.Position = new Vector3D(initialcameraposition.x, initialcameraposition.y, posz);
// Start special input mode
// Mode is disengaged
public override void OnDisengage()
// Dispose
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
if(vs.Value != null) vs.Value.Dispose();
// Dispose
foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> vt in allthings)
if(vt.Value != null) vt.Value.Dispose();
// Apply camera position to thing
// Do not leave the sector on the camera
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = null;
selectedVisualSectors = null;
selectedVisualThings = null;
//mxd. Extra floors may've been edited
// Stop special input mode
#region ================== Events
public override bool OnUndoBegin()
return base.OnUndoBegin();
public override void OnUndoEnd()
public override bool OnRedoBegin()
return base.OnRedoBegin();
public override void OnRedoEnd()
public override void OnReloadResources()
public override bool OnMapTestBegin(bool testFromCurrentPosition)
//find Single Player Start. Should have Type 1 in all games
Thing start = null;
foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
if(t.Type == 1)
//store thing and position
start = t;
if(start == null)
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Can't test from current position: no Player 1 start found!");
return false;
//now check if camera is located inside a sector
Vector3D camPos = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
Sector s = General.Map.Map.GetSectorByCoordinates(new Vector2D(camPos.x, camPos.y), blockmap);
if(s == null)
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Can't test from current position: cursor is not inside sector!");
return false;
//41 = player's height in Doom. Is that so in all other games as well?
if(s.CeilHeight - s.FloorHeight < 41)
General.MainWindow.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Can't test from current position: sector is too low!");
return false;
//check camera Z
float pz = camPos.z - s.FloorHeight;
int ceilRel = s.CeilHeight - s.FloorHeight - 41; //relative ceiling height
if(pz > ceilRel) pz = ceilRel; //above ceiling?
else if(pz < 0) pz = 0; //below floor?
//store initial position
playerStart = start;
playerStartPosition = start.Position;
playerStartAngle = start.Angle;
//everything should be valid, let's move player start here
start.Move(new Vector3D(camPos.x, camPos.y, pz));
start.Rotate(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY - Angle2D.PI);// (float)Math.PI);
return true;
public override void OnMapTestEnd(bool testFromCurrentPosition)
//restore position
playerStart = null;
#region ================== Input
// Mouse input
public override void OnMouseInput(Vector2D delta)
[BeginAction("moveforward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveForward()
keyforward = true;
[EndAction("moveforward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveForward()
keyforward = false;
[BeginAction("movebackward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveBackward()
keybackward = true;
[EndAction("movebackward", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveBackward()
keybackward = false;
[BeginAction("moveleft", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveLeft()
keyleft = true;
[EndAction("moveleft", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveLeft()
keyleft = false;
[BeginAction("moveright", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveRight()
keyright = true;
[EndAction("moveright", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveRight()
keyright = false;
[BeginAction("moveup", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveUp()
keyup = true;
[EndAction("moveup", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveUp()
keyup = false;
[BeginAction("movedown", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void BeginMoveDown()
keydown = true;
[EndAction("movedown", BaseAction = true)]
public virtual void EndMoveDown()
keydown = false;
[BeginAction("movethingleft", BaseAction = true)]
protected void MoveSelectedThingsLeft()
MoveSelectedThings(new Vector2D(0f, -General.Map.Grid.GridSizeF), false);
[BeginAction("movethingright", BaseAction = true)]
protected void MoveSelectedThingsRight()
MoveSelectedThings(new Vector2D(0f, General.Map.Grid.GridSizeF), false);
[BeginAction("movethingfwd", BaseAction = true)]
protected void MoveSelectedThingsForward()
MoveSelectedThings(new Vector2D(-General.Map.Grid.GridSizeF, 0f), false);
[BeginAction("movethingback", BaseAction = true)]
protected void MoveSelectedThingsBackward()
MoveSelectedThings(new Vector2D(General.Map.Grid.GridSizeF, 0f), false);
[BeginAction("placethingatcursor", BaseAction = true)]
protected void PlaceThingAtCursor()
Vector2D hitpos = GetHitPosition();
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Warning, "Cannot place Thing here");
MoveSelectedThings(new Vector2D((float)Math.Round(hitpos.x), (float)Math.Round(hitpos.y)), true);
public Vector2D GetHitPosition()
Vector3D start = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
Vector3D delta = General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
delta = delta.GetFixedLength(General.Settings.ViewDistance * 0.98f);
VisualPickResult target = PickObject(start, start + delta);
if(target.picked == null) return new Vector2D(float.NaN, float.NaN);
// Now find where exactly did we hit
VisualGeometry vg = target.picked as VisualGeometry;
if(vg != null) return GetIntersection(start, start + delta, vg.BoundingBox[0], new Vector3D(vg.Vertices[0].nx, vg.Vertices[0].ny, vg.Vertices[0].nz));
VisualThing vt = target.picked as VisualThing;
if(vt != null) return GetIntersection(start, start + delta, vt.CenterV3D, D3DDevice.V3D(vt.Center - vt.PositionV3));
return new Vector2D(float.NaN, float.NaN);
//mxd. This checks intersection between line and plane
private static Vector2D GetIntersection(Vector3D start, Vector3D end, Vector3D planeCenter, Vector3D planeNormal)
Vector3D delta = new Vector3D(planeCenter.x - start.x, planeCenter.y - start.y, planeCenter.z - start.z);
return start + Vector3D.DotProduct(planeNormal, delta) / Vector3D.DotProduct(planeNormal, end - start) * (end - start);
//mxd. Should move selected things in specified direction
protected virtual void MoveSelectedThings(Vector2D direction, bool absolutePosition) { }
#region ================== Visibility Culling
// This preforms visibility culling
protected void DoCulling()
HashSet<Linedef> visiblelines = new HashSet<Linedef>();
Vector2D campos2d = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
// Make collections
visiblesectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(visiblesectors.Count);
visiblegeometry = new List<VisualGeometry>(visiblegeometry.Capacity);
visiblethings = new Dictionary<Thing, VisualThing>(visiblethings.Count);
// Get the blocks within view range
visibleblocks = blockmap.GetFrustumRange(renderer.Frustum2D);
// Fill collections with geometry and things
foreach(VisualBlockEntry block in visibleblocks)
// Lines
foreach(Linedef ld in block.Lines)
// Line not already processed?
// Add line if not added yet
// Which side of the line is the camera on?
if(ld.SideOfLine(campos2d) < 0)
// Do front of line
if(ld.Front != null) ProcessSidedefCulling(ld.Front);
// Do back of line
if(ld.Back != null) ProcessSidedefCulling(ld.Back);
// Things
foreach(Thing t in block.Things)
// Not filtered out?
if(!General.Map.ThingsFilter.IsThingVisible(t)) continue;
VisualThing vt;
vt = allthings[t];
// Create new visual thing
vt = CreateVisualThing(t);
allthings[t] = vt;
if(vt != null && !visiblethings.ContainsKey(vt.Thing))
visiblethings[vt.Thing] = vt;
// Find camera sector
Linedef nld = MapSet.NearestLinedef(visiblelines, campos2d);
if(nld != null)
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = GetCameraSectorFromLinedef(nld);
// Exceptional case: no lines found in any nearby blocks!
// This could happen in the middle of an extremely large sector and in this case
// the above code will not have found any sectors/sidedefs for rendering.
// Here we handle this special case with brute-force. Let's find the sector
// the camera is in by searching the entire map and render that sector only.
nld = General.Map.Map.NearestLinedef(campos2d);
if(nld != null)
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = GetCameraSectorFromLinedef(nld);
if(General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector != null)
foreach(Sidedef sd in General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector.Sidedefs)
float side = sd.Line.SideOfLine(campos2d);
if(((side < 0) && sd.IsFront) ||
((side > 0) && !sd.IsFront))
// Too far away from the map to see anything
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = null;
// Map is empty
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = null;
// This finds and adds visible sectors
private void ProcessSidedefCulling(Sidedef sd)
VisualSector vs;
// Find the visualsector and make it if needed
// Take existing visualsector
vs = allsectors[sd.Sector];
// Make new visualsector
vs = CreateVisualSector(sd.Sector);
//if(vs != null) allsectors.Add(sd.Sector, vs); //mxd
if(vs != null)
// Add to visible sectors if not added yet
visiblesectors.Add(sd.Sector, vs);
// Add sidedef geometry
// This returns the camera sector from linedef
private static Sector GetCameraSectorFromLinedef(Linedef ld)
if(ld.SideOfLine(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position) < 0)
return (ld.Front != null ? ld.Front.Sector : null);
return (ld.Back != null ? ld.Back.Sector : null);
#region ================== Object Picking
// This picks an object from the scene
public VisualPickResult PickObject(Vector3D from, Vector3D to)
VisualPickResult result = new VisualPickResult();
Line2D ray2d = new Line2D(from, to);
Vector3D delta = to - from;
// Setup no result
result.picked = null;
result.hitpos = new Vector3D();
result.u_ray = 1.0f;
// Find all blocks we are intersecting
List<VisualBlockEntry> blocks = blockmap.GetLineBlocks(from, to);
// Make collections
Dictionary<Linedef, Linedef> lines = new Dictionary<Linedef, Linedef>(blocks.Count * 10);
Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> sectors = new Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector>(blocks.Count * 10);
List<IVisualPickable> pickables = new List<IVisualPickable>(blocks.Count * 10);
// Add geometry from the camera sector
if((General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector != null) && allsectors.ContainsKey(General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector))
VisualSector vs = allsectors[General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector];
sectors.Add(General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector, vs);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in vs.FixedGeometry) pickables.Add(g);
// Go for all lines to see which ones we intersect
// We will collect geometry from the sectors and sidedefs
foreach(VisualBlockEntry b in blocks)
foreach(Linedef ld in b.Lines)
// Make sure we don't test a line twice
lines.Add(ld, ld);
// Intersecting?
float u;
if(ld.Line.GetIntersection(ray2d, out u))
// Check on which side we are
float side = ld.SideOfLine(ray2d.v1);
// Calculate intersection point
Vector3D intersect = from + delta * u;
// We must add the sectors of both sides of the line
// If we wouldn't, then aiming at a sector that is just within range
// could result in an incorrect hit (because the far line of the
// sector may not be included in this loop)
if(ld.Front != null)
// Find the visualsector
VisualSector vs = allsectors[ld.Front.Sector];
// Add sector if not already added
sectors.Add(ld.Front.Sector, vs);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in vs.FixedGeometry)
// Must have content
if(g.Triangles > 0)
// Add sidedef if on the front side
if(side < 0.0f)
List<VisualGeometry> sidedefgeo = vs.GetSidedefGeometry(ld.Front);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in sidedefgeo)
// Must have content
if(g.Triangles > 0)
g.SetPickResults(intersect, u);
// Add back side also
if(ld.Back != null)
// Find the visualsector
VisualSector vs = allsectors[ld.Back.Sector];
// Add sector if not already added
sectors.Add(ld.Back.Sector, vs);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in vs.FixedGeometry)
// Must have content
if(g.Triangles > 0)
// Add sidedef if on the front side
if(side > 0.0f)
List<VisualGeometry> sidedefgeo = vs.GetSidedefGeometry(ld.Back);
foreach(VisualGeometry g in sidedefgeo)
// Must have content
if(g.Triangles > 0)
g.SetPickResults(intersect, u);
// Add all the visible things
foreach(VisualThing vt in visiblethings.Values) pickables.Add(vt);
//mxd. And all visual vertices
if(General.Map.UDMF && General.Settings.GZShowVisualVertices)
foreach(KeyValuePair<Vertex, VisualVertexPair> pair in vertices)
// Now we have a list of potential geometry that lies along the trace line.
// We still don't know what geometry actually hits, but we ruled out that which doesn't get even close.
// This is still too much for accurate intersection testing, so we do a fast reject pass first.
Vector3D direction = to - from;
direction = direction.GetNormal();
List<IVisualPickable> potentialpicks = new List<IVisualPickable>(pickables.Count);
foreach(IVisualPickable p in pickables)
if(p.PickFastReject(from, to, direction)) potentialpicks.Add(p);
// Now we do an accurate intersection test for all resulting geometry
// We keep only the closest hit!
foreach(IVisualPickable p in potentialpicks)
float u = result.u_ray;
if(p.PickAccurate(from, to, direction, ref u))
// Closer than previous find?
if((u > 0.0f) && (u < result.u_ray))
result.u_ray = u;
result.picked = p;
// Setup final result
result.hitpos = from + to * result.u_ray;
// Done
return result;
#region ================== Processing
/// <summary>
/// This disposes all resources. Needed geometry will be rebuild automatically.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ResourcesReloaded()
// Dispose
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
if(vs.Value != null) vs.Value.Dispose();
foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> vt in allthings)
if(vt.Value != null) vt.Value.Dispose();
// Clear collections
vertices.Clear(); //mxd
// Make new blockmap
// Visibility culling (this re-creates the needed resources)
/// <summary>
/// This disposes orphaned resources and resources on changed geometry.
/// This usually happens when geometry is changed by undo, redo, cut or paste actions
/// and uses the marks to check what needs to be reloaded.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ResourcesReloadedPartial()
Dictionary<Sector, VisualSector> newsectors = new Dictionary<Sector,VisualSector>(allsectors.Count);
// Neighbour sectors must be updated as well
foreach(Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors)
foreach(Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
if(sd.Other != null) sd.Other.Marked = true;
// Go for all sidedefs to mark sectors that need updating
foreach(Sidedef sd in General.Map.Map.Sidedefs)
if(sd.Marked) sd.Sector.Marked = true;
// Go for all vertices to mark linedefs that need updating
foreach(Vertex v in General.Map.Map.Vertices)
foreach(Linedef ld in v.Linedefs)
ld.Marked = true;
// Go for all linedefs to mark sectors that need updating
foreach(Linedef ld in General.Map.Map.Linedefs)
if(ld.Front != null) ld.Front.Sector.Marked = true;
if(ld.Back != null) ld.Back.Sector.Marked = true;
// Dispose if source was disposed or marked
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> vs in allsectors)
if(vs.Value != null)
if(vs.Key.IsDisposed || vs.Key.Marked)
newsectors.Add(vs.Key, vs.Value);
// Things depend on the sector they are in and because we can't
// easily determine which ones changed, we dispose all things
foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> vt in allthings)
if(vt.Value != null) vt.Value.Dispose();
// Apply new lists
allsectors = newsectors;
allthings = new Dictionary<Thing, VisualThing>(allthings.Count);
// Clear visibility collections
// Make new blockmap
// Visibility culling (this re-creates the needed resources)
/// <summary>
/// Implement this to create an instance of your VisualSector implementation.
/// </summary>
protected abstract VisualSector CreateVisualSector(Sector s);
/// <summary>
/// Implement this to create an instance of your VisualThing implementation.
/// </summary>
protected abstract VisualThing CreateVisualThing(Thing t);
/// <summary>
/// This returns the VisualSector for the given Sector.
/// </summary>
public VisualSector GetVisualSector(Sector s)
if(!allsectors.ContainsKey(s)) return CreateVisualSector(s); //mxd
return allsectors[s];
/// <summary>
/// This returns the VisualThing for the given Thing.
/// </summary>
public VisualThing GetVisualThing(Thing t) { return allthings[t]; }
public List<VisualThing> GetSelectedVisualThings(bool refreshSelection)
if(refreshSelection || selectedVisualThings == null)
selectedVisualThings = new List<VisualThing>();
foreach(KeyValuePair<Thing, VisualThing> group in allthings)
if(group.Value != null && group.Value.Selected)
//if nothing is selected - try to get thing from hilighted object
if(selectedVisualThings.Count == 0)
Vector3D start = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
Vector3D delta = General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
delta = delta.GetFixedLength(General.Settings.ViewDistance * 0.98f);
VisualPickResult target = PickObject(start, start + delta);
//not appropriate way to do this, but...
if(target.picked is VisualThing)
return selectedVisualThings;
/// <summary>
/// mxd. This returns list of selected sectors based on surfaces selected in visual mode
/// </summary>
public List<VisualSector> GetSelectedVisualSectors(bool refreshSelection)
if(refreshSelection || selectedVisualSectors == null)
selectedVisualSectors = new List<VisualSector>();
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> group in allsectors)
foreach(VisualGeometry vg in group.Value.AllGeometry)
//if nothing is selected - try to get sector from hilighted object
if(selectedVisualSectors.Count == 0)
VisualGeometry vg = GetHilightedSurface();
if(vg != null) selectedVisualSectors.Add(vg.Sector);
return selectedVisualSectors;
/// <summary>
/// mxd. This returns list of surfaces selected in visual mode
/// </summary>
public List<VisualGeometry> GetSelectedSurfaces()
List<VisualGeometry> selectedSurfaces = new List<VisualGeometry>();
foreach(KeyValuePair<Sector, VisualSector> group in allsectors)
foreach(VisualGeometry vg in group.Value.AllGeometry)
if(vg.Selected) selectedSurfaces.Add(vg);
//if nothing is selected - try to get hilighted surface
if(selectedSurfaces.Count == 0)
VisualGeometry vg = GetHilightedSurface();
if(vg != null) selectedSurfaces.Add(vg);
return selectedSurfaces;
private VisualGeometry GetHilightedSurface()
Vector3D start = General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
Vector3D delta = General.Map.VisualCamera.Target - General.Map.VisualCamera.Position;
delta = delta.GetFixedLength(General.Settings.ViewDistance * 0.98f);
VisualPickResult target = PickObject(start, start + delta);
if(target.picked is VisualGeometry)
VisualGeometry vg = (VisualGeometry)target.picked;
if(vg.Sector != null) return vg;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns True when a VisualSector has been created for the specified Sector.
/// </summary>
public bool VisualSectorExists(Sector s) { return allsectors.ContainsKey(s) && (allsectors[s] != null); }
/// <summary>
/// Returns True when a VisualThing has been created for the specified Thing.
/// </summary>
public bool VisualThingExists(Thing t) { return allthings.ContainsKey(t) && (allthings[t] != null); }
/// <summary>
/// This is called when the blockmap needs to be refilled, because it was invalidated.
/// This usually happens when geometry is changed by undo, redo, cut or paste actions.
/// Lines and Things are added to the block map by the base implementation.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void FillBlockMap()
/// <summary>
/// While this mode is active, this is called continuously to process whatever needs processing.
/// </summary>
public override void OnProcess(long deltatime)
// Camera vectors
Vector3D camvec = Vector3D.FromAngleXYZ(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY, General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleZ);
Vector3D camvecstrafe = Vector3D.FromAngleXY(General.Map.VisualCamera.AngleXY + Angle2D.PIHALF);
Vector3D cammovemul = General.Map.VisualCamera.MoveMultiplier;
Vector3D camdeltapos = new Vector3D();
Vector3D upvec = new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Move the camera
float multiplier;
if(General.Interface.ShiftState) multiplier = MOVE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER * 2.0f; else multiplier = MOVE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER;
if(keyforward) camdeltapos += camvec * cammovemul * General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keybackward) camdeltapos -= camvec * cammovemul * General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keyleft) camdeltapos -= camvecstrafe * cammovemul * General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keyright) camdeltapos += camvecstrafe * cammovemul * General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keyup) camdeltapos += upvec * cammovemul * General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
if(keydown) camdeltapos += -upvec * cammovemul * General.Settings.MoveSpeed * multiplier * deltatime;
// Move the camera
// Apply new camera matrices
renderer.PositionAndLookAt(General.Map.VisualCamera.Position, General.Map.VisualCamera.Target);
// Visibility culling
// Update labels in main window
// Now redraw
#region ================== Actions
[BeginAction("centeroncoordinates", BaseAction = true)]
protected virtual void CenterOnCoordinates()
// Show form...
CenterOnCoordinatesForm form = new CenterOnCoordinatesForm();
if(form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) CenterOnCoordinates(form.Coordinates);
public void CenterOnCoordinates(Vector2D coords)
Sector s = General.Map.Map.GetSectorByCoordinates(coords, blockmap);
if(s == null)
General.Map.VisualCamera.Position = coords;
General.Map.VisualCamera.Position = new Vector3D(coords.x, coords.y, s.FloorHeight + 54);
General.Map.VisualCamera.Sector = s;
[BeginAction("togglehighlight", BaseAction = true)]
public void ToggleHighlight()
General.Settings.UseHighlight = !General.Settings.UseHighlight;
General.Interface.DisplayStatus(StatusType.Action, "Highlight is now " + (General.Settings.UseHighlight ? "ON" : "OFF") + ".");