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synced 2025-03-03 16:30:56 +00:00
Changed, Textures Browser: the browser now toggles between showing used textures on the top of the list and showing textures in alphabetical order instead of toggling between showing all textures and used textures.
183 lines
5 KiB
183 lines
5 KiB
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Controls
#region ================== mxd. ImageBrowserItemType
internal enum ImageBrowserItemType
// Values order is used when sorting ImageBrowserItems!
internal class ImageBrowserItem : IComparable<ImageBrowserItem>
#region ================== Variables
protected ImageData icon;
private bool imageloaded;
private bool showfullname;
protected ImageBrowserItemType itemtype;
private string tooltip;
#region ================== Properties
public ImageData Icon { get { return icon; } }
public ImageBrowserItemType ItemType { get { return itemtype; } }
public virtual bool IsPreviewLoaded { get { return icon.IsPreviewLoaded; } }
public bool ShowFullName { set { showfullname = value; } }
public virtual string TextureName { get { return (showfullname ? icon.Name : icon.ShortName); } }
public string ToolTip { get { return tooltip; } }
#region ================== Constructor
// Constructors
protected ImageBrowserItem() { } //mxd. Needed for inheritance...
public ImageBrowserItem(ImageData icon, string tooltip, bool showfullname)
// Initialize
this.icon = icon;
this.itemtype = ImageBrowserItemType.IMAGE; //mxd
this.showfullname = showfullname; //mxd
this.imageloaded = icon.IsPreviewLoaded; //mxd
this.tooltip = tooltip; //mxd
#region ================== Methods
internal bool CheckRedrawNeeded()
if(icon.IsPreviewLoaded != imageloaded)
imageloaded = icon.IsPreviewLoaded;
return true;
return false;
internal void Draw(Graphics g, Image bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool selected, bool used)
if(bmp == null) return;
var iw = bmp.Width;
var ih = bmp.Height;
if(iw > w && iw >= ih)
ih = (int)Math.Floor(h * (ih / (float)iw));
iw = w;
else if(ih > h)
iw = (int)Math.Floor(w * (iw / (float)ih));
ih = h;
int ix = (iw < w ? x + (w - iw) / 2 : x);
int iy = (ih < h ? y + (h - ih) / 2 : y);
// Pick colors and brushes
Brush bgbrush, fgbrush, selectedbgbrush, selectionbrush, selectiontextbrush;
Color bgcolor;
Pen selection, frame;
bgcolor = Color.Black;
bgbrush = Brushes.Black;
fgbrush = (used ? Brushes.Orange : Brushes.White);
selectedbgbrush = Brushes.Gray;
frame = (used ? Pens.Orange : Pens.Gray);
selection = Pens.Red;
selectionbrush = Brushes.Red;
selectiontextbrush = Brushes.White;
bgcolor = SystemColors.Window;
bgbrush = SystemBrushes.Window;
fgbrush = (used ? SystemBrushes.HotTrack : SystemBrushes.ControlText);
selectedbgbrush = SystemBrushes.Highlight;
frame = (used ? SystemPens.HotTrack : SystemPens.ActiveBorder);
selection = SystemPens.HotTrack;
selectionbrush = SystemBrushes.HotTrack;
selectiontextbrush = SystemBrushes.Window;
// Item bg
g.FillRectangle(bgbrush, x - 2, y - 2, w + 3, h + 8 + SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont.Height);
// Selected image bg
if(selected) g.FillRectangle(selectedbgbrush, x - 2, y - 2, w + 4, h + 2 + SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont.Height);
// Image
g.DrawImage(bmp, ix, iy, iw, ih);
// Frame
g.DrawRectangle(selection, x - 1, y - 1, w + 1, h + 1);
g.DrawRectangle(selection, x - 2, y - 2, w + 3, h + 3);
// Image name bg
g.FillRectangle(selectionbrush, x - 2, y + h + 2, w + 4, SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont.Height);
g.DrawRectangle(frame, x - 1, y - 1, w + 1, h + 1);
// Image name
g.DrawString(TextureName, SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont, (selected ? selectiontextbrush : fgbrush), x - 2, y + h + 1);
// Image size
if(General.Settings.ShowTextureSizes && icon.IsPreviewLoaded && itemtype == ImageBrowserItemType.IMAGE)
string imagesize = Math.Abs(icon.ScaledWidth) + "x" + Math.Abs(icon.ScaledHeight);
SizeF textsize = g.MeasureString(imagesize, SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont);
textsize.Width += 2;
textsize.Height -= 3;
// Draw bg
g.FillRectangle(selectionbrush, x, y, textsize.Width, textsize.Height);
using(Brush bg = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, bgcolor)))
g.FillRectangle(bg, x, y, textsize.Width, textsize.Height);
// Draw text
g.DrawString(imagesize, SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont, (selected ? selectiontextbrush : fgbrush), x, y - 1);
// Comparer
public int CompareTo(ImageBrowserItem other)
if(itemtype != other.itemtype) return ((int)itemtype).CompareTo((int)other.itemtype);
return this.TextureName.ToUpperInvariant().CompareTo(other.TextureName.ToUpperInvariant());